Address to Convocation, 2 April 1977
Number of Objects: 1
Address to delegates and Rhodes Top 50 Free First -Year Tuition Scholarships Prize Winners at the De Beers English Olympiad Prize Giving Ceremony
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Delegates and Rhodes Top 50 Free First -Year Tuition Scholarships Prize Winners at the De Beers English Olympiad Prize Giving Ceremony
Number of Objects: 1
Address to doctors visiting the University, August 29 1985
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Kearsney College boys and parents
Number of Objects: 1
Address to new students 14 February 1983
Number of Objects: 1
Address to new students 1979
Number of Objects: 1
Address to new students 1980
Number of Objects: 1
Address to new students, 11 February 1985
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Parent Evening, Johannesburg, 16 November 2006
Number of Objects: 1
Address to parents evening
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Parents Evening - 2008
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Parents Evening, Johannesburg, 2 November 2011
Number of Objects: 1
Address to staff 1977
Number of Objects: 1
Address to the convocation of Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Address to the Grahamstown Region Meeting of the East Cape Master Builders Association
Number of Objects: 1
Address to the R.U. Staff Association
Number of Objects: 1
Address to the Rhodes University Muslim Students Association Leavers dinner.
Number of Objects: 1
Address to USSALEP Young Academics Alumni Conference 1985
Number of Objects: 1
Addressing constraints in promoting wild edible plants’ utilization in household nutrition: case of the Congo Basin forest area
Number of Objects: 1
Addressing flux suppression, radio frequency interference, and selection of optimal solution intervals during radio interferometric calibration
Number of Objects: 1
Addressing geographical bias: A review of Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust) in the Southern Hemisphere
Number of Objects: 1
Addressing local level food insecurity amongst small-holder communities in transition
Number of Objects: 1
Addressing the red flags in cochineal identification: The use of molecular techniques to identify cochineal insects that are used as biological control agents for invasive alien cacti
Number of Objects: 1
Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children in Zimbabwe: a randomized control trial to validate a new self-reported adherence monitoring tool
Number of Objects: 1
Adjustment of commercial bank's interest rates and the effectiveness of monetary policy in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Adjustment of commercial banks' interest rates and the effectiveness of monetary policy: evidence from Anglophone West Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Administrasierade: enkele knelpunte in die lewering van gesondheidsdienste
Number of Objects: 1
The administration and organisation of independent study topics with special reference to secondary school geography
Number of Objects: 1
Administrative penalties
Number of Objects: 1
Admission of Dr the Hon Henry Gluckman to honorary fellowship of the College of Medicine of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Adobe Acrobat PDF
Number of Objects: 1
Adolescence and the instrumentalist goal of sex education : colonialist assumptions and individualised solutions
Number of Objects: 1
Adolescent pregnancy: a community engaged participatory approach to design and implement an educational intervention
Number of Objects: 1
Adolescent pregnancy: A feminist issue
Number of Objects: 1
Adolescents and coaches/trainers perspectives of ergogenic sports supplement use within South African private high schools
Number of Objects: 1
Adolescents' knowledge about abortion and emergency contraception a survey study
Number of Objects: 1
Adoption of ICTs in a marginalised area of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The adoption of international financial reporting standards and foreign direct investment inflows: the moderating effect of the institutional environment in Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Adoption, use and perception of Australian acacias around the world
Number of Objects: 1
Adreno-active substances and the pineal gland
Number of Objects: 1
Adsorption and separation of platinum and palladium by polyamine functionalized polystyrene-based beads and nanofibers
Number of Objects: 1
Adsorption of 4-nitrophenol onto Amberlite® IRA-900 modified with metallophthalocyanines
Number of Objects: 1
The adsorption of chelating reagents on oxide minerals
Number of Objects: 1
Adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetric determination of gold (III) in the presence of yeast mannan
Number of Objects: 1
Adsorptive removal of ciprofloxacin and isoniazid from aqueous solution
Number of Objects: 1
Advance rulings
Number of Objects: 1
Advanced ionospheric chirpsounding
Number of Objects: 1
Advanced organiser development course
Number of Objects: 1
Advanced radio interferometric simulation and data reduction techniques
Number of Objects: 1
Advances in entomological methods for death time estimation
Number of Objects: 1
Advances in entomotoxicology: Weaknesses and strengths
Number of Objects: 1
Advances in the regulation of weed biological control in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Advancing Assessment Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development with a Focus on Significant Learning Processes
Number of Objects: 1
Advancing Social Transformation in the Era of Globalisation
Number of Objects: 1
Advancing urban ecology in the global south: emerging themes and future research directions
Number of Objects: 1
Advancing women postgraduates and academics at Rhodes
Number of Objects: 1
The advantages and disadvantages of long-term collective bargaining within the Metal & Engineering Industry and Mining Industry
Number of Objects: 2
The advent of the 'Festivore' an exploration of South African audience attendance in the performing arts at the National Arts Festival
Number of Objects: 1
Adventures in natural product chemistry : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Adventures with abalone : aquaculture, poaching, and fishery restoration
Number of Objects: 1
Advice skills: a guide for NUMSA shopstewards, 1996-1999
Number of Objects: 1
Aenigmatite stability in silica-undersaturated rocks
Number of Objects: 1
The aerial roots of Wild fig corner, King Williams Town, 1959
Number of Objects: 1
Aes white paper: Best practices in network audio
Number of Objects: 1
AES-24 and MIDINet-A Comparative Study of Their Object Models and Implementations
Number of Objects: 1
The AES64 Connection Management and Control Protocol
Number of Objects: 1
Aesthetic and spiritual ecosystem services provided by urban sacred sites
Number of Objects: 1
Aesthetic autonomy at the border:
Number of Objects: 1
Affiliates, facts and figures
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Africa as Renaissance: grotesque John Skelton's 1485 version of Diodorus Siculus
Number of Objects: 1
Africa in global International relations: emerging approaches to theory and practice: an introduction
Number of Objects: 1
The Africa that Shakespeare imagined; or, notes for aspirant film makers
Number of Objects: 1
Africa's golden age debunked: a study of the sources of select black African historical novels
Number of Objects: 1
Africa: Media
Number of Objects: 1
Africa: unity, sovereignty and sorrow A book review
Number of Objects: 1
African art and myth
Number of Objects: 1
African birds as army ant followers
Number of Objects: 1
African carrion ecosystems and their insect communities in relation to forensic entomology
Number of Objects: 1
African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme: An overview of the conference contributions
Number of Objects: 1
The African coelacanth genome provides insights into tetrapod evolution:
Number of Objects: 1
African customary law and gender justice in a progressive democracy
Number of Objects: 1
African entrepreneurship
Number of Objects: 1
African Foreign Policies: Selecting signifiers to explain agency
Number of Objects: 1
African herbal medicines in the treatment of HIV: Hypoxis and Sutherlandia: an overview of evidence and pharmacology
Number of Objects: 1
An African heritage of fishes : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
An African language in the public sphere – the use of isiZulu on Yilungelo Lakho online platforms
Number of Objects: 1
African Languages And ICT Education
Number of Objects: 1
African linguistic phenomenology as illustrated through the Setswana language
Number of Objects: 1
African mead biotechnology and indigenous knowledge systems in iQhilika process development
Number of Objects: 1
African men and feminism: Reflections on using African feminism in research
Number of Objects: 1
African middle class elite
Number of Objects: 1
The African National Congress' foreign policy in transition: change or continuity, 1989-1994
Number of Objects: 1
The African Peer Review Mechanism : towards Africa's governance audit
Number of Objects: 1
The African press in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The African reception of global media:
Number of Objects: 1