Agricultural-based commodity chains and development: the case of the tobacco sector in Zimbabwe
- Authors: Thring, Stephen Richard
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: , vital:20814
- Description: This thesis examines the nature of governance in the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain and what upgrading implications this has for participants at the lower end of the value chain, with a particular focus on smallholder tobacco growers. The nature of governance and upgrading opportunities will provide further implications for broader economic development in Zimbabwe. Value chain analysis was the over-arching method, adopting a mixed methods approach of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Data attained from the Tobacco and Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) was used to construct a Zimbabwean tobacco profile. This information was used to construct a simple Global Value Chain (GVC) framework in order to obtain an understanding of the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain. Information was gathered at the top end of the value chain via documents and data from British American Tobacco (BAT) and information was gathered at the middle and lower end of the value chain through interviews. It was found that the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain is characterised by two types of governance: modular and hierarchy. Modular governance existed where the value chain was disjointed by the leaf merchant and hierarchy governance existed where cigarette manufacturers have vertically integrated themselves backwards into the tobacco growing segment. It was found that contract lines offer smallholder tobacco growers’ financial and technical support that would otherwise be difficult to attain. This increased the likelihood for smallholder tobacco growers to produce a high quality crop that met Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and other compliancy requirements; therefore achieving product and process upgrading. However, the environmental impact of tobacco growing through deforestation and the possibility of lead cigarette manufacturers relocating their operations to a different geographical location (as is the nature of GVCs) threatens the sustainability of Zimbabwe’s tobacco industry. Despite these issues it was argued that the tobacco value chain could assist Zimbabwe’s economy in diversifying away from simple tobacco production towards valueadding tobacco sectors, such as processing, by-product processing and cigarette manufacturing.
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- Authors: Thring, Stephen Richard
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: , vital:20814
- Description: This thesis examines the nature of governance in the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain and what upgrading implications this has for participants at the lower end of the value chain, with a particular focus on smallholder tobacco growers. The nature of governance and upgrading opportunities will provide further implications for broader economic development in Zimbabwe. Value chain analysis was the over-arching method, adopting a mixed methods approach of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Data attained from the Tobacco and Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) was used to construct a Zimbabwean tobacco profile. This information was used to construct a simple Global Value Chain (GVC) framework in order to obtain an understanding of the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain. Information was gathered at the top end of the value chain via documents and data from British American Tobacco (BAT) and information was gathered at the middle and lower end of the value chain through interviews. It was found that the Zimbabwean tobacco value chain is characterised by two types of governance: modular and hierarchy. Modular governance existed where the value chain was disjointed by the leaf merchant and hierarchy governance existed where cigarette manufacturers have vertically integrated themselves backwards into the tobacco growing segment. It was found that contract lines offer smallholder tobacco growers’ financial and technical support that would otherwise be difficult to attain. This increased the likelihood for smallholder tobacco growers to produce a high quality crop that met Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and other compliancy requirements; therefore achieving product and process upgrading. However, the environmental impact of tobacco growing through deforestation and the possibility of lead cigarette manufacturers relocating their operations to a different geographical location (as is the nature of GVCs) threatens the sustainability of Zimbabwe’s tobacco industry. Despite these issues it was argued that the tobacco value chain could assist Zimbabwe’s economy in diversifying away from simple tobacco production towards valueadding tobacco sectors, such as processing, by-product processing and cigarette manufacturing.
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Exploring the influence of a multiliteracies approach on Grade 11 Physical Sciences learners' sense making and dispositions towards graphs of motion
- Authors: Mwiiyale, Laina Natangwe
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:22264
- Description: Namibian students perform poorly in Physical Sciences and the Physics component in particular (DNEA, 2013). The Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Examiner's report (DNEA, 2014) also reveals that many Physical Science learners have difficulties demonstrating an understanding of basic physics required for working with kinematic graphs (graphical representation of motion). Kinematics is an important tool in understanding the motion of objects - whether translational, oscillatory or circular. In kinematics, the relationships between distance, displacement, speed, velocity or acceleration and time are represented in graphs of motion. In teaching the topic, using graphs can be an alternative to the use of abstract formulas, or formulas can be used along with graphical representations to facilitate student understanding (Behzak, 2006). This study explored the influence of the multiliteracies approach on grade 11 Physical Science learners' dispositions and sense making towards graphs of motion. The intervention being investigated is informed by the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies (PoM) framework by Cazden et al., (1996) with the focus on overt instruction, situated practice, critical framing and transformed practice using semiotic patterns of meaning, in conjunction with Vygotsky's (1978) social constructivism theory - particularly, its notion of mediation. This action research study employed the interpretive paradigm. Data were collected using a pre-test, stimulated recall interviews, lesson observations, a post-test and learners' reflections. Data were coded and the codes then categorized into different themes in order to answer the research questions. The findings of this study were that learners are better able to make sense of graphs of motions when a PoM approach is employed. Their dispositions towards graphs of motion also improved as a result of the PoM intervention, due to it enabling a better understanding of kinematics concepts. This study also contributed to the professional development of the researcher, particularly in terms of it contributing to a broader understanding of the research and possible usefulness of semiotic mediation in science education. Implications of the study include the possibility of including the PoM approach in science teacher education and training programme curricula.
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- Authors: Mwiiyale, Laina Natangwe
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:22264
- Description: Namibian students perform poorly in Physical Sciences and the Physics component in particular (DNEA, 2013). The Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Examiner's report (DNEA, 2014) also reveals that many Physical Science learners have difficulties demonstrating an understanding of basic physics required for working with kinematic graphs (graphical representation of motion). Kinematics is an important tool in understanding the motion of objects - whether translational, oscillatory or circular. In kinematics, the relationships between distance, displacement, speed, velocity or acceleration and time are represented in graphs of motion. In teaching the topic, using graphs can be an alternative to the use of abstract formulas, or formulas can be used along with graphical representations to facilitate student understanding (Behzak, 2006). This study explored the influence of the multiliteracies approach on grade 11 Physical Science learners' dispositions and sense making towards graphs of motion. The intervention being investigated is informed by the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies (PoM) framework by Cazden et al., (1996) with the focus on overt instruction, situated practice, critical framing and transformed practice using semiotic patterns of meaning, in conjunction with Vygotsky's (1978) social constructivism theory - particularly, its notion of mediation. This action research study employed the interpretive paradigm. Data were collected using a pre-test, stimulated recall interviews, lesson observations, a post-test and learners' reflections. Data were coded and the codes then categorized into different themes in order to answer the research questions. The findings of this study were that learners are better able to make sense of graphs of motions when a PoM approach is employed. Their dispositions towards graphs of motion also improved as a result of the PoM intervention, due to it enabling a better understanding of kinematics concepts. This study also contributed to the professional development of the researcher, particularly in terms of it contributing to a broader understanding of the research and possible usefulness of semiotic mediation in science education. Implications of the study include the possibility of including the PoM approach in science teacher education and training programme curricula.
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Cosmological structure formation using spectral methods
- Authors: Funcke, Michelle
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20348
- Description: Numerical simulations are becoming an increasingly important tool for understanding the growth and development of structure in the universe. Common practice is to discretize the space-time using physical variables. The discreteness is embodied by considering the dynamical variables as fields on a fixed spatial and time resolution, or by constructing the matter fields by a large number of particles which interact gravitationally (N-body methods). Recognizing that the physical quantities of interest are related to the spectrum of perturbations, we propose an alternate discretization in the frequency domain, using standard spectral methods. This approach is further aided by periodic boundary conditions which allows a straightforward decomposition of variables in a Fourier basis. Fixed resources require a high-frequency cut-off which lead to aliasing effects in non-linear equations, such as the ones considered here. This thesis describes the implementation of a 3D cosmological model based on Newtonian hydrodynamic equations in an expanding background. Initial data is constructed as a spectrum of perturbations, and evolved in the frequency domain using a pseudo-spectral evolution scheme and an explicit Runge-Kutta time integrator. The code is found to converge for both linear and non-linear evolutions, and the convergence rate is determined. The correct growth rates expected from analytical calculations are recovered in the linear case. In the non-linear model, we observe close correspondence with linear growth and are able to monitor the growth on features associated with the non-linearity. High-frequency aliasing effects were evident in the non-linear evolutions, leading to a study of two potential resolutions to this problem: a boxcar filter which adheres to“Orszag’s two thirds rule” and an exponential window function, the exponential filter suggested by Hou and Li [1], and a shifted version of the exponential filter suggested, which has the potential to alleviate high frequency- ripples resulting from the Gibbs’ phenomenon. We found that the filters were somewhat successful at reducing aliasing effects but that the Gibbs’ phenomenon could not be entirely removed by the choice of filters.
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- Authors: Funcke, Michelle
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20348
- Description: Numerical simulations are becoming an increasingly important tool for understanding the growth and development of structure in the universe. Common practice is to discretize the space-time using physical variables. The discreteness is embodied by considering the dynamical variables as fields on a fixed spatial and time resolution, or by constructing the matter fields by a large number of particles which interact gravitationally (N-body methods). Recognizing that the physical quantities of interest are related to the spectrum of perturbations, we propose an alternate discretization in the frequency domain, using standard spectral methods. This approach is further aided by periodic boundary conditions which allows a straightforward decomposition of variables in a Fourier basis. Fixed resources require a high-frequency cut-off which lead to aliasing effects in non-linear equations, such as the ones considered here. This thesis describes the implementation of a 3D cosmological model based on Newtonian hydrodynamic equations in an expanding background. Initial data is constructed as a spectrum of perturbations, and evolved in the frequency domain using a pseudo-spectral evolution scheme and an explicit Runge-Kutta time integrator. The code is found to converge for both linear and non-linear evolutions, and the convergence rate is determined. The correct growth rates expected from analytical calculations are recovered in the linear case. In the non-linear model, we observe close correspondence with linear growth and are able to monitor the growth on features associated with the non-linearity. High-frequency aliasing effects were evident in the non-linear evolutions, leading to a study of two potential resolutions to this problem: a boxcar filter which adheres to“Orszag’s two thirds rule” and an exponential window function, the exponential filter suggested by Hou and Li [1], and a shifted version of the exponential filter suggested, which has the potential to alleviate high frequency- ripples resulting from the Gibbs’ phenomenon. We found that the filters were somewhat successful at reducing aliasing effects but that the Gibbs’ phenomenon could not be entirely removed by the choice of filters.
