Die sosio-ekonomiese opname as instrument vir die inisiëring van 'n ontwikkelingsproses in 'n landelike gemeenskap met spesifieke verwysing na Wartburg
- Rossouw, Anthonie Michael Müller
- Authors: Rossouw, Anthonie Michael Müller
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa -- Wartburg Social service -- South Africa -- Wartburg Social service -- Research Rural poor -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:3280 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006475
- Description: Aim of this study. The problem of poverty, especially in rural S.A ., formed the basis for the questions and hypotheses posed in this study. Poverty stricken communities, with the accompanying suffering, the immobilizing effect of poverty and the present climate of urgent changes in S.A., were also apparent in Wartburg (study area). The problem was to initiate development in such a way that the chances of failure and therefore the wasting of already scarce resources is minimized. The manner in which development is initiated and what are viewed as desirable elements of development should culminate into achieving self-sustaining development in the long term. It became clear therefore that a complete data base needs to be established in order to initiate such a development process. In this study the aim was to investigate the role which research plays in the process of development. Method. This study can be divided into two sections, viz an investigation into the theoretical basis for achieving a self-sustaining process of development and how research should be done within such a process. Secondly, the practical application of such a theoretical basis was tested and forms the empirical section of this study. The first section was completed by undertaking a literature study. The conditions set for the development process guided the researcher increasingly to a holistic perspective, Community Development and the state of the art of Social Work Practice. The second part of this study was done through empirical research. The questionnaire method was utilized where structured interviews were conducted by properly trained field workers who were of similar cultural background as the community involved in the survey. The data was processed by using the B.M.D.P. programme and recorded in section B of this report. From section A and B of this report conclusions were drawn regarding the development process, the role research has in this process and the task of the Social Work Profession in this regard. Findings. From the theory it seemed that the state of the art regarding social Work Practice upholds a holistic perspective and views community practice and development as an important function within this perspective. It seems that a unitary approach to Social Work is increasingly becoming a reality in the pursuit of a holistic perspective as well as by stressing the importance of community practice. The integrated approach to Social Work Practice seems to collaborate with these views. The role of research is equally important to social Work Practice as it is to Community Development and should be viewed as an integral part of the Social Work Process/Practice. The empirical section of this study is a clear example of what can be achieved by a properly planned and executed research project which forms an integral part of a development process. Together with the community valuable data were drawn from the data base. These conclusions were directly employed to identify priorities and in planning specific projects. Conclusions. This study concludes, firstly, that Social Work Practice has an obvious task in the field of community development. This profession can contribute to a large extent toward making development more human and to acknowledge the importance of both man and his environment when considering development. The study also showed that research is an integral part of a development process, especially where the aim is that of a perpetuating, self-sustaining development process. In short, it seems that the Socio-economic research meets the requirements set by the aforementioned development process, but that refining seems necessary in order to make it more effective and useful as an instrument for initiating such a process of development as discussed in the above paragraphs.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Rossouw, Anthonie Michael Müller
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa -- Wartburg Social service -- South Africa -- Wartburg Social service -- Research Rural poor -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:3280 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006475
- Description: Aim of this study. The problem of poverty, especially in rural S.A ., formed the basis for the questions and hypotheses posed in this study. Poverty stricken communities, with the accompanying suffering, the immobilizing effect of poverty and the present climate of urgent changes in S.A., were also apparent in Wartburg (study area). The problem was to initiate development in such a way that the chances of failure and therefore the wasting of already scarce resources is minimized. The manner in which development is initiated and what are viewed as desirable elements of development should culminate into achieving self-sustaining development in the long term. It became clear therefore that a complete data base needs to be established in order to initiate such a development process. In this study the aim was to investigate the role which research plays in the process of development. Method. This study can be divided into two sections, viz an investigation into the theoretical basis for achieving a self-sustaining process of development and how research should be done within such a process. Secondly, the practical application of such a theoretical basis was tested and forms the empirical section of this study. The first section was completed by undertaking a literature study. The conditions set for the development process guided the researcher increasingly to a holistic perspective, Community Development and the state of the art of Social Work Practice. The second part of this study was done through empirical research. The questionnaire method was utilized where structured interviews were conducted by properly trained field workers who were of similar cultural background as the community involved in the survey. The data was processed by using the B.M.D.P. programme and recorded in section B of this report. From section A and B of this report conclusions were drawn regarding the development process, the role research has in this process and the task of the Social Work Profession in this regard. Findings. From the theory it seemed that the state of the art regarding social Work Practice upholds a holistic perspective and views community practice and development as an important function within this perspective. It seems that a unitary approach to Social Work is increasingly becoming a reality in the pursuit of a holistic perspective as well as by stressing the importance of community practice. The integrated approach to Social Work Practice seems to collaborate with these views. The role of research is equally important to social Work Practice as it is to Community Development and should be viewed as an integral part of the Social Work Process/Practice. The empirical section of this study is a clear example of what can be achieved by a properly planned and executed research project which forms an integral part of a development process. Together with the community valuable data were drawn from the data base. These conclusions were directly employed to identify priorities and in planning specific projects. Conclusions. This study concludes, firstly, that Social Work Practice has an obvious task in the field of community development. This profession can contribute to a large extent toward making development more human and to acknowledge the importance of both man and his environment when considering development. The study also showed that research is an integral part of a development process, especially where the aim is that of a perpetuating, self-sustaining development process. In short, it seems that the Socio-economic research meets the requirements set by the aforementioned development process, but that refining seems necessary in order to make it more effective and useful as an instrument for initiating such a process of development as discussed in the above paragraphs.
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Ons leer mekaar
- Date: 1991-08
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Rural conditions -- Periodicals , Government, Resistance to -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 -- Periodicals
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/76958 , vital:30649
- Description: Op ’n sonnige Saterdag- oggend op Montagu kom daar ’n gekap en geraas uit ’n groot skuur. In die agter- grond sing ’n vrou ’n op- gewekte deuntjie. Wie werk so hard en so vrolik op ’n Saterdag? En waarom? Toe Ons Leer Mekaar onder- soek gaan instel, het ons die Montagu Skrynwerkers Ko- operatief leer ken - ’n be- sonderse groep mense wat op ’n besondere manier werk. Hulle is ’n span van tien, waar- van vier vroue is. En almal in die span is saam eienaars van die skrynwerkers-besigheid. Maandag-oggende besluit die span wat hulle target vir die week is. "En as ons nie target slaan nie, dan moet ons sit, al is dit Saterdag", vertel Leon de Koker, die produksie- koordineerder. "Jy werk vir jouself, so aan die einde van die dag kan jy nie ’n baas blameer, of se baas waar is my loon nie. Hier moet almal saamtrek. Elke lid deel in die winste van die ko-operatief, maar ook omgekeerd: as ons verliese maak, deel elkeen daar in." Die ko-operatief maak futon- beddens en ses-hoekiae tafels, wat landwyd verkoop word. Futon beddens lyk soos harde plat matrasse wat op die grond oop gegooi word. Die tafels word veral in kantore gebruik, omdat baie tafels in- mekaar pas om ’n groter tafel te maak. Dit word ook trapazoidal tafels genoem. Baie council huise op Montagu het nie elektrisiteit me. Die skrynwerkers verkoop hulle afval-houtjies teen R1 ’n sak vir brandhout. Die semels verkoop hulle aan die boere wat hoenders en perde aanhou. "In die somer noem ons dit die Coke-fonds, die geldjies wat so inkom", se Leon.
- Full Text:
- Date: 1991-08
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Rural conditions -- Periodicals , Government, Resistance to -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 -- Periodicals
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/76958 , vital:30649
- Description: Op ’n sonnige Saterdag- oggend op Montagu kom daar ’n gekap en geraas uit ’n groot skuur. In die agter- grond sing ’n vrou ’n op- gewekte deuntjie. Wie werk so hard en so vrolik op ’n Saterdag? En waarom? Toe Ons Leer Mekaar onder- soek gaan instel, het ons die Montagu Skrynwerkers Ko- operatief leer ken - ’n be- sonderse groep mense wat op ’n besondere manier werk. Hulle is ’n span van tien, waar- van vier vroue is. En almal in die span is saam eienaars van die skrynwerkers-besigheid. Maandag-oggende besluit die span wat hulle target vir die week is. "En as ons nie target slaan nie, dan moet ons sit, al is dit Saterdag", vertel Leon de Koker, die produksie- koordineerder. "Jy werk vir jouself, so aan die einde van die dag kan jy nie ’n baas blameer, of se baas waar is my loon nie. Hier moet almal saamtrek. Elke lid deel in die winste van die ko-operatief, maar ook omgekeerd: as ons verliese maak, deel elkeen daar in." Die ko-operatief maak futon- beddens en ses-hoekiae tafels, wat landwyd verkoop word. Futon beddens lyk soos harde plat matrasse wat op die grond oop gegooi word. Die tafels word veral in kantore gebruik, omdat baie tafels in- mekaar pas om ’n groter tafel te maak. Dit word ook trapazoidal tafels genoem. Baie council huise op Montagu het nie elektrisiteit me. Die skrynwerkers verkoop hulle afval-houtjies teen R1 ’n sak vir brandhout. Die semels verkoop hulle aan die boere wat hoenders en perde aanhou. "In die somer noem ons dit die Coke-fonds, die geldjies wat so inkom", se Leon.
