Sedimentology of plio-pleistocene gravel barrier deposits in the palaeo-Orange River mouth, Namibia : depositional history and diamond mineralisation
- Authors: Spaggiari, Renato Igino
- Date: 2011 , 2013-08-19
- Subjects: Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia Sediments (Geology) -- South Africa and Namibia -- Orange River Estuary Diamond deposits -- Namibia Orange River Estuary (Namibia and South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4927 ,
- Description: The largest known marine diamond placer, the Namibian mega-placer, lies along the Atlantic coast of south-western Africa from the Orange River mouth 1,000 km northwards to the Namibian-Angolan border. The most economically viable portion of the Namibian mega-placer (>75 million carats recovered at >95% gem quality) comprises onshore and offshore marine deposits that are developed within ∼100km of the Orange River outfall. For much of the Cainozoic, this long-lived fluvial system has been the main conduit transporting diamonds from kimberlitic and secondary sources in the cratonic hinterland of southern Africa to the Atlantic shelf that has been neutrally buoyant over this period. Highly energetic marine processes, driven in part, by southerly winds with an attendant northward-directed longshore drift, have generated terminal placers that are preserved both onshore and offshore. This study, through detailed field sedimentological and diamond analyses, investigates the development and mineralisation of gravel barrier deposits within the ancestral Orange River mouth area during a major ∼30 m regional transgression ('30 m Package') in the Late Pliocene. At that time, diamond supply from this fluvial conduit was minimal, yet the corresponding onshore marine deposits to the north of the Orange River mouth were significantly diamond enriched, enabling large-scale alluvial diamond mining to take place for over 75 years. Of the entire coastline of south-western Africa, the most complete accumulation of the '30 m Package' is preserved within the palaeo-Orange River mouth as barrier spit and barrier beach deposits. Arranged vertically and laterally in a 16m thick succession, these are deposits of: (1) intertidal beach, (2) lagoon and washover, (3) tidal inlet and spit recurve and (4) storm-dominated subtidal settings. These were parts of larger barrier features, the bulk of which are preserved as highstand deposits that are diamond-bearing with varying, but generally low grades (<13 stones (diamonds) per hundred tons, spht). Intertidal beach and spit recurve deposits have higher economic grades (12-13 spht) due to the energetic sieving and mobile trapping mechanisms associated with their emplacement. In contrast, the less reworked and more sandy subtidal, tidal inlet and washover deposits have un-economic grades (<2 spht). Despite these low grades, the barrier deposits have the largest average stone (diamond) size (1-2 carats/stone, cts/stn) of the entire Namibian mega-placer, given their proximity to the ancestral Orange River outfall. This study demonstrates that barrier shoreline evolution at the fluvial/marine interface was controlled by: (1) a strong and coarse fluvial sediment supply that sustained shoreline growth on a highly energetic coast, (2) accommodation space facilitating sediment preservation and (3) short-duration, high-frequency sea-level cycles superimposed on the∼30 m regional transgression, promoting hierarchal stacking of progradational deposits. During these sea-level fluctuations, diamonds were 'farmed' from older, shelf sequences in the offshore and driven landward to accumulate in '30 m Package' highstand barrier deposits. In spite of the large supply of diamonds, their retention in these deposits was poor due to an incompetent footwall of ancestral Orange River mouth sediment and the inherent cobble-boulder size of the barrier gravels. Thus the principal process controlling diamond entrapment in these barrier deposits was kinetic sieving in a coarse-grained framework. Consequently, at the marine/fluvial interface and down-drift for ∼5 km, larger diamonds (1-2 cts/stn) were retained in low-grade (<2 spht), coarse-gravel barrier shorelines. Smaller diamonds (mostly < I cts/stn) were rejected into the northward-driven littoral sediments and further size-sorted along ∼95 km of Namibian coast to accumulate in finer, high-grade beach placers (> 100 spht) where bedrock footwall promoted such high concentrations. The gravel-dominated palaeo-Orange River mouth is considered to be the ' heart' of the Namibian mega-placer, controlling sediment and diamond supply to the littoral zone further north. Although coarse gravel is retained at the river mouth, the incompetence of this highly energetic setting to trap diamonds renders it sub-economic. This ineffectiveness at the fluvial/marine interface is thus fundamental in enriching the coastal tract farther down-drift and developing highly economic coastal placers along the Atlantic coast of south-western Africa. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Spaggiari, Renato Igino
- Date: 2011 , 2013-08-19
- Subjects: Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia Sediments (Geology) -- South Africa and Namibia -- Orange River Estuary Diamond deposits -- Namibia Orange River Estuary (Namibia and South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4927 ,
- Description: The largest known marine diamond placer, the Namibian mega-placer, lies along the Atlantic coast of south-western Africa from the Orange River mouth 1,000 km northwards to the Namibian-Angolan border. The most economically viable portion of the Namibian mega-placer (>75 million carats recovered at >95% gem quality) comprises onshore and offshore marine deposits that are developed within ∼100km of the Orange River outfall. For much of the Cainozoic, this long-lived fluvial system has been the main conduit transporting diamonds from kimberlitic and secondary sources in the cratonic hinterland of southern Africa to the Atlantic shelf that has been neutrally buoyant over this period. Highly energetic marine processes, driven in part, by southerly winds with an attendant northward-directed longshore drift, have generated terminal placers that are preserved both onshore and offshore. This study, through detailed field sedimentological and diamond analyses, investigates the development and mineralisation of gravel barrier deposits within the ancestral Orange River mouth area during a major ∼30 m regional transgression ('30 m Package') in the Late Pliocene. At that time, diamond supply from this fluvial conduit was minimal, yet the corresponding onshore marine deposits to the north of the Orange River mouth were significantly diamond enriched, enabling large-scale alluvial diamond mining to take place for over 75 years. Of the entire coastline of south-western Africa, the most complete accumulation of the '30 m Package' is preserved within the palaeo-Orange River mouth as barrier spit and barrier beach deposits. Arranged vertically and laterally in a 16m thick succession, these are deposits of: (1) intertidal beach, (2) lagoon and washover, (3) tidal inlet and spit recurve and (4) storm-dominated subtidal settings. These were parts of larger barrier features, the bulk of which are preserved as highstand deposits that are diamond-bearing with varying, but generally low grades (<13 stones (diamonds) per hundred tons, spht). Intertidal beach and spit recurve deposits have higher economic grades (12-13 spht) due to the energetic sieving and mobile trapping mechanisms associated with their emplacement. In contrast, the less reworked and more sandy subtidal, tidal inlet and washover deposits have un-economic grades (<2 spht). Despite these low grades, the barrier deposits have the largest average stone (diamond) size (1-2 carats/stone, cts/stn) of the entire Namibian mega-placer, given their proximity to the ancestral Orange River outfall. This study demonstrates that barrier shoreline evolution at the fluvial/marine interface was controlled by: (1) a strong and coarse fluvial sediment supply that sustained shoreline growth on a highly energetic coast, (2) accommodation space facilitating sediment preservation and (3) short-duration, high-frequency sea-level cycles superimposed on the∼30 m regional transgression, promoting hierarchal stacking of progradational deposits. During these sea-level fluctuations, diamonds were 'farmed' from older, shelf sequences in the offshore and driven landward to accumulate in '30 m Package' highstand barrier deposits. In spite of the large supply of diamonds, their retention in these deposits was poor due to an incompetent footwall of ancestral Orange River mouth sediment and the inherent cobble-boulder size of the barrier gravels. Thus the principal process controlling diamond entrapment in these barrier deposits was kinetic sieving in a coarse-grained framework. Consequently, at the marine/fluvial interface and down-drift for ∼5 km, larger diamonds (1-2 cts/stn) were retained in low-grade (<2 spht), coarse-gravel barrier shorelines. Smaller diamonds (mostly < I cts/stn) were rejected into the northward-driven littoral sediments and further size-sorted along ∼95 km of Namibian coast to accumulate in finer, high-grade beach placers (> 100 spht) where bedrock footwall promoted such high concentrations. The gravel-dominated palaeo-Orange River mouth is considered to be the ' heart' of the Namibian mega-placer, controlling sediment and diamond supply to the littoral zone further north. Although coarse gravel is retained at the river mouth, the incompetence of this highly energetic setting to trap diamonds renders it sub-economic. This ineffectiveness at the fluvial/marine interface is thus fundamental in enriching the coastal tract farther down-drift and developing highly economic coastal placers along the Atlantic coast of south-western Africa. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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- Date Issued: 2011
Geology of the Kroonstad kimberlite cluster, South Africa
- Authors: Howarth, Geoffrey H
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Geology -- South Africa -- Kroonstad , Kimberlite -- South Africa -- Kroonstad
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4961 , , Geology -- South Africa -- Kroonstad , Kimberlite -- South Africa -- Kroonstad
- Description: The Cretaceous (133Ma) Kroonstad Group II Kimberlite Cluster is located approximately 200km south west of Johannesburg on the Kaapvaal Craton. The cluster is made up of six kimberlite pipes and numerous other intrusive dike/sill bodies. Three of the pipes are analysed in this study, which includes the: Voorspoed, Lace (Crown) and Besterskraal North pipes. These pipes were emplaced at surface into the Karoo Supergroup, which is comprised of older sedimentary rocks (300-185Ma) overlain by flood basalts (185Ma). At depth the pipes have intruded the Transvaal (2100-2600Ma) and Ventersdorp (2700Ma) Supergroups, which are comprised dominantly of carbonates and various volcanic units respectively. The pipes have typical morphology of South African pipes with circular to sub-circular plan views and steep 82o pipe margins. The Voorspoed pipe is 12ha in size and is characterised by the presence of a large block of Karoo basalt approximately 6ha in size at the current land surface. This large basalt block extends to a maximum of 300m below the current land surface. The main Lace pipe is 2ha is size with a smaller (<0.5ha) satellite pipe approximately 50m to the west. No information is available on the morphology of the Besterskraal North pipe as it is sub-economic and no mining has occurred. Samples from the Besterskraal North pipe were collected from the De Beers archives. The Kroonstad Cluster has been subjected to approximately 1750m of erosion post-emplacement, which has been calculated by the analysis of the crustal xenoliths with the pipe infill. The hypabyssal kimberlite from the three pipes shows a gradational evolution in magma compositions, indicated by the mineralogy and geochemistry. The Lace pipe is the least evolved and has characteristics more similar to Group I kimberlites. The Voorspoed and Besterskraal North kimberlite are intermediately and highly evolved respectively. The gradational evolution is marked by an increase in SiO2 and Na2O contents. Furthermore the occurrence of abundant primary diopside, aegirine, sanidine, K-richterite and leucite indicates evolution of the magma. The root zones of the pipes are characterised by globular segregationary transitional kimberlite, which is interpreted to be hypabyssal and not the result of pyroclastic welding/agglutination. The hypabyssal transitional kimberlite (HKt) is characterised by incipient globular segregationary textures only and the typical tuffisitic transitional kimberlite (TKt) end member (Hetman et al. 2004) is not observed. The HKt contact with the overlying volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) infill is sharp and not gradational. The presence of HKt in the satellite blind pipe at Lace further indicates that the distinct kimberlite rock type must be forming sub-volcanically. The HKt is distinctly different at the Voorspoed and Lace pipes, which is likely a result of differing compositions of the late stage magmatic liquid. Microlitic clinopyroxene is only observed at the Lace HKt and is interpreted to form as a result of both crustal xenolith contamination and CO2 degassing. Furthermore the HKt is intimately associated with contact breccias in the sidewall. The root zones of the Kroonstad pipes are interpreted to form through the development of a sub-volcanic embryonic pipe. The volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) infill of the Kroonstad pipes is not typical of South African tuffisitic Class 1 kimberlite pipes. The VK at Voorspoed is characterised by numerous horizontally layered massive volcaniclastic kimberlite (MVK) units, which are interpreted to have formed in a deep open vent through primary pyroclastic deposition. MVK is the dominant rock type infilling the Voorspoed pipe, however numerous other minor units occur. Normally graded units are interpreted to form through gravitational collapse of the tuff ring. MVK units rich in Karoo basalt and/or Karoo sandstone are interpreted to form through gravitational sidewall failure deep within an open vent. Magmaclasts are interpreted to form in the HKt during the development of an embryonic pipe and therefore the term autolith or nucleated autolith may be applied. Debate on the validity of the term nucleated autolith is beyond this study and therefore the term nucleated magmaclast is used to refer to spherical magmaclasts in the VK. The emplacement of the Kroonstad pipes is particularly complex and is not similar to typical Class 1 tuffisitic kimberlites. However the initial stage of pipe emplacement is similar to typical South African kimberlites and is interpreted to be through the development of an embryonic pipe as described by Clement (1982). The vent clearing eruption is interpreted to be from the bottom up through the exsolution of juvenile volatiles and the pipe shape is controlled by the depth of the eruption (+/-2km) (Skinner, 2008). The initial embryonic pipe development and explosive eruption is similar to other South African kimberlites, however the vent is cleared and left open, which is typical of Class 2 Prairies type and Class 3 Lac de Gras type pipes. The latter vent infilling processes are similar to Class 3 kimberlites from Lac de Gras and are dominated at the current level by primary pyroclastic deposition.
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- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Howarth, Geoffrey H
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Geology -- South Africa -- Kroonstad , Kimberlite -- South Africa -- Kroonstad
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4961 , , Geology -- South Africa -- Kroonstad , Kimberlite -- South Africa -- Kroonstad
- Description: The Cretaceous (133Ma) Kroonstad Group II Kimberlite Cluster is located approximately 200km south west of Johannesburg on the Kaapvaal Craton. The cluster is made up of six kimberlite pipes and numerous other intrusive dike/sill bodies. Three of the pipes are analysed in this study, which includes the: Voorspoed, Lace (Crown) and Besterskraal North pipes. These pipes were emplaced at surface into the Karoo Supergroup, which is comprised of older sedimentary rocks (300-185Ma) overlain by flood basalts (185Ma). At depth the pipes have intruded the Transvaal (2100-2600Ma) and Ventersdorp (2700Ma) Supergroups, which are comprised dominantly of carbonates and various volcanic units respectively. The pipes have typical morphology of South African pipes with circular to sub-circular plan views and steep 82o pipe margins. The Voorspoed pipe is 12ha in size and is characterised by the presence of a large block of Karoo basalt approximately 6ha in size at the current land surface. This large basalt block extends to a maximum of 300m below the current land surface. The main Lace pipe is 2ha is size with a smaller (<0.5ha) satellite pipe approximately 50m to the west. No information is available on the morphology of the Besterskraal North pipe as it is sub-economic and no mining has occurred. Samples from the Besterskraal North pipe were collected from the De Beers archives. The Kroonstad Cluster has been subjected to approximately 1750m of erosion post-emplacement, which has been calculated by the analysis of the crustal xenoliths with the pipe infill. The hypabyssal kimberlite from the three pipes shows a gradational evolution in magma compositions, indicated by the mineralogy and geochemistry. The Lace pipe is the least evolved and has characteristics more similar to Group I kimberlites. The Voorspoed and Besterskraal North kimberlite are intermediately and highly evolved respectively. The gradational evolution is marked by an increase in SiO2 and Na2O contents. Furthermore the occurrence of abundant primary diopside, aegirine, sanidine, K-richterite and leucite indicates evolution of the magma. The root zones of the pipes are characterised by globular segregationary transitional kimberlite, which is interpreted to be hypabyssal and not the result of pyroclastic welding/agglutination. The hypabyssal transitional kimberlite (HKt) is characterised by incipient globular segregationary textures only and the typical tuffisitic transitional kimberlite (TKt) end member (Hetman et al. 2004) is not observed. The HKt contact with the overlying volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) infill is sharp and not gradational. The presence of HKt in the satellite blind pipe at Lace further indicates that the distinct kimberlite rock type must be forming sub-volcanically. The HKt is distinctly different at the Voorspoed and Lace pipes, which is likely a result of differing compositions of the late stage magmatic liquid. Microlitic clinopyroxene is only observed at the Lace HKt and is interpreted to form as a result of both crustal xenolith contamination and CO2 degassing. Furthermore the HKt is intimately associated with contact breccias in the sidewall. The root zones of the Kroonstad pipes are interpreted to form through the development of a sub-volcanic embryonic pipe. The volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) infill of the Kroonstad pipes is not typical of South African tuffisitic Class 1 kimberlite pipes. The VK at Voorspoed is characterised by numerous horizontally layered massive volcaniclastic kimberlite (MVK) units, which are interpreted to have formed in a deep open vent through primary pyroclastic deposition. MVK is the dominant rock type infilling the Voorspoed pipe, however numerous other minor units occur. Normally graded units are interpreted to form through gravitational collapse of the tuff ring. MVK units rich in Karoo basalt and/or Karoo sandstone are interpreted to form through gravitational sidewall failure deep within an open vent. Magmaclasts are interpreted to form in the HKt during the development of an embryonic pipe and therefore the term autolith or nucleated autolith may be applied. Debate on the validity of the term nucleated autolith is beyond this study and therefore the term nucleated magmaclast is used to refer to spherical magmaclasts in the VK. The emplacement of the Kroonstad pipes is particularly complex and is not similar to typical Class 1 tuffisitic kimberlites. However the initial stage of pipe emplacement is similar to typical South African kimberlites and is interpreted to be through the development of an embryonic pipe as described by Clement (1982). The vent clearing eruption is interpreted to be from the bottom up through the exsolution of juvenile volatiles and the pipe shape is controlled by the depth of the eruption (+/-2km) (Skinner, 2008). The initial embryonic pipe development and explosive eruption is similar to other South African kimberlites, however the vent is cleared and left open, which is typical of Class 2 Prairies type and Class 3 Lac de Gras type pipes. The latter vent infilling processes are similar to Class 3 kimberlites from Lac de Gras and are dominated at the current level by primary pyroclastic deposition.