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Exploring how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the concepts of work and energy
- Authors: Mapfumo, Alfred Khumbulani
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20050
- Description: Physical Sciences is one of the subjects in which students perform most poorly in the National Senior Certificate examinations. For example, in the Eastern Cape in 2013, a mere 29.9% of the candidates who sat for the Physical Sciences National Senior Certificate examination managed to achieve a mark of 40% or above (Department of Basic Education, 2014). According to the Chief Markers’ reports (ibid), questions on the topic of Work, Energy and Power are amongst the most poorly answered in the National Senior Certificate examinations. This fact triggered my interest to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the concepts of Work and Energy with particular emphasis on the work-energy theorem and its application in problem solving. I carried out the study in a village school in the Queenstown district. The study adopted an interpretive paradigm in which the case study approach was used. Data were generated using a diagnostic test, focus group interviews, video-recorded lessons, analysis of learner journals and a summative test. Analysis of the qualitative data involved identifying themes from the data and using analytical statements that answered the research questions. The study was informed by Vygotsky’s (1978) social constructivism theory, and in particular, the notions of the mediation of learning and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Learners were given tasks on the work-energy theorem and related concepts and these were designed in such a way that they were situated in the learners’ ZPD, since this is where most powerful learning takes place (Thompson, 2013). The findings of the study revealed that grade 12 Physical Sciences learners do not have sufficient prior knowledge on concepts related to the work-energy theory to successfully make sense of the work-energy theorem. The other finding is that learners construct knowledge of the work-energy theorem and its application collaboratively through group work. In the group discussions learners used isiXhosa and this enhanced their sense making. A number of challenges that make it difficult for learners to solve problems using the work-energy theorem were identified.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Mapfumo, Alfred Khumbulani
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20050
- Description: Physical Sciences is one of the subjects in which students perform most poorly in the National Senior Certificate examinations. For example, in the Eastern Cape in 2013, a mere 29.9% of the candidates who sat for the Physical Sciences National Senior Certificate examination managed to achieve a mark of 40% or above (Department of Basic Education, 2014). According to the Chief Markers’ reports (ibid), questions on the topic of Work, Energy and Power are amongst the most poorly answered in the National Senior Certificate examinations. This fact triggered my interest to explore how grade 12 Physical Sciences learners make sense of the concepts of Work and Energy with particular emphasis on the work-energy theorem and its application in problem solving. I carried out the study in a village school in the Queenstown district. The study adopted an interpretive paradigm in which the case study approach was used. Data were generated using a diagnostic test, focus group interviews, video-recorded lessons, analysis of learner journals and a summative test. Analysis of the qualitative data involved identifying themes from the data and using analytical statements that answered the research questions. The study was informed by Vygotsky’s (1978) social constructivism theory, and in particular, the notions of the mediation of learning and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Learners were given tasks on the work-energy theorem and related concepts and these were designed in such a way that they were situated in the learners’ ZPD, since this is where most powerful learning takes place (Thompson, 2013). The findings of the study revealed that grade 12 Physical Sciences learners do not have sufficient prior knowledge on concepts related to the work-energy theory to successfully make sense of the work-energy theorem. The other finding is that learners construct knowledge of the work-energy theorem and its application collaboratively through group work. In the group discussions learners used isiXhosa and this enhanced their sense making. A number of challenges that make it difficult for learners to solve problems using the work-energy theorem were identified.
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Localizing selected endocytosis protein candidates in Plasmodium falciparum using GFP-tagged fusion constructs
- Authors: Basson, Travis
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20316
- Description: Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by several obligate intracellular protozoan parasites in the Plasmodium genus, with Plasmodium falciparum causing the most widespread cases and malaria deaths. In 2013 there were approximately 190 million cases of the disease and between 584,000 and 855,000 deaths. It is essential to identify novel drug targets and develop novel drug candidates due to the increase in resistance of P. falciparum parasites to the current arsenal of antimalarial drugs. Endocytosis is an essential process in eukaryotic cells in which the external environment is internalized by the cell in order to obtain various particles from the extracellular space. This extracellular cytoplasm is internalized in membrane-bound invaginations at the plasma membrane. During the blood stage of malaria infection, the parasite requires nutrients from the host red blood cell. To obtain these nutrients, the parasite internalizes haemoglobin in large amounts and degrades it in an acidic, lysosome-like organelle, known as the digestive vacuole. Whilst the exact molecular mechanism of malaria parasite endocytosis is not yet fully understood, a number of proteins have been suggested to be involved. The most expedient approach in identifying candidate endocytosis proteins is to investigate parasite homologues of proteins known to be involved in endocytosis in mammalian cells. The three proteins selected for investigation in this study were the P. falciparum homologues of coronin, dynamin 2, and μ4. The coding sequences for the candidate endocytosis proteins were amplified by PCR and cloned into the pARL2-GFP expression vector. P. falciparum 3D7 parasites were transfected with these vectors and the episomal expression of full-length GFP-tagged fusion protein was confirmed by Western blot analysis using commercially available anti-GFP antibodies. Microscopic analysis of live parasites using fluorescence and confocal microscopy was used to determine the localization of the candidate endocytosis proteins. Coronin appeared to display diffuse cytoplasmic GFP localization during the trophozoite stage, arguing against a role in endocytosis. However, distinct localization during the schizont stage at what appears to be the inner membrane complex was observed. Coronin is thus likely required to coordinate the formation of the actin network between the merozoite IMC and the plasma membrane on which the glideosome is dependant for generating the motile forces required for the merozoite motility and invasion of RBCs. Dynamin 2 displayed localization at three potential locii: the parasite periphery (plasma membrane), punctuate regions within the cytoplasm (potentially at membrane bound organelles) and at the parasite food vacuole. The data suggested that dynamin 2 is involved in endocytosis and membrane trafficking in a similar manner to classical dynamins, potentially as a vesicle scission molecule at the plasma membrane, mediating vesicle formation at the food vacuole to recycle membrane to the plasma membrane, and possibly mitochondria organelle division. μ4 displayed transient localization, cycling between cytosolic localization, and localization to distinct regions at the plasma membrane and the food vacuole. Localization of Pfμ4 to the plasma membrane is indicative of a role for μ4 as a part of an adaptor protein (AP) complex which may be responsible for recruitment of clathrin to initiate endocytosis in a manner similar to mammalian AP-2. As was observed with PfDYN2, Pfμ4 localizes to the FV, which suggests that Pfμ4 forms part of a coat complex that mediates the formation of vesicles that recycle membrane from the FV to the parasite plasma membrane. This study showed that expressing proteins as full-length GFP-tagged fusion constructs is an effective approach in the early stages of determining the localization and function of P. falciparum proteins in vitro, and distinguishing between candidates that have a potential role in endocytosis and those that are unlikely to do so.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Basson, Travis
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20316
- Description: Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by several obligate intracellular protozoan parasites in the Plasmodium genus, with Plasmodium falciparum causing the most widespread cases and malaria deaths. In 2013 there were approximately 190 million cases of the disease and between 584,000 and 855,000 deaths. It is essential to identify novel drug targets and develop novel drug candidates due to the increase in resistance of P. falciparum parasites to the current arsenal of antimalarial drugs. Endocytosis is an essential process in eukaryotic cells in which the external environment is internalized by the cell in order to obtain various particles from the extracellular space. This extracellular cytoplasm is internalized in membrane-bound invaginations at the plasma membrane. During the blood stage of malaria infection, the parasite requires nutrients from the host red blood cell. To obtain these nutrients, the parasite internalizes haemoglobin in large amounts and degrades it in an acidic, lysosome-like organelle, known as the digestive vacuole. Whilst the exact molecular mechanism of malaria parasite endocytosis is not yet fully understood, a number of proteins have been suggested to be involved. The most expedient approach in identifying candidate endocytosis proteins is to investigate parasite homologues of proteins known to be involved in endocytosis in mammalian cells. The three proteins selected for investigation in this study were the P. falciparum homologues of coronin, dynamin 2, and μ4. The coding sequences for the candidate endocytosis proteins were amplified by PCR and cloned into the pARL2-GFP expression vector. P. falciparum 3D7 parasites were transfected with these vectors and the episomal expression of full-length GFP-tagged fusion protein was confirmed by Western blot analysis using commercially available anti-GFP antibodies. Microscopic analysis of live parasites using fluorescence and confocal microscopy was used to determine the localization of the candidate endocytosis proteins. Coronin appeared to display diffuse cytoplasmic GFP localization during the trophozoite stage, arguing against a role in endocytosis. However, distinct localization during the schizont stage at what appears to be the inner membrane complex was observed. Coronin is thus likely required to coordinate the formation of the actin network between the merozoite IMC and the plasma membrane on which the glideosome is dependant for generating the motile forces required for the merozoite motility and invasion of RBCs. Dynamin 2 displayed localization at three potential locii: the parasite periphery (plasma membrane), punctuate regions within the cytoplasm (potentially at membrane bound organelles) and at the parasite food vacuole. The data suggested that dynamin 2 is involved in endocytosis and membrane trafficking in a similar manner to classical dynamins, potentially as a vesicle scission molecule at the plasma membrane, mediating vesicle formation at the food vacuole to recycle membrane to the plasma membrane, and possibly mitochondria organelle division. μ4 displayed transient localization, cycling between cytosolic localization, and localization to distinct regions at the plasma membrane and the food vacuole. Localization of Pfμ4 to the plasma membrane is indicative of a role for μ4 as a part of an adaptor protein (AP) complex which may be responsible for recruitment of clathrin to initiate endocytosis in a manner similar to mammalian AP-2. As was observed with PfDYN2, Pfμ4 localizes to the FV, which suggests that Pfμ4 forms part of a coat complex that mediates the formation of vesicles that recycle membrane from the FV to the parasite plasma membrane. This study showed that expressing proteins as full-length GFP-tagged fusion constructs is an effective approach in the early stages of determining the localization and function of P. falciparum proteins in vitro, and distinguishing between candidates that have a potential role in endocytosis and those that are unlikely to do so.
