Exploring first year medical students’ use of mobile learning to support their self-regulated learning in a developing country
- Authors: Nyirenda, Ishmael Kamtagwala
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466447 , vital:76729 , DOI https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/466447
- Description: In order to manage the demands of university studies, research suggests that university students should possess efficient self-regulated learning (SRL) skills. The use of mobile learning is believed to enhance SRL skills. Yet, despite the potential benefits of mobile learning, many first-year students encounter challenges in using mobile devices to foster self-regulated learning skills. It is against this backdrop that this study aimed to examine how first-year medical students utilisee mobile learning to foster self-regulated learning. This study employed a Explanatory Sequential Study Design , combining both quantitative and qualitative data. It used the interpretativist and pragmatic paradigms to understand how students perceive and use mobile devices for self-regulated learning. The interpretivist paradigm focused on understanding students’ perspectives, while the pragmatic paradigm aimed to identify effective ways of using mobile devices to promote self-regulated learning. Participants to this study were first-year medical students. The mixed-methods approach aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem by collecting data through various methods. Questionnaires gathered quantitative data, while participatory observation, reflective workshops, and focus group discussions provided qualitative data. The theoretical frameworks that guide the study include the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and Vygotsky's (1978) socio-cultural theory (SCT). The study findings revealed that mobile devices were used by first year medical students to manage and control their learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Notably, significant improvements were observed in cognitive learning strategies, metacognitive self-regulation strategies and resource management learning strategies, including time management. Additionally, the study found that first-year medical students had a positive perception of mobile learning. Furthermore, mobile devices were generally perceived as enablers of self-regulated learning (SRL), providing flexibility, convenience, and access to diverse learning resources. However, distractions and interruptions posed challenges to focus and attention. To mitigate these challenges, strategies such as device management and setting boundaries were suggested. Moreover, first-year medical students expressed the need for support in developing SRL through mobile learning. Guidance in selecting effective mobile applications, opportunities for collaborative learning, and technological skill training were identified as essential forms of support. The study thus recommends integrating mobile learning into curricula to enhance self-regulated learning skills in higher education students, especially among first-year students. Higher education institutions should establish deliberate policies and initiatives for mobile learning programs, especially for first-year students. Educators should offer guidance and training on using mobile learning tools effectively, including information searching skill. However, students should be cautious about distractions from the use of mobile devices. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Secondary and Post-School Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring food waste narratives and perceptions in print media and in the urban community of Makhanda, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Dlamini, Zinhle Nkululeko
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Food waste South Africa Makhanda , Agenda-setting theory , Sociocultural system , Makhanda (South Africa) Social conditions , Mass media and public opinion South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/464798 , vital:76546
- Description: Food waste (FW) is a global issue that has gained increasing attention in recent decades. There has been more research to identify the multi-layered causes and effects of this issue. A vast number of studies focus on the quantification of FW, its drivers, and causes. While quantifying the amount of FW being generated is important in revealing the scope of the problem, there are many aspects of FW that are still not as widely covered i.e., the socio-cultural component of FW. This is because first and foremost what is considered food, and what is considered FW is influenced by the sociocultural context in which it is obtained, prepared, and consumed. The socio-cultural context of a society cannot be studied properly without looking at the way the people that practice those specific societal norms and cultural practices think and perceive things. Perceptions are important because sociocultural behaviours and practices tend to be reproduced in correlation to how they are perceived. Thus, if the socio-cultural dimension of FW is to be dissected, one needs to look at the socialisation agents that affect the cultural context. A socialisation agent that has been cited as growing in influence and enjoying unprecedented access in human society is the media. Despite the proven influence of the media on perceptions and behavioural patterns, the sheer volume of studies that look at the linkages between media and topics such as FW is limited. in the context of the Global South, particularly in South Africa. In response to this research gap, I set out to examine the types of narratives and perceptions that print media and media consumers within an urban community have about FW. Since the study is centred around print media perceptions and narratives and those of the community, the study used a mixed-method approach that comprised of a media analysis, one-onone, semi structured interviews, key informant discussions as well as food focus groups. Thirty six respondents were interviewed with semi-structured one on one interviews, a further six respondents were key informants, they too were interviewed with one on one semi-structured interviews. Lastly, 16 were participants in the focus sessions, and each session comprised of 8 randomly selected participants. To procure the FW perceptions and narratives of print media and the people of Makhanda, the study was divided into three phases. Phase one comprised of a print media analysis through an archival media platform of SABINET. Phase two comprised of two food focus group sessions; phase three of the study comprised of the semi-structured interviews with 36 interviewees representing the general public and six with key informants. To make sense of the results obtained from the print media analysis, the study used the agenda setting framework and found that that the representation of FW content in print media was limited. Through the use of thematic analysis, 14 viii FW perceptions and narratives were identified in print media (and perceptions and narratives are used interchangeably, therefore 14 themes equals 14 FW perceptions and narratives). Of these 14 themes there were some that were more frequently presented than others. The most frequently presented perceptions and narratives in print media were the FW and food insecurity/hunger, FW and morality and FW and the economy. The study also found that a bulk of the FW content disseminated by print media belonged to a relatively few publications namely: Cape Argus, The Star, the Mail and Gurdian and the Daily Dispatch. These findings reinforced that FW perceptions and narratives in print media were not only disproportionally represented but were also disseminated by a limited pool of media content creators. The study found that Makhanda respondents used and preferred other media forms outside of print media i.e., radio and television. Respondents maintained that the media form they were the least exposed to and least preferred was print media (newspapers). From the 58 respondents, only seven respondents indicated