The determination of geomorphologically effective flows for selected eastern sea-Board Rivers in South Africa
- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Rivers--South Africa River channels Geomorphology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4824 ,
- Description: In South Africa the need to protect and manage the national water resource has led to the development of the Reserve as a basic right under the National Water Act (1998). The Ecological Reserve relates to the quality and quantity of water necessary to protect the sustainable functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The geomorphological contribution to setting the Reserve has focussed on three groups of information requirements: the spatial and temporal availability of habitat, the maintenance of substratum characteristics, and the maintenance of channel form. This thesis focusses on the second and third information requirements. The thesis has attempted to achieve this by adding value to the theoretical and applied understanding of the magnitude and frequency of channel forming discharge for selected southern African rivers. Many of the eastern sea-board rivers are strongly influenced by bed rock in the channel perimeter, and by a highly variable hydrological regime. This has resulted in characteristic channel forms, with an active channel incised into a larger macro-channel being a common feature of eastern seaboard rivers. Within the active channel inset channel benches commonly occur. This alluvial architecture is used to provide clues as to the types of flows necessary to meet the Reserve. Three river basins are considered : the Mkomazi, Mhlathuze and Olifants. The Mkomazi is a relatively un-impacted perennial eastern-sea board river and forms the research component of the study. The Mhlathuze and Olifants rivers are highly regulated systems and form the application component of the study. Utilising synthesised daily hydrological data, bed material data, cross-sectional surveys, hydraulic data and relevant bed material transport equations, channel form was related to dominant discharge and effective discharge in an attempt to identify the magnitude and frequency offlows that can be considered to be ' effective'. Results from the Mkomazi River indicate that no single effective discharge exists, but rather that there is a range of effective discharges in the 5-0.1% range on the 1-day daily flow duration curves that are responsible for the bulk (>80%) of the bed material transport. Only large floods (termed 'reset'discharges) with average return periods of around 20 years generate sufficient stream power and shear stress to mobilise the entire bed. The macro-channel is thus maintained by the large ' reset' flood events, and the active channel is maintained both by the range of effective discharges and the ' reset 'discharges. These are the geomorphologically 'effective' flows. Results from the Mhlathuze River have indicated that the Goedertrouw Dam has had a considerable impact on the downstream channel morphology and bed material transport capacity and consequently the effective and dominant discharges. It has been suggested that the Mhlathuze River is now adjusting its channel geometry in sympathy with the regulated flow environment. Under present-day conditions it has been demonstrated that the total bed material load has been reduced by up to three times, but there has also been a clear change in the way in which the load has been distributed around the duration curve. Under present-day conditions, over 90% of the total bed material load is transported by the top 5% of the flows, whereas under virgin flow conditions 90% of the total bed material load was transported by the top 20% of the flows. For the Olifants River there appears to be no relationship between the estimated bankfull discharge and any hydrological statistic. The effective discharge flow class is in the 5-0.01% range on the 1-day daily flow duration curve. It has also been pointed out that even the highest flows simulated for the Olifants River do not generate sufficient energy to mobilise the entire bed. It is useful to consider the Olifants River as being adapted to a highly variable flow regime. It is erroneous to think of one ' effective' discharge, but rather a range of effective discharges are of significance. It has been argued that strong bed rock control and a highly variable flow regime in many southern African rivers accounts for the channel architecture, and that there is a need to develop an ' indigenous knowledge' in the management of southern African fluvial systems
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- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Rivers--South Africa River channels Geomorphology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4824 ,
- Description: In South Africa the need to protect and manage the national water resource has led to the development of the Reserve as a basic right under the National Water Act (1998). The Ecological Reserve relates to the quality and quantity of water necessary to protect the sustainable functioning of aquatic ecosystems. The geomorphological contribution to setting the Reserve has focussed on three groups of information requirements: the spatial and temporal availability of habitat, the maintenance of substratum characteristics, and the maintenance of channel form. This thesis focusses on the second and third information requirements. The thesis has attempted to achieve this by adding value to the theoretical and applied understanding of the magnitude and frequency of channel forming discharge for selected southern African rivers. Many of the eastern sea-board rivers are strongly influenced by bed rock in the channel perimeter, and by a highly variable hydrological regime. This has resulted in characteristic channel forms, with an active channel incised into a larger macro-channel being a common feature of eastern seaboard rivers. Within the active channel inset channel benches commonly occur. This alluvial architecture is used to provide clues as to the types of flows necessary to meet the Reserve. Three river basins are considered : the Mkomazi, Mhlathuze and Olifants. The Mkomazi is a relatively un-impacted perennial eastern-sea board river and forms the research component of the study. The Mhlathuze and Olifants rivers are highly regulated systems and form the application component of the study. Utilising synthesised daily hydrological data, bed