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Reproductive biology of important invasive plants in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Thorne, Cara-Jayne
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20535
- Description: Baker’s rule predicts species capable of uniparental reproduction are more likely to establish after long distance dispersal (or introduction in the case of invasive plants), thus the ability to undergo autonomous self-pollination should promote colonization. An investigation into the reproductive biology of eleven invasive species in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa between 2012 and 2014 showed strong support for Baker’s law. Breeding system results showed evidence of self-compatibility in eight species, ten species were capable of autonomous self-pollination, and only three species showed evidence of varying levels of self-incompatibility. These results provide evdence that autonomous self-pollination occurs more frequently among invasive species, self-compatible species more frequently become invasive compared with self-incompatible species and that autogamous species should have a larger invasive range. Co-opting suitable local pollinators may be problematic for invasive plants, especially those with highly specialized pollination systems. The species investigated appear to be largely independent of pollinators, mostly setting seed in the absence of pollinators. Despite this, all eleven invasive plant species are regularly visited by a variety of generalist pollinators including Apis mellifera, Xylocopa bees and Allodapini species. Pollinators all carried substantial pollen loads, even managing to extract pollen from more specialized plants, such as the poricidal anthers of Solanum species, and frequently came into contact with both anthers and stigmas. Considering most of theses species are capable of autonomous self-pollination, their reliance on pollinators may be low. Even the most self-incompatible species, Passiflora caerulea, appears to have successfully co-opted local pollinators (honeybees and carpenter bees), ensuring successful pollination and seed set. The ability for cross-pollination by local pollinators allows for some degree of genetic variation within invasive plant populations, especially for self-incompatible species. Inadequate pollen deposition by unreliable or inefficient pollinators, or reduced resource availability, can result in pollen limitation. Invasive plant species may be especially susceptible, with three of the plant species investiagted showing possible pollen limitation at the level of seed set, while the remaining nine invasive plant species showed no evidence of pollen limitation in South Africa. The ability to utilize uniparental reproduction (as Baker’s law predicted), and co-opt local pollinators has allowed invasive plants in the Eastern Cape to successfully establish and persist after introduction. Hence, the inclusion of reproductive traits of plants should therefore be included in risk assessments for future plant invaders.
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- Authors: Thorne, Cara-Jayne
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20535
- Description: Baker’s rule predicts species capable of uniparental reproduction are more likely to establish after long distance dispersal (or introduction in the case of invasive plants), thus the ability to undergo autonomous self-pollination should promote colonization. An investigation into the reproductive biology of eleven invasive species in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa between 2012 and 2014 showed strong support for Baker’s law. Breeding system results showed evidence of self-compatibility in eight species, ten species were capable of autonomous self-pollination, and only three species showed evidence of varying levels of self-incompatibility. These results provide evdence that autonomous self-pollination occurs more frequently among invasive species, self-compatible species more frequently become invasive compared with self-incompatible species and that autogamous species should have a larger invasive range. Co-opting suitable local pollinators may be problematic for invasive plants, especially those with highly specialized pollination systems. The species investigated appear to be largely independent of pollinators, mostly setting seed in the absence of pollinators. Despite this, all eleven invasive plant species are regularly visited by a variety of generalist pollinators including Apis mellifera, Xylocopa bees and Allodapini species. Pollinators all carried substantial pollen loads, even managing to extract pollen from more specialized plants, such as the poricidal anthers of Solanum species, and frequently came into contact with both anthers and stigmas. Considering most of theses species are capable of autonomous self-pollination, their reliance on pollinators may be low. Even the most self-incompatible species, Passiflora caerulea, appears to have successfully co-opted local pollinators (honeybees and carpenter bees), ensuring successful pollination and seed set. The ability for cross-pollination by local pollinators allows for some degree of genetic variation within invasive plant populations, especially for self-incompatible species. Inadequate pollen deposition by unreliable or inefficient pollinators, or reduced resource availability, can result in pollen limitation. Invasive plant species may be especially susceptible, with three of the plant species investiagted showing possible pollen limitation at the level of seed set, while the remaining nine invasive plant species showed no evidence of pollen limitation in South Africa. The ability to utilize uniparental reproduction (as Baker’s law predicted), and co-opt local pollinators has allowed invasive plants in the Eastern Cape to successfully establish and persist after introduction. Hence, the inclusion of reproductive traits of plants should therefore be included in risk assessments for future plant invaders.
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Developed teacher leadership in a township high school : an interpretive case study
- Authors: John, Daisy Mary
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Educational leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Teacher participation in administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Teacher effectiveness -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2052 ,
- Description: South Africa’s future success depends on a number of national priorities, amongst them the transformation of its education system. Education is the best route to follow to alleviate poverty and many other social ills. One way to overcome some of the complex challenges and crises that we face in South African schools is to pay attention to issues of leading and leadership, including the leadership of teachers. This study is done with the hope that research into teacher leadership will be one of the answers to the crisis in education. It should become a beacon of hope for all educationists who passionately want progress in the youth of South Africa. What better way than to ‘Awaken the Sleeping Giant’ of teacher leadership, borrowing the term from Katzenmeyer and Moller (2009). This study was designed as a case study, the purpose of which was to find out about the enactment of teacher leadership in an Eastern Cape township high school as well as the enhancing and hindering factors to this enactment. This study was done as a replication study of a similar study done by a group of 11Master’s students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2010. Similar to the original study, this case study was located within the interpretive paradigm and drew on school profiling, survey questionnaires, a focus group interview, selfreflective journals and individual interviews for its methods of data collection. The study was framed by distributed leadership while Grant’s (2008; 2012) Model of teacher leadership was adopted as the analytical tool. It emerged from the data that the three teacher leaders, my primary participants, exhibited teacher leadership across all four zones of Grant’s (2008) Model. The first zone was leadership in the classroom where all three teacher leaders showed leadership to varying degrees. Zones Two to Four are about leadership beyond the classroom into the school and beyond. In Zone Two, the zone where teachers work with each other and the learners outside the classroom, substantial levels of leadership were enacted by the three teacher leaders. Zone Three, where leadership is exhibited in whole-school development, the three primary participants showed distinct leadership qualities as well. The fourth zone, which is about interaction with neighbouring schools, also revealed that all three teacher leaders demonstrated active leadership on a regular basis. Findings further revealed that there were only a few inhibiting factors to the leadership of teachers at the case study school, including limited resources and infrastructure as well as insufficient support and acknowledgement from the relevant stakeholders when leadership initiatives were made, either successfully or otherwise. However, the enhancing factors superseded the inhibiting factors. A functional committee culture guided by a shared vision existed in the case study school together with an ethos of trust which enabled the staff to work collaboratively. Though there was certainly room for improvement in leadership practices at this case study school, the enactment of teacher leadership in this school illustrated a strong case of ‘developed’ teacher leadership (Muijs& Harris, 2007) within a dispersed leadership framing (Gunter, 2005)
- Full Text:
- Authors: John, Daisy Mary
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Educational leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Teacher participation in administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Teacher effectiveness -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2052 ,
- Description: South Africa’s future success depends on a number of national priorities, amongst them the transformation of its education system. Education is the best route to follow to alleviate poverty and many other social ills. One way to overcome some of the complex challenges and crises that we face in South African schools is to pay attention to issues of leading and leadership, including the leadership of teachers. This study is done with the hope that research into teacher leadership will be one of the answers to the crisis in education. It should become a beacon of hope for all educationists who passionately want progress in the youth of South Africa. What better way than to ‘Awaken the Sleeping Giant’ of teacher leadership, borrowing the term from Katzenmeyer and Moller (2009). This study was designed as a case study, the purpose of which was to find out about the enactment of teacher leadership in an Eastern Cape township high school as well as the enhancing and hindering factors to this enactment. This study was done as a replication study of a similar study done by a group of 11Master’s students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2010. Similar to the original study, this case study was located within the interpretive paradigm and drew on school profiling, survey questionnaires, a focus group interview, selfreflective journals and individual interviews for its methods of data collection. The study was framed by distributed leadership while Grant’s (2008; 2012) Model of teacher leadership was adopted as the analytical tool. It emerged from the data that the three teacher leaders, my primary participants, exhibited teacher leadership across all four zones of Grant’s (2008) Model. The first zone was leadership in the classroom where all three teacher leaders showed leadership to varying degrees. Zones Two to Four are about leadership beyond the classroom into the school and beyond. In Zone Two, the zone where teachers work with each other and the learners outside the classroom, substantial levels of leadership were enacted by the three teacher leaders. Zone Three, where leadership is exhibited in whole-school development, the three primary participants showed distinct leadership qualities as well. The fourth zone, which is about interaction with neighbouring schools, also revealed that all three teacher leaders demonstrated active leadership on a regular basis. Findings further revealed that there were only a few inhibiting factors to the leadership of teachers at the case study school, including limited resources and infrastructure as well as insufficient support and acknowledgement from the relevant stakeholders when leadership initiatives were made, either successfully or otherwise. However, the enhancing factors superseded the inhibiting factors. A functional committee culture guided by a shared vision existed in the case study school together with an ethos of trust which enabled the staff to work collaboratively. Though there was certainly room for improvement in leadership practices at this case study school, the enactment of teacher leadership in this school illustrated a strong case of ‘developed’ teacher leadership (Muijs& Harris, 2007) within a dispersed leadership framing (Gunter, 2005)
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Development of styrene based imprinted sorbents for selective clean-up of metalloporphyrins in organic media
- Authors: Awokoya, Kehinde Nurudeen
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:26580
- Description: Most crude oils contain traces of vanadium and nickel complex with porphyrins (VTPP and NTPP) within their asphaltene fraction. Although these metals are only present in trace quantities, they have a significant and detrimental impact on the refining process by degrading the quality of intermediate and end products. Therefore, their selective removal is highly desirable. This thesis presents the development of nickel porphyrin, nickel vanadyl porphyrin imprinted nanofibers and vanadyl porphyrin imprinted polymer (MIP) particles for application as selective sorbents. Computational model based on the combination of molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics was successfully applied to the styrene functional monomer selection. The particle was prepared by bulk polymerization and the nanofibers by a novel approach combining molecular imprinting and electrospinning technology. The morphologies, thermal stabilities and porosities of the imprinted sorbents were studied using SEM, TGA, and BET nitrogen gas adsorption. Chloroform was found to swell the polymer particles to a higher degree than methanol and acetonitrile. The adsorption characteristics of the imprinted sorbents best fitted with Freundlich isotherm model. The imprinted sorbents recorded high extraction efficiencies (EEs) of > 99 % in selectively extracting the metalloporphyrins. The impact of the template on the affinity of recognition for NTPP was evaluated. The results showed that the NTPP adsorption capacity increased as the molar ratio of NTPP to styrene was increased from 1:1 to 3:1. The optimal ratio of template to functional monomer which yielded the best specific affinity and highest recovery (99.9 %) was 3:1. The effects of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), dichloromethane (DCM), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), pentane (PEN) on electro-spinnability of the polymer solutions and the morphological appearance of the nanofibers were investigated. The imprinted nanofibers exhibited the same selectivity specialism for both NTPP and VTPP. A remarkable stability in relation to reusability was observed when imprinted nanofibers were used, as they could be reused nine times without incurring any significant loss in removal efficiency. The results were validated by analysing a certified reference material. The imprinted sorbents were therefore found to be selective sorbents that are well suited for handling trace metals in organic media.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Awokoya, Kehinde Nurudeen
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:26580
- Description: Most crude oils contain traces of vanadium and nickel complex with porphyrins (VTPP and NTPP) within their asphaltene fraction. Although these metals are only present in trace quantities, they have a significant and detrimental impact on the refining process by degrading the quality of intermediate and end products. Therefore, their selective removal is highly desirable. This thesis presents the development of nickel porphyrin, nickel vanadyl porphyrin imprinted nanofibers and vanadyl porphyrin imprinted polymer (MIP) particles for application as selective sorbents. Computational model based on the combination of molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanics was successfully applied to the styrene functional monomer selection. The particle was prepared by bulk polymerization and the nanofibers by a novel approach combining molecular imprinting and electrospinning technology. The morphologies, thermal stabilities and porosities of the imprinted sorbents were studied using SEM, TGA, and BET nitrogen gas adsorption. Chloroform was found to swell the polymer particles to a higher degree than methanol and acetonitrile. The adsorption characteristics of the imprinted sorbents best fitted with Freundlich isotherm model. The imprinted sorbents recorded high extraction efficiencies (EEs) of > 99 % in selectively extracting the metalloporphyrins. The impact of the template on the affinity of recognition for NTPP was evaluated. The results showed that the NTPP adsorption capacity increased as the molar ratio of NTPP to styrene was increased from 1:1 to 3:1. The optimal ratio of template to functional monomer which yielded the best specific affinity and highest recovery (99.9 %) was 3:1. The effects of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), dichloromethane (DCM), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), pentane (PEN) on electro-spinnability of the polymer solutions and the morphological appearance of the nanofibers were investigated. The imprinted nanofibers exhibited the same selectivity specialism for both NTPP and VTPP. A remarkable stability in relation to reusability was observed when imprinted nanofibers were used, as they could be reused nine times without incurring any significant loss in removal efficiency. The results were validated by analysing a certified reference material. The imprinted sorbents were therefore found to be selective sorbents that are well suited for handling trace metals in organic media.
