An x-ray investigation of the thermal decomposition of unirradiated and irradiated silver permanganate.
Number of Objects: 1
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the effect of alkyl-and arylthio substituents on manganese phthalocyanines for self-assembled monolayer formation on gold
Number of Objects: 1
Xa ungena emzin' wam
Number of Objects: 1
Xaar ma
Number of Objects: 1
Xamalaza kusile
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Xaxae ndi zwanya ludavhalisa
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophilia in Muizenberg, South Africa: new potentials for race relations?
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophobia and international students and staff
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophobia and media: an exploratory study on the public perception of the Nelson Mandela Bay Community
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophobia in post-apartheid South Africa: A case study in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophobia in South Africa: a socio-legal analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Xenophobia, sovereign power and the limits of citizenship:
Number of Objects: 1
Xey Baax
Number of Objects: 1
The xfn connection management and control protocol
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa "Chorus"
Number of Objects: 2
Xhosa beauty (woman)
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa beer drinks and their oratory
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa boy Chris lauds Cape Jazz
Number of Objects: 1
A Xhosa chief
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa dance with marimbas
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa Foundation: XHS 111F
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa hut
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa I (Saturday is a lonely day)
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa II (Xhosa)
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa Linguistics: XHS 111
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa narrative : an analysis of the production and linguistic properties of discourse with particular reference to "iintsomi" texts
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa Non-Mother Tongue: XNM 122E
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa people hunting elephants in the Great Fish River (Sketch by an officer in 1840)
Number of Objects: 1
A Xhosa Profession of Faith
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa Prose: XHS 505
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa village below Hogsback
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa woman at Sport Day in St Matthews
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa woman smoking a pipe
Number of Objects: 1
Xhosa-English pronunciation in the south-east Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Xhoxho, Xhosa chief
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Xikandaviya Lexi Undzi Zondelaka Xona
Number of Objects: 1
Xikwembu xa hkamula loko hi kombela
Number of Objects: 1
Xinyimpfana xa Xikwembu
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Xirilo A lament
Number of Objects: 1
Xitende Bow Song
Number of Objects: 8
XML digital signature and RDF
Number of Objects: 1
XML to facilitate management of multi-vendor networks
Number of Objects: 1
An XML-Based Approach to Audio Connection Management
Number of Objects: 1
An XML-Based Approach to the Generation and Testing of mLAN Sound Installation Configurations
Number of Objects: 1
Xola ntliziyo yam
Number of Objects: 1
Xolisa Apho
Number of Objects: 1
Xolo lika thixo
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Xuka River floods, 1959
Number of Objects: 1
Xylem as well as phloem sustains severe damage due to feeding by the Russian wheat aphid
Number of Objects: 1
A xylem retrieval pathway in rice leaf blades – evidence of a role for endocytosis?
Number of Objects: 1
Xylophone Instrumental
Number of Objects: 8
Xylophone Orchestral Dance movement
Number of Objects: 1
Xylophone tune
Number of Objects: 3
Xylophone, drums and rattle instrumental
Number of Objects: 1
Xymalos monospora - Lemonwood
Number of Objects: 1
Ya bulele Hiyari Ngoma
Number of Objects: 1
Ya gegetheka
Number of Objects: 1
Ya iwe mukhedebu
Number of Objects: 1
Ya jiliza
Number of Objects: 1
Ya lala ngesisu
Number of Objects: 1
Ya m qom ekuseni ntambama ya mala
Number of Objects: 1
Ya misea wetu
Number of Objects: 1
Ya mixa weta
Number of Objects: 1
Ya mupande e Hompa
Number of Objects: 1
Ya mupande Hompa karunga wetu
Number of Objects: 1
Ya ya woye
Number of Objects: 1
Ya ya, waye
Number of Objects: 1
Yaafa N'ma
Number of Objects: 1
Yabamba for Mzeno movement of Sathanyane waBokisi 1975
Number of Objects: 1
Yabulele Hiyari ngoma
Number of Objects: 2
Yabulele Hiyari Ngoma
Number of Objects: 2
Yabulele Hiyari ngoma = This Hiyari dance is very foolish
Number of Objects: 1
Yachipondeka 'owe owe'
Number of Objects: 2
Yadinda zulu
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Yafeb 'isencane
Number of Objects: 1
Yafeb Isencane
Number of Objects: 1
Yahli shonaf wa ahlilmadara
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
YahlomiNdlovu (The Queen Mother)
Number of Objects: 1
Yai lero
Number of Objects: 1
Yai lero (Not today)
Number of Objects: 1
Yaje bampole
Number of Objects: 1
Yaka Yaka Ndemka
Number of Objects: 9
Number of Objects: 1
Yakhal' ingane encanane
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Yaku Kasama munenu wamukake Nshibi
Number of Objects: 1
Yaku Kasama munenu wamukake Nshimbi (At Kasama they put the handcuffs on me)
Number of Objects: 1
Yal Nafi Yag
Number of Objects: 1
Yalambula Ebyaala
Number of Objects: 1
Yalambula Ebyaalo
Number of Objects: 1
Yalambula Masaza
Number of Objects: 1
Yalambula masaza
Number of Objects: 2
Yalemba lemba ngoya Lupondo
Number of Objects: 1