The dispersion measure in broadband data from radio pulsars
- Authors: Rammala, Isabella
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Pulsars , Radio astrophysics , Astrophsyics , Broadband communication systems
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:29157
- Description: Modern day radio telescopes make use of wideband receivers to take advantage of the broadband nature of the radio pulsar emission. We ask how does the use of such broadband pulsar data affect the measured pulsar dispersion measure (DM). Previous works have shown that, although the exact pulsar radio emission processes are not well understood, observations reveal evidence of possible frequency dependence on the emission altitudes in the pulsar magnetosphere, a phenomenon known as the radius-to-frequency mapping (RFM). This frequency dependence due to RFM can be embedded in the dispersive delay of the pulse profiles, normally interpreted as an interstellar effect (DM). Thus we interpret this intrinsic effect as an additional component δDM to the interstellar DM, and investigate how it can be statistically attributed to intrinsic profile evolution, as well as profile scattering. We make use of Monte-Carlo simulations of beam models to simulate realistic pulsar beams of various geometry, from which we generate intrinsic profiles at various frequency bands. The results show that the excess DM due to intrinsic profile evolution is more pronounced at high frequencies, whereas scattering dominates the excess DM at low frequency. The implications of these results are presented with relation to broadband pulsar timing.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Rammala, Isabella
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Pulsars , Radio astrophysics , Astrophsyics , Broadband communication systems
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:29157
- Description: Modern day radio telescopes make use of wideband receivers to take advantage of the broadband nature of the radio pulsar emission. We ask how does the use of such broadband pulsar data affect the measured pulsar dispersion measure (DM). Previous works have shown that, although the exact pulsar radio emission processes are not well understood, observations reveal evidence of possible frequency dependence on the emission altitudes in the pulsar magnetosphere, a phenomenon known as the radius-to-frequency mapping (RFM). This frequency dependence due to RFM can be embedded in the dispersive delay of the pulse profiles, normally interpreted as an interstellar effect (DM). Thus we interpret this intrinsic effect as an additional component δDM to the interstellar DM, and investigate how it can be statistically attributed to intrinsic profile evolution, as well as profile scattering. We make use of Monte-Carlo simulations of beam models to simulate realistic pulsar beams of various geometry, from which we generate intrinsic profiles at various frequency bands. The results show that the excess DM due to intrinsic profile evolution is more pronounced at high frequencies, whereas scattering dominates the excess DM at low frequency. The implications of these results are presented with relation to broadband pulsar timing.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The distribution of South African loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) as indicated by epibionts and stable isotopes
- Authors: Nolte, Christopher Robin
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Sea turtles -- South Africa , Loggerhead turtle -- South Africa Sea turtles
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:31625
- Description: Many marine species undertake long-distance migrations as part of their life history strategies, and so form an important part of marine ecosystems performing a range of functions, across many habitats. However, these migratory species, including sea turtles, face multiple threats and anthropogenic impacts across their ranges and knowing their movement and distribution patterns enables more effective and appropriate conservation strategies to be devised. Satellite telemetry has provided invaluable information on spatial distribution of marine migrants, but applying this approach to a large proportion of a population is often unfeasible and costly. This study aimed to identify alternative, more cost effective methods that could assist with tracking animal movements across a larger proportion of a population of marine focal species, such as sea turtles. This study used nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa as a model species to test these alternative methods and subsequently combine body condition, habitat use, and distribution range in the South West Indian Ocean. First, epibiont community assemblages were investigated as a proxy to determine sea turtle body condition. A body condition index was created using plastron shape, injuries and skin deformities. Sixty turtles were classified into four body condition categories ranging from poor to very good and this was reflected in their epibiont communities as both species abundance and richness increased with a decline in body condition. A total of twenty-eight epibiont taxa were identified from a range of systematic groups including, but not limited to, Amphipoda, Cirripedia, Brachyura and Polychaeta. The barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria showed the greatest variation among different body conditions with an increase in abundance as turtle body condition deteriorated. These results suggest that epibiont load can be used as an indicator of body condition that is easy to implement in the field. Second, a combination of organic δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures of turtle epidermis and epibiont communities was used to infer foraging habitat. One hundred and seventy turtles were sampled for stable isotope analysis. These turtles were clustered into two groups based on δ13C at -13.61 ‰ with relative depletion or enrichment indicating foraging in oceanic or neritic environments, respectively. The epibiont communities of IV 80 turtles closely followed this cluster grouping; turtles with depleted δ13C had a higher abundance and frequency of oceanic epibiont species, such Lepas spp. Similarly, three neritic epibionts (Hyale grandicornis, Hyachelia tortugae and Podocerus africanus) were the other habitat-specific species driving community assemblages, with higher occurrence and abundance on turtles in the enriched δ13C cluster. Additionally, the size of the dietary niche was determined by a Bayesian analysis of δ13C and δ15N for 46 turtles in different body condition categories. Although there was overlap among categories, individuals in very good body condition had the smallest dietary niche. These results show the complementarity of using epibionts and stable isotope analysis in determining foraging area. Third, Chelonibia testudinaria barnacles on sea turtles were analysed for δ18O and inorganic δ13C. The δ18O of expected calcite fractionation was mapped for the known migration routes of eight turtles in the South West Indian Ocean. The inorganic carbon values were not very informative on movement, however, the δ18O analysis of the barnacle showed the range of the turtle host moving through the isoscape. Most of the turtles migrated from the north in the Mozambique Channel, to the southern rookery in South Africa, which is in accordance with reports from tag recoveries and satellite telemetry studies. Using this approach to track migratory species that have epibiotic barnacles can provide complimentary approach to satellite tracking that can be used on more individuals within a population. This study aids in providing alternative methods to study body condition, habitat use and regional movement of loggerhead sea turtles. These approaches can be applied to other sea turtle species and migratory marine fauna to help better understand their movement patterns thereby promoting more effective conservation strategies. Future work should consider incorporating different cohorts, examining other epibionts such as meiofauna and diatoms, including additional isotope and trace elements for analysis on habitat and improving the resolution of the isoscape data for δ18O of seawater in the SWIO.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Nolte, Christopher Robin
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Sea turtles -- South Africa , Loggerhead turtle -- South Africa Sea turtles
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:31625
- Description: Many marine species undertake long-distance migrations as part of their life history strategies, and so form an important part of marine ecosystems performing a range of functions, across many habitats. However, these migratory species, including sea turtles, face multiple threats and anthropogenic impacts across their ranges and knowing their movement and distribution patterns enables more effective and appropriate conservation strategies to be devised. Satellite telemetry has provided invaluable information on spatial distribution of marine migrants, but applying this approach to a large proportion of a population is often unfeasible and costly. This study aimed to identify alternative, more cost effective methods that could assist with tracking animal movements across a larger proportion of a population of marine focal species, such as sea turtles. This study used nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa as a model species to test these alternative methods and subsequently combine body condition, habitat use, and distribution range in the South West Indian Ocean. First, epibiont community assemblages were investigated as a proxy to determine sea turtle body condition. A body condition index was created using plastron shape, injuries and skin deformities. Sixty turtles were classified into four body condition categories ranging from poor to very good and this was reflected in their epibiont communities as both species abundance and richness increased with a decline in body condition. A total of twenty-eight epibiont taxa were identified from a range of systematic groups including, but not limited to, Amphipoda, Cirripedia, Brachyura and Polychaeta. The barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria showed the greatest variation among different body conditions with an increase in abundance as turtle body condition deteriorated. These results suggest that epibiont load can be used as an indicator of body condition that is easy to implement in the field. Second, a combination of organic δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures of turtle epidermis and epibiont communities was used to infer foraging habitat. One hundred and seventy turtles were sampled for stable isotope analysis. These turtles were clustered into two groups based on δ13C at -13.61 ‰ with relative depletion or enrichment indicating foraging in oceanic or neritic environments, respectively. The epibiont communities of IV 80 turtles closely followed this cluster grouping; turtles with depleted δ13C had a higher abundance and frequency of oceanic epibiont species, such Lepas spp. Similarly, three neritic epibionts (Hyale grandicornis, Hyachelia tortugae and Podocerus africanus) were the other habitat-specific species driving community assemblages, with higher occurrence and abundance on turtles in the enriched δ13C cluster. Additionally, the size of the dietary niche was determined by a Bayesian analysis of δ13C and δ15N for 46 turtles in different body condition categories. Although there was overlap among categories, individuals in very good body condition had the smallest dietary niche. These results show the complementarity of using epibionts and stable isotope analysis in determining foraging area. Third, Chelonibia testudinaria barnacles on sea turtles were analysed for δ18O and inorganic δ13C. The δ18O of expected calcite fractionation was mapped for the known migration routes of eight turtles in the South West Indian Ocean. The inorganic carbon values were not very informative on movement, however, the δ18O analysis of the barnacle showed the range of the turtle host moving through the isoscape. Most of the turtles migrated from the north in the Mozambique Channel, to the southern rookery in South Africa, which is in accordance with reports from tag recoveries and satellite telemetry studies. Using this approach to track migratory species that have epibiotic barnacles can provide complimentary approach to satellite tracking that can be used on more individuals within a population. This study aids in providing alternative methods to study body condition, habitat use and regional movement of loggerhead sea turtles. These approaches can be applied to other sea turtle species and migratory marine fauna to help better understand their movement patterns thereby promoting more effective conservation strategies. Future work should consider incorporating different cohorts, examining other epibionts such as meiofauna and diatoms, including additional isotope and trace elements for analysis on habitat and improving the resolution of the isoscape data for δ18O of seawater in the SWIO.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The dynamics of proclaimed privately protected areas in South Africa over 83 years
- de Vos, Alta, Clements, Hayley S, Biggs, Duan, Cumming, Graeme S
- Authors: de Vos, Alta , Clements, Hayley S , Biggs, Duan , Cumming, Graeme S