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Formalisation, informalisation and the labour process within the minibus taxi industry in East London, South Africa
- Fobosi, Siyabulela Christopher
- Authors: Fobosi, Siyabulela Christopher
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London -- Personnel management , Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- East London , Economics -- Sociological aspects , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- East London
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3367 , , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London -- Personnel management , Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- East London , Economics -- Sociological aspects , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- East London
- Description: This thesis focuses on the labour process within the minibus taxi industry in East London, South Africa. This industry is structurally situated within the informal sector or economy but is marked by contradictory processes of formalisation and in-formalisation. Though the taxi industry seems to straddle the formal and informal economies in South Africa, the study is conceptually framed in terms of the informal sector but in a critically-engaged fashion. The very distinction between formal and informal economies, whether in South Africa or elsewhere, is open to dispute; and, even if accepted, there are differing conceptualisations of the relationship between the ‘two’ economies. Also, the conceptual clarity of the term ‘informal economy’ has been subject to scrutiny, given the vast range of activities it is said to incorporate. While the distinction between formal and informal economies may be a useful conceptual starting-point, this thesis demonstrates that it is analytically useful to speak of degrees and forms of formalisation and in-formalisation along a continuum, rather than to dichotomize economies. The thesis therefore analyses in depth the competing and tension-riddled processes of formalisation and in-formalisation in the minibus taxi industry, and with a specific focus on the labour process.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Fobosi, Siyabulela Christopher
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London -- Personnel management , Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- East London , Economics -- Sociological aspects , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- East London
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3367 , , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London , Taxicab industry -- South Africa -- East London -- Personnel management , Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- East London , Economics -- Sociological aspects , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- East London
- Description: This thesis focuses on the labour process within the minibus taxi industry in East London, South Africa. This industry is structurally situated within the informal sector or economy but is marked by contradictory processes of formalisation and in-formalisation. Though the taxi industry seems to straddle the formal and informal economies in South Africa, the study is conceptually framed in terms of the informal sector but in a critically-engaged fashion. The very distinction between formal and informal economies, whether in South Africa or elsewhere, is open to dispute; and, even if accepted, there are differing conceptualisations of the relationship between the ‘two’ economies. Also, the conceptual clarity of the term ‘informal economy’ has been subject to scrutiny, given the vast range of activities it is said to incorporate. While the distinction between formal and informal economies may be a useful conceptual starting-point, this thesis demonstrates that it is analytically useful to speak of degrees and forms of formalisation and in-formalisation along a continuum, rather than to dichotomize economies. The thesis therefore analyses in depth the competing and tension-riddled processes of formalisation and in-formalisation in the minibus taxi industry, and with a specific focus on the labour process.
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The interface of history and fiction in Russel Brownlee’s Garden of the plagues, Ingrid Winterbach’s To hell With Cronjé, and Etienne van Heerden’s The long silence of Mario Salviati
- Authors: Wyrill, Beth Alexandra
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Brownlee, Russel -- Criticism and interpretation , Winterbach, Ingrid -- Criticism and interpretation , Van Heerden, Etienne, 1954- -- Criticism and interpretation , South African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , South African fiction (English) -- 20th century -- History and criticism , African fiction (English) -- 21st century -- History and criticism , Brownlee, Russel -- Garden of the plagues , Winterbach, Ingrid -- Niggie -- English , Van Heerden, Etienne, 1954- -- Swye van Mario Salviati -- English , Historical fiction -- History and criticism , Magic realism (Literature)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2323 ,
- Description: Both historiographical and literary practices have undergone revision in recent years in attempting to address the inheritance of nineteenth-century realism. Since the object of realist stylistics, employed in both the writing of fiction and history, is to render authorship authoritative or even invisible, the ideological import of these narratives is often such that the constructedness of the historical record and its absences are veiled. In developments beginning in the 1980s with the advent of ‘New Historicism’ and with the emergence of postmodern literary techniques, the interface of literature and history became of seminal importance, since both were now credited as being products of narrative and discourse, and hence, to varying degrees, of the literary imagination. This movement intersects interestingly with developments in postcolonial studies, since it is the voices of the marginalized and disempowered colonized peoples that are routinely co-opted and excised from nineteenth-century realist histories. These concerns are now being fully explored in the literature of the contemporary post-transitional South African moment, since authors in this country seemingly now feel freed up to look back to histories that precede the immediate traumas of apartheid. The concern, in relation to apartheid developments but also on a broader universal scale, is this: if history is viewed as perpetual emergences of modernities, then one of the great absences in the record is the historical determinants of any given epistemology. The attempt to recreate such an epistemological genealogy is thus simultaneously postcolonial, historiographical, and literary. Russel Brownlee’s Garden of the Plagues (2005), Ingrid Winterbach’s To Hell with Cronjé (2010), and Etienne van Heerden’s The Long Silence of Mario Salviati (2002) attempt to bridge this gap in the recorded sensibilities of any historical moment by representing a ‘lived experience’ of the past, and in the process imaginatively recreating the cultural, historical and psychological locations of the proponents of an emerging modernity. This study concerns itself with the ways in which these authors address the influence of realist historiography through the use of literary innovations that allow for the departure from realist stylistics. Most commonly, all three authors draw on forms of magic realism, but multiple refigurings and recombinations of notions of temporality, narrative, and characterization likewise work to defamiliarize the once stable discourse of history.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Wyrill, Beth Alexandra
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Brownlee, Russel -- Criticism and interpretation , Winterbach, Ingrid -- Criticism and interpretation , Van Heerden, Etienne, 1954- -- Criticism and interpretation , South African fiction (English) -- History and criticism , South African fiction (English) -- 20th century -- History and criticism , African fiction (English) -- 21st century -- History and criticism , Brownlee, Russel -- Garden of the plagues , Winterbach, Ingrid -- Niggie -- English , Van Heerden, Etienne, 1954- -- Swye van Mario Salviati -- English , Historical fiction -- History and criticism , Magic realism (Literature)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2323 ,
- Description: Both historiographical and literary practices have undergone revision in recent years in attempting to address the inheritance of nineteenth-century realism. Since the object of realist stylistics, employed in both the writing of fiction and history, is to render authorship authoritative or even invisible, the ideological import of these narratives is often such that the constructedness of the historical record and its absences are veiled. In developments beginning in the 1980s with the advent of ‘New Historicism’ and with the emergence of postmodern literary techniques, the interface of literature and history became of seminal importance, since both were now credited as being products of narrative and discourse, and hence, to varying degrees, of the literary imagination. This movement intersects interestingly with developments in postcolonial studies, since it is the voices of the marginalized and disempowered colonized peoples that are routinely co-opted and excised from nineteenth-century realist histories. These concerns are now being fully explored in the literature of the contemporary post-transitional South African moment, since authors in this country seemingly now feel freed up to look back to histories that precede the immediate traumas of apartheid. The concern, in relation to apartheid developments but also on a broader universal scale, is this: if history is viewed as perpetual emergences of modernities, then one of the great absences in the record is the historical determinants of any given epistemology. The attempt to recreate such an epistemological genealogy is thus simultaneously postcolonial, historiographical, and literary. Russel Brownlee’s Garden of the Plagues (2005), Ingrid Winterbach’s To Hell with Cronjé (2010), and Etienne van Heerden’s The Long Silence of Mario Salviati (2002) attempt to bridge this gap in the recorded sensibilities of any historical moment by representing a ‘lived experience’ of the past, and in the process imaginatively recreating the cultural, historical and psychological locations of the proponents of an emerging modernity. This study concerns itself with the ways in which these authors address the influence of realist historiography through the use of literary innovations that allow for the departure from realist stylistics. Most commonly, all three authors draw on forms of magic realism, but multiple refigurings and recombinations of notions of temporality, narrative, and characterization likewise work to defamiliarize the once stable discourse of history.