that they listened to and preferred radio more than any other media form, and only two respondents noted that they read newspapers. In contrast, 24 respondents noted that they preferred and were more exposed to television than any other media form. In addition, respondents noted that they saw and heard a limited amount of FW content on the media that they were most exposed to. Instead, they noted that they were more exposed to content that encouraged them to procure and consume food, such as food advertisements. On average, individuals that were exposed to and preferred radio reported to hearing more FW content as opposed to individuals that preferred television. For instance, from the seven respondents that preferred and were most exposed to radio, four of them noted that they had heard a lot of FW content. While 17 of the 24 respondents that preferred and were most exposed to television, maintained that they did not recall seeing any FW content. The study also found that Makhanda respondents had a number of perceptions and narratives about FW, that were converted into themes using content and thematic analysis. The study found that Makhanda respondents had a total of 15 FW perceptions and narratives. Just like in the media analysis there were some perceptions and narratives that were emphasised and more frequently mentioned than others. The three most dominant themes were: affluence, FW and hunger, and FW and morality. Furthermore, the research also found that the perceptions and narratives of respondents were influenced by a variety of external and internal factors such as socio-economic status/affluence, gender, age, race, and media preference. These factors interacted with each other and varied in their significance from one respondent to the other. By far, the aspect shown to be the most influential in shaping respondents FW perceptions and narratives was affluence. Twentyeight respondents spoke about the economic drawbacks of FW and cited as reason for not engaging viii in FW. In addition to this, there were some respondents that maintained that FW did not occur amongst people who belonged to the lower socio-economic class and that rather, the phenomena were limited to those who were more affluent. In speaking about affluence, respondents e linked FW with other aspects such as race, gender, age, and media preference. For instance, in addition to claiming that FW was only limited to affluent households, other respondents felt that wasting food was a luxury the only white people participated in. Such claims highlight the idea that the sociocultural historical context of South Africa is one that has some influence in the FW perceptions and narratives of Makhanda respondents. The study found that there was little overlap in the types of perceptions and narratives that print media and the Makhanda respondents have about FW. From the 14 and 15 perceptions and narratives found between each realm there were only three thematic overlaps namely: the theme of affluence, morality and FW and food insecurity. This limited overlap of perceptions and narratives suggest that there is a disconnection present between the perceptions and narratives of print media and those that are exhibited by Makhanda respondents. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Environmental Science, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring how visual models can be used in teaching mathematics for growing a productive disposition in Grade 9 learners
- Authors: Shetunyenga, Fillipus Shetunyenga
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463625 , vital:76426
- Description: The Namibian Curriculum for Basic Education states clearly that Indigenous Knowledge (IK) should be integrated into science teaching. However, the irony is that it does not give clear pedagogical guidelines on how it should be integrated. The implication is that the curriculum assumes that all teachers are aware of how to integrate IK into their teaching. This assumption has therefore led to little or no integration of IK in many classrooms in Namibia, something which could be in part a contributing factor to poor learners’ academic performance in science subjects and Agricultural Science in particular. This tension in the curriculum plus the apparent gap in the literature regarding the integration of IK has triggered my interest to conduct this interventionist qualitative case study. Essentially, this study aimed to explore affordances and/or hindrances when using the indigenous technology of organic crop farming to mediate learning in Grade 12 Agricultural Science classes in peri-urban schools in the Oshana region in Namibia. The study was underpinned by the interpretivist and Ubuntu paradigms. Vygotsky’s (1978) socio-cultural theory and Shulman’s (1986) pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) framework were used as lenses to analyse my data. Within PCK, I also used Mavhunga and Rollnick’s (2013) Topic-Specific PCK as an analytical framework. The findings of the study revealed that the integration of Indigenous knowledge in Agricultural Science education has great potential in improving both the teaching and learnng of science. It also revealed that the Agricultural Science teachers were positive towards the integration of IK in their lessons. However, they conceded that they lacked pedagogical insights on how to integrate IK as they were never trained on how to integrate it. As a result, they found the presentations by the Indigenous Knowledge Custodians (IKCs) informative and shed light on how they could integrate IK during teaching and learning. That is, they became cultural knowledge brokers making science relevant and accessible to their learners. The study thus recommends that teacher training institutions should modify the curriculum to include a pedagogy course module on IK to equip students with the essential PCK on IK integration in science teaching. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Secondary and Post-School Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring Pedagogies that teachers draw on to teach reading in Grade 10 English First Additional Language inclusive classes
- Authors: Ndlovu, Sheillah
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463746 , vital:76437
- Description: This qualitative, interpretive study explored the pedagogies teachers drew on to teach reading in Grade 10 English First Additional Language inclusive classes. Over the years, children with learning difficulties have been excluded from formal learning and placed in special schools. However, the transformation through inclusive education allows learners with learning difficulties to be enrolled in mainstream schools. Unfortunately, mainstream teachers were not trained to address learning difficulties. It is for this reason that this study explored the pedagogies that teachers drew on to teach reading through an exploratory case study of five teachers and grade 10 learners, noting responses of learners with learning difficulties at one school in John Taolo Gaetsewe (JTG) district in Northern Cape. This study was guided by Sen’s capability approach. Semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, and non-participant observations were used to collect data on the pedagogies teachers draw on to teach reading in inclusive classes and learners' views on how they want to be taught reading. The collected data was analysed through a thematic data analysis approach with the hope that the findings will help to develop and enrich teachers in teaching reading in inclusive classes to engage all learners. Findings revealed that the participating teachers drew from various pedagogies such as Reading to Learn, Establishing, Maintaining, and Consolidating, and Question-Answer- Relationship. The similarities among these pedagogies are their repetitive nature and that they provide maximum opportunities for learners with various needs, abilities, and challenges to succeed. The teachers’ self-developed strategies were influenced by the need to promote Ubuntu and collaborative learning. Knowing learners and their weaknesses was key to developing strategies. Teachers can draw from various pedagogies to teach reading in an inclusive class. This study recommends using multimodal texts, compulsory inclusive education during initial teacher education, and combined use of pedagogies. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Institute for the Study of Englishes of Africa, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring self-directed continuous professional development for English Language teachers in selected Namibian secondary schools
