Accident liability and primary process thinking : a study in ego psychology
Number of Objects: 1
An accidental but safe and effective use of Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in maggot debridement therapy in Alexandria, Egypt
Number of Objects: 1
The Accidental Prospector
Number of Objects: 1
Accommodation and job assignment for impaired workers:
Number of Objects: 1
An account and explanation of the increased role played by women in the modern Olympic games 1896-1972
Number of Objects: 1
An account of second language teaching and learning in a multi-standard farm school classroom, utilising an ethnographic approach
Number of Objects: 1
An account of the life of Captain Samuel Jervois
Number of Objects: 1
Accounting education : is the house in order? : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Accounting education and the corporate reporting function : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Accounting student's success factors: an exploratory investigation
Number of Objects: 1
Accounting Technicians Bursary Programme
Number of Objects: 1
Accuracy and reproducibility of the multiple-reading skin blanching assay
Number of Objects: 1
Accuracy of the activation energy calculated from a thermoluminescence glow‐peak using a method that uses three points on the peak
Number of Objects: 1
Acetophenone substituted phthalocyanines and their graphene quantum dots conjugates as photosensitizers for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against Staphylococcus aureus
Number of Objects: 1
Achievement motivation in a group of educated Blacks in the mining industry and its implications on job performance
Number of Objects: 1
Achieving a realistic utopia: Rawls, realization, and the task of political philosophy
Number of Objects: 1
Acorn girl
Number of Objects: 1
An acoustic analysis of White South African English (WSAfE) monophthongs
Number of Objects: 1
Acoustic biosensors
Number of Objects: 1
Acquaintance Rape - When the rapist is someone you know
Number of Objects: 1
Acquiring academic reading practices in History I : an ethnographic study of a group of foundation year students at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
The acquisition of reading skills in English by coloured primary school children whose home language is Afrikaans : a developmental study conducted in a specific South African community
Number of Objects: 1
Across developmental state and social compacting: the peculiar case of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Action competence and waste management: a case study of learner agency in two Grahamstown eco-schools
Number of Objects: 1
Action for increasing energy-saving behaviour in student residences at Rhodes University, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An action learning based reflection on participative drama as a tool for transformation of identity in the spirals programme
Number of Objects: 1
Action notes: No. 3: Workshops
Number of Objects: 1
Action notes: No. 6: Constitutions
Number of Objects: 1
Action research : exploring the use [of] print media as a resource in the teaching of English as a second language
Number of Objects: 1
An action research approach: developing intercultural competence in German Studies at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Action research case studies of participatory materials development in two community contexts in Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Action research on an organization development intervention in a secondary school in the Erongo education region of Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
Action research on leadership style, and relationships in an East London law firm
Number of Objects: 1
Action Research reflecting the process of a collaborative, multi-theoretical group intervention with foster parents of children affected by childhood trauma
Number of Objects: 1
Activate Message for 2008
Number of Objects: 1
Activated carbon from lignocellulosic waste residues: effect of activating agent on porosity characteristics and use as adsorbents for organic species
Number of Objects: 1
Activated carbon-decorated polyacrylonitrile fibers and their porphyrin-immobilized composites for removal of methylene blue dye and Ciprofloxacin in water
Number of Objects: 1
Active anting in captive Cape White-eyes Zosterops pallidus
Number of Objects: 1
Active Layer Dynamics at Four Borehole Sites in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
Number of Objects: 1
Active learning for understanding land degradation : African Catchment Game and Riskmap
Number of Objects: 1
Active learning in schools
Number of Objects: 1
Active vs passive portfolio management: an empirical analysis of selected South African equity funds
Number of Objects: 1
Activism for social change
Number of Objects: 1
Activist radio and the struggle to empower audiences: a case study of the Zimbabwean history
Number of Objects: 1
The activity and foraging patterns of the western rock elephant shrew (Elephantulus rupestris)
Number of Objects: 1
Activity of diverse chalcones against several targets: statistical analysis of a high-throughput virtual screen of a custom chalcone library
Number of Objects: 1
Activity rhythms in the larvae of myrmeleon obscurus ramb : (neuroptera, myrmeleontidae)
Number of Objects: 1
An activity theoretical investigation into how leadership can be developed within a group of class monitors in a Namibian secondary school
Number of Objects: 1
Actor/actant-network theory as emerging methodology for environmental education research in southern Africa
Number of Objects: 2