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The involvement of TRAP1 in the mitochondrial localization of STAT3 in mammalian cells
- Authors: Kadye, Rose
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:26731
- Description: STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3), an oncogene and transcription factor of genes involved in cellular differentiation, proliferation and immune function, that classically localizes in the cytosol and nucleus has also been found in the mitochondria. However, STAT3 does not have a mitochondrial transit peptide, and its mechanism for mitochondrial localization is unknown. Cytosolic Hsp90s chaperone STAT3 to the nucleus therefore we investigated the involvement of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial Hsp90 molecular chaperone tumor necrosis receptor associated protein 1 (TRAP1) in STAT3’s mitochondrial localization. Using TRAP1 transient over-expression, STAT3 inhibitor S3I- 201 and Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin, we demonstrate that TRAP1 and STAT3 co-localize and co-immunoprecipitates in mammalian systems. Taken together with the observation that STAT3 potentially directly interacts with TRAP1, these data suggest that TRAP1 plays a role in the mitochondrial localization of STAT3.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Kadye, Rose
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:26731
- Description: STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3), an oncogene and transcription factor of genes involved in cellular differentiation, proliferation and immune function, that classically localizes in the cytosol and nucleus has also been found in the mitochondria. However, STAT3 does not have a mitochondrial transit peptide, and its mechanism for mitochondrial localization is unknown. Cytosolic Hsp90s chaperone STAT3 to the nucleus therefore we investigated the involvement of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial Hsp90 molecular chaperone tumor necrosis receptor associated protein 1 (TRAP1) in STAT3’s mitochondrial localization. Using TRAP1 transient over-expression, STAT3 inhibitor S3I- 201 and Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin, we demonstrate that TRAP1 and STAT3 co-localize and co-immunoprecipitates in mammalian systems. Taken together with the observation that STAT3 potentially directly interacts with TRAP1, these data suggest that TRAP1 plays a role in the mitochondrial localization of STAT3.
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An investigation into how grade 9 Physical Science learners make meaning of the topic on acids and bases through exploring their prior everyday knowledge and experiiences: a case study
- Authors: Kambeyo, Linus
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching Science -- Study and teaching -- Namibia Prior learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1383 ,
- Description: This study was conducted at the school where I teach which is a semi-rural secondary school (Grade 8-12) situated in Omuthiya Town in Oshikoto region, Namibia. The new curriculum that has been implemented in Namibia, has posed challenges in how best to put the curriculum into practice at this school. It was this challenge that triggered my interest in doing a research study with the aim of improving my practice. Essentially, the study sought to gain insight into whether integrating learners’ prior everyday knowledge and experiences of acids and bases in conjunction with practical activities using easily accessible materials enabled or constrained meaning-making of this topic. This study is located within an interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, a qualitative case study approach was adopted with my Grade 9 class. Data were gathered using document analysis, videotaped lessons and observations by a critical friend, stimulated recall discussions while watching the videotaped lessons as well as focus group interviews with the learners. An inductive analysis to discover patterns and themes was applied during the data analysis process. The themes were further turned into analytical statements. Data sets were also analysed in relation to the research questions posed by this study. The validation process was achieved by using a variety of data gathering techniques. I watched the videotaped lessons with a teacher who observed the lessons and transcripts of the interviews and a summary of discussions were given back to the respondents to verify their responses and check for any misinterpretations, a process known as member checking. I also translated what the learners said in Oshiwambo, their home language, into English. The findings from the study revealed that the use of learners’ prior everyday knowledge and experiences of acids and bases facilitated meaningful learning during teaching and learning. Furthermore, linking learning to learners’ everyday experiences enabled them to learn scientific concepts in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. However, linking learners’ prior knowledge and experiences to conventional science (textbook science) proved to be a challenge. My recommendations are that teachers need support in their endeavors to incorporate learners’ real life experiences into their teaching and learning repertoires. Another aspect of my study that deserves further research is the role that language plays in implementing the curriculum.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Kambeyo, Linus
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching Science -- Study and teaching -- Namibia Prior learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1383 ,
- Description: This study was conducted at the school where I teach which is a semi-rural secondary school (Grade 8-12) situated in Omuthiya Town in Oshikoto region, Namibia. The new curriculum that has been implemented in Namibia, has posed challenges in how best to put the curriculum into practice at this school. It was this challenge that triggered my interest in doing a research study with the aim of improving my practice. Essentially, the study sought to gain insight into whether integrating learners’ prior everyday knowledge and experiences of acids and bases in conjunction with practical activities using easily accessible materials enabled or constrained meaning-making of this topic. This study is located within an interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, a qualitative case study approach was adopted with my Grade 9 class. Data were gathered using document analysis, videotaped lessons and observations by a critical friend, stimulated recall discussions while watching the videotaped lessons as well as focus group interviews with the learners. An inductive analysis to discover patterns and themes was applied during the data analysis process. The themes were further turned into analytical statements. Data sets were also analysed in relation to the research questions posed by this study. The validation process was achieved by using a variety of data gathering techniques. I watched the videotaped lessons with a teacher who observed the lessons and transcripts of the interviews and a summary of discussions were given back to the respondents to verify their responses and check for any misinterpretations, a process known as member checking. I also translated what the learners said in Oshiwambo, their home language, into English. The findings from the study revealed that the use of learners’ prior everyday knowledge and experiences of acids and bases facilitated meaningful learning during teaching and learning. Furthermore, linking learning to learners’ everyday experiences enabled them to learn scientific concepts in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. However, linking learners’ prior knowledge and experiences to conventional science (textbook science) proved to be a challenge. My recommendations are that teachers need support in their endeavors to incorporate learners’ real life experiences into their teaching and learning repertoires. Another aspect of my study that deserves further research is the role that language plays in implementing the curriculum.
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Creating a new declaration of rights : a critical reconstruction of earth jurisprudence's global legislative framework
- Authors: Lenferna, Georges Alexandre
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Universal Declaration , Rights , Earth , Environment , Ethics , Environmental law, International -- Research , Environmental law, International -- Philosophy , Environmental ethics -- Research , Nature conservation -- Law and legislation -- Research , Jurisprudence -- Research , Law -- Philosophy
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2704 ,
- Description: This thesis aims to critique the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and its underlying moral justification in order to provide a stronger and improved version of both. In Chapter 1 I explore what sort of moral justification is necessary to establish the Universal Declaration on firm grounds and explore its relation to environmental ethics and rights discourse. I argue that a non-anthropocentric perspective is necessary to justify the Universal Declaration’s rights. In Chapter 2 I explore the underlying justification of the Universal Declaration as discovered in the works of Cormac Cullinan and Father Thomas Berry. I argue that their ethical framework is indeterminate, has many ambiguities and uncertainties, and, among other problems, it does not provide a clear action-guiding framework. In Chapter 3 I develop an alternative justification for the Universal Declaration. I argue against many predominant moral theories, that in light of our best scientific and moral understanding we should expand the realm of moral concern to include all living beings, a moral theory I call Life’s Imperative. In Chapter 4 I illustrate that Life’s Imperative is a much stronger, more coherent justification for the Universal Declaration, one that coheres with both our best understanding of the natural world and our relation to it, and to an environmental ethic reflective of that relationship. Unfortunately many of the weaknesses in the current implicit justification of the Universal Declaration have also led to it enshrining rights that are themselves problematic. In order to address these issues, I revise its rights to accord with the stronger justification that I established in Chapter 3. The end result of doing so is a revised version of the Universal Declaration
- Full Text:
- Authors: Lenferna, Georges Alexandre
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Universal Declaration , Rights , Earth , Environment , Ethics , Environmental law, International -- Research , Environmental law, International -- Philosophy , Environmental ethics -- Research , Nature conservation -- Law and legislation -- Research , Jurisprudence -- Research , Law -- Philosophy
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2704 ,
- Description: This thesis aims to critique the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and its underlying moral justification in order to provide a stronger and improved version of both. In Chapter 1 I explore what sort of moral justification is necessary to establish the Universal Declaration on firm grounds and explore its relation to environmental ethics and rights discourse. I argue that a non-anthropocentric perspective is necessary to justify the Universal Declaration’s rights. In Chapter 2 I explore the underlying justification of the Universal Declaration as discovered in the works of Cormac Cullinan and Father Thomas Berry. I argue that their ethical framework is indeterminate, has many ambiguities and uncertainties, and, among other problems, it does not provide a clear action-guiding framework. In Chapter 3 I develop an alternative justification for the Universal Declaration. I argue against many predominant moral theories, that in light of our best scientific and moral understanding we should expand the realm of moral concern to include all living beings, a moral theory I call Life’s Imperative. In Chapter 4 I illustrate that Life’s Imperative is a much stronger, more coherent justification for the Universal Declaration, one that coheres with both our best understanding of the natural world and our relation to it, and to an environmental ethic reflective of that relationship. Unfortunately many of the weaknesses in the current implicit justification of the Universal Declaration have also led to it enshrining rights that are themselves problematic. In order to address these issues, I revise its rights to accord with the stronger justification that I established in Chapter 3. The end result of doing so is a revised version of the Universal Declaration
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An investigation into the principals' leadership roles in selected schools in the Ohangwena Region in Namibia: case study
- Authors: Shitana, Silas Shituleipo
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: School management and organization -- Namibia -- Ohangwena School principals -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Educational leadership -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Educational change -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Management -- Employee participation -- Namibia -- Ohangwena
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1614 ,
- Description: School leadership in Namibia over past centuries was characterized by ‘top down’ administration and typically proceeded without participation of those involved other than the principals who were the sole decision makers. The notion of school leadership through teamwork (team leadership) in Namibia was formalized after the advent of democracy in 1990 and the subsequent reorganization of the education system. The notion of team leadership is embedded in theories that stress participation, teamwork and distributed leadership. It is against this background that this study sought to investigate the current understandings of school leadership and application of team leadership among principals in selected schools in the Ohangwena region in Namibia. The study is an interpretive case study of two secondary schools in the above‐mentioned region in Namibia. The research utilized three quantitative data gathering techniques, namely semi‐structured interviews, observation and document analysis. The research participants were two principals, two teachers and two school board members from each research school. The main findings of this study revealed that the notion of participation of all stakeholders in education is seen as a fundamental aspect of the current leadership thinking. However, the respondents’ vision of leadership is limited and quite traditional in many ways. There is emphasis on the need to control, monitor, and delegate rather than team leadership. Furthermore, where consultation is mentioned it seems the respondents think of the passing down of information – a cascade model ‐ as consultation, a view that is narrow and inaccurate in terms of contemporary leadership theories. While there was an appreciation of the benefits derived from team leadership, challenges facing such leadership pervaded responses. These included lack of understanding of government policies such as ETSIP and NSPIs, resistance to change and implementation of policy. The study recommends that leadership and management programs and teacher leadership development programs be established in Namibia. Finally, the study recommends further research to include Learner Representative Council and Heads of Department. These stakeholders in education may provide new insights into the current school leadership thinking.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Shitana, Silas Shituleipo
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: School management and organization -- Namibia -- Ohangwena School principals -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Educational leadership -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Educational change -- Namibia -- Ohangwena Management -- Employee participation -- Namibia -- Ohangwena
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1614 ,
- Description: School leadership in Namibia over past centuries was characterized by ‘top down’ administration and typically proceeded without participation of those involved other than the principals who were the sole decision makers. The notion of school leadership through teamwork (team leadership) in Namibia was formalized after the advent of democracy in 1990 and the subsequent reorganization of the education system. The notion of team leadership is embedded in theories that stress participation, teamwork and distributed leadership. It is against this background that this study sought to investigate the current understandings of school leadership and application of team leadership among principals in selected schools in the Ohangwena region in Namibia. The study is an interpretive case study of two secondary schools in the above‐mentioned region in Namibia. The research utilized three quantitative data gathering techniques, namely semi‐structured interviews, observation and document analysis. The research participants were two principals, two teachers and two school board members from each research school. The main findings of this study revealed that the notion of participation of all stakeholders in education is seen as a fundamental aspect of the current leadership thinking. However, the respondents’ vision of leadership is limited and quite traditional in many ways. There is emphasis on the need to control, monitor, and delegate rather than team leadership. Furthermore, where consultation is mentioned it seems the respondents think of the passing down of information – a cascade model ‐ as consultation, a view that is narrow and inaccurate in terms of contemporary leadership theories. While there was an appreciation of the benefits derived from team leadership, challenges facing such leadership pervaded responses. These included lack of understanding of government policies such as ETSIP and NSPIs, resistance to change and implementation of policy. The study recommends that leadership and management programs and teacher leadership development programs be established in Namibia. Finally, the study recommends further research to include Learner Representative Council and Heads of Department. These stakeholders in education may provide new insights into the current school leadership thinking.