- Authors: Amakutuwa, Hilma Ndesheetelwa Mwalengwa
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: English language Study and teaching Namibia , English teachers Namibia , Continuing professional development , Self-managed learning , Reflective practice
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463538 , vital:76418
- Description: Continuous professional development (CPD) for teachers, with all its diverse notions, has been noted and articulated in various policy documents in Namibia, and is understood as in-service training and professional development for teachers to improve learning outcomes. In Namibia, challenges have been experienced with the performance of learners in English as a Second Language (ESL) at the national level, and teacher professional development could be one way of changing the status quo. However, in answer to the call from the Namibian Ministry of Education Arts and Culture for a more idiosyncratic orientation, limited literature was found on how ESL teachers use self-directed learning (SDL) to shape their CPD activities. Thus, the purpose of this study was to address this gap by exploring the self-directed CPD needs of English Language teachers in selected Namibian secondary schools. The study was oriented to theoretical insights from SDL, reflective practice and social constructivism. Through the use of a qualitative approach, the study employed an exploratory case study research design. Semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were used to generate data from eight selected Grade 8 to 12 ESL teachers in the Khomas region of Namibia. The data gathered were analysed using an inductive thematic framework. The findings of the study indicate that ESL teachers are faced with a myriad of challenges ranging from classroom experiences, the type of learners they work with and the support system available at school, regional and national level. The study found that due to changing education paradigms, ESL teachers need to broaden their knowledge base in specialised education and systematic professional interventions at school level. They indicated that this would help learners with challenges in reading, writing and comprehension to improve their skills in ESL classrooms. They further emphasised the necessity for mentors, education specialists, systematic schools and circuit based collaborative CPD, as well as more support from school heads and regional ESL senior education officers, which is an area that is inadequately managed. Finally, they pointed out that in order to make their ESL classes engaging and enjoyable, teachers needed to have a strong foundation in ICT education. This foundation can be leveraged to create resources that are now lacking. The findings have implications for ESL teachers, school administrators, education specialists and policymakers, as they provide insights and recommendations for enhancing ESL education practices. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Secondary and Post-School Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring social learning practices for catchment management: a case study of two catchments in South Africa
- Authors: Siyengo, Kwanele
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/464848 , vital:76550
- Description: Social learning is achieved through a wide range of practices and is understood in different ways through multiple definitions in the literature. It is recognised as an outcome of stakeholder engagement through collaborative activities such as catchment management. Stakeholder engagement and collaboration in catchment management helps stakeholders understand the complex systems they work in, by enabling deliberation, dialogue, knowledge sharing and interdependencies. These are seen as processes which enable not only the sustainable use of natural resources but also help to achieve outcomes of transformative social learning. In partnership with the Living Catchments Project (implemented by the South African National Biodiversity Institute - SANBI), this study explores social learning practices and facilitation – and the role these play for transformation. Exploring two case studies, the Olifants River catchment and the Umzimvubu River catchment, the study adopted a qualitative participatory case study approach. It used observations, semi-structured interviews and reflections to look at the social learning practices in the two catchments. Additionally, it made use of the Social Learning, Knowledge Management and Mediation (SLKMM) framework as an analytical tool to investigate social learning practices and tools in the cases and explore how support for these can be enhanced in future. The results showed that there are existing social learning platforms and facilitation practices in the two catchments. Though not often explicit, social learning exists, and various tools (analytical, visual, participatory, and conceptual) and practices can be used to facilitate social learning. The greatest challenge for transformative social learning in these catchments is the need for a monitoring and evaluation practice which documents and makes explicit important learning and transformation taking place. This is therefore why, through a set of recommendations, it is suggested that it is key to build capacities within existing facilitators and to work closely with stakeholders from research, policy, and implementation to grow the existing social learning work, for future transformation. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Environmental Science, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring the experiences of female nurses on emotional labour and the labour process in the public healthcare sector in eThekwini municipality, KwaZulu-Natal
- Authors: Plaatjies, Kinnie
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466165 , vital:76703
- Description: The dissertation explores female nurses’ experiences of emotional labour and labour process concerning their interactions and relationships with management, doctors, and patients at their workplace. This paper introduces some key concepts of the labour process theory in exploring emotional labour in the workplace contributing to the emotional labour process. Moreover, the study was conducted in KwaZulu-Natal’s public healthcare sector, focusing on female nurses with a working experience of four years and above. The dissertation used a qualitative method, semi-structured in-depth interviews, and a schedule technique to gather data. The research was analysed using thematic analysis and was assessed in line with the objectives of the dissertation. The nursing profession requires positive displays of emotions and characteristics such as smiling, compassion, being kind and caring. The findings show that gender plays a role in the nurse-patient interaction and nurses feel undermined by some professional doctors and respected by student doctors. Whilst the nurse-nurse manager relationship is viewed positively. Further findings show that nurses experience harsh working conditions such as long working hours and low wages that leave them dissatisfied. However, nurses are motivated by their contribution to improving their patients’ health, which keeps them committed to their jobs and produces good performance. In addition, nurses experience managerial control and concerns of power dynamics are revealed but they have also had agency to resist through strikes and individually. Although emotional labour is a requirement in the nursing profession, nurses are found to experience consequences such as stress and anxiety. , Thesis (MSocSci) -- Faculty of Humanities, Sociology, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Exploring the influence of power dynamics on collaborative governance in the Thukela Catchment
