The Q bell: experiences of patients with disabilities utilising a new call bell system
Number of Objects: 1
A q-metholological approach to audience reception of public awareness messages on sexual violence
Number of Objects: 1
Qagela lapa
Number of Objects: 2
Qapelani Marwedini
Number of Objects: 1
Qaphelani umculo
Number of Objects: 1
QAQA, A.L Research Study 2024.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Qhude manikiniki
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Qo Qo Qo
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Qom 'O Tishela
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Qonqonqo ulilela ntoni
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Quaint building on Grahamstown Training College Campus
Number of Objects: 1
The Quakers in South Africa a social witness
Number of Objects: 1
Qualified to exploit? : some thoughts on the social responsibility of business : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes Unversity
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative analysis of the cost and management accounting curricula at higher education institutions in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative analysis of the formation and maintenance of the franchisee/franchisor relationship
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative analysis of the need-satisfying experiences of the customers of a niche-restaurant
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative analysis to determine the readiness of rural communities to adopt ICTs: A Siyakhula Living Lab Case Study
Number of Objects: 1
Qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions of ordinary differential equations
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative assessment of the achievement of gender equality under education for all (EFA) goals : study of Lagos State, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Qualitative assessment of the performance and challenges of the recapitalization and development programme : the case of Buffalo City metropolitan municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative bias review of the adaptation of the WAIS-III for English-speaking South Africans
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative ecological risk assessment of the invasive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in a sub-tropical African river system (Limpopo River, South Africa)
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative evaluation of social work field instruction offered by universities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative exploration of the experience of Black women in violent relationships
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative exploration of the role of LO teachers and LO subject advisors in the design and formulation of sexuality and HIV curriculum
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative investigation of schizophrenic dreams
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative review on the manner in which psychologists address language barriers in psychological testing with isiXhosa speaking clients
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative review on the manner in which psychologists address language barriers in psychological testing with isiXhosa speaking clients.
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative study of intimate femicide : the perpetrator's perspective
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative study of the psychosocial well-being of adolescent females orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Nkonkobe Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative study: educator-targeted bullying by learners in a high school in Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
A qualitative systematic review exploring online learning experiences among university students during Covid-19: An African Context
Number of Objects: 1
Quality assessment of information systems in SMEs: a study of Eldoret Town in Kenya
Number of Objects: 1
Quality by Design Optimization of Cold Sonochemical Synthesis of Zidovudine-Lamivudine Nanosuspensions:
Number of Objects: 1
Quality in low - cost houses in Nelson Mandela Bay
Number of Objects: 1
Quality indices of the Eastern Cape beach waters in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality indices of the final effluents of two sub-urban-based wastewater treatment plants in Amathole District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality indices of the Nahoon beach and canal in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality issues related to apparel mechandising in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality management systems – a fundamental business imperative for construction companies: a case study of Bay West city mall
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of higher education and its influence on graduate employability and employer perception
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life and positive youth development in Grahamstown East, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life in Grahamstown, East London and Mdantsane: preliminary result
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life in South Africa: the first ten years of democracy
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of life of adolescents living with early childhood HIV-Infection on highly active antiretroviral therapy in Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of subsidised housing in South Africa and the role of the National Home Builders Registration Council
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of tertiary healthcare in the Port Elizabeth - Eastern Cape province hospital complex
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of threat in modern painting
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of work and work life: understanding the work ethic of medical professionals in selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of work life and job embeddedness as predictors of turnover intentions among academic staff at selected Universities in the Eastern cape province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quammadacha, 7km west of Kommadagga railway station and 23 km west of Riebeeck East village, Albany
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of corticosteroid-induced skin vasoconstriction: visual ranking, chromameter measurement or digital image analysis
Number of Objects: 1
The quantification of fucoxanthin from selected South African marine brown algae (Phaeophyta) using HPLC-UV/Vis
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of greenhouse gas fluxes from soil in agricultural fields
Number of Objects: 1
The quantification of Pinus patula recovery and productivity of manually orientated biomass collection in post mechanised full tree and semi mechanised tree length harvesting operations
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of pre-competitive sleep/wake behaviour in a sample of South African cyclists
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of the cross-sectoral impacts of waterweeds and their control in Ghana
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of the photosynthetic performance of phosphorus-deficient Sorghum by means of chlorophyll-a fluorescence kinetics
Number of Objects: 2
Quantification of water resources uncertainties in two sub-basins of the Limpopo River basin
Number of Objects: 1
Quantify the shift in critical strain energy density for a dynamic loaded S355J2 weld section by small punch testing
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying commercial catch and effort of monkfish Lophius vomerinus and L. vaillanti off Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying crop damage by Grey crowned crane balearica regulorum regulorum and evaluating changes in crane distribution in the North Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying degraded subtropical thicket structure and composition: a multi-scale approach in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying ecosystem restoration recovery and restoration practice following the biological control of invasive alien macrophytes in Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying reproductive state and predator effects on copepod motility in ephemeral ecosystems
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the accuracy of small subnet-equivalent sampling of IPv4 internet background radiation datasets
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the annual fish harvest from South Africa’s largest freshwater reservoir
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the ecological and socioeconomic implications of a recovery/collapse of South Africa’s West Coast rock lobster fishery
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the impact of the spatio-temporal variability of land use/land cover on surface run-off generation and groundwater recharge in the luvuvhu river catchment area as a study area
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the impacts of abrasion and bacterial transfer when fish are exposed to sand during a catch-and-release event:
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the impacts of cactus biological control agents in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the shift in network usage upon bandwidth upgrade
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the training demands of an amateur women’s Rugby union team using Global Positioning System
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the water savings benefit of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) control in the Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying the work demands of municipal waste workers to determine physical workload and perception
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying variability of emissions of greenhouse gas (CO2& CH4) across selected soils and agricultural practices
Number of Objects: 1
Quantitation of zolpidem in biological fluids by electro-driven microextraction combined with HPLC-UV analysis
Number of Objects: 1
A quantitative analysis of microplastic pollution along the south-eastern coastline of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quantitative analysis of time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence in feldspars
Number of Objects: 1
Quantitative evaluation of starch determination in feed samples using Near Infra-red Reflectance
Number of Objects: 1
A quantitative investigation of the absorption of certain cations by whole plants and plant tissues
Number of Objects: 1
Quantitative microstructural evaluation of 12 Cr creep aged steels after welding
Number of Objects: 1
A quantitative survey of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, related to AIDS/HIV, among Zulu speaking standard eight high school students
Number of Objects: 1
Quantity and significance of wild meat off-take by a rural community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Quarelling youths to put down your sticks
Number of Objects: 1
Qubekela eZion
Number of Objects: 1
Qubula Inkosi
Number of Objects: 1
Qubula inkosi
Number of Objects: 3