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- Date Issued: 2010
The geological framework and depositional environments of the coal-bearing Karoo strata in the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin, Botswana
- Authors: Segwabe, Tebogo
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Coal -- Geology -- Botswana , Sedimentation and deposition -- Botswana
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4955 , , Coal -- Geology -- Botswana , Sedimentation and deposition -- Botswana
- Description: The investigation of the geological history (i.e., stratigraphy and sedimentology) and the dynamics of coal depositional environments, in particular, the forces responsible for changes in the accommodation space (e.g., subsidence vs. sedimentation rates) in the Permian coal-bearing Karoo strata in the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin (Botswana) revealed new details about the depositional processes and environments. Detailed review of the temporal and spatial stratigraphic variation of the coal-bearing Ecca Group successions via the analysis of facies changes based on core descriptions, gamma logs, field observations and palaeo-current measurements, lead to the identification of two main informal stratigraphic units, namely the Basal and Upper Units. The Basal Unit is characterised by an upward-coarsening succession, and it is interpreted as a product of a progradational deltaic setting (i.e., regressive deltaic cycle). This is followed by five sequences of fining-upward successions of sandstones and siltstones in the Upper Unit, interpreted as deposits of distributary channels (the basal arenaceous member) capped by finer argillaceous sequences of the deltaic floodplains (the upper coal-bearing member). The Upper Unit thus is interpreted as a delta plain facies association which was formed during transgressive phases when conditions for coal-quality peat accumulation (e.g., high water table) were present and the available accommodation space was partly controlled by tectonic uplift (repeated?) at basin margins. Limited palaeo-current analysis indicates deposition by channels flowing from the east, south-east and north-east. The lack of good quality exposures hampers the reconstruction of the plan form of the channel patterns. However, the little available evidence indicates a high-energy fluvio-deltaic system with irregular discharge and a high proportion of bedload sediments. Coal-seam thickness in the upper coal-bearing member reflect the complex control of the geological processes associated with and following peat formation, such as differential compaction of the underlying lithology, and the erosive or protective nature of the immediately overlying lithology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
- Authors: Segwabe, Tebogo
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Coal -- Geology -- Botswana , Sedimentation and deposition -- Botswana
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4955 , , Coal -- Geology -- Botswana , Sedimentation and deposition -- Botswana
- Description: The investigation of the geological history (i.e., stratigraphy and sedimentology) and the dynamics of coal depositional environments, in particular, the forces responsible for changes in the accommodation space (e.g., subsidence vs. sedimentation rates) in the Permian coal-bearing Karoo strata in the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin (Botswana) revealed new details about the depositional processes and environments. Detailed review of the temporal and spatial stratigraphic variation of the coal-bearing Ecca Group successions via the analysis of facies changes based on core descriptions, gamma logs, field observations and palaeo-current measurements, lead to the identification of two main informal stratigraphic units, namely the Basal and Upper Units. The Basal Unit is characterised by an upward-coarsening succession, and it is interpreted as a product of a progradational deltaic setting (i.e., regressive deltaic cycle). This is followed by five sequences of fining-upward successions of sandstones and siltstones in the Upper Unit, interpreted as deposits of distributary channels (the basal arenaceous member) capped by finer argillaceous sequences of the deltaic floodplains (the upper coal-bearing member). The Upper Unit thus is interpreted as a delta plain facies association which was formed during transgressive phases when conditions for coal-quality peat accumulation (e.g., high water table) were present and the available accommodation space was partly controlled by tectonic uplift (repeated?) at basin margins. Limited palaeo-current analysis indicates deposition by channels flowing from the east, south-east and north-east. The lack of good quality exposures hampers the reconstruction of the plan form of the channel patterns. However, the little available evidence indicates a high-energy fluvio-deltaic system with irregular discharge and a high proportion of bedload sediments. Coal-seam thickness in the upper coal-bearing member reflect the complex control of the geological processes associated with and following peat formation, such as differential compaction of the underlying lithology, and the erosive or protective nature of the immediately overlying lithology.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Eluvial chromite resources of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe
- Authors: Musa, Caston Tamburayi
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Dikes (Geology) -- Zimbabwe Chromite -- Zimbabwe Geology -- Zimbabwe Olivine Serpentinite Eluvium
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5046 ,
- Description: Apart from the concentrations of chromite in layers within the Great Dyke and other ultramafic complexes, chromite also occurs as interstitial grains throughout the olivine-bearing rock-types. These olivine-bearing rocks include no rites, gabbros, dunites and pyroxenites. Chromite concentration in these rocks varies from 0.48 to 3.09 per cent of the rock, usually in the form of chromite (Ahrens, 1965; Worst, 1960). A small fraction of this chromite settled to form chromitite layers whilst the remainder is retained within the rock mass as finely disseminated chromite and chromite interstitial to olivine. This retained chromite is much finer grained than layer chromite and is the primary source of eluvial chromite (Cotterill, 1981). During weathering of the serpentine rock and transportation by rainwater, the heavier chromite and magnetite grains are re-deposited along watercourses and vleis or valleys as the speed of the water is retarded sufficiently for the heavier particles to settle. The lighter serpentine material is removed and the chromite concentration in the soil is increased, thus resulting in eluvial chromite (Keech et ai, 1961; Worst, 1960; Prendergast, 1978). The concentration of chromite particles in soil can be up to 15 (or more) Cr₂O₃ %, resulting in economic and exploitable deposits, located primarily along the Great Dyke fiacks. A preliminary evaluation of the eluvials indicate that the Great Dyke could be host to up to 10 million tonnes of potential chromite concentrates which could be processed from such eluvial concentrates. These chromite-rich soils can be mined more cheaply than the traditional seams mining and processed into chromite concentrates through simple mechanical processing techniques of spirals, jigs and heavy media separators. The resultant chromite concentrates are of high quality and can be used to manufacture chromite ore briquettes, which are an alternative to lumpy chromite smelter feed. The main challenges to eluvial mining are the inevitable environmental degradation and coming up with methods that could possibly mitigate against such environmental damage. The distribution of these eluvials over vast plains as thin soil horizons, necessitate use of mobile concentrator plants and hence establishment of extensive infrastructure. These challenges, however, are not insurmountable and test mining and previous production runs have proved profitable. The eluvials are also associated with some lateritic nickel concentrations. The nickel occurs in close association with some oxide such as goethite and garnierite and is associated with iron-manganiferous soil pisolites. The analyses of these pisolites indicate high nickel grades of generally above 1.00 %Ni. Such high nickel-content of Great Dyke laterites warrant, further investigations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
- Authors: Musa, Caston Tamburayi
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Dikes (Geology) -- Zimbabwe Chromite -- Zimbabwe Geology -- Zimbabwe Olivine Serpentinite Eluvium
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5046 ,
- Description: Apart from the concentrations of chromite in layers within the Great Dyke and other ultramafic complexes, chromite also occurs as interstitial grains throughout the olivine-bearing rock-types. These olivine-bearing rocks include no rites, gabbros, dunites and pyroxenites. Chromite concentration in these rocks varies from 0.48 to 3.09 per cent of the rock, usually in the form of chromite (Ahrens, 1965; Worst, 1960). A small fraction of this chromite settled to form chromitite layers whilst the remainder is retained within the rock mass as finely disseminated chromite and chromite interstitial to olivine. This retained chromite is much finer grained than layer chromite and is the primary source of eluvial chromite (Cotterill, 1981). During weathering of the serpentine rock and transportation by rainwater, the heavier chromite and magnetite grains are re-deposited along watercourses and vleis or valleys as the speed of the water is retarded sufficiently for the heavier particles to settle. The lighter serpentine material is removed and the chromite concentration in the soil is increased, thus resulting in eluvial chromite (Keech et ai, 1961; Worst, 1960; Prendergast, 1978). The concentration of chromite particles in soil can be up to 15 (or more) Cr₂O₃ %, resulting in economic and exploitable deposits, located primarily along the Great Dyke fiacks. A preliminary evaluation of the eluvials indicate that the Great Dyke could be host to up to 10 million tonnes of potential chromite concentrates which could be processed from such eluvial concentrates. These chromite-rich soils can be mined more cheaply than the traditional seams mining and processed into chromite concentrates through simple mechanical processing techniques of spirals, jigs and heavy media separators. The resultant chromite concentrates are of high quality and can be used to manufacture chromite ore briquettes, which are an alternative to lumpy chromite smelter feed. The main challenges to eluvial mining are the inevitable environmental degradation and coming up with methods that could possibly mitigate against such environmental damage. The distribution of these eluvials over vast plains as thin soil horizons, necessitate use of mobile concentrator plants and hence establishment of extensive infrastructure. These challenges, however, are not insurmountable and test mining and previous production runs have proved profitable. The eluvials are also associated with some lateritic nickel concentrations. The nickel occurs in close association with some oxide such as goethite and garnierite and is associated with iron-manganiferous soil pisolites. The analyses of these pisolites indicate high nickel grades of generally above 1.00 %Ni. Such high nickel-content of Great Dyke laterites warrant, further investigations.
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- Date Issued: 2007
Estimating erosion of cretaceous-aged kimberlites in the Republic of South Africa through the examination of upper-crustal xenoliths
- Authors: Hanson, Emily Kate
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- South Africa , Igneous rocks -- Inclusions -- South Africa , Erosion -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4942 , , Kimberlite -- South Africa , Igneous rocks -- Inclusions -- South Africa , Erosion -- South Africa
- Description: he estimation of post-emplacement kimberlite erosion in South Africa through the study of upper-crustal xenoliths is relatively unexplored; however the presence of these xenoliths has been recognized for well over 100 years. Post-emplacement erosion levels of a small number of South African kimberlite pipes have been inferred through the study of the degree of country-rock diagenesis, the depth of sill formation, the depth of the initiation of the diatreme and fission track studies. Through these studies, several estimates were proposed for the Group I Kimberley kimberlites. Although the 1400 m estimate of erosion remains widely accepted today, this estimate relies on the presence of Karoo-like basalt xenoliths in the Group I Kimberley kimberlites, as their presence proves that basalt existed in the Kimberley area when the kimberlites were emplaced. Basaltic xenoliths were described during the early stages of mining in Kimberley, though only one of these descriptions suggests that the ‘basaltic’ boulders correlate with the Karoo basalts. Because of the discrepancy between these early documentations of upper-crustal xenoliths and because the occurrence of Karoo-like basalt xenoliths in the Group I Kimberley kimberlites is under question, a re-investigation of the erosion levels and the upper crustal xenolith suites in South African, Cretaceous-aged kimberlites, including Melton Wold, Voorspoed, Roberts Victor, West End, Record Stone Quarry, Finsch, Markt, Frank Smith, Pampoenpoort, Uintjiesberg, Koffiefontein / Ebenheuyser, Monastery, Kimberley (Big Hole), Kamfersdam , Jagersfontein, Kaal Vallei, De Beers, Bultfontein, Lushof, Britstown Cluster, Hebron and Lovedale, was conducted. This study presents the analytical results for upper-crustal sandstone and basalt xenoliths collected from dumps, excavation pits and borehole core at the above-mentioned kimberlites, and demonstrates that they correlate with stratigraphic units of the Karoo Supergroup on the basis of mineral and geochemical compositions. These upper-crustal xenoliths are incorporated into kimberlites and down-rafted to levels below their stratigraphic position during kimberlite emplacement, consequently recording the broad stratigraphy into which each kimberlite is emplaced. Therefore, the Cretaceous lateral extent of the Karoo Supergroup is inferred and post-emplacement erosion estimated by reconstructing the stratigraphy based on upper-crustal xenolith suites for each kimberlite and calculating the total thickness of the now-eroded units. The distribution of sandstone xenoliths indicates that during the Cretaceous the lateral extent of the Dwyka, Ecca and Beaufort Groups encompassed all of the examined kimberlites, while the ‘Stormberg’ Group was constrained to an area outlined by the Voorspoed and Monastery kimberlites. Similarly, basalt xenoliths occur in all of the Group II and transitional (143 – 100 Ma) kimberlites but only in the Group I (90 – 74 Ma) kimberlites that lie within close proximity to the western outcrop margin of the outcrop area of the Drakensberg Group basalts (Lesotho Remnant), namely Monastery, Jagersfontein and Kaal Vallei. This trend implies an eastward-retreat of the inland erosion front of the Karoo basalts between 140 and 90 Ma and subsequent erosion of the underlying sedimentary units. It also suggests that a thicker succession of Karoo strata was present at the time of Group II and transitional kimberlite emplacement and that there has been more post-emplacement erosion in these kimberlites than the younger Group I kimberlites, except for Monastery, Jagersfontein and Kaal Vallei. Estimates are unique to each kimberlite as they are dependent on both stratigraphic location, elevation and present country rock, and range from approximately 1000 – 2500 m for the older kimberlites and less than 700 m to 1400 m for the younger kimberlites. Furthermore, the upper-crustal xenoliths found at the Group I Kimberley kimberlites and the coinciding trend of basalt erosion demonstrate that Karoo basalts were eroded from the Kimberley area by the time the Group I Kimberley kimberlites erupted (~85 Ma). Therefore, basalts are omitted from the Group I Kimberley kimberlites post-emplacement erosion estimate, and the upper Beaufort Group is considered the upper limit of the stratigraphy that was present at the time of the eruption of the Group I Kimberley pipes. Therefore, the erosion estimates decrease from a previous estimate of 1400 m down to 400 to 1100 m, where 850 m is considered a dependable intermediate estimate.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
- Authors: Hanson, Emily Kate
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- South Africa , Igneous rocks -- Inclusions -- South Africa , Erosion -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4942 , , Kimberlite -- South Africa , Igneous rocks -- Inclusions -- South Africa , Erosion -- South Africa
- Description: he estimation of post-emplacement kimberlite erosion in South Africa through the study of upper-crustal xenoliths is relatively unexplored; however the presence of these xenoliths has been recognized for well over 100 years. Post-emplacement erosion levels of a small number of South African kimberlite pipes have been inferred through the study of the degree of country-rock diagenesis, the depth of sill formation, the depth of the initiation of the diatreme and fission track studies. Through these studies, several estimates were proposed for the Group I Kimberley kimberlites. Although the 1400 m estimate of erosion remains widely accepted today, this estimate relies on the presence of Karoo-like basalt xenoliths in the Group I Kimberley kimberlites, as their presence proves that basalt existed in the Kimberley area when the kimberlites were emplaced. Basaltic xenoliths were described during the early stages of mining in Kimberley, though only one of these descriptions suggests that the ‘basaltic’ boulders correlate with the Karoo basalts. Because of the discrepancy between these early documentations of upper-crustal xenoliths and because the occurrence of Karoo-like basalt xenoliths in the Group I Kimberley kimberlites is under question, a re-investigation of the erosion levels and the upper crustal xenolith suites in South African, Cretaceous-aged kimberlites, including Melton Wold, Voorspoed, Roberts Victor, West End, Record Stone Quarry, Finsch, Markt, Frank Smith, Pampoenpoort, Uintjiesberg, Koffiefontein / Ebenheuyser, Monastery, Kimberley (Big Hole), Kamfersdam , Jagersfontein, Kaal Vallei, De Beers, Bultfontein, Lushof, Britstown Cluster, Hebron and Lovedale, was conducted. This study presents the analytical results for upper-crustal sandstone and basalt xenoliths collected from dumps, excavation pits and borehole core at the above-mentioned kimberlites, and demonstrates that they correlate with stratigraphic units of the Karoo Supergroup on the basis of mineral and geochemical compositions. These upper-crustal xenoliths are incorporated into kimberlites and down-rafted to levels below their stratigraphic position during kimberlite emplacement, consequently recording the broad stratigraphy into which each kimberlite is emplaced. Therefore, the Cretaceous lateral extent of the Karoo Supergroup is inferred and post-emplacement erosion estimated by reconstructing the stratigraphy based on upper-crustal xenolith suites for each kimberlite and calculating the total thickness of the now-eroded units. The distribution of sandstone xenoliths indicates that during the Cretaceous the lateral extent of the Dwyka, Ecca and Beaufort Groups encompassed all of the examined kimberlites, while the ‘Stormberg’ Group was constrained to an area outlined by the Voorspoed and Monastery kimberlites. Similarly, basalt xenoliths occur in all of the Group II and transitional (143 – 100 Ma) kimberlites but only in the Group I (90 – 74 Ma) kimberlites that lie within close proximity to the western outcrop margin of the outcrop area of the Drakensberg Group basalts (Lesotho Remnant), namely Monastery, Jagersfontein and Kaal Vallei. This trend implies an eastward-retreat of the inland erosion front of the Karoo basalts between 140 and 90 Ma and subsequent erosion of the underlying sedimentary units. It also suggests that a thicker succession of Karoo strata was present at the time of Group II and transitional kimberlite emplacement and that there has been more post-emplacement erosion in these kimberlites than the younger Group I kimberlites, except for Monastery, Jagersfontein and Kaal Vallei. Estimates are unique to each kimberlite as they are dependent on both stratigraphic location, elevation and present country rock, and range from approximately 1000 – 2500 m for the older kimberlites and less than 700 m to 1400 m for the younger kimberlites. Furthermore, the upper-crustal xenoliths found at the Group I Kimberley kimberlites and the coinciding trend of basalt erosion demonstrate that Karoo basalts were eroded from the Kimberley area by the time the Group I Kimberley kimberlites erupted (~85 Ma). Therefore, basalts are omitted from the Group I Kimberley kimberlites post-emplacement erosion estimate, and the upper Beaufort Group is considered the upper limit of the stratigraphy that was present at the time of the eruption of the Group I Kimberley pipes. Therefore, the erosion estimates decrease from a previous estimate of 1400 m down to 400 to 1100 m, where 850 m is considered a dependable intermediate estimate.
