Recruiters Guidelines
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33186
- Description: The purpose of this booklet is to touch in number of areas, which are important at this point for the recruitment campaign of the federation. It is not meant even by implication to provide details of how to handle the campaign what it does is to highlight issues and areas that we must think in the preparation for this campaign. More importantly is the fact that COSATU remains the biggest federation in South Africa and fastest growing international. Beside a loss of membership from + 2 million to + 1.8 million members. The decrease in membership is mostly because of retrenchments. The well known fact is that only about 40% of the workforce that is unionized. The aim of the recruitment drive is to access this 60% that is not unionized. The mistake must not be committed to think that the 40%, which is unionized, belong to COSATU. There are two other federations plus number of non-affiliated unions. Our commitment to One Country One Federation does not stop us to recruit from other unions as long as we remain under different bodies. This October campaign coincides with Red October campaign of the SACP and Health and Safety month of the federation this must be seen as strength than lack of co-ordination. One area that is link to recruitment is the servicing of membership. It is useless to recruit and fail to service membership because every campaign that we will take around recruitment we may find ourselves had to fight with disgruntled members and obviously it will be difficult to attract new members. This must say to us that members come first.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33186
- Description: The purpose of this booklet is to touch in number of areas, which are important at this point for the recruitment campaign of the federation. It is not meant even by implication to provide details of how to handle the campaign what it does is to highlight issues and areas that we must think in the preparation for this campaign. More importantly is the fact that COSATU remains the biggest federation in South Africa and fastest growing international. Beside a loss of membership from + 2 million to + 1.8 million members. The decrease in membership is mostly because of retrenchments. The well known fact is that only about 40% of the workforce that is unionized. The aim of the recruitment drive is to access this 60% that is not unionized. The mistake must not be committed to think that the 40%, which is unionized, belong to COSATU. There are two other federations plus number of non-affiliated unions. Our commitment to One Country One Federation does not stop us to recruit from other unions as long as we remain under different bodies. This October campaign coincides with Red October campaign of the SACP and Health and Safety month of the federation this must be seen as strength than lack of co-ordination. One area that is link to recruitment is the servicing of membership. It is useless to recruit and fail to service membership because every campaign that we will take around recruitment we may find ourselves had to fight with disgruntled members and obviously it will be difficult to attract new members. This must say to us that members come first.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
Women in the Labour Movement - Confronting the new millenium
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: June 1999
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:34125
- Description: The year 1999 is the year of assessing performance and delivery. In the political arena we are reflecting on the accomplishments and shortcomings of our young democracy as we prepare our nation for South Africa's second democratic elections on the 2nd of June 1999. At this time, it is important that we also evaluate the progress we as a united labour movement made subsequent to April 1994, since the involvement of COSATU in our struggle for democracy was and still remains crucial. For women the 2nd of June 1999 presents itself as a challenge, especially women within COSATU. The challenge lies in the need to ensure that women are more represented in all structures of the federation, affiliates, down to local structures. Women make up the majority of citizens in South Africa and have been and remain under represented within the trade union movement. This has been the case since the launch of COSATU in 1985.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: June 1999
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: June 1999
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:34125
- Description: The year 1999 is the year of assessing performance and delivery. In the political arena we are reflecting on the accomplishments and shortcomings of our young democracy as we prepare our nation for South Africa's second democratic elections on the 2nd of June 1999. At this time, it is important that we also evaluate the progress we as a united labour movement made subsequent to April 1994, since the involvement of COSATU in our struggle for democracy was and still remains crucial. For women the 2nd of June 1999 presents itself as a challenge, especially women within COSATU. The challenge lies in the need to ensure that women are more represented in all structures of the federation, affiliates, down to local structures. Women make up the majority of citizens in South Africa and have been and remain under represented within the trade union movement. This has been the case since the launch of COSATU in 1985.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: June 1999
Building COSATU in the mid 1990's Back to Basics Campaign
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: May 1994
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33192
- Description: Elections arc now behind. For the first time In our history ire hove a government elected by the majority of the people. There Is no doubt the ANC led government will he sympathetic to labour in particular COSATU. The time Is has arrive to build COS A TU. The challenge facing the leadership of COSATU is how do ire maintain the high moral ground we have occupied since COSATU was formed in 1985. How do ire continue lo be a .strong organisation and how to ire improve on the strengths ire have. The role of COSATU after elections is dealt with In the discussion paper "Towards the long term strategy". With apartheid behind us and with the programme in place dealing with what ire are going lo replace apartheid with, the focus of all Is what COSATU's role going to be. The main function of COSATU will remain coordination of work of its affiliates. The main work of affiliates will be collective bargaining, living wage campaign and meeting basic needs of our people.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: May 1994
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: May 1994
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33192
- Description: Elections arc now behind. For the first time In our history ire hove a government elected by the majority of the people. There Is no doubt the ANC led government will he sympathetic to labour in particular COSATU. The time Is has arrive to build COS A TU. The challenge facing the leadership of COSATU is how do ire maintain the high moral ground we have occupied since COSATU was formed in 1985. How do ire continue lo be a .strong organisation and how to ire improve on the strengths ire have. The role of COSATU after elections is dealt with In the discussion paper "Towards the long term strategy". With apartheid behind us and with the programme in place dealing with what ire are going lo replace apartheid with, the focus of all Is what COSATU's role going to be. The main function of COSATU will remain coordination of work of its affiliates. The main work of affiliates will be collective bargaining, living wage campaign and meeting basic needs of our people.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: May 1994
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