A critical cultural review of the media coverage in the infighting of Nelson Mandela's burial in 2013
Number of Objects: 1
Critical design within the practice of graphic design
Number of Objects: 1
Critical determinants of service quality for the port of cape town users
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the contesting discourses articulated by the ANC and the news media in the City Press coverage of The Spear
Number of Objects: 1
Critical discourse analysis of election campaigns in Zimbabwe with specific reference to 2008 and 2013 election periods
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis of Nelson Mandela University’s Facebook page: a case of transformational communication
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis of representations of the Niger Delta conflict in four prominent Western anglophone newspapers
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis of the construction of adolescent-friendly services within training documents used by the National Adolescent-friendly Clinic Initiative in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis of the coverage of 'Operation Restore Order' by Zimbabwe's newspapers; the Sunday Mail and the Standard, in the period 18 May to 30 June 2005
Number of Objects: 1
A critical discourse analysis of the Daily Nation and the Standard’s news coverage of the 2007/2008 Kenyan elections
Number of Objects: 1
A critical edition of the Memoirs of Amelia de Henningsen (Notre Mère)
Number of Objects: 1
A critical edition of the poems of Henry Vaux (c. 1559-1587) in MS. Folger Bd with STC 22957
Number of Objects: 1
A critical ethnographic study of report writing as a literacy practice by automotive engineers
Number of Objects: 1
A critical ethnography of HIV-positive women attending public health care facilities in Gauteng
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of inter-jurisdictional rules in the South African value-added tax system
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of local level responses to mine closure in the Northwestern KwaZulu-Natal coal belt region, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Critical evaluation of medical waste management policies, processes and practices in selected rural hospitals in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of outcomes based education from a developmental perspective in South Africa with particular reference to the Eastern Cape.
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of section 332 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 OF 1977
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the analytical method used for the separation and estimation of copper and nickel
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the human skin blanching assay and comparative bioavailability studies on topical corticosteroid preparations
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the performance management system used by Nampak Research and Development
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the preferential procurement strategy and enterprise development strategy of a major motor manufacturer in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the quality of social development interventions with specific reference to social assistance
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the Sibanye Mentoring Programme implemented by the Border Cricket Board
Number of Objects: 1
A critical evaluation of the state of capital asset management in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and its impact on service delivery
Number of Objects: 1
A Critical Evaluation of Validation Practices in the Forensic Acquisition of Digital Evidence in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A critical examination of civil enforcement of competition law under section 65(6) of the Competition Act 89 of 1998: a comparative study
Number of Objects: 1
A critical examination of concept analysis and its application to concepts of space in geography
Number of Objects: 1
A critical examination of the income tax provisions relating to the taxation of foreign income of residents as defined
Number of Objects: 1
A critical examination of the regulation of fixed term employment services under South African Labour Laws
Number of Objects: 2
A critical exploration of the attitudes towards and knowledge of natural resource management amongst first-year Natural Resource Management students
Number of Objects: 1
Critical exploring the generic form of a railway terminus and its role and impact in the city: the design of a railway terminus in the inner city of Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
Critical factors for business success in co-operatives
Number of Objects: 1
Critical factors for enabling knowledge sharing between government agencies within South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Critical factors for the successful implementation of the proposed national health insurance system in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A critical Fanonian understanding of black student identities at Rhodes University, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Critical fanonoan understanding of black student identities at Rhodes University, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A critical history of the rise and fall of the first ever independently owned Matabeleland publication in Zimbabwe : the case of The Southern Star
Number of Objects: 1
The critical implications of Ubuntu for contemporary management theory
Number of Objects: 1
Critical indirect effects of climate change on sub-A ntarctic ecosystem functioning
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation into course development for the preparation of school leaders
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation into discourses that construct academic literacy at the Durban Institute of Technology
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation into the managerial implications of inclusive education
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation into the methods of determining sulphur in plant material
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation into the process of negotiating a mathematics education curriculum with pre-service teachers
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of a Future Search Conference as a planned organisational change initiative within the National Health Training Network in Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of a planned organisation change initiative within an educational institution in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of conflict management : a case study of a Namibian institution
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of leadership in a Technical, Vocational Education and Training college in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of managing the standards development process for the life insurance industry in Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of plant optimization, to improve the production process of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles in South Africa. (Jan 2004 - Sept 2004)
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of selected Cape and Transkei environment study programmes in junior primary schools
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the effectiveness of warm-ups as technical exercises for the improvement of choral tone : a case study of the Eastern Cape Children's Choir
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the interpretation and implementation of the Parzival main lesson within the context of the Waldorf curriculum : a multiple case study
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the Primary Schools Nutrition Programme (PSNP) in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the problems of teaching poetry to English-speaking pupils in South African senior schools
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the relevance of theories of feminist jurisprudence to African women in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A critical investigation of the role of the textbook in the teaching of English grammar (first language, higher grade) in the contemporary Cape senior school
Number of Objects: 1
Critical literacy in South Africa : possibilities and constraints in 2002
Number of Objects: 1
Critical media literacy: a design for the future
Number of Objects: 1
The critical natural capital of the Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa : harnessing local action for biodiversity conservation
Number of Objects: 1
A critical perspective of national norms and standards of school funding in Eastern Cape East London District
Number of Objects: 1
Critical perspectives on research on post-traumatic stress disorder and implications for the South African context
Number of Objects: 1
A critical psychology of the postcolonial: the mind of apartheid. A book review
Number of Objects: 1
Critical realism, environmental learning and social-ecological change
Number of Objects: 1
A critical realist account of a mentoring programme in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
A critical realist dialectical understanding of learning pathways associated with two scarce skill environmental occupations within a transitioning systems frame
Number of Objects: 1
A critical realist exploration of the culture of resistance in educational technology integration practices at a South African university
Number of Objects: 1
A critical realist exploration of the emergence, development, management and sustainability of a Christian private institution of higher education in Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
A critical realist exploration of the implementation of a new curriculum in Swaziland
Number of Objects: 1
Critical realist versus mainstream interdisciplinarity
Number of Objects: 1
Critical Reflections on post-2006 Institutional Planning at Rhodes (first draft)
Number of Objects: 1
Critical reflections on Rhodes, 2006-2011
Number of Objects: 1
Critical Reflections on Rhodes, 2006-2011
Number of Objects: 1
Critical Reflections on Rhodes, 2006-2011 (presentation)
Number of Objects: 1
Critical reflections on the war on terrorism from an international human rights perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Critical reflective teaching practice in three mathematics teachers
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of broad based Black Economic Empowerment policy implementation in the forest sector in Amahlathi Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of contemporary dance/movement therapy
Number of Objects: 1
A Critical Review of Environmental Governance, Land Restitution, and Tourism in Protected Areas
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of literature on the expected roles of principals in schools
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of participatory practice in integrated water resource management
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of the IFIP TC11 Security Conference Series
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of the low-cost housing policy in South Africa: a multi case study
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of the penalty provisions of the Tax Administration Act
Number of Objects: 1
A critical review of two translated isiXhosa children’s texts
Number of Objects: 1
Critical spaces: processes of othering in British Institutions of Higher Education
Number of Objects: 1
Critical studies in carbon electrode materials with applications in the electroanalysis of the mycotoxin citrinin
Number of Objects: 1
Critical studies of John Milton, T.S. Eliot and other writers
Number of Objects: 1
A critical study in the management of the female adolescent voice
Number of Objects: 1
A critical study of Anthony Trollope's South Africa
Number of Objects: 1