Aloe distans, Saldanha Bay
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe ferox - King William's Town
Number of Objects: 2
Aloe ferox in flower on Red Hill near Alice
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe ferox naby Riversdal
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe ferox near Riversdale
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe ferox with striated leaves
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe lutescens, Northern Transvaal
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe saponaria near Cwencwe, Stutterheim
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe speciosa
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe speciosa in garden in Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
Aloe striata at King Williams Town
Number of Objects: 2
Aloe striata growing in rock crevice
Number of Objects: 1
Aloes at Horseshoe Valley, East London
Number of Objects: 1
Aloes near Pearston
Number of Objects: 1
Along the river that flowed south
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative approach to controlling citrus black spot disease
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative dispute resolution in the best interests of the child
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative media: a viable option for Southern Africa?
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative mythical structures in the fiction of Patrick White
Number of Objects: 1
An alternative peripheral executive for the data general AOS/VS operating system
Number of Objects: 1
The alternative press in Namibia, 1960-1990
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative prey impedes the efficacy of a natural enemy of mosquitoes
Number of Objects: 1
The alternative theory of state-minded protest texts in the music of democratic Nigeria:
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative/Experimental art spaces in Johannesburg:
Number of Objects: 1
Alternatives to Development in Africa:
Number of Objects: 1
Aluminum corrosion retardation properties of acetamidophenoxy phthalocyanines: Effect of central metal
Number of Objects: 1
Alzheimer’s disease: making sense of the stress
Number of Objects: 1
Am I my brother's keeper? learner leadership development in a secondary school in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
AMADAR: a python-based package for large scale prediction of Diels–Alder transition state geometries and IRC path analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The Amadiba Crisis Committee: sustaining mobilisation in Xolobeni, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
AmaNdebele, Peter Magubane and Sandra Klopper: book review
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
The amaXhosa ukuthwala marriage custom in fact and fiction: a contemporary critique
Number of Objects: 1
An ambassador of science in Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Amber : a aero-interaction honeypot with distributed intelligence
Number of Objects: 1
AMBER force field parameters for the Zn (II) ions of the tunneling-fold enzymes GTP cyclohydrolase I and 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
Number of Objects: 1
AMBER force field parameters for the Zn (II) ions of the tunneling-fold enzymes GTP cyclohydrolase I and 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase:
Number of Objects: 1
Ambiguities of South Africa's quest for democracy: inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Ambiguous contagion the discourse of race in South African English writing, 1890-1930
Number of Objects: 1
Ambivalence and paradox : the battered woman's interactions with the law and other helping resources
Number of Objects: 1
Ambivalence and paradox: the battered woman's interactions with the law and other helping resources
Number of Objects: 1
The ambivalence of African elitehood:
Number of Objects: 1
The ambivalent engagement with Christianity in the writing of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Africans in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Ameliorating poverty in South Africa through natural resource commercialisation
Number of Objects: 1
Ameliorating poverty in South Africa through natural resource commercialisation : how can NGO's make a difference?
Number of Objects: 1
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases as malarial drug targets: a comparative bioinformatics study
Number of Objects: 1
Ammonia removal from water by ion exchange using South African and Zambian zeolite samples
Number of Objects: 1
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link (marram grass) in South Africa and its potential invasiveness
Number of Objects: 1
Amoxicillin removal from aqueous media using multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Number of Objects: 1
The amphibolite at Chibuluma Mine Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Amplified fragment length polymorphism confirms reciprocal monophyly in Chrysomya putoria and Chrysomya chloropyga: a correction of reported shared mtDNA haplotypes
Number of Objects: 1
Anaerobic digestion of fungally pre-treated wine distillery wastewater
Number of Objects: 1
Anaesthesia in abalone, Haliotis midae
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing an audit cycle: a critical realist account
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing emergent time within an isolated Universe through the application of interactions in the conditional probability approach
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing equity and ethical dimensions of water governance challenges in the lower section of the upper Vaal River catchment, Gauteng, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing from experience : Gustav Mahler’s Quartetsatz for piano and strings
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing learning at the interface of scientific and traditional ecological knowledge in a mangrove ecosystem restoration scenario in the eastern coast of Tanzania
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing Social Research Traditions: A Study of the Paper: Young Adolescents ' Perceptions of Environmental Issues
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the equity dimensions and governance drivers of water security challenges in Hammanskraal, City of Tshwane, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the Impact of Extended Curriculum Programmes: Implications for Theory, Design and Practice
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis and Implementation of Methods for High Speed Lexical Classification of Malicious URLs
Number of Objects: 1
The analysis of a computer music network and the implementation of essential subsystems
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of a foundational biomedical curriculum: exploring cumulative knowledge-building in the rehabilitative health professions
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of alternative objective measures of economic performance and social development.
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of automatically scaled F1 layer data over Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of bacterial Mur amide ligase enzymes for the identification of inhibitory compounds by in silico methods
Number of Objects: 2
An analysis of bank risk management and its relevance for the non-bank corporate sector
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of barriers to employee adoption of workplace health and safety standards at Eskom, Makhanda (Grahamstown)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of carbon tax and other environmental levies: a South African and international perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of chromameter results obtained from corticosteroid-induced skin blanching assay: comparison of visual and chromameter data
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of chromameter results obtained from corticosteroid-induced skin blanching. I. Manipulation of data
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of citizen participation in service delivery in Zimbabwe’s small towns: A case study of Chiredzi Town Council
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of collective bargaining arrangements in the construction industry
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of computer operator responses to personalised adjustments made to standard computer workstations : research article
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of corporate failures: a case study of two South African banks
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of digital photojournalistic practices: a study of the Sowetan's photographic department
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of emerging forms of social organisation and agency in the aftermath of 'fast track' land reform in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of employee retention : a study of selected local municipalities in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of exchange rate pass-through to prices in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of flood activity over the past century based on the sedimentary deposits in the Mfolozi floodplain
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of fusing advanced malware email protection logs, malware intelligence and active directory attributes as an instrument for threat intelligence
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how leadership has shaped the culture of customer centricity in the branch of a bank
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how students construct knowledge in a course with a hierarchical knowledge structure
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how the Senior Certificate examination constructs the language needs of English second language learners
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how the use of geoboards as visualisation tools can be utilised in the teaching of quadrilaterals
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how visualisation capabilities in dynamic geometric software develop meaning-making of mathematical concepts in selected Grade 11 learners
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how visualisation processes can be used by teachers participating in an intervention programme to teach for conceptual understanding of geometry
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how Zimbabwean female audiences decode meaning from the Shona-language radio programme Nguva Yevanhukadzi (Time for Women) against the background of their lived experiences
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of how Zimbabwean women negotiate the meaning of HIV/AIDS prevention television advertisements
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of indicators disclosed in the integrated annual reports of selected South African retailers
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of inland fisheries resource use in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of institutional and technical factors influencing agricultural marketing amongst smallholder farmers in the Kat River Valley, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of integrated reporting on the governance of selected State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis of Internet Background Radiation within an African IPv4 netblock
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of intrasemiotic and intersemiotic relations of textual and visual modes in Namibian school science textbooks
Number of Objects: 1