Enzymatic recovery of rhodium(III) from aqueous solution and industrial effluent using sulphate reducing bacteria: role of a hydrogenase enzyme
- Authors: Ngwenya, Nonhlanhla
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Enzymes , Rhodium , Enzymes -- Industrial applications , Sulfur bacteria , Hydrogenation , Hydragenase , Factory and trade waste -- Purification
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3956 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004015 , Enzymes , Rhodium , Enzymes -- Industrial applications , Sulfur bacteria , Hydrogenation , Hydragenase , Factory and trade waste -- Purification
- Description: In an attempt to overcome the high maintenance and costs associated with traditional physico-chemical methods, much work is being done on the application of enzymes for the recovery of valuable metals from solutions and industrial effluents. One of the most widely studied enzymatic metal recovery systems uses hydrogenase enzymes, particularly from sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). While it is known that hydrogenases from SRB mediate the reductive precipitation of metals, the mechanism of enzymatic reduction, however, is not yet fully understood. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the role of a hydrogenase enzyme in the removal of rhodium from both aqueous solution and industrial effluent. A quantitative analysis of the rate of removal of rhodium(III) by a resting SRB consortium under different initial rhodium and biomass concentrations, pH, temperature, presence and absence of SRB cells and electron donor, was studied. Rhodium speciation was found to be the main factor controlling the rate of removal of rhodium from solution. SRB cells were found to have a higher affinity for anionic rhodium species, as compared to both cationic and neutral species, which become abundant when speciation equilibrium was reached. Consequently, a pH-dependant rate of rhodium removal from solution was observed. The maximum SRB uptake capacity for rhodium was found to be 66 mg rhodium per g of resting SRB biomass. Electron microscopy studies revealed a time-dependant localization and distribution of rhodium precipitates, initially intracellularly and then extracellularly, suggesting the involvement of an enzymatic reductive precipitation process. A hydrogenase enzyme capable of reducing rhodium(III) from solution was isolated and purified by PEG, DEAE-Sephacel anion exchanger and Sephadex G200 gel exclusion. A distinct protein band with a molecular weight of 62kDa was obtained when the hydrogenase containing fractions were subjected to a 10% SDS-PAGE. Characterization studies indicated that the purified hydrogenase had an optimum pH and temperature of 8 and 40°C, respectively. A maximum of 88% of the initial rhodium in solution was removed when the purified hydrogenase was incubated under hydrogen. Due to the low pH of the industrial effluent (1.31), the enzymatic reduction of rhodium by the purified hydrogenase was greatly retarded. It was apparent that industrial effluent pretreatment was necessary before the application an enzymatic treatment method. In the present study, however, it has been established that SRB are good candidates for the enzymatic recovery of rhodium from both solution and effluent.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Ngwenya, Nonhlanhla
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Enzymes , Rhodium , Enzymes -- Industrial applications , Sulfur bacteria , Hydrogenation , Hydragenase , Factory and trade waste -- Purification
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3956 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004015 , Enzymes , Rhodium , Enzymes -- Industrial applications , Sulfur bacteria , Hydrogenation , Hydragenase , Factory and trade waste -- Purification
- Description: In an attempt to overcome the high maintenance and costs associated with traditional physico-chemical methods, much work is being done on the application of enzymes for the recovery of valuable metals from solutions and industrial effluents. One of the most widely studied enzymatic metal recovery systems uses hydrogenase enzymes, particularly from sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). While it is known that hydrogenases from SRB mediate the reductive precipitation of metals, the mechanism of enzymatic reduction, however, is not yet fully understood. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the role of a hydrogenase enzyme in the removal of rhodium from both aqueous solution and industrial effluent. A quantitative analysis of the rate of removal of rhodium(III) by a resting SRB consortium under different initial rhodium and biomass concentrations, pH, temperature, presence and absence of SRB cells and electron donor, was studied. Rhodium speciation was found to be the main factor controlling the rate of removal of rhodium from solution. SRB cells were found to have a higher affinity for anionic rhodium species, as compared to both cationic and neutral species, which become abundant when speciation equilibrium was reached. Consequently, a pH-dependant rate of rhodium removal from solution was observed. The maximum SRB uptake capacity for rhodium was found to be 66 mg rhodium per g of resting SRB biomass. Electron microscopy studies revealed a time-dependant localization and distribution of rhodium precipitates, initially intracellularly and then extracellularly, suggesting the involvement of an enzymatic reductive precipitation process. A hydrogenase enzyme capable of reducing rhodium(III) from solution was isolated and purified by PEG, DEAE-Sephacel anion exchanger and Sephadex G200 gel exclusion. A distinct protein band with a molecular weight of 62kDa was obtained when the hydrogenase containing fractions were subjected to a 10% SDS-PAGE. Characterization studies indicated that the purified hydrogenase had an optimum pH and temperature of 8 and 40°C, respectively. A maximum of 88% of the initial rhodium in solution was removed when the purified hydrogenase was incubated under hydrogen. Due to the low pH of the industrial effluent (1.31), the enzymatic reduction of rhodium by the purified hydrogenase was greatly retarded. It was apparent that industrial effluent pretreatment was necessary before the application an enzymatic treatment method. In the present study, however, it has been established that SRB are good candidates for the enzymatic recovery of rhodium from both solution and effluent.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Establish to what extent small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Port Elizabeth CBD comply with good governance principles and practices
- Authors: Mpafa, Dumisani
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Corporate governance , Small business -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:10904 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/163 , Corporate governance , Small business -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Description: Throughout the world, corporate or good governance has become such a dominating terminology in the ever -increasing business vocabulary. Its fast rise and strategic relevance to the global business communi ty is part ly due to the desi re by the business leaders wor ldwide to be seen to be doing something about the scourge of corporate failures resulting f rom poor governance. The objective of the research was to establish to what extent Smal l and Medium Enterpr ises (SMEs) comply with good governance principles and practices. The SMEs in the Port Elizabeth CBD were chosen as the representative population of the SME sector throughout the country. The research methodology included: A li terature study to determine, on the one hand the current good governance pract ices global ly, and on the other the role, relevance and the challenges of the SMEs in the South Af rican Economy. An empir ical study in order to obtain the empir ical evidence concerning SME compliance to good governance principles and pract ice. This was done through a survey of SME sector in the Port Elizabeth CBD. Lastly, the conclusion and recommendations. The conclusion was reached, inter alia, that the major ity of SMEs do not comply wi th good governance principles and pract ices for various reasons. Therefore the following recommendations were made: Recommended that the organisational accountants appointed in terms of the law should not confine themselves to the financial aspects of the business only, but also look at governance of these small businesses. Recommended that a sub-code for SMEs be developed. Recommended that the existing code of governance be amended to include a clause that requires large and establish businesses to insist on good governance in the SMEs they deal with at any level. Recommended that the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should develop a qualification or unit standard on good governance to facilitate training on good governance. Since good governance knowledge is a key competence for every manager, especially senior management. It is recommended that institutions of higher learning should have good governance in their curriculum.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Mpafa, Dumisani
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Corporate governance , Small business -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:10904 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/163 , Corporate governance , Small business -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Description: Throughout the world, corporate or good governance has become such a dominating terminology in the ever -increasing business vocabulary. Its fast rise and strategic relevance to the global business communi ty is part ly due to the desi re by the business leaders wor ldwide to be seen to be doing something about the scourge of corporate failures resulting f rom poor governance. The objective of the research was to establish to what extent Smal l and Medium Enterpr ises (SMEs) comply with good governance principles and practices. The SMEs in the Port Elizabeth CBD were chosen as the representative population of the SME sector throughout the country. The research methodology included: A li terature study to determine, on the one hand the current good governance pract ices global ly, and on the other the role, relevance and the challenges of the SMEs in the South Af rican Economy. An empir ical study in order to obtain the empir ical evidence concerning SME compliance to good governance principles and pract ice. This was done through a survey of SME sector in the Port Elizabeth CBD. Lastly, the conclusion and recommendations. The conclusion was reached, inter alia, that the major ity of SMEs do not comply wi th good governance principles and pract ices for various reasons. Therefore the following recommendations were made: Recommended that the organisational accountants appointed in terms of the law should not confine themselves to the financial aspects of the business only, but also look at governance of these small businesses. Recommended that a sub-code for SMEs be developed. Recommended that the existing code of governance be amended to include a clause that requires large and establish businesses to insist on good governance in the SMEs they deal with at any level. Recommended that the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should develop a qualification or unit standard on good governance to facilitate training on good governance. Since good governance knowledge is a key competence for every manager, especially senior management. It is recommended that institutions of higher learning should have good governance in their curriculum.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Establishing an information security culture in organizations : an outcomes based education approach
- Van Niekerk, Johannes Frederick
- Authors: Van Niekerk, Johannes Frederick
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Computer security , Management information systems -- Security measures , Competency-based education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9742 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/164 , Computer security , Management information systems -- Security measures , Competency-based education