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Feministiese vertelstrategieë in 'n metafiksionele teks van Jeanne Goosen
- Authors: Mackenzie, Leonore
- Date: 1991
- Subjects: Goosen, Jeanne Afrikaans fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism Feminism and literature
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3576 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002100
- Description: Die roman Ons is nie almal so nie (1990) deur Jeanne Goosen word aangebied in 'n realistiese (oftewel tradisionele) vertelvorm. Feministiese vakkundigheid verwys na die narratiewe tipe as patriargaal of fallosentries. As sodanig, is daar 'n ingrypende verskil tussen die vertelwyse van hierdie teks en die van die outeur se vroeere tekste. Hierdie verskuiwing dien as stimulus vir 'n evaluasie van bogenoemde teks binne 'n raamwerk van die feministiese literere teorie en kritiek. Genoemde verskuiwing beteken ook 'n behoefte na 'n ondersoek van die feministiese literatuur en vakkunde in verhouding tot die heersende manlike "stem" van tradisionele redevoering. Dit word beklemtoon dat elkeen van die feministiese teoretiese standpunte die onvoorwaardelike politieke doelstellings van alle feministiese tekste aan die lig bring. Daar word onder andere te kenne gegee dat patriargale mag nie net op persoonlike vlak voorkom nie, maar ook op die vlak van instellings en sosiale gebruike. Patriargale beheer is dus nie 'n onveranderliknatuurlike gegewe nie; dit is vatbaar vir teoretiese analise en praktiese wysiging. Vanwee die feministiese literere teoriee se preokkupasie met patriargale mag, word hierdie teoriee dikwels gekritiseer as synde onbetrokke by strydvrae ten opsigte van rassisme en klasseverdeling. Dit word erken dat die feministiese literere kritiek die geskil met betrekking tot seksisme moet transendeer; dat die toekoms van die feministiese literere teoriee gelee is in 'n deurdringende gesprekvoering met materialisme. Dit is die uitdruklike doelstelling van die marxisties-feministiese kritiese standpunt om rekening te hou, nie net met vraagpunte ten opsigte van taal en "gender" nie, maar ook van klas en ras. Goosen se teks is besonder ontvanklik vir 'n ondersoek van hierdie verwante probleme. * * * The novel Ons is nie almal so nie (1990) by Jeanne Goosen is presented in a realistic (or traditional) narrative form. In feminist terms this narrative form is referred to as patriarchal or phallocentric. As such, the text differs radically from the narrative mode in which the author's previous texts are presented. This shift invites an assessment of the text within a framework of feminist theory and criticism. Moreover, it indicates the need for an investigation into the relationship of feminist literature and scholarship to the dominant male voice of traditional discourse. It is stressed that each of the feminist theoretical positions reveals the unreservedly political purpose of all feminist writing. It is further suggested that patriarchal power exists in institutions and social practices, not merely in individual intentions. Patriarchal power is therefore not a part of immutable nature, but open to effective theoretical analyses and practical change. Due to their preoccupation with patriarchal power, feminist literary theories are often criticised as being blind to issues of race and/or class. It is recognised that feminist literary theory must transcend the issue of sexism; that its future lies in a far more articulated dialogue with materialism. The express purpose of the marxist-feminist critical position is to take into account questions not only of language and gender, but also of class and race. Goosen's text is particularly receptive to an exploration of these interrelated problems.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Mackenzie, Leonore
- Date: 1991
- Subjects: Goosen, Jeanne Afrikaans fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism Feminism and literature
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3576 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002100
- Description: Die roman Ons is nie almal so nie (1990) deur Jeanne Goosen word aangebied in 'n realistiese (oftewel tradisionele) vertelvorm. Feministiese vakkundigheid verwys na die narratiewe tipe as patriargaal of fallosentries. As sodanig, is daar 'n ingrypende verskil tussen die vertelwyse van hierdie teks en die van die outeur se vroeere tekste. Hierdie verskuiwing dien as stimulus vir 'n evaluasie van bogenoemde teks binne 'n raamwerk van die feministiese literere teorie en kritiek. Genoemde verskuiwing beteken ook 'n behoefte na 'n ondersoek van die feministiese literatuur en vakkunde in verhouding tot die heersende manlike "stem" van tradisionele redevoering. Dit word beklemtoon dat elkeen van die feministiese teoretiese standpunte die onvoorwaardelike politieke doelstellings van alle feministiese tekste aan die lig bring. Daar word onder andere te kenne gegee dat patriargale mag nie net op persoonlike vlak voorkom nie, maar ook op die vlak van instellings en sosiale gebruike. Patriargale beheer is dus nie 'n onveranderliknatuurlike gegewe nie; dit is vatbaar vir teoretiese analise en praktiese wysiging. Vanwee die feministiese literere teoriee se preokkupasie met patriargale mag, word hierdie teoriee dikwels gekritiseer as synde onbetrokke by strydvrae ten opsigte van rassisme en klasseverdeling. Dit word erken dat die feministiese literere kritiek die geskil met betrekking tot seksisme moet transendeer; dat die toekoms van die feministiese literere teoriee gelee is in 'n deurdringende gesprekvoering met materialisme. Dit is die uitdruklike doelstelling van die marxisties-feministiese kritiese standpunt om rekening te hou, nie net met vraagpunte ten opsigte van taal en "gender" nie, maar ook van klas en ras. Goosen se teks is besonder ontvanklik vir 'n ondersoek van hierdie verwante probleme. * * * The novel Ons is nie almal so nie (1990) by Jeanne Goosen is presented in a realistic (or traditional) narrative form. In feminist terms this narrative form is referred to as patriarchal or phallocentric. As such, the text differs radically from the narrative mode in which the author's previous texts are presented. This shift invites an assessment of the text within a framework of feminist theory and criticism. Moreover, it indicates the need for an investigation into the relationship of feminist literature and scholarship to the dominant male voice of traditional discourse. It is stressed that each of the feminist theoretical positions reveals the unreservedly political purpose of all feminist writing. It is further suggested that patriarchal power exists in institutions and social practices, not merely in individual intentions. Patriarchal power is therefore not a part of immutable nature, but open to effective theoretical analyses and practical change. Due to their preoccupation with patriarchal power, feminist literary theories are often criticised as being blind to issues of race and/or class. It is recognised that feminist literary theory must transcend the issue of sexism; that its future lies in a far more articulated dialogue with materialism. The express purpose of the marxist-feminist critical position is to take into account questions not only of language and gender, but also of class and race. Goosen's text is particularly receptive to an exploration of these interrelated problems.
- Full Text:
Die verhouding tussen literêre teorie en kritiek in die Afrikaanse literêre sisteem binne die sg. "nuwe paradigma" aan die hand van gekose figure Marianne de Jong, Joan Hambidge en Gerrit Olivier
- Mudzanani, Nndanduleni Bethuel
- Authors: Mudzanani, Nndanduleni Bethuel
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Olivier, Gerrit, 1954- , Hambidge, Joan, 1956- , De Jong, Marianne , Afrikaans literature -- History and criticism , Afrikaans literature -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3599 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002174 , Olivier, Gerrit, 1954- , Hambidge, Joan, 1956- , De Jong, Marianne , Afrikaans literature -- History and criticism , Afrikaans literature -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: Currently, in the period of Poststructualism literature is widely approached as a cultural and social phenomenon and the aims of literary studies as the illuminating of social codes, ideology etc. embedded in literature. This study evaluates the contribution of specific critics working within the so-called "New paradigm". The concept "New paradigm" is used as an umbrella term covering a number of distinct developments, referring to literature as a system of literary "actions" rather than as a canon of books. In recent years several Afrikaans critics have embraced or adapted current theories in the domains of Deconstruction, Ideology Criticism, Literary, Sociology, Recepticm Aesthetics, Semiotics and Feminism. This study explores and evaluates the application of such theoretical paradigms to their work in the field of practical criticism. This study also explores the relationship between current theories of literature and their antecedents. The notion of current literary theory and practice not only as a broadening of scope and content of the notion of the "literary" but on the other hand as a liberation of theory and practice from an over-deterministic thrust (i.e. the approach of literature as no more than a set of social documents) is also evaluated in this study. A twofold aim of this study can thus be defined: a. to determine the extent to which the shift from the "old" to "new" theories was made necessary by the developing literary and social scene; b. to examine the links beween theory and practice in the work of specific, key figures in Afrikaans. Is it possible for theory and practice to be separated? Is there an important consistence in the relationship between the two in the work of the figures chosen?
- Full Text:
- Authors: Mudzanani, Nndanduleni Bethuel
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Olivier, Gerrit, 1954- , Hambidge, Joan, 1956- , De Jong, Marianne , Afrikaans literature -- History and criticism , Afrikaans literature -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3599 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002174 , Olivier, Gerrit, 1954- , Hambidge, Joan, 1956- , De Jong, Marianne , Afrikaans literature -- History and criticism , Afrikaans literature -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: Currently, in the period of Poststructualism literature is widely approached as a cultural and social phenomenon and the aims of literary studies as the illuminating of social codes, ideology etc. embedded in literature. This study evaluates the contribution of specific critics working within the so-called "New paradigm". The concept "New paradigm" is used as an umbrella term covering a number of distinct developments, referring to literature as a system of literary "actions" rather than as a canon of books. In recent years several Afrikaans critics have embraced or adapted current theories in the domains of Deconstruction, Ideology Criticism, Literary, Sociology, Recepticm Aesthetics, Semiotics and Feminism. This study explores and evaluates the application of such theoretical paradigms to their work in the field of practical criticism. This study also explores the relationship between current theories of literature and their antecedents. The notion of current literary theory and practice not only as a broadening of scope and content of the notion of the "literary" but on the other hand as a liberation of theory and practice from an over-deterministic thrust (i.e. the approach of literature as no more than a set of social documents) is also evaluated in this study. A twofold aim of this study can thus be defined: a. to determine the extent to which the shift from the "old" to "new" theories was made necessary by the developing literary and social scene; b. to examine the links beween theory and practice in the work of specific, key figures in Afrikaans. Is it possible for theory and practice to be separated? Is there an important consistence in the relationship between the two in the work of the figures chosen?