material data, cross-sectional surveys, hydraulic data and relevant bed material transport equations, channel form was related to dominant discharge and effective discharge in an attempt to identify the magnitude and frequency offlows that can be considered to be ' effective'. Results from the Mkomazi River indicate that no single effective discharge exists, but rather that there is a range of effective discharges in the 5-0.1% range on the 1-day daily flow duration curves that are responsible for the bulk (>80%) of the bed material transport. Only large floods (termed 'reset'discharges) with average return periods of around 20 years generate sufficient stream power and shear stress to mobilise the entire bed. The macro-channel is thus maintained by the large ' reset' flood events, and the active channel is maintained both by the range of effective discharges and the ' reset 'discharges. These are the geomorphologically 'effective' flows. Results from the Mhlathuze River have indicated that the Goedertrouw Dam has had a considerable impact on the downstream channel morphology and bed material transport capacity and consequently the effective and dominant discharges. It has been suggested that the Mhlathuze River is now adjusting its channel geometry in sympathy with the regulated flow environment. Under present-day conditions it has been demonstrated that the total bed material load has been reduced by up to three times, but there has also been a clear change in the way in which the load has been distributed around the duration curve. Under present-day conditions, over 90% of the total bed material load is transported by the top 5% of the flows, whereas under virgin flow conditions 90% of the total bed material load was transported by the top 20% of the flows. For the Olifants River there appears to be no relationship between the estimated bankfull discharge and any hydrological statistic. The effective discharge flow class is in the 5-0.01% range on the 1-day daily flow duration curve. It has also been pointed out that even the highest flows simulated for the Olifants River do not generate sufficient energy to mobilise the entire bed. It is useful to consider the Olifants River as being adapted to a highly variable flow regime. It is erroneous to think of one ' effective' discharge, but rather a range of effective discharges are of significance. It has been argued that strong bed rock control and a highly variable flow regime in many southern African rivers accounts for the channel architecture, and that there is a need to develop an ' indigenous knowledge' in the management of southern African fluvial systems
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Vegetation controls on channel stability in the Bell River, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Rowntree, Kate M, Dollar, Evan S J
- Authors: Rowntree, Kate M , Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6720 ,
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell River in the form of meander cutoffs, a number of which have occurred since 1952. Increased sediment loading from widespread gully erosion in the catchment has been proposed as the trigger for this instability. Willow species of the Salix family, in particular S. caprea, have been planted along the banks in an effort to prevent further channel shifting. This study reports the results of an investigation into the effect of vegetation on channel form and stability over a 17 km stretch of channel. Results indicate that riparian vegetation has significant effects on channel form which have implications for channel stability. Riparian vegetation increases bank stability and reduces channel cross-sectional area, thereby inducing stability at flows less than bankfull. Evidence indicates that narrow stable stretches are associated with relatively high levels of riparian vegetation. Wider, unstable channels are associated with relatively less riparian vegetation. The effectiveness of riparian vegetation relative to bank sediments was investigated. A dense growth of willows was found to have an equivalent effect to banks with a silt-clay ratio of about 70 per cent. The channel narrowing induced by vegetation may contribute to channel shifting at high flows. The reduced channel capacity is thought to result in more frequent overbank flooding which may ultimately lead to channel avulsion. Thus where increased sediment loading is pushing the channel towards instability, vegetation may be effective in imparting local stability, but it is unable to prevent long-term channel shifts, and may rather help to push the system towards more frequent avulsions.
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- Authors: Rowntree, Kate M , Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6720 ,
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell River in the form of meander cutoffs, a number of which have occurred since 1952. Increased sediment loading from widespread gully erosion in the catchment has been proposed as the trigger for this instability. Willow species of the Salix family, in particular S. caprea, have been planted along the banks in an effort to prevent further channel shifting. This study reports the results of an investigation into the effect of vegetation on channel form and stability over a 17 km stretch of channel. Results indicate that riparian vegetation has significant effects on channel form which have implications for channel stability. Riparian vegetation increases bank stability and reduces channel cross-sectional area, thereby inducing stability at flows less than bankfull. Evidence indicates that narrow stable stretches are associated with relatively high levels of riparian vegetation. Wider, unstable channels are associated with relatively less riparian vegetation. The effectiveness of riparian vegetation relative to bank sediments was investigated. A dense growth of willows was found to have an equivalent effect to banks with a silt-clay ratio of about 70 per cent. The channel narrowing induced by vegetation may contribute to channel shifting at high flows. The reduced channel capacity is thought to result in more frequent overbank flooding which may ultimately lead to channel avulsion. Thus where increased sediment loading is pushing the channel towards instability, vegetation may be effective in imparting local stability, but it is unable to prevent long-term channel shifts, and may rather help to push the system towards more frequent avulsions.