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Foreign reference products in the registration of generic medicines in South Africa a case study
- Authors: Hwengwere, Eldinah
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Generic drugs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies Generic drugs -- South Africa Case studies Drugs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies Pharmacy -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPharm
- Identifier: vital:3762 ,
- Description: Introduction: Due to the increase in healthcare costs, generic medicines have been adopted for used in both developed and developing countries. When a generic or ‘multisource interchangeable medicine’ is to be registered, studies that prove that the generic is equivalent to the Innovator Product (IP) are used. The generic medicine is required to prove that it will mirror the IP in terms of safety, quality and efficacy and, in South Africa, the Medicines Control Council (MCC) ensures that generic medicines meet these requirements. Generic medicines may be registered using bioequivalence data obtained from comparison with a domestic reference product (usually the local innovator product) or in certain cases, a foreign reference product (FRP). The bioequivalence data can either be from in vivo or in vitro studies. The MCC guidelines require that for modified release preparations, in vivo bioequivalence studies are done for approval of registration; the exception being if a proportionally higher dose has already been registered. No information is currently given to prescribers and dispensers or to the public about whether a generic product was registered against a foreign or domestic reference product. Aims and Objectives: 1.) To determine the number of generic medicines in a predetermined sample registered using a FRP as comparator and to document the transparency of pharmaceutical companies when approached to disclose information regarding the registration of these products. 2.) To describe and document the use of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2000) [PAIA] from the perspective of a ‘layperson’ in the context of medicines’ regulation, in both private and public bodies. Methods: 20 modified release and Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class IV products were selected from the ‘generics dictionary’ – a commercial publication – and letters were sent to the manufacturers of the products requesting information about the tests done to prove equivalence and whether they were performed against a domestic or foreign reference product. The same information was also requested from the MCC. The requests were all made using the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). Results: Nine companies were represented by the 20 products chosen. Information was obtained about thirteen products. Ten of these products were registered using FRPs. Four products were registered based only on comparative dissolution studies. Four companies provided the requested information, two companies responded by refusing the requests and three did not respond at all. The MCC refused the request for information even after an internal appeal was lodged. Conclusions: The Promotion of Access to information Act was unsuccessful in obtaining information from the public body, and partly successful in obtaining it from the private bodies. While the title of the Act seems to indicate that the Act can be used to obtain information as such, it only provides for access to specified records. The MCC and the pharmaceutical companies involved in the study were under no obligation to provide the information as the request had not complied with PAIA requirements. The use of FRPs for registration is a reality in the pharmaceutical industry in South Africa. Neither the public nor healthcare professionals who prescribe medicines or who are involved in dispensing generic medicines as substitutes are aware of whether or not a FRP has been used to register a generic. Interchangeability cannot necessarily be guaranteed if the reference product was not proven equivalent to the local innovator product. It is debatable as to whether or not this information would be of any particular benefit to members of the public. Prescribers may choose to write ‘no substitution’ on their prescriptions if they were unconvinced that an FRP is acceptable. This could have consequences for healthcare costs. Dispensers are the most vulnerable in South Africa as they are obliged by law to substitute generic medicines when innovator medicines have been prescribed. Dispensers’ views on the acceptability of the use of FRPs can be seen as irrelevant. In the end, as this study demonstrates, the only option in the present situation is to rely entirely on the MCC’s rigour in assessing applications for registration of generic medicines.
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- Authors: Hwengwere, Eldinah
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Generic drugs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies Generic drugs -- South Africa Case studies Drugs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies Pharmacy -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPharm
- Identifier: vital:3762 ,
- Description: Introduction: Due to the increase in healthcare costs, generic medicines have been adopted for used in both developed and developing countries. When a generic or ‘multisource interchangeable medicine’ is to be registered, studies that prove that the generic is equivalent to the Innovator Product (IP) are used. The generic medicine is required to prove that it will mirror the IP in terms of safety, quality and efficacy and, in South Africa, the Medicines Control Council (MCC) ensures that generic medicines meet these requirements. Generic medicines may be registered using bioequivalence data obtained from comparison with a domestic reference product (usually the local innovator product) or in certain cases, a foreign reference product (FRP). The bioequivalence data can either be from in vivo or in vitro studies. The MCC guidelines require that for modified release preparations, in vivo bioequivalence studies are done for approval of registration; the exception being if a proportionally higher dose has already been registered. No information is currently given to prescribers and dispensers or to the public about whether a generic product was registered against a foreign or domestic reference product. Aims and Objectives: 1.) To determine the number of generic medicines in a predetermined sample registered using a FRP as comparator and to document the transparency of pharmaceutical companies when approached to disclose information regarding the registration of these products. 2.) To describe and document the use of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2000) [PAIA] from the perspective of a ‘layperson’ in the context of medicines’ regulation, in both private and public bodies. Methods: 20 modified release and Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class IV products were selected from the ‘generics dictionary’ – a commercial publication – and letters were sent to the manufacturers of the products requesting information about the tests done to prove equivalence and whether they were performed against a domestic or foreign reference product. The same information was also requested from the MCC. The requests were all made using the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). Results: Nine companies were represented by the 20 products chosen. Information was obtained about thirteen products. Ten of these products were registered using FRPs. Four products were registered based only on comparative dissolution studies. Four companies provided the requested information, two companies responded by refusing the requests and three did not respond at all. The MCC refused the request for information even after an internal appeal was lodged. Conclusions: The Promotion of Access to information Act was unsuccessful in obtaining information from the public body, and partly successful in obtaining it from the private bodies. While the title of the Act seems to indicate that the Act can be used to obtain information as such, it only provides for access to specified records. The MCC and the pharmaceutical companies involved in the study were under no obligation to provide the information as the request had not complied with PAIA requirements. The use of FRPs for registration is a reality in the pharmaceutical industry in South Africa. Neither the public nor healthcare professionals who prescribe medicines or who are involved in dispensing generic medicines as substitutes are aware of whether or not a FRP has been used to register a generic. Interchangeability cannot necessarily be guaranteed if the reference product was not proven equivalent to the local innovator product. It is debatable as to whether or not this information would be of any particular benefit to members of the public. Prescribers may choose to write ‘no substitution’ on their prescriptions if they were unconvinced that an FRP is acceptable. This could have consequences for healthcare costs. Dispensers are the most vulnerable in South Africa as they are obliged by law to substitute generic medicines when innovator medicines have been prescribed. Dispensers’ views on the acceptability of the use of FRPs can be seen as irrelevant. In the end, as this study demonstrates, the only option in the present situation is to rely entirely on the MCC’s rigour in assessing applications for registration of generic medicines.