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72952 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Views that protected area (PA) expansion relies predominantly on land purchased by government are increasingly being challenged. The inclusion of privately owned PAs (PPAs) in national conservation strategies is now commonplace, but little is known about their long-term persistence and how it compares to that of state-owned PAs. We undertook the first long-term assessment of the dynamics of a national system of terrestrial PPAs, assessing its growth, as well as its resilience to downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD). Between 1926 and 2018, 6.2% of all private nature reserves established in South Africa were degazetted, compared to 2.2% of state-owned nature reserves. Privately owned PA growth exceeded that of state-owned PAs. Trends in PA establishment differed between privately owned and state-owned PAs, reflecting different legislative, political, and economic events. Our findings highlight the value of enabling legislative environments to facilitate PPA establishment, and demonstrate the potential of PPAs as a long-term conservation strategy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: de Vos, Alta , Clements, Hayley S , Biggs, Duan , Cumming, Graeme S
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72952 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Views that protected area (PA) expansion relies predominantly on land purchased by government are increasingly being challenged. The inclusion of privately owned PAs (PPAs) in national conservation strategies is now commonplace, but little is known about their long-term persistence and how it compares to that of state-owned PAs. We undertook the first long-term assessment of the dynamics of a national system of terrestrial PPAs, assessing its growth, as well as its resilience to downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD). Between 1926 and 2018, 6.2% of all private nature reserves established in South Africa were degazetted, compared to 2.2% of state-owned nature reserves. Privately owned PA growth exceeded that of state-owned PAs. Trends in PA establishment differed between privately owned and state-owned PAs, reflecting different legislative, political, and economic events. Our findings highlight the value of enabling legislative environments to facilitate PPA establishment, and demonstrate the potential of PPAs as a long-term conservation strategy.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The ecology of Impala (Aepyceros melampus) in a dystrophic system: a case study from Welgevonden Game Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa
- Authors: Pieterse, Marilize
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Impala -- Habitat -- South Africa -- Limpopo province , Impala -- Feeding and feeds -- South Africa -- Limpopo province Ecology -- South Africa -- Limpopo province
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36768
- Description: Impala (Aepyceros melampus) have been extensively researched and are known to flourish in Savanna ecosystems. They are a very adaptable species switching easily between grazing and browsing hence their classification as mixed feeders. However, little published research has been done on impala and their adaptability to sour nutrient-poor savannas. On Welgevonden Game Reserve (WGR), situated in the dystrophic Waterberg Mountain Range, impala have poor body condition and negative growth rates. Research shows that impala are on the threshold of being sexually dimorphic which can lead to a difference in the habitat selection and preference, diet composition and diet quality of adult male and female animals. This study served as a baseline study to understand the adaptability and ecology of impala in the Waterberg. The key research question was: How do male and female impala adapt to the area in terms of habitat selection and preference, and diet composition and quality, across the seasons of a year in the sour nutrient-poor Waterberg Mountain Range? This was the first study on impala in the area that looked at all the above-mentioned factors. A combination of observational studies, for habitat selection and preference, and faecal analysis, for diet composition and diet quality (faecal Nitrogen (Nf) and Phosphorous (Pf)), were used. It should be noted that WGR received below average rainfall and above average maximum temperatures over the past seven years. Impala on WGR are limited by the availability of suitable habitat and the quantity and quality of forage. They therefore suffer from nutrient deficiency. Spatial and ecological segregation between male and female animals occurred due to differences in sexual status and the constraints associated with this. Overall, very little variation in habitat use occurred between Wet and Dry seasons, emphasizing limited suitable impala habitat. Impala on WGR showed a distinct preference and avoidance of different habitat types. Both male and female preferred Short Grassland throughout the year. This is the smallest habitat type on the reserve and is dominated by Cynodon dactylon, which mostly occurs in the low-lying areas of the reserve. Both male and female impala avoided Hill Slope and Long Grassland throughout the year. These habitat types are characterized by steep slopes, medium to extensive rock cover, long sparse grass and dense tree cover. The Long Grassland habitat type consist mainly of old lands in different stages of regeneration dominated by dense unpalatable grasses. Both male and female impala were highly selective towards the most nutrient rich areas, which predominantly included the Short Grassland habitat type. The factors important to impala habitat selection are short to medium grass height (6-25 cm), ecotones in low lying areas between Short Grassland and woodland, proximity to water (0.96-1.5 km), moderate to no slopes, a burn interval of less than 3 years, the dominant occurrence of Cynodon dactylon, and the presence of Dichrostachys cinerea, Grewia flavescens, Dombeya rotundifolia and Indigofera melanodenia. The impala population on WGR appears to be limited by a lack of quality forage. The diet composition of impala on WGR followed a seasonal pattern, with a higher grass to browse content during the Wet seasons, and a higher browse to grass content during the Dry seasons. Furthermore, impala on WGR have a higher browse content in their diet than in other areas of South Africa. The higher content of browse in the impala’s diet on WGR is probably due to the impala optimizing their diet quality due to a lack of quality grasses, such as Cynodon dactylon, available to them on the reserve. Females consumed higher amounts of browse than males during lactation in order to optimize their diet quality. In general, impala experienced nutrient deficiencies during the Dry seasons as indicated by Nf and Pf values which were below the accepted threshold values for impala. This appears to have affected their body condition, reproductive success and survival. The below threshold values of Nf and Pf indicate that their numbers exceeded the ecological capacity of the reserve at the time of the study. This dystrophic savanna is marginal for impala. This indicates that even large reserves in the sour bushveld communities of the Waterberg Mountains are unlikely to sustain impala populations in a healthy productive state.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Pieterse, Marilize
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Impala -- Habitat -- South Africa -- Limpopo province , Impala -- Feeding and feeds -- South Africa -- Limpopo province Ecology -- South Africa -- Limpopo province
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36768
- Description: Impala (Aepyceros melampus) have been extensively researched and are known to flourish in Savanna ecosystems. They are a very adaptable species switching easily between grazing and browsing hence their classification as mixed feeders. However, little published research has been done on impala and their adaptability to sour nutrient-poor savannas. On Welgevonden Game Reserve (WGR), situated in the dystrophic Waterberg Mountain Range, impala have poor body condition and negative growth rates. Research shows that impala are on the threshold of being sexually dimorphic which can lead to a difference in the habitat selection and preference, diet composition and diet quality of adult male and female animals. This study served as a baseline study to understand the adaptability and ecology of impala in the Waterberg. The key research question was: How do male and female impala adapt to the area in terms of habitat selection and preference, and diet composition and quality, across the seasons of a year in the sour nutrient-poor Waterberg Mountain Range? This was the first study on impala in the area that looked at all the above-mentioned factors. A combination of observational studies, for habitat selection and preference, and faecal analysis, for diet composition and diet quality (faecal Nitrogen (Nf) and Phosphorous (Pf)), were used. It should be noted that WGR received below average rainfall and above average maximum temperatures over the past seven years. Impala on WGR are limited by the availability of suitable habitat and the quantity and quality of forage. They therefore suffer from nutrient deficiency. Spatial and ecological segregation between male and female animals occurred due to differences in sexual status and the constraints associated with this. Overall, very little variation in habitat use occurred between Wet and Dry seasons, emphasizing limited suitable impala habitat. Impala on WGR showed a distinct preference and avoidance of different habitat types. Both male and female preferred Short Grassland throughout the year. This is the smallest habitat type on the reserve and is dominated by Cynodon dactylon, which mostly occurs in the low-lying areas of the reserve. Both male and female impala avoided Hill Slope and Long Grassland throughout the year. These habitat types are characterized by steep slopes, medium to extensive rock cover, long sparse grass and dense tree cover. The Long Grassland habitat type consist mainly of old lands in different stages of regeneration dominated by dense unpalatable grasses. Both male and female impala were highly selective towards the most nutrient rich areas, which predominantly included the Short Grassland habitat type. The factors important to impala habitat selection are short to medium grass height (6-25 cm), ecotones in low lying areas between Short Grassland and woodland, proximity to water (0.96-1.5 km), moderate to no slopes, a burn interval of less than 3 years, the dominant occurrence of Cynodon dactylon, and the presence of Dichrostachys cinerea, Grewia flavescens, Dombeya rotundifolia and Indigofera melanodenia. The impala population on WGR appears to be limited by a lack of quality forage. The diet composition of impala on WGR followed a seasonal pattern, with a higher grass to browse content during the Wet seasons, and a higher browse to grass content during the Dry seasons. Furthermore, impala on WGR have a higher browse content in their diet than in other areas of South Africa. The higher content of browse in the impala’s diet on WGR is probably due to the impala optimizing their diet quality due to a lack of quality grasses, such as Cynodon dactylon, available to them on the reserve. Females consumed higher amounts of browse than males during lactation in order to optimize their diet quality. In general, impala experienced nutrient deficiencies during the Dry seasons as indicated by Nf and Pf values which were below the accepted threshold values for impala. This appears to have affected their body condition, reproductive success and survival. The below threshold values of Nf and Pf indicate that their numbers exceeded the ecological capacity of the reserve at the time of the study. This dystrophic savanna is marginal for impala. This indicates that even large reserves in the sour bushveld communities of the Waterberg Mountains are unlikely to sustain impala populations in a healthy productive state.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The economic implications of Robinia pseudoacacia L.(black locust) on agricultural production in South Africa
- Humphrey, Luke, Fraser, Gavin C G, Martin, Grant D
- Authors: Humphrey, Luke , Fraser, Gavin C G , Martin, Grant D
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:77600 ,
- Description: Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust) is an invasive deciduous, broadleaved tree that has the potential to be widely distributed across South Africa. It has invaded all nine South African provinces. The potential economic impact of R. pseudoacacia on agricultural production stems from the tree’s ability to reduce the carrying capacity for livestock. This study estimated the potential economic implications of R. pseudoacacia on agricultural production in South Africa, specifically the livestock sector. R. pseudoacacia’s potential distribution was calculated by using a maximum-entropy predictive habitat model, MaxEnt. The distribution of livestock, based on grazing capacity (ha/large stock unit) in South Africa, was then determined. The potential direct economic impacts were estimated by assessing the impact of the potential distribution of R. pseudoacacia on the carrying capacity for livestock. The results showed that an infestation of R. pseudoacacia has the potential to reduce the total gross margin in the livestock sector by between approximately R135 million and R674 million, dependent on the level of invasion. The potential levels of foregone income and business activity found in this study reaffirm the need to devote resources to develop a viable, economical and effective control.