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- Date Issued: 2007
An insight into magma supply to the Karoo Igneous Province a geochemical investigation of Karoo dykes adjacent to the Northwestern sector of the Lesotho volcanic remnant
- Authors: Mitha, Vindina Ramesh
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Flood basalts -- Lesotho , Volcanism -- Lesotho , Magmatism -- Lesotho , Dikes (Geology) -- Lesotho , Geochemistry -- Lesotho , Lava -- Lesotho
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4973 , , Flood basalts -- Lesotho , Volcanism -- Lesotho , Magmatism -- Lesotho , Dikes (Geology) -- Lesotho , Geochemistry -- Lesotho , Lava -- Lesotho
- Description: The emplacement of continental flood basalt provinces is often ascribed to fissure eruption. However, in many provinces the locations of actual vent complexes remains illusive. In southern Africa, the Karoo continental flood basalt province was erupted during the Jurassic between 183 and 179 Ma. The southernmost outcrop of the Karoo continental flood basalt lavas is the Lesotho remnant; and is comprised of the Drakensberg Group which forms the uppermost portion of the Karoo Supergroup. The geochemical stratigraphy for the Drakensberg Group is well established. At the base, there are a number of small volume compositionally diverse units, which form the Barkly East Formation, overlying which, there are larger volume, compositionally less variable units of the Lesotho Formation, which form the bulk of the volcanic sequence. The Lesotho remnant is associated with an abundance of dykes in the adjacent vicinity. This suggests that the lavas were fed from local rather than distal eruption sites. This study presents whole rock major and trace element data for 94 dykes and three sills from the northern Lesotho - northeastern Free State region and demonstrates that on the basis of geochemistry, all 97 intrusions can be correlated with various units of the northern Barkly East and Lesotho Formations. In addition, the petrographical; characteristics, orientation and distribution of the dykes do not correlate with geochemistry. Geochemical discrimination diagrams have been used to identify five compositionally diverse dykes, which are similar to the northern Barkly East Formation units. Three dykes are characteristic of the Letele unit and two are compositionally similar to the Wonderkop unit. Although the geochemical characteristics of the Lesotho Formation units are rather well constrained, the composition of these units is typified by considerable overlap in composition. Therefore, since unambiguous classification of dykes with geochemical similarities to the various units of the Lesotho Formation is unachievable using an empirical approach, the multivariate forward-stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) technique was used to facilitate the classification of the remaining 89 dykes and three sills. Forward-stepwise DFA classified 23 dykes as having compositional similarities to the Mafika Lisiu unit, 29 as having compositions of the Maloti or Senqu types; and 32 as having the composition of the Mothae type. In addition, eight dykes are compositionally similar to the Oxbow dykes, which intrude the Senqu unit in northern Lesotho. These results suggest that that the Lesotho remnant was fed from local eruption sites and that long distance magma transport for the bulk of the Lesotho remnant basalt lavas is unlikely.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Mitha, Vindina Ramesh
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Flood basalts -- Lesotho , Volcanism -- Lesotho , Magmatism -- Lesotho , Dikes (Geology) -- Lesotho , Geochemistry -- Lesotho , Lava -- Lesotho
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4973 , , Flood basalts -- Lesotho , Volcanism -- Lesotho , Magmatism -- Lesotho , Dikes (Geology) -- Lesotho , Geochemistry -- Lesotho , Lava -- Lesotho
- Description: The emplacement of continental flood basalt provinces is often ascribed to fissure eruption. However, in many provinces the locations of actual vent complexes remains illusive. In southern Africa, the Karoo continental flood basalt province was erupted during the Jurassic between 183 and 179 Ma. The southernmost outcrop of the Karoo continental flood basalt lavas is the Lesotho remnant; and is comprised of the Drakensberg Group which forms the uppermost portion of the Karoo Supergroup. The geochemical stratigraphy for the Drakensberg Group is well established. At the base, there are a number of small volume compositionally diverse units, which form the Barkly East Formation, overlying which, there are larger volume, compositionally less variable units of the Lesotho Formation, which form the bulk of the volcanic sequence. The Lesotho remnant is associated with an abundance of dykes in the adjacent vicinity. This suggests that the lavas were fed from local rather than distal eruption sites. This study presents whole rock major and trace element data for 94 dykes and three sills from the northern Lesotho - northeastern Free State region and demonstrates that on the basis of geochemistry, all 97 intrusions can be correlated with various units of the northern Barkly East and Lesotho Formations. In addition, the petrographical; characteristics, orientation and distribution of the dykes do not correlate with geochemistry. Geochemical discrimination diagrams have been used to identify five compositionally diverse dykes, which are similar to the northern Barkly East Formation units. Three dykes are characteristic of the Letele unit and two are compositionally similar to the Wonderkop unit. Although the geochemical characteristics of the Lesotho Formation units are rather well constrained, the composition of these units is typified by considerable overlap in composition. Therefore, since unambiguous classification of dykes with geochemical similarities to the various units of the Lesotho Formation is unachievable using an empirical approach, the multivariate forward-stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) technique was used to facilitate the classification of the remaining 89 dykes and three sills. Forward-stepwise DFA classified 23 dykes as having compositional similarities to the Mafika Lisiu unit, 29 as having compositions of the Maloti or Senqu types; and 32 as having the composition of the Mothae type. In addition, eight dykes are compositionally similar to the Oxbow dykes, which intrude the Senqu unit in northern Lesotho. These results suggest that that the Lesotho remnant was fed from local eruption sites and that long distance magma transport for the bulk of the Lesotho remnant basalt lavas is unlikely.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Geology, structure and mineralization of the Onguati area, Karibib district, central Namibia
- Authors: Viljoen, Wayne
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Geology -- Namibia -- Karibib , Geology, Structural -- Namibia -- Karibib , Mines and mineral resources -- Namibia -- Karibib
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4964 , , Geology -- Namibia -- Karibib , Geology, Structural -- Namibia -- Karibib , Mines and mineral resources -- Namibia -- Karibib
- Description: The study area is situated in the Southern Central Zone of the intracontinental Pan-African Damara Orogen, approximately 20km NNE of Navachab Gold Mine in the Karibib district of Namibia. Mesothermal vein systems with Cu-Fe±Au mineralization are hosted by amphibolite facies calcitic and dolomitic marbles belonging to the Navachab Member of the Karibib Formation, and are best developed around the defunct Onguati Copper Mine, Brown Mountain and Western Workings areas. The Onguati study area is located in the saddle region of a moderately-to-gently inclined anticlinorium that experienced significant flattening during NNW-SSE-directed compression. The parallelogram arrangement of ENE- and NNE-trending thrusts and reverse faults that surround the Onguati study area may have developed when the direction of greatest principle subregional stress was oriented WSW-ESE. These structures define part of a Riedel shear system and later faults may have developed in the position of R and P shears respectively. Significant strain partitioning occurred between the ductile calcitic marbles which host the best developed, shear-related vein systems and the more competent dolomitic marbles. The thickness distributions of veins in the marbles of the Onguati Mine, Brown Mountain and Western Workings areas conform to a fractal or power-law distribution, The most intensely mineralized vein systems in the Onguati Mine and Western Workings calcitic marbles share similar low fractal dimensions (D-values) of 0.41 and 0.37 respectively. Veins In the calcitic and dolomitic marbles of the Brown Mountain area and in the dolomitic marbles of Western Workings have elevated D-values (>0.60) and are poorly mineralized. The low D-values «0.40) of the well mineralized vein systems reflect the higher degree of fracture connectivity. These vein systems were capable of efficiently draining and localizing large volumes of mineralizing fluids from crustal-scale structures. A metamorphic devolatization model is proposed where the entire Damaran metasedimentary and meta-volcanic package is seen as a large source area of very low concentrations of Cu, Au and other metals. Localization of deformation into crustal-scale faults and shear zones led to regional-scale hydrothermal fluid flow and focussing into the upstream fracture networks of the Onguati study area. Strong mineralization resulted when fluids encountered the reactive marble lithologies
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Viljoen, Wayne
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Geology -- Namibia -- Karibib , Geology, Structural -- Namibia -- Karibib , Mines and mineral resources -- Namibia -- Karibib
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4964 , , Geology -- Namibia -- Karibib , Geology, Structural -- Namibia -- Karibib , Mines and mineral resources -- Namibia -- Karibib
- Description: The study area is situated in the Southern Central Zone of the intracontinental Pan-African Damara Orogen, approximately 20km NNE of Navachab Gold Mine in the Karibib district of Namibia. Mesothermal vein systems with Cu-Fe±Au mineralization are hosted by amphibolite facies calcitic and dolomitic marbles belonging to the Navachab Member of the Karibib Formation, and are best developed around the defunct Onguati Copper Mine, Brown Mountain and Western Workings areas. The Onguati study area is located in the saddle region of a moderately-to-gently inclined anticlinorium that experienced significant flattening during NNW-SSE-directed compression. The parallelogram arrangement of ENE- and NNE-trending thrusts and reverse faults that surround the Onguati study area may have developed when the direction of greatest principle subregional stress was oriented WSW-ESE. These structures define part of a Riedel shear system and later faults may have developed in the position of R and P shears respectively. Significant strain partitioning occurred between the ductile calcitic marbles which host the best developed, shear-related vein systems and the more competent dolomitic marbles. The thickness distributions of veins in the marbles of the Onguati Mine, Brown Mountain and Western Workings areas conform to a fractal or power-law distribution, The most intensely mineralized vein systems in the Onguati Mine and Western Workings calcitic marbles share similar low fractal dimensions (D-values) of 0.41 and 0.37 respectively. Veins In the calcitic and dolomitic marbles of the Brown Mountain area and in the dolomitic marbles of Western Workings have elevated D-values (>0.60) and are poorly mineralized. The low D-values «0.40) of the well mineralized vein systems reflect the higher degree of fracture connectivity. These vein systems were capable of efficiently draining and localizing large volumes of mineralizing fluids from crustal-scale structures. A metamorphic devolatization model is proposed where the entire Damaran metasedimentary and meta-volcanic package is seen as a large source area of very low concentrations of Cu, Au and other metals. Localization of deformation into crustal-scale faults and shear zones led to regional-scale hydrothermal fluid flow and focussing into the upstream fracture networks of the Onguati study area. Strong mineralization resulted when fluids encountered the reactive marble lithologies
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- Date Issued: 2005
The early proterozoic Makganyene glacial event in South Africa : its implication in sequence stratigraphy interpretations, paleoenvironmental conditions and iron and manganese ore deposition
- Authors: Polteau, Stéphane
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Paleogeography -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Petrology -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Ore deposits -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5039 ,
- Description: The Makganyene Formation forms the base of the Postmasburg Group in the Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West Basin. It consists of diamictites, sandstones, banded iron-formations (BIFs), shales, siltstones and carbonates. It is generally accepted that the Makganyene Formation rests on an erosive regional unconformity throughout the Northern Cape Province. However this study demonstrates that this stratigraphic relationship is not universal, and conformable contacts have been observed. One of the principal aims of this study is to identify the nature of the Makganyene basal contact throughout the Griqualand West Basin. Intensive fieldwork was carried out from Prieska in the south, to Danielskuil in the north. In the Sishen and Hotazel areas, only borehole material was available to assess the stratigraphy. The Griquatown Fault Zone delimits the boundary between the deep basin and platform facies. The Koegas Subgroup is only present south of the Griquatown Fault Zone, where it pinches out. However, the transition Griquatown BIFs-Koegas Subgroup occurs in lacustrine deposits on the Ghaap platform (Beukes, 1983). The Griquatown Fault Zone represents the edge of the basin, which corresponds to a hinge rather than a fault zone. The Makganyene Formation rests with a conformable contact on the Koegas Subgroup south of the Griquatown Hinge Zone, and north of it the Makganyene Formation lies unconformably on the Asbestos Hills Subgroup. The Makganyene Formation displays lateral facies changes that reflect the paleogeography of the Griqualand West Basin, and the development of ice sheets/shelves. The Ghaap platform is characterised by coarse immature sand interbedded with the diamictites. The clasts in this area contain local Asbestos Hills material and no dropstones are present. Such settings are typical of sediments that are being deposited below a grounded ice mass. At the Griquatown Hinge Zone, the sandstone lenses are smaller, and the clasts consist of chert, of which a great number are striated and faceted. In the Matsap area, the presence of dropstones is strong evidence for the presence of a floating ice shelf that released its material by basal melting. Further south, the Makganyene Formation contains stromatolitic bioherms that only form if clastic contamination is minimal and therefore the ice that transported the detritus to the basin did not extend far into open sea conditions. The base of the Hotazel Formation also contains diamictite levels. Dropstones have been identified, implying a glacial origin. The Hotazel diamictites are interbedded with hyaloclastites and BIFs. The Makganyene glacial event, therefore, was not restricted to the Makganyene Formation, but also included the Ongeluk Formation, through to the base of the Hotazel Formation. Petrographic studies of the Makganyene Formation and the base of the Hotazel Formation reveal mineral assemblages that are diagnostic of early to late diagenetic crystallisation and of low-grade metamorphism not exceeding the very low green-schist facies. The facies identified display the same sense of basin deepening, from shallow high-energy Hotazel area on the Ghaap platform, to the deep basin in the Matsap area. Whole-rock geochemical analyses reveal that the elemental composition of the Makganyene Formation is very similar to that of the Asbestos Hills BIFs, which were the most important source of clastic detritus for the Makganyene Formation. However, minor amounts of carbonates of the Campbellrand Subgroup, as well as a felsic crustal input from the Archean granitoid basement, made contributions. On the Ghaap platform, the Makganyene diamictite is enriched in iron, calcium, and magnesium, while in the deeper parts of the basin the diamictites are enriched in detrital elements, such as titanium and aluminium, which occur in the fine clay component. The Hotazel diamictite displays a distinct mafic volcanic input, related to the extrusion of the Ongeluk basaltic andesites, which was incorporated in the glacial sediments. Sequence stratigraphy is based on the recognition of contacts separating the different systems tracts that compose a depositional sequence. However, because the basal contact of the Makganyene Formation has not been properly identified in previous work, no correct model has been proposed so far. Therefore correlations between the Griqualand West and the Transvaal basins, based on lithostratigraphic similarities and extrapolations of unconformities, have to be reviewed, especially since the publication of new radiometric ages contradict all previously proposed correlations. It is proposed here that the Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West Basin represents a continuous depositional event that lasted about 200 Ma. The Makganyene glacial event occurred during changing conditions in the chemistries of the atmosphere and ocean, and in the continental configuration. A Snowball Earth event has been proposed as the causative process of such paleoenvironmental changes. However, evidence presented here of less dramatic glacial conditions, with areas of ice-free waters, implies an alternative to the Snowball Earth event. The paleoenvironmental changes are thought to represent a transition from an anaerobic to aerobic atmosphere, that was responsible for the global cooling of the surface of the Earth, Such a glacial event may have aided in the large-scale precipitation of iron and manganese in areas of intense upwellings.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2005
- Authors: Polteau, Stéphane
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Paleogeography -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Petrology -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Ore deposits -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5039 ,
- Description: The Makganyene Formation forms the base of the Postmasburg Group in the Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West Basin. It consists of diamictites, sandstones, banded iron-formations (BIFs), shales, siltstones and carbonates. It is generally accepted that the Makganyene Formation rests on an erosive regional unconformity throughout the Northern Cape Province. However this study demonstrates that this stratigraphic relationship is not universal, and conformable contacts have been observed. One of the principal aims of this study is to identify the nature of the Makganyene basal contact throughout the Griqualand West Basin. Intensive fieldwork was carried out from Prieska in the south, to Danielskuil in the north. In the Sishen and Hotazel areas, only borehole material was available to assess the stratigraphy. The Griquatown Fault Zone delimits the boundary between the deep basin and platform facies. The Koegas Subgroup is only present south of the Griquatown Fault Zone, where it pinches out. However, the transition Griquatown BIFs-Koegas Subgroup occurs in lacustrine deposits on the Ghaap platform (Beukes, 1983). The Griquatown Fault Zone represents the edge of the basin, which corresponds to a hinge rather than a fault zone. The Makganyene Formation rests with a conformable contact on the Koegas Subgroup south of the Griquatown Hinge Zone, and north of it the Makganyene Formation lies unconformably on the Asbestos Hills Subgroup. The Makganyene Formation displays lateral facies changes that reflect the paleogeography of the Griqualand West Basin, and the development of ice sheets/shelves. The Ghaap platform is characterised by coarse immature sand interbedded with the diamictites. The clasts in this area contain local Asbestos Hills material and no dropstones are present. Such settings are typical of sediments that are being deposited below a grounded ice mass. At the Griquatown Hinge Zone, the sandstone lenses are smaller, and the clasts consist of chert, of which a great number are striated and faceted. In the Matsap area, the presence of dropstones is strong evidence for the presence of a floating ice shelf that released its material by basal melting. Further south, the Makganyene Formation contains stromatolitic bioherms that only form if clastic contamination is minimal and therefore the ice that transported the detritus to the basin did not extend far into open sea conditions. The base of the Hotazel Formation also contains diamictite levels. Dropstones have been identified, implying a glacial origin. The Hotazel diamictites are interbedded with hyaloclastites and BIFs. The Makganyene glacial event, therefore, was not restricted to the Makganyene Formation, but also included the Ongeluk Formation, through to the base of the Hotazel Formation. Petrographic studies of the Makganyene Formation and the base of the Hotazel Formation reveal mineral assemblages that are diagnostic of early to late diagenetic crystallisation and of low-grade metamorphism not exceeding the very low green-schist facies. The facies identified display the same sense of basin deepening, from shallow high-energy Hotazel area on the Ghaap platform, to the deep basin in the Matsap area. Whole-rock geochemical analyses reveal that the elemental composition of the Makganyene Formation is very similar to that of the Asbestos Hills BIFs, which were the most important source of clastic detritus for the Makganyene Formation. However, minor amounts of carbonates of the Campbellrand Subgroup, as well as a felsic crustal input from the Archean granitoid basement, made contributions. On the Ghaap platform, the Makganyene diamictite is enriched in iron, calcium, and magnesium, while in the deeper parts of the basin the diamictites are enriched in detrital elements, such as titanium and aluminium, which occur in the fine clay component. The Hotazel diamictite displays a distinct mafic volcanic input, related to the extrusion of the Ongeluk basaltic andesites, which was incorporated in the glacial sediments. Sequence stratigraphy is based on the recognition of contacts separating the different systems tracts that compose a depositional sequence. However, because the basal contact of the Makganyene Formation has not been properly identified in previous work, no correct model has been proposed so far. Therefore correlations between the Griqualand West and the Transvaal basins, based on lithostratigraphic similarities and extrapolations of unconformities, have to be reviewed, especially since the publication of new radiometric ages contradict all previously proposed correlations. It is proposed here that the Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West Basin represents a continuous depositional event that lasted about 200 Ma. The Makganyene glacial event occurred during changing conditions in the chemistries of the atmosphere and ocean, and in the continental configuration. A Snowball Earth event has been proposed as the causative process of such paleoenvironmental changes. However, evidence presented here of less dramatic glacial conditions, with areas of ice-free waters, implies an alternative to the Snowball Earth event. The paleoenvironmental changes are thought to represent a transition from an anaerobic to aerobic atmosphere, that was responsible for the global cooling of the surface of the Earth, Such a glacial event may have aided in the large-scale precipitation of iron and manganese in areas of intense upwellings.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The depositional history and evaluation of two late quaternary, diamondiferous pocket beaches, south-western Namibia
