Ḽa vha bome pome
Number of Objects: 1
Ḽa vha gambe kambe
Number of Objects: 1
A ḽa ṋama -- a a ṱuwa
Number of Objects: 1
Ṋanga ya Madula
Number of Objects: 1
Ṋemeṋeme Manzeke -- Ro ngo tamba manzeke
Number of Objects: 1
Ṱhavha i yaya
Number of Objects: 1
Ṱhoho yanga
Number of Objects: 1
Ṱhoho yanga i a rema Mmbengeni
Number of Objects: 1
‘Abagyenda bareeba. Those who Travel, See’: Home, Migration and the Maternal Bond in Doreen Baingana’s Tropical Fish
Number of Objects: 1
‘Adolescence’, pregnancy and abortion: constructing a threat of degeneration
Number of Objects: 1
‘Adolescent Pregnancy’ 1: Social problem, public health concern, or neither
Number of Objects: 1
‘Adolescent’ sexual and reproductive health: Controversies, rights, and justice
Number of Objects: 1
‘Bad choices’: Unintended pregnancy and abortion in nurses’ and counsellors’ accounts of providing pre-abortion counselling
Number of Objects: 1
‘Being regional’: an analysis of the conceptualisation, operations and embeddedness of regional non-governmental organisations responding to HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘Beyond Buhari, Jonathan’: an assessment of four Nigerian newspapers’ (The Guardian, Vanguard, Independent and Leadership) editorial coverage of the 2015 Nigerian general elections
Number of Objects: 1
‘Boys will be boys’: traditional Xhosa male circumcision, HIV and sexual socialisation in contemporary South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘Charmer boys’ and ‘cream girls’: children’s construction of the (hetero)sexual self through football and implications for Life Orientation sexuality education
Number of Objects: 1
‘Crushed all over again’: the professional experiences of early career counselling psychologists in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘decolonial turn’: what does it mean for academic staff development?
Number of Objects: 1
‘Don't educate them out of educating themselves’
Number of Objects: 1
‘Environment as Text’: Initial Insights into some Implications for Professional Development in Environmental Education
Number of Objects: 1
‘Exploring the practical adequacy of the human rights, social justice, inclusivity and healthy environment policy discourse in South Africa’s National Curriculum Statement’
Number of Objects: 1
‘Failed’ mothers, ‘failed’ womxn
Number of Objects: 1
‘Gender’ and constructions of spousal mourning among the AmaXhosa in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
‘Growing’ social protection in developing countries: lessons from Brazil and South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘I don’t belong nowhere really’: the figure of the London migrant in Dan Jacobson’s ‘A Long Way from London’ and Jean Rhys’s ‘Let Them Call It Jazz’
Number of Objects: 1
‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’: challenges facing institutional transformation of historically white South African universities
Number of Objects: 1
‘If you choose to abort, you have acted as an instrument of Satan’: Zimbabwean health service Providers’ negative constructions of women presenting for post abortion care
Number of Objects: 1
‘In defence of chick-lit’: refashioning feminine subjectivities in Ugandan and South African contemporary women’s writing
Number of Objects: 1
‘It's just taking our souls back’: discourses of apartheid and race
Number of Objects: 1
‘It’s tough being gay’: gay, lesbian and bisexual students’ experiences of being ‘at home’in South African university residence life
Number of Objects: 1
‘Jujutech’: exploring cultural and epistemological hybridity in African science fiction
Number of Objects: 1
‘Licking the snake’: the i'khothane and contemporary township youth identities in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘My friends would laugh at me’: embedding the dominant heterosexual script in the talk of primary school students
Number of Objects: 1
‘Nothing so practical as good theory’: Legitimation Code Theory in higher education
Number of Objects: 1
‘Now we are real women’: playing with gender in a male prison theatre programme in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘obesity epidemic’ : an analysis of representations of obesity in mainstream South African newspapers post-1997
Number of Objects: 1
‘Opera and music theatre’
Number of Objects: 1
The ‘refeudalisation’ or the ‘return of the repressed’ of the public sphere?:
Number of Objects: 1
‘Regulated Flexibility’ and labour market regulation: a case Study of Twizza Soft Drinks in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘South Africa's Vietnam’? Literary History and Cultural Memory of the Border War
Number of Objects: 1
‘Student life’ discourse and the perception of risk for HIV infection among undergraduate nursing students, at a university, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘That ever-blurry line between us and the criminals’: African Noir and the Ambiguity of Justice in MŨkoma wa NgŨgĨ’s Black Star Nairobi and Leye Adenle’s When Trouble Sleeps
Number of Objects: 1
‘That mountain cannot be beautiful for nothing’: Zakes Mda’s aesthetics of liberation
Number of Objects: 1
‘The Gentle Art of Letting the Other Fellow Have Your Own Way': Viewpoints on a media narrative used to promote the proposed N2 toll road
Number of Objects: 1
‘The Perceptions of Marginalization by the Ndebele people and its Impact on the Socio-Political Economy of Zimbabwe. A Case of Bulawayo
Number of Objects: 1
‘There is nothing to hold onto here’:
Number of Objects: 1
‘There is nothing to hold onto here’: complicity and vulnerability in Gavin Krastin’s On Seeing Red and Other Fantasies (2015)
Number of Objects: 1
‘They do not understand us’: a psychosocial analysis of the everyday lived experiences of a CYCC care worker in semi-rural South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘They tell you about the risks’: Exploring sources of sexuality education among very young adolescents in rural Mpumalanga
Number of Objects: 1
‘This sea of darkness, craziness and opportunity’: students experiences of depression and social identities at a South African university
Number of Objects: 1
‘Ubhuti wami’: a qualitative secondary analysis of brothering among isiXhosa men
Number of Objects: 1