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- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Humphrey, Luke , Fraser, Gavin C G , Martin, Grant D
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:77600 ,
- Description: Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust) is an invasive deciduous, broadleaved tree that has the potential to be widely distributed across South Africa. It has invaded all nine South African provinces. The potential economic impact of R. pseudoacacia on agricultural production stems from the tree’s ability to reduce the carrying capacity for livestock. This study estimated the potential economic implications of R. pseudoacacia on agricultural production in South Africa, specifically the livestock sector. R. pseudoacacia’s potential distribution was calculated by using a maximum-entropy predictive habitat model, MaxEnt. The distribution of livestock, based on grazing capacity (ha/large stock unit) in South Africa, was then determined. The potential direct economic impacts were estimated by assessing the impact of the potential distribution of R. pseudoacacia on the carrying capacity for livestock. The results showed that an infestation of R. pseudoacacia has the potential to reduce the total gross margin in the livestock sector by between approximately R135 million and R674 million, dependent on the level of invasion. The potential levels of foregone income and business activity found in this study reaffirm the need to devote resources to develop a viable, economical and effective control.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effect of age and culture on brand loyalty in the South African motor industry
- Authors: Hempel, Martin Johan
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Brand loyalty -- South Africa , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa , Consumer satisfaction -- South Africa , Consumer behavior -- South Africa , Older consumers -- South Africa , Consumers -- South Africa -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:31339
- Description: It has become imperative for companies in the motor industry to study and understand the notion of brand loyalty due to the many inherent advantages that it offers. Although existing literature provides extensive information on brand loyalty, the concept of brand loyalty is not constant across all industries. Factors such as age and culture also alter the effects of brand loyalty and the degree of brand loyalty generated within a consumer. Taking these variables into account, this study sets out to establish if age and culture have an effect on brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. The method in which motor companies emit marketing signals are also explored to establish if the emitted marketing signals are able to assist in the generation of brand loyalty. A South African real estate agent group agreed to participate in the research and became the sample population for the study. 190 successfully completed questionnaires were obtained in the data collection process and data with a Cronbach Alpha Coefficient (α) of 0.7662 proved that the data had satisfactory reliability. The data was processed and analysed in the statistical analysis program Stata. The study discovered that marketing signals don't assist in the generation of brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. It is suggested that it is more plausible that marketing signals can assist to maintain brand loyalty, rather than to generate brand loyalty. The study also discovered that culture does not have an effect on brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. However, after considering that the cultural distribution of the sample was significantly skewed, the sample is regarded as an unreliable test of the effect of culture on brand loyalty. The study also discovered that age doesn't have an effect brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. The researcher noted that the previously cognitively strenuous process of obtaining information has become more simplified by the internet and could potentially have reduced the generating of brand loyalty among older consumers. A final test was conducted to ascertain if relationships exist between the four stages of loyalty. The study suggested that all four loyalty stages are connected which confirms that brand loyalty is generated by both attitudinal and behavioural dimensions.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Hempel, Martin Johan
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Brand loyalty -- South Africa , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa , Consumer satisfaction -- South Africa , Consumer behavior -- South Africa , Older consumers -- South Africa , Consumers -- South Africa -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:31339
- Description: It has become imperative for companies in the motor industry to study and understand the notion of brand loyalty due to the many inherent advantages that it offers. Although existing literature provides extensive information on brand loyalty, the concept of brand loyalty is not constant across all industries. Factors such as age and culture also alter the effects of brand loyalty and the degree of brand loyalty generated within a consumer. Taking these variables into account, this study sets out to establish if age and culture have an effect on brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. The method in which motor companies emit marketing signals are also explored to establish if the emitted marketing signals are able to assist in the generation of brand loyalty. A South African real estate agent group agreed to participate in the research and became the sample population for the study. 190 successfully completed questionnaires were obtained in the data collection process and data with a Cronbach Alpha Coefficient (α) of 0.7662 proved that the data had satisfactory reliability. The data was processed and analysed in the statistical analysis program Stata. The study discovered that marketing signals don't assist in the generation of brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. It is suggested that it is more plausible that marketing signals can assist to maintain brand loyalty, rather than to generate brand loyalty. The study also discovered that culture does not have an effect on brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. However, after considering that the cultural distribution of the sample was significantly skewed, the sample is regarded as an unreliable test of the effect of culture on brand loyalty. The study also discovered that age doesn't have an effect brand loyalty in the South African motor industry. The researcher noted that the previously cognitively strenuous process of obtaining information has become more simplified by the internet and could potentially have reduced the generating of brand loyalty among older consumers. A final test was conducted to ascertain if relationships exist between the four stages of loyalty. The study suggested that all four loyalty stages are connected which confirms that brand loyalty is generated by both attitudinal and behavioural dimensions.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effect of bait on fine-scale habitat associations of reef fish investigated with remote underwater video systems
- Authors: Schmidt, Nicholas C
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVs) , Remote underwater stereo-video systems , Underwater videography in wildlife monitoring -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fish stock assessment -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fish populations -- Monitoring -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fishes -- Habitat -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:29249
- Description: Establishing the associations between fish and their habitats can aid in the monitoring of fish stocks and the design of effective marine protected areas (MPAs). Baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVs) are now commonly used to asses fish populations. The habitats seen in the video footage of stereo-BRUVs can be used to link fish fauna to preferred habitat types. However, the application of bait potentially attracts fish from surrounding habitats, and might result in a biased understanding of fish–habitat associations. A field study was conducted in the Tsitsikamma National Park MPA to determine the effect of bait on fine-scale fish–habitat associations, using remote photographic and video methods. The study was conducted over the summer season of 2015 and 2016. Data were collected within a 1x1 km shallow (9–44 m) reef complex. Within the sampling area, 944 photo-quadrats of the macrobenthos were taken 30 m apart by means of a drop camera. By separating the macrobenthos into broad taxonomic groups, five habitat types were identified, namely Shallow Sand, Shallow Reef, Deep Reef, Deep Sand and Patch Reef. The results show that even on a fine scale, depth is an important predictor of macrobenthic distribution and assemblage structure. Baited (stereo-BRUVs) and unbaited (stereo-RUVs) surveys were then conducted to sample the fish community in the same area during the period under study. Higher abundances of fish were observed in reef than in sandy habitats, and bait was seen to have a positive effect on species richness and fish abundance. When comparing habitats, fish abundance and composition on reef habitats were significantly different from sand habitats. This was observed in both the stereo-RUVs and stereo-BRUVs methods. High counts of roman (Chrysoblephus laticeps), fransmadam (Boopsoidea inornata) and steentjie (Spondyliosoma emarginatum) in reef habitats were contrasted by high counts of white sea catfish (Galeichthys feliceps), evil-eye puffer (Amblyrhynchotes honckenii) and lesser guitarfish (Rhinecanthus annulatus) in sandy habitats. Overall, the underlying patterns in fish diversity recorded with the two video methods were generally comparable. However, stereo-RUVs appeared to be unable to detect species that were present in sand habitats, while stereo-BRUVs increased the number and abundance of species recorded in all habitat types. In the stereo-RUVs footage, differences between reef habitats were dampened by the presence of highly abundant fish species. In the stereo-BRUVs footage, although bait appeared to have an effect on the observed fish assemblage, this manifested in an increase in species richness, higher fish abundances and a better overall ability to detect fish–habitat relationships. As such, stereo-BRUVs are considered a robust, effective and recommended method for detecting fish–habitat relationships, even over a fine scale.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Schmidt, Nicholas C
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVs) , Remote underwater stereo-video systems , Underwater videography in wildlife monitoring -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fish stock assessment -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fish populations -- Monitoring -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma , Fishes -- Habitat -- South Africa -- Tsitsikamma
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:29249
- Description: Establishing the associations between fish and their habitats can aid in the monitoring of fish stocks and the design of effective marine protected areas (MPAs). Baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVs) are now commonly used to asses fish populations. The habitats seen in the video footage of stereo-BRUVs can be used to link fish fauna to preferred habitat types. However, the application of bait potentially attracts fish from surrounding habitats, and might result in a biased understanding of fish–habitat associations. A field study was conducted in the Tsitsikamma National Park MPA to determine the effect of bait on fine-scale fish–habitat associations, using remote photographic and video methods. The study was conducted over the summer season of 2015 and 2016. Data were collected within a 1x1 km shallow (9–44 m) reef complex. Within the sampling area, 944 photo-quadrats of the macrobenthos were taken 30 m apart by means of a drop camera. By separating the macrobenthos into broad taxonomic groups, five habitat types were identified, namely Shallow Sand, Shallow Reef, Deep Reef, Deep Sand and Patch Reef. The results show that even on a fine scale, depth is an important predictor of macrobenthic distribution and assemblage structure. Baited (stereo-BRUVs) and unbaited (stereo-RUVs) surveys were then conducted to sample the fish community in the same area during the period under study. Higher abundances of fish were observed in reef than in sandy habitats, and bait was seen to have a positive effect on species richness and fish abundance. When comparing habitats, fish abundance and composition on reef habitats were significantly different from sand habitats. This was observed in both the stereo-RUVs and stereo-BRUVs methods. High counts of roman (Chrysoblephus laticeps), fransmadam (Boopsoidea inornata) and steentjie (Spondyliosoma emarginatum) in reef habitats were contrasted by high counts of white sea catfish (Galeichthys feliceps), evil-eye puffer (Amblyrhynchotes honckenii) and lesser guitarfish (Rhinecanthus annulatus) in sandy habitats. Overall, the underlying patterns in fish diversity recorded with the two video methods were generally comparable. However, stereo-RUVs appeared to be unable to detect species that were present in sand habitats, while stereo-BRUVs increased the number and abundance of species recorded in all habitat types. In the stereo-RUVs footage, differences between reef habitats were dampened by the presence of highly abundant fish species. In the stereo-BRUVs footage, although bait appeared to have an effect on the observed fish assemblage, this manifested in an increase in species richness, higher fish abundances and a better overall ability to detect fish–habitat relationships. As such, stereo-BRUVs are considered a robust, effective and recommended method for detecting fish–habitat relationships, even over a fine scale.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effect of fresh seaweed and a formulated diet supplemented with seaweed on the growth and gonad quality of the collector sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla under farm conditions