- Authors: Milad, Micael George
- Date: 2004-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:71795
- Description: The two Late Quaternary, diamondiferous pocket beach deposits studied here are situated along a 10 km stretch of the storm-dominated, Atlantic coastline of the Sperrgebiet, south-western Namibia. The pocket beaches are approximately 130 km north of the Orange River mouth, which is widely accepted as a long-lived point source for diamonds sourced from the interior of southern Africa. A total of fourteen pocket beach deposits were recently evaluated in this area, but only two of these, namely Site 2 (to the south) and Site 3 (to the north), are considered here. The main diamondbearing horizons are beach gravels, which occur within, and form part of, the pocket beach sequences. The beach gravels are mostly blanketed by sand overburden, meaning that exposures available for study were limited, and much reliance was placed on borehole logging and observations of evaluation sample tailings. The main aims are to unravel the depositional history of the pocket beach sequences, identify the controls on diamond mineralisation in the beach gravels, and critically examine two different methods of estimating average diamond size for the deposits. In pursuit of these aims, sedimentological characteristics of the unconsolidated pocket beach deposits were recorded using small diameter drill holes, hydraulic grab bulk samples, trench exposures and surface outcrops. The surface geology, geomorphology and modern wave patterns were mapped using high-resolution, Airborne Laser Survey imagery coupled with extensive field checking. Three-dimensional geological modeling software was used to gain insight into the subsurface morphology of the deposits. Fossil shell samples were used to aid interpretation of ancient depositional environments and to date parts of the pocket beach sequences. Variations in diamond concentration and the size of diamonds were recorded using bulk samples, some of which were taken from a trench, but most of which were excavated using a hydraulic grab tool called the GB50. Finally, by using diamond size data from Site 3, sample data from diamondiferous beach gravels to the south of the study area and sample campaign simulations, two alternative methods of evaluating average diamond size in marine gravel deposits were appraised.The pocket beach sequences occur within north-south trending valleys of a major deflation basin and are separated from one another by rocky headlands. The ridge-and-valley topography of the deflation basin has resulted from differential erosion of Late Proterozoic basement rock units, alternating layers of which differ greatly in their resistance to the long-lived, local denudationalprocesses. On the basis of the stratigraphic information collected from the unconsolidated pocket beach valley fills, interpreted within the context of global, Late Pleistocene sea level records, the following depositional history is deduced : a) Deposition of sheetflood gravels by ephemeral streams, activated during a regressive phase. b) Transgression, culminating in the deposition of a gravel beach, representing a sea level highstand of +4 metres above mean sea level (mamsl) at between 120 000 and 130 000 BP. c)A regressive phase, resulting in deflation of former valley fills to the bedrock valley floor and accompanied by re-activation of ephemeral stream activity to form sheetflood deposits; this represents a protracted period of subaerial exposure of the +4 m gravel beach deposit. d) Deposition of a great volume of sediment in the valleys during the latter stages of the transgression from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The sequence generated during this phase, which started at ca. 9 000 BP, contains : i) pan/coastal sabkha sediments, ii) shallow, sheltered bay sediments, iii) back-barrier lagoonal sediments, iv) a gravel beach deposit representing a sea level stillstand at -5 mamsl, laid down between 7 600 and 5 600 BP, v) another gravel beach deposit representing the well-known Middle Holocene sea level highstand at +2 to +3 mamsl, laid down at ca. 5 000 BP, and which terminated the transgression from the LGM. e) A minor regression to the current sea level, accompanied by progradation of the shoreline to its current position. This progradational marine unit consists almost entirely of sand and grit, reflecting the lack of gravel supply to this part of the coastline in the most recent past. f) Deposition of modern coastal dunes, which cap the pocket beach sequence and are the youngest sediments in the study area. Using trench and hydraulic grab evaluation sample results, in combination with analysis of wave patterns and field observations, the following local controls on the density distribution (ie. concentration) and size distribution of diamonds in the gravel beach deposits (+4, -5 and +2 to +3 mamsl stands) are recognised: a) Gravel beach depositional processes, which are responsible for clast sorting on the beach, have influenced the density and size distribution of diamonds. The infill zone, or beach toe, favours maximum diamond concentration while diamond size decreases from the imbricate zone (intertidal) to the infill zone (subtidal). b) Wave energy is identified as the dominant local control on diamond size distribution, but has also influenced diamond concentration to a limited degree. Larger diamonds are intimately associated with coarser beach gravels, both of which are a reflection of increased wave energy. Higher concentrations of diamonds are sometimes associated with zones of coarser gravel and therefore greater wave energy. c) The time of deposition of the host gravel beach is seen to be the dominant controlling factor with respect to diamond concentration. This is seen as evidence of significant temporal variation in the availability of diamonds in the littoral evironment. A significant reduction (20%) in average diamond size from Site 2 to Site 3, over a distance of only 6 km, is evident. The following were identified as reasons for this reduction in diamond size : a) Longshore sorting processes, of which the long-lived northerly littoral drift is a key part, are known to have played a role in the diminution of diamond size northwards from the Orange River mouth point source. However, it is believed that this can only partly account for the observed 20% reduction in diamond size. b) Input of sediment and smaller diamonds at Site 3, reworked out of an older, Eocene-aged marine succession in the hinterland, is recognised as a possible additional reason for the large reduction in diamond size from Site 2 to Site 3. It is also speculated that the large size of the pocket beach at Site 3, relative to Site 2, may have resulted in lower average wave energy at Site 3, with consequent reduced average diamond size. Diamond size in the beach gravels of Site 3, as well as in beach gravels elsewhere in the Sperrgebiet, is seen to be lognormally-distributed within geologically homogeneous zones. In theory, lognormal mean estimators represent the best method of estimating average diamond size in such cases, whereas the arithmetic mean estimator has the tendency to overestimate when large outlier values occur. Lognormal mean estimators have the added benefit of providing for the calculation of confidence limits, which are becoming increasingly more important as financial lending institutions insist on better quantification of the risk involved in resource estimates. Sample campaign simulations demonstrate, for the kinds of diamond size-frequency distributions typical of beach gravel deposits at Site 3, that there is no significant improvement in the accuracy of average diamond size estimates when lognormal mean estimators are used instead of the arithmetic mean estimator. This is because the variance (a ) of the diamond populations is low, and large outlier values are extremely unlikely to occur. However, simulation of a diamond population with high variance, drawn from a sample of beach gravels near the Orange River mouth, shows that lognormal estimators produce significantly more accurate results when a is large. Since individual diamond weights were not recorded during evaluation sampling of Site 3, numerical solution of lognormal estimators is not possible, and these would need to be solved using a less accurate graphical method. It is therefore recommended that individual diamond weights are recorded in future sampling campaigns, allowing for the use of lognormal mean estimators, and the calculation of confidence limits for average diamond size estimates. , Thesis (MSc) -- Science, Geology, 2004
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004-03
- Authors: Milad, Micael George
- Date: 2004-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:71795
- Description: The two Late Quaternary, diamondiferous pocket beach deposits studied here are situated along a 10 km stretch of the storm-dominated, Atlantic coastline of the Sperrgebiet, south-western Namibia. The pocket beaches are approximately 130 km north of the Orange River mouth, which is widely accepted as a long-lived point source for diamonds sourced from the interior of southern Africa. A total of fourteen pocket beach deposits were recently evaluated in this area, but only two of these, namely Site 2 (to the south) and Site 3 (to the north), are considered here. The main diamondbearing horizons are beach gravels, which occur within, and form part of, the pocket beach sequences. The beach gravels are mostly blanketed by sand overburden, meaning that exposures available for study were limited, and much reliance was placed on borehole logging and observations of evaluation sample tailings. The main aims are to unravel the depositional history of the pocket beach sequences, identify the controls on diamond mineralisation in the beach gravels, and critically examine two different methods of estimating average diamond size for the deposits. In pursuit of these aims, sedimentological characteristics of the unconsolidated pocket beach deposits were recorded using small diameter drill holes, hydraulic grab bulk samples, trench exposures and surface outcrops. The surface geology, geomorphology and modern wave patterns were mapped using high-resolution, Airborne Laser Survey imagery coupled with extensive field checking. Three-dimensional geological modeling software was used to gain insight into the subsurface morphology of the deposits. Fossil shell samples were used to aid interpretation of ancient depositional environments and to date parts of the pocket beach sequences. Variations in diamond concentration and the size of diamonds were recorded using bulk samples, some of which were taken from a trench, but most of which were excavated using a hydraulic grab tool called the GB50. Finally, by using diamond size data from Site 3, sample data from diamondiferous beach gravels to the south of the study area and sample campaign simulations, two alternative methods of evaluating average diamond size in marine gravel deposits were appraised.The pocket beach sequences occur within north-south trending valleys of a major deflation basin and are separated from one another by rocky headlands. The ridge-and-valley topography of the deflation basin has resulted from differential erosion of Late Proterozoic basement rock units, alternating layers of which differ greatly in their resistance to the long-lived, local denudationalprocesses. On the basis of the stratigraphic information collected from the unconsolidated pocket beach valley fills, interpreted within the context of global, Late Pleistocene sea level records, the following depositional history is deduced : a) Deposition of sheetflood gravels by ephemeral streams, activated during a regressive phase. b) Transgression, culminating in the deposition of a gravel beach, representing a sea level highstand of +4 metres above mean sea level (mamsl) at between 120 000 and 130 000 BP. c)A regressive phase, resulting in deflation of former valley fills to the bedrock valley floor and accompanied by re-activation of ephemeral stream activity to form sheetflood deposits; this represents a protracted period of subaerial exposure of the +4 m gravel beach deposit. d) Deposition of a great volume of sediment in the valleys during the latter stages of the transgression from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The sequence generated during this phase, which started at ca. 9 000 BP, contains : i) pan/coastal sabkha sediments, ii) shallow, sheltered bay sediments, iii) back-barrier lagoonal sediments, iv) a gravel beach deposit representing a sea level stillstand at -5 mamsl, laid down between 7 600 and 5 600 BP, v) another gravel beach deposit representing the well-known Middle Holocene sea level highstand at +2 to +3 mamsl, laid down at ca. 5 000 BP, and which terminated the transgression from the LGM. e) A minor regression to the current sea level, accompanied by progradation of the shoreline to its current position. This progradational marine unit consists almost entirely of sand and grit, reflecting the lack of gravel supply to this part of the coastline in the most recent past. f) Deposition of modern coastal dunes, which cap the pocket beach sequence and are the youngest sediments in the study area. Using trench and hydraulic grab evaluation sample results, in combination with analysis of wave patterns and field observations, the following local controls on the density distribution (ie. concentration) and size distribution of diamonds in the gravel beach deposits (+4, -5 and +2 to +3 mamsl stands) are recognised: a) Gravel beach depositional processes, which are responsible for clast sorting on the beach, have influenced the density and size distribution of diamonds. The infill zone, or beach toe, favours maximum diamond concentration while diamond size decreases from the imbricate zone (intertidal) to the infill zone (subtidal). b) Wave energy is identified as the dominant local control on diamond size distribution, but has also influenced diamond concentration to a limited degree. Larger diamonds are intimately associated with coarser beach gravels, both of which are a reflection of increased wave energy. Higher concentrations of diamonds are sometimes associated with zones of coarser gravel and therefore greater wave energy. c) The time of deposition of the host gravel beach is seen to be the dominant controlling factor with respect to diamond concentration. This is seen as evidence of significant temporal variation in the availability of diamonds in the littoral evironment. A significant reduction (20%) in average diamond size from Site 2 to Site 3, over a distance of only 6 km, is evident. The following were identified as reasons for this reduction in diamond size : a) Longshore sorting processes, of which the long-lived northerly littoral drift is a key part, are known to have played a role in the diminution of diamond size northwards from the Orange River mouth point source. However, it is believed that this can only partly account for the observed 20% reduction in diamond size. b) Input of sediment and smaller diamonds at Site 3, reworked out of an older, Eocene-aged marine succession in the hinterland, is recognised as a possible additional reason for the large reduction in diamond size from Site 2 to Site 3. It is also speculated that the large size of the pocket beach at Site 3, relative to Site 2, may have resulted in lower average wave energy at Site 3, with consequent reduced average diamond size. Diamond size in the beach gravels of Site 3, as well as in beach gravels elsewhere in the Sperrgebiet, is seen to be lognormally-distributed within geologically homogeneous zones. In theory, lognormal mean estimators represent the best method of estimating average diamond size in such cases, whereas the arithmetic mean estimator has the tendency to overestimate when large outlier values occur. Lognormal mean estimators have the added benefit of providing for the calculation of confidence limits, which are becoming increasingly more important as financial lending institutions insist on better quantification of the risk involved in resource estimates. Sample campaign simulations demonstrate, for the kinds of diamond size-frequency distributions typical of beach gravel deposits at Site 3, that there is no significant improvement in the accuracy of average diamond size estimates when lognormal mean estimators are used instead of the arithmetic mean estimator. This is because the variance (a ) of the diamond populations is low, and large outlier values are extremely unlikely to occur. However, simulation of a diamond population with high variance, drawn from a sample of beach gravels near the Orange River mouth, shows that lognormal estimators produce significantly more accurate results when a is large. Since individual diamond weights were not recorded during evaluation sampling of Site 3, numerical solution of lognormal estimators is not possible, and these would need to be solved using a less accurate graphical method. It is therefore recommended that individual diamond weights are recorded in future sampling campaigns, allowing for the use of lognormal mean estimators, and the calculation of confidence limits for average diamond size estimates. , Thesis (MSc) -- Science, Geology, 2004
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004-03
A geological evaluation of marine diamond placer deposits on the central Namibian inner shelf : a case study of the Hottentot Bay area
- Authors: Rau, Grant
- Date: 2004 , 2013-06-03
- Subjects: Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia , Ocean mining -- Namibia , Marine mineral resources
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5038 , , Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia , Ocean mining -- Namibia , Marine mineral resources
- Description: This study focusses on the marine diamond placers within Exclusive Prospecting Licence 1950 and Mining Licence 103a, located northwest of the north-facing Hottentot Bay which is 60 km north of Lüderitz, along the central Namibian coastline. The thesis follows the natural geological evolution of the marine placer deposit from primary source, through alluvial and/or glacial transportation, concentration along the coastline by wave, aeolian and alluvial/sheet-wash processes and finally marine diamond placer preservation. All of these processes are reviewed as they are important in understanding of the evolution marine placer deposits. The poly-cyclic role of coastal aeolian, alluvial, and marine processes, in marine placer enrichment is shown to be particularly important in considered target identification and prioritisation. A detailed bathymetric, sonographic and seismic interpretation, is an integral part of diamond placer exploration, and was used to examine and describe surficial and sub-bottom characteristics within the study area. Marine placers are formed along palaeo-strandlines during periods of marine transgression and regression and are therefore fundamental in marine placer exploration. A detailed bathymetry map, compiled for this study, of the area between Lüderitz Bay and Clara Hill, provides the foundation for a detailed terrace level investigation. Regionally, twelve well-developed stillstand levels are identified, nine of which fall into the study area. These interpretations are compared with global eustatic as well as terrace and resource/reserve levels in the Lüderitz area and are found to correlate well. Sediment dynamic studies involve the use of accredited application software for wave refraction modelling, to determine the wave angle and orbital wave velocity at the seabed. Bedload velocities, required to move diamonds of specific sizes, can be empirically determined and therefore areas of diamond entrainment and deposition can be modelled and target features delineated and prioritised. These detailed interpretations provide a sound platform for evaluating diamond placer process models in the study area. By integrating both previously published and newly formulated ideas, a revised, holistic model for the formation of marine diamond placer deposits in central Namibian is postulated. The proposed model is tested by comparing it to the lateral distribution of presently defined resource/reserve areas in the Lüderitz area and shows a close correlation with most of these enriched deposits. Based on this model, a matrix for the delineation and prioritisation of marine placer deposits is developed and the best target features within the study area are identified. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
