Africa, Northeast -- Foreign relations -- 1974-
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Northeast -- Politics and government -- 1900-1974
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Northeast -- Politics and government -- 1974-
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- Economic conditions
Number of Objects: 2
Africa, Southern -- Economic integration
Number of Objects: 6
Africa, Southern -- Economic policy
Number of Objects: 2
Africa, Southern -- Economic Policy
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- Foreign economic relations
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- Foreign relations
Number of Objects: 2
Africa, Southern -- Foreign relations -- 1994-
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- History -- Mfecane period, 1816-ca. 1840
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- Politics and government
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern -- Politics and government -- 1975-1994
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Southern Economic integration
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Economic conditions
Number of Objects: 2
Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Economic conditions -- 20th century
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Economic policy
Number of Objects: 1
Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Social conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Africa-Arab State 2009 Unesco-L'Oreal Award for Women in Science
Number of Objects: 1
African American singers -- Biography
Number of Objects: 1
African art
Number of Objects: 1
African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Agreement
Number of Objects: 1
African Continental Free Trade Area
Number of Objects: 2
African elephant
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant -- Food
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant Ecology South Africa Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant Habits and behavior
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant populations -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant populations -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant Reproduction
Number of Objects: 1
African elephant South Africa Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African Farmers’ Association of South Africa (AFASA)
Number of Objects: 1
African feminism
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction (English) -- 21st century -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction (English) -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 2
African fiction (English) 21st century
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction (French) -- 20th century
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction (French) -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 2
African fiction (French) History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African fiction -- Women authors -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African Independent Church
Number of Objects: 1
African languages
Number of Objects: 3
African languages -- South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
African languages -- Study and teaching
Number of Objects: 1
African languages -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
African languages -- Study and teaching -- South Africa -- Attitudes
Number of Objects: 1
African languages South Africa Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African literature
Number of Objects: 1
African literature (English) -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African literature (English) History and criticism
Number of Objects: 2
African literature (French) -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 2
African literature (French) History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African literature -- Black authors -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African literature -- Criticism and interpretation
Number of Objects: 1
African literature -- History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African literature History and criticism
Number of Objects: 1
African mothers -- Mortality -- South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
African National Congress
Number of Objects: 12
African National Congress (ANC)
Number of Objects: 3
African National Congress -- Foreign economic relations
Number of Objects: 1
African National Congress -- Foreign relations
Number of Objects: 1
African National Congress -- History
Number of Objects: 2
African National Congress Biography
Number of Objects: 1
African National Congress Mass media -- Political aspects -- South Africa Press and politics -- South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
African Peer Review Mechanism New Partnership for Africa's Development Peer review -- Africa Auditing -- Africa Africa -- Politics and government -- 1960-
Number of Objects: 1
African penguin
Number of Objects: 1
African penguin -- Food -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay
Number of Objects: 1
African penguin -- Habitat suitability index models -- South Africa -- Cape Saint Francis
Number of Objects: 1
African penguin -- South Africa -- Cape Saint Francis
Number of Objects: 1
African people
Number of Objects: 1
African perspective
Number of Objects: 1
African Storybook Reader
Number of Objects: 1
African trypanosomiasis
Number of Objects: 5
African trypanosomiasis -- Chemotherapy
Number of Objects: 1
African trypanosomiasis Chemotherapy
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Behavior -- South Africa -- Kruger National Park
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Conservation -- South Africa -- Kruger National Park
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Conservation -- South Africa -- KwazuluNatal
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Dispersal -- South Africa -- Kruger National Park
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Dispersal -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Effect of human beings on -- South Africa -- Kruger National Park
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Effect of human beings on -- South Africa -- KwaZulu Natal
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Population viability analysis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- Reintroduction -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African wild dog -- South Africa -- Kruger National Park
Number of Objects: 1
African wildcat Effect of human beings on South Africa Northern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
African wildcat South Africa Northern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Africans -- Commerce Port Elizabeth (South Africa) -- Commerce
Number of Objects: 1
Africans -- Employment Colored people (South Africa) -- Employment Langkloof (South Africa) Farmers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Agricultural laborers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Africans -- Intellectual life
Number of Objects: 1
Africans in art
Number of Objects: 1
Africans in literature
Number of Objects: 3
Africans in motion pictures
Number of Objects: 1