- Description: Information security is crucial to the continuous well-being of modern orga- nizations. Humans play a signfiicant role in the processes needed to secure an organization's information resources. Without an adequate level of user co-operation and knowledge, many security techniques are liable to be misused or misinterpreted by users. This may result in an adequate security measure becoming inadequate. It is therefor necessary to educate the orga- nization's employees regarding information security and also to establish a corporate sub-culture of information security in the organization, which will ensure that the employees have the correct attitude towards their security responsibilities. Current information security education programs fails to pay su±cient attention to the behavioral sciences. There also exist a lack of knowledge regarding the principles, and processes, that would be needed for the establishment of an corporate sub-culture, specific to information security. Without both the necessary knowledge, and the desired attitude amongst the employee, it will be impossible to guarantee that the organi- zation's information resources are secure. It would therefor make sense to address both these dimensions to the human factor in information security, using a single integrated, holistic approach. This dissertation presents such an approach, which is based on an integration of sound behavioral theories.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Establishing an information security culture in organizations : an outcomes based education approach
- Authors: Van Niekerk, Johannes Frederick
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Computer security , Management information systems -- Security measures , Competency-based education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:9742 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/164 , Computer security , Management information systems -- Security measures , Competency-based education
- Description: Information security is crucial to the continuous well-being of modern orga- nizations. Humans play a signfiicant role in the processes needed to secure an organization's information resources. Without an adequate level of user co-operation and knowledge, many security techniques are liable to be misused or misinterpreted by users. This may result in an adequate security measure becoming inadequate. It is therefor necessary to educate the orga- nization's employees regarding information security and also to establish a corporate sub-culture of information security in the organization, which will ensure that the employees have the correct attitude towards their security responsibilities. Current information security education programs fails to pay su±cient attention to the behavioral sciences. There also exist a lack of knowledge regarding the principles, and processes, that would be needed for the establishment of an corporate sub-culture, specific to information security. Without both the necessary knowledge, and the desired attitude amongst the employee, it will be impossible to guarantee that the organi- zation's information resources are secure. It would therefor make sense to address both these dimensions to the human factor in information security, using a single integrated, holistic approach. This dissertation presents such an approach, which is based on an integration of sound behavioral theories.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Establishment and impact of the sap-sucking mirid, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) varieties in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Heshula, Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter
- Authors: Heshula, Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Lantana camara -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biological pest control agents -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hemiptera -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Miridae -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5832 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008085
- Description: The biological control of the weedy complex Lantana camara (L.) (Verbenaceae) has been ongoing in South Africa for over 40 years. Despite this, the weed is still not under sufficient control and continues to invade new territories in the country. The biological control programme needs to be bolstered with releases of new and potentially damaging biological control agents. A promising biological control agent endemic to Central America, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae), was imported into quarantine from Jamaica in 1994. This agent was released on sites in KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces of South Africa in 1999. Even though it initially established and damaged L. camara, populations died out at most of the release sites. As varietal difference and adverse climate have been cited as the reason for non-establishment and ineffective control in L. camara biocontrol programmes worldwide, this study attempts to investigate the role that these two factors play in this weed herbivore relationship. Laboratory no-choice trials were conducted to determine the varietal performance of F intermedia, among five Eastern Cape varieties of the weed from East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm, and a variety from the Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Pretoria. However, there were differences in performance as the adult mirids performed better on white-pink varieties from Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm. To test varietal preference in field conditions, field releases of F intermedia were also made at East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm. Post release evaluations were conducted monthly for two years (2002 and 2003). The insect established at East London and Whitney Farm, both of which have white-pink varieties. Insect populations quickly died out at the Lyndhurst Farm and Port Alfred sites, which have dark pink varieties. It is suggested that field conditions may have resulted in poor plant quality and led indirectly to varietal preference, and to non-establishment at these two sites. With the onset of cooler weather, populations disappeared at Heather Glen Farm. This suggested that F. intermedia was suitable for release in more subtropical areas within South Africa where climatic conditions would be suitable throughout the year. The mirid performed well at Whitney Farm, resulting in significant reduction in plant growth parameters such as height and percentage cover, and increasing the cover of other flora growing beneath L. camara plants. Finally, ways to improve the efficacy of this agent are considered in an effort towards better control of L. camara in South Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Heshula, Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Lantana camara -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biological pest control agents -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hemiptera -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Miridae -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5832 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008085
- Description: The biological control of the weedy complex Lantana camara (L.) (Verbenaceae) has been ongoing in South Africa for over 40 years. Despite this, the weed is still not under sufficient control and continues to invade new territories in the country. The biological control programme needs to be bolstered with releases of new and potentially damaging biological control agents. A promising biological control agent endemic to Central America, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae), was imported into quarantine from Jamaica in 1994. This agent was released on sites in KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces of South Africa in 1999. Even though it initially established and damaged L. camara, populations died out at most of the release sites. As varietal difference and adverse climate have been cited as the reason for non-establishment and ineffective control in L. camara biocontrol programmes worldwide, this study attempts to investigate the role that these two factors play in this weed herbivore relationship. Laboratory no-choice trials were conducted to determine the varietal performance of F intermedia, among five Eastern Cape varieties of the weed from East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm, and a variety from the Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Pretoria. However, there were differences in performance as the adult mirids performed better on white-pink varieties from Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm. To test varietal preference in field conditions, field releases of F intermedia were also made at East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm. Post release evaluations were conducted monthly for two years (2002 and 2003). The insect established at East London and Whitney Farm, both of which have white-pink varieties. Insect populations quickly died out at the Lyndhurst Farm and Port Alfred sites, which have dark pink varieties. It is suggested that field conditions may have resulted in poor plant quality and led indirectly to varietal preference, and to non-establishment at these two sites. With the onset of cooler weather, populations disappeared at Heather Glen Farm. This suggested that F. intermedia was suitable for release in more subtropical areas within South Africa where climatic conditions would be suitable throughout the year. The mirid performed well at Whitney Farm, resulting in significant reduction in plant growth parameters such as height and percentage cover, and increasing the cover of other flora growing beneath L. camara plants. Finally, ways to improve the efficacy of this agent are considered in an effort towards better control of L. camara in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Estimating the potential role of commercial over-harvesting in resource viability: A case study of five useful tree species in South Africa
- Shackleton, Charlie M, Guthrie, G, Main, R
- Authors: Shackleton, Charlie M , Guthrie, G , Main, R
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/181324 , vital:43719 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.652"
- Description: There is a growing commercialization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) as a means of livelihood by rural communities throughout the developing world. This often occurs in the absence of any clear understanding of or guidelines regarding sustainable yields and ecological impacts, which may undermine the success of NTFP enterprises, especially from arid regions. This paper reports on the use of size class profiles and three quantitative indices to examine population profiles of five potentially useful tree species used as NTFPs in the semiarid lowveld of South Africa. We also contrast the population densities of the five tree species in 2003 with data from 1992. Low stem densities and population profiles indicated that three of the five species would preclude the establishment of NTFP enterprises based on their products. The other two species seem to have sufficient densities for some harvesting to take place, within an adaptive management framework. However, the longitudinal data indicated that the density of both these species had significantly declined over an eleven-year period, highlighting the need for appropriate management institutions. Additionally, the proportion of mature stems cut, and the degree of cutting per stem, had increased for all five species over the eleven years. The three quantitative indices of population stability were not correlated with one another, and hence provided a useful suite of measures sensitive to different aspects of size class profiles and their interpretation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Shackleton, Charlie M , Guthrie, G , Main, R
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/181324 , vital:43719 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.652"
- Description: There is a growing commercialization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) as a means of livelihood by rural communities throughout the developing world. This often occurs in the absence of any clear understanding of or guidelines regarding sustainable yields and ecological impacts, which may undermine the success of NTFP enterprises, especially from arid regions. This paper reports on the use of size class profiles and three quantitative indices to examine population profiles of five potentially useful tree species used as NTFPs in the semiarid lowveld of South Africa. We also contrast the population densities of the five tree species in 2003 with data from 1992. Low stem densities and population profiles indicated that three of the five species would preclude the establishment of NTFP enterprises based on their products. The other two species seem to have sufficient densities for some harvesting to take place, within an adaptive management framework. However, the longitudinal data indicated that the density of both these species had significantly declined over an eleven-year period, highlighting the need for appropriate management institutions. Additionally, the proportion of mature stems cut, and the degree of cutting per stem, had increased for all five species over the eleven years. The three quantitative indices of population stability were not correlated with one another, and hence provided a useful suite of measures sensitive to different aspects of size class profiles and their interpretation.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Euphausiid population structure and grazing in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, during austral autumn