- Authors: Onomu , Abigail John
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Marine algae Algae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:40044
- Description: This study investigates the effect of two fresh seaweeds, a formulated diet and different feeding regimes on the growth (weight, diameter and height) and gonad quality (gonadosomatic index, colour, texture, firmness and gonad maturity) of the collector sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla under farm conditions for eighteen weeks. The gonad enhancement study was divided into two sections. The first section investigated the effect of feeds on the somatic growth and gonad quality for 12 weeks. The feeds investigated during this phase of the study were fresh Ulva (U); a 50:50 mixture of fresh Ulva and Gracilaria (UG); fresh Gracilaria (G) and a formulated diet, which contained 200g of dried Ulva per kg (designated as 20U). The second section or phase of this study started for a period of 6 weeks and investigated the effect of a change of diet on urchins previously fed the various feeds from section 1. The feeding regimes used were (U-20U) i.e urchins previously fed with Ulva were subsequently fed 20U diet, similarly, (UG-20U); (G-20U) and (20U- 20U). For the first section of the experiment, no differences were observed in the growth (weight, diameter and height) of urchins fed both fresh diets and the formulated diet. However, urchins fed the formulated diet produced gonad weight of 50.72 ± 5.4g which was significantly higher (P<0.001) than those fed fresh diets. The gonads of urchins fed the Gracilaria diet were significantly darker (P= 0.023) in colour compared with those examined from urchins fed the formulated diet, but were not significantly different from any of the other fresh diets tested (Ulva and Ulva mixed with Gracilaria). Gonad from each of the feed treatments were similar in terms of the redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) as well as the texture and firmness. The gonad maturities of urchins fed the various diets were not significantly different from each other. By the end of the second section/phase of the study (6 week period following the diet change), somatic growth (weight, height and diameter) of urchins in all treatment groups did not differ significantly from each other (ANOVA, P= 0.784; P= 0.988; P= 0.28 respectively). Gonad weight of urchins in treatment groups UG-20U and G-20U became similar to those fed the 20U diet at the end of the trial (week18). However, the gonad weight of urchins in the 20U treatment group remained significantly greater than urchins in the U-20U group at the end of the trial (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, P= 0.002). Gonad colour of urchins in the G-20U treatment became significantly lighter (ANOVA, P= 0.029) than those in the U-20U group after the change of diet. However, gonad lightness (L*) of urchins in treatment groups U-20U and G–20U did not differ significantly from those in the UG-20U and 20U treatment groups. All feed regimes were similar in terms of the gonad‟s redness (a*) and yellowness (b*), texture and firmness as well as gonad maturity at the end of the trial. This gonad enhancement study on wild collected adult T. gratilla has shown that somatic growth (urchin weight, test diameter and height) does not differ between the dietary treatments (fresh seaweeds and a formulated diet) tested in this study. The formulated feed (20U diet) does however enhance gonad growth of T. gratilla under farm conditions, supporting previous laboratory trials conducted on this species fed similar diets, indicating that sea urchins gonad enhancement can be cultured under farm conditions in South Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Onomu , Abigail John
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Marine algae Algae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:40044
- Description: This study investigates the effect of two fresh seaweeds, a formulated diet and different feeding regimes on the growth (weight, diameter and height) and gonad quality (gonadosomatic index, colour, texture, firmness and gonad maturity) of the collector sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla under farm conditions for eighteen weeks. The gonad enhancement study was divided into two sections. The first section investigated the effect of feeds on the somatic growth and gonad quality for 12 weeks. The feeds investigated during this phase of the study were fresh Ulva (U); a 50:50 mixture of fresh Ulva and Gracilaria (UG); fresh Gracilaria (G) and a formulated diet, which contained 200g of dried Ulva per kg (designated as 20U). The second section or phase of this study started for a period of 6 weeks and investigated the effect of a change of diet on urchins previously fed the various feeds from section 1. The feeding regimes used were (U-20U) i.e urchins previously fed with Ulva were subsequently fed 20U diet, similarly, (UG-20U); (G-20U) and (20U- 20U). For the first section of the experiment, no differences were observed in the growth (weight, diameter and height) of urchins fed both fresh diets and the formulated diet. However, urchins fed the formulated diet produced gonad weight of 50.72 ± 5.4g which was significantly higher (P<0.001) than those fed fresh diets. The gonads of urchins fed the Gracilaria diet were significantly darker (P= 0.023) in colour compared with those examined from urchins fed the formulated diet, but were not significantly different from any of the other fresh diets tested (Ulva and Ulva mixed with Gracilaria). Gonad from each of the feed treatments were similar in terms of the redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) as well as the texture and firmness. The gonad maturities of urchins fed the various diets were not significantly different from each other. By the end of the second section/phase of the study (6 week period following the diet change), somatic growth (weight, height and diameter) of urchins in all treatment groups did not differ significantly from each other (ANOVA, P= 0.784; P= 0.988; P= 0.28 respectively). Gonad weight of urchins in treatment groups UG-20U and G-20U became similar to those fed the 20U diet at the end of the trial (week18). However, the gonad weight of urchins in the 20U treatment group remained significantly greater than urchins in the U-20U group at the end of the trial (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, P= 0.002). Gonad colour of urchins in the G-20U treatment became significantly lighter (ANOVA, P= 0.029) than those in the U-20U group after the change of diet. However, gonad lightness (L*) of urchins in treatment groups U-20U and G–20U did not differ significantly from those in the UG-20U and 20U treatment groups. All feed regimes were similar in terms of the gonad‟s redness (a*) and yellowness (b*), texture and firmness as well as gonad maturity at the end of the trial. This gonad enhancement study on wild collected adult T. gratilla has shown that somatic growth (urchin weight, test diameter and height) does not differ between the dietary treatments (fresh seaweeds and a formulated diet) tested in this study. The formulated feed (20U diet) does however enhance gonad growth of T. gratilla under farm conditions, supporting previous laboratory trials conducted on this species fed similar diets, indicating that sea urchins gonad enhancement can be cultured under farm conditions in South Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
The effect of the exchange rate on economic growth in South Africa
- Authors: Maxwele, Chuma
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa -- Econometric models Economic development -- South Africa South Africa -- Economic conditions -- Econometric models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:36505
- Description: The study examines the effect of the exchange rate on South African economic growth rate, as this relationship is of paramount importance in South Africa, since the country has a highly volatile exchange rate in among emerging economies, and this has a significant impact on economic growth. The exchange rate can be explained or defined as the value of the home country or domestic currency in relation to foreign currencies, and economic growth, which is measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), which is the measure of currently produced final output in a country at a specific time period, usually a year or quarter. It has been long known that an inadequately or poorly managed exchange rate can be problematic in a country’s economic growth rate. Some economists point out that management of a country’s foreign exchange market is of utmost importance. Furthermore, bad exchange rate management can lead to unstable international relations that detrimentally affect the international trade of a country and cause large speculative financial flows, which could cause financial markets to be disrupted and also lead inefficient allocation of funds. At the same time, competitive exchange rate promotes a suitable economic environment that is a precondition when it comes to expanding of international trade and investment, and gaining of higher economic growth in a country. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the exchange rate on economic growth in South Africa. This study employs a newly developed econometric technique known as non-linear autoregressive distributive lag (NARDL). This study employs annual data for the period of 1970 to 2017. The first variable is the real effective exchange rate of the rand, and the study compares the value of the rand against the currencies of the twenty trading partners. The second variable is economic growth, which is measured in terms of the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP is the value of output produced within the region or borders of a country during a period of time, usually a year or quarter. Investment is another variable used, and it is categorised into economic investment (capital formation) and financial investment but the study adopts economic investment. Economic investment is the quantity of capital stock in a society, simple put it is goods used in the making of other goods. Government expenditure is also used in the study, and government expenditure is about public goods and services provided to society, and is a major component of gross domestic product. The last variable employed in the study is broad money supply as a percentage of GDP, which can be explained as the sum of the currency outside financial institutions, such as demand deposits other than the ones for government, the time, savings, and foreign currency of residents other than the government. GDP data was obtained from the electronic data bases of South African Reserve Bank, and all the remaining variables were obtained from the electronic data bases of the World Bank. The results of the NARDL model indicate that a positive change of the real effective exchange rate has a positive and significant effect on the gross domestic product in the long-run, while a negative change of the real effective exchange rate has a negative and significant effect on the gross domestic product in the long-run. In the short-run, the results also behave in the same manner as in the long-run. The study recommends that the real effective exchange rate should not be the only area to look into when trying to improve economic growth in South Africa. Investments must be looked into as well, and South Africa needs more growth desperately.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Maxwele, Chuma
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa -- Econometric models Economic development -- South Africa South Africa -- Economic conditions -- Econometric models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:36505
- Description: The study examines the effect of the exchange rate on South African economic growth rate, as this relationship is of paramount importance in South Africa, since the country has a highly volatile exchange rate in among emerging economies, and this has a significant impact on economic growth. The exchange rate can be explained or defined as the value of the home country or domestic currency in relation to foreign currencies, and economic growth, which is measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), which is the measure of currently produced final output in a country at a specific time period, usually a year or quarter. It has been long known that an inadequately or poorly managed exchange rate can be problematic in a country’s economic growth rate. Some economists point out that management of a country’s foreign exchange market is of utmost importance. Furthermore, bad exchange rate management can lead to unstable international relations that detrimentally affect the international trade of a country and cause large speculative financial flows, which could cause financial markets to be disrupted and also lead inefficient allocation of funds. At the same time, competitive exchange rate promotes a suitable economic environment that is a precondition when it comes to expanding of international trade and investment, and gaining of higher economic growth in a country. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the exchange rate on economic growth in South Africa. This study employs a newly developed econometric technique known as non-linear autoregressive distributive lag (NARDL). This study employs annual data for the period of 1970 to 2017. The first variable is the real effective exchange rate of the rand, and the study compares the value of the rand against the currencies of the twenty trading partners. The second variable is economic growth, which is measured in terms of the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP is the value of output produced within the region or borders of a country during a period of time, usually a year or quarter. Investment is another variable used, and it is categorised into economic investment (capital formation) and financial investment but the study adopts economic investment. Economic investment is the quantity of capital stock in a society, simple put it is goods used in the making of other goods. Government expenditure is also used in the study, and government expenditure is about public goods and services provided to society, and is a major component of gross domestic product. The last variable employed in the study is broad money supply as a percentage of GDP, which can be explained as the sum of the currency outside financial institutions, such as demand deposits other than the ones for government, the time, savings, and foreign currency of residents other than the government. GDP data was obtained from the electronic data bases of South African Reserve Bank, and all the remaining variables were obtained from the electronic data bases of the World Bank. The results of the NARDL model indicate that a positive change of the real effective exchange rate has a positive and significant effect on the gross domestic product in the long-run, while a negative change of the real effective exchange rate has a negative and significant effect on the gross domestic product in the long-run. In the short-run, the results also behave in the same manner as in the long-run. The study recommends that the real effective exchange rate should not be the only area to look into when trying to improve economic growth in South Africa. Investments must be looked into as well, and South Africa needs more growth desperately.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effect of the exchange rate on inflation in South Africa