- Full Text:
'n Leesmoontlikheid van Jeanne Goosen se teks Louoond : die vrou as skrywer binne die Suid-Afrikaanse bestel
- Authors: Viljoen, Erika Valeska
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Goosen, Jeanne -- Criticism and interpretation , Goosen, Jeanne -- Louoond
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3573 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002096 , Goosen, Jeanne -- Criticism and interpretation , Goosen, Jeanne -- Louoond
- Description: This thesis investigates the narrative strategies of Jeanne Goosen, as employed in her short novel, Louoond. I regard this text as an excellent example of modern Afrikaans prose, and particular reference was made to her previous novel: Om 'n mens na te boots which indicates similarities to the text under scrutiny. Chapter One is a close reading of the first chapter of the novel, in order to identify certain prominent codes, and also to determine what the text itself prescribes. My presumption is that the text determines how it should be read, that no single, predetermined strategy can be rigidly applied to it. Thus I formulated my own individual possible reading from the first chapter, and I view it throughout as mere "speculation", since this possible reading remains only a possibility. Chapter Two contains the theoretical background that is necessary for a scientific study of this kind. I followed mainly the strategies of Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida, who are pioneers in the post -modernistic theory. It was particularly important to investigate the role of the narrator: the narrator in Louoond presents herself as a writer, therefore it is the process that is paramount. In Chapter Three the code of writing, as identified in Chapter ʺOneʺ of Louoond, is followed closely throughout the text. In Louoond, which is metatextual, violence is textually inherent, and also part of the process of writing. This violence is definitely also part of the South African situation as it is signified in the novel. Throughout the narrator is in a state of tension about her own role in the ʺrevolutionʺ - in which also her own text is a revolution in language, but always within the NOW of South Africa. Chapter Four concerns itself mainly with the role of the woman as narrator, as muse, as primary protagonist. I discuss the code of woman in relation to prominent feminist writers, but it remains in context of the text. Each issue is in the first place determined by the text, the text therefore determines which feminist issues will be investigated. The South African situation, and specifically the Afrikaner situation, serves throughout as intertext for Louoond, as with the code of writing. Other intertextual references are important, because the text is never independent from anything outside itself, and could not exist in such independence. Music plays an important role, with Callas as muse and as fellow female artist, while George Sand functions as fellow writer. Woman, independent of man, is put forward as creator. In my reading, the text remains in the first place a fabrication/imitation of the South African reality, and the fInal scene reaffirms the ʺfinal catastropheʺ that is indicated in the motto as a ʺcondition of controlled hysteriaʺ
- Full Text:
- Authors: Viljoen, Erika Valeska
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Goosen, Jeanne -- Criticism and interpretation , Goosen, Jeanne -- Louoond
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3573 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002096 , Goosen, Jeanne -- Criticism and interpretation , Goosen, Jeanne -- Louoond
- Description: This thesis investigates the narrative strategies of Jeanne Goosen, as employed in her short novel, Louoond. I regard this text as an excellent example of modern Afrikaans prose, and particular reference was made to her previous novel: Om 'n mens na te boots which indicates similarities to the text under scrutiny. Chapter One is a close reading of the first chapter of the novel, in order to identify certain prominent codes, and also to determine what the text itself prescribes. My presumption is that the text determines how it should be read, that no single, predetermined strategy can be rigidly applied to it. Thus I formulated my own individual possible reading from the first chapter, and I view it throughout as mere "speculation", since this possible reading remains only a possibility. Chapter Two contains the theoretical background that is necessary for a scientific study of this kind. I followed mainly the strategies of Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida, who are pioneers in the post -modernistic theory. It was particularly important to investigate the role of the narrator: the narrator in Louoond presents herself as a writer, therefore it is the process that is paramount. In Chapter Three the code of writing, as identified in Chapter ʺOneʺ of Louoond, is followed closely throughout the text. In Louoond, which is metatextual, violence is textually inherent, and also part of the process of writing. This violence is definitely also part of the South African situation as it is signified in the novel. Throughout the narrator is in a state of tension about her own role in the ʺrevolutionʺ - in which also her own text is a revolution in language, but always within the NOW of South Africa. Chapter Four concerns itself mainly with the role of the woman as narrator, as muse, as primary protagonist. I discuss the code of woman in relation to prominent feminist writers, but it remains in context of the text. Each issue is in the first place determined by the text, the text therefore determines which feminist issues will be investigated. The South African situation, and specifically the Afrikaner situation, serves throughout as intertext for Louoond, as with the code of writing. Other intertextual references are important, because the text is never independent from anything outside itself, and could not exist in such independence. Music plays an important role, with Callas as muse and as fellow female artist, while George Sand functions as fellow writer. Woman, independent of man, is put forward as creator. In my reading, the text remains in the first place a fabrication/imitation of the South African reality, and the fInal scene reaffirms the ʺfinal catastropheʺ that is indicated in the motto as a ʺcondition of controlled hysteriaʺ
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'n Marxisties-feministiese ondersoek van Wilma Stockenström se roman, Die kremetartekspedisie
- Authors: Gardner, Judy Hilary
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Stockenström, Wilma -- Criticism and interpretation , Stockenström, Wilma. Kremetartekspedisie
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3568 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002091
- Description: Chapter is an exploration of the meanings which may underly the title of this novel. I have tried initially to establish what kind of "expedition" is undertaken, and have come to the conclusion that "expedition" has a multidimensional meaning, that it implies a search, an expedition into different things: an expedition to the city of rose-quartz; the slave woman's expeditions from the baobab tree and back; an inner expedition to gain self-knowledge; an expedition into womanhood; an expedition into the history of Africa, into religion, into language. The second part of the chapter examines the nature of "baobab", since this tree, like the "Tree of Life", is regarded as one growing upside-down. It is this upside-down nature of the tree which led me to believe that many existing stereotypes and myths are turned upside-down in the novel: about slaves, about woman, language, the Afrikaans literary tradition, the "traditional" structure of the novel, culture transcending nature, the slave woman's language. In chapter 2 I have examined only one of these expeditions, viz. the slave woman's inner expeditions consisting of her experiences as a slave and her journeys of reminiscence. These journeys at the same time embrace all the other expeditions. Her inner expeditions are signified by a number of codes, which fulfil literally the function of processes of knowledge, of self- knowledge, as well as of systems in which meaning is contained. By undertaking this inner expedition, the woman gains greater clarity of vision concerning her own existence and the existence of man/woman in general. Chapter 3 deals mainly with the concept of possession/ownership, which results in two diametrically opposed groups: the owner class and the owned class. The peculiar institution of slavery has given rise to these two irreconcilable groups, and therefore a brief history of slavery is included in this chapter. The slave woman is initially one of the owned class, but through indoctrination, she too aspires to become a member of the owner class. In the second half of the chapter, then, the woman is discussed as owner. Her position becomes a reflection of the position of her owners, to illustrate the peculiarity of the capitalist system in which there will always be the rulers and the subjects, the oppressor and the oppressed, the owner and the owned.
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- Authors: Gardner, Judy Hilary
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Stockenström, Wilma -- Criticism and interpretation , Stockenström, Wilma. Kremetartekspedisie
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3568 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002091
- Description: Chapter is an exploration of the meanings which may underly the title of this novel. I have tried initially to establish what kind of "expedition" is undertaken, and have come to the conclusion that "expedition" has a multidimensional meaning, that it implies a search, an expedition into different things: an expedition to the city of rose-quartz; the slave woman's expeditions from the baobab tree and back; an inner expedition to gain self-knowledge; an expedition into womanhood; an expedition into the history of Africa, into religion, into language. The second part of the chapter examines the nature of "baobab", since this tree, like the "Tree of Life", is regarded as one growing upside-down. It is this upside-down nature of the tree which led me to believe that many existing stereotypes and myths are turned upside-down in the novel: about slaves, about woman, language, the Afrikaans literary tradition, the "traditional" structure of the novel, culture transcending nature, the slave woman's language. In chapter 2 I have examined only one of these expeditions, viz. the slave woman's inner expeditions consisting of her experiences as a slave and her journeys of reminiscence. These journeys at the same time embrace all the other expeditions. Her inner expeditions are signified by a number of codes, which fulfil literally the function of processes of knowledge, of self- knowledge, as well as of systems in which meaning is contained. By undertaking this inner expedition, the woman gains greater clarity of vision concerning her own existence and the existence of man/woman in general. Chapter 3 deals mainly with the concept of possession/ownership, which results in two diametrically opposed groups: the owner class and the owned class. The peculiar institution of slavery has given rise to these two irreconcilable groups, and therefore a brief history of slavery is included in this chapter. The slave woman is initially one of the owned class, but through indoctrination, she too aspires to become a member of the owner class. In the second half of the chapter, then, the woman is discussed as owner. Her position becomes a reflection of the position of her owners, to illustrate the peculiarity of the capitalist system in which there will always be the rulers and the subjects, the oppressor and the oppressed, the owner and the owned.
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Aspekte van die prosa van Boerneef met spesifieke verwysing na die bundel Boplaas
- Authors: Meintjes, William Godfrey
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Boerneef, 1897-1967 , Boplaas
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3570 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002093
- Description: This thesis is a report on a "rereading" (in the sense in which Roland Barthes uses the word) of the short texts of Boerneef (Izak Wilhelmus van der Merwe 1897-1967) published under the title Boplaas in 1938. Boerneef's prose is explored with specific reference to this one volume. The unity of the volume of texts is examined and textual indications of relations with other texts in the oeuvre are explored. In this way the thesis indicates how transtextuality determines meaning both in the individual texts as well as in the volume as a whole. The process of (re)reading in this thesis traces how, as a result of the exploration of the textual elements, a Boplaas code is generated. This Boplaas code signifies both the space and the ethos of Boplaas. Paternalism, feudalism and racism manifest themselves as important aspects of the ethos. The social disintegration which is endemic in this ethos is not caused, but merely accelerated by external impulses. The analysis indicates how, as a result of the specific organization of the narrative material, the text questions the feudal status quo. A process of demythologising of the vroegre boere-paradijs is therefore already present in the earliest Boerneef texts. However, the examination of Boerneef's prose also indicates that these texts go beyond the socio-politico-economic aspects by encoding the existential aspects of man's existence. , Hierdie proefskrif is die vers lag van 'n "rereading" (in die Barthesiaanse sin) van Boerneef (Izak Wi lhelmus van der Merwe 1897- 1967) se bundel Boplaas (1938). Die prosa van Boerneef word verken met spesifieke toespitsing op die een bundel . Die bundel-eenheid word ondersoek en tekstuele leidrade wat geledinge met ander tekste in die oeuvre aandui , word gevolg. Hierdeur word aangetoon hoe die betekenis en die be-tekenisprosesse van die tekste onderling, en die bundel as 'n geheel, op transtekstuele samehang berus. In hierdie leesproses word nagegaan hoe, deur middel van die ontginning van die tekstuele elemente, 'n Boplaas-kode in die narratiewe proses tot stand kom. Hierdie Boplaas-kode beteken 'n Boplaas-ruimte asook 'n Boplaas-etos. Paternalisme, feodalisme en rassisme word as belangrike aspekte van hierdie bestel geenkodeer en die tekste toon aan dat sosiale versplintering endemies aan die betrokke orde is en slegs deur impulse van buite verhaas word. In die bundel-analise word aangetoon hoe, as gevolg van die organisasie van die vertel stof, hierdie bundel bevraagtekenend ten opsigte van die feodale status quo staan. As gevolg hiervan is daar dus alreeds in die vroegste prosa van Boerneef 'n demitologisering van die "vroegre boere- paradijs" ingebed. Die ondersoek toon egter ook aan dat die Boplaas-tekste by die sosiopolitiko- ekonomiese dimensies verby óók die eksistensële aspekte van die mens se betstaan be-teken.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Meintjes, William Godfrey
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Boerneef, 1897-1967 , Boplaas
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3570 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002093
- Description: This thesis is a report on a "rereading" (in the sense in which Roland Barthes uses the word) of the short texts of Boerneef (Izak Wilhelmus van der Merwe 1897-1967) published under the title Boplaas in 1938. Boerneef's prose is explored with specific reference to this one volume. The unity of the volume of texts is examined and textual indications of relations with other texts in the oeuvre are explored. In this way the thesis indicates how transtextuality determines meaning both in the individual texts as well as in the volume as a whole. The process of (re)reading in this thesis traces how, as a result of the exploration of the textual elements, a Boplaas code is generated. This Boplaas code signifies both the space and the ethos of Boplaas. Paternalism, feudalism and racism manifest themselves as important aspects of the ethos. The social disintegration which is endemic in this ethos is not caused, but merely accelerated by external impulses. The analysis indicates how, as a result of the specific organization of the narrative material, the text questions the feudal status quo. A process of demythologising of the vroegre boere-paradijs is therefore already present in the earliest Boerneef texts. However, the examination of Boerneef's prose also indicates that these texts go beyond the socio-politico-economic aspects by encoding the existential aspects of man's existence. , Hierdie proefskrif is die vers lag van 'n "rereading" (in die Barthesiaanse sin) van Boerneef (Izak Wi lhelmus van der Merwe 1897- 1967) se bundel Boplaas (1938). Die prosa van Boerneef word verken met spesifieke toespitsing op die een bundel . Die bundel-eenheid word ondersoek en tekstuele leidrade wat geledinge met ander tekste in die oeuvre aandui , word gevolg. Hierdeur word aangetoon hoe die betekenis en die be-tekenisprosesse van die tekste onderling, en die bundel as 'n geheel, op transtekstuele samehang berus. In hierdie leesproses word nagegaan hoe, deur middel van die ontginning van die tekstuele elemente, 'n Boplaas-kode in die narratiewe proses tot stand kom. Hierdie Boplaas-kode beteken 'n Boplaas-ruimte asook 'n Boplaas-etos. Paternalisme, feodalisme en rassisme word as belangrike aspekte van hierdie bestel geenkodeer en die tekste toon aan dat sosiale versplintering endemies aan die betrokke orde is en slegs deur impulse van buite verhaas word. In die bundel-analise word aangetoon hoe, as gevolg van die organisasie van die vertel stof, hierdie bundel bevraagtekenend ten opsigte van die feodale status quo staan. As gevolg hiervan is daar dus alreeds in die vroegste prosa van Boerneef 'n demitologisering van die "vroegre boere- paradijs" ingebed. Die ondersoek toon egter ook aan dat die Boplaas-tekste by die sosiopolitiko- ekonomiese dimensies verby óók die eksistensële aspekte van die mens se betstaan be-teken.