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Controls on channel form and channel change in the Bell River, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Rowntree, Kate M, Dollar, Evan S J
- Authors: Rowntree, Kate M , Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1996
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6723 ,
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell River in the form of meander cutoffs, incipient meander cutoffs, and general channel instability. This paper examines the incidence of channel instability in relation to the spatial variability of factors controlling channel form. The locations of channel change were mapped from aerial photographs for a 40 year period. Channel form characteristics were measured over a 17 km stretch of channel. Data collected from this stretch included pattern, width, depth, form ratio, channel gradient, particle-size distribution of bed and bank materials and riparian vegetation. Results indicate that the two primary spatial controls on channel form and pattern are riparian vegetation and bed-material size. Evidence indicates that narrow stable stretches are associated with finer bed-material and relatively high levels of riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation increases bank stability and reduces channel cross-section, thereby inducing stability at flows less than bankfull. However, at flows greater than bankfull, reduced channel capacity results in more frequent flooding which may ultimately lead to channel avulsion. Wider, unstable channels are associated with larger calibre bed material and relatively less riparian vegetation. Predicted threshold slopes for braiding have indicated that most reaches in the Bell river are close to or above the threshold slope for braiding. Since riparian vegetation serves to increase bank stability, steeper threshold slopes are required for braiding in channels with high vegetation density Recent incidences of channel instability have been identified as occurring in the transitional zone between the upper, coarser reach and lower, finer channel reach.
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Rowntree, Kate M , Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1996
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6723 ,
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell River in the form of meander cutoffs, incipient meander cutoffs, and general channel instability. This paper examines the incidence of channel instability in relation to the spatial variability of factors controlling channel form. The locations of channel change were mapped from aerial photographs for a 40 year period. Channel form characteristics were measured over a 17 km stretch of channel. Data collected from this stretch included pattern, width, depth, form ratio, channel gradient, particle-size distribution of bed and bank materials and riparian vegetation. Results indicate that the two primary spatial controls on channel form and pattern are riparian vegetation and bed-material size. Evidence indicates that narrow stable stretches are associated with finer bed-material and relatively high levels of riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation increases bank stability and reduces channel cross-section, thereby inducing stability at flows less than bankfull. However, at flows greater than bankfull, reduced channel capacity results in more frequent flooding which may ultimately lead to channel avulsion. Wider, unstable channels are associated with larger calibre bed material and relatively less riparian vegetation. Predicted threshold slopes for braiding have indicated that most reaches in the Bell river are close to or above the threshold slope for braiding. Since riparian vegetation serves to increase bank stability, steeper threshold slopes are required for braiding in channels with high vegetation density Recent incidences of channel instability have been identified as occurring in the transitional zone between the upper, coarser reach and lower, finer channel reach.
- Full Text: false
Hydroclimatic trends, sediment sources and geomorphic response in the Bell River catchment, eastern Cape Drakensberg, South Africa
- Dollar, Evan S J, Rowntree, Kate M
- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J , Rowntree, Kate M
- Date: 1995
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6677 ,
- Description: The Bell River in the Eastern Cape Drakensberg of South Africa has shown recent signs of channel instability as evidenced by avulsion, sinuosity reductions, gradient steepening and general channel instability. Analysis of rainfall data did not provide evidence for progressive long term change in rainfall pattern for the catchment. However, annual and seasonal rainfall cycles with variance peaks every 16-19 years were found, from which it can be inferred that flood events following years of below average rainfall may cross the threshold limit for channel stability. Channel instability is often followed by a major flood event after sustained low rainfall periods, a sequence referred to as the Flood and Drought Dominated Regimes by Warner (1987). Evidence presented also indicates an increase in catchment erosion in the past century with attendant sediment production increases to the channel. This may be due to catchment land use and management practices (following settlement by commercial farmers) superimposed on long term climatic changes. The conclusions are that catchment and channel processes are inseparable, and that disequilibrium in the catchment will be transferred to the channel.