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The dionysian in performance reclaiming the female transgressive performing body
- Authors: Solomon, Zanne
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Dionysia , Feminism and theater , Human body in literature , Performance art , Performing arts , Body image in women , Self-perception in women , Human body -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2148 ,
- Description: In this thesis I investigate the theoretical or philosophical notion/archetype of the Dionysian in relation to the transgressive female body in performance. I do so through 1) an investigation into the theories behind the Dionysian and the transgressive; 2) an examination of the performative practice of the transgressive female body; and 3) a personal exploration of the theatrical practice. 1) In the first chapter I introduce and thoroughly explore the archetypal concept of the Dionysian, and identify its significance because of its intrinsic association with the transgressive. I associate it with its oppositional force, the Apollonian, which is similarly significant because it is through the Dionysian disruption of the Apollonian from which the very notion of the transgressive springs. Through a review of Camille Paglia's seminal text on the subject of the Dionysian¹, this chapter provides a historical, mythological and theoretical context for the schism between the two archetypal aesthetics, starting from the description of the mythology of the ancient Greek gods, Dionysus and Apollo, and unpacks the transgressive nature of the Dionysian. Drawing on concurring theories of Friedrich Nietzsche and Julia Kristeva, as well as Hans Thies-Lehmann's writings on post-dramatic theatre², Chapter One attempts to firmly establish the inherent link between the Dionysian and theatre and performance, as well as the Dionysian and the transgressive, and provide a thorough theoretical framework for the rest of the thesis. 2) The second chapter investigates the work of two female performance artists³ who (re)present⁴ their bodies as transgressive in performance, namely Marina Abramovic and Karen Finley. It critically examines specific performance works of theirs, and through this examination it explores how they (re)present their bodies as transgressive in performance, and why they do so. This chapter furthermore establishes the connection between the transgressive female performing body, as (re)presented by Abramovic and Finley, and the Dionysian. In so doing it explores how they negotiate this ancient aesthetic or practice in a contemporary performance context. I believe that these performance artists are in fact striving to celebrate and reclaim the Dionysian within their work, and I attempt to establish this within this chapter. 3) The third chapter of this thesis analyses my own practical exploration of the transgressive female body in performance in a piece entitled Bleeding Mermaid (2008). It examines this exploration in the context of the theory of the Dionysian, as well as investigating how and why I (re)presented my body as transgressive in the performance. The analysis furthermore questions how I understand my work on the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in relation to, and within the context of, Finley and Abramovic's work on the same subject. Through this investigation, I aim to establish a link between the Dionysian and the transgressive female performing body; and investigate the motivation(s) behind the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in performance. I hope to open up a pathway to the reclamation of the Dionysian, both in performance practice and research. ¹Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. England: Penguin Books, 1990. ²Lehmann, Hans-Thies. Postdramatic Theatre. Trans. and Intro. Karen Jürs-Munby. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. ³Performance Art began around the 1960s in Europe and America. It is performance with a sense of immediacy – in that it is hard to replicate as it interacts with each unique audience – it is thus effectively a fresh/new experience each time. It breaks the boundaries of traditional theatre (form, structure, venue, time etc) and is often shocking or provocative in nature. It mixed the aesthetics of theatre and art, often taking place in installation settings. Performance Art has developed and morphed throughout the years, and is also referred to as Live Art in Britain. A performance artist is someone who produces performance art. It is possible that Performance Art no longer exists/is possible because it no longer shocks or affects the audience. ⁴My use of the brackets in (re)presented/(re)present throughout this thesis is because I would like to make simultaneous reference to the words/connotations of "presentation" and "representation", without being bound to the connotations of illusion/falseness/non-reality as is associated with the word "representation" (in opposition to the concept of the "real"), and thus be left only with the one-dimensional approach/meaning of "presentation".
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- Authors: Solomon, Zanne
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Dionysia , Feminism and theater , Human body in literature , Performance art , Performing arts , Body image in women , Self-perception in women , Human body -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2148 ,
- Description: In this thesis I investigate the theoretical or philosophical notion/archetype of the Dionysian in relation to the transgressive female body in performance. I do so through 1) an investigation into the theories behind the Dionysian and the transgressive; 2) an examination of the performative practice of the transgressive female body; and 3) a personal exploration of the theatrical practice. 1) In the first chapter I introduce and thoroughly explore the archetypal concept of the Dionysian, and identify its significance because of its intrinsic association with the transgressive. I associate it with its oppositional force, the Apollonian, which is similarly significant because it is through the Dionysian disruption of the Apollonian from which the very notion of the transgressive springs. Through a review of Camille Paglia's seminal text on the subject of the Dionysian¹, this chapter provides a historical, mythological and theoretical context for the schism between the two archetypal aesthetics, starting from the description of the mythology of the ancient Greek gods, Dionysus and Apollo, and unpacks the transgressive nature of the Dionysian. Drawing on concurring theories of Friedrich Nietzsche and Julia Kristeva, as well as Hans Thies-Lehmann's writings on post-dramatic theatre², Chapter One attempts to firmly establish the inherent link between the Dionysian and theatre and performance, as well as the Dionysian and the transgressive, and provide a thorough theoretical framework for the rest of the thesis. 2) The second chapter investigates the work of two female performance artists³ who (re)present⁴ their bodies as transgressive in performance, namely Marina Abramovic and Karen Finley. It critically examines specific performance works of theirs, and through this examination it explores how they (re)present their bodies as transgressive in performance, and why they do so. This chapter furthermore establishes the connection between the transgressive female performing body, as (re)presented by Abramovic and Finley, and the Dionysian. In so doing it explores how they negotiate this ancient aesthetic or practice in a contemporary performance context. I believe that these performance artists are in fact striving to celebrate and reclaim the Dionysian within their work, and I attempt to establish this within this chapter. 3) The third chapter of this thesis analyses my own practical exploration of the transgressive female body in performance in a piece entitled Bleeding Mermaid (2008). It examines this exploration in the context of the theory of the Dionysian, as well as investigating how and why I (re)presented my body as transgressive in the performance. The analysis furthermore questions how I understand my work on the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in relation to, and within the context of, Finley and Abramovic's work on the same subject. Through this investigation, I aim to establish a link between the Dionysian and the transgressive female performing body; and investigate the motivation(s) behind the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in performance. I hope to open up a pathway to the reclamation of the Dionysian, both in performance practice and research. ¹Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. England: Penguin Books, 1990. ²Lehmann, Hans-Thies. Postdramatic Theatre. Trans. and Intro. Karen Jürs-Munby. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. ³Performance Art began around the 1960s in Europe and America. It is performance with a sense of immediacy – in that it is hard to replicate as it interacts with each unique audience – it is thus effectively a fresh/new experience each time. It breaks the boundaries of traditional theatre (form, structure, venue, time etc) and is often shocking or provocative in nature. It mixed the aesthetics of theatre and art, often taking place in installation settings. Performance Art has developed and morphed throughout the years, and is also referred to as Live Art in Britain. A performance artist is someone who produces performance art. It is possible that Performance Art no longer exists/is possible because it no longer shocks or affects the audience. ⁴My use of the brackets in (re)presented/(re)present throughout this thesis is because I would like to make simultaneous reference to the words/connotations of "presentation" and "representation", without being bound to the connotations of illusion/falseness/non-reality as is associated with the word "representation" (in opposition to the concept of the "real"), and thus be left only with the one-dimensional approach/meaning of "presentation".
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An investigation into international transfer pricing guidelines and the anomalies arising from business restructurings by multi-national enterprises
- Authors: Stelloh, Marcus Matthias
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:879 ,
- Description: The number of multinational enterprises has increased substantially. In part due to the integration of national economies (the European Union), improvements in communication and technology and the opportunity to reduce costs as a result of globalisation. Transfer pricing and especially business restructuring within multinationals is a fairly new concept.Professional legal and audit firms have different views on how to approach business restructurings. This research analyses important transfer pricing aspects and the anomalies that arise through business restructurings. The research method used in this research paper is primarily qualitative, comprising the analysis of various documentary sources of data. Relevant South African and international case law, tax legislation, the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations, the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Business Restructurings Discussion Draft and other reports were consulted and analysed. Further the views of recognised legal and tax experts that have been published in technical journals and text books were also considered and examined. A hypothetical example of a business restructuring transaction was constructed in order to illustrate practical issues and different approaches to solving them. The research has argued that the arm’s length principle, which forms the bases of transfer pricing regulation, is not an exact science but theoretically it is the most suitable measure.It may not be able to incorporate all variables, such as the cost savings through synergies of multinational enterprises, but it promotes international trade and investment by ensuring that transactions are based on fair prices. Business restructurings create anomalies in applying the arm’s length principle but these anomalies can be dealt with within the regulatory structure. The business restructuring approach recommended is realistic and pragmatic, but more clarity may be needed in certain circumstances. The research has also discussed the avoidance of transfer pricing audits, including having appropriate transfer pricing policies and documentation.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Stelloh, Marcus Matthias
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:879 ,
- Description: The number of multinational enterprises has increased substantially. In part due to the integration of national economies (the European Union), improvements in communication and technology and the opportunity to reduce costs as a result of globalisation. Transfer pricing and especially business restructuring within multinationals is a fairly new concept.Professional legal and audit firms have different views on how to approach business restructurings. This research analyses important transfer pricing aspects and the anomalies that arise through business restructurings. The research method used in this research paper is primarily qualitative, comprising the analysis of various documentary sources of data. Relevant South African and international case law, tax legislation, the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations, the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Business Restructurings Discussion Draft and other reports were consulted and analysed. Further the views of recognised legal and tax experts that have been published in technical journals and text books were also considered and examined. A hypothetical example of a business restructuring transaction was constructed in order to illustrate practical issues and different approaches to solving them. The research has argued that the arm’s length principle, which forms the bases of transfer pricing regulation, is not an exact science but theoretically it is the most suitable measure.It may not be able to incorporate all variables, such as the cost savings through synergies of multinational enterprises, but it promotes international trade and investment by ensuring that transactions are based on fair prices. Business restructurings create anomalies in applying the arm’s length principle but these anomalies can be dealt with within the regulatory structure. The business restructuring approach recommended is realistic and pragmatic, but more clarity may be needed in certain circumstances. The research has also discussed the avoidance of transfer pricing audits, including having appropriate transfer pricing policies and documentation.