- Bernard, Anthony Thomas Firth
- Authors: Bernard, Anthony Thomas Firth
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Euphausiacea -- Antarctic Ocean , Euphausiacea -- Feeding and feeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5913 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1015960
- Description: The trophodynamics of the numerically dominant euphausiid species within a region of high mesoscale oceanographic variability in the southwest Indian sector of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) were investigated during the austral autumns April/May) of 2004 and 2005. During the 2004 survey, sub-surface (200 m) temperature profiles indicated that an intense frontal feature, formed by the convergence of the Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF) and the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) bisected the survey area into two distinct zones, the Sub- Antarctic Zone (SAZ) and the Antarctic Zone (AAZ). Total integrated chlorophyll-a (chl-a) biomass was typical for the region (< 25 mg chl-a m⁻²), and was dominated by picophytoplankton. Total euphausiid abundance and biomass ranged from 0.1 to 3.1 ind m⁻³ and 0.1 to 8.1 mg dwt m⁻³, respectively, and did not differ significantly between the stations occupied in the SAZ and AAZ (p > 0.05). The multivariate analysis identified two interacting mechanisms controlling the distribution patterns, abundance and biomass of the various euphausiid species, namely (1) diel changes in abundance and biomass, (2) and restricted distribution patterns associated with the different water masses. Ingestion rates were determined for five euphausiid species. E. triacantha was found to have the highest daily ingestion rate ranging from 1 226.1 to 6 029.1 ng pigm ind⁻¹d⁻¹, while the lowest daily ingestion rates were observed in the juvenile Thysanoessa species (6.4 to 943.0 ng pigm ind⁻¹ d⁻¹). The total grazing impact of the selected euphausiids ranged from < 0.1 to 20.1 μg pigm m⁻²d⁻¹, corresponding to < 0.15 % of the areal chl-a biomass. The daily ration estimates of autotrophic carbon for the euphausiids suggested that phytoplankton represented a minor component in their diets, with only the sub-adult E. vallentini consuming sufficient phytoplankton to meet their daily carbon requirements. A cyclonic cold-core eddy spawned from the region of the APF located in the southwest Indian sector of the PFZ was the dominant feature during the 2005 survey. The total areal chl-a biomass throughout the region was low, ranging between 5.6 and 11.4 mg chl-a m⁻², and was significantly higher within the core of the eddy compared to the surrounding waters (p < 0.05). RMT-8 and WP-2 total euphausiid abundance and biomass estimates were high, and ranged from 0.004 to 0.36 ind m⁻³ and 0.065 to 1.21 mg dwt m⁻³, and from 0.01 to 18.2 ind m⁻³ and 0.01 to 15.7 mg dwt m⁻³, respectively. A distinct spatial pattern in the euphausiid community was evident with the Antarctic species, Euphausia frigida, E. triacantha and E. superba predominating within the core of the eddy, while the PFZ waters were characterized by the sub-Antarctic species, E. longirostris, Stylocheiron maximum, Nematoscelis megalops and Thysanoessa gregaria. The eddy edge acted as a transition zone where species from both regions co-occurred. Within the survey area the combined ingestion rate of the six numerically dominant euphausiid species ranged between 0.02 and 5.31 μg pigm m⁻²d¹, which corresponded to a loss of between < 0.001 and 0.11 % of the available chl-a biomass. E. triacantha and juvenile T. macura were identified as the dominant grazers. There was no apparent spatial pattern in the grazing activity of the euphausiids within the region of investigation. The average daily rations of the euphausiids examined were < 2 % of their body carbon. The low daily ration of the euphausiids could be ascribed to the predominance of small picophytoplankton in the region of investigation, which are too small to be grazed efficiently by larger zooplankton. The marked spatial patterns in species composition and the elevated abundance and biomass of euphausiids, suggest that the mesoscale eddies contribute to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the planktonic community of the PFZ and may represent important foraging regions for many of the apex predators within the region.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Bernard, Anthony Thomas Firth
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Euphausiacea -- Antarctic Ocean , Euphausiacea -- Feeding and feeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5913 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1015960
- Description: The trophodynamics of the numerically dominant euphausiid species within a region of high mesoscale oceanographic variability in the southwest Indian sector of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) were investigated during the austral autumns April/May) of 2004 and 2005. During the 2004 survey, sub-surface (200 m) temperature profiles indicated that an intense frontal feature, formed by the convergence of the Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF) and the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) bisected the survey area into two distinct zones, the Sub- Antarctic Zone (SAZ) and the Antarctic Zone (AAZ). Total integrated chlorophyll-a (chl-a) biomass was typical for the region (< 25 mg chl-a m⁻²), and was dominated by picophytoplankton. Total euphausiid abundance and biomass ranged from 0.1 to 3.1 ind m⁻³ and 0.1 to 8.1 mg dwt m⁻³, respectively, and did not differ significantly between the stations occupied in the SAZ and AAZ (p > 0.05). The multivariate analysis identified two interacting mechanisms controlling the distribution patterns, abundance and biomass of the various euphausiid species, namely (1) diel changes in abundance and biomass, (2) and restricted distribution patterns associated with the different water masses. Ingestion rates were determined for five euphausiid species. E. triacantha was found to have the highest daily ingestion rate ranging from 1 226.1 to 6 029.1 ng pigm ind⁻¹d⁻¹, while the lowest daily ingestion rates were observed in the juvenile Thysanoessa species (6.4 to 943.0 ng pigm ind⁻¹ d⁻¹). The total grazing impact of the selected euphausiids ranged from < 0.1 to 20.1 μg pigm m⁻²d⁻¹, corresponding to < 0.15 % of the areal chl-a biomass. The daily ration estimates of autotrophic carbon for the euphausiids suggested that phytoplankton represented a minor component in their diets, with only the sub-adult E. vallentini consuming sufficient phytoplankton to meet their daily carbon requirements. A cyclonic cold-core eddy spawned from the region of the APF located in the southwest Indian sector of the PFZ was the dominant feature during the 2005 survey. The total areal chl-a biomass throughout the region was low, ranging between 5.6 and 11.4 mg chl-a m⁻², and was significantly higher within the core of the eddy compared to the surrounding waters (p < 0.05). RMT-8 and WP-2 total euphausiid abundance and biomass estimates were high, and ranged from 0.004 to 0.36 ind m⁻³ and 0.065 to 1.21 mg dwt m⁻³, and from 0.01 to 18.2 ind m⁻³ and 0.01 to 15.7 mg dwt m⁻³, respectively. A distinct spatial pattern in the euphausiid community was evident with the Antarctic species, Euphausia frigida, E. triacantha and E. superba predominating within the core of the eddy, while the PFZ waters were characterized by the sub-Antarctic species, E. longirostris, Stylocheiron maximum, Nematoscelis megalops and Thysanoessa gregaria. The eddy edge acted as a transition zone where species from both regions co-occurred. Within the survey area the combined ingestion rate of the six numerically dominant euphausiid species ranged between 0.02 and 5.31 μg pigm m⁻²d¹, which corresponded to a loss of between < 0.001 and 0.11 % of the available chl-a biomass. E. triacantha and juvenile T. macura were identified as the dominant grazers. There was no apparent spatial pattern in the grazing activity of the euphausiids within the region of investigation. The average daily rations of the euphausiids examined were < 2 % of their body carbon. The low daily ration of the euphausiids could be ascribed to the predominance of small picophytoplankton in the region of investigation, which are too small to be grazed efficiently by larger zooplankton. The marked spatial patterns in species composition and the elevated abundance and biomass of euphausiids, suggest that the mesoscale eddies contribute to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the planktonic community of the PFZ and may represent important foraging regions for many of the apex predators within the region.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Evaluating parts-of-speech taggers for use in a text-to-scene conversion system
- Glass, Kevin R, Bangay, Shaun D
- Authors: Glass, Kevin R , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: Conference paper
- Identifier: vital:6603 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009323
- Description: This paper presents parts-of-speech tagging as a first step towards an autonomous text-to-scene conversion system. It categorizes some freely available taggers, according to the techniques used by each in order to automatically identify word-classes. In addition, the performance of each identified tagger is verified experimentally. The SUSANNE corpus is used for testing and reveals the complexity of working with different tagsets, resulting in substantially lower accuracies in our tests than in those reported by the developers of each tagger. The taggers are then grouped to form a voting system to attempt to raise accuracies, but in no cases do the combined results improve upon the individual accuracies. Additionally a new metric, agreement, is tentatively proposed as an indication of confidence in the output of a group of taggers where such output cannot be validated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Glass, Kevin R , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: Conference paper
- Identifier: vital:6603 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009323
- Description: This paper presents parts-of-speech tagging as a first step towards an autonomous text-to-scene conversion system. It categorizes some freely available taggers, according to the techniques used by each in order to automatically identify word-classes. In addition, the performance of each identified tagger is verified experimentally. The SUSANNE corpus is used for testing and reveals the complexity of working with different tagsets, resulting in substantially lower accuracies in our tests than in those reported by the developers of each tagger. The taggers are then grouped to form a voting system to attempt to raise accuracies, but in no cases do the combined results improve upon the individual accuracies. Additionally a new metric, agreement, is tentatively proposed as an indication of confidence in the output of a group of taggers where such output cannot be validated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Evaluating parts-of-speech taggers for use in a text-to-scene conversion system
- Glass, Kevin R, Bangay, Shaun D
- Authors: Glass, Kevin R , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/432654 , vital:72890 , https://www.cs.ru.ac.za/research/groups/vrsig/currentprojects/053texttoscene/paper01.pdf
- Description: This paper presents parts-of-speech tagging as a first step towards an autonomous text-to-scene conversion system. It categorizes some freely available taggers, according to the techniques used by each in order to automatically identify word-classes. In addition, the performance of each identified tagger is verified experimentally. The SUSANNE corpus is used for testing and reveals the complexity of working with different tagsets, resulting in substantially lower accuracies in our tests than in those reported by the developers of each tagger. The taggers are then grouped to form a voting system to attempt to raise accuracies, but in no cases do the combined results improve upon the individual accuracies. Additionally a new metric, agreement, is tentatively proposed as an indication of confidence in the output of a group of taggers where such output cannot be validated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Glass, Kevin R , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/432654 , vital:72890 , https://www.cs.ru.ac.za/research/groups/vrsig/currentprojects/053texttoscene/paper01.pdf