‘Unnatural’,‘un-African’and ‘ungodly’: homophobic discourse in democratic South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘Victim’ or ‘survivor’?: language, identity and ethics revisited
Number of Objects: 1
‘We do not cook, we only assist them’: Constructions of hegemonic masculinity through gendered activity
Number of Objects: 1
‘Who? what?’: an uninducted view of towards a new psychology of women from post-Apartheid South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
‘Yummy or crummy?': the multisensory components of medicines-taking among HIV-positive youth
Number of Objects: 1
‘… a huge monster that should be feared and not done’: lessons learned in sexuality education classes in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
’n Ondersoek na die kriteria vir die realisering van die woordeboekfunksies begrip, produksie en vertaling
Number of Objects: 1
“[A] ll just surface and veneer”: the challenge of seeing and reading in Ishtiyaq Shukri’s I See You
Number of Objects: 1
“A position of great trust and responsibility”: a social history of the Grahamstown Asylum, 1875 – c. 1905
Number of Objects: 1
“A road that may lead nowhere”: JM Coetzee, Tayeb Salih, and the Hospitality of Vagrant Writing
Number of Objects: 1
“A Sort of Arcadian Country”: Plant-Life in Some Early South African Travelogues
Number of Objects: 1
“A Step Towards Silence”: Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable and the Problem of Following the Stranger
Number of Objects: 1
“A thousand mad things before breakfast”: the interplay of reason and imagination in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series
Number of Objects: 1
“Administration of socio-economic aspects of mine closure” a case study of Exxaro Tshikondeni coal mine in Limpopo Province: South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
“Around Hip Hop” : rethinking and reconstructing urban youth identities in South Africa - a case study of Fingo Village, Makhanda
Number of Objects: 1
“As soon as the four sides are all equal, then the angles must be 90° each”: children's misconceptions in geometry
Number of Objects: 1
“Attitudes of community members on the professional behaviour displayed by nurses towards their clients in Mnquma Local Municipality, Dutywa
Number of Objects: 1
“Bactricia nematodes Kby., 1894” (Phasmida, Diapheromeridae, Diapheromerinae) is a nomen nudum
Number of Objects: 1
“Beautiful powerful you” : an analysis of the subject positions offered to women readers of Destiny magazine
Number of Objects: 1
“Bold Distinguished You”: a critical discourse analysis of the representation of masculinity in Destiny Man, 2012 - 2013
Number of Objects: 1
“But darkness was here yesterday”: an examination of travel writing and colonial narrative constructions of Africa within its sub-genres across three centuries
Number of Objects: 1
“But we are shying all of us away, from that thing”: the Coronavirus Pandemic and the crisis of teenage pregnancies in Kenya
Number of Objects: 1
“COVID-19 made me a single parent”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of a woman’s perinatal experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Number of Objects: 1
“Culture” as an Agent of Societal Regeneration: A Study of Selected Dramatic Literature by Soyinka, Osofisan and Rotimi
Number of Objects: 1
“Don’t be alarmed. It’s to do with sex.” Sherlock Holmes fanfiction and freedom of the imaginary domain
Number of Objects: 1
“Don’t forget to be awesome”: the role of social learning as a component of belonging in virtual communities: a case study of the Youtube fan community “Nerdfighteria”
Number of Objects: 1
“Driven by and Blinded by Our Desperation”: Religious Exploitation of Vulnerable Women in Amma Darko’s Not without Flowers
Number of Objects: 1
“Enhanced biometric access control for mobile devices,” in Proceedings of the 20th Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference
Number of Objects: 1
“Evaluating the ‘reality’ of South Africa’s first season of Big Brother among a select group of Rhodes University students”
Number of Objects: 1
“Exploring barriers to citizen participation in development: a case study of a participatory broadcasting project in rural Malawi”
Number of Objects: 1
“Eye on the big prize!”: Iconizing the Democratic Alliance in the Daily Sun
Number of Objects: 1
“Face the music!”: the Daily Sun's representation of adolescent sex in the Jules High sex scandal
Number of Objects: 1
“Forgetting Ntaba kaNdoda”: reciting performative memories at the Ntaba kaNdoda Monument
Number of Objects: 1
“Girls need to behave like girls you know”: the complexities of applying a gender justice goal within sexuality education in South African schools
Number of Objects: 1
“Ha! Relationships? I only shout at them!”: Strategic management of discordant rapport in an African small business context
Number of Objects: 1
“Having it all”?’: ”?:(re) examining conspicuous consumption and pernicious masculinities in South African chick-lit
Number of Objects: 1
A “Horrific Breakdown of Reason": Holmes and the Postcolonial Anti-Detective Novel, Lost Ground
Number of Objects: 1
“How can you build a nation without telling its stories?”: Transgressive, Testimonial Fiction in Post-TRC South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
“How do you feel about the abortion?”: pre-termination of pregnancy counselling in the public health sector in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
“I am 22 Million”: reading Winnie Madikizela as the intellectual face of anti-apartheid popular struggle
Number of Objects: 1
“I am a young man, but I have seen things”: Xhosa boyhoods, desires and masculinities in Peddie, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
“I just want to live”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of separation abuse in South African heterosexual relationships
Number of Objects: 1
“I pulled it out”: a discursive exploration of narrated accounts on decision-making and power differentials in the prescription and use of long-acting reversible contraceptives
Number of Objects: 1
“I slipped into the pages of a book”: intertextuality and literary solidarities in South African writing about London
Number of Objects: 1