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Die begrip verganklikheid as komplekse kode in enkele werke van Hennie Aucamp
- Authors: Garbers, Marius Wolhuter
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Aucamp, Hennie -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3567 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002090
- Description: Mortality has always been a popular theme in literature. By means of a semiological and narratological approach, it has been endeavoured in this study to prove that transience comprises a complex code constituted by a whole series of codes. In each of the chosen volumes one specific short story is analysed and all the codes related to transience are defined and described. Then these codes are discussed within the context of the volume as a whole. The following codes have been identified and analysed: death and death related codes, decay, distress, frustration, emptiness, loneliness observe, look and see, reproduction, the code of ageing, youth/ageing, lost love, time. The following texts of Aucamp have been used as the object of study: Die Hartseerwals, Spitsuur and 'n Bruidsbed vir Tant Nonnie. The reason these texts were selected, is twofold: They represent the early works of the author. The continuity is essential for making meaningful deductions. The final conclusions are: Man's bond with an environment which is characterised by continual change, influences his existence and makes his life a tentative experience. Transience involves more than merely ageing, obsolescence and death. Transience is a complex experience, related to the physical and mental in man. Besides ageing, sexuality contributes to man's downfall. Loneliness, isolation and frustration determine his actions and stress his experience of transience. The result is a painful experience of life.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Garbers, Marius Wolhuter
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Aucamp, Hennie -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3567 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002090
- Description: Mortality has always been a popular theme in literature. By means of a semiological and narratological approach, it has been endeavoured in this study to prove that transience comprises a complex code constituted by a whole series of codes. In each of the chosen volumes one specific short story is analysed and all the codes related to transience are defined and described. Then these codes are discussed within the context of the volume as a whole. The following codes have been identified and analysed: death and death related codes, decay, distress, frustration, emptiness, loneliness observe, look and see, reproduction, the code of ageing, youth/ageing, lost love, time. The following texts of Aucamp have been used as the object of study: Die Hartseerwals, Spitsuur and 'n Bruidsbed vir Tant Nonnie. The reason these texts were selected, is twofold: They represent the early works of the author. The continuity is essential for making meaningful deductions. The final conclusions are: Man's bond with an environment which is characterised by continual change, influences his existence and makes his life a tentative experience. Transience involves more than merely ageing, obsolescence and death. Transience is a complex experience, related to the physical and mental in man. Besides ageing, sexuality contributes to man's downfall. Loneliness, isolation and frustration determine his actions and stress his experience of transience. The result is a painful experience of life.
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Op hom die groot hosannas : enkele aspekte van die modern Christelike poësie in Afrikaans
- Authors: Bosman, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Religious poetry, Afrikaans -- History and criticism , Christian poetry, Afrikaans , Calvinism in literature , Blum, Peter, 1925-1990 , Rousseau, Ina , Cussons, Sheila , De Villiers, I. L., 1936-2009 , Cloete, T. T. (Theunis Theodorus), 1924-2015 , Spies, Lina , Müller, Petra, 1935-
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3566 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002089 , Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Religious poetry, Afrikaans -- History and criticism
- Description: This study is concerned with modern Christian poetry in Afrikaans. Afrikaans poetry, which initially carried the clear stamp of the Afrikaner's Calvinistic view of life, gradually assumed a new image to the extent that it could no longer be recognised as religious and specifically Calvinistic poetry. To the contrary, modern Afrikaans Christian poetry is the expression of a contemporary conceptualisation of the very same gospel. The occasional violent reaction especially of conservative institutions to so called "unchristian" modern poetry in Afrikaans during the past three decades, has prompted this study which attempts to illustrate that modern Afrikaans poetry still exhibits a strong Christian element. The essential qualities of contemporary Christian poetry in Afrikaans are illustrated in the discussion of the works of particular leading Afrikaans poets. Chapter 3 attempts to indicate a transitional stage between traditional and modern Christian poetry by means of an overview of the latest tendencies and approaches, with brief references to the recent poetry of the Louws, the poetry of Peter Blum as the initial exponent of the poetry of the Sixties, and the poetry of Ina Rousseau. The work of Sheila Cussons, eminent Roman Catholic (and thus also Christian) poet who is probably the most impressive contemporary exponent of metaphysical/mystic poetry in Afrikaans, is discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 illustrates the traditional Calvinistic Christian point of view and Christian experience as represented in the poetry of I.L. de Villiers. The poetification of the ministry adds new dimension to religions poetry in Afrikaans. Chapter 6 constitutes a discussion of the works of T.T . Cloete, the most significant contemporary Reformed poet in Afrikaans indicating the extent to which the many related facets embodied in his poetry consistently reflect a Christian attitude and are unified in and encompassed by the principle of Soli Deo Gloria. Chapter 7, by way of conclusion, reviews the religious poetry of Lina Spies and Petra Müller who write accessible popular poetry, nevertheless exploring interesting references. In conjunction with the poetry of Ina Rosseau, this poetry represents a contribution to modern Afrikaans religious poetry from a feminine point of view
- Full Text:
- Authors: Bosman, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Religious poetry, Afrikaans -- History and criticism , Christian poetry, Afrikaans , Calvinism in literature , Blum, Peter, 1925-1990 , Rousseau, Ina , Cussons, Sheila , De Villiers, I. L., 1936-2009 , Cloete, T. T. (Theunis Theodorus), 1924-2015 , Spies, Lina , Müller, Petra, 1935-
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3566 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002089 , Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Religious poetry, Afrikaans -- History and criticism
- Description: This study is concerned with modern Christian poetry in Afrikaans. Afrikaans poetry, which initially carried the clear stamp of the Afrikaner's Calvinistic view of life, gradually assumed a new image to the extent that it could no longer be recognised as religious and specifically Calvinistic poetry. To the contrary, modern Afrikaans Christian poetry is the expression of a contemporary conceptualisation of the very same gospel. The occasional violent reaction especially of conservative institutions to so called "unchristian" modern poetry in Afrikaans during the past three decades, has prompted this study which attempts to illustrate that modern Afrikaans poetry still exhibits a strong Christian element. The essential qualities of contemporary Christian poetry in Afrikaans are illustrated in the discussion of the works of particular leading Afrikaans poets. Chapter 3 attempts to indicate a transitional stage between traditional and modern Christian poetry by means of an overview of the latest tendencies and approaches, with brief references to the recent poetry of the Louws, the poetry of Peter Blum as the initial exponent of the poetry of the Sixties, and the poetry of Ina Rousseau. The work of Sheila Cussons, eminent Roman Catholic (and thus also Christian) poet who is probably the most impressive contemporary exponent of metaphysical/mystic poetry in Afrikaans, is discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 illustrates the traditional Calvinistic Christian point of view and Christian experience as represented in the poetry of I.L. de Villiers. The poetification of the ministry adds new dimension to religions poetry in Afrikaans. Chapter 6 constitutes a discussion of the works of T.T . Cloete, the most significant contemporary Reformed poet in Afrikaans indicating the extent to which the many related facets embodied in his poetry consistently reflect a Christian attitude and are unified in and encompassed by the principle of Soli Deo Gloria. Chapter 7, by way of conclusion, reviews the religious poetry of Lina Spies and Petra Müller who write accessible popular poetry, nevertheless exploring interesting references. In conjunction with the poetry of Ina Rosseau, this poetry represents a contribution to modern Afrikaans religious poetry from a feminine point of view
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Primêre leerlinge se geskiedenispotentiaal: 'n empiriese ondersoek na senior primêre leerlinge en onderwysers se vermoë om indringende vrae oor 'n historiese gebeurtenis met begrip en insig te beantwoord
- Authors: Hattingh, Johannes Hendrik
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: History -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1362 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001428
- Description: The main aim of this research was to determine the potential of senior primary pupils and serving teachers to understand a text that is concerned with a historical event. A test was written by 136 white standard 3, 4 and 5 pupils from a Cape Province primary school, as well as 32 serving teachers from various other Cape Province primary schools. The test consisted of a text and questions based upon it. The testees had 60 minutes at their disposal to study the text and give written answers to the questions. The historical event explained in the text dealt with the Peasant Uprising that occurred in England in 1381. Eight open-ended questions were asked. The questions were graded according to difficulty and based on the model of Merrit to test the following levels of thought: knowledge, application, inference and evaluation. In the dissertation attention is paid to the following aspects: 1. Background for the research. 2. The most important theoretical aspects that play a role in the process of historical understanding. 3. A statistlcal analysis of the results obtained from the pupils and teachers, with attention to those factors that may have influenced the results e.g. verbal IQ, age, interest, etc. 4. The quality of the teachers' and pupils' answers as well as examples from their work to illustrate certain aspects. 5. The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the research. Based on their answers to the graded questions the pupils were grouped into different levels to ascertain whether a significant pattern would emerge for each standard. It became clear, however, that irrespective of age or verbal IQ the pupils could not consistently be grouped into a specific level or category. The most important conclusions of the research are the following: 1. The ability of senior primary pupils to cope with intellectually stimulating material are underestimated. 2. A variety of factors influenced the results of the pupils, but not one of the factors studied in this research was found to be of significant importance. 3. The average primary teacher do have the potential ability to cope with more difficult historical material than the present factual approach would suggest.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Hattingh, Johannes Hendrik
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: History -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1362 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001428
- Description: The main aim of this research was to determine the potential of senior primary pupils and serving teachers to understand a text that is concerned with a historical event. A test was written by 136 white standard 3, 4 and 5 pupils from a Cape Province primary school, as well as 32 serving teachers from various other Cape Province primary schools. The test consisted of a text and questions based upon it. The testees had 60 minutes at their disposal to study the text and give written answers to the questions. The historical event explained in the text dealt with the Peasant Uprising that occurred in England in 1381. Eight open-ended questions were asked. The questions were graded according to difficulty and based on the model of Merrit to test the following levels of thought: knowledge, application, inference and evaluation. In the dissertation attention is paid to the following aspects: 1. Background for the research. 2. The most important theoretical aspects that play a role in the process of historical understanding. 3. A statistlcal analysis of the results obtained from the pupils and teachers, with attention to those factors that may have influenced the results e.g. verbal IQ, age, interest, etc. 4. The quality of the teachers' and pupils' answers as well as examples from their work to illustrate certain aspects. 5. The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the research. Based on their answers to the graded questions the pupils were grouped into different levels to ascertain whether a significant pattern would emerge for each standard. It became clear, however, that irrespective of age or verbal IQ the pupils could not consistently be grouped into a specific level or category. The most important conclusions of the research are the following: 1. The ability of senior primary pupils to cope with intellectually stimulating material are underestimated. 2. A variety of factors influenced the results of the pupils, but not one of the factors studied in this research was found to be of significant importance. 3. The average primary teacher do have the potential ability to cope with more difficult historical material than the present factual approach would suggest.