- Description: This paper presents parts-of-speech tagging as a first step towards an autonomous text-to-scene conversion system. It categorizes some freely available taggers, according to the techniques used by each in order to automatically identify word-classes. In addition, the performance of each identified tagger is verified experimentally. The SUSANNE corpus is used for testing and reveals the complexity of working with different tagsets, resulting in substantially lower accuracies in our tests than in those reported by the developers of each tagger. The taggers are then grouped to form a voting system to attempt to raise accuracies, but in no cases do the combined results improve upon the individual accuracies. Additionally a new metric, agreement, is tentatively proposed as an indication of confidence in the output of a group of taggers where such output cannot be validated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Exploring learners' mathematical understanding through an analysis of their solution strategies
- Authors: Penlington, Thomas Helm
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Elementary) Mathematics -- Problems, exercises, etc. Problem solving -- Study and teaching Reasoning Mathematical ability
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1934 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007642
- Description: The purpose of this study is to investigate various solution strategies employed by Grade 7 learners and their teachers when solving a given set of mathematical tasks. This study is oriented in an interpretive paradigm and is characterised by qualitative methods. The research, set in nine schools in the Eastern Cape, was carried out with nine learners and their mathematics teachers and was designed around two phases. The research tools consisted of a set of 12 tasks that were modelled after the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and a process of clinical interviews that interrogated the solution strategies that were used in solving the 12 tasks. Aspects of grounded theory were used in the analysis of the data. The study reveals that in most tasks, learners relied heavily on procedural understanding at the expense of conceptual understanding. It also emphasises that the solution strategies adopted by learners, particularly whole number operations, were consistent with those strategies used by their teachers. Both learners and teachers favoured using the traditional, standard algorithm strategies and appeared to have learned these algorithms in isolation from concepts, failing to relate them to understanding. Another important finding was that there was evidence to suggest that some learners and teachers did employ their own constructed solution strategies. They were able to make sense of the problems and to 'mathematize' effectively and reason mathematically. An interesting outcome of the study shows that participants were more proficient in solving word problems than mathematical computations. This is in contrast to existing research on word problems, where it is shown that teachers find them difficult to teach and learners find them difficult to understand. The findings of this study also highlight issues for mathematics teachers to consider when dealing with computations and word problems involving number sense and other problem solving type problems.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Penlington, Thomas Helm
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Elementary) Mathematics -- Problems, exercises, etc. Problem solving -- Study and teaching Reasoning Mathematical ability
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1934 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007642
- Description: The purpose of this study is to investigate various solution strategies employed by Grade 7 learners and their teachers when solving a given set of mathematical tasks. This study is oriented in an interpretive paradigm and is characterised by qualitative methods. The research, set in nine schools in the Eastern Cape, was carried out with nine learners and their mathematics teachers and was designed around two phases. The research tools consisted of a set of 12 tasks that were modelled after the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and a process of clinical interviews that interrogated the solution strategies that were used in solving the 12 tasks. Aspects of grounded theory were used in the analysis of the data. The study reveals that in most tasks, learners relied heavily on procedural understanding at the expense of conceptual understanding. It also emphasises that the solution strategies adopted by learners, particularly whole number operations, were consistent with those strategies used by their teachers. Both learners and teachers favoured using the traditional, standard algorithm strategies and appeared to have learned these algorithms in isolation from concepts, failing to relate them to understanding. Another important finding was that there was evidence to suggest that some learners and teachers did employ their own constructed solution strategies. They were able to make sense of the problems and to 'mathematize' effectively and reason mathematically. An interesting outcome of the study shows that participants were more proficient in solving word problems than mathematical computations. This is in contrast to existing research on word problems, where it is shown that teachers find them difficult to teach and learners find them difficult to understand. The findings of this study also highlight issues for mathematics teachers to consider when dealing with computations and word problems involving number sense and other problem solving type problems.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Exploring the developmental profile of Black HIV positive/AIDS infants and children a longitudinal study
- Authors: Sandison, Alida
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Infants -- Development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , Child development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , HIV-positive persons -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , AIDS (Disease) in children -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Griffiths Scales of Mental Development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9848 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/357 , Infants -- Development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , Child development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , HIV-positive persons -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , AIDS (Disease) in children -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Griffiths Scales of Mental Development
- Description: This study aimed at exploring the developmental profile of HIV positive/AIDS infants and children (three to 35 months) over a period of 11 months in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, utilising the Revised Extended Griffiths Scales of Mental Development (GSMD). The purpose was to generate information about the development of HIV positive/AIDS infants and children, highlighting developmental strengths and weaknesses to ultimately aid the custodians of these children with their interventions. A non-probability purposive sampling method was applied, and a longitudinal profile was generated as participants were assessed twice. Participants were all outpatients at Kwazakhele Day Clinic, Dora Nginza and Livingstone Hospitals in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, and were located for the study through their caregiver’s attendance of an HIV support groups at the Dora Nginza Hospital. Data was analysed statistically using descriptive statistics and Hotelings-T² tests. Results indicated a significant difference between first and second assessment on the General Quotient and on two of the six subscales, namely Eye-Hand Co-ordination (D) and Practical Reasoning (F). It was deduced that development declined or did not improve as participants aged.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Sandison, Alida
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Infants -- Development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , Child development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , HIV-positive persons -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , AIDS (Disease) in children -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Griffiths Scales of Mental Development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9848 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/357 , Infants -- Development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , Child development -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Longitudinal studies , HIV-positive persons -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , AIDS (Disease) in children -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Griffiths Scales of Mental Development
- Description: This study aimed at exploring the developmental profile of HIV positive/AIDS infants and children (three to 35 months) over a period of 11 months in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, utilising the Revised Extended Griffiths Scales of Mental Development (GSMD). The purpose was to generate information about the development of HIV positive/AIDS infants and children, highlighting developmental strengths and weaknesses to ultimately aid the custodians of these children with their interventions. A non-probability purposive sampling method was applied, and a longitudinal profile was generated as participants were assessed twice. Participants were all outpatients at Kwazakhele Day Clinic, Dora Nginza and Livingstone Hospitals in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, and were located for the study through their caregiver’s attendance of an HIV support groups at the Dora Nginza Hospital. Data was analysed statistically using descriptive statistics and Hotelings-T² tests. Results indicated a significant difference between first and second assessment on the General Quotient and on two of the six subscales, namely Eye-Hand Co-ordination (D) and Practical Reasoning (F). It was deduced that development declined or did not improve as participants aged.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Factors influencing employees to seek supervisory positions in manufacturing
- Authors: Ficker, Liezel
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Supervisors, Industrial , Supervision of employees
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8539 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/190 , Supervisors, Industrial , Supervision of employees
- Description: This research was undertaken at a hosiery manufacturing plant situated in Cape Town. The two research questions were: 1) What are the main factors that influenced, as well as previously discouraged, current supervisors to seek supervisory positions? and 2) What are the main factors that influence employees to want to become a supervisor, and what factors would discourage them from wanting to become a supervisor? Questionnaires were used as the measuring instrument. The results revealed that internal motivation was the most important factor that positively influenced current supervisors to seek a supervisory position. This was followed by self-perceived management ability, self-belief and confidence factors. Supervisors revealed a low social and affiliation need. Factors that discouraged current supervisors from seeking a supervisory position were limited management involvement, negative work related issues, and self-doubt factors. Most employees, who were not interested in seeking a supervisory position, indicated that there were no factors that would motivate them to want to become supervisors. Amongst the four content theories of motivation, the most relevant theory in interpreting the results was the Herzberg’s two factor theory. He stated that “employees are motivated by their own inherent need to succeed at a challenging task”. This is exactly what was also found in this research. One of the interesting findings is that Herzberg’s hygiene factors played almost no role as a motivator or demotivator for either current supervisors or employees. The significance of the findings for managers is that they should not strive to motivate employees to become supervisors, but rather select people who already have a high level of internal self-motivation. If they are simply looking for good workers, they should select a different type of employee who does not have a high need for achievement.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Ficker, Liezel
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Supervisors, Industrial , Supervision of employees
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8539 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/190 , Supervisors, Industrial , Supervision of employees