- Authors: Dunyana, Philisa
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Stakeholder participation , Watershed management South Africa Tugela River Watershed , Water security South Africa , Collaborative governance , Decision making , Conflict management
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/464809 , vital:76547
- Description: South Africa is a water-scarce country with unequally distributed water. This dilemma has been brought about by insufficient water supply and governance fragmentation, among other drivers. The democratic national water policies (National Water Act No. 36 of 1998) intend to foster collaborative water governance (CWG), where stakeholders within catchments must come together to learn and share decision-making responsibility through collaborative platforms that should ensure the sustainability and equitable distribution of water resources. Still, CWG is not functioning well in most parts of the country, partly due to power dynamics that compromise dynamics on collaborative governance processes and outcomes in the Upper Thukela Catchment (UTC). It did this by identifying the roles of stakeholders, looking into the nature of power dynamics among stakeholders and how these affect collaborative processes, and by examining how power dynamics interact with resources and mechanisms to influence collaborative governance outcomes. The research used two interrelated conceptual frameworks (Franks and Cleaver (2007) and the 4Rs framework (Mayers, 2005)) to explore power dynamics. The study was conducted through qualitative research using a case study approach, which consists of data collection methods such as in-depth semi-structured interviews, document review, direct observation and participant observation. The 4Rs framework highlighted the insufficient involvement of critical stakeholders in water governance, specifically those from the public sector with water management and governance authority rights. The analysis also exposed conflicting relationships among stakeholders involved in water governance, mostly stemming from some public sector stakeholders evading roles and responsibilities, a lack of trust, and limited access to information. These factors contribute to challenges and tensions within the water governance landscape in the UTC. The research also showed that the presence of different political parties in the water governance and management space seems to be the primary roots of the power dynamics that affect the processes of water governance and management. Political parties contesting power over the same communities led to conflict, corruption, competition, negligence, and sabotage. These challenges impact operational flow, service delivery, sense of urgency, and decisionmaking. Thus, the nature of power dynamics in collaborative governance processes further exposed the underlying issue of limited statehood. Application of the Franks and Cleaver (2007) framework revealed that through their influence on power dynamics, resources and mechanisms of access affect livelihoods and catchment outcomes. The study contributes to the body of knowledge on the influence of power dynamics on collaborative governance and provides recommendations for further studies to improve collaborative water governance. It highlights the complex interplay between power dynamics, stakeholder participation, and water governance processes in the UTC. To improve collaborative water governance, it is crucial to address limited stakeholder participation, mitigate the negative influence of political parties, and meaningfully empower local communities. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Environmental Science, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Extreme value theory with applications in finance
- Authors: Matshaya, Aphelele
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465047 , vital:76568
- Description: The development and implementation of extreme value theory models has been very significant as they demonstrate an application of statistics that is very much needed in the analysis of extreme events in a wide range of industries, and more recently the cryptocurrency industry. The crypto industry is booming as the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies is spreading worldwide and constantly drawing the attention of investors, the media, as well as financial institutions. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile assets whose price fluctuations continually lead to the loss of millions in a variety of currencies in the market. In this thesis, the extreme behaviour in the tail of the distribution of returns of Bitcoin will be examined. High-frequency Bitcoin data spanning periods before as well as after the COVID-19 pandemic will be utilised. The Peaks-over-Threshold method will be used to build models based on the generalised Pareto distribution, and both positive returns and negative returns will be modelled. Several techniques to select appropriate thresholds for the models are explored and the goodness-offit of the models assessed to determine the extent to which extreme value theory can model Bitcoin returns sufficiently. The analysis is extended and performed on Bitcoin data from a different crypto exchange to ensure model robustness is achieved. Using Bivariate extreme value theory, a Gumbel copula is fitted by the method of maximum likelihood with censored data to model the dynamic relationship between Bitcoin returns and trading volumes at the extreme tails. The extreme dependence and correlation structures will be analysed using tail dependence coefficients and the related extreme correlation coefficients. All computations are executed in R and the results are recorded in tabular and graphical formats. Tail-related measures of risk, namely Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall, are estimated from the extreme value models. Backtesting procedures are performed on the results from the risk models. A comparison between the negative returns of Bitcoin and those of Gold is carried out to determine which is the less risky asset to invest in during extreme market conditions. Extreme risk is calculated using the same extreme value approach and the results show that Bitcoin is riskier than Gold. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Statistics, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Figuring the black femme fatale: analysing black womanhood in U-Carmen eKhayelitsha
- Authors: Waters-Maine, Leigh
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466117 , vital:76687
- Description: In this thesis, I investigate black womanhood in U-Carmen eKhayelitsha, a post-apartheid film opera. The aim of this research is to examine the representation of black women in this film opera, focusing largely on the lead character, U-Carmen. This thesis is driven by a form of intersectional feminism which is characterised by overlapping categories such as race, gender, class and sexual orientation (Crenshaw 1989). A growing number of scholars have written about the rise of South African operas (Roos 2012; André 2016; Gerber 2021) but have seldom focused on the multi-layered representation of black women, which is what this thesis aims to do. In reading this work, I argue that U-Carmen eKhayelitsa foregrounds U-Carmen as a black woman with a storyline that rejects essentialists portrayals of black women on opera stages. The film opera, I argue, figures a complex womanhood represented in voice, labour, motherhood, and death. It not only recognizes the marginalised, but it also offers a change to the perception of the gendering of the black female body. In this thesis, I employ textual analysis to consider the historical contexts of U-Carmen alongside its contemporary resonances and analyse the main female character in the opera and how she can enforce or change the narrative of the role of women in opera. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Music and Musicology, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Fishery characteristics, genetic structure, population demography and value chain of Skipjack and Kawakawa exploited in coastal waters of the Western Indian Ocean