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'n Dekonstruksie van 'n teks uit Die ongedanste dans van Breyten Breytenbach
- Authors: Vorster, Anton Ferreira
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3572 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002095 , Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: The thesis provides an interpretation of the poem ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ (Lewendood, p.143) by employing deconstruction theory, particularly as it has been developed by Jacques Derrida. The main assumption is that the text is not a self-sufficient entity, but finds itself in a continually changing relationship with other texts, a relationship described by deconstructionists as intertextuality. This relationship, as it has been described by Julia Kristeva, does not only involve literary works, but also the world-as- text. In chapter one this point of view is illustrated in a discussion around the title of the poem. It is postulated that the title is not a neutral description of a period in the history of the development of the Afrikaans language. Rather, it represents an ideological concept which can be interpreted in various ways. The poem clearly lends itself to an interpretation of "the struggle for the Taal" as a struggle which has manifested itself in many different areas and historical periods within the South African context. In chapter two the discussion of the relationship between language, history and ideology is continued. It is shown how the ʺofficialʺ history represents a one-sided view of Afrikaans as a ʺEuropeanʺ language, greatly ignoring its African component. This representation relies on a logocentric approach to the relationship between language and writing. Breytenbach's poetry, like the writings of Derrida, can be regarded as a "deconstruction" of this approach. The ʺdisseminationʺ of meaning in ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ is illustrated in terms of the poem's intertextual relationship with Breytenbachʾs ʺPlease don't feed the animalsʺ and Krigeʾs ʺLied van die Fascistiese bomwerpersʺ. Chapter three sets ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ within the current debate surrounding Afrikaner survival. It is shown how the Afrikaner power base has been established and strengthened by way of legislation, the system of Christian National Education, as well as the creation of a nationalist-orientated history. This power base is currently in a state of crisis, in which different political groupings are continuing the ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ
- Full Text:
- Authors: Vorster, Anton Ferreira
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3572 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002095 , Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: The thesis provides an interpretation of the poem ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ (Lewendood, p.143) by employing deconstruction theory, particularly as it has been developed by Jacques Derrida. The main assumption is that the text is not a self-sufficient entity, but finds itself in a continually changing relationship with other texts, a relationship described by deconstructionists as intertextuality. This relationship, as it has been described by Julia Kristeva, does not only involve literary works, but also the world-as- text. In chapter one this point of view is illustrated in a discussion around the title of the poem. It is postulated that the title is not a neutral description of a period in the history of the development of the Afrikaans language. Rather, it represents an ideological concept which can be interpreted in various ways. The poem clearly lends itself to an interpretation of "the struggle for the Taal" as a struggle which has manifested itself in many different areas and historical periods within the South African context. In chapter two the discussion of the relationship between language, history and ideology is continued. It is shown how the ʺofficialʺ history represents a one-sided view of Afrikaans as a ʺEuropeanʺ language, greatly ignoring its African component. This representation relies on a logocentric approach to the relationship between language and writing. Breytenbach's poetry, like the writings of Derrida, can be regarded as a "deconstruction" of this approach. The ʺdisseminationʺ of meaning in ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ is illustrated in terms of the poem's intertextual relationship with Breytenbachʾs ʺPlease don't feed the animalsʺ and Krigeʾs ʺLied van die Fascistiese bomwerpersʺ. Chapter three sets ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ within the current debate surrounding Afrikaner survival. It is shown how the Afrikaner power base has been established and strengthened by way of legislation, the system of Christian National Education, as well as the creation of a nationalist-orientated history. This power base is currently in a state of crisis, in which different political groupings are continuing the ʺ(Taalstryd)ʺ
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Aspekte van die Judaïes-Christelike en die Boeddhistiese in die poësie van Breyten Breytenbach
- Authors: Ferreira, Jeanette
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3574 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002097
- Description: Concepts of life and death, time and self-denial are investigated in the poetry of Breyten Breytenbach, with specific reference to the similarities and differences between the Judeo-Christian and the Buddhist traditions. Biblical references in the poetry are examined, and their underlying concepts compared to related concepts in Tantric Buddhism and Zen-Buddhism. The conclusion is drawn that the biblical concepts are transposed in the poetry in order to create Buddhist concepts of life and death, time and a form of self-denial. De-sacralisation of the Christian. concepts is inevitable in this creative process. However, the primary intention of the author is not de-sacralisation, but the implementation 'of the Buddhist philosophy of life in which everything is experienced as "totally one". A comparison between the reconstructed intended reader of Breytenbach's poetry and elements of the Afrikaans reading public suggests that political comment on segregated South African society is intended. Breytenbach's poetry is compared to canonized Afrikaans poetry with respect to Buddhist influence, national protest, aspiration to holiness and transposed biblical concepts. The conclusion is that his poetry is highly innovative in these respects. In the broader spectrum of South African literature his poetry is compared, with reference to transposed biblical concepts and national protest, to the poetry of Black poets writing in English, and (where material is available) to those writing in Afrikaans. The conclusion is that Breytenbach's poetry is strongly linked to this poetry. However, the complexity of Breytenbach's poetry, and the advanced aesthetic level and linguistic code required of the intended reader determine his placing within the canon of Afrikaans poetry.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Ferreira, Jeanette
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism , Breytenbach, Breyten -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3574 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002097
- Description: Concepts of life and death, time and self-denial are investigated in the poetry of Breyten Breytenbach, with specific reference to the similarities and differences between the Judeo-Christian and the Buddhist traditions. Biblical references in the poetry are examined, and their underlying concepts compared to related concepts in Tantric Buddhism and Zen-Buddhism. The conclusion is drawn that the biblical concepts are transposed in the poetry in order to create Buddhist concepts of life and death, time and a form of self-denial. De-sacralisation of the Christian. concepts is inevitable in this creative process. However, the primary intention of the author is not de-sacralisation, but the implementation 'of the Buddhist philosophy of life in which everything is experienced as "totally one". A comparison between the reconstructed intended reader of Breytenbach's poetry and elements of the Afrikaans reading public suggests that political comment on segregated South African society is intended. Breytenbach's poetry is compared to canonized Afrikaans poetry with respect to Buddhist influence, national protest, aspiration to holiness and transposed biblical concepts. The conclusion is that his poetry is highly innovative in these respects. In the broader spectrum of South African literature his poetry is compared, with reference to transposed biblical concepts and national protest, to the poetry of Black poets writing in English, and (where material is available) to those writing in Afrikaans. The conclusion is that Breytenbach's poetry is strongly linked to this poetry. However, the complexity of Breytenbach's poetry, and the advanced aesthetic level and linguistic code required of the intended reader determine his placing within the canon of Afrikaans poetry.
- Full Text:
Oor die kortkuns van John Miles
- Authors: De Beer, Marésa
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Miles, John, 1938- -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3569 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002092
- Description: This thesis involves intensive analyses of some of the short-short stories in John Miles's Liefs nie op straat nie, in order to reveal the narrative strategies employed in each. In other words, it is geared to "the rules that govern ... textual actualization and, consequently, those rules that govern the way literary discourse functions as communication" (Riffaterre 1983: 158). Subsequently, attention is given to the interrelationship among the texts, the way in which they act upon one another and interact with the title of the volume, in order to establish the function of such relations. The following texts are analysed in consecutive chapters: "Lucy", "Lappies, kan jy my hoor, Lappies?", "Voorgevoel", "Dom Nakkie, my Dom Nakkie" and "Wie het nog Dom Nakkie gesien?", "Hy staan by die deur en hy klop", "Gustav gaan speel", and "Liefs nie op straat nie". In a concluding chapter the implications of the title are discussed with reference to all the texts in the volume, including those not analysed individually. It is concluded that, on the one hand, the expectations raised by the title are ironicized because the title is never "completed" explicitly, and because that which, by implication, should not be seen in public ("op straat"), is specifically situated in the street and scrutinized in close-up. But on the other hand the title also evokes a peculiar mentality present in all the texts, either in the narrators, or in the characters, or in both. The discussion of "Lucy" is focussed mainly on the contrast and interaction between the world of the child and that of the adult and on the way in which this interaction is actualized within the text through the contrast in the experience of time, the use of "mémoire involontaire", "durée" and the contrasts between (and overlapping of) narrative perspective and focalization. In respect of "Lappies, kan jy my hoor, Lappies?" special attention is paid to similarities and contrasts between this text and the traditional suspense story, notably the way in which conventional techniques are employed to create suspense, as well as to generate an entire subtext which eventually "relocates" the text on the niveau of the murderer's psychological dilemma. In discussing "Voorgevoel" emphasis is not placed primarily on what is conveyed by the narrator, but on the way in which his intentions are subverted both by the window pane through which he is looking and by the narration as such. In this way he is foregrounded and revealed as narrator, just as the text is foregrounded and revealed as literature, with the emphasis, in both cases, not only on their defence mechanisms but also on their impotence. "Dom Nakkie, my Dom Nakkie" and "Wie het nog Dom Nakkie gesien?" are grouped together in one chapter in order to illuminate the interaction between the two narratives in the first text, as well as the interaction between the two texts. Ultimately, they may be seen as three narratives juxtaposed through irony and relativism. The "triumph" of the "preferably not in public" mentality, both in the text and in society, is also illustrated by the interaction between the three narratives. In chapter, 5, in which "Hy staan by die deur en hy klop" is discussed, attention is focussed on the ironic function of the Biblical references, the contrast between Jan and the rest of society, and the way in which the "climax" is located within the Iserian "blank" in the text, so that the entire process of decoding is based on a filling in of that "blank" and its implications. "Gustav gaan speel" is based loosely on Barthes's lexia model, in order to determine the signifying process in the text, and also to demonstrate the way in which the text presupposes rereading. In the discussion of the title text it is revealed how the text is centered in the basic dichotomy between the narrator-as-writer and the journalist, and the way in which this polarity is relativized by the text as such. The text is demonstrated to be the credo of the volume as a whole as well as of the fiction of the Seventies in Afrikaans.