The acute impact of extended aerobic exercise on cognitive performance
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptable exploit detection through scalable netflow analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptation and validation of a computerized neurocognitive battery in the Xhosa of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The adaptation of non-standard labour markets and their spatial distribution: the effects and legacies of COVID-19 on South Africa’s freelance creative workers
Number of Objects: 1
The adaptation of the 'Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure' (CORE-OM) from English into a valid Xhosa measure of distress
Number of Objects: 1
The adaptation of the Clark (1997) treatment for social phobia into a group therapy format, and a preliminary evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptation of the mathematics recovery programme to facilitate progression in the early arithmetic strategies of Grade 2 learners in Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptations in allopatric populations of Triakis megalopterus isolated by the Benguela Current: steps towards understanding evolutionary processes affecting regional biodiversity
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptations in primary wing moult of southern African Viduidae and their hosts (Estrildidae)
Number of Objects: 1
An adaptive approach for optimized opportunistic routing over Delay Tolerant Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Number of Objects: 1
The adaptive development and use of learning support materials in response to the 1st principle of the revised national curriculum statement : the case of Hadeda Island
Number of Objects: 1
An adaptive discrete cosine transform coding scheme for digital x-ray images
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptive flow management of multimedia data with a variable quality of service
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptive livelihood strategies of the Basarwa: a case of Khwai and Xaxaba, Ngamiland district, Botswana
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptive machine learning based network intrusion detection
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptive network intrusion detection using optimised machine learning models
Number of Objects: 1
Adaptive realities : effects of merging physical and virtual entities
Number of Objects: 1
Addendum to the paper Landcare: New directions in professional development for environmental education
Number of Objects: 1
Additional morphological characteristics of Olive Thrushes and Karoo Thrushes
Number of Objects: 1
Additive multiple predator effects of two specialist paradiaptomid copepods towards larval mosquitoes
Number of Objects: 1
Address at Biko Foundation Launch of Book: 'Black Man You Are on Your Own'
Number of Objects: 1
Address at Dispatch Dialogues/Biko Foundation Launch of Book: Black Man You Are on Your Own
Number of Objects: 1
Address at launch of maths and science textbook: Understanding concepts in mathematics and science.
Number of Objects: 1
Address at luncheon for N.P.U and U.S. Ambassador
Number of Objects: 1
Address at Milner and Hobson Houses birthday tea
Number of Objects: 1
Address at opening of Grahamstown and district kennel club 8th Annual Championship Dog show
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the Alty and Vice-Chancellor's Awards ceremony, 2007
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the Biko Foundation/Daily Dispatch/University of Fort Hare launch of book: 'Black man you are on your own'
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the English Teachers' Conference 2008
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the farewell dinner of the 1st Congress of the African Sociology Conference, 18 July 2007.
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the Farewell to Mr. David Wylde, Headmaster of St Andrews College, Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the opening of the Community Engagement week
Number of Objects: 2
Address at the opening of the OutRhodes Pride Week, 21 August 2007
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the President's Award Volunteer Lunch
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the St. Andrews College Prize Giving Ceremony
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the St. Mary's Diocesan School for Girls Senior School Prize Giving Ceremony
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the Student Volunteer programme awards
Number of Objects: 1
Address at the unveiling of the plaque in memory of Ruth First at the Ruth First residence, Aug 2007
Number of Objects: 1
Address by Vice-Chancellor to Convocation: 1976
Number of Objects: 1
Address for farmer's day luncheon
Number of Objects: 1
Address for the opening of the experimental fish culture system
Number of Objects: 1
Address of the Vice-Chancellor at the unveiling of the tapestry in the Rhodes University Council and Senate Chamber
Number of Objects: 1
Address of welcome by VC at the 1985 Annual Conference of Teachers of African Government and Development Administration
Number of Objects: 1
Address of welcome to Arts and Sciences Week
Number of Objects: 1
Address on receipt of an Honorary Doctorate from the University of York, United Kingdom
Number of Objects: 1
Address on: Promotion of State Security Act, 25 August 1976
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Convocation 1978
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Convocation 1979
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Convocation 1985
Number of Objects: 1
Address to Convocation, 1984
Number of Objects: 1