- Authors: Rau, Grant
- Date: 2004 , 2013-06-03
- Subjects: Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia , Ocean mining -- Namibia , Marine mineral resources
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5038 , , Diamond mines and mining -- Namibia , Ocean mining -- Namibia , Marine mineral resources
- Description: This study focusses on the marine diamond placers within Exclusive Prospecting Licence 1950 and Mining Licence 103a, located northwest of the north-facing Hottentot Bay which is 60 km north of Lüderitz, along the central Namibian coastline. The thesis follows the natural geological evolution of the marine placer deposit from primary source, through alluvial and/or glacial transportation, concentration along the coastline by wave, aeolian and alluvial/sheet-wash processes and finally marine diamond placer preservation. All of these processes are reviewed as they are important in understanding of the evolution marine placer deposits. The poly-cyclic role of coastal aeolian, alluvial, and marine processes, in marine placer enrichment is shown to be particularly important in considered target identification and prioritisation. A detailed bathymetric, sonographic and seismic interpretation, is an integral part of diamond placer exploration, and was used to examine and describe surficial and sub-bottom characteristics within the study area. Marine placers are formed along palaeo-strandlines during periods of marine transgression and regression and are therefore fundamental in marine placer exploration. A detailed bathymetry map, compiled for this study, of the area between Lüderitz Bay and Clara Hill, provides the foundation for a detailed terrace level investigation. Regionally, twelve well-developed stillstand levels are identified, nine of which fall into the study area. These interpretations are compared with global eustatic as well as terrace and resource/reserve levels in the Lüderitz area and are found to correlate well. Sediment dynamic studies involve the use of accredited application software for wave refraction modelling, to determine the wave angle and orbital wave velocity at the seabed. Bedload velocities, required to move diamonds of specific sizes, can be empirically determined and therefore areas of diamond entrainment and deposition can be modelled and target features delineated and prioritised. These detailed interpretations provide a sound platform for evaluating diamond placer process models in the study area. By integrating both previously published and newly formulated ideas, a revised, holistic model for the formation of marine diamond placer deposits in central Namibian is postulated. The proposed model is tested by comparing it to the lateral distribution of presently defined resource/reserve areas in the Lüderitz area and shows a close correlation with most of these enriched deposits. Based on this model, a matrix for the delineation and prioritisation of marine placer deposits is developed and the best target features within the study area are identified. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
Gold exploration northeast of Ngundu Halt, northern marginal zone of the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe
- Authors: Simango, Robert Zulu
- Date: 2004 , 2013-05-30
- Subjects: Geology -- Zimbabwe , Gold ores -- Geology -- Zimbabwe , Greenstone belts -- Zimbabwe , Gold mines and mining -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5007 , , Geology -- Zimbabwe , Gold ores -- Geology -- Zimbabwe , Greenstone belts -- Zimbabwe , Gold mines and mining -- Zimbabwe
- Description: Gold exploration was conducted in northern margin, granulite-facies rocks of the Limpopo Belt. Methods used in the prospecting include drainage, soil and rock geochemistry, geophysical surveys, geological mapping, trenching and diamond drilling. These techniques successfully led to the discovery of two medium size, mesothermal gold deposits (Grid 2s and Grid 4). Objectives of this study were to (a) document the exploration methodology used; (b) describe the regional geology; (c) establish a mineral deposit model; (d) outline the methods and results of various exploration techniques; (e) outline follow-up procedures and evaluation of anomalies; and (f) discuss results of the exploration exercise and conclusions. The granulite-facies terrain comprises Charno-enderbites, mafic and felsic to intermediate metavolcanic rocks and meta-sediments. Renco Mine situated immediately east of the study area, was selected as the ore deposit model for the exploration program. Gold mineralization occurs in shear and thrust zones within an enderbite. The gold deposits are structurally controlled by a first-order, Sinistral transcrustal Mauch Shear Zone, which is parallel to a regional east-northeast penetrative foliation. The deposits are in dilation zones where the Mauch Shear (a) is intersected by a dextral east-west shear (Grid 2s), or (b) has a sinistral splay (Grid 4 and Renco). Close to these deposits, the Mauch Shear is in contact with a "greenstone belt", which is a possible source of crustal metamorphic ore fluids and gold. The Grid 2s deposit contains fine-grained, disseminated free gold, and small amounts of pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite in quartz veins within third-order shears in K-feldspar granite. K-feldspar, sericitic, silicic, sulphidation and carbonate alteration characterizes the deposit, which has a proposed mantle-degassing model. The Grid 4 deposit is magmatic porphyry-type, with CuMo and Au in third- and fourth-order shears respectively. Mineralization comprises disseminated to semi-massive pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismuth, molybdenite and gold. Wall rock alteration includes biotitic, chloritic, silicic, sulphidation and carbonate. In Grid 2s, Grid 4 and Renco deposits, the alteration mineral assemblages are in three facies, which are granulite, amphibolte and greenschist. In the three deposits, the mineralization occurs with the amphibolite-facies, indicating post-peak, retrograde metamorphic conditions. , Illustrations (maps) only available in print form at Cory Library , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
- Authors: Simango, Robert Zulu
- Date: 2004 , 2013-05-30
- Subjects: Geology -- Zimbabwe , Gold ores -- Geology -- Zimbabwe , Greenstone belts -- Zimbabwe , Gold mines and mining -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5007 , , Geology -- Zimbabwe , Gold ores -- Geology -- Zimbabwe , Greenstone belts -- Zimbabwe , Gold mines and mining -- Zimbabwe
- Description: Gold exploration was conducted in northern margin, granulite-facies rocks of the Limpopo Belt. Methods used in the prospecting include drainage, soil and rock geochemistry, geophysical surveys, geological mapping, trenching and diamond drilling. These techniques successfully led to the discovery of two medium size, mesothermal gold deposits (Grid 2s and Grid 4). Objectives of this study were to (a) document the exploration methodology used; (b) describe the regional geology; (c) establish a mineral deposit model; (d) outline the methods and results of various exploration techniques; (e) outline follow-up procedures and evaluation of anomalies; and (f) discuss results of the exploration exercise and conclusions. The granulite-facies terrain comprises Charno-enderbites, mafic and felsic to intermediate metavolcanic rocks and meta-sediments. Renco Mine situated immediately east of the study area, was selected as the ore deposit model for the exploration program. Gold mineralization occurs in shear and thrust zones within an enderbite. The gold deposits are structurally controlled by a first-order, Sinistral transcrustal Mauch Shear Zone, which is parallel to a regional east-northeast penetrative foliation. The deposits are in dilation zones where the Mauch Shear (a) is intersected by a dextral east-west shear (Grid 2s), or (b) has a sinistral splay (Grid 4 and Renco). Close to these deposits, the Mauch Shear is in contact with a "greenstone belt", which is a possible source of crustal metamorphic ore fluids and gold. The Grid 2s deposit contains fine-grained, disseminated free gold, and small amounts of pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite in quartz veins within third-order shears in K-feldspar granite. K-feldspar, sericitic, silicic, sulphidation and carbonate alteration characterizes the deposit, which has a proposed mantle-degassing model. The Grid 4 deposit is magmatic porphyry-type, with CuMo and Au in third- and fourth-order shears respectively. Mineralization comprises disseminated to semi-massive pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismuth, molybdenite and gold. Wall rock alteration includes biotitic, chloritic, silicic, sulphidation and carbonate. In Grid 2s, Grid 4 and Renco deposits, the alteration mineral assemblages are in three facies, which are granulite, amphibolte and greenschist. In the three deposits, the mineralization occurs with the amphibolite-facies, indicating post-peak, retrograde metamorphic conditions. , Illustrations (maps) only available in print form at Cory Library , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
The geology of the Proterozoic Haveri Au-Cu deposit, Southern Finland
- Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery
- Authors: Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- Precambrian , Geology, Stratigraphic -- Proterozoic , Ore deposits -- Finland , Geology -- Finland
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5081 ,
- Description: The Haveri Au-Cu deposit is located in southern Finland about 175 km north of Helsinki. It occurs on the northern edge of the continental island arc-type, volcano-sedimentary Tampere Schist Belt (TSB) within the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Domain (2.0 – 1.75 Ga) of the Fennoscandian Shield. The 1.99 Ga Haveri Formation forms the base of the supracrustal stratigraphy consisting of metavolcanic pillow lavas and breccias passing upwards into intercalated metatuffs and metatuffites. There is a continuous gradation upwards from the predominantly volcaniclastic Haveri Formation into the overlying epiclastic meta-greywackes of the Osara Formation. The Haveri deposit is hosted in this contact zone. This supracrustal sequence has been intruded concordantly by quartz-feldspar porphyries. Approximately 1.89 Ga ago, high crustal heat flow led to the generation and emplacement of voluminous synkinematic, I-type, magnetite-series granitoids of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC), resulting in coeval high-T/low-P metamorphism (hornfelsic textures), and D₁ deformation. During the crystallisation and cooling of the granitoids, a magmatic-dominated hydrothermal system caused extensive hydrothermal alteration and Cu-Au mineralisation through the late-D₁ to early-D₂ deformation. Initially, a pre-ore Na-Ca alteration phase caused albitisation of the host rock. This was closely followed by strong Ca-Fe alteration, responsible for widespread amphibolitisation and quartz veining and associated with abundant pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite and gold mineralisation. More localised calcic-skarn alteration is also present as zoned garnetpyroxene- epidote skarn assemblages with associated pyrrhotite and minor sphalerite, centred on quartzcalcite± scapolite veinlets. Post-ore alteration includes an evolution to more K-rich alteration (biotitisation). Late D₂-retrograde chlorite began to replace the earlier high-T assemblage. Late emanations (post-D₂ and pre-D₃) from the cooling granitoids, under lower temperatures and oxidising conditions, are represented by carbonate-barite veins and epidote veinlets. Later, narrow dolerite dykes were emplaced followed by a weak D₃ deformation, resulting in shearing and structural reactivation along the carbonate-barite bands. This phase was accompanied by pyrite deposition. Both sulphides and oxides are common at Haveri, with ore types varying from massive sulphide and/or magnetite, to networks of veinlets and disseminations of oxides and/or sulphides. Cataclastites, consisting of deformed, brecciated bands of sulphide, with rounded and angular clasts of quartz vein material and altered host-rock are an economically important ore type. Ore minerals are principally pyrrhotite, magnetite and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of pyrite, molybdenite and sphalerite. There is a general progression from early magnetite, through pyrrhotite to pyrite indicating increasing sulphidation with time. Gold is typically found as free gold within quartz veins and within intense zones of amphibolitisation. Considerable gold is also found in the cataclastite ore type either as invisible gold within the sulphides and/or as free gold within the breccia fragments. The unaltered amphibolites of the Haveri Formation can be classified as medium-K basalts of the tholeiitic trend. Trace and REE support an interpretation of formation in a back-arc basin setting. The unaltered porphyritic rocks are calc-alkaline dacites, and are interpreted, along with the granitoids as having an arc-type origin. This is consistent with the evolution from an initial back-arc basin, through a period of passive margin and/or fore-arc deposition represented by the Osara Formation greywackes and the basal stratigraphy of the TSB, prior to the onset of arc-related volcanic activity characteristic of the TSB and the Svecofennian proper. Using a combination of petrogenetic grids, mineral compositions (garnet-biotite and hornblendeplagioclase thermometers) and oxygen isotope thermometry, peak metamorphism can be constrained to a maximum of approximately 600 °C and 1.5 kbars pressure. Furthermore, the petrogenetic grids indicate that the REDOX conditions can be constrained at 600°C to log f(O₂) values of approximately - 21.0 to -26.0 and -14.5 to -17.5 for the metasedimentary rocks and mafic metavolcanic rocks respectively, thus indicating the presence of a significant REDOX boundary. Amphibole compositions from the Ca-Fe alteration phase (amphibolitisation) indicate iron enrichment with increasing alteration corresponding to higher temperatures of formation. Oxygen isotope studies combined with limited fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Ca-Fe alteration and associated quartz veins formed at high temperatures (530 – 610°C) from low CO₂, low- to moderately saline (<10 eq. wt% NaCl), magmatic-dominated fluids. Fluid inclusion decrepitation textures in the quartz veins suggest isobaric decompression. This is compatible with formation in high-T/low-P environments such as contact aureoles and island arcs. The calcic-skarn assemblage, combined with phase equilibria and sphalerite geothermometry, are indicative of formation at high temperatures (500 – 600 °C) from fluids with higher CO₂ contents and more saline compositions than those responsible for the Fe-Ca alteration. Limited fluid inclusion studies have identified hypersaline inclusions in secondary inclusion trails within quartz. The presence of calcite and scapolite also support formation from CO₂-rich saline fluids. It is suggested that the calcic-skarn alteration and the amphibolitisation evolved from the same fluids, and that P-T changes led to fluid unmixing resulting in two fluid types responsible for the observed alteration variations. Chlorite geothermometry on retrograde chlorite indicates temperatures of 309 – 368 °C. As chlorite represents the latest hydrothermal event, this can be taken as a lower temperature limit for hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation at Haveri.The gold mineralisation at Haveri is related primarily to the Ca-Fe alteration. Under such P-T-X conditions gold was transported as chloride complexes. Ore was localised by a combination of structural controls (shears and folds) and REDOX reactions along the boundary between the oxidised metavolcanics and the reduced metasediments. In addition, fluid unmixing caused an increase in pH, and thus further augmented the precipitation of Cu and Au. During the late D₂-event, temperatures fell below 400 °C, and fluids may have remobilised Au and Cu as bisulphide complexes into the shearcontrolled cataclastites and massive sulphides. The Haveri deposit has many similarities with ore deposit models that include orogenic lode-gold deposits, certain Au-skarn deposits and Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits. However, many characteristics of the Haveri deposit, including tectonic setting, host lithologies, alteration types, proximity to I-type granitoids and P-T-X conditions of formation, compare favourably with other Early Proterozoic deposits within the TSB and Fennoscandia, as well as many of the deposits in the Cloncurry district of Australia. Consequently, the Haveri deposit can be seen to represent a high-T, Ca-rich member of the recently recognised Fe-oxide Cu-Au group of deposits.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
- Authors: Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- Precambrian , Geology, Stratigraphic -- Proterozoic , Ore deposits -- Finland , Geology -- Finland
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5081 ,
- Description: The Haveri Au-Cu deposit is located in southern Finland about 175 km north of Helsinki. It occurs on the northern edge of the continental island arc-type, volcano-sedimentary Tampere Schist Belt (TSB) within the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Domain (2.0 – 1.75 Ga) of the Fennoscandian Shield. The 1.99 Ga Haveri Formation forms the base of the supracrustal stratigraphy consisting of metavolcanic pillow lavas and breccias passing upwards into intercalated metatuffs and metatuffites. There is a continuous gradation upwards from the predominantly volcaniclastic Haveri Formation into the overlying epiclastic meta-greywackes of the Osara Formation. The Haveri deposit is hosted in this contact zone. This supracrustal sequence has been intruded concordantly by quartz-feldspar porphyries. Approximately 1.89 Ga ago, high crustal heat flow led to the generation and emplacement of voluminous synkinematic, I-type, magnetite-series granitoids of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC), resulting in coeval high-T/low-P metamorphism (hornfelsic textures), and D₁ deformation. During the crystallisation and cooling of the granitoids, a magmatic-dominated hydrothermal system caused extensive hydrothermal alteration and Cu-Au mineralisation through the late-D₁ to early-D₂ deformation. Initially, a pre-ore Na-Ca alteration phase caused albitisation of the host rock. This was closely followed by strong Ca-Fe alteration, responsible for widespread amphibolitisation and quartz veining and associated with abundant pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite and gold mineralisation. More localised calcic-skarn alteration is also present as zoned garnetpyroxene- epidote skarn assemblages with associated pyrrhotite and minor sphalerite, centred on quartzcalcite± scapolite veinlets. Post-ore alteration includes an evolution to more K-rich alteration (biotitisation). Late D₂-retrograde chlorite began to replace the earlier high-T assemblage. Late emanations (post-D₂ and pre-D₃) from the cooling granitoids, under lower temperatures and oxidising conditions, are represented by carbonate-barite veins and epidote veinlets. Later, narrow dolerite dykes were emplaced followed by a weak D₃ deformation, resulting in shearing and structural reactivation along the carbonate-barite bands. This phase was accompanied by pyrite deposition. Both sulphides and oxides are common at Haveri, with ore types varying from massive sulphide and/or magnetite, to networks of veinlets and disseminations of oxides and/or sulphides. Cataclastites, consisting of deformed, brecciated bands of sulphide, with rounded and angular clasts of quartz vein material and altered host-rock are an economically important ore type. Ore minerals are principally pyrrhotite, magnetite and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of pyrite, molybdenite and sphalerite. There is a general progression from early magnetite, through pyrrhotite to pyrite indicating increasing sulphidation with time. Gold is typically found as free gold within quartz veins and within intense zones of amphibolitisation. Considerable gold is also found in the cataclastite ore type either as invisible gold within the sulphides and/or as free gold within the breccia fragments. The unaltered amphibolites of the Haveri Formation can be classified as medium-K basalts of the tholeiitic trend. Trace and REE support an interpretation of formation in a back-arc basin setting. The unaltered porphyritic rocks are calc-alkaline dacites, and are interpreted, along with the granitoids as having an arc-type origin. This is consistent with the evolution from an initial back-arc basin, through a period of passive margin and/or fore-arc deposition represented by the Osara Formation greywackes and the basal stratigraphy of the TSB, prior to the onset of arc-related volcanic activity characteristic of the TSB and the Svecofennian proper. Using a combination of petrogenetic grids, mineral compositions (garnet-biotite and hornblendeplagioclase thermometers) and oxygen isotope thermometry, peak metamorphism can be constrained to a maximum of approximately 600 °C and 1.5 kbars pressure. Furthermore, the petrogenetic grids indicate that the REDOX conditions can be constrained at 600°C to log f(O₂) values of approximately - 21.0 to -26.0 and -14.5 to -17.5 for the metasedimentary rocks and mafic metavolcanic rocks respectively, thus indicating the presence of a significant REDOX boundary. Amphibole compositions from the Ca-Fe alteration phase (amphibolitisation) indicate iron enrichment with increasing alteration corresponding to higher temperatures of formation. Oxygen isotope studies combined with limited fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Ca-Fe alteration and associated quartz veins formed at high temperatures (530 – 610°C) from low CO₂, low- to moderately saline (<10 eq. wt% NaCl), magmatic-dominated fluids. Fluid inclusion decrepitation textures in the quartz veins suggest isobaric decompression. This is compatible with formation in high-T/low-P environments such as contact aureoles and island arcs. The calcic-skarn assemblage, combined with phase equilibria and sphalerite geothermometry, are indicative of formation at high temperatures (500 – 600 °C) from fluids with higher CO₂ contents and more saline compositions than those responsible for the Fe-Ca alteration. Limited fluid inclusion studies have identified hypersaline inclusions in secondary inclusion trails within quartz. The presence of calcite and scapolite also support formation from CO₂-rich saline fluids. It is suggested that the calcic-skarn alteration and the amphibolitisation evolved from the same fluids, and that P-T changes led to fluid unmixing resulting in two fluid types responsible for the observed alteration variations. Chlorite geothermometry on retrograde chlorite indicates temperatures of 309 – 368 °C. As chlorite represents the latest hydrothermal event, this can be taken as a lower temperature limit for hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation at Haveri.The gold mineralisation at Haveri is related primarily to the Ca-Fe alteration. Under such P-T-X conditions gold was transported as chloride complexes. Ore was localised by a combination of structural controls (shears and folds) and REDOX reactions along the boundary between the oxidised metavolcanics and the reduced metasediments. In addition, fluid unmixing caused an increase in pH, and thus further augmented the precipitation of Cu and Au. During the late D₂-event, temperatures fell below 400 °C, and fluids may have remobilised Au and Cu as bisulphide complexes into the shearcontrolled cataclastites and massive sulphides. The Haveri deposit has many similarities with ore deposit models that include orogenic lode-gold deposits, certain Au-skarn deposits and Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits. However, many characteristics of the Haveri deposit, including tectonic setting, host lithologies, alteration types, proximity to I-type granitoids and P-T-X conditions of formation, compare favourably with other Early Proterozoic deposits within the TSB and Fennoscandia, as well as many of the deposits in the Cloncurry district of Australia. Consequently, the Haveri deposit can be seen to represent a high-T, Ca-rich member of the recently recognised Fe-oxide Cu-Au group of deposits.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2004