- Authors: Mzingirwa, Fatuma Ali
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Fisheries Indian Ocean Region , Single nucleotide polymorphisms , Marine fishes Spawning , Marine fishes Size , Sustainable fisheries , Value creation , Market structure
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466759 , vital:76776 , DOI https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/466759
- Description: Tuna represents a highly valuable global fishery, comprising 7.9% of the total 67.9 million metric tons (MT) of marine finfish catch. Among tuna species, Katsuwonus pelamis, skipjack and Euthynnus affinis, kawakawa are commercially important, particularly for artisanal fisheries. Skipjack is the most dominant tuna species globally, contributing over 60% to total tuna production. In the Indian Ocean (IO), skipjack catches approximately 420,000 MT annually. Kawakawa, the second most abundant neritic tuna in the IO, accounting for roughly 12% of neritic tuna landings, is primarily harvested by artisanal fleets, with annual catches of around 160,000 MT. While current assessments indicate that skipjack and kawakawa stocks in the IO are not overfished, maintaining their long-term health is crucial. This research addresses three key areas: genetic diversity, population structure, and connectivity of skipjack and kawakawa tuna in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO); size structure and reproductive characteristics of these species within the WIO; and the value chain of the Kenyan artisanal tuna fishery, focusing on skipjack and kawakawa. To achieve these objectives, skipjack and kawakawa samples were collected from Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa. A non-random sampling approach was employed to obtain specimens and data from artisanal and recreational fisheries. Biological and genetic sampling were conducted concurrently. The economic value chain of the Kenyan artisanal tuna fishery was examined through questionnaires and catch data. This analysis focused on the socio-demographic profiles of key actors, the value chain structure, and associated economic benefits across four Kenyan landing sites. To investigate stock structure in WIO skipjack and kawakawa tuna, we employed tunable Genotyping-by-Sequencing (tGBS) to generate genome-wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data. Skipjack analysis revealed 7005 SNPs with an average observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.206. While overall genetic differentiation (FST) among samples was low (global FST = 0.003) between samples (FST = 0 – 0.013), significant genetic differences were observed between skipjack samples taken north of Mtwara in southern Tanzania (i.e., northern Tanzania, Kenya and Sri Lanka) and those to the south (i.e., southern Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa), with Seychelles falling closer to the southern grouping. Kawakawa analysis, based on 14806 SNPs and an average Ho of 0.2585, indicated a patchy distribution of low but significant genetic differentiation among WIO populations (global FST = 0.018) between-sample (FST = 0.003 – 0.036) but with no obvious geographically-based pattern. However, unlike skipjack, a clear geographic pattern in genetic structure was not evident for kawakawa. Skipjack and kawakawa populations in the WIO exhibited seasonal fluctuations in size distribution, potentially influenced by environmental conditions and fishing practices. Landings of both species were male-biased, with sex ratios of 58% and 53% for skipjack and kawakawa, respectively. Female skipjack reached sexual maturity at a fork length (FL) of 42.0 cm, while males matured at 47.0 cm FL. For kawakawa, female and male maturation lengths were 44.0 cm FL and 45.3 cm FL, respectively. Spawning occurred throughout the year, with peak activity coinciding with the Northeast Monsoon (NEM) season. Our analysis of the artisanal tuna value chain indicates that fishers primarily sell their catch to agents (53%), with the remaining proportions going to traders (20%) and processors (18%). Processors, predominantly women, play a key role in the value chain and realized the highest net profit margin (49.5%). Limited post-harvest infrastructure, inadequate transportation, and poor marketing conditions were identified as key challenges impacting the quality of fish lowering their income. These challenges disproportionately affect fishers with limited access to market information and financial resources. The findings demonstrate the need for multi-level interventions to optimize benefits from the artisanal tuna fishery along the entire value chain taking into consideration the economic, environmental, and social dimensions. This research provides crucial information for effective tuna management in the IO. Current management practices treat skipjack and kawakawa as a single, homogenous population across the entire IO. However, our genetic findings suggest the presence of distinct population groups (stocks) for both species within the WIO. Moreover, seasonal variations in size structure and reproductive characteristics observed support this hypothesis of multiple stocks. These results emphasize the need for a precautionary approach to tuna management in the region. Collaborative efforts among countries are essential to develop sustainable fisheries management strategies that consider biological, economic, and social factors. By integrating these perspectives, we can ensure the long-term health of tuna populations while supporting the livelihoods of fishing communities. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Fluorescence-doped silica nanoparticles for ultrasensitive detection of prostate specific antigen
- Authors: Msutu, Tumelo
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/464543 , vital:76520
- Description: Restricted access. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Chemistry, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Foreign aid mix and manufactured exports performance in sub-Saharan Africa
- Authors: Ndalama, Jewel Stebbins
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466361 , vital:76721 , DOI 10.21504/10962/466361
- Description: This study aims at finding out effects of foreign aid mix on manufactured exports performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is important as the region has lagged behind on promotion of manufactured exports thereby relying on primary exports. For a country’s exports to be competitive internationally, and hence improve economically, it has to manufacture products part of which can be exported. Sub-Saharan African countries have relied on primary exports which fetch low prices at international market thereby bringing in low foreign exchange. This is why African countries have relied on foreign aid since they cannot generate enough foreign exchange which is needed to import goods and services they cannot produce domestically. African countries have to boost manufactured exports which fetch high prices at international market hence they bring in the much-needed foreign exchange. Reliance on foreign aid may not be sustainable as donors have their own priorities and may not be able to give aid indefinitely. African countries have to find sustainable ways of generating foreign exchange one of which is to boost manufactured exports. As boosting manufactured exports in these countries requires resources, foreign aid can be used to improve manufacturing and manufactured exports. In this case, the countries can later stop relying on foreign aid. This study first examines the impact of foreign aid on terms of trade. Holding price of imports constant, improvement in terms of trade means that either prices of primary exports have increased or there has been improvement in manufactured exports which are known to fetch high prices