- Authors: Gwili, Lutho Olwethu
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Inflation (Finance) -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- Africa South Foreign exchange rates -- Econometric models -- Africa South South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:35341
- Description: The depreciation of the rand in recent years has been one of the indicators of recession in South Africa. The unpredictability of the rand and its volatility has led to great inflationary pressure. The process of examining the relationship between South Africa’s exchange rate and inflation rate has become increasingly relevant down the years. This study analyses the relationship between exchange rate and inflation in South Africa from 1994Q1 to 2017Q4. Its objective is to establish the effect of the exchange rate on inflation in South Africa. The non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model is employed as the method of estimation. Trends in exchange rate and inflation between 1980 and 2017 are analysed. Monetary régimes and shifts in inflation down the years are discussed. Key events like the Asian financial crisis of 1998, the introduction of the inflation targeting framework in 2000, the significant depreciation of the rand in 2001 and the global financial crisis in 2008/09 all contributed majorly in the way the country’s monetary policy and inflation take the form they have today. The literature identifies the exchange rate pass-through, purchasing power parity (PPP) and absolute power parity (APP) as exchange rate theories, all in which are discussed in detail. Empirical evidence suggests a predominantly positive relationship between inflation rate and exchange rate in other African countries as well as in developed countries. The exchange rate pass-through in South Africa appears to have lessened down the years. The NARDL model is discussed in detail in the research methodology chapter. The main reason for using this method of estimation is to capture asymmetry effects that may exist between inflation and exchange rate. First and second generation unit root tests, like Ng-Perron, DF-GLS and KSS, are discussed in detail to capture the stationarity of the variables. The variables of interest include nominal effective exchange rate, Brent crude oil prices, prime lending rate, unemployment rate and M3 money supply. This is done in line with the literature. The vector autoregressive (VAR) model is briefly discussed in the research methodology chapter. The findings of the study reveal that an appreciation in the exchange rate decreases the inflation rate. The results also reveal that a depreciation in the exchange rate decreases the inflation rate, which happens not to be in line with economic theory. This implies that a depreciation has a negative effect on inflation. A positive relationship between oil price and inflation is found to exist. A negative relationship is found to exist between M3 money supply and inflation. There is a positive relationship between prime lending rate and inflation. The study found that the Phillips curve does not hold in South Africa. The estimated VAR model results reveal that there exists unidirectional causality running from nominal effective exchange rate to inflation rate. The impulse response function reveals a negative relationship between exchange rate and inflation. Therefore, the study proposes that policymakers evolve means of evaluating exchange rate volatility, and that lending rates be made flexible. This will help curb inflation in South Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Gwili, Lutho Olwethu
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Inflation (Finance) -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- Africa South Foreign exchange rates -- Econometric models -- Africa South South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:35341
- Description: The depreciation of the rand in recent years has been one of the indicators of recession in South Africa. The unpredictability of the rand and its volatility has led to great inflationary pressure. The process of examining the relationship between South Africa’s exchange rate and inflation rate has become increasingly relevant down the years. This study analyses the relationship between exchange rate and inflation in South Africa from 1994Q1 to 2017Q4. Its objective is to establish the effect of the exchange rate on inflation in South Africa. The non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model is employed as the method of estimation. Trends in exchange rate and inflation between 1980 and 2017 are analysed. Monetary régimes and shifts in inflation down the years are discussed. Key events like the Asian financial crisis of 1998, the introduction of the inflation targeting framework in 2000, the significant depreciation of the rand in 2001 and the global financial crisis in 2008/09 all contributed majorly in the way the country’s monetary policy and inflation take the form they have today. The literature identifies the exchange rate pass-through, purchasing power parity (PPP) and absolute power parity (APP) as exchange rate theories, all in which are discussed in detail. Empirical evidence suggests a predominantly positive relationship between inflation rate and exchange rate in other African countries as well as in developed countries. The exchange rate pass-through in South Africa appears to have lessened down the years. The NARDL model is discussed in detail in the research methodology chapter. The main reason for using this method of estimation is to capture asymmetry effects that may exist between inflation and exchange rate. First and second generation unit root tests, like Ng-Perron, DF-GLS and KSS, are discussed in detail to capture the stationarity of the variables. The variables of interest include nominal effective exchange rate, Brent crude oil prices, prime lending rate, unemployment rate and M3 money supply. This is done in line with the literature. The vector autoregressive (VAR) model is briefly discussed in the research methodology chapter. The findings of the study reveal that an appreciation in the exchange rate decreases the inflation rate. The results also reveal that a depreciation in the exchange rate decreases the inflation rate, which happens not to be in line with economic theory. This implies that a depreciation has a negative effect on inflation. A positive relationship between oil price and inflation is found to exist. A negative relationship is found to exist between M3 money supply and inflation. There is a positive relationship between prime lending rate and inflation. The study found that the Phillips curve does not hold in South Africa. The estimated VAR model results reveal that there exists unidirectional causality running from nominal effective exchange rate to inflation rate. The impulse response function reveals a negative relationship between exchange rate and inflation. Therefore, the study proposes that policymakers evolve means of evaluating exchange rate volatility, and that lending rates be made flexible. This will help curb inflation in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effective use of corporate social responsibility as a strategic marketing tool to achieve competitive advantage in the South African banking sector
- Authors: Sogoni, Shalene
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Social responsibility of business , Business communication Mass media and business Marketing Banks and banking -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:37094
- Description: The South African banking sector has increasingly grown, with the rise of new entrants in the market and a strong fintech focus, offering a completely digital banking service with products designed to improve the money management of clients. Competition within this sector has become rife, giving banks the option to compete by using traditional means or pursue alternative options. In the past, banks focused more on lowering costs, increasing sales, improve customer retention strategies and the development of superior digital products and services driven by new technology. However banking organisations also understand that is not enough. In order to survive in a highly competitive industry, firms will be have to diversify and follow alternative means outside of the standard traditional ways of doing banking. The business case for engaging in corporate social responsibility is clear and unavoidable as the scope and nature of the socio-economic problems within our communities persist, so has these societal problems become interdependent with the business environment. Therefore, executive managers and are now encouraged to become good corporate citizens, by becoming more socially responsible in the way it does its business. In other words, by strategically applying CSR, as a marketing tool, a company can be profitable, obtain a competitive advantage and simultaneously contribute towards making a sustainable difference in society. The intent of this study is to determine if corporate social responsibility is being effectively used as a strategic marketing tool to achieve competitive advantage in the South African banking sector. In addressing the main research question, and several other secondary objectives, this study seeks to enrich the discussion by presenting a theoretical review that demonstrates the relationship between several concepts, namely, corporate strategy, strategic marketing, corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage, interrelated in this study. The study employs a qualitative research approach by empirically conducting in-depth discussions with industry experts on the subject matter at hand, underpinned by academic literature. The study will justify the interdependencies of business and the society and explores the benefits of integrating CSR into the core strategy of business. The findings will be valuable to business executives, corporate social responsibility or marketing managers, academics and scholars who are trying to better understand the determinant’s of corporate social responsibility, strategic management and competitive advantage.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Sogoni, Shalene
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Social responsibility of business , Business communication Mass media and business Marketing Banks and banking -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:37094
- Description: The South African banking sector has increasingly grown, with the rise of new entrants in the market and a strong fintech focus, offering a completely digital banking service with products designed to improve the money management of clients. Competition within this sector has become rife, giving banks the option to compete by using traditional means or pursue alternative options. In the past, banks focused more on lowering costs, increasing sales, improve customer retention strategies and the development of superior digital products and services driven by new technology. However banking organisations also understand that is not enough. In order to survive in a highly competitive industry, firms will be have to diversify and follow alternative means outside of the standard traditional ways of doing banking. The business case for engaging in corporate social responsibility is clear and unavoidable as the scope and nature of the socio-economic problems within our communities persist, so has these societal problems become interdependent with the business environment. Therefore, executive managers and are now encouraged to become good corporate citizens, by becoming more socially responsible in the way it does its business. In other words, by strategically applying CSR, as a marketing tool, a company can be profitable, obtain a competitive advantage and simultaneously contribute towards making a sustainable difference in society. The intent of this study is to determine if corporate social responsibility is being effectively used as a strategic marketing tool to achieve competitive advantage in the South African banking sector. In addressing the main research question, and several other secondary objectives, this study seeks to enrich the discussion by presenting a theoretical review that demonstrates the relationship between several concepts, namely, corporate strategy, strategic marketing, corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage, interrelated in this study. The study employs a qualitative research approach by empirically conducting in-depth discussions with industry experts on the subject matter at hand, underpinned by academic literature. The study will justify the interdependencies of business and the society and explores the benefits of integrating CSR into the core strategy of business. The findings will be valuable to business executives, corporate social responsibility or marketing managers, academics and scholars who are trying to better understand the determinant’s of corporate social responsibility, strategic management and competitive advantage.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effectiveness of sandplay therapy with a Xhosa child