- Full Text:
- Authors: De Beer, Marésa
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Miles, John, 1938- -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3569 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002092
- Description: This thesis involves intensive analyses of some of the short-short stories in John Miles's Liefs nie op straat nie, in order to reveal the narrative strategies employed in each. In other words, it is geared to "the rules that govern ... textual actualization and, consequently, those rules that govern the way literary discourse functions as communication" (Riffaterre 1983: 158). Subsequently, attention is given to the interrelationship among the texts, the way in which they act upon one another and interact with the title of the volume, in order to establish the function of such relations. The following texts are analysed in consecutive chapters: "Lucy", "Lappies, kan jy my hoor, Lappies?", "Voorgevoel", "Dom Nakkie, my Dom Nakkie" and "Wie het nog Dom Nakkie gesien?", "Hy staan by die deur en hy klop", "Gustav gaan speel", and "Liefs nie op straat nie". In a concluding chapter the implications of the title are discussed with reference to all the texts in the volume, including those not analysed individually. It is concluded that, on the one hand, the expectations raised by the title are ironicized because the title is never "completed" explicitly, and because that which, by implication, should not be seen in public ("op straat"), is specifically situated in the street and scrutinized in close-up. But on the other hand the title also evokes a peculiar mentality present in all the texts, either in the narrators, or in the characters, or in both. The discussion of "Lucy" is focussed mainly on the contrast and interaction between the world of the child and that of the adult and on the way in which this interaction is actualized within the text through the contrast in the experience of time, the use of "mémoire involontaire", "durée" and the contrasts between (and overlapping of) narrative perspective and focalization. In respect of "Lappies, kan jy my hoor, Lappies?" special attention is paid to similarities and contrasts between this text and the traditional suspense story, notably the way in which conventional techniques are employed to create suspense, as well as to generate an entire subtext which eventually "relocates" the text on the niveau of the murderer's psychological dilemma. In discussing "Voorgevoel" emphasis is not placed primarily on what is conveyed by the narrator, but on the way in which his intentions are subverted both by the window pane through which he is looking and by the narration as such. In this way he is foregrounded and revealed as narrator, just as the text is foregrounded and revealed as literature, with the emphasis, in both cases, not only on their defence mechanisms but also on their impotence. "Dom Nakkie, my Dom Nakkie" and "Wie het nog Dom Nakkie gesien?" are grouped together in one chapter in order to illuminate the interaction between the two narratives in the first text, as well as the interaction between the two texts. Ultimately, they may be seen as three narratives juxtaposed through irony and relativism. The "triumph" of the "preferably not in public" mentality, both in the text and in society, is also illustrated by the interaction between the three narratives. In chapter, 5, in which "Hy staan by die deur en hy klop" is discussed, attention is focussed on the ironic function of the Biblical references, the contrast between Jan and the rest of society, and the way in which the "climax" is located within the Iserian "blank" in the text, so that the entire process of decoding is based on a filling in of that "blank" and its implications. "Gustav gaan speel" is based loosely on Barthes's lexia model, in order to determine the signifying process in the text, and also to demonstrate the way in which the text presupposes rereading. In the discussion of the title text it is revealed how the text is centered in the basic dichotomy between the narrator-as-writer and the journalist, and the way in which this polarity is relativized by the text as such. The text is demonstrated to be the credo of the volume as a whole as well as of the fiction of the Seventies in Afrikaans.
- Full Text:
Aspekte van die erotiek in enkele romans van André P Brink
- Authors: Milton, Laura
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3571 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002094 , Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na aspekte van die erotiek in enkele romans van André P. Brink. Die studie bestaan uit twee afsonderlike dele: genoem 'teorie' en 'praktyk'. In die teoretiese deel sal daar eerstens kortliks gekyk word na 'n definiering van enkele kernbegrippe - onder andere 'seksualiteit', 'erotiek' en 'pornografie'. Daar word nie gepoog om algemeen-geldende definisies te formuleer nie, maar eerder definisies wat nuttig is vir die doel van hierdie studie. Daarna sal ondersoek ingestel word na Brink self se teoretiese formulerings met betrekking tot die erotiek. In die tweede deel sal gekonsentreer word op die erotiek in die praktyk van Brink se romans. Eerstens sal die keuse van romans verduidelik word en dan sal daar oorgegaan word tot 'n bespreking van drie romans: Die ambassadeur (1963), Kennis van die Aand (1973) en 'n Oomblik in die wind (1975). Ten slotte sal die gevolgtrekkings van die studie kortliks saamgevat word (Introduction, p. 1)
- Full Text:
- Authors: Milton, Laura
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3571 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002094 , Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na aspekte van die erotiek in enkele romans van André P. Brink. Die studie bestaan uit twee afsonderlike dele: genoem 'teorie' en 'praktyk'. In die teoretiese deel sal daar eerstens kortliks gekyk word na 'n definiering van enkele kernbegrippe - onder andere 'seksualiteit', 'erotiek' en 'pornografie'. Daar word nie gepoog om algemeen-geldende definisies te formuleer nie, maar eerder definisies wat nuttig is vir die doel van hierdie studie. Daarna sal ondersoek ingestel word na Brink self se teoretiese formulerings met betrekking tot die erotiek. In die tweede deel sal gekonsentreer word op die erotiek in die praktyk van Brink se romans. Eerstens sal die keuse van romans verduidelik word en dan sal daar oorgegaan word tot 'n bespreking van drie romans: Die ambassadeur (1963), Kennis van die Aand (1973) en 'n Oomblik in die wind (1975). Ten slotte sal die gevolgtrekkings van die studie kortliks saamgevat word (Introduction, p. 1)
- Full Text:
- Authors: Küpper, Ingrid
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Farms -- South Africa -- Montagu -- History , De Pasqual family , De Pasqual, Jan Daniel , Cogmanskloof (South Africa : Farm)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/66370 , vital:28941
- Full Text:
- Authors: Küpper, Ingrid
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Farms -- South Africa -- Montagu -- History , De Pasqual family , De Pasqual, Jan Daniel , Cogmanskloof (South Africa : Farm)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/66370 , vital:28941
- Full Text:
Die dood, die minnaar en die oedipale struktuur in die Ingrid Jonker-teks
- Authors: Van Wyk, André Johan
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Jonker, Ingrid, 1933-1965 -- Criticism and interpretation Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3608 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003917
- Description: From Inleiding: In dié inleiding word die implikasies van die woord "teks", asook die resepsie van die Ingrid Jonker-teks in die lig van haar dood, en 'n eie benaderingswyse, in teenstelling met die tradisionele kritiese metodes, bespreek. 1.1 Die teks: Die Ingrid Jonker-teks behels (met die dood, die rninnaar en die OedipaIe struktuur as uitgangspunt) aIIes waarop die woorde "Ingrid Jonker", as teks - die parentese tussen die datums op haar grafsteen - dui. Dit beteken dat genre-onderskeidinge en die onderskeid biografie en literatuur opgehef word. Verdere implikasies van die woord "teks" gaan vervolgens ter inleiding ondersoek word. Daar sal ruim gebruik gemaak word van die literêr-teoretiese en filosofiese veronderstellinge van Julia Kristeva, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, Pierre Macherey en Roland Barthes.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Van Wyk, André Johan
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Jonker, Ingrid, 1933-1965 -- Criticism and interpretation Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3608 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003917
- Description: From Inleiding: In dié inleiding word die implikasies van die woord "teks", asook die resepsie van die Ingrid Jonker-teks in die lig van haar dood, en 'n eie benaderingswyse, in teenstelling met die tradisionele kritiese metodes, bespreek. 1.1 Die teks: Die Ingrid Jonker-teks behels (met die dood, die rninnaar en die OedipaIe struktuur as uitgangspunt) aIIes waarop die woorde "Ingrid Jonker", as teks - die parentese tussen die datums op haar grafsteen - dui. Dit beteken dat genre-onderskeidinge en die onderskeid biografie en literatuur opgehef word. Verdere implikasies van die woord "teks" gaan vervolgens ter inleiding ondersoek word. Daar sal ruim gebruik gemaak word van die literêr-teoretiese en filosofiese veronderstellinge van Julia Kristeva, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, Pierre Macherey en Roland Barthes.
- Full Text:
Investering : die problematiek van investering-besluitneming vir die privaatsektor in die vervaardigingsbedryf in die Grens, Ciskei en Transkei
- Authors: O'Neill, Richard Charles
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Investments -- South Africa -- Ciskei , Investments -- South Africa -- Transkei
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:924 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001450