at international market. The study then examines the impact of foreign aid on manufactured exports. Most of the studies have dwelt on the impact of foreign aid on exports. This study has gone further to assess the impact of foreign aid on one of the components of exports namely manufactured exports. Thereafter, the study examines the impact of disaggregated foreign aid on manufactured exports. While some studies have criticised foreign aid as having little or no impact on recipient country, it is necessary to disaggregate the aid by sector since aid to some sectors may have positive impact on those sectors, and other sectors of the economy. The study has also examined asymmetric effects of various types of foreign aid, that is, whether or not, positive and negative changes of each type of aid have the same impact on manufactured exports. The study uses both panel and pooled data for 30 Sub-Saharan African countries for the period from 1970 to 2019. Models used include Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL), Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL), Generalised Least Squares (GLS), among other models. The study has found that foreign aid has a negative and statistically significant impact on terms of trade. This means that foreign aid does not improve export prices relative to those of imports in the Sub-Saharan African countries. According to Prebisch-Singer Dependency Theory, price of primary commodities declines relative to the price of manufactured goods, causing terms of trade of primary product-based economies to deteriorate. This study has shown that foreign aid deteriorates terms of trade thereby worsening the situation of African countries which mainly export primary commodities and import manufactured products. This calls for African economies to diversify their export base to include manufactured exports, otherwise, foreign aid, which is one of the main sources of resources for African economies will keep on worsening the countries’ terms of trade. Further, the study finds that foreign aid has negative impact on manufactured exports. Like other studies that have disputed the impact of foreign aid on economic growth, this study has also found that foreign aid does not have a positive impact on manufactured exports, one of the most important factors influencing economic growth in any country. This calls for policy reform on building manufacturing capabilities in the Sub-Saharan African countries. Effectiveness of foreign aid also depends on dynamics of a country as country specific results show varying effects of foreign aid on manufactured exports, with some countries experiencing positive impact and others negative impact. Donors should therefore be assessing whether in the prospective recipient country, foreign aid will have a positive impact on manufactured exports especially if their aim is to boost manufactured exports. Though total aid has a negative and statistically insignificant impact on manufactured exports, disaggregating it shows that other types of aid such as grants, agricultural aid and health aid have positive and statistically significant impacts. Thus, criticising foreign aid is not proper as some of its components have positive impact on manufactured exports. Therefore, allocating foreign aid to sectors that can impact positively on manufactured exports will go a long way in boosting manufactured exports in these countries. In addition to assessing recipient countries, donors should assess sectors in each country to find out sectors which if funded can boost manufactured exports. Country-specific results show different impacts of different types of aid with some types having positive impact, and others negative impact on manufactured exports. This means that the effectiveness of different types of foreign aid depends on a country. The study has also shown that there are no asymmetric effects of all types of aid meaning that there are no significant differences in impacts of positive or negative changes in the types of aid. Fixed capital (proxy for infrastructure development), foreign direct investment, and openness are found to be positively related to manufactured exports and statistically significant regardless of model used, and whether data used is pooled or panel. This calls for other ways of improving manufactured exports in the region. Improving infrastructure (fixed capital), attracting foreign direct investment, and opening up Sub-Saharan African countries can go a long way in promoting manufactured exports in the region. The study also ran regressions after including private sector credit, and excluding Zimbabwe, a country that faced economic challenges during the study period especially towards the end of the study period to the extent that macroeconomic fundamentals were far from being normal. However, results are not much different from results without private sector credit, and inclusion of Zimbabwe. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Commerce, Economics and Economic History, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Foundation phase teachers’ understanding and implementation of differentiated pedagogical practices in teaching reading
- Authors: Muroa, Johanna Makgati
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463713 , vital:76434
- Description: Pre-1994, teacher education in South Africa was separated into mainstream and special education classes. Special education classes accommodated learners who were not coping with grade-level work. In 2001, Education White Paper Six advocated for inclusive education. This policy promotes differentiated pedagogical practices to accommodate learners’ needs and minimize barriers to learning. However, research has shown that teachers do not have the required content and pedagogical knowledge to teach according to diverse learners’ needs. One of the reasons given is that the teacher education system does not prepare teachers adequately to teach in classrooms with diverse learners. This qualitative case study is underpinned by an interpretivist orientation as it seeks to ascertain how teachers understand and implement differentiated pedagogical tools in their practice. The research asks the question: How do Foundation Phase teachers understand and implement differentiated pedagogical tools? Seventy-six teachers enrolled for in-service Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase) completed a questionnaire and three Foundation Phase teachers were observed and interviewed. Data gathered was analyzed using the Theory of Practice Architectures. The study found that the teachers recognized the importance of accommodating the different learners’ learning needs, however, they struggled to implement differentiated pedagogical practices in the classroom. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Primary and Early Childhood Education, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Gold mineralization at the Blue Rock Deposit, Gadzema Greenstone Belt: Implications on genesis and exploration for orogenic gold mineralization within Archaean Greenstone Belts of Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mavuwa, Tavashavira
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/464944 , vital:76559