- Authors: Snelgar, Orrin Glenn
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Sandplay -- Therapeutic use -- Case studies -- South Africa , Play therapy -- Case studies -- South Africa , Child psychotherapy -- Case studies -- South Africa , Children, Black -- Psychology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:39876
- Description: This case study sought to determine whether Kalffian Sandtray Therapy was effective with a Xhosa child. In the context of ongoing discussions surrounding evidence-based practice and culturally appropriate interventions, no published research has yet explored the effectiveness of this classical tool within this significant South African demographic. In an effort to address this omission, the research adopted a mixed methods approach where Kalffian analysis of the sandplay process was evaluated in conjunction with quantitative measures (the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation). The results of this triangulation revealed a complex picture of improved interpersonal functioning and stagnant (or worsened) emotional wellbeing after five sessions. Contextualised interpretations of these findings are discussed and recommendations made for future sandplay practice and research in the South African context.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Snelgar, Orrin Glenn
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Sandplay -- Therapeutic use -- Case studies -- South Africa , Play therapy -- Case studies -- South Africa , Child psychotherapy -- Case studies -- South Africa , Children, Black -- Psychology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:39876
- Description: This case study sought to determine whether Kalffian Sandtray Therapy was effective with a Xhosa child. In the context of ongoing discussions surrounding evidence-based practice and culturally appropriate interventions, no published research has yet explored the effectiveness of this classical tool within this significant South African demographic. In an effort to address this omission, the research adopted a mixed methods approach where Kalffian analysis of the sandplay process was evaluated in conjunction with quantitative measures (the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation). The results of this triangulation revealed a complex picture of improved interpersonal functioning and stagnant (or worsened) emotional wellbeing after five sessions. Contextualised interpretations of these findings are discussed and recommendations made for future sandplay practice and research in the South African context.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effectiveness of the joint building contracts committee principal building agreement in the South African built environment
- Authors: Mokhojane, K’homotho Nester
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Construction contracts -- South Africa , Buildings -- Specifications -- South Africa , Construction industry -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36618
- Description: Government investment in infrastructure development in South Africa is set to increase in the next few years to facilitate its mandate of radical economic transformation; contractually there is no margin for error in the execution of infrastructure projects. With a rising inflation, low economic growth and high unemployment, greater need for service delivery and an ever-increasing level of competition, contractor profit margins on are dwindling year on year. Things should not go wrong during construction but often do which results in serious reputational damage to all members involved, companies being liquidated, leaving workers in a desperate plea for employment and leaving them and their families facing poverty in the face. The choice and understanding of a particular contract is very important. The Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) concentrates primarily on the compilation of contract documentation aimed at an equitable distribution of contractual risk in the building industry. The suite is approved by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and is used by Local Government, District Municipalities, Provincial and National Departments and the Private Sector. The Principal Building Agreement (PBA) is the cornerstone of the JBCC Suite of documents. For the purpose of the research, only JBCC PBA will be the focus area. Contract documents have to be reviewed and revised regularly. Regular revisions to the JBCC contract documentation suite aim to ensure that available documentation remains current. Construction contracts have evolved into standard contract forms. This is not only because of their advantages of familiarity and the prohibitive cost of customisation but also to provide certainty on the nature of the transaction between the contracting parties on a construction project. The study found that the JBCC PBA Edition 6.1 of March 2014 is not widely used, as stakeholders largely prefer to utilise its predecessors, Edition 4.1 of March 2005 and Edition 5.0 of July 2007. The lack of usage could be attributed to prevailing negative perceptions by the users on the contractual risks involved. The study found that contractual risk is better mitigated than in previous JBCC PBA Editions. Furthermore, there are some areas of concern identified where the JBCC PBA document could be further enhanced to improve its overall effectiveness as a contract management tool. The discovered that the JBCC PBA Edition 6.1 standard form of contract are compiled in the interests of standardisation and aim to portray the consensus concerning good practice and an equitable distribution of contractual risk. The findings will help all stakeholders in the South African Building Industry to better understand the implications, benefits and improve their understanding of the JBCC PBA, especially Construction Project Managers employed by the State at different levels, either Local Government, District Municipality, Provincial Departments and National Departments. It will also be beneficial to Architects, Construction Project Managers, Construction Managers, Quantity Surveyors and Engineers operating as consultants, contractors or academics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Mokhojane, K’homotho Nester
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Construction contracts -- South Africa , Buildings -- Specifications -- South Africa , Construction industry -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36618
- Description: Government investment in infrastructure development in South Africa is set to increase in the next few years to facilitate its mandate of radical economic transformation; contractually there is no margin for error in the execution of infrastructure projects. With a rising inflation, low economic growth and high unemployment, greater need for service delivery and an ever-increasing level of competition, contractor profit margins on are dwindling year on year. Things should not go wrong during construction but often do which results in serious reputational damage to all members involved, companies being liquidated, leaving workers in a desperate plea for employment and leaving them and their families facing poverty in the face. The choice and understanding of a particular contract is very important. The Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) concentrates primarily on the compilation of contract documentation aimed at an equitable distribution of contractual risk in the building industry. The suite is approved by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and is used by Local Government, District Municipalities, Provincial and National Departments and the Private Sector. The Principal Building Agreement (PBA) is the cornerstone of the JBCC Suite of documents. For the purpose of the research, only JBCC PBA will be the focus area. Contract documents have to be reviewed and revised regularly. Regular revisions to the JBCC contract documentation suite aim to ensure that available documentation remains current. Construction contracts have evolved into standard contract forms. This is not only because of their advantages of familiarity and the prohibitive cost of customisation but also to provide certainty on the nature of the transaction between the contracting parties on a construction project. The study found that the JBCC PBA Edition 6.1 of March 2014 is not widely used, as stakeholders largely prefer to utilise its predecessors, Edition 4.1 of March 2005 and Edition 5.0 of July 2007. The lack of usage could be attributed to prevailing negative perceptions by the users on the contractual risks involved. The study found that contractual risk is better mitigated than in previous JBCC PBA Editions. Furthermore, there are some areas of concern identified where the JBCC PBA document could be further enhanced to improve its overall effectiveness as a contract management tool. The discovered that the JBCC PBA Edition 6.1 standard form of contract are compiled in the interests of standardisation and aim to portray the consensus concerning good practice and an equitable distribution of contractual risk. The findings will help all stakeholders in the South African Building Industry to better understand the implications, benefits and improve their understanding of the JBCC PBA, especially Construction Project Managers employed by the State at different levels, either Local Government, District Municipality, Provincial Departments and National Departments. It will also be beneficial to Architects, Construction Project Managers, Construction Managers, Quantity Surveyors and Engineers operating as consultants, contractors or academics.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of disruptive innovation on MTN telecommunication strategy in Africa
- Authors: Mokhesi, Moroke
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Information technology -- Economic aspects , Telecommunication -- Economic aspects Telecommunication -- South Africa Strategic planning -- South Africa Internet of things
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:36620
- Description: The purpose of this research study was to investigate the effects of disruptive innovation on MTN telecommunication strategy in Africa. The goal of this research study was to investigate the effects of disruptive innovation on MTN telecommunication strategy in Africa. Five independent variables were identified and tested as to identify the effects/ impact they have on the MTN telecommunication strategy. The research report began with an in-depth literature review on the concept of disruptive innovation and the variables and Internet of things, Cloud Technology, Blockchain, Mobile Money Cashless Society and Big Data. The literature review also provides an overview of the status of the telecommunication industry in Africa, the pace of change and the challenges network operators are facing due to the innovations. This is followed by qualitative explanatory case study research design through in-depth interviews. The research provides valuable insights on recommendations to MTN management on the effects on disruptive innovation on their strategy. This research study provides a useful insight on the effects of disruptive innovation with a telecommunication context in Africa. It also highlights the key disruptive technologies that are at the forefront the current innovation wave. The study is limited to MTN and does not incorporate other multinational network operators who have established networks on the African continent. The research effort looks at the positive and negative effects of disruptive innovation on MTN strategy and make recommendations on how MTN can overcome, minimise or reduce the identified effects on the strategy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Mokhesi, Moroke
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Information technology -- Economic aspects , Telecommunication -- Economic aspects Telecommunication -- South Africa Strategic planning -- South Africa Internet of things
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:36620
- Description: The purpose of this research study was to investigate the effects of disruptive innovation on MTN telecommunication strategy in Africa. The goal of this research study was to investigate the effects of disruptive innovation on MTN telecommunication strategy in Africa. Five independent variables were identified and tested as to identify the effects/ impact they have on the MTN telecommunication strategy. The research report began with an in-depth literature review on the concept of disruptive innovation and the variables and Internet of things, Cloud Technology, Blockchain, Mobile Money Cashless Society and Big Data. The literature review also provides an overview of the status of the telecommunication industry in Africa, the pace of change and the challenges network operators are facing due to the innovations. This is followed by qualitative explanatory case study research design through in-depth interviews. The research provides valuable insights on recommendations to MTN management on the effects on disruptive innovation on their strategy. This research study provides a useful insight on the effects of disruptive innovation with a telecommunication context in Africa. It also highlights the key disruptive technologies that are at the forefront the current innovation wave. The study is limited to MTN and does not incorporate other multinational network operators who have established networks on the African continent. The research effort looks at the positive and negative effects of disruptive innovation on MTN strategy and make recommendations on how MTN can overcome, minimise or reduce the identified effects on the strategy.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of inflation on economic growth and unemployment in light of the global financial crisis in BRICS countries
- Authors: Falakahla, Lwazi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Inflation (Finance) -- BRIC countries , Economic development -- BRIC countries Unemployment -- BRIC countries Monetary policy , Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:35477
