A Discussion Of Wireless Security Technologies
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Johanna , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429852 , vital:72645 , https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barry-Ir-win/publication/228864029_A_DISCUSSION_OF_WIRELESS_SECURITY_TECHNOLOGIES/links/53e9c5190cf28f342f41492b/A-DISCUSSION-OF-WIRELESS-SECURITY-TECHNOLOGIES.pdf
- Description: The 802.11 standard contains a number of problems, ranging from in-terference, co-existence issues, exposed terminal problems and regula-tions to security. Despite all of these it has become a widely deployed technology as an extension of companies’ networks to provide mobility. In this paper the focus will be on the security issues of 802.11. Several solutions for the deployment of 802.11 security exists today, ranging from WEP, WPA, VPN and 802.11 i, each providing a different level of security. These technologies contain pros and cons which need to be understood in order to implement an appropriate solution suited to a specific scenario.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Design considerations for a reliable and secure wireless network
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Johanna , Irwin, Barry V W , Zhao, X G
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/428199 , vital:72493 , https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barry-Ir-win/publication/327622818_Design_considerations_for_a_reliable_and_secure_wireless_network/links/5b9a114792851c4ba81819fe/Design-considerations-for-a-reliable-and-secure-wireless-network.pdf
- Description: Wireless Networks have become widely accepted in enterprise net-works and can no longer be considered an experimental technology. However users often experience performance problems due to poor designs. These problems can be attributed to the physical nature of wireless networks, the electromagnetic wave. As a wave propagates through the air it is susceptible to interference, reflection or refraction, to name a few, that changes the wave and ultimately the received signal. However the effect of these can be mitigated with the proper design of a wireless network. In this paper these design consideration will be in-troduced through discussion of visualization packages that aid in the design process. Furthermore we will take a look at the security consid-erations of wireless networks; as, surprisingly even with the ratification of 802.11 i for almost two years now; security is still considered one of the biggest challenges against implementing a wireless local area net-work.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Wireless Ethernet Propagation Modeling Software
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Johanna , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/428249 , vital:72497
- Description: Wireless technologies have had an enormous impact on networking in recent years. It can create new business oppurtunities and allow users to communicate and share data in a new fashion. Wireless Networks decrease installation costs, reduce the deployment time of a network and overcome physical barrier problems inherent in wiring. Unfortunately this flexibility comes at a price. The deployment, installation and setup of a WLAN is not a simple task and a number of factors need to be con-sidered. Wireless Networks are notorious for being insecure due to signal spill, ad-hoc unauthorized access points and varying encryption strengths and standards. RF (Radio Frequency) interference and physical barriers suppress a signal. In addition the channel frequencies each access point will be using in order to provide maxi-mum roaming but minimum inter access point interference need to be considered. It is a complex balancing act to take these factors into account while still maintaining coverage, performance and security requirements. In this paper the benefits and feasibility of a model will be discussed that will enable the network administrator to visualize the coverage footprint of their wireless network when the above factors are taken into consideration. The program will be able to predict the strength, prop-agation and unwanted spill of signals which could compromise the security of an organisation prior to the deployment of a WLAN. In addition the model will provide functionality to visualize a signal from audit data once the WLAN is operational. The end result will be a program that can aid in the configuration, installation and man-agement of a secure WLAN.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Wireless Security Tools
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Johanna , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429867 , vital:72647 , https://digifors.cs.up.ac.za/issa/2006/Proceedings/Research/113_Paper.pdf
- Description: Detecting and investigating intrusive Internet activity is an ever-present challenge for network administrators and security researchers. Network monitoring can generate large, unmanageable amounts of log data, which further complicates distinguishing between illegitimate and legiti-mate traffic. Considering the above issue, this article has two aims. First, it describes an investigative methodology for network monitoring and traffic review; and second, it discusses results from applying this method. The method entails a combination of network telescope traffic capture and visualisation. Observing traffic from the perspective of a dedicated sensor network reduces the volume of data and alleviates the concern of confusing malicious traffic with legitimate traffic. Com-plimenting this, visual analysis facilitates the rapid review and correla-tion of events, thereby utilizing human intelligence in the identification of scanning patterns. To demonstrate the proposed method, several months of network telescope traffic is captured and analysed with a tai-lor made 3D scatter-plot visualisation. As the results show, the visuali-sation saliently conveys anomalous patterns, and further analysis re-veals that these patterns are indicative of covert network probing activi-ty. By incorporating visual analysis with traditional approaches, such as textual log review and the use of an intrusion detection system, this re-search contributes improved insight into network scanning incidents.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Wireless Network Visualization Using Radio Propagation Modelling
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Johanna , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/428859 , vital:72541 , https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/81589186/Papers_5CJanse_van_Rensburg_Wireless_Radio_Prop-libre.pdf?1646243170=esponse-content-disposi-tion=inline%3B+filename%3DWireless_Network_Visualization_Using_Rad.pdfExpires=1714748958Signature=OF69CzUsXIaE9WuVUQ~p01LV8Fdm4EOpX1eudE3qomWEWQ9jngy36AuZ38dZEAfIhWWFgO7byMtmx8hOUE3uYjjqLLGziqWV05r~K2n~DdSHAO1x2omrK53ew3lSW2AJ677zsqOIcRb-yVr7kE2PbAw1QolptUWQVI2YpAHEKdg5EQXm2iAW~FrQ7ljJxuwZTKaVLoubxj4HRLwJxTPIS9iN9nHn3sNKyIojfG6duWnCQ0dpkIKiKWTY6HVioBQCiN1vSdLUagXnTeRthoOFGyfo2kd3XG1Pi3tttIwFviPCh5H1297BCpMruY-h6XjSnPBGgAG33dOnkClBFnyAKg__Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
- Description: Wireless technologies have had an enormous impact on networking in re-cent years. It can create new business oppurtunities and allow users to communicate and share data in a new fashion. Wireless Networks de-crease installation costs, reduce the deployment time of a network and overcome physical barrier problems inherent in wiring. Unfortunately this flexibility comes at a price. The deployment, installation and setup of a WLAN is not a simple task and a number of factors need to be considered. Wireless Networks are notorious for being insecure due to signal spill, ad-hoc unauthorized access points and varying encryption strengths and standards. RF (Radio Frequency) interference and physical barriers sup-press a signal. In addition the channel frequencies each access point will be using in order to provide maximum roaming but minimum inter access point interference need to be considered. It is a complex balancing act to take these factors into account while still maintaining coverage, perfor-mance and security requirements. In this paper the benefits and feasibility of a model will be discussed that will enable the network administrator to visualize the coverage footprint of their wireless network when the above factors are taken into consideration. The program will be able to predict the strength, propagation and unwanted spill of signals which could compro-mise the security of an organisation prior to the deployment of a WLAN. In addition the model will provide functionality to visualize a signal from audit data once the WLAN is operational. The end result will be a program that can aid in the configuration, installation and management of a secure WLAN.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005