- Description: Die langtermynaard van 'n investering noop die voornemende investeerder om meer omsigtig te beplan as in die geval van 'n belegging wat gewoonlik oor 'n korter termyn strek. Die voornemende investeerder moet besef dat 'n investeringsbesluit nie in isolasie van eksterne faktore geneem kan word nie. Dit is daarom raadsaam dat die voornemende investeerder hom deeglik van die makro- en mikro ekonomiese milieu waarbinne die investering beoog word, sal vergewis. Ten einde die kompleksiteit van investeringsbesluitneming op te helder, word daareerstens in hoofstuk 1 op die begrip van investering gekonsentreer. Voorts word die beginsel dat die investeringsbesluit nie in isolasie geneem kan word nie, beklemtoon. In hierdie opsig word daar veral na die determinante van investering gekyk. In makro-ekonomiese verband word die gedagte sterk beklemtoon dat investering nodig is om kapitaalvorming te laat plaasvind wat op sy beurt een van die vereistes is om ontwikkeling te bevorder. As gevolg van meningsverskille ten opsigte van die invloed van investering in ontwikkelde teenoor ontwikkelende lande is daar gevolglik aandag aan enkele ekonomiese groeimodelle gegee. Gesien uit die oogpunt van die daarstelling van 'n konsessiepakket om streeksekonomiese ontwikkeling te stimuleer, is die huidige konsessiepakket met die determinante van investering vergelyk. Daardeur word die kwessie aangeraak of die konsessiepakket weI die teoretiese determinante van investering in ag geneem het. Die belangrike vraag of die nyweraars self met die konsessiepakket tevrede is, word in die empiriese studie behandel. Die langtermynaard van 'n investering sal die weldeurdagte investeerder dwing om 'n verdere determinant, naamlik die land as risikofaktor deeglik in ag te neem. Met hierdie veronderstelling word daar in hoofstuk 2 na die land waar die investering oorweeg sal word, naamlik Suid-Afrika gekyk. Daar word veral aan die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika aandag gegee. In hierdie opsig word die ongelyke verdeling van inkome wat gedurende die jare al hoe meer beklemtoon is, bespreek en word daar na owerheidspogings gekyk om die probleem op streeksvlak teen te werk. Hierdie owerheidspogings konsentreer helaas op die daarstelling van 'n streeksekonomiese beleid wat moes meehelp om die geografiese verskille in die verdeling van inkome teen te werk. Die streeksekonomiese beleid het gestalte gekry in die vorm van 'n konsessiepakket wat dan ook in hierdie hoofstuk bespreek word. Aangesien die konsessiepakket daarop ingestel was om nyweraars na gedesentraliseerde gebiede te lok, is dit 'n voorwaarde vir die sukses van streeksekonomiese beleid dat nyweraars wat gedesentraliseer het met die konsessiepakket tevrede moet wees. Die navorsingsmetodiek wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te probeer beantwoord word in hoofstuk 3 bespreek. Daar word in hierdie hoofstuk na die onderwerp, die hipotese, die vraelys en die beantwoordingsmetode gekyk. Hierdie hoofstuk dien dus as 'n skakel tussen die eerste twee hoofstukke wat hoofsaaklik oor die normatiewe en teoretiese aspekte van investering gehandel het en hoofstuk 4 wat die navorsingsresultate oftewel die werklikheid verteenwoordig. Die hipotese dat gedesentraliseerde nywerhede nie met die konsessiepakket tevrede is nie, word in hoofstuk 4 met die navorsingsresultate vergelyk en daar word ook na die verskille wat tussen die Grens, Ciskei en Transkei voorgekom het, gekyk. Die beleidsimplikasies van die navorsingsresultate sowel as In samevatting van die verhandeling word in hoofstuk 5 behandel terwyl daar ook na die implikasies ten opsigte van die huidige debat in die ontwikkelingsekonomie gekyk word (Introduction, p. ix-xi)
- Full Text:
- Authors: O'Neill, Richard Charles
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Investments -- South Africa -- Ciskei , Investments -- South Africa -- Transkei
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:924 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001450
- Description: Die langtermynaard van 'n investering noop die voornemende investeerder om meer omsigtig te beplan as in die geval van 'n belegging wat gewoonlik oor 'n korter termyn strek. Die voornemende investeerder moet besef dat 'n investeringsbesluit nie in isolasie van eksterne faktore geneem kan word nie. Dit is daarom raadsaam dat die voornemende investeerder hom deeglik van die makro- en mikro ekonomiese milieu waarbinne die investering beoog word, sal vergewis. Ten einde die kompleksiteit van investeringsbesluitneming op te helder, word daareerstens in hoofstuk 1 op die begrip van investering gekonsentreer. Voorts word die beginsel dat die investeringsbesluit nie in isolasie geneem kan word nie, beklemtoon. In hierdie opsig word daar veral na die determinante van investering gekyk. In makro-ekonomiese verband word die gedagte sterk beklemtoon dat investering nodig is om kapitaalvorming te laat plaasvind wat op sy beurt een van die vereistes is om ontwikkeling te bevorder. As gevolg van meningsverskille ten opsigte van die invloed van investering in ontwikkelde teenoor ontwikkelende lande is daar gevolglik aandag aan enkele ekonomiese groeimodelle gegee. Gesien uit die oogpunt van die daarstelling van 'n konsessiepakket om streeksekonomiese ontwikkeling te stimuleer, is die huidige konsessiepakket met die determinante van investering vergelyk. Daardeur word die kwessie aangeraak of die konsessiepakket weI die teoretiese determinante van investering in ag geneem het. Die belangrike vraag of die nyweraars self met die konsessiepakket tevrede is, word in die empiriese studie behandel. Die langtermynaard van 'n investering sal die weldeurdagte investeerder dwing om 'n verdere determinant, naamlik die land as risikofaktor deeglik in ag te neem. Met hierdie veronderstelling word daar in hoofstuk 2 na die land waar die investering oorweeg sal word, naamlik Suid-Afrika gekyk. Daar word veral aan die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika aandag gegee. In hierdie opsig word die ongelyke verdeling van inkome wat gedurende die jare al hoe meer beklemtoon is, bespreek en word daar na owerheidspogings gekyk om die probleem op streeksvlak teen te werk. Hierdie owerheidspogings konsentreer helaas op die daarstelling van 'n streeksekonomiese beleid wat moes meehelp om die geografiese verskille in die verdeling van inkome teen te werk. Die streeksekonomiese beleid het gestalte gekry in die vorm van 'n konsessiepakket wat dan ook in hierdie hoofstuk bespreek word. Aangesien die konsessiepakket daarop ingestel was om nyweraars na gedesentraliseerde gebiede te lok, is dit 'n voorwaarde vir die sukses van streeksekonomiese beleid dat nyweraars wat gedesentraliseer het met die konsessiepakket tevrede moet wees. Die navorsingsmetodiek wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te probeer beantwoord word in hoofstuk 3 bespreek. Daar word in hierdie hoofstuk na die onderwerp, die hipotese, die vraelys en die beantwoordingsmetode gekyk. Hierdie hoofstuk dien dus as 'n skakel tussen die eerste twee hoofstukke wat hoofsaaklik oor die normatiewe en teoretiese aspekte van investering gehandel het en hoofstuk 4 wat die navorsingsresultate oftewel die werklikheid verteenwoordig. Die hipotese dat gedesentraliseerde nywerhede nie met die konsessiepakket tevrede is nie, word in hoofstuk 4 met die navorsingsresultate vergelyk en daar word ook na die verskille wat tussen die Grens, Ciskei en Transkei voorgekom het, gekyk. Die beleidsimplikasies van die navorsingsresultate sowel as In samevatting van die verhandeling word in hoofstuk 5 behandel terwyl daar ook na die implikasies ten opsigte van die huidige debat in die ontwikkelingsekonomie gekyk word (Introduction, p. ix-xi)
- Full Text:
Die Ndzundza-Ndebele en die blankes in Transvaal, 1845-1883
- Van Jaarsveld, Floris Albertus, 1922-1995
- Authors: Van Jaarsveld, Floris Albertus, 1922-1995
- Date: 1986
- Subjects: Ndebele (African people) -- History , Transvaal (South Africa) -- History
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2578 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004379 , Ndebele (African people) -- History , Transvaal (South Africa) -- History
- Description: In 1969 het Leonard Thompson met reg beweer dat Suid-Afrikaanse historici hulle tot op hede hoofsaaklik besig gehou het met die doen en late van 'n Blanke gemeenskap wat die land sedert 1652 oorheers het. Die Swartman was die "forgotten factor" in die geskiedenis van Suider-Afrika. Waar die Swartman die onderwerp van wetenskaplike studie was, is dit aan argeoloë, linguiste, etnoloë en fisiese en sosiale antropoloë oorgelaat. Tereg het Thompson kort hierna opgemerk: "We need to know much more about the complex process by which African chiefdoms became incorporated in white controlled politics in the late nineteenth century. Only when monographs have been written on several individual cases, shall we be in a position to reach definite conclusions about the process as a whole ". Sedert hierdie uitspraak van Thompson het verskeie historici hulle op die terrein van die "forgotten factor" begewe. Omvangryke publikasies oor onder andere die Zulu, Pedi, Sotho asook die Swazi's het sedertdien die lig gesien, terwyl 'n werk oor die Tswana van Wes-Transvaal pas verskyn het. Hierteenoor het heelwat van die kleiner en minder invloedryke swart groeperinge tot op hede steeds agterweë gebly. Wat Noordoos Transvaal betref - meer spesifiek die gebied tussen die Elandsrivier, die Lebomboberg en die Krokodilrivier wat die Ohrigstadse Volksraad in 1846 van Mswati gekoop het, was daar behalwe die Pedi verskeie ander groepe aanwesig wat almal gedurende die loop van die negentiende eeu onder Blanke gesag gekom het. Hieronder het getel die Ndzundza, die Kopa, Tau, Kwena, Ntwane, Koni, Rôka, Kutswe , Pai en Pulana, waarvan die Ndzundza en Kopa die belangrikste was. Ten spyte van die feit dat daar heelwat argivale bronne oor hierdie groepe bestaan, het geen navorser dit tot op hede nog ontgin nie. Oor die onderwerping van hierdie stamme aan Blanke gesag gedurende die negentiende eeu, is daar weinig bekend. Wat die Ndzundza-geskiedenis betref, geld Thompson se opmerking nog steeds dat historici wetenskaplike studie oor die Swartes tradisioneel aan navorsers uit ander dissiplines oorgelaat het. Dit blyk duidelik uit 'n ontleding van sekondêre materiaal wat oor die Ndzundza bestaan. Verskeie studies van volkekundige aard is oor die verskillende kulturele fasette en pre-koloniale geskiedenis van die Transvaalse Ndebele, waarvan die Ndzundza deel uitmaak, gedoen. In die meeste van hierdie studies word die pre-Blanke geskiedenis van die Ndzundza as inleiding aangebied, terwyl daar in sommige gevalle ook na die historiese tydperk verwys word. Op hierdie wyse is die herkomsgeskiedenis van die Ndzundza met behulp van mondelinge tradisies redelik volledig opgeteken. As gevolg van die feit dat geen argivale bronne geraadpleeg is nie, is die volkekundige werke wat die historiese tydperk betref, deurspek met spekulasies, onjuisthede en valse aannames. Met enkele uitsonderings berus verwysings deur die enkele historici wat die Ndzundza-geskiedenis behandel, veral met betrekking tot die tydperk voor 1882, grootliks op die uitsprake van volkekundiges. Dit het meegebring dat die huidige beeld en feitelikhede omtrent die negentiende eeuse Ndzundza-geskiedenis onjuis is, veral soos dit in algemene geskiedenisse opgeteken staan. Hierteenoor het verskeie historici die Mapoch-oorlog van 1882- 1883, waartydens die Ndzundza hul onafhanklikheid verloor het, behandel. In sy biografie oor genl P. J. Joubert het J. A. Mouton die oorlog tot 'n enkele hoofstuk beperk. Vir Mouton gaan dit egter om Joubert se persoonlike aandeel en gee hy gevolglik nie veel aandag aan die belangrikste aspek van die oorlog, naamlik die oorsake, nie. H. P. van Coller het in 1941 'n MA-verhandeling die lig laat sien waarin die oorsake en verloop van die Mapoch-oorlog beskryf word. Van Coller se uiteensetting omtrent die oorsake van die oorlog is egter ontoereikend aangesien dit heelwat onjuisthede bevat, geweldig subjektief is en nie ontkom aan naïewe aannames en uitsprake nie. Die belangrikste oorsaak van die oorlog, naamlik gronddispute, word deur Van Coller geignoreer. Voorts behandel hy die oorlog as 'n gevolg van die moord op Sekhukhune, sodat die Ndzundza "toevallig" betrek word. Ander historici se verwysings na die oorlog is ook ontoereikend omdat dit in die meeste gevalle beperk bly tot enkele bladsye en paragrawe. Tot op hede is die negentiende eeuse Ndzundza-geskiedenis dus nog of onvolledig, of onjuis opgeteken. Met hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n bydrae in hierdie verband te maak. Omdat die historisiese feite omtrent die verloop van die 1882-1883 oorlog grootliks bekend is, val die klem op die tydperk daarvóór. Voorts moet dit gemeld word dat dit in hierdie studie hoofsaaklik gaan om die faktore wat die verhoudinge tussen die Ndzundza en die Blankes bepaal het, te elimineer. Ander aspekte wat ter sprake kom is onder andere die uitwerking wat die Blanke besetting van Noordoos-Transvaal op die Ndzundza gehad het, gronddispute, arbeidsaangeleenthede, Swazi- en die Pedi-deelname in die Blankes se pogings om die Ndzundza te onderwerp van die asook die uiteindelike vernietiging en verlies onafhanklikheid van die Ndzundza. Die spelwyse van sekere name en benaminge wat in hierdie verhandeling voorkom, het in sommige gevalle probleme opgelewer. Die meerderheid Ndebele name is gespel volgens die voorskrifte van die Suid-Ndebele taalraad. Waar die korrekte moderne spelling van Swartes se name nie vasgestel kon word nie, is dit in aanhalingstekens weergegee soos dit in die dokument voorkom. AIle amptelike benamings soos staatspresident of koloniale sekretaris is in die teks met 'n kleinlettertjie gespel maar in die voetnotas met 'n hoofletter. Die motivering hiervoor is die Afrikaanse gebruik om amptelike benamings binne Westerse staatsverband met 'n hoofletter te spel maar benamings in tradisionele verband soos kaptein, opperhoof of hoofman met 'n kleinlettertjie, wat myns insiens op diskriminasie neerkom. Wat die spel van die woord swart betref: Waar dit as byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word (bv. swart kindertjies), is deurgaans van kleinletters gebruik gemaak. Hoofletters is gebruik wanneer dit as selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word, bv. Die Swartes. Die terme kaffer en meid is waar moontlik, vermy. Die aangehaalde stukke waarin dit weI voorkom, moet nie as beledigend beskou word nie maar as verteenwoordigend van die terminolgoie van 'n bepaalde tyd in die geskiedenis. Die bedoeling was geensins om enigiemand te na te kom nie. wat ter sprake kom.