- Description: This research was undertaken at a hosiery manufacturing plant situated in Cape Town. The two research questions were: 1) What are the main factors that influenced, as well as previously discouraged, current supervisors to seek supervisory positions? and 2) What are the main factors that influence employees to want to become a supervisor, and what factors would discourage them from wanting to become a supervisor? Questionnaires were used as the measuring instrument. The results revealed that internal motivation was the most important factor that positively influenced current supervisors to seek a supervisory position. This was followed by self-perceived management ability, self-belief and confidence factors. Supervisors revealed a low social and affiliation need. Factors that discouraged current supervisors from seeking a supervisory position were limited management involvement, negative work related issues, and self-doubt factors. Most employees, who were not interested in seeking a supervisory position, indicated that there were no factors that would motivate them to want to become supervisors. Amongst the four content theories of motivation, the most relevant theory in interpreting the results was the Herzberg’s two factor theory. He stated that “employees are motivated by their own inherent need to succeed at a challenging task”. This is exactly what was also found in this research. One of the interesting findings is that Herzberg’s hygiene factors played almost no role as a motivator or demotivator for either current supervisors or employees. The significance of the findings for managers is that they should not strive to motivate employees to become supervisors, but rather select people who already have a high level of internal self-motivation. If they are simply looking for good workers, they should select a different type of employee who does not have a high need for achievement.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Feminisation a period of labour market changes in South Africa
- Authors: Lee, Deborah Ellen
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Women -- Employment -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- South Africa , Wages -- Women -- South Africa , Labor supply -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:11008 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/363 , Women -- Employment -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- South Africa , Wages -- Women -- South Africa , Labor supply -- South Africa
- Description: The post-1994 role of women in the South African economy is changing with respect to issues such as education and employment opportunities. In the past, men tended to hold the primary or ‘good’ jobs, which have the greatest stability and promotional potential, whilst women tended to hold the secondary or ‘poor’ jobs, which have lower stability and lower wages (Kelly, 1991). Women’s labour force participation has risen significantly over the years since 1994, but more in depth research is needed in order to determine where and how changes could be implemented to ensure that any past gender inequalities fall away with minimal impact on the economy as a whole. As such, certain dynamics within the labour market need to be considered. Firstly, pre-market types of discrimination, including issues such as gender discrimination during the acquisition of human capital through educational attainment should be considered. In most countries, women enter the labour market with severe disadvantage in that they have been subject to discrimination in schooling opportunities (Standing, Sender & Weeks, 1996). Secondly, the feminisation of the labour force is dealt with, as well as what factors affect the female labour force participation decision (i.e. the decision of whether to participate in the labour market or not). iv Thirdly, employment discrimination is investigated, including the concept of ‘occupational crowding’. An analysis of trends in the occupational structure of economically active women in South Africa shows the typical shift out of agriculture into industrial related jobs (Verhoef, 1996). Lastly, wage discrimination is analysed, in order to determine if women get lower rates of pay for ‘equal work’. The objectives of this study are aimed at determining whether there have been any positive changes with respect to women in any of these focal areas mentioned above. There are studies that have established gender differentials when it comes to formal education, and these place women at the disadvantaged end (Bankole & Eboiyehi, 2000). If one considers the educational measures, namely, the levels of literacy, years of education, and overall educational attainment, employed by this country to determine whether there are in fact observed differences between the education of boys and girls, the following was found: Males rate higher with respect to two of these measures, namely literacy and educational attainment, and are thus able to exhibit lower levels of poverty than females in South Africa. Men exhibit slightly higher literacy rates than women of the same age (Statistics South Africa, 2002), and men also rate higher than women when it comes to university education. With regards to primary and secondary school attainment v since 1994, the gender gap does appear to have disappeared. The ‘neoclassical model of labour-leisure choice’, as applied in this study, shows that as the wage rate increases, women have an incentive to reduce the time they allocate to the household sector and are more likely to enter the labour market. In South Africa, however, the increase in the female participation rate has merely translated into a rise in unemployment and has not been associated with an increase in the demand for female labour. This implies that South African women are being ‘pushed’ into the labour market due to economic need, rather than being ‘pulled’ into the labour market in order to earn a higher wage. Women are gradually becoming better represented at all levels across a wide range of occupations. Women, however, continue to face greater prospects of unemployment and to earn less than their male counterparts even when they do find employment. These lower female wages are partly as a result of ‘occupational crowding’, whereby women are over-represented in certain occupations resulting in excess labour supply which drives down the wage rate. It has been determined that the problem of occupational crowding is a real and immediate one and has been found to depress wages within certain female specific occupations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Lee, Deborah Ellen
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Women -- Employment -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- South Africa , Wages -- Women -- South Africa , Labor supply -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:11008 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/363 , Women -- Employment -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- South Africa , Wages -- Women -- South Africa , Labor supply -- South Africa
- Description: The post-1994 role of women in the South African economy is changing with respect to issues such as education and employment opportunities. In the past, men tended to hold the primary or ‘good’ jobs, which have the greatest stability and promotional potential, whilst women tended to hold the secondary or ‘poor’ jobs, which have lower stability and lower wages (Kelly, 1991). Women’s labour force participation has risen significantly over the years since 1994, but more in depth research is needed in order to determine where and how changes could be implemented to ensure that any past gender inequalities fall away with minimal impact on the economy as a whole. As such, certain dynamics within the labour market need to be considered. Firstly, pre-market types of discrimination, including issues such as gender discrimination during the acquisition of human capital through educational attainment should be considered. In most countries, women enter the labour market with severe disadvantage in that they have been subject to discrimination in schooling opportunities (Standing, Sender & Weeks, 1996). Secondly, the feminisation of the labour force is dealt with, as well as what factors affect the female labour force participation decision (i.e. the decision of whether to participate in the labour market or not). iv Thirdly, employment discrimination is investigated, including the concept of ‘occupational crowding’. An analysis of trends in the occupational structure of economically active women in South Africa shows the typical shift out of agriculture into industrial related jobs (Verhoef, 1996). Lastly, wage discrimination is analysed, in order to determine if women get lower rates of pay for ‘equal work’. The objectives of this study are aimed at determining whether there have been any positive changes with respect to women in any of these focal areas mentioned above. There are studies that have established gender differentials when it comes to formal education, and these place women at the disadvantaged end (Bankole & Eboiyehi, 2000). If one considers the educational measures, namely, the levels of literacy, years of education, and overall educational attainment, employed by this country to determine whether there are in fact observed differences between the education of boys and girls, the following was found: Males rate higher with respect to two of these measures, namely literacy and educational attainment, and are thus able to exhibit lower levels of poverty than females in South Africa. Men exhibit slightly higher literacy rates than women of the same age (Statistics South Africa, 2002), and men also rate higher than women when it comes to university education. With regards to primary and secondary school attainment v since 1994, the gender gap does appear to have disappeared. The ‘neoclassical model of labour-leisure choice’, as applied in this study, shows that as the wage rate increases, women have an incentive to reduce the time they allocate to the household sector and are more likely to enter the labour market. In South Africa, however, the increase in the female participation rate has merely translated into a rise in unemployment and has not been associated with an increase in the demand for female labour. This implies that South African women are being ‘pushed’ into the labour market due to economic need, rather than being ‘pulled’ into the labour market in order to earn a higher wage. Women are gradually becoming better represented at all levels across a wide range of occupations. Women, however, continue to face greater prospects of unemployment and to earn less than their male counterparts even when they do find employment. These lower female wages are partly as a result of ‘occupational crowding’, whereby women are over-represented in certain occupations resulting in excess labour supply which drives down the wage rate. It has been determined that the problem of occupational crowding is a real and immediate one and has been found to depress wages within certain female specific occupations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Field and laboratory measurements of polarization mode dispersion in optical fibres
- Authors: Viljoen, Lawrence
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Optical fibers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:10513 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/375 , Optical fibers
- Description: In this dissertation, the PMD measurements of field and laboratory optical fibre will be discussed. In the laboratory, temperature cycling of different configurations of fibre were tested. It is shown that the environmental temperature plays a significant role in determining the behaviour of PMD. The PMD of all fibres tested showed changes in the PMD when the environmental temperature was changing, but remained constant for constant temperatures. This is explained by the structure and thermal coefficients of the materials used to make up the fibres. It is found that the temperature gradient has a large effect on the magnitude of the PMD fluctuations. Field measurements were conducted on buried and aerial cable. It is shown that the PMD of aerial cables shows a higher degree of scatter than the PMD of buried cables. The scatter seen in the PMD can be attributed to changing environmental temperature as well as movement of the cable. The PMD of the deployed fibre is in all cases found to be considerably higher than the PMD of laboratory fibre. Age of the fibre, deployment conditions and installation procedures are believed to be responsible for the higher value. Long term monitoring of the PMD is also found to be critical when testing fibres. Over- or underestimations of the average PMD are often made in the field due to only a limited number of readings being taken. Having a large test ensemble of input states of polarization is shown to increase the accuracy of the results. For aerial cables, movement of the cable has the same effect as scrambling the input SOP and hence the results will be more accurate. Buried cables on the other hand show little movement and hence only one input SOP is often tested. Scrambling the input SOP will therefore increase the accuracy of these results.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Viljoen, Lawrence