- Description: The Blue Rock gold deposit was re-discovered by African Consolidated Resources (ACR) in 2007, over a defunct historical gold mine at Blue Rock, during a regional geochemical soil sampling program, within the Gadzema Greenstone Belt (GGB), in Central Zimbabwe. Most significant orogenic gold deposits within this belt occur as BIF- and quartz vein hosted orebodies. But unlike them, gold mineralization at Blue Rock is associated with felsite and quartz porphyry rocks. The GGB is a northern extension of the Midlands Greenstone Belt (MGB), where the common occurrence of mineralized felsites, in close association with major gold reefs within numerous gold mines is well documented. But no significant effort was directed towards their understanding or exploration in the past. They were never considered viable exploration targets for significant economic gold deposits, until recently. More attention was instead focused on high-grade BIF and quartz vein hosted gold, that dominate most orebodies exploited by numerous mines within the belt. At Blue Rock, ACR defined a significant JORC compliant felsite-hosted gold resource of close to a million ounces, which represents a brand new attractive open-pit mining opportunity. But the successful exploration for such type of mineralization, whose footprint is so different from the common ones previously mined within the GGB, no doubt, calls for a good understanding of this type of mineralization. Which makes felsite-hosted gold mineralization a prime candidate for research, based on a deposit whose discovery and development, I was fortunate to be part of during the past few years. In this contribution, the genesis, localization and economic significance of felsite-hosted gold mineralization is investigated, using the gold deposit at Blue Rock as a case study. The deposit could be understood best through the Mineral Systems Approach, used in this study to interrogate alternative ideas about its genesis using published information and deposit-scale exploratory data. Results from the synthesis of published information on the evolution of Archaean Greenstone Belts and genesis of their host orogenic gold deposits, are consistent with models that view orogenic terrains as having formed through horizontal accretion in modern-day like subduction-accretion systems, at continental margins, where orogenic gold deposition occurred via processes that could be explained quite simply, through a universal orogenic gold mineral systems model. According to this model, orogenic gold deposits are believed to have formed from near neutral fluids containing dissolved gold, generated directly from the devolatilization of a subducted oceanic slab together with its overlying gold-bearing sulphide-rich sedimentary package, or indirectly through fluid released from a mantle lithosphere that was originally metasomatized and fertilized during an earlier subduction event. The fluid migrated up-dip from the mantle to crustal levels, through advection or seismic pumping along lithosphere- to crustal-scale fault zones, to form orogenic gold deposits within lower order structures. If these models are all accurate, then the GGB formed through subduction-related east-directed horizontal accretion at the continental margins of the Sebakwe Proto-Craton (SPC), and the genesis of felsite-hosted gold mineralization at Blue Rock could be explained eloquently through a universal orogenic gold model, in which mantle derived auriferous fluids were localised within lower order structures associated with felsites during the late stages of terrain accretion. Evidence from surface mapping and 3D modelling of exploratory drilling data, conducted during this research, strongly support the argument that the felsite hosted gold mineralization at Blue Rock, is neither unique nor accidental. It is just but, a simple product of the conjunction of favourable geological factors, no different to those that birthed typical GGB orogenic gold mineralization hosted within sheared sulphidic BIFs and quartz vein reefs. They all share the same geodynamic setting, fertility, preservation and regional architectural factors reminiscent of accretionary orogenic settings, albeit with differences in local architecture, variably controlled by geochemical and rheological properties of the different local host rocks. At deposit scale, the felsites occur as small dykes and sills emplaced along pre-existing structural zones of weakness. Gold mineralization is structurally controlled and associated mostly with brittle-ductile shears. During deformation, rheological contrast played a significant role in the selective failure of the more competent felsite rocks, resulting in the creation of permeability channels that allowed fluid migration. The more brittle and competent felsites acted as rigid bodies, that localised strain along their contacts with the surrounding less competent ductile mafic schists which acted as a relatively less permeable fluid cap rock. The irregular felsite contact zones with surrounding mafic schist caused a significant variation in the orientation of local principal maximum stress relative to the internally imposed regional stress, causing anomalously low minimum stress zones at deposit scale. Gold deposition occurred within low minimum stress structural traps dominated by sheared felsite contacts and their fractured interiors as well as triple junctions formed by complex structural geometries created by multiple felsite intrusions. The felsite hosted gold at Blue Rock can therefore be recognized as an orogenic gold mineral system archetype, for which an occurrence model is proposed. Understanding this type of mineralization is key for developing a robust exploration strategy - one that could be applied in a predictive capacity in exploration, to locate new economic gold deposits especially within well-endowed mature orogenic terrains, where exploration risk could be minimized by leveraging on new forward-thinking initiatives like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to re-analyze data from previous mining and exploration, allowing for a faster route to a return on investment. In a world of diminishing natural resources, the potential for previously ignored gold mineralization like the one at Blue Rock, becomes very significant. The prophetic words of Foster (1984), writing in Gold ‘82, therefore remain true and relevant to our time, that; “…. the way ahead for successful gold exploration is to search for new deposits not commonly recognized – in auriferous muds, disseminations in carbonate rocks, porphyries, and in felsic intrusive and extrusive volcanics…”. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Geology, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
HI analysis of resolved galaxies in the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey
- Authors: Maina, Eric Kamau
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: MeerKAT , Galaxies Clusters , Square Kilometre Array , H I region
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466701 , vital:76771 , DOI https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/466701
- Description: This doctoral thesis examines two galaxy groups, Klemola 31 and UGC439, leveraging the observational capabilities of the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS). The focus was on studying the interstellar medium, specifically the neutral hydrogen (H i) content, distribution, density, and dynamics, through high spatial resolution observations of these groups, and therefore offering insights into the complex processes affecting galaxy evolution in different environments. To make use of an additional tool, the absorption line characteristics of Hi in the two observed systems were analysed and compared with the kinematics and the morphology as induced by the observation of the Hi emission line in the same systems. For Klemola 31, this thesis identifies significant Hi deficiencies and interactions between member galaxies, with notable evidence of tidal interactions between Klemola 31 A and Klemola 31 B as well as ESO400-11 and LEDA2807038; and possible ram-pressure stripping in ESO400-13. The combined analysis of the Hi in emission and absorption indicates the presence of an extraplanar and potential intra-group medium in the group. The UGC439 group was observed in the commissioning phase of the MeerKAT array, revealing contrasting Hi distributions, with the central three galaxies indicating Hi excess while the peripheral galaxies indicating Hi deficiencies. There are two Hi clouds, one close to the central three galaxies and the other to the north. In this case, the observations are consistent with an Hi absorption system from within the disk of a galaxy. This thesis also highlights the necessity for further high spatial and spectral resolution observations to further reveal the intricacies of gas dynamics and its critical role in the life-cycle of galaxies. It serves as an outlook for further studies of the Hi environment of galaxies by combining absorption and emission line studies as first provided by MALS and ultimately by deep Hi surveys with the Square Kilometre Array. This thesis is organised into four chapters. The first chapter details a few concepts and background information about the physics of galaxy evolution. Chapter two talks about Klemola 31 galaxy group, where we start by describing our observation, data reduction and source finding. Thereafter, we explore the Hi morphology and kinematics of this group. In Chapter Three, we turn our attention to UGC439 galaxy group and organise it in a similar manner. A summary and comparison of the two groups is presented in Chapter 4. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Physics and Electronics, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Immobilisation of an Aspergillus niger derived endo-1,4-β-mannanase, Man26A, for the production of prebiotic mannooligosaccharides from soybean meal
