An analysis of ionospheric response to geomagnetic disturbances over South Africa and Antarctica
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of local level development in South Africa: a case study of Uitenhage
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of logical network distance on observed packet counts for network telescope data
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of macrolide antibiotics
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of malware evasion techniques against modern AV engines
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of mathematical connections in the presentations of fraction concepts in Namibian grade 7 mathematics textbooks
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis of Network Scanning Traffic as it relates to Scan-Detection in Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of neural networks and time series techniques for demand forecasting
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of non-peptidic compounds as potential malarial inhibitors against plasmodial cysteine proteases via integrated virtual screening workflow
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of non-white transport requirements in an Eastern Cape urban area
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of oral literary music texts in isiXhosa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of organisational culture in a restaurant in Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of pacing and sequencing of reading instruction in three grade 1 classrooms where isiXhosa is the language of learning and teaching
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of power relations, affiliation and individuation in selected coup, secession, and inaugural speeches of Nigerian leaders, 1960-2015
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of predictive power of binding affinity of PBM-derived sequences
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of problems arising out of English medium instruction of pupils in ten Ciskeian schools, with particular reference to geography in standard eight
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of protein thermostability enhancing factors in industrially important thermus bacteria species
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of public equity offerings listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of regulatory mechanisms during sustained task execution in cognitive, motor and sensory tasks
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of saprolite-hosted Rutile-Graphite deposit: a case study of Malingunde saprolite-hosted Rutile-Graphite project in Central Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of selected choral works by John Tavener with particular reference to the post-1977 works
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of selected grade 11 learners’ interactions with geometry tasks using visualization processes: a case study in Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of selected Grade 8 mathematics teachers’ use of gestures as visualisation tools to support mathematical meaning-making
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of selected World Trade Organisation agreements to determine whether they discriminate unfairly against developing economices
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis of Self-Help Agricultural Projects in Rothe Village, Lesotho
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of some school history textbooks with special reference to styles of concept presentation
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of some variables of in-camera editing of anthropological video: a case study
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of sources and predictability of geomagnetic storms
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of South African Media Coverage of the 2022 KZN Floods
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of South Africa’s food security policy frameworks from a food sovereignty perspective: challenges and implications for genuine long-term food security
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of stakeholder engagement in the integrated development planning process: a case of Blue Crane Route Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of talent management practices of recently hired employees from the perspective of the psychological contract
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of tax incentives offered for investments by individuals in South Africa and the United Kingdom
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of temporal relations in languages: a comparative study of Mandarin and isiXhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the anti-cancer activity of novel indigenous algal compounds in breast cancer: towards the development of a model for screening anti-cancer stem cell activity
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the availability of and access to credit from the formal financial sector and the performance of SMEs
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the basic needs approach in its application to regional economic development with specific reference to Ciske
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the calling songs of Platypleura hirtipennis (Germar, 1834) and P. plumosa (Germar, 1834) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the censorship of popular music within the context of cultural struggle in South Africa during the 1980s
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the certificate of the theory of accounting knowledge and knower structures : a case study of professional knowledge
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the compliance approach used by revenue authorities with specific reference to case selection and risk profiling
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the contribution of four painters to the development of contemporary Zambian painting from 1950-1997
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the Corporate Social Investment motives and benefits behind the sponsors’ involvement with Parkrun South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the countervailing measures used to address the anti-competitive effects of Government subsidies in the African Continental Free Trade Area
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the determinants and recent decline of private savings in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the development model for ex-farmworkers and adjacent communities in the Indalo association of private game reserves in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the distribution and use of teaching aids in mathematics in selected Windhoek secondary schools
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the early ontogeny of Aplocheilichthys johnstoni (Günter, 1893) from a life history perspective
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the effect that integrated reporting has had on the description of the strategy and strategic planning process in the banking sector in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the effects of marriage, divorce and death on the child maintenance obligation in South African law with some comparative perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the experience of the acute phase of traumatic spinal cord injury in a South African spinal unit
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the female protagonist in some of Vittorio Alfieri's tragedies
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the financing mechanisms proposed for funding national health insurance in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the fruit-sucking and fruit-piercing moth complex in citrus orchards in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the human HSP70-HSP90 organising protein (HOP) gene - characterisation of the promoter and identification of a novel isoform
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the impact of an official diagnosis and label of ʹdyslexiaʹ on pupils’ self-concept and self-esteem : a sociological case study involving pupils in Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the impact of democratization on debt-led growth : the Nigerian experience, 1970-2000
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the impact of financialization on commodity markets
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the impact of tax changes between 1996 and 2012 on the tax burden of individuals in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the implementation of corporate level strategy in a South Afircan furniture retailer
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the implementation of sustainability principles in Buffalo City Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the implementation of the Teaching Development Grant in the South African Higher Education Sector
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the income tax consequences resulting from implementing the Income Tax Bill (2012) in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the influence exerted by the pharmacist and pharmacy assistant in the purchase decision of health and beauty aid products
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the influence of domestic macroeconomic variables on the performance of the South African stock market sectoral indices
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the influence of question design on learners' approaches to number pattern generalisation tasks:
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the influence of question design on pupils' approaches to number pattern generalisation tasks
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the interaction of Hsp90 with the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin (FN)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the interpretation and application of anti-tax avoidance legislation in the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 (as amended)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the Libor and Swap market models for pricing interest-rate derivatives
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the long run comovements between financial system development and mining production in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the manufacturing sector in the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage (PEU) metropolitan area
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the medicines regulatory environment in sub-Saharan Africa and the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Initiative
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the money market linkages between South Africa and selected major world economies
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the nature of visualisation objects in three Namibian grade 9 mathematics textbooks: a case study in Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the possible success of a tax on sugarsweetened beverages in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the precarious livelihoods of Zimbabwean migrants in the informal economy in Makhanda, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the professional identity and experiences of clinical psychologists in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the public reporting of organisational resilience found within the integrated reports of a large state-owned enterprise
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the regulation of HSP90α expression upon differentiation of C2C12 cells
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the relationship between changes in macroeconomic variables and various sector price indices of JSE
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the relationship between the sources of conflict and the stages in the conflict process within the marketing channel comprising retail pharmacy managers and medical doctors
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the risk adjusted returns of active versus passive South African general equity unit trusts during varying economic periods: an individual investor's perspective
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the risk adjusted returns of South African general equity unit trusts during the financial crisis of 2007
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the risk exposure of adopting IPV6 in enterprise networks
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the role and regulation of HOP1a and HOP1b splice variants in cancer biology
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the roles and functions of teachers’ gestures as visualisation tools in the teaching of mathematics at the junior primary phase (Grades 0 –3)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the social and economic consequences of residential relocation arising out of the implementation of an agricultural development scheme in a rural Ciskei village
Number of Objects: 1
The analysis of the strain level and the predicted human error probability for critical hospital tasks
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the structural use of music, song and dance in certain novels by West African writers in relation to concepts of time
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the structure and growth in the manufacturing section in Region D
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the structure of knowledge and students' construction of knowledge in an introductory accounting course
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the suitability of prescribed geography textbooks for Ciskei pupils in standard 6
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the tax consequences of the double tax agreement between South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the transport infrastructure of the Cape Midlands and Karoo regions
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the transport infrastructure of the Cape Midlands and Karroo regions
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the trawl and longline fisheries for Merluccius capensis off the west coast of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the turn-of-the-year effect in South African equity returns
Number of Objects: 1