Invasive alien aquatic plants in South African freshwater ecosystems:
- Authors: Hill, Martin P , Coetzee, Julie A , Martin, Grant D , Smith, Rosali , Strange, Emily F
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:42680 , ISBN 978-3-030-32394-3 , 10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3
- Description: South Africa has a long history of managing the establishment and spread of invasive fioating macrophytes. The past thirty years of research and the implementation of nation-wide biological and integrated control programmes has led to widespread control of these species in many degraded freshwater ecosystems. Such initiatives are aimed at restoring access to potable freshwater and maintaining native biodiversity.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2020
Modeling top-down and bottom-up drivers of a regime shift in invasive aquatic plant stable states
- Authors: Strange, Emily F , Landi, Pietro , Hill, Jaclyn M , Coetzee, Julie A
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74263 ,
- Description: The evidence for alternate stable states characterized by dominance of either floating or submerged plant dominance is well established. Inspired by an existing model and controlled experiments, we conceptually describe a dynamic that we have observed in the field using a simple model, the aim of which was to investigate key interactions of the shift between invasive floating and invasive submerged plant dominance, driven by the rapid decomposition of floating plants as a consequence of herbivory by biological control agents. This study showed that the rate of switch between floating and submerged invasive plant dominance, and the point in time at which the switch occurs, is dependent on the nutrient status of the water and the density of biological control agents on floating plant populations. Therefore, top-down invasive plant biological control efforts using natural enemies can affect systems on a wider scale than the intended agent – plant level, and can be significantly altered by bottom-up changes to the system, i.e., nutrient loading. The implications of this are essential for understanding the multiple roles invasive plants and their control have upon ecosystem dynamics. The results emphasize the importance of multi-trophic considerations for future invasive plant management and offer evidence for new pathways of invasion. The model outputs support the conclusion that, after the shift and in the absence of effective intervention, a submerged invasive stable state will persist.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
Evidence for a new regime shift between floating and submerged invasive plant dominance in South Africa
- Authors: Strange, Emily F , Hill, Martin P , Coetzee, Julie A
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72114 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Classical biological control for the management of floating invasive plants has been highly successful in South Africa. However, restoring ecosystem services has been compromised by a new suite of submerged invasive plants. This study proposes that biological control of floating invasive macrophytes acts as a catalyst in a regime shift between floating and submerged invasive plant dominance. Regime shifts are large and sudden changes in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. The proposed shift is driven by the rapid decomposition of floating plants and subsequent increase in availability of nutrients and light. A mesocosm experiment explored the effect of biological control on floating Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae) upon the growth of invasive submerged Egeria densa Planch. (Hydrocharitaceae), and native submerged plant species of the same family; Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss (Hydrocharitaceae). The results revealed a cascade effect of biological control of P. stratiotes on the availability of nitrogen, resulting in increased relative growth rates and invasive capacity for E. densa. In contrast, the native L. major could not compete with healthy or damaged P. stratiotes. These findings highlight the vulnerability of South African freshwater systems to submerged plant invasions and demonstrate the importance of a more holistic approach to invasive plant management.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018