- Description: The key critical role played by Central Banks’ monetary policy and government macroeconomic policy relies on precise and timely forecasts on economic growth along the business cycle periods. In the past, many emerging countries have been facing problems of high escalating inflationary prices. This dissertation is set out to examine the influence of inflation on output growth and unemployment considering the global financial crisis in BRICS countries using annual data collected over the period 1980 to 2016. The study is divided into two sections; namely macroeconomic policy and monetary policy principles. The empirical analyses are computed through using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001). The macroeconomic policy findings show that there is a negative long run relationship between inflation and economic growth in Russia and South Africa. The study’s ARDL bounds test for cointegration results also indicated that there is statistically significant long run comovement between inflation and economic growth in all BRICS countries. The study results also provided that there is an existence of a negative short run relationship between inflation and economic growth in South Africa. The Phillips curve results indicated that a positive long run trade-off between inflation and unemployment is found and no short run relationship discovered. It is also revealed that the long run co-movement between inflation and unemployment only exists in Russia and South Africa. The study is significant because it contributes to the empirical determinants of long term prosperity of the BRICS partners.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Falakahla, Lwazi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Inflation (Finance) -- BRIC countries , Economic development -- BRIC countries Unemployment -- BRIC countries Monetary policy , Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:35477
- Description: The key critical role played by Central Banks’ monetary policy and government macroeconomic policy relies on precise and timely forecasts on economic growth along the business cycle periods. In the past, many emerging countries have been facing problems of high escalating inflationary prices. This dissertation is set out to examine the influence of inflation on output growth and unemployment considering the global financial crisis in BRICS countries using annual data collected over the period 1980 to 2016. The study is divided into two sections; namely macroeconomic policy and monetary policy principles. The empirical analyses are computed through using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001). The macroeconomic policy findings show that there is a negative long run relationship between inflation and economic growth in Russia and South Africa. The study’s ARDL bounds test for cointegration results also indicated that there is statistically significant long run comovement between inflation and economic growth in all BRICS countries. The study results also provided that there is an existence of a negative short run relationship between inflation and economic growth in South Africa. The Phillips curve results indicated that a positive long run trade-off between inflation and unemployment is found and no short run relationship discovered. It is also revealed that the long run co-movement between inflation and unemployment only exists in Russia and South Africa. The study is significant because it contributes to the empirical determinants of long term prosperity of the BRICS partners.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of leadership styles and organisational culture on job satisfaction and organisational commitment: a case study at Eskom, ECOU
- Authors: Ramaphuma, Gundo
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Corporate culture
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:36728
- Description: The concepts of leadership styles, organisational cultures, job satisfaction and organisational commitment are still attracting considerable attention from scholars, academics, writers, leaders and professionals. Although the effects of these concepts have received considerable attention and literature abounds, however, there have been a few studies on these concepts, if any, conducted in the Energy Sector, more specifically within a South African context. For this reason, the study intended to contribute to the literature of leadership styles and on organisational culture’s impact on job satisfaction and organisational commitment in a parastatal and in the South African context. The present study aimed to assess the effects of leadership styles and organisational culture on job satisfaction and organisational commitment among employees at Eskom, Eastern Cape Operating Unit (ECOU), South Africa. To achieve this, a theoretical model or framework depicting the relationship between these variables was developed and tested. The present study was located within the positivist research paradigm which makes use of a quantitative approach in the form of a questionnaire to gather data for analysis and theoretical comparison. The questionnaire was designed to elicit and rate the respondents’ views as well as for the quantitative data analysis. The population for the present study comprised of approximately 600 employees within the ECOUmain branch offices situated in Beacon Bay, East London. The present study made use of the non-probability sampling design by means of a convenience sampling technique to draw the sample for the study. Questionnaires were distributed to 120 employees within the Asset Creation, Maintenance and Operations Divisions of the ECOU. Of the 120 questionnaires, a total of 86 usable questionnaires were returned and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 tool. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed and findings presented. It was found that there is currently a prevalence of both the Transformational and Transactional leadership styles at the ECOU. However, when asked which leadership style employees would prefer, the majority of the respondents indicated that they would prefer a Transformational leadership style to be exhibited by their managers. Although there was no discernible difference between the two types of leadership styles, a majority of the respondents indicated that they believed that leadership had an impact on their, and the organisation’s, performance, regardless of which style of leadership was exhibited. The findings relating to Organisational Culture highlighted that the majority of respondents felt that the existing culture within the operating unit is that of a Hierarchical Culture. Furthermore, the majority of respondents indicated that they would prefer a Clan Culture instead of the existing culture. With regard to Job Satisfaction, most respondents indicated their dissatisfaction with their salaries as well as there being little chances of being promoted regardless of their work output. The findings relating to Organisational Commitment indicated that most respondents neither have an emotional attachment nor feel any obligation or loyalty to the organisation. The only reason why they are still with the organisation is because of necessity rather than a conscious commitment to the organisation. The overall impression is that the respondents are disengaged from their organisation and thus not committed to it. It was concluded that there is a strong relationship between leadership styles, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The relationship, however, is a negative one. This confirms the hypothesis that leadership style has an impact on both job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Secondly, it was concluded that organisational culture has an impact on both job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Similarly, this relationship is currently a negative one. Recommendations were made for management to review the leadership styles exhibited by the managers, and to subsequently review the impact of the existing organisational culture on job satisfaction and organisational commitment among employees at this operating unit.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Ramaphuma, Gundo
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Corporate culture
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:36728
- Description: The concepts of leadership styles, organisational cultures, job satisfaction and organisational commitment are still attracting considerable attention from scholars, academics, writers, leaders and professionals. Although the effects of these concepts have received considerable attention and literature abounds, however, there have been a few studies on these concepts, if any, conducted in the Energy Sector, more specifically within a South African context. For this reason, the study intended to contribute to the literature of leadership styles and on organisational culture’s impact on job satisfaction and organisational commitment in a parastatal and in the South African context. The present study aimed to assess the effects of leadership styles and organisational culture on job satisfaction and organisational commitment among employees at Eskom, Eastern Cape Operating Unit (ECOU), South Africa. To achieve this, a theoretical model or framework depicting the relationship between these variables was developed and tested. The present study was located within the positivist research paradigm which makes use of a quantitative approach in the form of a questionnaire to gather data for analysis and theoretical comparison. The questionnaire was designed to elicit and rate the respondents’ views as well as for the quantitative data analysis. The population for the present study comprised of approximately 600 employees within the ECOUmain branch offices situated in Beacon Bay, East London. The present study made use of the non-probability sampling design by means of a convenience sampling technique to draw the sample for the study. Questionnaires were distributed to 120 employees within the Asset Creation, Maintenance and Operations Divisions of the ECOU. Of the 120 questionnaires, a total of 86 usable questionnaires were returned and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 tool. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed and findings presented. It was found that there is currently a prevalence of both the Transformational and Transactional leadership styles at the ECOU. However, when asked which leadership style employees would prefer, the majority of the respondents indicated that they would prefer a Transformational leadership style to be exhibited by their managers. Although there was no discernible difference between the two types of leadership styles, a majority of the respondents indicated that they believed that leadership had an impact on their, and the organisation’s, performance, regardless of which style of leadership was exhibited. The findings relating to Organisational Culture highlighted that the majority of respondents felt that the existing culture within the operating unit is that of a Hierarchical Culture. Furthermore, the majority of respondents indicated that they would prefer a Clan Culture instead of the existing culture. With regard to Job Satisfaction, most respondents indicated their dissatisfaction with their salaries as well as there being little chances of being promoted regardless of their work output. The findings relating to Organisational Commitment indicated that most respondents neither have an emotional attachment nor feel any obligation or loyalty to the organisation. The only reason why they are still with the organisation is because of necessity rather than a conscious commitment to the organisation. The overall impression is that the respondents are disengaged from their organisation and thus not committed to it. It was concluded that there is a strong relationship between leadership styles, job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The relationship, however, is a negative one. This confirms the hypothesis that leadership style has an impact on both job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Secondly, it was concluded that organisational culture has an impact on both job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Similarly, this relationship is currently a negative one. Recommendations were made for management to review the leadership styles exhibited by the managers, and to subsequently review the impact of the existing organisational culture on job satisfaction and organisational commitment among employees at this operating unit.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of managerial competencies on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Makana Municipality
- Authors: Ncube, Mercy Sibusisiwe
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Performance -- Management Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Business Management)
- Identifier: , vital:39716
- Description: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in economic development, poverty alleviation and employment creation in most developing countries. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of managerial competencies on the performance of SMEs in Makana Municipality. The secondary objectives of this study were to ascertain the effect of teamwork competencies on the performance SMEs, to establish the effect of global awareness competencies on the performance of SMEs, to investigate the effect of strategic action competencies on the performance of SMEs, to establish the effect of selfmanagement competencies on the performance of SMEs, and to establish the effect of communication competencies on the performance of SMEs. The study followed a quantitative research approach. Data was collected using survey method by way of self-administered questionnaires, which were distributed to a sample of 96 SMEs’ owners and managers in Makana Municipality. It was found that communication competencies, planning competencies, self-management competencies, and global awareness competencies have an effect on the performance of the SMEs in Makana Municipality. However, teamwork competencies and strategic action competencies did not show any effect on the performance of SMEs in Makana Municipality. The study concluded that managerial competencies have an effect on the performance of SMEs. Recommendations were provided to the government, local municipality as well as to the SME owners and managers.
