R.M.S.S. Dunvegan Castle, 1899
Number of Objects: 1
The R.U.C. Founder: the monthly unofficial organ of the Rhodes University College, 18 May 1929 (vol 2, no 8)
Number of Objects: 1
The R.U.C. Founder: the monthly unofficial organ of the Rhodes University College, 23 June 1928 (vol 2, no 5)
Number of Objects: 1
The R.U.C. Founder: the unofficial organ of the Rhodes University College, 17 April 1931 (vol 3, no 10)
Number of Objects: 1
Ra Ra waruna
Number of Objects: 1
Ra tsamaya Kwa Kanamo
Number of Objects: 1
Rabbit and Tortoise
Number of Objects: 1
Rabbit at the Waterhole
Number of Objects: 1
The rabbit has left its child
Number of Objects: 1
Rabbit plays the drum
Number of Objects: 1
Race against democracy: a case study of the Mail & Guardian during the early years of the Mbeki presidency, 1999-2002
Number of Objects: 1
Race course, possibly Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Race course, possibly King William's Town, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Race, class and inequality: an exploration of the scholarship of Professor Bernard Magubane
Number of Objects: 1
Rachmaninoff, Horowitz, and the discursive arena between (re)composition and performance : the case of Rachmaninoff's Piano Sonata, opus 36
Number of Objects: 1
Racial exploitation and double oppression in selected Bessie Head and Doris Lessing texts
Number of Objects: 1
Racial segregation in East London, 1836-1948
Number of Objects: 1
Racializing teenage pregnancy : ‘culture’ and ‘tradition’ in the South African scientific literature
Number of Objects: 1
Racism against Black soccer players in the English Premier League
Number of Objects: 1
Racism and law : implementing the right to equality in selected South African equality courts
Number of Objects: 1
The Racists turned their backs
Number of Objects: 1
RADGIS - an improved architecture for runtime-extensible, distributed GIS applications
Number of Objects: 1
Radiation damage in GaAs and SiC
Number of Objects: 1
Radical thinking in South Africa’s age of retreat
Number of Objects: 1
Radical transformation and sustainability for an advanced manufacturing industry: a progressive model
Number of Objects: 1
Radio and X-ray detections of GX 339–4 in quiescence using MeerKAT and Swift:
Number of Objects: 1
Radio broadcasting, policy and local language revitalisation in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) adoption in the South African retail sector: an investigation of perceptions held by members of the retail sector regarding the adoption constraints
Number of Objects: 1
Radio observation of the Gum Nebula Region
Number of Objects: 1
Radio studies of ionized hydrogen in the southern Milky Way
Number of Objects: 1
Radio Xhosa jingles
Number of Objects: 1
Radiocarbon dates and the Late Quaternary palaeogeography of the Province of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Radioluminescence of annealed synthetic quartz
Number of Objects: 1
Rag edition
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1978
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1979
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1980
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1981
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1983
Number of Objects: 1
Rag message 1985
Number of Objects: 1
Rag week float with Rag Queen flanked by drum majorettes, 1966
Number of Objects: 1
Rag week individual costumes, possibly Luke Bronton and young man
Number of Objects: 1
Raging in service of the self: exploring a five-year old boy's aggression within his play therapy
Number of Objects: 1
The railway
Number of Objects: 1
Railway Arch at the Point, Durban
Number of Objects: 1
Railway blockhouse
Number of Objects: 1
Railway line a few km east of Waverley, Tarkastad, CP
Number of Objects: 1
Railway map of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Railway station at the Point, Durban
Number of Objects: 1
Railway Station, Cape Town
Number of Objects: 1
Railway station, Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
A railway terminus for the inner city of Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
Rain Forest
Number of Objects: 2
Rain make lightning so I can see where my child is
Number of Objects: 1
Rain song
Number of Objects: 1
Rainfall characteristics, rainfall reliability and the definition of drought : Baringo district, Kenya
Number of Objects: 1
Rainfall intensity, kinetic energy and erosivity of individual rainfall events on the island of Mauritius
Number of Objects: 1
Rainfall variability in Southern Africa, its influences on streamflow variations and its relationships with climatic variations
Number of Objects: 1
Rainwater and alternative potable water microbial water quality and DRM implications in Makana Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Raising a child with an intellectual disability in a township: The lived experiences of black South African parents
Number of Objects: 1
Raising of Lazarus
Number of Objects: 1
Raising student teachers’awareness around issues of professional conduct : an action research project
Number of Objects: 1
Raising your research profile : IPGC Conference 24-25 Sept 2013
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Ramadhani 1mekuja Islam Tutubie
Number of Objects: 1
Ramadhani Imekuja Islam Tutubie
Number of Objects: 2
Ramadhani imekuja Islam tutubie
Number of Objects: 2
Ramadhani Imekuja Islam Tutubil
Number of Objects: 1
Raman spectroscopy of ternary III-V semiconducting films
Number of Objects: 1
A raman spectroscopy study of semiconducting thin films
Number of Objects: 1
Ramanaka (Ramanaka,name)
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Ramblers Rugby Football Club
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Rambuda o vhuya nndwani
Number of Objects: 5
Rambuda o vhuya nndwani Part I
Number of Objects: 3
Rambuda o vhuya nndwani Part I and II
Number of Objects: 1
Rambuda o vhuya nndwani Part II
Number of Objects: 1
Rambude o vhuya
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Ramifications of status non-disclosure by people living with HIV/AIDS in Alice, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani
Number of Objects: 2
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani Part I
Number of Objects: 3
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani Part I, II and III
Number of Objects: 1
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani Part II
Number of Objects: 3
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani Part III
Number of Objects: 3
Rammbuda o vhuya nndwani Parts I and II
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Randell's garden
Number of Objects: 4
Random Effects Modeling: STS 505
Number of Objects: 1
Random reflections on the study of history in South Africa : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Randomization in a two armed clinical trial: an overview of different randomization techniques
Number of Objects: 1
Randowa rigweru
Number of Objects: 1
Ranga rachona
Number of Objects: 1
Range extension of the Lufira Masked Weaver Ploceus ruweti, endemic to Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo
Number of Objects: 1
Ranked factors influencing the sustainability and growth of SMMEs in the city of Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
A Ranking Framework for Higher Education Institutions in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Ranking of topical corticosteroids: principles and results
Number of Objects: 1
Ranti Ore T'oba Mimo = Remember the goodness of the Holy King
Number of Objects: 1
Raohang Masole
Number of Objects: 2