A review of the Kalahari group: an aid to Kimberlite exploration in this medium
- Authors: Williams, Clint
- Date: 2003 , 2013-05-23
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- Kalahari Desert , Sedimentation and deposition -- Kalahari Desert
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4916 , , Kimberlite -- Kalahari Desert , Sedimentation and deposition -- Kalahari Desert
- Description: The Kalahari Group sediments cover vast portions of the Archean Kaapvaal and Congo cratons that are considered highly prospective for economic kimberlites. In southern Africa, the term Kalahari refers to a structural basin, a group of Cretaceous to recent terrestrial continental sediments and an ill-defined desert, all of which have been grouped together as the Mega Kalahari by Thomas and Shaw (1993). The Mega Kalahari grouping includes sediments stretching from South Africa in the south to the Democratic Republic of Congo in the north, and from eastern Namibia to western Zimbabwe. This sand sea, at 2.5 million km², is the largest on earth and presents significant obstacles and challenges to the kimberlite explorationist attempting to locate bedrock-hosted diamondiferous kimberlite bodies. The Mega Kalahari sediments represent an ancient depositional environment with a complex history in which the stratigraphy and age of the deposits are not particularly well constrained or understood. Low fossil content, limited exposure, poor differentiation of the dominant surficial Kalahari Sand and a limited comprehension of an extensive duricrust suite has delayed the understanding of the sedimentological and environmental history of the basin. This sequence of sediments has accumulated and evolved through fluvio-deltaic, aeolian and groundwater processes, with characteristics due to primary deposition and subsequent modification being difficult to distinguish. Deposition in the Kalahari Basin has been subject to tectonic influences, changes in drainage directions and source areas of sediments, river capture and numerous large and small climatic fluctuations both in the basin and surrounding areas. It bears the imprint of recurring cycles during which the same sediments were reworked, sometimes by different agencies, all of which exacerbate attempts to correlate sedimentary units across the sequence. The Mega Kalahari is a series of contiguous Phanerozoic sedimentary basins situated within the African Superswell. The Superswell has dominated the gross geomorphology of southern Africa and contributed significantly to the present character of the Mega Kalahari and the evolution of the drainage systems. Overall, the tectonic framework established in southern Africa by the division of Gondwanaland led to the creation of a dual drainage system, with the hingeline acting as a watershed between a coastally-orientated exoreic system and an endoreic system draining into the interior. Deposition of sediments started in the late Cretaceous. Neo-tectonic activity expressed in the rifting in central Botswana, further influenced sedimentation rates and exerted a strong control over paleo-drainage directions. This revIew presents the complexities of the Kalahari cover sequence. The most Important geomorphological and sedimentary factors to be considered when designing and implementing kimberlite exploration programs within the Mega Kalahari environment are outlined and discussed. New data from exploration drilling programs are presented on the thickness of the Kalahari within portions of northern Namibia, western Zambia and Botswana. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
- Authors: Williams, Clint
- Date: 2003 , 2013-05-23
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- Kalahari Desert , Sedimentation and deposition -- Kalahari Desert
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4916 , , Kimberlite -- Kalahari Desert , Sedimentation and deposition -- Kalahari Desert
- Description: The Kalahari Group sediments cover vast portions of the Archean Kaapvaal and Congo cratons that are considered highly prospective for economic kimberlites. In southern Africa, the term Kalahari refers to a structural basin, a group of Cretaceous to recent terrestrial continental sediments and an ill-defined desert, all of which have been grouped together as the Mega Kalahari by Thomas and Shaw (1993). The Mega Kalahari grouping includes sediments stretching from South Africa in the south to the Democratic Republic of Congo in the north, and from eastern Namibia to western Zimbabwe. This sand sea, at 2.5 million km², is the largest on earth and presents significant obstacles and challenges to the kimberlite explorationist attempting to locate bedrock-hosted diamondiferous kimberlite bodies. The Mega Kalahari sediments represent an ancient depositional environment with a complex history in which the stratigraphy and age of the deposits are not particularly well constrained or understood. Low fossil content, limited exposure, poor differentiation of the dominant surficial Kalahari Sand and a limited comprehension of an extensive duricrust suite has delayed the understanding of the sedimentological and environmental history of the basin. This sequence of sediments has accumulated and evolved through fluvio-deltaic, aeolian and groundwater processes, with characteristics due to primary deposition and subsequent modification being difficult to distinguish. Deposition in the Kalahari Basin has been subject to tectonic influences, changes in drainage directions and source areas of sediments, river capture and numerous large and small climatic fluctuations both in the basin and surrounding areas. It bears the imprint of recurring cycles during which the same sediments were reworked, sometimes by different agencies, all of which exacerbate attempts to correlate sedimentary units across the sequence. The Mega Kalahari is a series of contiguous Phanerozoic sedimentary basins situated within the African Superswell. The Superswell has dominated the gross geomorphology of southern Africa and contributed significantly to the present character of the Mega Kalahari and the evolution of the drainage systems. Overall, the tectonic framework established in southern Africa by the division of Gondwanaland led to the creation of a dual drainage system, with the hingeline acting as a watershed between a coastally-orientated exoreic system and an endoreic system draining into the interior. Deposition of sediments started in the late Cretaceous. Neo-tectonic activity expressed in the rifting in central Botswana, further influenced sedimentation rates and exerted a strong control over paleo-drainage directions. This revIew presents the complexities of the Kalahari cover sequence. The most Important geomorphological and sedimentary factors to be considered when designing and implementing kimberlite exploration programs within the Mega Kalahari environment are outlined and discussed. New data from exploration drilling programs are presented on the thickness of the Kalahari within portions of northern Namibia, western Zambia and Botswana. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
The geochemistry of ore fluids and control of gold mineralization in banded iron-formation at the Kalahari Goldridge deposit, Kraaipan greenstone belt, South Africa
- Authors: Hammond, Napoleon Quaye
- Date: 2003
- Subjects: Gold ores -- Geology -- South Africa -- North-West Greenstone belts -- South Africa -- North-West Ore deposits -- South Africa -- North-West Geochemistry -- South Africa -- North-West
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5048 ,
- Description: The Kalahari Goldridge mine is located within the Archaean Kraaipan Greenstone Belt about 60 km SW of Mafikeng in the Northwestern Province, South Africa. Several gold deposits are located within approximately north - south-striking banded iron-formation (BIF). Current opencast mining operations are focused on the largest of these (D Zone). The orebody is stratabound and hosted primarily in the BIF, which consists of alternating chert and magnetite-chloritestilpnomelane-sulphide-carbonate bands ranging from mm to cm scale. The ore body varies in thickness from 15 to 45 m along a strike length of about 1.5 km. The BlF is sandwiched between a sericite-carbonate-chlorite schist at the immediate footwall and carbonaceous meta-pelites in the hanging-wall. Further west in the footwall, the schists are underlain by mafic meta-volcanic amphibolite. Overlying the hanging-wall carbonaceous metapeiites are schist units and meta-greywackes that become increasingly conglomeratic up the stratigraphy. Stilpnomelane-, chlorite- and minnesotaite-bearing assemblages in the BlFs indicate metamorphic temperatures of 300 - 450°C and pressures of less than 5 kbars. The BIF generally strikes approximately 3400 and dips from 60 to 75°E. Brittle-ductile deformation is evidenced by small-scale isoclinal folds, brecciation, extension fractures and boudinaging of cherty BIF units. Fold axial planes are sub-parallel to the foliation orientation with sub-vertical plunges parallel to prominent rodding and mineral lineation in the footwall. Gold mineralization at the Kalahari Goldridge deposit is associated with two generations of subhorizontal quartz-carbonate veins dips approximately 20 to 40°W. The first generation consists of ladder vein sets (Group lIA) preferentially developed in Fe-rich meso bands, whilst the second generation consists of large quartz-carbonate veins (Group lIB), which crosscut the entire ore body extending into the footwall and hanging-wall in places. Major structures that control the ore body are related to meso-scale isoclinal folds with fold axes subparallel to mineral elongation lineations, which plunge approximately 067°E. These linear structures form orthogonal orientation with the plane of the mineralized shallowdipping veins indicating stretching and development of fluid - focusing conduits. A second-order controlling feature corresponds to the intersection of the mineralized veins and foliation planes of host rock, plunging approximately 008°N and trending 341°. G0ld is closely associated with sulphides, mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite and to a lesser extent with bismuth tellurides, and carbonate gangue. The ore fluid responsible for the gold deposition is in the C-O-H system with increased CH₄ contents attributed to localized hydrolysis reaction between interbedded carbonaceous sediment and ore fluid. The fluid is characterized by significant C0₂ contents and low salinities below 7.0 wt % NaCl equivalent (averages of 3.5 and 3.0 wt % NaCl equivalent for the first and second episodes of the mineralization respectively) . Calculated values of f0₂. ranging from 10⁻²⁹·⁹⁸ to 10⁻³²·⁹⁶ bars, bracket the C0₂-CH₄ and pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite buffer boundaries and reveal the reducing nature of the ore fluid at deposition. Calculated total sulphur content in the ore fluid (mΣs), ranges from 0.011 to 0.018M and is consistent with the range (10⁻³·⁵ to 10⁻¹M) reported for subamphibolite facies ore fluids. The close association of sulphides with the Au and nature of the fluid also give credence that the Au was carried in solution by the Au(HS)₂ - complex. Extensive epigenetic replacement of magnetite and chlorite in BIF and other meta-pelitic sediments in the deposit by sulphides and carbonates, both on meso scopic and microscopic scales gives evidence of an interaction by a CO₂- and H₂S-bearing fluid with the Fe-rich host rocks in the deposit. This facilitated Au precipitation due to changes in the physico-chemical conditions of the ore fluid such as a decrease in the mΣs and pH leading to the destabilization of the reduced sulphur complexes. Local gradients in f0₂ may account for gold precipitation in places within carbonaceous sediments. The fineness of the gold grams (1000*Au/(Au + Ag) ranges from 823 to 921. This compares favourably with the fineness reported for some Archaean BIFhosced deposits (851 - 970). Mass balance transfer calculations indicate that major chemical changes associated with the hydrothermal alteration of BIF include enrichment of Au, Ag, Bi, Te, volatiles (S and CO₂), MgO, Ba, K and Rb but significant depletion of SiO₂ and minor losses of Fe₂O₃. In addition, anomalous enrichment of Sc (average, 1247%) suggests its possible use as an exploration tool in the ferruginous sediments in the Kraaipan greenstone terrane. Evidence from light stable isotopes and fluid inclusions suggests that the mineralized veins crystallized from a single homogeneous fluid source during the two episodes of mineralization under the similar physicochemical conditions. Deposition occurred at temperatures rangmg from 350 to 400°C and fluid pressures ranging from 0.7 to 2.0kbars. Stable isotope constraints indicate the following range for the hydrothermal fluid; θ¹⁸H₂O = 6.65 to 10.48%0, 8¹³CΣc = -6.0 to -8.0 %0 and 8³⁴SΣs = + 1.69 to + 4.0%0 . These data do not offer conclusive evidence for the source of fluid associated with the mineralization at the Kalahari Goldridge deposit as they overlap the range prescribed for fluid derived from devolatization of deep-seated volcano-sedimentary piles near the brittle-ductile transition in greenstone belts during prograde metamorphism, and magmatic hydrothermal fluids. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
- Authors: Hammond, Napoleon Quaye
- Date: 2003
- Subjects: Gold ores -- Geology -- South Africa -- North-West Greenstone belts -- South Africa -- North-West Ore deposits -- South Africa -- North-West Geochemistry -- South Africa -- North-West
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5048 ,
- Description: The Kalahari Goldridge mine is located within the Archaean Kraaipan Greenstone Belt about 60 km SW of Mafikeng in the Northwestern Province, South Africa. Several gold deposits are located within approximately north - south-striking banded iron-formation (BIF). Current opencast mining operations are focused on the largest of these (D Zone). The orebody is stratabound and hosted primarily in the BIF, which consists of alternating chert and magnetite-chloritestilpnomelane-sulphide-carbonate bands ranging from mm to cm scale. The ore body varies in thickness from 15 to 45 m along a strike length of about 1.5 km. The BlF is sandwiched between a sericite-carbonate-chlorite schist at the immediate footwall and carbonaceous meta-pelites in the hanging-wall. Further west in the footwall, the schists are underlain by mafic meta-volcanic amphibolite. Overlying the hanging-wall carbonaceous metapeiites are schist units and meta-greywackes that become increasingly conglomeratic up the stratigraphy. Stilpnomelane-, chlorite- and minnesotaite-bearing assemblages in the BlFs indicate metamorphic temperatures of 300 - 450°C and pressures of less than 5 kbars. The BIF generally strikes approximately 3400 and dips from 60 to 75°E. Brittle-ductile deformation is evidenced by small-scale isoclinal folds, brecciation, extension fractures and boudinaging of cherty BIF units. Fold axial planes are sub-parallel to the foliation orientation with sub-vertical plunges parallel to prominent rodding and mineral lineation in the footwall. Gold mineralization at the Kalahari Goldridge deposit is associated with two generations of subhorizontal quartz-carbonate veins dips approximately 20 to 40°W. The first generation consists of ladder vein sets (Group lIA) preferentially developed in Fe-rich meso bands, whilst the second generation consists of large quartz-carbonate veins (Group lIB), which crosscut the entire ore body extending into the footwall and hanging-wall in places. Major structures that control the ore body are related to meso-scale isoclinal folds with fold axes subparallel to mineral elongation lineations, which plunge approximately 067°E. These linear structures form orthogonal orientation with the plane of the mineralized shallowdipping veins indicating stretching and development of fluid - focusing conduits. A second-order controlling feature corresponds to the intersection of the mineralized veins and foliation planes of host rock, plunging approximately 008°N and trending 341°. G0ld is closely associated with sulphides, mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite and to a lesser extent with bismuth tellurides, and carbonate gangue. The ore fluid responsible for the gold deposition is in the C-O-H system with increased CH₄ contents attributed to localized hydrolysis reaction between interbedded carbonaceous sediment and ore fluid. The fluid is characterized by significant C0₂ contents and low salinities below 7.0 wt % NaCl equivalent (averages of 3.5 and 3.0 wt % NaCl equivalent for the first and second episodes of the mineralization respectively) . Calculated values of f0₂. ranging from 10⁻²⁹·⁹⁸ to 10⁻³²·⁹⁶ bars, bracket the C0₂-CH₄ and pyrite-pyrrhotite-magnetite buffer boundaries and reveal the reducing nature of the ore fluid at deposition. Calculated total sulphur content in the ore fluid (mΣs), ranges from 0.011 to 0.018M and is consistent with the range (10⁻³·⁵ to 10⁻¹M) reported for subamphibolite facies ore fluids. The close association of sulphides with the Au and nature of the fluid also give credence that the Au was carried in solution by the Au(HS)₂ - complex. Extensive epigenetic replacement of magnetite and chlorite in BIF and other meta-pelitic sediments in the deposit by sulphides and carbonates, both on meso scopic and microscopic scales gives evidence of an interaction by a CO₂- and H₂S-bearing fluid with the Fe-rich host rocks in the deposit. This facilitated Au precipitation due to changes in the physico-chemical conditions of the ore fluid such as a decrease in the mΣs and pH leading to the destabilization of the reduced sulphur complexes. Local gradients in f0₂ may account for gold precipitation in places within carbonaceous sediments. The fineness of the gold grams (1000*Au/(Au + Ag) ranges from 823 to 921. This compares favourably with the fineness reported for some Archaean BIFhosced deposits (851 - 970). Mass balance transfer calculations indicate that major chemical changes associated with the hydrothermal alteration of BIF include enrichment of Au, Ag, Bi, Te, volatiles (S and CO₂), MgO, Ba, K and Rb but significant depletion of SiO₂ and minor losses of Fe₂O₃. In addition, anomalous enrichment of Sc (average, 1247%) suggests its possible use as an exploration tool in the ferruginous sediments in the Kraaipan greenstone terrane. Evidence from light stable isotopes and fluid inclusions suggests that the mineralized veins crystallized from a single homogeneous fluid source during the two episodes of mineralization under the similar physicochemical conditions. Deposition occurred at temperatures rangmg from 350 to 400°C and fluid pressures ranging from 0.7 to 2.0kbars. Stable isotope constraints indicate the following range for the hydrothermal fluid; θ¹⁸H₂O = 6.65 to 10.48%0, 8¹³CΣc = -6.0 to -8.0 %0 and 8³⁴SΣs = + 1.69 to + 4.0%0 . These data do not offer conclusive evidence for the source of fluid associated with the mineralization at the Kalahari Goldridge deposit as they overlap the range prescribed for fluid derived from devolatization of deep-seated volcano-sedimentary piles near the brittle-ductile transition in greenstone belts during prograde metamorphism, and magmatic hydrothermal fluids. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2003