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- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J , Rowntree, Kate M
- Date: 1995
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6677 ,
- Description: The Bell River in the Eastern Cape Drakensberg of South Africa has shown recent signs of channel instability as evidenced by avulsion, sinuosity reductions, gradient steepening and general channel instability. Analysis of rainfall data did not provide evidence for progressive long term change in rainfall pattern for the catchment. However, annual and seasonal rainfall cycles with variance peaks every 16-19 years were found, from which it can be inferred that flood events following years of below average rainfall may cross the threshold limit for channel stability. Channel instability is often followed by a major flood event after sustained low rainfall periods, a sequence referred to as the Flood and Drought Dominated Regimes by Warner (1987). Evidence presented also indicates an increase in catchment erosion in the past century with attendant sediment production increases to the channel. This may be due to catchment land use and management practices (following settlement by commercial farmers) superimposed on long term climatic changes. The conclusions are that catchment and channel processes are inseparable, and that disequilibrium in the catchment will be transferred to the channel.
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An historical study of channel change in the Bell river, north eastern Cape
- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1993
- Subjects: River channels -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sedimentation and deposition -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Bell river
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4837 , , River channels -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sedimentation and deposition -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Bell river
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell river, north eastern Cape, in the form of meander cutoffs, incipient meander cutoffs, channel straightening and general channel instability. Recent cutoffs occurred in 1974 and 1988. The study examines the spatial and temporal controls of channel form and pattern in the Bell river in order to assess the causes of channel instability. From the 17 km surveyed stretch, it was found that the main spatial controls of channel form were riparian vegetation density and channel bed material. Discharge as estimated in the field was not the main controlling variable of channel form. Two distinct groups of stream beds were identified from the survey; an upper gravel-bed stream and a lower sand-bed stream. These sites displayed distinct form ratios, channel gradients and bed material characteristics. The incidences of major channel instability were identified as being the transitional zone between the two reaches. Examination of temporal controls of channel form included climatic trend analysis and catchment sediment production analysis. Rainfall analysis indicated that no long term progressive trends in the annual or seasonal data existed. Distinct wet and dry cycles occur with peaks every 16 to 19 years. Wet cycles are the result of an increase in the frequency of daily events rather than in the magnitude of events. Flow record analysis demonstrated the relationship between regional discharge and upper catchment rainfall. Coincidence of peak flows and channel straightening were also noted. Soil erosion surveys showed that erosion had increased in the catchment and that accelerated erosion were probably the result of overstocking and poor veld management. It was concluded that channel changes in the Bell river are possibly the result of anthropogenic influence in catchment and channel processes. Increased sediment production to the channel resulted in channel aggradation with attendant instability. The plantation of riparian vegetation led to perimeter stability in the short term at flows less than bankfull discharge, but served to reduce cross-sectional area in the long term, thereby increasing the potential for flooding, meander cutoffs and channel change
- Full Text:
- Authors: Dollar, Evan S J
- Date: 1993
- Subjects: River channels -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sedimentation and deposition -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Bell river
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4837 , , River channels -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sedimentation and deposition -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Bell river
- Description: Channel instability has occurred in the Bell river, north eastern Cape, in the form of meander cutoffs, incipient meander cutoffs, channel straightening and general channel instability. Recent cutoffs occurred in 1974 and 1988. The study examines the spatial and temporal controls of channel form and pattern in the Bell river in order to assess the causes of channel instability. From the 17 km surveyed stretch, it was found that the main spatial controls of channel form were riparian vegetation density and channel bed material. Discharge as estimated in the field was not the main controlling variable of channel form. Two distinct groups of stream beds were identified from the survey; an upper gravel-bed stream and a lower sand-bed stream. These sites displayed distinct form ratios, channel gradients and bed material characteristics. The incidences of major channel instability were identified as being the transitional zone between the two reaches. Examination of temporal controls of channel form included climatic trend analysis and catchment sediment production analysis. Rainfall analysis indicated that no long term progressive trends in the annual or seasonal data existed. Distinct wet and dry cycles occur with peaks every 16 to 19 years. Wet cycles are the result of an increase in the frequency of daily events rather than in the magnitude of events. Flow record analysis demonstrated the relationship between regional discharge and upper catchment rainfall. Coincidence of peak flows and channel straightening were also noted. Soil erosion surveys showed that erosion had increased in the catchment and that accelerated erosion were probably the result of overstocking and poor veld management. It was concluded that channel changes in the Bell river are possibly the result of anthropogenic influence in catchment and channel processes. Increased sediment production to the channel resulted in channel aggradation with attendant instability. The plantation of riparian vegetation led to perimeter stability in the short term at flows less than bankfull discharge, but served to reduce cross-sectional area in the long term, thereby increasing the potential for flooding, meander cutoffs and channel change
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