An analysis of the use of DNS for malicious payload distribution
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the views of journalists and government officials regarding the impact of new vision's coverage of the Nakivubo Channel Rehabilitation Project
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of transcription factor binding specificity using ChIP-seq data.
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of understandings of and attitudes towards transgender people on a South African university campus
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of visualization processes used by selected Grade 11 and 12 learners when solving algebraic problems: a Namibian case study
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of volatility spillover effects between the South African, regional and world equity markets
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of vowel harmony in ciNsenga and ciCewa: A comparative study
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of Vuli-Valley Senior Secondary School (Butterworth, 1998)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of ways in which the South African tax system could be simplified
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of womxn’s understanding of South African public health awareness campaigns’ messages on HIV/AIDS using cognitive interviewing
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis on role of judges in interpreting tax legislation
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis on the re-emergence of SQL Slammer worm using network telescope data
Number of Objects: 2
An analysis, from a South African case law perspective, of the deductibility of losses due to embezzlement, fraud, theft, damages and compensation
Number of Objects: 1
Analytic pricing of American put options
Number of Objects: 1
An analytical commentary on Act No 40 (Welfare Organisations Act) of 1947 and its relation to Act No 79 (National Welfare Act) of 1965
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical Detection and Electrocatalysis of Paracetamol in Aqueous Media Using Rare‐Earth Double‐Decker Phthalocyaninato Chelates as Electrochemically Active Materials
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical methods for the quantitative determination of oxytocin
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical procedures for the determination of wattle polyphenols in wastewaters
Number of Objects: 1
An analytical study of narrative techniques in Giono's Regain
Number of Objects: 1
Analyzing communication flow and process placement in Linda programs on transputers
Number of Objects: 1
Analyzing Microsporidia sp. MB from sequence to biology: comprehensive exploration of the genome, protein structures, and functions through extensive bioinformatics analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Analyzing the Anthropogenic Allee Effect in cycad (Encephalartos species) populations in South Africa: an evaluation of illegal trade and conservation policy
Number of Objects: 1
Analyzing, digitizing and technologizing the oral word: the case of Bongani Sitole
Number of Objects: 1
Anarchy and conservatism in physiological evolution : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
An anatomical investigation of jointed cactus (Opuntia aurantiaca, Lindley) with germination tests, and observations on the movements of the stomata
Number of Objects: 1
The anatomy and distribution of the cyperaceae in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The anatomy of human misery and its therapy : a study of miracles and healing in the life of our Lord and in the early church, until the Council of Nicaea
Number of Objects: 1
The Anatomy of Microchaetus Saxatilis: with some notes on allied species
Number of Objects: 1
The anatomy of the triassic theropod Syntarsus rhodesiensis (Saurischia : Podokesauridae) and a consideration of its biology
Number of Objects: 1
ANC policy guidelines for a democratic South Africa : draft for discussion
Number of Objects: 1
ANC workshop package on discussion document on economic policy
Number of Objects: 1
ancestral voice
Number of Objects: 1
Ancient and modern hybridization between Lucilia sericata and L. cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Number of Objects: 1
Ancient oak owes longevity to plaque it stoutly bears
Number of Objects: 1
The androgenic and anabolic effects of pine pollen on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Number of Objects: 1
Angel networks as a business start-up financing option in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Angela Mary Henderson: her majority
Number of Objects: 1
Anger, Pain and the Body in the Public Sphere:
Number of Objects: 1
The Anglican Church's mission to the Muslims in Cape Town during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries : a study in the changes of missiological methods and attitudes
Number of Objects: 1
Anglican missionary policy in the diocese of Grahamstown under the first two bishops, 1853-1871
Number of Objects: 1
The animal as a sacred symbol in prehistoric art
Number of Objects: 1
The animal image in art
Number of Objects: 1
Animal suffering in factory farming and the best way to prevent it
Number of Objects: 1
Animated feather coats using field lines
Number of Objects: 1
Anisotropic copper oxide nanorods decorated with gold and palladium nanoparticles and their enzymatic properties
Number of Objects: 1
Anniversary bulletin, 1943-1993: Unity Movement 50th year of struggle-and the struggle continues
Number of Objects: 1
An annotated bibliography of the Cape honeybee, Apis mellilera capensis Eschscholtz (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Number of Objects: 1
Annotated records of blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) distribution in southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The annual cycle of wing‐moult and breeding in the Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea
Number of Objects: 1
Annual salary agreement between Schoonwater Farm and Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)
Number of Objects: 1
Annual wage agreement: March 2012 - February 2013. Agreement entered into between two parties, being: F. Dawood & Son (Pty) Ltd the Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU)
Number of Objects: 1
The anodic oxidation of calcium lactate : an estimation of the products of electrolysis and an investigation into some of the problems involved
Number of Objects: 1
Anomalous behaviour of thermoluminescence from quartz: a case of glow peaks from a Nigerian quartz
Number of Objects: 1
Anonymous testimony and epistemic responsibility
Number of Objects: 1
The anorexic mask : a case study of a patient with co-morbid nervosa and factitious disorder?