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- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Ncube, Mercy Sibusisiwe
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Performance -- Management Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Business Management)
- Identifier: , vital:39716
- Description: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in economic development, poverty alleviation and employment creation in most developing countries. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of managerial competencies on the performance of SMEs in Makana Municipality. The secondary objectives of this study were to ascertain the effect of teamwork competencies on the performance SMEs, to establish the effect of global awareness competencies on the performance of SMEs, to investigate the effect of strategic action competencies on the performance of SMEs, to establish the effect of selfmanagement competencies on the performance of SMEs, and to establish the effect of communication competencies on the performance of SMEs. The study followed a quantitative research approach. Data was collected using survey method by way of self-administered questionnaires, which were distributed to a sample of 96 SMEs’ owners and managers in Makana Municipality. It was found that communication competencies, planning competencies, self-management competencies, and global awareness competencies have an effect on the performance of the SMEs in Makana Municipality. However, teamwork competencies and strategic action competencies did not show any effect on the performance of SMEs in Makana Municipality. The study concluded that managerial competencies have an effect on the performance of SMEs. Recommendations were provided to the government, local municipality as well as to the SME owners and managers.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The Effects of Municipal Amalgamations on Organisational Culture: A Case-Study of Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in Eastern Cape Province.
- Authors: Ndlela, Likhaya Hlubikazi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Corporate culture Organizational change
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:39717
- Description: In the study, the researcher assessed the effects of amalgamations on organisational culture in the Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in Eastern Cape Province. The study examined whether the current organisational structure is conducive to a sound working environment, analysed change management interventions provided after the amalgamation and made recommendations to the local municipality on the measures to be taken to provide quality service delivery, improved communication networks and challenges that affect organisational culture. The entire research process was guided by the above research objectives and questions that strive to assess the outcomes of the effects of an amalgamation on organisational culture in Raymond Mhlaba. The study involved a qualitative research approach, and interviews were conducted for the administrative employees of the municipality. The findings of the study identified that the municipal amalgamation has negative effects on organisational culture, especially at the beginning of the amalgamation. The study established that there are many factors that led to the negative effect of an amalgamation on organisational culture, such as lack of management communication, consultation and planning strategies, preferential treatment, conflict and confusion, service delivery and failure to provide change management interventions. The study also revealed that the amalgamation came with better opportunities in terms of salary scales as the municipality is be more capacitated. These factors can be prevented to ensure the success of amalgamations in Local Government. Finally, the study makes recommendations for the municipality on how 10 to handle the amalgamation better, to result to a positive effect on organisational culture.
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- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Ndlela, Likhaya Hlubikazi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Corporate culture Organizational change
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:39717
- Description: In the study, the researcher assessed the effects of amalgamations on organisational culture in the Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality in Eastern Cape Province. The study examined whether the current organisational structure is conducive to a sound working environment, analysed change management interventions provided after the amalgamation and made recommendations to the local municipality on the measures to be taken to provide quality service delivery, improved communication networks and challenges that affect organisational culture. The entire research process was guided by the above research objectives and questions that strive to assess the outcomes of the effects of an amalgamation on organisational culture in Raymond Mhlaba. The study involved a qualitative research approach, and interviews were conducted for the administrative employees of the municipality. The findings of the study identified that the municipal amalgamation has negative effects on organisational culture, especially at the beginning of the amalgamation. The study established that there are many factors that led to the negative effect of an amalgamation on organisational culture, such as lack of management communication, consultation and planning strategies, preferential treatment, conflict and confusion, service delivery and failure to provide change management interventions. The study also revealed that the amalgamation came with better opportunities in terms of salary scales as the municipality is be more capacitated. These factors can be prevented to ensure the success of amalgamations in Local Government. Finally, the study makes recommendations for the municipality on how 10 to handle the amalgamation better, to result to a positive effect on organisational culture.
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of polygamous marriages on the wellbeing of African women in Baziya area, Mthatha, Eastern Cape.
- Authors: Maroloma, Athini
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Polygamy
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSW
- Identifier: , vital:41105
- Description: The study aimed on exploring the effects of polygamous marriages on the wellbeing of African women. The study was conducted in Baziya Administrative Area in Mthatha which in Eastern Cape. The researcher seeks to examine the reasons for African women to be engaged in polygamous marriages, to investigate challenges if any faced by African women in polygamous marriage and to examine professional support services available from the department of social development, the department of justice and the department of traditional affairs in advocating for women in polygamous marriages. Feminist theory was utilized in the study which focuses on the socially constructed gender differences that are created through the process of socialization which include gender inequality. The study was qualitative in nature. Interviews were conducted with polygamous married women and group discussions were conducted with stakeholders working with polygamous married women. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The study recommended therapeutic treatment of emotional stress for polygamous women or treatment of related bodily ills such as gender based violence or any other type of abuse should be provided by social workers. There is a need of implementation of empowerment programs, polygamous women should be encouraged to manage their careers proactively and to make informed choices
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- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Maroloma, Athini
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Polygamy
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSW
- Identifier: , vital:41105
- Description: The study aimed on exploring the effects of polygamous marriages on the wellbeing of African women. The study was conducted in Baziya Administrative Area in Mthatha which in Eastern Cape. The researcher seeks to examine the reasons for African women to be engaged in polygamous marriages, to investigate challenges if any faced by African women in polygamous marriage and to examine professional support services available from the department of social development, the department of justice and the department of traditional affairs in advocating for women in polygamous marriages. Feminist theory was utilized in the study which focuses on the socially constructed gender differences that are created through the process of socialization which include gender inequality. The study was qualitative in nature. Interviews were conducted with polygamous married women and group discussions were conducted with stakeholders working with polygamous married women. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The study recommended therapeutic treatment of emotional stress for polygamous women or treatment of related bodily ills such as gender based violence or any other type of abuse should be provided by social workers. There is a need of implementation of empowerment programs, polygamous women should be encouraged to manage their careers proactively and to make informed choices
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- Date Issued: 2019
The effects of project maturity in university infrastructure development
- Motebele, Matsiababa Solofelang
- Authors: Motebele, Matsiababa Solofelang
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Construction projects -- Management , Construction industry -- Management Project management Infrastructure (Economics) -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36612
- Description: The level of maturity in project management systems within South African universities is low. The low maturity affects project success. Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) – Third Edition (2013). The study is aimed at investigating and finding solutions to the perceived factors that affect Project Management Maturity at Universities’ infrastructure departments. The literature review indicates that organisations benefit from achieving organisational Project Management Maturity when projects are tied to business strategy and support business goals as opposed to when they are executed randomly (OPM3)- Third Edition (2013). A quantitative method was used to collect and analyse data. One questionnaire was put together and distributed to the targeted receipts, i.e., personnel working at infrastructure departments at South African universities, a web-based questionnaire was used to gather the data. A total of 56 responses were received to analyse the data. The stakeholders that responded were: project managers, portfolio managers, project coordinators, administrators and engineer. The study found that PMBoK and planning are factors that have an impact on Project Maturity. Recommendations were that all personnel implementing projects for University Infrastructure should be trained in earned Value Management to ensure that their PMBoK knowledge is enhanced. Other training that is recommended includes Integration Management, Scope Management, Quality Management, Risk Management, Time Management, Resource Management, Procurement Management, Cost Management and Stakeholder Management.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Motebele, Matsiababa Solofelang
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Construction projects -- Management , Construction industry -- Management Project management Infrastructure (Economics) -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:36612
- Description: The level of maturity in project management systems within South African universities is low. The low maturity affects project success. Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) – Third Edition (2013). The study is aimed at investigating and finding solutions to the perceived factors that affect Project Management Maturity at Universities’ infrastructure departments. The literature review indicates that organisations benefit from achieving organisational Project Management Maturity when projects are tied to business strategy and support business goals as opposed to when they are executed randomly (OPM3)- Third Edition (2013). A quantitative method was used to collect and analyse data. One questionnaire was put together and distributed to the targeted receipts, i.e., personnel working at infrastructure departments at South African universities, a web-based questionnaire was used to gather the data. A total of 56 responses were received to analyse the data. The stakeholders that responded were: project managers, portfolio managers, project coordinators, administrators and engineer. The study found that PMBoK and planning are factors that have an impact on Project Maturity. Recommendations were that all personnel implementing projects for University Infrastructure should be trained in earned Value Management to ensure that their PMBoK knowledge is enhanced. Other training that is recommended includes Integration Management, Scope Management, Quality Management, Risk Management, Time Management, Resource Management, Procurement Management, Cost Management and Stakeholder Management.
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- Date Issued: 2019