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Optical fibers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:10513 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/375 , Optical fibers
- Description: In this dissertation, the PMD measurements of field and laboratory optical fibre will be discussed. In the laboratory, temperature cycling of different configurations of fibre were tested. It is shown that the environmental temperature plays a significant role in determining the behaviour of PMD. The PMD of all fibres tested showed changes in the PMD when the environmental temperature was changing, but remained constant for constant temperatures. This is explained by the structure and thermal coefficients of the materials used to make up the fibres. It is found that the temperature gradient has a large effect on the magnitude of the PMD fluctuations. Field measurements were conducted on buried and aerial cable. It is shown that the PMD of aerial cables shows a higher degree of scatter than the PMD of buried cables. The scatter seen in the PMD can be attributed to changing environmental temperature as well as movement of the cable. The PMD of the deployed fibre is in all cases found to be considerably higher than the PMD of laboratory fibre. Age of the fibre, deployment conditions and installation procedures are believed to be responsible for the higher value. Long term monitoring of the PMD is also found to be critical when testing fibres. Over- or underestimations of the average PMD are often made in the field due to only a limited number of readings being taken. Having a large test ensemble of input states of polarization is shown to increase the accuracy of the results. For aerial cables, movement of the cable has the same effect as scrambling the input SOP and hence the results will be more accurate. Buried cables on the other hand show little movement and hence only one input SOP is often tested. Scrambling the input SOP will therefore increase the accuracy of these results.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Financial development and economic growth in Southern Africa
- Authors: Aziakpono, Meshach J
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/469812 , vital:77297
- Description: In the last two decades the link between financial intermediation (FI) and economic growth has generated a great deal of interest among academics, policy makers and economists around the world. Several studies have addressed the potential links between financial development and economic growth (see Levine 1997 for a detailed review). However, despite the rapidly growing literature, the debate concerning the role played by the development of financial intermediaries in economic growth is far from settled. Moreover, much of the empirical evidence on the links between financial development and economic growth comes from a period when cross-border capital movements were very limited and as such were ignored in most analyses. The increasing international interest in economic integration and monetary union has spawned new regional initiatives in every continent. As a result global financial markets are becoming increasingly open and integrated, and international capital mobility has increased. For instance, private capital flows to emerging market economies have grown from close to nothing in the 1970s, to $170 billion in the 1980s, and to $1.3 trillion by the late 1990s (Guiso et al., 2002: 2). The question is: how will this development affect the effectiveness.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Aziakpono, Meshach J
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/469812 , vital:77297
- Description: In the last two decades the link between financial intermediation (FI) and economic growth has generated a great deal of interest among academics, policy makers and economists around the world. Several studies have addressed the potential links between financial development and economic growth (see Levine 1997 for a detailed review). However, despite the rapidly growing literature, the debate concerning the role played by the development of financial intermediaries in economic growth is far from settled. Moreover, much of the empirical evidence on the links between financial development and economic growth comes from a period when cross-border capital movements were very limited and as such were ignored in most analyses. The increasing international interest in economic integration and monetary union has spawned new regional initiatives in every continent. As a result global financial markets are becoming increasingly open and integrated, and international capital mobility has increased. For instance, private capital flows to emerging market economies have grown from close to nothing in the 1970s, to $170 billion in the 1980s, and to $1.3 trillion by the late 1990s (Guiso et al., 2002: 2). The question is: how will this development affect the effectiveness.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Fire behaviour in a semi-arid Baikiaea plurijuga savanna woodland on Kalahari sands in western Zimbabwe
- Gambiza, James, Campbell, Bruce M, Moe, Stein R
- Authors: Gambiza, James , Campbell, Bruce M , Moe, Stein R
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6630 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006822
- Description: Human-induced fires are a major disturbance in Baikiaea plurijuga woodland savannas that are economically important for timber production. Most fires occur during the late dry season, when they may severely damage woody plants. Prescribed burning during the early dry season is a management strategy to reduce fuel loads and thus the incidence of intense fires during the late dry season. There is, however, little information on fire behaviour characteristics of early dry season fires.We studied the relationship between experimental fuel conditions and fire behaviour by lighting 15 fires during the early dry season in a Baikiaea woodland. Fire intensity ranged from 25 to 1341 kW m[superscript (-1)], while rate of spread of fire varied between 0.01 and 0.35ms[superscript (-1)]. Fire intensity and rate of spread were positively related to flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt. The relationships suggest that fire characteristics can be retrospectively determined using a variable such as scorch height. The grass fuel load, wind speed, relative humidity and to a lesser extent fuel moisture were important predictors of rate of spread, flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt, with no impact due to the litter fuel load. The grass fuel load and wind speed had a positive effect on rate of spread, whereas relative humidity and fuel moisture had a negative effect. These findings indicate that managers can predict the likely damage to woody plants during an early dry season burn by assessing the grass fuel load and weather conditions at the time of burning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Gambiza, James , Campbell, Bruce M , Moe, Stein R
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6630 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006822
- Description: Human-induced fires are a major disturbance in Baikiaea plurijuga woodland savannas that are economically important for timber production. Most fires occur during the late dry season, when they may severely damage woody plants. Prescribed burning during the early dry season is a management strategy to reduce fuel loads and thus the incidence of intense fires during the late dry season. There is, however, little information on fire behaviour characteristics of early dry season fires.We studied the relationship between experimental fuel conditions and fire behaviour by lighting 15 fires during the early dry season in a Baikiaea woodland. Fire intensity ranged from 25 to 1341 kW m[superscript (-1)], while rate of spread of fire varied between 0.01 and 0.35ms[superscript (-1)]. Fire intensity and rate of spread were positively related to flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt. The relationships suggest that fire characteristics can be retrospectively determined using a variable such as scorch height. The grass fuel load, wind speed, relative humidity and to a lesser extent fuel moisture were important predictors of rate of spread, flame height, leaf-scorch height and proportion of the area burnt, with no impact due to the litter fuel load. The grass fuel load and wind speed had a positive effect on rate of spread, whereas relative humidity and fuel moisture had a negative effect. These findings indicate that managers can predict the likely damage to woody plants during an early dry season burn by assessing the grass fuel load and weather conditions at the time of burning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Fisheries management, fishing rights and redistribution within the commercial chokka squid fishery of South Africa
- Authors: Martin, Lindsay
- Date: 2005 , 2013-06-05
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa , Squids -- South Africa , Squid fisheries -- South Africa , Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1059 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007500 , Fishery management -- South Africa , Squids -- South Africa , Squid fisheries -- South Africa , Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The objective of this thesis is to analyse the management and redistribution policies implemented in the South African squid industry. This is done within the broader context of fisheries policies that have been implemented within the South African fishing industry as the squid industry has developed. The study therefore has an institutional basis, which reviews the development of institutional mechanisms as they have evolved to deal fisheries management problems. These mechanisms (which can either be formal or informal) consist of committees, laws and constitutions that have developed as society has progressed. Probably the most prominent of these, in terms of current fisheries policy, is the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) of 1998. The broad policy prescription of the MLRA basically advocates the sustainable utilisation of marine resources while outlining the need to restructure the fishing industry to address historical imbalances and to achieve equity. It is this broad objective that this thesis applies to the squid fishery. The primary means of achieving the above objective, within the squid industry, has been through the reallocation of permit rights. These rights also provide the primary means by which effort is managed. A disruption in the rights allocation process therefore has implications for resource management as well. Permits rights can be described as a form of use right or propertY right. These rights are structured according to their operational-level characteristics, or rules. Changing these rules can thus affect the efficiency or flexibility of a rights based system. This is important because initial reallocation of rights, by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), was based on an incomplete set of rights. This partly led to the failure of early redistribution attempts resulting in a "paper permit" market. Nevertheless, this thesis argues that redistribution attempts were based on ill-defined criteria that contributed to the failure described above. In addition to this the method through which redistribution was attempted is also questionable. This can be described as a weak redistribution strategy that did not account for all equity criteria (i.e. factors like capital ownership, employment or relative income levels). This thesis thus recommends, among other things, that an incentive based rights system be adopted and that the design of this system correctly caters of the operational-level rules mentioned above. In addition to this a strong redistribution, based on fishing capital, ownership, income and the transfer of skills, should be implemented. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Martin, Lindsay
- Date: 2005 , 2013-06-05