Number of Objects: 1
Anorogenic alkaline ring-type complexes of the Damaraland Province, Namibia, and their economic potential
Number of Objects: 1
Another isiXhosa Monolingual Dictionary: A Critical Analysis of the Shuters IsiChazi-magama SesiXhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Another world is possible: the socialist mural in Luanda as Visual Anticipation of a New Socialist Society. We travel the SpaceWay-Black Imagination, Fragments and Diffractions
Number of Objects: 1
The antecedents of customer satisfaction in a financial institution : a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Anthropogenic threats to resident and dispersing African wild dogs west and south of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Anti-cancer and anti-trypanosomal properties of alkaloids from the root bark of Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill and Perr
Number of Objects: 1
Anti-HIV-1 integrase potency of methylgallate from Alchornea cordifolia using in vitro and in silico approaches:
Number of Objects: 1
Anti-malarial synergy of secondary metabolites from Morinda lucida Benth.
Number of Objects: 1
Anti-oesophageal cancer activity in extracts of deep-water Marion Island sponges
Number of Objects: 1
An anti-racist feminist analysis of power: a case study of a group of African women in an Eastern Cape township
Number of Objects: 1
The antibacterial and antifungal properties of neutral, octacationic and hexadecacationic Zn phthalocyanines when conjugated to silver nanoparticles
Number of Objects: 1
Antibacterial effects of Alchornea cordifolia (Schumach. and Thonn.) Müll. Arg extracts and compounds on gastrointestinal, skin, respiratory and urinary tract pathogens
Number of Objects: 1
Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogenic Escherichia Coli Isolated from Rooftop Rainwater-Harvesting Tanks in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The antibody assisted detection of HER2 on a cobalt porphyrin binuclear framework and gold functionalized graphene quantum dots modified electrode
Number of Objects: 1
Anticancer evaluation of ruthenium (III) complexes with N-donor ligands tethered to coumarin or uracil moieties:
Number of Objects: 1
Antimalarial activity of quinoline thiosemicarbazones: synthesis and antiplasmodial evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Antimalarial secondary metabolites from Morinda lucida
Number of Objects: 1
Antimicrobial properties and isotope investigations of South African honey
Number of Objects: 1
Antimicrobial resistance awareness program at Settlers Hospital
Number of Objects: 1
Antimicrobial resistance patterns in a Port Elizabeth hospital
Number of Objects: 1
Anting in Afrotropical birds: a review
Number of Objects: 1
Antiparasitic Constituents of Beilschmiedia louisii and Beilschmiedia obscura and Some Semisynthetic Derivatives
Number of Objects: 1
Antiplasmodial Activity of the n-Hexane Extract from Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr) P. Kumm
Number of Objects: 1
Antiretroviral therapy in a South African public health care setting – facilitating and constraining factors
Number of Objects: 1
Antiviral drug discovery: preparing for the next pandemic
Number of Objects: 1
Antiviral Mechanisms of N-Phenyl Benzamides on Coxsackie Virus A9
Number of Objects: 1
Antjie Krog and the accumulation of ‘media meta‐capital’:
Number of Objects: 1
Antjie Krog and the post-apartheid public sphere: Speaking poetry to power
Number of Objects: 1
Anton Muziwakhe Lembede
Number of Objects: 1
Anton Reichenow and the birds of Africa
Number of Objects: 2
Antropogenic threats to resident and dispersing African wild dogs west and south of the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Apartheid debt - The pension component
Number of Objects: 1
Apartheid Shakespeare On Trial: Rohan Quince. Shakespeare in South Africa: Stage Productions during the Apartheid Era: article review
Number of Objects: 1
Apartheid South Africa's foreign relations with African states, 1961-1994
Number of Objects: 1
APDUSA: African People's Democratic Union of Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Apdusan: African People's Democratic Union of Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Aphid (Sitobion yakini) investigation shows thin-walled sieve tubes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L) to be more functional than thick-walled sieve tubes
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Apis florea in Jordan: source of the founder population
Number of Objects: 1
Apneic Bradycardia : terrestrial and aquatic responses in man under working conditions
Number of Objects: 1
The aporia of collective violence
Number of Objects: 1
Aporias of Rock Art interpretation: advancing a phenomenological reading
Number of Objects: 1