Investigations to determine the long-term sustainable yield of the Karoo aquifer and the sustained availability of groundwater for small-scale irrigation projects, in Dendera area, Kwekwe District - Zimbabwe
- Authors: Njanike, Joseph Tendayi
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Groundwater , Irrigation -- Equipement and supplies , Irrigation -- Kwekwe (Zimbabwe)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5093 ,
- Description: In this thesis the long-term sustainable yield of the Karoo sediment aquifer unit occurring in Dendera area of Kwekwe District is investigated, with the object of providing quantitative data on the sustained availability of groundwater for small-scale irrigation projects. Archaean Basement Schists and Pre-Cambrian gneissic granites, the Basement Complex rocks, underlie the entire study area. Overlying these are Upper Karoo sediments. Aeolian Kalahari sands unconformably mantle higher interfluves, while redistributed sands occur along valleys of major rivers and streams. The Karoo sediments, which predominantly consist of loosely cemented, fine- to medium-grained sandstone alternating with red siltstone and mudstone, constitute the main aquifer. The thickness of the Karoo sediment unit ranges from 30m to 80m. The hydraulic parameters of the Karoo sediment aquifer were characterised in the field by constant discharge pumping tests and slug tests. Pumping tests indicated unconfined conditions and thus the Neuman's method of analysis has been used. Transmissivities from pumping tests are within the range 4.7 m²/d to 13.6 m²/d with an average of 8.9m²/d. The low transmissivities seem to be a major limiting factor in the exploitation of the groundwater resources. Thus the sustainable borehole yields tend to be small, mean values ranging from 33 m²/d to 253 m²/d. Specific yield could not be determined from the pumping tests due to the lack of observation boreholes. Low chemical concentrations render the water suitable for irrigation of all crops, while neither total nor any individual concentrations present health hazards to human or livestock. An average recharge value of 47.7 mm/y was inferred from water table fluctuation method. Chloride mass balance technique in the same area indicates recharge value in the order of 67.4 mm/y. Because the chloride mass balance gives a long-term mean annual recharge, the recharge figure of 67.4 mm/y was adopted for the study area. Based on the abstractable proportion of recharge, the sustainably exploitable volume of groundwater of the order of 2.68 x 10⁷ m³/y was established. This volume is more than 100 times the estimated current demand for groundwater (1.35 x 10⁵ m³/d), implying that there are large volumes of surplus water, which can be utilised for irrigation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: Njanike, Joseph Tendayi
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Groundwater , Irrigation -- Equipement and supplies , Irrigation -- Kwekwe (Zimbabwe)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5093 ,
- Description: In this thesis the long-term sustainable yield of the Karoo sediment aquifer unit occurring in Dendera area of Kwekwe District is investigated, with the object of providing quantitative data on the sustained availability of groundwater for small-scale irrigation projects. Archaean Basement Schists and Pre-Cambrian gneissic granites, the Basement Complex rocks, underlie the entire study area. Overlying these are Upper Karoo sediments. Aeolian Kalahari sands unconformably mantle higher interfluves, while redistributed sands occur along valleys of major rivers and streams. The Karoo sediments, which predominantly consist of loosely cemented, fine- to medium-grained sandstone alternating with red siltstone and mudstone, constitute the main aquifer. The thickness of the Karoo sediment unit ranges from 30m to 80m. The hydraulic parameters of the Karoo sediment aquifer were characterised in the field by constant discharge pumping tests and slug tests. Pumping tests indicated unconfined conditions and thus the Neuman's method of analysis has been used. Transmissivities from pumping tests are within the range 4.7 m²/d to 13.6 m²/d with an average of 8.9m²/d. The low transmissivities seem to be a major limiting factor in the exploitation of the groundwater resources. Thus the sustainable borehole yields tend to be small, mean values ranging from 33 m²/d to 253 m²/d. Specific yield could not be determined from the pumping tests due to the lack of observation boreholes. Low chemical concentrations render the water suitable for irrigation of all crops, while neither total nor any individual concentrations present health hazards to human or livestock. An average recharge value of 47.7 mm/y was inferred from water table fluctuation method. Chloride mass balance technique in the same area indicates recharge value in the order of 67.4 mm/y. Because the chloride mass balance gives a long-term mean annual recharge, the recharge figure of 67.4 mm/y was adopted for the study area. Based on the abstractable proportion of recharge, the sustainably exploitable volume of groundwater of the order of 2.68 x 10⁷ m³/y was established. This volume is more than 100 times the estimated current demand for groundwater (1.35 x 10⁵ m³/d), implying that there are large volumes of surplus water, which can be utilised for irrigation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
Processes and products in the kimberlitic crater facies of the south lobe, Jwaneng Mine, Botswana
- Authors: Machin, Kimberley
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- Jwaneng (Botswana)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4995 , , Kimberlite -- Jwaneng (Botswana)
- Description: The Pennian (~ 245 Ma) Jwaneng kimberlite, situated in southern Botswana, comprises three steep-sided pipes that coalesce approximately 100m below the present day surface to fonn a 54ha body. These pipes have been labelled the South, Centre and North Lobes. The kimberlites intruded a thick sequence of Proterozoic shales, dolomites and sandstones and a thin veneer of consolidated to poorly consolidated mudstones and siltstones of the Karoo Supergroup. Although the shapes of these pipes are comparable to other southern African pipes, they are filled predominantly with crater facies volcaniclastic kimberlite. No tuffisitic kimberlite breccia, the characteristic rock type of the diatremes of other southern African pipes, has yet been identified. The Jwaneng kimberlite thus represents an exception to the standard model for southern African kimberlites, implying that different processes need to be invoked to explain its fonnation. The present study involves a detailed volcanological and sedimentological analysis of the volcaniclastic fill of the Jwaneng South Lobe. Two principal and distinct lithofacies have been identified: the quartz-free RVK facies and the quartz-bearing QRVK facies. Both facies include fine to coarse grained, predominantly massive and subordinate chaotically bedded deposits. The volcaniclastic rocks have been classified as resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK) , since their deposition is ascribed to mechanisms dominated by mass flow processes. Based on certain characteristics and differences between the two principal facies, and their spatial distribution within the pipe, they are interpreted as being the products of at least two separate eruption episodes. Certain characteristics (e.g. }hape, granularity~ of the juvenile· magma clasts III the volcaniclastic kimberlite suggest complete crystallisation and devolatilisation of the magma at depth prior to explosive fragmentation. A scenario in which this might have occurred, and which led to catastrophic explosive eruption and pipe excavation is proposed. Explosive eruption and associated tuff cone formation is followed by resedimentation of the material back into the pipe by mass flow processes. Mass flow processes are dominated by debris flow, with lesser grain flow, hyperconcentrated flow and subaqueous mud flow and suspension settling of muddy kimberlitic sediments. Geochemical analyses of the latter indicate a high degree of contamination and weathering, and mixing between pristine kimberlite and silicic shale/mud compositions. Failure and collapse of parts of the underlying pipe walls yielded megablocks of poorly consolidated Permian Karoo mudstone in the peripheral zone of the pipe. This source of the megablocks is supported by their bulk chemical composition. Minor phreatic/phreatomagmatic eruptions are suggested by the presence of rare accretionary and armoured lapilli within both the QRVK and RVK facies. Subsidence of the volcaniclastic pipe fill, inferred mainly from the oversteepened dips of the bedded QRVK and RVK facies, may be related to gravity-induced compaction, late-stage phreatomagmatic eruptions or eruption ofthe adjacent Centre Lobe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: Machin, Kimberley
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Kimberlite -- Jwaneng (Botswana)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4995 , , Kimberlite -- Jwaneng (Botswana)
- Description: The Pennian (~ 245 Ma) Jwaneng kimberlite, situated in southern Botswana, comprises three steep-sided pipes that coalesce approximately 100m below the present day surface to fonn a 54ha body. These pipes have been labelled the South, Centre and North Lobes. The kimberlites intruded a thick sequence of Proterozoic shales, dolomites and sandstones and a thin veneer of consolidated to poorly consolidated mudstones and siltstones of the Karoo Supergroup. Although the shapes of these pipes are comparable to other southern African pipes, they are filled predominantly with crater facies volcaniclastic kimberlite. No tuffisitic kimberlite breccia, the characteristic rock type of the diatremes of other southern African pipes, has yet been identified. The Jwaneng kimberlite thus represents an exception to the standard model for southern African kimberlites, implying that different processes need to be invoked to explain its fonnation. The present study involves a detailed volcanological and sedimentological analysis of the volcaniclastic fill of the Jwaneng South Lobe. Two principal and distinct lithofacies have been identified: the quartz-free RVK facies and the quartz-bearing QRVK facies. Both facies include fine to coarse grained, predominantly massive and subordinate chaotically bedded deposits. The volcaniclastic rocks have been classified as resedimented volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK) , since their deposition is ascribed to mechanisms dominated by mass flow processes. Based on certain characteristics and differences between the two principal facies, and their spatial distribution within the pipe, they are interpreted as being the products of at least two separate eruption episodes. Certain characteristics (e.g. }hape, granularity~ of the juvenile· magma clasts III the volcaniclastic kimberlite suggest complete crystallisation and devolatilisation of the magma at depth prior to explosive fragmentation. A scenario in which this might have occurred, and which led to catastrophic explosive eruption and pipe excavation is proposed. Explosive eruption and associated tuff cone formation is followed by resedimentation of the material back into the pipe by mass flow processes. Mass flow processes are dominated by debris flow, with lesser grain flow, hyperconcentrated flow and subaqueous mud flow and suspension settling of muddy kimberlitic sediments. Geochemical analyses of the latter indicate a high degree of contamination and weathering, and mixing between pristine kimberlite and silicic shale/mud compositions. Failure and collapse of parts of the underlying pipe walls yielded megablocks of poorly consolidated Permian Karoo mudstone in the peripheral zone of the pipe. This source of the megablocks is supported by their bulk chemical composition. Minor phreatic/phreatomagmatic eruptions are suggested by the presence of rare accretionary and armoured lapilli within both the QRVK and RVK facies. Subsidence of the volcaniclastic pipe fill, inferred mainly from the oversteepened dips of the bedded QRVK and RVK facies, may be related to gravity-induced compaction, late-stage phreatomagmatic eruptions or eruption ofthe adjacent Centre Lobe.
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- Date Issued: 2001
Sedimentology of the Karoo Supergroup in the Tuli Basin (Limpompo River area, South Africa)
- Authors: Bordy, Emese M
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: River sediments -- South Africa Sedimentology Limpopo river Sedimentology -- Limpopo river Limpopo river (South africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4999 ,
- Description: The sedimentary rocks of the Karoo Supergroup in the Tuli Basin (South Africa) consist of various terrigenous clastic and chemical deposits (parabreccias, conglo-breccias, conglomerates, sandstones, fine-grained sediments, calcretes and silc~etes). Four stratigraphic units were identified: the Basal, Middle and· Upper Units, and the CI~rens Formation. The palaeo-environmental reconstructions of the four stratigraphic units are based on evidence provided by primary sedimentary structures, palaeo-flow measurements, clast size/shape analysis, petrographic studies, palaeontological findings, borehole data and stratigraphic relations. The facies associations of the Basal Unit are interpreted as colluvial fan and low sinuosity, braid~d river channel with coal-bearing overbank and thaw-lake deposits. The interpreted depositional environment implies a cold climate, non-glacial subarctic fluvio-Iacustrine system. The current indicators of the palaeo-river system suggest flow direction from ENE to WSW. The lithologies of the Basal Unit are very similar to the deposits of the fluvial interval in the Vryheid Formation (Ecca Group) of the main Karoo Basin. There is no indubitable evidence for glacial activity (e.g. striated pavements or clasts, varvites, etc.), therefore the presence of unequivocal Dwyka Group correlatives in the Tuli Basin remains uncertain. The sedimentary structures and palaeo-current analysis indicate that the beds of the Middle Unit were deposited by an ancient river system flowing in a north-northwesterly direction. A lack of good quality exposures did not allow the reconstruction of the fluvial style, but the available data indicate a high-energy, perhaps braided fluvial system. The lack of bio- and chronostr~~igraphic control hampers precise correlation and enables only the lithocorrelation of the Middle Unit with other braided river systems either in the Beaufort Group or in the Molteno Formation of the main Karoo Basin. The depositional environment of the Upper Unit is interpreted as a low-sinuosity, ephemeral stream system with calcretes and silcretes in the dinosaur-inhabited overbank area. During the deposition of the unit, the climate was semi-arid with sparse precipitation resulting -iFlhighmagnitude, low-frequency devastating flash floods. The sediments were built out from a distant northwesterly source to the southeast. The unambiguous correspondence between the Upper Unit and the Elliot Formation (main Karoo Basin) is provided by lithological similarities and prosauropod dinosaurs remains. The palaeo-geographic picture of the Clarens Fonnation indicates a westerly windsdominated erg environment with migrating transverse dune types. The ephemeral stream deposits, fossil wood and trace fossils are only present in the lower part of the Formation, indicating that the wet-desert conditions were progressively replaced by dry-desert conditions. Based on lithological and palaeontological evidence, the Formation correlates with the Clarens Formation in the main Karoo Basin. At this stage, it remains difficult to establish the exact cause of the regional palaeo-slope changes during the deposition of the Karoo Supergroup in the Tuli Basin. It is probable that foreland system tectonics, which affected the lower part of the Supergroup (Basal Unit and Middle Unit?), were replaced by incipient continental extension and rift related tectonic movements in the Middle and Upper Units, and Clarens Formation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: Bordy, Emese M
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: River sediments -- South Africa Sedimentology Limpopo river Sedimentology -- Limpopo river Limpopo river (South africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4999 ,
- Description: The sedimentary rocks of the Karoo Supergroup in the Tuli Basin (South Africa) consist of various terrigenous clastic and chemical deposits (parabreccias, conglo-breccias, conglomerates, sandstones, fine-grained sediments, calcretes and silc~etes). Four stratigraphic units were identified: the Basal, Middle and· Upper Units, and the CI~rens Formation. The palaeo-environmental reconstructions of the four stratigraphic units are based on evidence provided by primary sedimentary structures, palaeo-flow measurements, clast size/shape analysis, petrographic studies, palaeontological findings, borehole data and stratigraphic relations. The facies associations of the Basal Unit are interpreted as colluvial fan and low sinuosity, braid~d river channel with coal-bearing overbank and thaw-lake deposits. The interpreted depositional environment implies a cold climate, non-glacial subarctic fluvio-Iacustrine system. The current indicators of the palaeo-river system suggest flow direction from ENE to WSW. The lithologies of the Basal Unit are very similar to the deposits of the fluvial interval in the Vryheid Formation (Ecca Group) of the main Karoo Basin. There is no indubitable evidence for glacial activity (e.g. striated pavements or clasts, varvites, etc.), therefore the presence of unequivocal Dwyka Group correlatives in the Tuli Basin remains uncertain. The sedimentary structures and palaeo-current analysis indicate that the beds of the Middle Unit were deposited by an ancient river system flowing in a north-northwesterly direction. A lack of good quality exposures did not allow the reconstruction of the fluvial style, but the available data indicate a high-energy, perhaps braided fluvial system. The lack of bio- and chronostr~~igraphic control hampers precise correlation and enables only the lithocorrelation of the Middle Unit with other braided river systems either in the Beaufort Group or in the Molteno Formation of the main Karoo Basin. The depositional environment of the Upper Unit is interpreted as a low-sinuosity, ephemeral stream system with calcretes and silcretes in the dinosaur-inhabited overbank area. During the deposition of the unit, the climate was semi-arid with sparse precipitation resulting -iFlhighmagnitude, low-frequency devastating flash floods. The sediments were built out from a distant northwesterly source to the southeast. The unambiguous correspondence between the Upper Unit and the Elliot Formation (main Karoo Basin) is provided by lithological similarities and prosauropod dinosaurs remains. The palaeo-geographic picture of the Clarens Fonnation indicates a westerly windsdominated erg environment with migrating transverse dune types. The ephemeral stream deposits, fossil wood and trace fossils are only present in the lower part of the Formation, indicating that the wet-desert conditions were progressively replaced by dry-desert conditions. Based on lithological and palaeontological evidence, the Formation correlates with the Clarens Formation in the main Karoo Basin. At this stage, it remains difficult to establish the exact cause of the regional palaeo-slope changes during the deposition of the Karoo Supergroup in the Tuli Basin. It is probable that foreland system tectonics, which affected the lower part of the Supergroup (Basal Unit and Middle Unit?), were replaced by incipient continental extension and rift related tectonic movements in the Middle and Upper Units, and Clarens Formation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
Stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Makganyene formation, Transvaal supergroup, Northern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Polteau, Stéphane