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa , Squids -- South Africa , Squid fisheries -- South Africa , Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1059 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007500 , Fishery management -- South Africa , Squids -- South Africa , Squid fisheries -- South Africa , Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The objective of this thesis is to analyse the management and redistribution policies implemented in the South African squid industry. This is done within the broader context of fisheries policies that have been implemented within the South African fishing industry as the squid industry has developed. The study therefore has an institutional basis, which reviews the development of institutional mechanisms as they have evolved to deal fisheries management problems. These mechanisms (which can either be formal or informal) consist of committees, laws and constitutions that have developed as society has progressed. Probably the most prominent of these, in terms of current fisheries policy, is the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) of 1998. The broad policy prescription of the MLRA basically advocates the sustainable utilisation of marine resources while outlining the need to restructure the fishing industry to address historical imbalances and to achieve equity. It is this broad objective that this thesis applies to the squid fishery. The primary means of achieving the above objective, within the squid industry, has been through the reallocation of permit rights. These rights also provide the primary means by which effort is managed. A disruption in the rights allocation process therefore has implications for resource management as well. Permits rights can be described as a form of use right or propertY right. These rights are structured according to their operational-level characteristics, or rules. Changing these rules can thus affect the efficiency or flexibility of a rights based system. This is important because initial reallocation of rights, by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), was based on an incomplete set of rights. This partly led to the failure of early redistribution attempts resulting in a "paper permit" market. Nevertheless, this thesis argues that redistribution attempts were based on ill-defined criteria that contributed to the failure described above. In addition to this the method through which redistribution was attempted is also questionable. This can be described as a weak redistribution strategy that did not account for all equity criteria (i.e. factors like capital ownership, employment or relative income levels). This thesis thus recommends, among other things, that an incentive based rights system be adopted and that the design of this system correctly caters of the operational-level rules mentioned above. In addition to this a strong redistribution, based on fishing capital, ownership, income and the transfer of skills, should be implemented. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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- Date Issued: 2005
Fishing rights, redistribution and policy : the South African commercial T.A.C. fisheries
- Authors: Mather, Diarmid John
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Fisheries -- South Africa Fish trade -- South Africa Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa Fishery policy -- South Africa Fishery management -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1061 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007531
- Description: The main objective of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the economic logic behind fisheries policy and redistribution in South African. An examination of the institutional and organizational evolution reveals that South African fisheries policy followed the world trend in the movement toward quota management systems. However, it is argued that due to the peculiarities of the Apartheid political system, South Africa developed a unique and persistent structure of individual fishing rights that resulted in a transfer of power from the fisher to monopsonistic, and subsequently vertically integrated, fish processing companies. Problems, however, arose with the need to redistribute fishing rights to previously repressed racial groups. It is proposed that, within a specific form (TAC), the structure of individual fishing rights can be decomposed into four operational rules, namely, the right of participation, asset size, tradability and duration of term. Policy design is restricted to a feasible set of rules that impact on the flexibility of the system, the incentives facing private fishing companies and fishers, the efficiency of the fisheries management plan and finally the effect it has on a redistribution strategy. Within this analytical framework, South Africa's policy yields a very flexible system favourable to monopsonistic industrial organisation. However, by adding a redistribution constraint, this structure has a number of important effects. First, as new quota holders are added the information costs for effective fisheries management increase exponentially. Second, the transaction costs to private fishing companies are increased. Third, only the resource rent is redistributed (weak redistribution). Next, the micro to small vessel fisheries, the medium vessel fisheries and the large vessel fisheries are examined separately. The major aim is to determine, within the available data, the effect that a weak redistribution policy (redistribution of the resource rent), has on strong redistribution (redistribution of fishing capital and skills). The evidence definitely supports the analytical framework and suggests that fundamentally the structure of individual fishing rights, which evolved in response to a monopsonistic industrial organisation during the apartheid era in South Africa, works against strong redistribution. Also, that different fisheries face different constraints and that these should in certain instances be treated separately.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Mather, Diarmid John
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Fisheries -- South Africa Fish trade -- South Africa Fishery law and legislation -- South Africa Fishery policy -- South Africa Fishery management -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1061 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007531
- Description: The main objective of this thesis is to provide an analysis of the economic logic behind fisheries policy and redistribution in South African. An examination of the institutional and organizational evolution reveals that South African fisheries policy followed the world trend in the movement toward quota management systems. However, it is argued that due to the peculiarities of the Apartheid political system, South Africa developed a unique and persistent structure of individual fishing rights that resulted in a transfer of power from the fisher to monopsonistic, and subsequently vertically integrated, fish processing companies. Problems, however, arose with the need to redistribute fishing rights to previously repressed racial groups. It is proposed that, within a specific form (TAC), the structure of individual fishing rights can be decomposed into four operational rules, namely, the right of participation, asset size, tradability and duration of term. Policy design is restricted to a feasible set of rules that impact on the flexibility of the system, the incentives facing private fishing companies and fishers, the efficiency of the fisheries management plan and finally the effect it has on a redistribution strategy. Within this analytical framework, South Africa's policy yields a very flexible system favourable to monopsonistic industrial organisation. However, by adding a redistribution constraint, this structure has a number of important effects. First, as new quota holders are added the information costs for effective fisheries management increase exponentially. Second, the transaction costs to private fishing companies are increased. Third, only the resource rent is redistributed (weak redistribution). Next, the micro to small vessel fisheries, the medium vessel fisheries and the large vessel fisheries are examined separately. The major aim is to determine, within the available data, the effect that a weak redistribution policy (redistribution of the resource rent), has on strong redistribution (redistribution of fishing capital and skills). The evidence definitely supports the analytical framework and suggests that fundamentally the structure of individual fishing rights, which evolved in response to a monopsonistic industrial organisation during the apartheid era in South Africa, works against strong redistribution. Also, that different fisheries face different constraints and that these should in certain instances be treated separately.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Five unpublished coins of Alexander the great and his successors in the Rhodes University collection
- Snowball, Jeanette D, Snowball, Warren D
- Authors: Snowball, Jeanette D , Snowball, Warren D
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/70359 , vital:29648 , http://dx.doi.org/10.7445/50-0-73
- Description: The article briefly discusses the economic and political significance of the Alexander III(“the Great”) type silver tetradrachm and publishes three of his coins currently held by the Rhodes University Classics Museum. Based on stylistic elements, they are classified as from the Amphipolis and Arados mints and were probably minted during his lifetime. Two further tetradrachms from the empires of Alexander’s successors, Ptolemy II and Seleucus IV, are also published.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
Five unpublished coins of Alexander the great and his successors in the Rhodes University collection
- Authors: Snowball, Jeanette D , Snowball, Warren D
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/70359 , vital:29648 , http://dx.doi.org/10.7445/50-0-73
- Description: The article briefly discusses the economic and political significance of the Alexander III(“the Great”) type silver tetradrachm and publishes three of his coins currently held by the Rhodes University Classics Museum. Based on stylistic elements, they are classified as from the Amphipolis and Arados mints and were probably minted during his lifetime. Two further tetradrachms from the empires of Alexander’s successors, Ptolemy II and Seleucus IV, are also published.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Formulation and assessment of verapamil sustained release tablets
- Khamanga, Sandile Maswazi Malungelo
- Authors: Khamanga, Sandile Maswazi Malungelo
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Verapamil , Tablets (Medicine) , Drugs -- Administration , Cardiovascular agents , Calcium -- Antagonists , Drugs -- Controlled release
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3869 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1018236
- Description: The oral route of drug administration is most extensively used due to the obvious ease of administration. Verapamil hydrochloride is a WHO listed phenylalkylarnine, L-type calcium channel antagonist that is mainly indicated for cardiovascular disorders such as angina pectoris, supraventricular tachycardia and hypertension. Due to its relatively short half-life of approximately 4.0 hours, the formulation of a sustained-release dosage form is useful to improve patient compliance and to achieve predictable and optimized therapeutic plasma concentrations. Direct compression and wet granulation were initially used as methods for tablet manufacture. The direct compression method of manufacture produced tablets that exhibited formulation and manufacturing difficulties. Mini-tablets containing veraparnil hydrochloride were then prepared by wet granulation using Surelease® E-7-19010.and Eudragit® NE 30D as the granulating agents after which the granules were incorporated with an hydrophilic matrix material, Carbopol® 974P NF. Granule and powder blends were evaluated using the angle of repose, loose and tapped bulk density, Can's compressibility index, Hausner's ratio and drug content. Granules with good flow properties and satisfactory compressibility were used for further studies. Tablets were subjected to thickness, diameter and weight variation tests, crushing strength, tensile strength, friability and content uniformity studies. Tablets that showed acceptable pharmaco-technical properties were selected for further analysis. Drug content uniformity and dissolution release rates were determined using a validated isocratic HPLC method. Initially, USP apparatus 1 and 3 dissolution apparatus were used to determine in-vitro drug release rates from the formulations over a 22-hour period. USP apparatus 3 was finally selected as it offers the advantages of mimicking, in part, the changes in the physicochemical environment experienced by products in the gastro-intestinal tract. Differences in release rates between the test formulations and a commercially available product, Isoptin® SR were observed at different pH's using USP apparatus 1. The release of veraparnil hydrochloride from matrix tablets was pH dependent and was markedly reduced at higher pH values. This may be due, in part, to the poor solubility of veraparnil hydrochloride at these pH values and also the possible interaction of verapamil hydrochloride with anionic polymers used in these formulations. Swelling and erosion behaviour of the tablets were evaluated and differences in behaviour were observed which may be attributed to the physico-chemical characteristics of the polymers used in this study. In-vitro dissolution profiles were characterized by the difference (j1) and similarity factor (j2) and also by a new similarity factor, Sct. In addition, the mechanism of drug release from these dosage forms was mainly evaluated using the Korsmeyer-Peppas model and the kinetics of drug release assessed using other models, including Zero order, First order, Higuchi, HixsonCrowell, Weibull and the Baker-Lonsdale model. Dissolution kinetics were best described by application of the Weibull model, and the Korsmeyer-Peppas model. The release exponent, n, confirmed that drug release from these dosage forms was due to the mixed effects of diffusion and swelling and therefore, anomalous release kinetics are predominant. In conclusion, two test batches were found to be comparable to the reference product Isoptin® SR with respect to their in-vitro release profiles.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Khamanga, Sandile Maswazi Malungelo
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Verapamil , Tablets (Medicine) , Drugs -- Administration , Cardiovascular agents , Calcium -- Antagonists , Drugs -- Controlled release
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3869 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1018236
- Description: The oral route of drug administration is most extensively used due to the obvious ease of administration. Verapamil hydrochloride is a WHO listed phenylalkylarnine, L-type calcium channel antagonist that is mainly indicated for cardiovascular disorders such as angina pectoris, supraventricular tachycardia and hypertension. Due to its relatively short half-life of approximately 4.0 hours, the formulation of a sustained-release dosage form is useful to improve patient compliance and to achieve predictable and optimized therapeutic plasma concentrations. Direct compression and wet granulation were initially used as methods for tablet manufacture. The direct compression method of manufacture produced tablets that exhibited formulation and manufacturing difficulties. Mini-tablets containing veraparnil hydrochloride were then prepared by wet granulation using Surelease® E-7-19010.and Eudragit® NE 30D as the granulating agents after which the granules were incorporated with an hydrophilic matrix material, Carbopol® 974P NF. Granule and powder blends were evaluated using the angle of repose, loose and tapped bulk density, Can's compressibility index, Hausner's ratio and drug content. Granules with good flow properties and satisfactory compressibility were used for further studies. Tablets were subjected to thickness, diameter and weight variation tests, crushing strength, tensile strength, friability and content uniformity studies. Tablets that showed acceptable pharmaco-technical properties were selected for further analysis. Drug content uniformity and dissolution release rates were determined using a validated isocratic HPLC method. Initially, USP apparatus 1 and 3 dissolution apparatus were used to determine in-vitro drug release rates from the formulations over a 22-hour period. USP apparatus 3 was finally selected as it offers the advantages of mimicking, in part, the changes in the physicochemical environment experienced by products in the gastro-intestinal tract. Differences in release rates between the test formulations and a commercially available product, Isoptin® SR were observed at different pH's using USP apparatus 1. The release of veraparnil hydrochloride from matrix tablets was pH dependent and was markedly reduced at higher pH values. This may be due, in part, to the poor solubility of veraparnil hydrochloride at these pH values and also the possible interaction of verapamil hydrochloride with anionic polymers used in these formulations. Swelling and erosion behaviour of the tablets were evaluated and differences in behaviour were observed which may be attributed to the physico-chemical characteristics of the polymers used in this study. In-vitro dissolution profiles were characterized by the difference (j1) and similarity factor (j2) and also by a new similarity factor, Sct. In addition, the mechanism of drug release from these dosage forms was mainly evaluated using the Korsmeyer-Peppas model and the kinetics of drug release assessed using other models, including Zero order, First order, Higuchi, HixsonCrowell, Weibull and the Baker-Lonsdale model. Dissolution kinetics were best described by application of the Weibull model, and the Korsmeyer-Peppas model. The release exponent, n, confirmed that drug release from these dosage forms was due to the mixed effects of diffusion and swelling and therefore, anomalous release kinetics are predominant. In conclusion, two test batches were found to be comparable to the reference product Isoptin® SR with respect to their in-vitro release profiles.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Fractured solidarities: labour regulation, workplace restructuring, and employment 'flexibility' in Namibia
- Authors: Klerck, Gilton
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Industrial relations -- Namibia Labor -- Namibia Labor unions -- Namibia Organizational change -- Namibia Labor laws and legislation -- Namibia Casual labor -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3343 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004898
- Description: A central concern of this thesis is the expansion, distribution and control of 'non-standard' employment in Namibia since independence. The employment relationship has assumed various historical forms under capitalism, each of which corresponds to a specific mode of regulation with distinct structural dynamics. An attempt is made to extend the regulation approach 'downwards' to account for the problem of order in the workplace and to place the employment relationship within its own regulatory framework. The point of departure in this study of the dynamics of labour regulation is the contradictory nature of labour's incorporation, allocation, control and reproduction within the labour market. The employment relationship is never only an economic exchange, but is also mediated through an institutional framework that connects the processes of production and social reproduction, and regulates conflicting interests inside and outside the workplace. This relationship, as critical realists have pointed out, is a product of the indeterminate intersection of several generative structures. The roots of these generative structures can be traced to three sets of social processes: the processes of production and the structuring of labour demand; the processes of social reproduction and the structuring of labour supply; and the forces of regulation. Non-standard employment is viewed as a particular social and spatio-temporal 'fix' for the various regulatory dilemmas generated by the standard employment relationship. This conception underscores the fact that a national system of labour regulation decisively shapes the conditions under which employers are able to casualise a part of their workforce. The differential experience across national boundaries suggests that analytical space needs to be provided for systems of labour market regulation which may either accentuate or moderate pressures for casualisation. Segmentation on the demand side of the labour market is explored through an analysis of the types of non-standard jobs created in different economic sectors. The various forms of employment 'flexibility' tend to vary in importance according to the specific manner in which a firm chooses to compete. Consequently, non-standard employees are distributed in a complex and uneven manner across industrial sectors and the occupational hierarchy, and face a diverse range of possibilities and liabilities that shape their levels and forms of participation in the labour market. By counteracting the homogenisation effects of labour law and collective bargaining, the mobilisation of cheap and disposable labour through non-standard employment contracts allows employers much greater discretion in constructing the wage-effort bargain. With non-standard employment, social and statutory regulation is weak or underdeveloped and hence managerial control is autocratic, with a significant contractual component. Although the changing social composition of the workforce associated with employment 'flexibility' poses serious challenges to the modes of organisation that have long served the labour movement, trade unions in Namibia and elsewhere have been slow to respond to the threats of casualisation. Of concern here, is the extent to which attempts to promote the security of existing union members is compatible with attempts to organise non-standard employees. This thesis shows that the unions have developed a complex amalgam of strategies in their efforts to regulate non-standard employment relationships.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Klerck, Gilton
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Industrial relations -- Namibia Labor -- Namibia Labor unions -- Namibia Organizational change -- Namibia Labor laws and legislation -- Namibia Casual labor -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3343 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004898
- Description: A central concern of this thesis is the expansion, distribution and control of 'non-standard' employment in Namibia since independence. The employment relationship has assumed various historical forms under capitalism, each of which corresponds to a specific mode of regulation with distinct structural dynamics. An attempt is made to extend the regulation approach 'downwards' to account for the problem of order in the workplace and to place the employment relationship within its own regulatory framework. The point of departure in this study of the dynamics of labour regulation is the contradictory nature of labour's incorporation, allocation, control and reproduction within the labour market. The employment relationship is never only an economic exchange, but is also mediated through an institutional framework that connects the processes of production and social reproduction, and regulates conflicting interests inside and outside the workplace. This relationship, as critical realists have pointed out, is a product of the indeterminate intersection of several generative structures. The roots of these generative structures can be traced to three sets of social processes: the processes of production and the structuring of labour demand; the processes of social reproduction and the structuring of labour supply; and the forces of regulation. Non-standard employment is viewed as a particular social and spatio-temporal 'fix' for the various regulatory dilemmas generated by the standard employment relationship. This conception underscores the fact that a national system of labour regulation decisively shapes the conditions under which employers are able to casualise a part of their workforce. The differential experience across national boundaries suggests that analytical space needs to be provided for systems of labour market regulation which may either accentuate or moderate pressures for casualisation. Segmentation on the demand side of the labour market is explored through an analysis of the types of non-standard jobs created in different economic sectors. The various forms of employment 'flexibility' tend to vary in importance according to the specific manner in which a firm chooses to compete. Consequently, non-standard employees are distributed in a complex and uneven manner across industrial sectors and the occupational hierarchy, and face a diverse range of possibilities and liabilities that shape their levels and forms of participation in the labour market. By counteracting the homogenisation effects of labour law and collective bargaining, the mobilisation of cheap and disposable labour through non-standard employment contracts allows employers much greater discretion in constructing the wage-effort bargain. With non-standard employment, social and statutory regulation is weak or underdeveloped and hence managerial control is autocratic, with a significant contractual component. Although the changing social composition of the workforce associated with employment 'flexibility' poses serious challenges to the modes of organisation that have long served the labour movement, trade unions in Namibia and elsewhere have been slow to respond to the threats of casualisation. Of concern here, is the extent to which attempts to promote the security of existing union members is compatible with attempts to organise non-standard employees. This thesis shows that the unions have developed a complex amalgam of strategies in their efforts to regulate non-standard employment relationships.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005