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An examination of how organisational policy and news professionalism are negotiated in a newsroom: a case study of Zimbabwe's Financial gazette
- Authors: Gandari, Jonathan
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Financial gazette Journalism -- Zimbabwe Journalism -- Political aspects -- Zimbabwe Journalistic ethics Journalists -- Zimbabwe Newspapers -- Zimbabwe Mass media -- Political aspects -- Zimbabwe Mass media -- Law and legislation -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3430 ,
- Description: The construction of journalistic professionalism in Zimbabwe has stirred debate among scholars. Critics have argued that professionalism has been compromised by the stifling media laws in Zimbabwe as well as the extra legal measures the state has enforced to control the press. Some have also argued that a new kind of journalism must be emerging in the Zimbabwean newsroom as journalism try to cope with the political and economic pressures bedeviling the country. Much of this criticism however, has not been based on close interrogation of professionalism from the perspective of the journalists in any particular newsroom. It is against this background that this study examines the constructions of professionalism at the Financial Gazette. In particular it explores the meaning of professionalism through interrogating the journalistic practices the journalists consider during the process of news production in the context of overwhelming state power. In undertaking this examination, the study draws primarily on qualitative research methods, particularly observation and multi-layered individual in-depth interviews. As the study demonstrates, the interrogation of professionalism from the perspective of newsroom practices uncovers the complex manner in which professionalism is negotiated in the Gazette’s newsroom located in a country undergoing transition in Democracy. The study establishes that when measured against normative canons of journalistic professionalism the Gazette is deviating from such tenets as public service and watchdog journalism. As the study indicates, perhaps unbeknown to the respondents, the ruling ZANU PF party hegemony is reproduced at the Gazette through choice of news values such as sovereignty and patriotism all euphemisms for ruling party‘s slogans.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Gandari, Jonathan
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Financial gazette Journalism -- Zimbabwe Journalism -- Political aspects -- Zimbabwe Journalistic ethics Journalists -- Zimbabwe Newspapers -- Zimbabwe Mass media -- Political aspects -- Zimbabwe Mass media -- Law and legislation -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3430 ,
- Description: The construction of journalistic professionalism in Zimbabwe has stirred debate among scholars. Critics have argued that professionalism has been compromised by the stifling media laws in Zimbabwe as well as the extra legal measures the state has enforced to control the press. Some have also argued that a new kind of journalism must be emerging in the Zimbabwean newsroom as journalism try to cope with the political and economic pressures bedeviling the country. Much of this criticism however, has not been based on close interrogation of professionalism from the perspective of the journalists in any particular newsroom. It is against this background that this study examines the constructions of professionalism at the Financial Gazette. In particular it explores the meaning of professionalism through interrogating the journalistic practices the journalists consider during the process of news production in the context of overwhelming state power. In undertaking this examination, the study draws primarily on qualitative research methods, particularly observation and multi-layered individual in-depth interviews. As the study demonstrates, the interrogation of professionalism from the perspective of newsroom practices uncovers the complex manner in which professionalism is negotiated in the Gazette’s newsroom located in a country undergoing transition in Democracy. The study establishes that when measured against normative canons of journalistic professionalism the Gazette is deviating from such tenets as public service and watchdog journalism. As the study indicates, perhaps unbeknown to the respondents, the ruling ZANU PF party hegemony is reproduced at the Gazette through choice of news values such as sovereignty and patriotism all euphemisms for ruling party‘s slogans.
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An investigation into causes of success and failure in small businesses within the Department of Social Development in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Petrus, Henry George
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: South Africa -- Dept. of Social Development , South Africa -- Dept. of Trade and Industry , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Business enterprises -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Job creation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:791 ,
- Description: The failure rate of small business initiatives in South Africa is phenomenal, and much is needed to unravel the causes contributing to such failures. Yet small businesses are playing a vital part in our global economy and in particular in terms of job creation and poverty eradication. There are internal as well as external factors that play a significant role in determining the success of these small businesses. In South Africa much emphasis is placed by national, provincial and local governments on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to drive wealth creation and black economic empowerment. Therefore, an investigation into the factors contributing to the success and failure of SMEs is of vital importance. The South African government’s poverty eradication strategy, which is driven by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), allocated funds for job creation programmes as a method to combat poverty and more importantly, to develop young entrepreneurs. Among the seven departments mandated by DTI was the Department of Social Development. Since the birth of the new democracy, this department has transformed from offering a traditional remedial method of service delivery to an integrated developmental approach. This approach included extensive community work, which includes job creation and economic empowerment through the establishment of small businesses. Given the availability of funding, the inability to spend fiscal budgets as per allocation as well as the charity element of receiving involved, it is important to explore whether factors contributing to the success of these SMEs are any different to the traditional business strategies. In this study, the researcher gave special consideration to the social capital element and its contribution in the context of community support as well as the ability of SMEs to become sustainable business ventures over time. The research study aims to highlight unique factors contributing to the success and failures of SMEs established by the Department of Social Development and in doing so hopes to manifest an improved understanding of the management of these SMEs. In chapter one, the researcher gives a brief description of the activities of the Department of Social Development and its mandate to establish SMEs for job creation. A brief explanation regarding the context of the problem that was investigated is also given. Chapter two provides a detailed theoretical overview of the study, focusing in particular on factors contributing to the success and failure of small businesses. In chapter three, the research design and the various instruments used are discussed. Here, emphasis is placed on procedural issues and ethical considerations. The validity and reliability of the research is strongly motivated. In chapter four the research results are discussed. Chapter five aims to discuss the findings of the research with reference to the theoretical overview outlined in chapter two. Lastly, chapter six makes recommendations to the various stakeholders who may benefit from this research. These recommendations are the most important objectives of the research and should add value with regards to the management of SMEs in future, with special reference to the Department of Social Development in the Eastern Cape.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Petrus, Henry George
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: South Africa -- Dept. of Social Development , South Africa -- Dept. of Trade and Industry , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Growth , Business enterprises -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Job creation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:791 ,
- Description: The failure rate of small business initiatives in South Africa is phenomenal, and much is needed to unravel the causes contributing to such failures. Yet small businesses are playing a vital part in our global economy and in particular in terms of job creation and poverty eradication. There are internal as well as external factors that play a significant role in determining the success of these small businesses. In South Africa much emphasis is placed by national, provincial and local governments on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to drive wealth creation and black economic empowerment. Therefore, an investigation into the factors contributing to the success and failure of SMEs is of vital importance. The South African government’s poverty eradication strategy, which is driven by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), allocated funds for job creation programmes as a method to combat poverty and more importantly, to develop young entrepreneurs. Among the seven departments mandated by DTI was the Department of Social Development. Since the birth of the new democracy, this department has transformed from offering a traditional remedial method of service delivery to an integrated developmental approach. This approach included extensive community work, which includes job creation and economic empowerment through the establishment of small businesses. Given the availability of funding, the inability to spend fiscal budgets as per allocation as well as the charity element of receiving involved, it is important to explore whether factors contributing to the success of these SMEs are any different to the traditional business strategies. In this study, the researcher gave special consideration to the social capital element and its contribution in the context of community support as well as the ability of SMEs to become sustainable business ventures over time. The research study aims to highlight unique factors contributing to the success and failures of SMEs established by the Department of Social Development and in doing so hopes to manifest an improved understanding of the management of these SMEs. In chapter one, the researcher gives a brief description of the activities of the Department of Social Development and its mandate to establish SMEs for job creation. A brief explanation regarding the context of the problem that was investigated is also given. Chapter two provides a detailed theoretical overview of the study, focusing in particular on factors contributing to the success and failure of small businesses. In chapter three, the research design and the various instruments used are discussed. Here, emphasis is placed on procedural issues and ethical considerations. The validity and reliability of the research is strongly motivated. In chapter four the research results are discussed. Chapter five aims to discuss the findings of the research with reference to the theoretical overview outlined in chapter two. Lastly, chapter six makes recommendations to the various stakeholders who may benefit from this research. These recommendations are the most important objectives of the research and should add value with regards to the management of SMEs in future, with special reference to the Department of Social Development in the Eastern Cape.
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Teaching reading in grade 4 Namibian classrooms : a case study
- Authors: Mutenda, Josephine
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Literacy -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia Reading (Elementary) -- Namibia Second language acquisition
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1797 ,
- Description: Literacy is currently a topic of great concern in Namibia. Learners in this country have difficulty in reading and writing, and are often functionally illiterate. This study focuses on the beliefs, experiences and practices of teachers of reading in English to second language learners in Grade 4. Grade 4 is the transitional grade from mother tongue to English as the medium of instruction. The switch to English makes teaching reading in that language especially challenging. The study is structured according to the case study mode of enquiry, with the target respondents comprising Grade 4 teachers. Classroom observation, interviews and document analysis were used as means of collecting data. The main findings revealed that beliefs and experience had an impact on the way in which reading was taught in this study. It emerged that the teachers’ childhood experiences of literacy and learning to read are perpetuated in their beliefs, their attitudes, their basic conceptualization of reading and their current practices, all of which directly affect the children in their classes. Although the teachers’ professional training also had some influence on their teaching methods, neither of the two teachers interviewed had received much in-service support on how to teach reading, and they depended to a large extent on their recall of how they had learned to read themselves. Both teachers were taught in a traditional, teacher-centered way, involving phonics, rote-learning and drilling. Because they see themselves as competent readers, they believe that these approaches were effective and worth sustaining. Tentative recommendations arising from analysis of the data indicate possible areas for improvement in the teaching of reading, and offer guidelines to help teachers cope with the challenge.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Mutenda, Josephine
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Literacy -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia Reading (Elementary) -- Namibia Second language acquisition
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1797 ,
- Description: Literacy is currently a topic of great concern in Namibia. Learners in this country have difficulty in reading and writing, and are often functionally illiterate. This study focuses on the beliefs, experiences and practices of teachers of reading in English to second language learners in Grade 4. Grade 4 is the transitional grade from mother tongue to English as the medium of instruction. The switch to English makes teaching reading in that language especially challenging. The study is structured according to the case study mode of enquiry, with the target respondents comprising Grade 4 teachers. Classroom observation, interviews and document analysis were used as means of collecting data. The main findings revealed that beliefs and experience had an impact on the way in which reading was taught in this study. It emerged that the teachers’ childhood experiences of literacy and learning to read are perpetuated in their beliefs, their attitudes, their basic conceptualization of reading and their current practices, all of which directly affect the children in their classes. Although the teachers’ professional training also had some influence on their teaching methods, neither of the two teachers interviewed had received much in-service support on how to teach reading, and they depended to a large extent on their recall of how they had learned to read themselves. Both teachers were taught in a traditional, teacher-centered way, involving phonics, rote-learning and drilling. Because they see themselves as competent readers, they believe that these approaches were effective and worth sustaining. Tentative recommendations arising from analysis of the data indicate possible areas for improvement in the teaching of reading, and offer guidelines to help teachers cope with the challenge.
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