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Van Jaarsveld, Floris Albertus, 1922-1995
- Date: 1986
- Subjects: Ndebele (African people) -- History , Transvaal (South Africa) -- History
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2578 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004379 , Ndebele (African people) -- History , Transvaal (South Africa) -- History
- Description: In 1969 het Leonard Thompson met reg beweer dat Suid-Afrikaanse historici hulle tot op hede hoofsaaklik besig gehou het met die doen en late van 'n Blanke gemeenskap wat die land sedert 1652 oorheers het. Die Swartman was die "forgotten factor" in die geskiedenis van Suider-Afrika. Waar die Swartman die onderwerp van wetenskaplike studie was, is dit aan argeoloë, linguiste, etnoloë en fisiese en sosiale antropoloë oorgelaat. Tereg het Thompson kort hierna opgemerk: "We need to know much more about the complex process by which African chiefdoms became incorporated in white controlled politics in the late nineteenth century. Only when monographs have been written on several individual cases, shall we be in a position to reach definite conclusions about the process as a whole ". Sedert hierdie uitspraak van Thompson het verskeie historici hulle op die terrein van die "forgotten factor" begewe. Omvangryke publikasies oor onder andere die Zulu, Pedi, Sotho asook die Swazi's het sedertdien die lig gesien, terwyl 'n werk oor die Tswana van Wes-Transvaal pas verskyn het. Hierteenoor het heelwat van die kleiner en minder invloedryke swart groeperinge tot op hede steeds agterweë gebly. Wat Noordoos Transvaal betref - meer spesifiek die gebied tussen die Elandsrivier, die Lebomboberg en die Krokodilrivier wat die Ohrigstadse Volksraad in 1846 van Mswati gekoop het, was daar behalwe die Pedi verskeie ander groepe aanwesig wat almal gedurende die loop van die negentiende eeu onder Blanke gesag gekom het. Hieronder het getel die Ndzundza, die Kopa, Tau, Kwena, Ntwane, Koni, Rôka, Kutswe , Pai en Pulana, waarvan die Ndzundza en Kopa die belangrikste was. Ten spyte van die feit dat daar heelwat argivale bronne oor hierdie groepe bestaan, het geen navorser dit tot op hede nog ontgin nie. Oor die onderwerping van hierdie stamme aan Blanke gesag gedurende die negentiende eeu, is daar weinig bekend. Wat die Ndzundza-geskiedenis betref, geld Thompson se opmerking nog steeds dat historici wetenskaplike studie oor die Swartes tradisioneel aan navorsers uit ander dissiplines oorgelaat het. Dit blyk duidelik uit 'n ontleding van sekondêre materiaal wat oor die Ndzundza bestaan. Verskeie studies van volkekundige aard is oor die verskillende kulturele fasette en pre-koloniale geskiedenis van die Transvaalse Ndebele, waarvan die Ndzundza deel uitmaak, gedoen. In die meeste van hierdie studies word die pre-Blanke geskiedenis van die Ndzundza as inleiding aangebied, terwyl daar in sommige gevalle ook na die historiese tydperk verwys word. Op hierdie wyse is die herkomsgeskiedenis van die Ndzundza met behulp van mondelinge tradisies redelik volledig opgeteken. As gevolg van die feit dat geen argivale bronne geraadpleeg is nie, is die volkekundige werke wat die historiese tydperk betref, deurspek met spekulasies, onjuisthede en valse aannames. Met enkele uitsonderings berus verwysings deur die enkele historici wat die Ndzundza-geskiedenis behandel, veral met betrekking tot die tydperk voor 1882, grootliks op die uitsprake van volkekundiges. Dit het meegebring dat die huidige beeld en feitelikhede omtrent die negentiende eeuse Ndzundza-geskiedenis onjuis is, veral soos dit in algemene geskiedenisse opgeteken staan. Hierteenoor het verskeie historici die Mapoch-oorlog van 1882- 1883, waartydens die Ndzundza hul onafhanklikheid verloor het, behandel. In sy biografie oor genl P. J. Joubert het J. A. Mouton die oorlog tot 'n enkele hoofstuk beperk. Vir Mouton gaan dit egter om Joubert se persoonlike aandeel en gee hy gevolglik nie veel aandag aan die belangrikste aspek van die oorlog, naamlik die oorsake, nie. H. P. van Coller het in 1941 'n MA-verhandeling die lig laat sien waarin die oorsake en verloop van die Mapoch-oorlog beskryf word. Van Coller se uiteensetting omtrent die oorsake van die oorlog is egter ontoereikend aangesien dit heelwat onjuisthede bevat, geweldig subjektief is en nie ontkom aan naïewe aannames en uitsprake nie. Die belangrikste oorsaak van die oorlog, naamlik gronddispute, word deur Van Coller geignoreer. Voorts behandel hy die oorlog as 'n gevolg van die moord op Sekhukhune, sodat die Ndzundza "toevallig" betrek word. Ander historici se verwysings na die oorlog is ook ontoereikend omdat dit in die meeste gevalle beperk bly tot enkele bladsye en paragrawe. Tot op hede is die negentiende eeuse Ndzundza-geskiedenis dus nog of onvolledig, of onjuis opgeteken. Met hierdie studie word gepoog om 'n bydrae in hierdie verband te maak. Omdat die historisiese feite omtrent die verloop van die 1882-1883 oorlog grootliks bekend is, val die klem op die tydperk daarvóór. Voorts moet dit gemeld word dat dit in hierdie studie hoofsaaklik gaan om die faktore wat die verhoudinge tussen die Ndzundza en die Blankes bepaal het, te elimineer. Ander aspekte wat ter sprake kom is onder andere die uitwerking wat die Blanke besetting van Noordoos-Transvaal op die Ndzundza gehad het, gronddispute, arbeidsaangeleenthede, Swazi- en die Pedi-deelname in die Blankes se pogings om die Ndzundza te onderwerp van die asook die uiteindelike vernietiging en verlies onafhanklikheid van die Ndzundza. Die spelwyse van sekere name en benaminge wat in hierdie verhandeling voorkom, het in sommige gevalle probleme opgelewer. Die meerderheid Ndebele name is gespel volgens die voorskrifte van die Suid-Ndebele taalraad. Waar die korrekte moderne spelling van Swartes se name nie vasgestel kon word nie, is dit in aanhalingstekens weergegee soos dit in die dokument voorkom. AIle amptelike benamings soos staatspresident of koloniale sekretaris is in die teks met 'n kleinlettertjie gespel maar in die voetnotas met 'n hoofletter. Die motivering hiervoor is die Afrikaanse gebruik om amptelike benamings binne Westerse staatsverband met 'n hoofletter te spel maar benamings in tradisionele verband soos kaptein, opperhoof of hoofman met 'n kleinlettertjie, wat myns insiens op diskriminasie neerkom. Wat die spel van die woord swart betref: Waar dit as byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word (bv. swart kindertjies), is deurgaans van kleinletters gebruik gemaak. Hoofletters is gebruik wanneer dit as selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word, bv. Die Swartes. Die terme kaffer en meid is waar moontlik, vermy. Die aangehaalde stukke waarin dit weI voorkom, moet nie as beledigend beskou word nie maar as verteenwoordigend van die terminolgoie van 'n bepaalde tyd in die geskiedenis. Die bedoeling was geensins om enigiemand te na te kom nie. wat ter sprake kom.
- Full Text:
Engel en aarde : gedagtes oor "natuur en bo-natuur" by die lees van Sheila Cussons
- Authors: De Villiers, Johanna Helena
- Date: 1985
- Subjects: Cussons, Sheila -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3619 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006960
- Description: Hierdie studie is In poging om uit die veelgeskakeerde digwerk van Sheila Cussons een draad te neem en dit deur te volg; in die hoop dat dit 'n Ariadne-draad mag word tot beter besef van die ryk gestruktureerdheid en diepte van haar verwysingsveld, en die betekenis daarvan vir ons tyd. Dis dan primer die beeld van die engel wat nagespeur word, as bonatuurlike wese wat nie tot die vlak van die fisiese inkorporeer nie. (From Ch. 1)
- Full Text:
- Authors: De Villiers, Johanna Helena
- Date: 1985
- Subjects: Cussons, Sheila -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3619 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006960
- Description: Hierdie studie is In poging om uit die veelgeskakeerde digwerk van Sheila Cussons een draad te neem en dit deur te volg; in die hoop dat dit 'n Ariadne-draad mag word tot beter besef van die ryk gestruktureerdheid en diepte van haar verwysingsveld, en die betekenis daarvan vir ons tyd. Dis dan primer die beeld van die engel wat nagespeur word, as bonatuurlike wese wat nie tot die vlak van die fisiese inkorporeer nie. (From Ch. 1)
- Full Text:
Montagu middagskof
- University of Cape Town, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies
- Authors: University of Cape Town, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies
- Date: 1985
- Subjects: Readers for new literates , Afrikaans language -- Readers
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/74888 , vital:30351
- Description: Op Saterdag 5 Oktober 1985 het 50 mense indie saal van die Montagu/Ashton-Gemeenskaosdiens bymekaargekom. Almal het te doen met die Lees- en-Skryfprojek : daar was 21 leerders en 15 groepleiers uit die dorp en wyk; La-La, Dawie en ander personeel en vriende van die MAG; en 5 mense van die Kaap wat die afge- lope maande gehelp het met die projek. Die leerders en groepleiers het die stories geskryf wat in hierdie boek verskyn.
- Full Text:
- Authors: University of Cape Town, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies
- Date: 1985
- Subjects: Readers for new literates , Afrikaans language -- Readers
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/74888 , vital:30351
- Description: Op Saterdag 5 Oktober 1985 het 50 mense indie saal van die Montagu/Ashton-Gemeenskaosdiens bymekaargekom. Almal het te doen met die Lees- en-Skryfprojek : daar was 21 leerders en 15 groepleiers uit die dorp en wyk; La-La, Dawie en ander personeel en vriende van die MAG; en 5 mense van die Kaap wat die afge- lope maande gehelp het met die projek. Die leerders en groepleiers het die stories geskryf wat in hierdie boek verskyn.
- Full Text: