Community entomology: insects, science and society
- Weaver, Kim N, Hill, Jaclyn M, Martin, Grant D, Paterson, Iain D, Coetzee, Julie A, Hill, Martin P
- Authors: Weaver, Kim N , Hill, Jaclyn M , Martin, Grant D , Paterson, Iain D , Coetzee, Julie A , Hill, Martin P
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35429 ,
- Description: Educative outreach programmes have been found to be effective ways in which to raise awareness around basic scientific concepts. The Biological Control Research Group (BCRG) in the Department of Zoology and Entomology at Rhodes University, South Africa, is involved in community engaged initiatives that aim to be interactive and informative around entomology, and more specifically, the use of biological control against invasive alien plants. As a higher education institution, Rhodes University has a civic responsibility to engage with local communities and work with them around local challenges. Three groups of activities undertaken by the BCRG in partnership with local schools and other community partners are described and assessed in this paper as a way of assessing them and exploring future research areas around the aims and outcomes of these programmes.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Weaver, Kim N , Hill, Jaclyn M , Martin, Grant D , Paterson, Iain D , Coetzee, Julie A , Hill, Martin P
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35429 ,
- Description: Educative outreach programmes have been found to be effective ways in which to raise awareness around basic scientific concepts. The Biological Control Research Group (BCRG) in the Department of Zoology and Entomology at Rhodes University, South Africa, is involved in community engaged initiatives that aim to be interactive and informative around entomology, and more specifically, the use of biological control against invasive alien plants. As a higher education institution, Rhodes University has a civic responsibility to engage with local communities and work with them around local challenges. Three groups of activities undertaken by the BCRG in partnership with local schools and other community partners are described and assessed in this paper as a way of assessing them and exploring future research areas around the aims and outcomes of these programmes.
- Full Text:
Community ‘Broadband Islands’ for digital government access in rural South Africa
- Terzoli, Alfredo, Siebörger, Ingrid, Gumbo, Sibukelo
- Authors: Terzoli, Alfredo , Siebörger, Ingrid , Gumbo, Sibukelo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72758 ,
- Description: In the developing world, one of the main obstacles to the realization of the potential of digital government in rendering services to citizens is the lack of access infrastructure. In this paper we present a model for the diffusion of Internet connectivity and access to computing infrastructure in rural communities in South Africa, through the aggregation of inde-pendent small and micro networks. The model is based on multi-year experimentation in the Siyakhula Living Lab, a long term joint venture between the Telkom Centres of Excellence hosted at Rhodes Universi-ty and the University of Fort Hare in South Africa. At the core of the model is the concept of ‘Broadband Island’, a high speed LAN realized through easy-to-deploy wireless technologies connecting groups of nearby schools. Each connected school, doubling as Digital Access Nodes for the community, hosts computing infrastructure in a serv-ers/thin clients configuration. Two schools belonging to the Broadband Island are then connected to the Internet with whatever technique makes sense within that specific geographical area: VSAT, microwave link, fibre etc. Each Broadband Island can be provisioned and support-ed by a variety of independent entities (such as Municipalities, Educa-tion Districts, NGOs, local action groups etc), possibly combined in con-sortia and in some cases using a Public Private Partnership format.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Terzoli, Alfredo , Siebörger, Ingrid , Gumbo, Sibukelo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72758 ,
- Description: In the developing world, one of the main obstacles to the realization of the potential of digital government in rendering services to citizens is the lack of access infrastructure. In this paper we present a model for the diffusion of Internet connectivity and access to computing infrastructure in rural communities in South Africa, through the aggregation of inde-pendent small and micro networks. The model is based on multi-year experimentation in the Siyakhula Living Lab, a long term joint venture between the Telkom Centres of Excellence hosted at Rhodes Universi-ty and the University of Fort Hare in South Africa. At the core of the model is the concept of ‘Broadband Island’, a high speed LAN realized through easy-to-deploy wireless technologies connecting groups of nearby schools. Each connected school, doubling as Digital Access Nodes for the community, hosts computing infrastructure in a serv-ers/thin clients configuration. Two schools belonging to the Broadband Island are then connected to the Internet with whatever technique makes sense within that specific geographical area: VSAT, microwave link, fibre etc. Each Broadband Island can be provisioned and support-ed by a variety of independent entities (such as Municipalities, Educa-tion Districts, NGOs, local action groups etc), possibly combined in con-sortia and in some cases using a Public Private Partnership format.
- Full Text:
Community-based natural resource use and management of Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, Uganda, for livelihood benefits
- Gosling, Amanda, Shackleton, Charlie M, Gambiza, James
- Authors: Gosling, Amanda , Shackleton, Charlie M , Gambiza, James
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:27839 ,
- Description: publisher version , Conservation and sustainable management of wetlands requires participation of local stakeholders, including communities. The Bigodi Wetland is unusual because it is situated in a common property landscape but the local community has been running a successful community-based natural resource management programme (CBNRM) for the wetland for over a decade. Whilst external visitors to the wetland provide ecotourism revenues we sought to quantify community benefits through the use of wetland goods such as firewood, plant fibres, and the like, and costs associated with wild animals damaging farming activities. We interviewed 68 households living close to the wetland and valued their cash and non-cash incomes from farming and collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and water. The majority of households collected a wide variety of plant and fish resources and water from the wetland for household use and livestock. Overall, 53% of total household cash and non-cash income was from collected products, mostly the wetland, 28% from arable agriculture, 12% from livestock and 7% from employment and cash transfers. Female-headed households had lower incomes than male-headed ones, and with a greater reliance on NTFPs. Annual losses due to wildlife damage were estimated at 4.2% of total gross income. Most respondents felt that the wetland was important for their livelihoods, with more than 80% identifying health, education, craft materials and firewood as key benefits. Ninety-five percent felt that the wetland was in a good condition and that most residents observed the agreed CBNRM rules regarding use of the wetland. This study confirms the success of the locally run CBNRM processes underlying the significant role that the wetland plays in local livelihoods.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Gosling, Amanda , Shackleton, Charlie M , Gambiza, James
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:27839 ,
- Description: publisher version , Conservation and sustainable management of wetlands requires participation of local stakeholders, including communities. The Bigodi Wetland is unusual because it is situated in a common property landscape but the local community has been running a successful community-based natural resource management programme (CBNRM) for the wetland for over a decade. Whilst external visitors to the wetland provide ecotourism revenues we sought to quantify community benefits through the use of wetland goods such as firewood, plant fibres, and the like, and costs associated with wild animals damaging farming activities. We interviewed 68 households living close to the wetland and valued their cash and non-cash incomes from farming and collection of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and water. The majority of households collected a wide variety of plant and fish resources and water from the wetland for household use and livestock. Overall, 53% of total household cash and non-cash income was from collected products, mostly the wetland, 28% from arable agriculture, 12% from livestock and 7% from employment and cash transfers. Female-headed households had lower incomes than male-headed ones, and with a greater reliance on NTFPs. Annual losses due to wildlife damage were estimated at 4.2% of total gross income. Most respondents felt that the wetland was important for their livelihoods, with more than 80% identifying health, education, craft materials and firewood as key benefits. Ninety-five percent felt that the wetland was in a good condition and that most residents observed the agreed CBNRM rules regarding use of the wetland. This study confirms the success of the locally run CBNRM processes underlying the significant role that the wetland plays in local livelihoods.
- Full Text:
Comparative fish ecology in three periodically connected rivers in the upper Zambezi and Okavango ecoregions
- Authors: Taylor, Geraldine Claire
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Fishes Ecology Zambia Zambezi District , Floodplain ecology Zambia Zambezi District , Stable isotopes , Fishes Food Zambia Zambezi District , Fishes Mortality Zambia Zambezi District , Fish populations Zambia Zambezi District , Fishes Growth
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:28660 , DOI
- Description: The Upper Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando rivers are three periodically interlinked floodplain rivers which share the same Upper Zambezian floodplain ichthyofauna. The aim of this thesis was to compare the biology and ecology of the fish communities in these three rivers. The objective was to test the hypothesis that fish community composition and assemblage structure, fish diets, food web structure and trophic dynamics, fish growth rates and total mortality are influenced by the differing flood magnitudes of the three rivers, in support of the flood pulse concept. To understand the abiotic characteristics of each river, water temperature, flood regime, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations and water quality parameters were measured and compared between rivers. Water temperatures varied seasonally, and seven day moving averages peaked above 30 °C in January, and fell to between 16 and 19 °C in June. The Zambezi River had the largest flood (6.14 m), followed by the Kavango River (3.80 m), while the Kwando River had the smallest flood (0.65 m). Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations were low in the Kavango and Zambezi Rivers (0.2 - 0.6 mg/l), and slightly higher in the Kwando River (<1 mg/l). Conductivity, total dissolved solids and total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations decreased with the flood (dilution effect). Using biomass catch per unit effort data from experimental gillnets, fish community composition and assemblage structure was described, and differed between rivers in all hydrological seasons. In the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, fish assemblages varied with hydrological season as a result of the homogenising influence of the flood pulse, while in the Kwando River fish assemblages did not differ seasonally as flood pulses were small and often irregular. Differences in community composition were attributed to the abundance of Hydrocynus vittatus, a large bodied open water predator, in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and its relative absence in the Kwando River. Based on the results of the community composition, six focus species were chosen that were abundant and representative of the various feeding modes and life history strategies of the fish community. These were the striped robber Brycinus lateralis, sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus, blunttooth catfish Clarias ngamensis, African pike Hepsetus cuvieri, silver catfish Schilbe intermedius and purpleface largemouth Serranochromis macrocephalus. Stomach contents analysis was then used to compare the feeding ecology of the six example species between rivers. Clarias gariepinus, C. ngamensis and S. intermedius were piscivorous in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and preyed upon more invertebrates in the Kwando River, while Hepsetus cuvieri and S. macrocephalus were piscivorous in all three rivers. Differences in diets were attributed to seasonal prey abundance, with prey fishes abundant during falling and low water when the Zambezi and Kavango rivers were sampled, while invertebrates were abundant during rising and high water when the Kwando River was sampled. Prey mastication by B. lateralis made prey identification difficult. For other predators, the usefulness of stomach contents analysis for dietary descriptions was restricted by the high proportion of empty stomachs. As a result, whole ecosystem stable isotope analysis was used to gain a holistic understanding of the food web structure and fish feeding ecology of the three rivers. The Zambezi and Kavango river food webs were supported by C enriched resources such as C4 and C3 riparian vegetation from the floodplain, while the Kwando River food web was based on C depleted resources such as filamentous algae and aquatic macrophytes. The Zambezi River food web had a restricted nitrogen range, with reduced food chain length and the predators in this river did not occupy such elevated trophic positions compared to in the Kavango and Kwando river food webs. This was attributed to the overfishing of the primary and tertiary consumers in the Zambezi River, a phenomenon known to reduce food chain length. Focussing on predator communities, in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, H. vittatus isotopic niche width was large and overlapped significantly with most other predators, while in the Kwando River predator niches were more distinct. This supported previously proposed hypotheses by describing H. vittatus as a dominant predator which excludes all other fishes by predation or competition. Despite the dominance of H. vittatus, C. gariepinus occupied the position of top predator in all three rivers, and information on the habitat use, feeding habits and trophic niches of the serranochromine cichlids added understanding of their ecology. Lastly, age was determined using sectioned sagittal otoliths for C. gariepinus, C. ngamensis, S. intermedius and S. macrocephalus and using whole asteriscus otoliths for B. lateralis and H. cuvieri, and growth was modelled using the von Bertalanffy growth equation. Growth performance was high in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and lower in the Kwando River, most likely in response to the varying flood magnitudes. Total mortality rates, estimated using Hoenig’s maximum-age based equation, were high in the Zambezi River as a result of the high fishing pressure on this river. Overall floodplain fish ecology in the Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando rivers was influenced by the flood pulse, as was predicted by the flood pulse concept. Periodic and equilibrium life history strategists were found to adapt either to the pulsing environments of the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, or to the more stable environment of the Kwando River, and large bodied, long lived periodic strategists such as C. gariepinus tended to be highly plastic and able to thrive in most conditions. Data also suggested that Zambezi River food web structure and fish mortality rates have been impacted by overfishing, for which more information is needed to conserve and manage this system. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2018
- Full Text:
- Authors: Taylor, Geraldine Claire
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Fishes Ecology Zambia Zambezi District , Floodplain ecology Zambia Zambezi District , Stable isotopes , Fishes Food Zambia Zambezi District , Fishes Mortality Zambia Zambezi District , Fish populations Zambia Zambezi District , Fishes Growth
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:28660 , DOI
- Description: The Upper Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando rivers are three periodically interlinked floodplain rivers which share the same Upper Zambezian floodplain ichthyofauna. The aim of this thesis was to compare the biology and ecology of the fish communities in these three rivers. The objective was to test the hypothesis that fish community composition and assemblage structure, fish diets, food web structure and trophic dynamics, fish growth rates and total mortality are influenced by the differing flood magnitudes of the three rivers, in support of the flood pulse concept. To understand the abiotic characteristics of each river, water temperature, flood regime, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations and water quality parameters were measured and compared between rivers. Water temperatures varied seasonally, and seven day moving averages peaked above 30 °C in January, and fell to between 16 and 19 °C in June. The Zambezi River had the largest flood (6.14 m), followed by the Kavango River (3.80 m), while the Kwando River had the smallest flood (0.65 m). Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations were low in the Kavango and Zambezi Rivers (0.2 - 0.6 mg/l), and slightly higher in the Kwando River (<1 mg/l). Conductivity, total dissolved solids and total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations decreased with the flood (dilution effect). Using biomass catch per unit effort data from experimental gillnets, fish community composition and assemblage structure was described, and differed between rivers in all hydrological seasons. In the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, fish assemblages varied with hydrological season as a result of the homogenising influence of the flood pulse, while in the Kwando River fish assemblages did not differ seasonally as flood pulses were small and often irregular. Differences in community composition were attributed to the abundance of Hydrocynus vittatus, a large bodied open water predator, in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and its relative absence in the Kwando River. Based on the results of the community composition, six focus species were chosen that were abundant and representative of the various feeding modes and life history strategies of the fish community. These were the striped robber Brycinus lateralis, sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus, blunttooth catfish Clarias ngamensis, African pike Hepsetus cuvieri, silver catfish Schilbe intermedius and purpleface largemouth Serranochromis macrocephalus. Stomach contents analysis was then used to compare the feeding ecology of the six example species between rivers. Clarias gariepinus, C. ngamensis and S. intermedius were piscivorous in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and preyed upon more invertebrates in the Kwando River, while Hepsetus cuvieri and S. macrocephalus were piscivorous in all three rivers. Differences in diets were attributed to seasonal prey abundance, with prey fishes abundant during falling and low water when the Zambezi and Kavango rivers were sampled, while invertebrates were abundant during rising and high water when the Kwando River was sampled. Prey mastication by B. lateralis made prey identification difficult. For other predators, the usefulness of stomach contents analysis for dietary descriptions was restricted by the high proportion of empty stomachs. As a result, whole ecosystem stable isotope analysis was used to gain a holistic understanding of the food web structure and fish feeding ecology of the three rivers. The Zambezi and Kavango river food webs were supported by C enriched resources such as C4 and C3 riparian vegetation from the floodplain, while the Kwando River food web was based on C depleted resources such as filamentous algae and aquatic macrophytes. The Zambezi River food web had a restricted nitrogen range, with reduced food chain length and the predators in this river did not occupy such elevated trophic positions compared to in the Kavango and Kwando river food webs. This was attributed to the overfishing of the primary and tertiary consumers in the Zambezi River, a phenomenon known to reduce food chain length. Focussing on predator communities, in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, H. vittatus isotopic niche width was large and overlapped significantly with most other predators, while in the Kwando River predator niches were more distinct. This supported previously proposed hypotheses by describing H. vittatus as a dominant predator which excludes all other fishes by predation or competition. Despite the dominance of H. vittatus, C. gariepinus occupied the position of top predator in all three rivers, and information on the habitat use, feeding habits and trophic niches of the serranochromine cichlids added understanding of their ecology. Lastly, age was determined using sectioned sagittal otoliths for C. gariepinus, C. ngamensis, S. intermedius and S. macrocephalus and using whole asteriscus otoliths for B. lateralis and H. cuvieri, and growth was modelled using the von Bertalanffy growth equation. Growth performance was high in the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, and lower in the Kwando River, most likely in response to the varying flood magnitudes. Total mortality rates, estimated using Hoenig’s maximum-age based equation, were high in the Zambezi River as a result of the high fishing pressure on this river. Overall floodplain fish ecology in the Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando rivers was influenced by the flood pulse, as was predicted by the flood pulse concept. Periodic and equilibrium life history strategists were found to adapt either to the pulsing environments of the Zambezi and Kavango rivers, or to the more stable environment of the Kwando River, and large bodied, long lived periodic strategists such as C. gariepinus tended to be highly plastic and able to thrive in most conditions. Data also suggested that Zambezi River food web structure and fish mortality rates have been impacted by overfishing, for which more information is needed to conserve and manage this system. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2018
- Full Text:
Comparative localization studies of P.falciparum ADP-ribosylation factor proteins in P.falciparum parasites and hela cells using GFP tagged constructs
- Authors: Swart, Tarryn
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20519
- Description: Expected release date-December 2018
- Full Text:
- Authors: Swart, Tarryn
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20519
- Description: Expected release date-December 2018
- Full Text:
Comparative perch selection in Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris and Fiscal Flycatcher Sigelus silens at Amakhala Game Reserve, South Africa
- Daniels, Ryan J, Hulley, Patrick E, Craig, Adrian J F K
- Authors: Daniels, Ryan J , Hulley, Patrick E , Craig, Adrian J F K
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74809 ,
- Description: The Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris and the Fiscal Flycatcher Sigelus silens are common, widespread and sympatric in much of southern Africa. They are similar in plumage and ecology, which may predispose them to competition and interspecific territorial aggression but this has not been tested to date. Here we tested for evidence of competition for perch space. At Amakhala Private Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, South Africa we monitored the occurrence and perch use of both species along transects. The birds do co-occur locally but there is evidence of small-scale spatial separation possibly a result of interspecific territoriality. Perch selection differed in respect of perch type but not perch height. Both species perched prominently in the majority of observations. Southern Fiscals make greater use of Searsia and Gymnosporia trees, whereas the Fiscal Flycatcher makes near-equal use of Vachellia karroo, Searsia and Gymnosporia trees. This may be an example of niche partitioning, though it remains unclear whether the birds actively compete for perch space, or if the separation is a product of different perch preferences, territoriality and the local plant community.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Daniels, Ryan J , Hulley, Patrick E , Craig, Adrian J F K
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74809 ,
- Description: The Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris and the Fiscal Flycatcher Sigelus silens are common, widespread and sympatric in much of southern Africa. They are similar in plumage and ecology, which may predispose them to competition and interspecific territorial aggression but this has not been tested to date. Here we tested for evidence of competition for perch space. At Amakhala Private Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, South Africa we monitored the occurrence and perch use of both species along transects. The birds do co-occur locally but there is evidence of small-scale spatial separation possibly a result of interspecific territoriality. Perch selection differed in respect of perch type but not perch height. Both species perched prominently in the majority of observations. Southern Fiscals make greater use of Searsia and Gymnosporia trees, whereas the Fiscal Flycatcher makes near-equal use of Vachellia karroo, Searsia and Gymnosporia trees. This may be an example of niche partitioning, though it remains unclear whether the birds actively compete for perch space, or if the separation is a product of different perch preferences, territoriality and the local plant community.
- Full Text:
Comparing the fish assemblages and food web structures of large floodplain rivers
- Taylor, Geraldine C, Weyl, Olaf L F, Hill, Jaclyn M, Peel, Richard A, Hay, Clinton J
- Authors: Taylor, Geraldine C , Weyl, Olaf L F , Hill, Jaclyn M , Peel, Richard A , Hay, Clinton J
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29343 ,
- Description: The Upper Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando are large floodplain rivers with substantial biodiversity, providing water and ecosystem services to a large tract of southern Africa. These rivers differ in hydrological regime. The Upper Zambezi and Kavango rivers are in flood for 4 months (March, April, May, June) while, in the Kwando River, floods are later and last for 1–2 months in July and August. The Upper Zambezi River has the largest annual flood pulse, followed by the Kavango River, while the Kwando River experiences small and unreliable floods. During years of exceptional flooding of the Upper Zambezi and Kavango rivers, the rivers are interconnected at peak flows and therefore share a common ichthyofauna. This provided a natural experiment to investigate the responses of fish communities comprised of the same species to differing flood regimes by comparing the fish assemblages and food‐web structures between rivers.
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Taylor, Geraldine C , Weyl, Olaf L F , Hill, Jaclyn M , Peel, Richard A , Hay, Clinton J
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29343 ,
- Description: The Upper Zambezi, Kavango and Kwando are large floodplain rivers with substantial biodiversity, providing water and ecosystem services to a large tract of southern Africa. These rivers differ in hydrological regime. The Upper Zambezi and Kavango rivers are in flood for 4 months (March, April, May, June) while, in the Kwando River, floods are later and last for 1–2 months in July and August. The Upper Zambezi River has the largest annual flood pulse, followed by the Kavango River, while the Kwando River experiences small and unreliable floods. During years of exceptional flooding of the Upper Zambezi and Kavango rivers, the rivers are interconnected at peak flows and therefore share a common ichthyofauna. This provided a natural experiment to investigate the responses of fish communities comprised of the same species to differing flood regimes by comparing the fish assemblages and food‐web structures between rivers.
- Full Text: false
Composition and fate of triclosan in the sludge from wastewater treatment in Grahamstown, South Africa and Tiaret, Algeria
- Authors: Ncube, Mbonisi
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Sewage sludge , Sewage Purification South Africa Grahamstown , Sewage Purification Algeria Tiaret , Sewage sludge as fertilizer , Anti-infective agents
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:28697
- Description: Physicochemical properties such as pH, specific surface area (SSA), cationic exchange capacity (CEC), loss on ignition (LOI), pathogens, plant nutrients (nitrates, ammonium and phosphates), and heavy metals (manganese, copper, lead and cadmium) were determined for sewage sludge from Grahamstown and Tiaret. The values obtained were log transformed thereafter a t-test at 5 % level of significance was used to test for the difference in each parameter for both sludges. The pH of sludge was determined in 1:3 water, 16 water, 1:3 0.01 M calcium chloride and 1:3 1 M potassium chloride. The pH for Grahamstown and Tiaret sludge were in the ranges of 6.66-7.11 and 7.88-8.18 respectively. The SSA values for Grahamstown and Tiaret were 218 ± 108 and 261 ± 99.9 m2/g, and the CEC values were 119 ± 2.09 and 136 ± 6.03 mEq/100, respectively. The LOI values obtained were 1.33 ± 0.03 and 1.48 ± 0.11 % for Grahamstown and Tiaret, respectively. E. coll and heterotrophic bacteria were the pathogens determined, and were extracted from sludge using sterile saline and nutrient broth. The concentration of E. coll in Grahamstown and Tiaret sludge were 468 ± 7.63 and 7769 ± 1268 CFU/g d.w and for heterotrophic bacteria were 1.17x109 ± 7.42x108 and 1.43x109 ± 9.11 x108 CFU/g d.w. For Grahamstown sludge, the concentration of nitrates, ammonium and phosphates were 55.61 ± 55.20 mg/g d.w, 6.60 ± 2.36 mg/g d.w and 1.40 ± 0.30 mg/g d.w, respectively. For Tiaret sludge, the concentration of nitrates, ammonium and phosphates were 2.56 ± 2.90 mg/g d.w, 0.64 ± 0.45 mg/g d.w and 0.24 ± 0.19 mg/g d.w, respectively. The concentration of Mn, Cu, Pb and Cd in Grahamstown sludge were 423 ± 101, 353 ± 92, 40.2 ± 20 and 0.0 mg/kg d.w respectively, and for Tiaret sludge, the corresponding concentrations were 358± 295, 549±50, 1427± 1352 and 1.54 ± 0.61 mg/kg d.w. Sewage sludge was found to contain Triclosan, and solubility studies of the compound were conducted using sodium deoxycholate and sodium lithocholate. The apparent solubilities and rate constants indicated in brackets of TCS at 37 °C were 35.4 ± 1.21 mg/L (1.28 ± 0.36 Hr-) and 14.4 ± 0.34 mg/L (0.99 ± 0.17 Hr-) in sodium lithocholate and sodium deoxycholate, respectively. The apparent solubilities and rate constants indicated in brackets of TCS at 15 °C were 32.3 ± 0.88 mg/L (2.16 ± 0.80 Hr-) and 14.2 ± 0.39 mg/L (1.02 ± 0.17 Hr-) in sodium lithocholate and sodium deoxycholate, respectively. Triclosan was extracted from sludge using 1 g/L sodium deoxycholate and the determined concentration were 142 ± 33.5 gg/g d.w for Grahamstown sludge and 0-12 gg/g d.w for Tiaret sludge. Finally plant growth studies were conducted on radish and garden cress plants using Grahamstown sludge at 0, 20, 40, 80 and 100 % treatments. Statistical analysis (t-test and Kruskal-Wallis) at 5 % level of significance was done to compare growth parameters between control and different sludge treatments. For radish plants, the values for plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf length and dry mass were 28.4-80-7 mm, 4.3-44.7 mm, 3.3-17.0 mm, 2.3-4.0 leaves and 6.3-15.3 %, respectively. For garden cress, the values for plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf length and dry mass were 13.7-25.0 mm, 7.7-20.3 mm, 5.7-8.3 leaves, 3.0-8.3 mm and 8.8-15.0 %, respectively. Twenty percent (20 %) sludge treatment gave the best results in radish and garden cress plants with respect to plant height, root length, number of leaves and dry mass. Triclosan concentration in radish and garden cress plants was below the detection limit of 32.4 gg/g d.w. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacy, 2017
- Full Text:
- Authors: Ncube, Mbonisi
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Sewage sludge , Sewage Purification South Africa Grahamstown , Sewage Purification Algeria Tiaret , Sewage sludge as fertilizer , Anti-infective agents
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:28697
- Description: Physicochemical properties such as pH, specific surface area (SSA), cationic exchange capacity (CEC), loss on ignition (LOI), pathogens, plant nutrients (nitrates, ammonium and phosphates), and heavy metals (manganese, copper, lead and cadmium) were determined for sewage sludge from Grahamstown and Tiaret. The values obtained were log transformed thereafter a t-test at 5 % level of significance was used to test for the difference in each parameter for both sludges. The pH of sludge was determined in 1:3 water, 16 water, 1:3 0.01 M calcium chloride and 1:3 1 M potassium chloride. The pH for Grahamstown and Tiaret sludge were in the ranges of 6.66-7.11 and 7.88-8.18 respectively. The SSA values for Grahamstown and Tiaret were 218 ± 108 and 261 ± 99.9 m2/g, and the CEC values were 119 ± 2.09 and 136 ± 6.03 mEq/100, respectively. The LOI values obtained were 1.33 ± 0.03 and 1.48 ± 0.11 % for Grahamstown and Tiaret, respectively. E. coll and heterotrophic bacteria were the pathogens determined, and were extracted from sludge using sterile saline and nutrient broth. The concentration of E. coll in Grahamstown and Tiaret sludge were 468 ± 7.63 and 7769 ± 1268 CFU/g d.w and for heterotrophic bacteria were 1.17x109 ± 7.42x108 and 1.43x109 ± 9.11 x108 CFU/g d.w. For Grahamstown sludge, the concentration of nitrates, ammonium and phosphates were 55.61 ± 55.20 mg/g d.w, 6.60 ± 2.36 mg/g d.w and 1.40 ± 0.30 mg/g d.w, respectively. For Tiaret sludge, the concentration of nitrates, ammonium and phosphates were 2.56 ± 2.90 mg/g d.w, 0.64 ± 0.45 mg/g d.w and 0.24 ± 0.19 mg/g d.w, respectively. The concentration of Mn, Cu, Pb and Cd in Grahamstown sludge were 423 ± 101, 353 ± 92, 40.2 ± 20 and 0.0 mg/kg d.w respectively, and for Tiaret sludge, the corresponding concentrations were 358± 295, 549±50, 1427± 1352 and 1.54 ± 0.61 mg/kg d.w. Sewage sludge was found to contain Triclosan, and solubility studies of the compound were conducted using sodium deoxycholate and sodium lithocholate. The apparent solubilities and rate constants indicated in brackets of TCS at 37 °C were 35.4 ± 1.21 mg/L (1.28 ± 0.36 Hr-) and 14.4 ± 0.34 mg/L (0.99 ± 0.17 Hr-) in sodium lithocholate and sodium deoxycholate, respectively. The apparent solubilities and rate constants indicated in brackets of TCS at 15 °C were 32.3 ± 0.88 mg/L (2.16 ± 0.80 Hr-) and 14.2 ± 0.39 mg/L (1.02 ± 0.17 Hr-) in sodium lithocholate and sodium deoxycholate, respectively. Triclosan was extracted from sludge using 1 g/L sodium deoxycholate and the determined concentration were 142 ± 33.5 gg/g d.w for Grahamstown sludge and 0-12 gg/g d.w for Tiaret sludge. Finally plant growth studies were conducted on radish and garden cress plants using Grahamstown sludge at 0, 20, 40, 80 and 100 % treatments. Statistical analysis (t-test and Kruskal-Wallis) at 5 % level of significance was done to compare growth parameters between control and different sludge treatments. For radish plants, the values for plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf length and dry mass were 28.4-80-7 mm, 4.3-44.7 mm, 3.3-17.0 mm, 2.3-4.0 leaves and 6.3-15.3 %, respectively. For garden cress, the values for plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf length and dry mass were 13.7-25.0 mm, 7.7-20.3 mm, 5.7-8.3 leaves, 3.0-8.3 mm and 8.8-15.0 %, respectively. Twenty percent (20 %) sludge treatment gave the best results in radish and garden cress plants with respect to plant height, root length, number of leaves and dry mass. Triclosan concentration in radish and garden cress plants was below the detection limit of 32.4 gg/g d.w. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacy, 2017
- Full Text:
Composition portfolio
- Boesack, Lenrick Jonathan Angus
- Authors: Boesack, Lenrick Jonathan Angus
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Piano music , Prepared piano music , Saxophone music
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:26786
- Description: This short composition portfolio comprises 40% of the requirements for the Master of Music Degree in performance and composition at Rhodes University. In addition to the music presented here, I played two public exam recitals of 70 minutes each. While I played piano as a child, my main instrument during my BMUS studies at the University of Cape Town (2004-2007) was the saxophone. In 2010 I was diagnosed with Polymyositis(an auto-immune desease) which particularly affected my breathing and therefore my ability to play the saxophone. For this reason I opted to play my recitals on the piano. The first recital focused on interpretations of Swing Era, Bebop and post-Bebop standards such as: Someday my prince will come, What is this thing called love, In your own sweet way, Eternal Triangle, Recordame, Peace, Dolphin Dance, Caravan and Some other blues. The second recital comprised of seven original compositions that were presented in trio, quartet and quintet settings.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Boesack, Lenrick Jonathan Angus
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Piano music , Prepared piano music , Saxophone music
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:26786
- Description: This short composition portfolio comprises 40% of the requirements for the Master of Music Degree in performance and composition at Rhodes University. In addition to the music presented here, I played two public exam recitals of 70 minutes each. While I played piano as a child, my main instrument during my BMUS studies at the University of Cape Town (2004-2007) was the saxophone. In 2010 I was diagnosed with Polymyositis(an auto-immune desease) which particularly affected my breathing and therefore my ability to play the saxophone. For this reason I opted to play my recitals on the piano. The first recital focused on interpretations of Swing Era, Bebop and post-Bebop standards such as: Someday my prince will come, What is this thing called love, In your own sweet way, Eternal Triangle, Recordame, Peace, Dolphin Dance, Caravan and Some other blues. The second recital comprised of seven original compositions that were presented in trio, quartet and quintet settings.
- Full Text:
Composition portfolio
- Authors: Caplan, Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:21202
- Description: Restricted access-thesis available at the Music Library
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Caplan, Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:21202
- Description: Restricted access-thesis available at the Music Library
- Full Text: false
Comprehensive kinetic analysis of thermoluminescence peaks of α-Al2O3: C, Mg
- Kalita, Jitumani M, Chithambo, Makaiko L
- Authors: Kalita, Jitumani M , Chithambo, Makaiko L
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:34323 ,
- Description: A comprehensive kinetic analysis of the glow peaks in α-Al2O3:C,Mg is reported. A thermoluminescence glow curve measured at 1 °C/s after beta irradiation to 1 Gy shows a high intensity peak hereafter referred to as the main peak at 161 °C and six lower intensity secondary peaks at 42, 72, 193, 279, 330, 370 °C respectively. For ease of reference, the secondary peaks are labelled as I, II, IV, V, VI and VII respectively and the main peak denoted peak III. Kinetic analysis of the glow peaks has been carried out using the initial rise, whole glow peak, peak shape, variable heating rate and glow curve deconvolution methods as well as by way of phosphorescence. Using Tm-Tstop, Tm-dose and phosphorescence analyses, the order of kinetics of the peaks has been evaluated as first order. Analysis by the peak shape, whole glow peak and deconvolution methods produce the same conclusion. The activation energy of peaks I through VII are calculated as ~0.83, 0.96, 1.37, 1.20, 1.15, 1.61 and 1.94 eV respectively. The frequency factors for all the peaks are of the order of 109 to 1014 s−1. The question of thermal quenching affecting the peaks was considered. The peaks III, IV and V, the only ones that could be conveniently studied in this regard, were found to be affected by thermal quenching. The activation energy for thermal quenching was calculated for peak III as 0.96±0.03 eV, for peak VI as 0.95±0.07 eV and for peak V as 1.26±0.08 eV. The thermal quenching phenomenon has been discussed with reference to F+ and F centres. An energy band model has been developed to discuss the luminescence mechanisms in α-Al2O3:C,Mg in light of finding in this work.
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kalita, Jitumani M , Chithambo, Makaiko L
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:34323 ,
- Description: A comprehensive kinetic analysis of the glow peaks in α-Al2O3:C,Mg is reported. A thermoluminescence glow curve measured at 1 °C/s after beta irradiation to 1 Gy shows a high intensity peak hereafter referred to as the main peak at 161 °C and six lower intensity secondary peaks at 42, 72, 193, 279, 330, 370 °C respectively. For ease of reference, the secondary peaks are labelled as I, II, IV, V, VI and VII respectively and the main peak denoted peak III. Kinetic analysis of the glow peaks has been carried out using the initial rise, whole glow peak, peak shape, variable heating rate and glow curve deconvolution methods as well as by way of phosphorescence. Using Tm-Tstop, Tm-dose and phosphorescence analyses, the order of kinetics of the peaks has been evaluated as first order. Analysis by the peak shape, whole glow peak and deconvolution methods produce the same conclusion. The activation energy of peaks I through VII are calculated as ~0.83, 0.96, 1.37, 1.20, 1.15, 1.61 and 1.94 eV respectively. The frequency factors for all the peaks are of the order of 109 to 1014 s−1. The question of thermal quenching affecting the peaks was considered. The peaks III, IV and V, the only ones that could be conveniently studied in this regard, were found to be affected by thermal quenching. The activation energy for thermal quenching was calculated for peak III as 0.96±0.03 eV, for peak VI as 0.95±0.07 eV and for peak V as 1.26±0.08 eV. The thermal quenching phenomenon has been discussed with reference to F+ and F centres. An energy band model has been developed to discuss the luminescence mechanisms in α-Al2O3:C,Mg in light of finding in this work.