- Authors: Anderson, Amy Sage
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Aspergillus niger , Soybean meal , Mannosidases , Oligosaccharides , Immobilized microorganisms
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463897 , vital:76455
- Description: This study investigated the potential for antibiotic alternatives in the form of prebiotics produced from the enzymatic breakdown of soybean meal (SBM). This study first investigated the immobilisation of an endo-1,4-β-mannanase derived from Aspergillus niger on glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan nanoparticles (CTS) and glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan-coated magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (MAGS-CTS) - which could be effectively used to hydrolyse the galactomannan contained in SBM in a recyclable manner. The mannooligosaccharides (MOS) produced from the enzymatic digestion of SBM were then analysed for their prebiotic and antimicrobial capabilities to determine whether the strategy employed was capable of promoting and inhibiting probiotic and pathogenic growth, respectively. An Aspergillus niger endo-1,4-β-mannanase, Man26A, was confirmed by FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) and XRD (X-ray powder diffraction) to be immobilised onto CTS and MAGS-CTS by covalent bonding. The immobilisation (%) and activity yields (%) were 81.14% and 35.45%, and 55.75% and 21.17%, respectively. The biochemical properties (pH and temperature optima, and temperature stability) of both the free CTS and MAGS-CTS immobilised Man26A enzymes were evaluated, with the pH optima shifting to a lower pH range after immobilisation (pH 2.0 – 3.0 vs. 5.0), while the temperature optima and stabilities remaining unchanged (at 60°C). CTS and free enzymes exhibited identical thermal stabilities, maintaining 100% activity for the first 6 hours at 55°C, while MAGS-CTS showed an immediate drop in relative activity after the first 30 minutes of incubation. Recyclability analysis revealed that CTS could be effectively reused for six reaction cycles, while the MAGS-CTS immobilised enzyme could only be used once. Both enzymes could be efficiently stored at 4ºC, showing a relative residual activity of 73% after 120 hours of storage. Substrate kinetic analysis showed that the free enzyme had the highest catalytic capabilities in hydrolysing locust bean gum (LBG), with the CTS immobilised enzyme was the most efficient in hydrolysing SBM, the insoluble, complex substrate. Sugar residues produced from the hydrolysis of LBG illustrated the effective breakdown of galactomannan to mannobiose (M2), mannotriose (M3), mannotetrose (M4), and mannohexose (M6). SBM-produced sugars analysed via TLC and HPLC indicated that the MOS residues were most probably glucose, galactose, and galactomannans (GM2 and GM3). The SBM-produced sugars were then evaluated for their prebiotic effect, illustrating their successful utilisation as a carbon source by probiotic bacteria; Streptococcus thermophilus, Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of the SBM-produced sugars digested by probiotics suggested that their metabolites had the potential to be used as an antibiotic alternative. This study therefore illustrated that an endo-1,4-β-mannanase derived from Aspergillus niger could be immobilised successfully, for use in a recyclable reaction to produce MOS products. This study also described the successful use of SBM-sugars as a prebiotic, indicating a successful alternative to antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) by illustrating their positive effect on inhibiting growth of pathogenic bacterial species. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Bioinformatics, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Integrating sustainability into strategic decision making in the South African automotive sector
- Authors: Makaudi, Tuelo Ivan
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/461874 , vital:76247
- Description: Sustainability has become a major topic for businesses, policy makers, government, and researchers. With the growing awareness of climate change, environmental and social problems, attention has turned to how businesses impact the environment, society, and economy. Sustainability, therefore, requires the integration of environmental and social issues into strategic decision making. Many organizations consider sustainability as an important issue for the business. However, some companies are struggling to combine business success and the success of other stakeholders, particularly those representing the interests of the environment and society. The purpose of this case study is to explore how sustainability is integrated into strategic decision making within some companies in the South African automotive industry. This study followed a qualitative approach, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten senior managers in the automotive sector in South Africa. The study used an inductive thematic analysis approach to analyse the data, and five main themes were generated: (1) Business profitability, (2) Organization culture, (3) Rationality, (4) Compliance, and (5) Corporate social responsibility (CSR). The findings of the study indicated that strategic decisions made considered business profitability first and foremost above environment and society. There is evidence that businesses engage in some sustainability activities, but this was related to the business objective to be profitable and to meet compliance requirements. The findings of the study also indicated that a rational decision-making approach was used predominantly, compared to intuitive and political approaches. This was due to the cautious approach of maintaining profit-making as a primary business objective. In terms of recommendations, this study recommends that automotive companies in South Africa integrate sustainability considerations into organizational/or business strategy to enable the industry to create shared value for the environment, society and economy. Integrating sustainability into business strategy will align business practices with sustainability goals and therefore allowing the automotive industry to have a positive impact in the society and environment which in turn will lead to improved financial performance. , Thesis (MBA) -- Faculty of Commerce, Rhodes Business School, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Interaction of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Solanum Tuberosum
- Authors: Chifetete, Varaidzo Winnie
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/466513 , vital:76737
- Description: Restricted access. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Investigating deep-seated factors that can condition English First Additional Language literature teaching in Grade 7
- Authors: Ntikinca, Xolela
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/463757 , vital:76438
- Description: Access restricted. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Institute for the Study of Englishes of Africa, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11