- Full Text: false
Conceptualising knowledge for access in the sciences: academic development from a social realist perspective
- Authors: Ellery, Karen
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: article , text
- Identifier: , vital:27671 ,
- Description: Whilst arguing from a social realist perspective that knowledge matters in academic development (AD) curricula, this paper addresses the question of what knowledge types and practices are necessary for enabling epistemological access. It presents a single, in-depth, qualitative case study in which the curriculum of a science AD course is characterised using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Analysis of the course curriculum reveals legitimation of four main categories of knowledge types along a continuum of stronger to weaker epistemic relations: disciplinary knowledge, scientific literacies knowledge, general academic practices knowledge and everyday knowledge. These categories are ‘mapped’ onto an LCT(Semantics)(how meaning relates to both context and empirical referents) topological plane to reveal a curriculum that operates in three distinct but interrelated spaces by facing towards both the field of science and the practice of academia. It is argued that this empirically derived differentiated curriculum framework offers a conceptual means for considering the notion of access to ‘powerful’ knowledge in a range of AD and mainstream contexts.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Ellery, Karen
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: article , text
- Identifier: , vital:27671 ,
- Description: Whilst arguing from a social realist perspective that knowledge matters in academic development (AD) curricula, this paper addresses the question of what knowledge types and practices are necessary for enabling epistemological access. It presents a single, in-depth, qualitative case study in which the curriculum of a science AD course is characterised using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Analysis of the course curriculum reveals legitimation of four main categories of knowledge types along a continuum of stronger to weaker epistemic relations: disciplinary knowledge, scientific literacies knowledge, general academic practices knowledge and everyday knowledge. These categories are ‘mapped’ onto an LCT(Semantics)(how meaning relates to both context and empirical referents) topological plane to reveal a curriculum that operates in three distinct but interrelated spaces by facing towards both the field of science and the practice of academia. It is argued that this empirically derived differentiated curriculum framework offers a conceptual means for considering the notion of access to ‘powerful’ knowledge in a range of AD and mainstream contexts.
- Full Text:
Contemporary Zambian art, conceptualism and the ‘global’ art world
- Authors: Mulenga, Andrew Mukuka
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MFA
- Identifier: , vital:20784
- Description: In Zambia, ‘contemporary art’ (as a category constructed by the European-dominated international art world), was introduced by the European settler community and continued within its preserve, remaining largely inaccessible to the indigenous community of Africans until Zambia’s independence in 1964. This thesis traces the integration of Africans into the contemporary art community and attributes the process, in part, to a small group of artists of European descent who played a significant role in engaging with Zambians, working side by side with them, subsequently influencing their art production and implicitly shaping the ways in which ‘Zambian’ art ‘ought to’ look for decades to come. The research traces the early days of contemporary art practice in Zambia to the Lusaka Art Society and Art Centre Foundation that was founded and run by an all-settler group of formally trained artists with a particular inclination towards sculpture and painting. In the wake of the integration however, art production in the formalist manner was further proliferated by the European diplomatic community which would also go as far as dictating artistic subject matter. This thesis argues that the Eurocentric and pre-eminently formalist approach to contemporary art has cost Zambian artists an international presence. I submit that the few instances where contemporary Zambian art practice has penetrated the ‘global art’ scene or caught the attention of international curators is due to artists adopting more radical conceptual approaches to art production, often creating tensions with local viewers. This thesis also examines conceptualism in contemporary Zambian art practice and examines the inequalities of the ‘global art’ world. I argue that conceptual art, although not generally accepted on the Zambian art scene, has played a vital role in helping Zambian artists enter the global art world, albeit modestly.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Mulenga, Andrew Mukuka
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MFA
- Identifier: , vital:20784
- Description: In Zambia, ‘contemporary art’ (as a category constructed by the European-dominated international art world), was introduced by the European settler community and continued within its preserve, remaining largely inaccessible to the indigenous community of Africans until Zambia’s independence in 1964. This thesis traces the integration of Africans into the contemporary art community and attributes the process, in part, to a small group of artists of European descent who played a significant role in engaging with Zambians, working side by side with them, subsequently influencing their art production and implicitly shaping the ways in which ‘Zambian’ art ‘ought to’ look for decades to come. The research traces the early days of contemporary art practice in Zambia to the Lusaka Art Society and Art Centre Foundation that was founded and run by an all-settler group of formally trained artists with a particular inclination towards sculpture and painting. In the wake of the integration however, art production in the formalist manner was further proliferated by the European diplomatic community which would also go as far as dictating artistic subject matter. This thesis argues that the Eurocentric and pre-eminently formalist approach to contemporary art has cost Zambian artists an international presence. I submit that the few instances where contemporary Zambian art practice has penetrated the ‘global art’ scene or caught the attention of international curators is due to artists adopting more radical conceptual approaches to art production, often creating tensions with local viewers. This thesis also examines conceptualism in contemporary Zambian art practice and examines the inequalities of the ‘global art’ world. I argue that conceptual art, although not generally accepted on the Zambian art scene, has played a vital role in helping Zambian artists enter the global art world, albeit modestly.
- Full Text:
Contributions to the study of nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds
- Authors: Barrett, Dennis Ian
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Riemannian manifolds , Curvature , Lie groups , Geometry, Riemannian , Tensor fields
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:21272 , DOI
- Description: In this thesis we consider nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds, and in particular, left- invariant nonholonomic Riemannian structures on Lie groups. These structures are closely related to mechanical systems with (positive definite) quadratic Lagrangians and nonholo- nomic constraints linear in velocities. In the first chapter, we review basic concepts of non- holonomic Riemannian geometry, including the left-invariant structures. We also examine the class of left-invariant structures with so-called Cartan-Schouten connections. The second chapter investigates the curvature of nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds and the Schouten and Wagner curvature tensors. The Schouten tensor is canonically associated to every non- holonomic Riemannian structure (in particular, we use it to define isometric invariants for structures on three-dimensional manifolds). By contrast, the Wagner tensor is not generally intrinsic, but can be used to characterise flat structures (i.e., those whose associated parallel transport is path-independent). The third chapter considers equivalence of nonholonomic Rie- mannian manifolds, particularly up to nonholonomic isometry. We also introduce the notion of a nonholonomic Riemannian submanifold, and investigate the conditions under which such a submanifold inherits its geometry from the enveloping space. The latter problem involves the concept of a geodesically invariant distribution, and we show it is also related to the curvature. In the last chapter we specialise to three-dimensional nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds. We consider the equivalence of such structures up to nonholonomic isometry and rescaling, and classify the left-invariant structures on the (three-dimensional) simply connected Lie groups. We also characterise the flat structures in three dimensions, and then classify the flat structures on the simply connected Lie groups. Lastly, we consider three typical examples of (left-invariant) nonholonomic Riemannian structures on three-dimensional Lie groups, two of which arise from problems in classical mechanics (viz., the Chaplygin problem and the Suslov problem). , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Mathematics (Pure and Applied), 2017
- Full Text:
- Authors: Barrett, Dennis Ian
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Riemannian manifolds , Curvature , Lie groups , Geometry, Riemannian , Tensor fields
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:21272 , DOI
- Description: In this thesis we consider nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds, and in particular, left- invariant nonholonomic Riemannian structures on Lie groups. These structures are closely related to mechanical systems with (positive definite) quadratic Lagrangians and nonholo- nomic constraints linear in velocities. In the first chapter, we review basic concepts of non- holonomic Riemannian geometry, including the left-invariant structures. We also examine the class of left-invariant structures with so-called Cartan-Schouten connections. The second chapter investigates the curvature of nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds and the Schouten and Wagner curvature tensors. The Schouten tensor is canonically associated to every non- holonomic Riemannian structure (in particular, we use it to define isometric invariants for structures on three-dimensional manifolds). By contrast, the Wagner tensor is not generally intrinsic, but can be used to characterise flat structures (i.e., those whose associated parallel transport is path-independent). The third chapter considers equivalence of nonholonomic Rie- mannian manifolds, particularly up to nonholonomic isometry. We also introduce the notion of a nonholonomic Riemannian submanifold, and investigate the conditions under which such a submanifold inherits its geometry from the enveloping space. The latter problem involves the concept of a geodesically invariant distribution, and we show it is also related to the curvature. In the last chapter we specialise to three-dimensional nonholonomic Riemannian manifolds. We consider the equivalence of such structures up to nonholonomic isometry and rescaling, and classify the left-invariant structures on the (three-dimensional) simply connected Lie groups. We also characterise the flat structures in three dimensions, and then classify the flat structures on the simply connected Lie groups. Lastly, we consider three typical examples of (left-invariant) nonholonomic Riemannian structures on three-dimensional Lie groups, two of which arise from problems in classical mechanics (viz., the Chaplygin problem and the Suslov problem). , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Mathematics (Pure and Applied), 2017
- Full Text:
Conversations between trip hop and jazz
- Authors: Lang, Jared Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Trip hop (Music) , Jazz
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:20752
- Description: Restricted access-thesis available at the Music Library
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Lang, Jared Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Trip hop (Music) , Jazz
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: , vital:20752
- Description: Restricted access-thesis available at the Music Library
- Full Text: false
Conversations, turn-taking, and dialogue: an analysis of the political deliberations of Zimbabwean citizens on the @263Chat Twitter handle
- Authors: Ncube, Meli Mthabisi
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:20684
- Description: The micro-blogging site Twitter, and the social networking site Facebook, are playing a key role in facilitating active political expression in the form of demonstrations against high rates of unemployment, poverty, rampant government repression and corruption. Twitter use in Zimbabwe is very vibrant and it even has its own name, ‘Zwitter.’ Zimbabwe has a closed legacy news media which are highly restricted, and most of the major news outlets are controlled by the state. Another limiting factor to any meaningful practice of deliberative democracy through the media and town hall debates is the intolerance of the ruling party ZANU-PF in dealing with dissenting voices. Thus in Zimbabwean politics, it can be argued that the internet has liberated political debates that have been suppressed and digital media is central to political and social deliberation. This study examines whether there are conversations, turn-taking, and dialogues-all features of deliberations- on the @263Chat Twitter platform which is used as a case study. Qualitative content analysis and interviewing were used to collect the data. The preliminary results of the research show that citizen-led engagements, which are facilitated by @263Chat, have brought to the fore the covert potential of social media platforms to drive political participation and deliberation.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Ncube, Meli Mthabisi
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:20684
- Description: The micro-blogging site Twitter, and the social networking site Facebook, are playing a key role in facilitating active political expression in the form of demonstrations against high rates of unemployment, poverty, rampant government repression and corruption. Twitter use in Zimbabwe is very vibrant and it even has its own name, ‘Zwitter.’ Zimbabwe has a closed legacy news media which are highly restricted, and most of the major news outlets are controlled by the state. Another limiting factor to any meaningful practice of deliberative democracy through the media and town hall debates is the intolerance of the ruling party ZANU-PF in dealing with dissenting voices. Thus in Zimbabwean politics, it can be argued that the internet has liberated political debates that have been suppressed and digital media is central to political and social deliberation. This study examines whether there are conversations, turn-taking, and dialogues-all features of deliberations- on the @263Chat Twitter platform which is used as a case study. Qualitative content analysis and interviewing were used to collect the data. The preliminary results of the research show that citizen-led engagements, which are facilitated by @263Chat, have brought to the fore the covert potential of social media platforms to drive political participation and deliberation.
- Full Text:
Cosmopolitanism and the unfollowable routines and rituals in Ishtiyaq Shukri’s The Silent Minaret:
- Authors: Dass, Minesh
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38088 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2017.1290382
- Description: This article explores how Ishtiyaq Shukri’s The Silent Minaret critiques the limited and severely uneven forms of hospitality that characterise post-9/11 Britain. It also examines how the text gestures towards the possibility of a non-violent, inclusive cosmopolitanism. The piece begins by relating recent debates surrounding the “War on Terror”, as well as Britain’s decision to leave the European Union to the novel’s major concerns. It then turns to the novel, and summarises incidents in which the principal character, Issa Shamshuddin, is traumatised and harmed by the Islamophobia and anti-immigration policies evident in the London portrayed in the text. Next, it turns to an analysis of the strange and irreproducible rituals of Issa’s neighbour, Frances. The article concludes that that these unfollowable rituals posit how a truly cosmopolitan society would function.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Dass, Minesh
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38088 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2017.1290382
- Description: This article explores how Ishtiyaq Shukri’s The Silent Minaret critiques the limited and severely uneven forms of hospitality that characterise post-9/11 Britain. It also examines how the text gestures towards the possibility of a non-violent, inclusive cosmopolitanism. The piece begins by relating recent debates surrounding the “War on Terror”, as well as Britain’s decision to leave the European Union to the novel’s major concerns. It then turns to the novel, and summarises incidents in which the principal character, Issa Shamshuddin, is traumatised and harmed by the Islamophobia and anti-immigration policies evident in the London portrayed in the text. Next, it turns to an analysis of the strange and irreproducible rituals of Issa’s neighbour, Frances. The article concludes that that these unfollowable rituals posit how a truly cosmopolitan society would function.
- Full Text:
Counting on demographic equity to transform institutional cultures at historically white South African universities?:
- Booi, Masixole, Vincent, Louise, Liccardo, Sabrina
- Authors: Booi, Masixole , Vincent, Louise , Liccardo, Sabrina
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38018 , DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2017.1289155
- Description: The post-apartheid higher education transformation project is faced with the challenge of recruiting and retaining black academics and other senior staff. But when we shift the focus from participation rates to equality–inequality within historically white universities (HWUs), then the discourse changes from demographic equity and redress to institutional culture and diversity. HWUs invoke the need to maintain their position as leading higher education institutions globally, and notions of ‘quality’ and ‘excellence’ have emerged as discursive practices, which serve to perpetuate exclusion. The question then arises as to which forms of capital comprise the Gold Standard at HWUs? Several South African universities have responded to the challenge of recruiting and retaining black academics by initiating programmes for the ‘accelerated development’ of these candidates.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Booi, Masixole , Vincent, Louise , Liccardo, Sabrina
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38018 , DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2017.1289155
- Description: The post-apartheid higher education transformation project is faced with the challenge of recruiting and retaining black academics and other senior staff. But when we shift the focus from participation rates to equality–inequality within historically white universities (HWUs), then the discourse changes from demographic equity and redress to institutional culture and diversity. HWUs invoke the need to maintain their position as leading higher education institutions globally, and notions of ‘quality’ and ‘excellence’ have emerged as discursive practices, which serve to perpetuate exclusion. The question then arises as to which forms of capital comprise the Gold Standard at HWUs? Several South African universities have responded to the challenge of recruiting and retaining black academics by initiating programmes for the ‘accelerated development’ of these candidates.
- Full Text:
Credit extension in South Africa: an analysis of the impact of interest rates and income levels on the level of household debt
- Widdop, James Stuart Hailstones
- Authors: Widdop, James Stuart Hailstones
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20750
- Description: The recent growth in the unsecured lending market and the bankruptcy of African Bank Investments Limited have brought to light concerns regarding credit extension and the level of household indebtedness in South Africa. This study seeks to investigate the relevant aspects of credit extension in both the secured and unsecured lending markets by firstly analysing contemporary literature and then conducting a more formal empirical analysis. A VAR model is estimated to examine the effects household disposable income and interest rates have on the level of household debt in South Africa for the period 1995Q1-2015Q3. The empirical results indicate that there is no significant deterministic relationship between household disposable income and household debt. However, the results show that such a relationship does exist between interest rate and household debt. Finally, impulse response functions obtained from the VAR estimation are examined which indicate that both shocks too household disposable income and interest rates effect the level of household debt, but that this effect returns to equilibrium within six periods.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Widdop, James Stuart Hailstones
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20750
- Description: The recent growth in the unsecured lending market and the bankruptcy of African Bank Investments Limited have brought to light concerns regarding credit extension and the level of household indebtedness in South Africa. This study seeks to investigate the relevant aspects of credit extension in both the secured and unsecured lending markets by firstly analysing contemporary literature and then conducting a more formal empirical analysis. A VAR model is estimated to examine the effects household disposable income and interest rates have on the level of household debt in South Africa for the period 1995Q1-2015Q3. The empirical results indicate that there is no significant deterministic relationship between household disposable income and household debt. However, the results show that such a relationship does exist between interest rate and household debt. Finally, impulse response functions obtained from the VAR estimation are examined which indicate that both shocks too household disposable income and interest rates effect the level of household debt, but that this effect returns to equilibrium within six periods.
- Full Text:
Crime and punishment Mzansi style: an exploration of the discursive production of criminality and popular justice in South Africa’s Daily Sun
- Authors: Boshoff, Priscilla A
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Daily Sun (South Africa) , Tabloid newpapers -- South Africa , Crime in mass media , Justice in mass media , Police in mass media , Newpapers -- South Africa , Newpapers -- Objectivity -- South Africa , Women -- Violence against -- South Africa -- Press coverage , Witchcraft -- South Africa -- Press coverage , Police -- South Africa -- Press coverage
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:25406
- Description: The highly popular South African tabloid the Daily Sun, established post-apartheid in 2002, is known for its sensationalist and controversial reporting of black township life. Read by over five million black working class readers, much of its reporting concerns the crimes experienced by them and their struggles for justice. The extraordinarily high rate of violent crime in township areas for which South Africa became infamous during the 1980s did not decrease as much as hoped after the political transition in 1994 and crime overshadowed the first decades of the new administration, adding to the frustrations generated by the slow pace of social and economic reform. Part of the Daily Sun’s success can be attributed to how, around these linked concerns, it fashions for its readers a particular discursive world, Sunland. It is the phatic relationship that the tabloid maintains between itself and its readers which forms the foundation upon which this textual study rests. In approaching the tabloid’s representations of crime I draw on cultural criminological understandings of crime as culture and the formative relationship in this regard between crime and the media. As a preeminent site of cultural production in contemporary society, the media contribute to the ongoing definition of what constitutes crime, who is criminal and what counts as justice. This constructivist approach is congruent with Foucault’s notions of discourse and the subject, and I argue that the various competing discourses about crime and justice which appear in the paper establish a set of subjectivities with which its readers may identity. The thesis explores the rhetorical and discursive means by which such subject positions are constructed within the ‘grid of intelligibility’ created by the Daily Sun’s reportage, and using the spatial metaphor of the ‘map’ I trace the contours of the Daily Sun’s domain with regard to crime and popular justice. To this end, the approach taken is a qualitative one which draws eclectically on a variety of interpretive methods, including semiotic, narrative and discourse analysis. Using these, I map the relations between People’s Justice, the police, gender relations and witchcraft crimes, four areas chosen from a broad thematic content analysis of the complete set of editions from 2011. I show how these are not discreet but co-constructed areas within the coverage, drawing their meaning mutually from a range of conflictual relationships derived from the conditions of post-apartheid social life.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Boshoff, Priscilla A
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Daily Sun (South Africa) , Tabloid newpapers -- South Africa , Crime in mass media , Justice in mass media , Police in mass media , Newpapers -- South Africa , Newpapers -- Objectivity -- South Africa , Women -- Violence against -- South Africa -- Press coverage , Witchcraft -- South Africa -- Press coverage , Police -- South Africa -- Press coverage
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:25406
- Description: The highly popular South African tabloid the Daily Sun, established post-apartheid in 2002, is known for its sensationalist and controversial reporting of black township life. Read by over five million black working class readers, much of its reporting concerns the crimes experienced by them and their struggles for justice. The extraordinarily high rate of violent crime in township areas for which South Africa became infamous during the 1980s did not decrease as much as hoped after the political transition in 1994 and crime overshadowed the first decades of the new administration, adding to the frustrations generated by the slow pace of social and economic reform. Part of the Daily Sun’s success can be attributed to how, around these linked concerns, it fashions for its readers a particular discursive world, Sunland. It is the phatic relationship that the tabloid maintains between itself and its readers which forms the foundation upon which this textual study rests. In approaching the tabloid’s representations of crime I draw on cultural criminological understandings of crime as culture and the formative relationship in this regard between crime and the media. As a preeminent site of cultural production in contemporary society, the media contribute to the ongoing definition of what constitutes crime, who is criminal and what counts as justice. This constructivist approach is congruent with Foucault’s notions of discourse and the subject, and I argue that the various competing discourses about crime and justice which appear in the paper establish a set of subjectivities with which its readers may identity. The thesis explores the rhetorical and discursive means by which such subject positions are constructed within the ‘grid of intelligibility’ created by the Daily Sun’s reportage, and using the spatial metaphor of the ‘map’ I trace the contours of the Daily Sun’s domain with regard to crime and popular justice. To this end, the approach taken is a qualitative one which draws eclectically on a variety of interpretive methods, including semiotic, narrative and discourse analysis. Using these, I map the relations between People’s Justice, the police, gender relations and witchcraft crimes, four areas chosen from a broad thematic content analysis of the complete set of editions from 2011. I show how these are not discreet but co-constructed areas within the coverage, drawing their meaning mutually from a range of conflictual relationships derived from the conditions of post-apartheid social life.
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