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape , Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5003 , , Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape , Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Description: The Makganyene Formation forms the base of the Postmasburg Group in the Transvaal Supergroup of the Northern Cape Province. The Makganyene Formation has diamictite as the main rock type, but siltstone, sandstone, shale, and iron-formations are also present. A glacial origin has been proposed in the past due to the presence of dropstones, faceted and striated pebbles. Typically, the Makganyene Formation contains banded iron-formations interbedded with clastic rocks (shale, siltstone, sandstone and diamictites) at the contact with the underlying iron-formations. This transitional zone is generally overlain by massive or layered diamictites which contain poorly sorted clasts (mainly chert) within a shaly matrix. Striated pebbles have been found during field work, and dropstones have been observed in diamictites and banded iron-formations during the study. The top of the Makganyene Formation contains graded cycles interbedded with diamictites and thin layers of andesitic lavas from the Ongeluk Formation. The basal contact of the Makganyene Formation with the underlying Koegas Subgroup was described as unconformable by previous workers. However field work localised in the Rooinekke area shows a broadly conformable and interbedded contact with the underlying Koegas Subgroup. As described above, banded iron-formations are interbedded with the clastic rocks of the Makganyene Formation. Moreover, boreholes from the Sishen area display the same interbedding at the base of the Makganyene Formation. This suggests that no significant time gap is present in the whole succession between the Ghaap and Postmasburg Group. The Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape displays the following succession : carbonates-BIFs-diamictites/ lava-BIFs-carbonates. The Makganyene Formation is thus at the centre of a symmetrical lithologic succession. Bulk rock compositions show that the diamictites have a similar composition to banded iron-formation with regard to their major element contents. Banded iron-formations acted as a source for the diamictites with carbonates and igneous rocks representing minor components. Differences in bulk composition between the Sishen and Matsap areas emphasize that the source of the diamictite was very localised. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) has been calculated, but since the source dominant rock was iron-formation, this index cannot be usefully applied to the diamictites. ACN, A-CN-K, and A-CNK-FM diagrams confer a major importance in sorting processes due to the separation between the fine and coarse diamictites. The interbedded iron-formations display little clastic contamination indicating deposition in clear water conditions. However, dropstones are present in one borehole from the Matsap area, indicating that iron-formation took place under ice cover, or at least under icebergs. Stable isotope studies show that the iron-formations, interbedded towards the base of the Makganyene Formation, have similar values to the iron-formations of the Koegas Subgroup. As a result of the above observations, new correlations are proposed in this study, relating the different Transvaal Supergroup basins located on the Kaapvaal Craton. The Pretoria Group of the Transvaal Basin has no correlative in the Griqualand West Basin, and the Postmasburg Group of the Northern Cape Basin has no lateral equivalent in the Transvaal Basin. These changes have been made to overcome problems present in the current correlations between those two basins. The Makganyene Formation correlates with the Huronian glaciations which occurred between 2.4 and 2.2 Ga ago in North America. Another Precambrian glaciation is the worldwide and well-studied Neoproterozoic glaciation (640 Ma). At each of these glaciations, major banded iron-formation deposition took place with associated deposition of sedimentary manganese in post-glacial positions. The central position of the Makganyene Formation within the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape emphasizes this glacial climatic dependence of paleoproterozoic banded iron-formation and manganese deposition. However these two Precambrian glaciations are interpreted in paleomagnetic studies as having occurred near to the equator. The controversial theory of the Snowball Earth has been proposed which proposes that the Earth was entirely frozen from pole to pole. Results from field work, sedimentology, petrography and geochemistry were integrated in a proposed depositional model of the Makganyene Formation occurring at the symmetrical centre of the lithologic succession of the Transvaal Supergroup. At the beginning of the Makganyene glaciation, a regression occurred and glacial advance took place. The diamictites are mostly interpreted as being deposited from wet-based glaciers, probably tidewater glaciers, where significant slumping and debris flows occurred. Any transgression would cause a glacial retreat by rapid calving, re-establishing the chemical sedimentation of banded iron-formations. These sea-level variations are responsible for the interbedding of these different types of rocks (clastic and chemical). The end of the Makganyene glacial event is characterised by subaerial eruptions of andesitic lava of the Ongeluk Formation bringing ashes into the basin. Banded iron-formation and associated manganese accumulations are climate-dependant. Glacial events are responsible for the build up of metallic ions such as iron and manganese in solution in deep waters. A warmer climate would induce a transgression and precipitation of these metallic ions when Eh conditions are favourable. In the Transvaal Supergroup, the climatic variations from warm to cold, and cold to warm are expressed by the lithologic succession. The warm climates are represented by carbonates. Cold climates are represented by banded iron-formations and the peak in cold climate represented by the diamictites of the Makganyene Formation. These changes in climate are gradual, which contradict the dramatic Snowball Earth event: a rapid spread of glaciated areas over low-latitudes freezing the Earth from pole-to-pole. Therefore, to explain low-latitude glaciations at sea-level, a high obliquity of the ecliptic is most likely to have occurred. This high obliquity of the ecliptic was acquired at 4.5 Ga when a giant impactor collided into the Earth to form the Moon. Above the critical value of 54° of the obliquity of the ecliptic, normal climatic zonation reverts, and glaciations will take place preferentially at low-latitudes only when favourable conditions are gathered (relative position ofthe continents and PC02 in the atmosphere).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
- Authors: Polteau, Stéphane
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape , Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5003 , , Geology, Stratigraphic -- South Africa -- Northern Cape , Geochemistry -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Description: The Makganyene Formation forms the base of the Postmasburg Group in the Transvaal Supergroup of the Northern Cape Province. The Makganyene Formation has diamictite as the main rock type, but siltstone, sandstone, shale, and iron-formations are also present. A glacial origin has been proposed in the past due to the presence of dropstones, faceted and striated pebbles. Typically, the Makganyene Formation contains banded iron-formations interbedded with clastic rocks (shale, siltstone, sandstone and diamictites) at the contact with the underlying iron-formations. This transitional zone is generally overlain by massive or layered diamictites which contain poorly sorted clasts (mainly chert) within a shaly matrix. Striated pebbles have been found during field work, and dropstones have been observed in diamictites and banded iron-formations during the study. The top of the Makganyene Formation contains graded cycles interbedded with diamictites and thin layers of andesitic lavas from the Ongeluk Formation. The basal contact of the Makganyene Formation with the underlying Koegas Subgroup was described as unconformable by previous workers. However field work localised in the Rooinekke area shows a broadly conformable and interbedded contact with the underlying Koegas Subgroup. As described above, banded iron-formations are interbedded with the clastic rocks of the Makganyene Formation. Moreover, boreholes from the Sishen area display the same interbedding at the base of the Makganyene Formation. This suggests that no significant time gap is present in the whole succession between the Ghaap and Postmasburg Group. The Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape displays the following succession : carbonates-BIFs-diamictites/ lava-BIFs-carbonates. The Makganyene Formation is thus at the centre of a symmetrical lithologic succession. Bulk rock compositions show that the diamictites have a similar composition to banded iron-formation with regard to their major element contents. Banded iron-formations acted as a source for the diamictites with carbonates and igneous rocks representing minor components. Differences in bulk composition between the Sishen and Matsap areas emphasize that the source of the diamictite was very localised. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) has been calculated, but since the source dominant rock was iron-formation, this index cannot be usefully applied to the diamictites. ACN, A-CN-K, and A-CNK-FM diagrams confer a major importance in sorting processes due to the separation between the fine and coarse diamictites. The interbedded iron-formations display little clastic contamination indicating deposition in clear water conditions. However, dropstones are present in one borehole from the Matsap area, indicating that iron-formation took place under ice cover, or at least under icebergs. Stable isotope studies show that the iron-formations, interbedded towards the base of the Makganyene Formation, have similar values to the iron-formations of the Koegas Subgroup. As a result of the above observations, new correlations are proposed in this study, relating the different Transvaal Supergroup basins located on the Kaapvaal Craton. The Pretoria Group of the Transvaal Basin has no correlative in the Griqualand West Basin, and the Postmasburg Group of the Northern Cape Basin has no lateral equivalent in the Transvaal Basin. These changes have been made to overcome problems present in the current correlations between those two basins. The Makganyene Formation correlates with the Huronian glaciations which occurred between 2.4 and 2.2 Ga ago in North America. Another Precambrian glaciation is the worldwide and well-studied Neoproterozoic glaciation (640 Ma). At each of these glaciations, major banded iron-formation deposition took place with associated deposition of sedimentary manganese in post-glacial positions. The central position of the Makganyene Formation within the Transvaal Supergroup in the Northern Cape emphasizes this glacial climatic dependence of paleoproterozoic banded iron-formation and manganese deposition. However these two Precambrian glaciations are interpreted in paleomagnetic studies as having occurred near to the equator. The controversial theory of the Snowball Earth has been proposed which proposes that the Earth was entirely frozen from pole to pole. Results from field work, sedimentology, petrography and geochemistry were integrated in a proposed depositional model of the Makganyene Formation occurring at the symmetrical centre of the lithologic succession of the Transvaal Supergroup. At the beginning of the Makganyene glaciation, a regression occurred and glacial advance took place. The diamictites are mostly interpreted as being deposited from wet-based glaciers, probably tidewater glaciers, where significant slumping and debris flows occurred. Any transgression would cause a glacial retreat by rapid calving, re-establishing the chemical sedimentation of banded iron-formations. These sea-level variations are responsible for the interbedding of these different types of rocks (clastic and chemical). The end of the Makganyene glacial event is characterised by subaerial eruptions of andesitic lava of the Ongeluk Formation bringing ashes into the basin. Banded iron-formation and associated manganese accumulations are climate-dependant. Glacial events are responsible for the build up of metallic ions such as iron and manganese in solution in deep waters. A warmer climate would induce a transgression and precipitation of these metallic ions when Eh conditions are favourable. In the Transvaal Supergroup, the climatic variations from warm to cold, and cold to warm are expressed by the lithologic succession. The warm climates are represented by carbonates. Cold climates are represented by banded iron-formations and the peak in cold climate represented by the diamictites of the Makganyene Formation. These changes in climate are gradual, which contradict the dramatic Snowball Earth event: a rapid spread of glaciated areas over low-latitudes freezing the Earth from pole-to-pole. Therefore, to explain low-latitude glaciations at sea-level, a high obliquity of the ecliptic is most likely to have occurred. This high obliquity of the ecliptic was acquired at 4.5 Ga when a giant impactor collided into the Earth to form the Moon. Above the critical value of 54° of the obliquity of the ecliptic, normal climatic zonation reverts, and glaciations will take place preferentially at low-latitudes only when favourable conditions are gathered (relative position ofthe continents and PC02 in the atmosphere).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
Petrographic and geochemical constraints on the origin and post-depositional history of the Hotazel iron-manganese deposits, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa
- Authors: Tsikos, Harilaos
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Manganese ores -- South Africa Manganese ores -- Geology -- South Africa Iron ores -- Geology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4987 ,
- Description: The giant Palaeoproterozoic manganese deposits of the Kalahari manganese field (KMF), Northern Cape Province, South Mrica, have been a world renowned resource of manganese ore for many decades. In recent years, the mineralogical composition, geochemistry and genesis of these deposits have been the objects of many geological investigations, yet their origin remains contentious up to the present day. A characteristic feature of the Kalahari deposits is the intimate association of manganese ore and iron-formation of the Superior-type, in the form of three discrete sedimentary cycles constituting the Hotazel Formation. This striking lithological association is an almost unique feature on a global scale. From that point of view, the present study is effectively the first attempt to shed light on the origin and post-depositional history of the Hotazel succession, using as prime focus the petrographic and geochemical characteristics ofthe host iron-formation. Petrographic and whole-rock geochemical information of iron-formation from the southern parts of the KMF, suggests that the Hotazel iron-formation is almost identical to other iron-formations of the world of similar age and petrological character. The rock exhibits essentially no high-grade metamorphic or low-temperature alteration effects. Mineralogically, it contains abundant chert, magnetite, subordinate amounts of silicate minerals (greenalite, minnesotaite, stilpnomelane) and appreciable concentrations of carbonate constituents in the form of coexisting calcite and ankerite. Such mineralogical composition is indicative of processes occurring in a diagenetic" to burial (up to very low-greenschist facies) metamorphic environment. Bulk-rock geochemical data point towards a simple composition with Si02, total Fe-oxide and CaO being the chief major oxide components. Whole-rock rare-earth element data suggest that the iron-formation precipitated from a water column with chemical signatures comparable to modern, shallow oceanic seawater. The virtual absence of positive Eu anomalies is a feature that compares well with similar data from Neoproterozoic, glaciogenic iron-formations of the Rapitan type, and suggests but only a dilute hydrothermal signal, poten!ially derived from distal submarine volcanic activity. Carbon and oxygen isotope data from iron-formation and Mn-bearing carbonates as well as overlying ferriferous limestone of the Mooidraai Formation, compare well with the literature. The former exhibit variable depletion relative to seawater in terms of both BC and 180, while the latter have signatures comparable to normal marine bicarbonate. Isotopic variations appear to be related to fluctuations in the amount of co-precipitated marine carbonate, in conjunction with processes of coupled organic matter oxidation - FelMn reduction in the diagenetic environment. Oxygen isotope data from quartz-magnetite-calcite triplets suggest that crystallisation took place under open-system conditions, with magnetite being the most susceptible phase in terms of fluid-rock isotopic exchange. Data also suggest that the calcite-magnetite pair may constitute a more reliable geothermometer than the quartz-magnetite one, mainly due to the interlinked diagenetic histories between calcite and magnetite. Iron-formation from the northern parts of the KMF can by categorised into three main classes, namely pristine, altered and oxidised. Pristine iron-formation is identical to the one seen in the southernmost parts of the field. Altered iron-formation corresponds to a carbonate-free derivative of intense oxidation and leaching processes at the expense ofpristine iron-formation, and contains almost exclusively binary quartz-hematite mixtures. The rock appears to have lost essentially its entire pre-existing carbonate-related components (i.e., Ca, Mg, Sr, most Mn and Ba) and displays residual enrichments in elements such as Cr, Th, V, Ni and Pb, which would have behaved as immobile constituents during low-temperature alteration. The low temperature origin of altered iron-formation is supported by oxygen isotope data from quartz-hematite pairs which indicate that isotopically light hematite would have derived from oxidation of magneftte and other ferroussilicate compounds in the presence of a low-temperature meteoric fluid, while quartz would have remained isotopically unchanged. Occasional occurrences of acmite-hematite assemblages suggest localised metasomatic processes related to the action ofNaCI-rich fluids at the expense of altered iron-formation. The conditions of acmite genesis are very poorly constrained due to the very broad stability limits of the mineral in environments ranging from magmatic to surface-related. Oxidised iron-formation constitutes a distinct rock-type and shares common attributes with both the pristine and the altered iron-formation. The rock contains hematite as an important constituent while the amount of magnetite is substantially reduced. With regard to carbonate nlinerals, calcite contents are clearly very low or absent, having being replaced in most instances by a single, Mgenriched, dolomite/ankerite:type species. Oxidised iron-formation contains somewhat higher amounts of iron and reduced amounts of Sr and Ba relative to pristine iron-formation, whereas enrichments in elements such as Ni, Th, Pb, Cr, and V are seen, similar to altered iron-formation. Oxidised iron-formation appears to have originated from processes of dissolution-mobilisationreprecipitation of solutes derived primarily from leaching that produced altered iron-formation. It is proposed that the Hotazel iron-formation and associated manganese deposits were formed as a result of episodic sea-level fluctuations in a stratified depositional environment that gradually evolved into a shallow carbonate platform. A critical parameter in the development of manganese sediment may include regional climatic patterns related to a glacial event (Makganyene diamictite) prior to deposition of the Hotazel strata. This suggestion draws parallels with processes that are believed to have led to the formation of worldwide iron-formations and associated manganese deposits subsequent to Neoproterozoic episodes of glaciation. Submarine volcanism related to the underlying Ongeluk lavas appears to have had very little (if any) metallogenic significance, while evidence for a sudden rise in the oxygen contents of the atmosphere and ambient waters is lacking. With regard to later alteration processes, combination of geological and geochemical data point towards the potential influence of surface weathering prior to deposition of rocks of the unconformably overlying Olifantshoek Supergroup, possibly coupled with fault- and/or thrustcontrolled fluid-flow and leaching of the Hotazel succession during post-Olifantshoek times.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2000
- Authors: Tsikos, Harilaos
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Manganese ores -- South Africa Manganese ores -- Geology -- South Africa Iron ores -- Geology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4987 ,
- Description: The giant Palaeoproterozoic manganese deposits of the Kalahari manganese field (KMF), Northern Cape Province, South Mrica, have been a world renowned resource of manganese ore for many decades. In recent years, the mineralogical composition, geochemistry and genesis of these deposits have been the objects of many geological investigations, yet their origin remains contentious up to the present day. A characteristic feature of the Kalahari deposits is the intimate association of manganese ore and iron-formation of the Superior-type, in the form of three discrete sedimentary cycles constituting the Hotazel Formation. This striking lithological association is an almost unique feature on a global scale. From that point of view, the present study is effectively the first attempt to shed light on the origin and post-depositional history of the Hotazel succession, using as prime focus the petrographic and geochemical characteristics ofthe host iron-formation. Petrographic and whole-rock geochemical information of iron-formation from the southern parts of the KMF, suggests that the Hotazel iron-formation is almost identical to other iron-formations of the world of similar age and petrological character. The rock exhibits essentially no high-grade metamorphic or low-temperature alteration effects. Mineralogically, it contains abundant chert, magnetite, subordinate amounts of silicate minerals (greenalite, minnesotaite, stilpnomelane) and appreciable concentrations of carbonate constituents in the form of coexisting calcite and ankerite. Such mineralogical composition is indicative of processes occurring in a diagenetic" to burial (up to very low-greenschist facies) metamorphic environment. Bulk-rock geochemical data point towards a simple composition with Si02, total Fe-oxide and CaO being the chief major oxide components. Whole-rock rare-earth element data suggest that the iron-formation precipitated from a water column with chemical signatures comparable to modern, shallow oceanic seawater. The virtual absence of positive Eu anomalies is a feature that compares well with similar data from Neoproterozoic, glaciogenic iron-formations of the Rapitan type, and suggests but only a dilute hydrothermal signal, poten!ially derived from distal submarine volcanic activity. Carbon and oxygen isotope data from iron-formation and Mn-bearing carbonates as well as overlying ferriferous limestone of the Mooidraai Formation, compare well with the literature. The former exhibit variable depletion relative to seawater in terms of both BC and 180, while the latter have signatures comparable to normal marine bicarbonate. Isotopic variations appear to be related to fluctuations in the amount of co-precipitated marine carbonate, in conjunction with processes of coupled organic matter oxidation - FelMn reduction in the diagenetic environment. Oxygen isotope data from quartz-magnetite-calcite triplets suggest that crystallisation took place under open-system conditions, with magnetite being the most susceptible phase in terms of fluid-rock isotopic exchange. Data also suggest that the calcite-magnetite pair may constitute a more reliable geothermometer than the quartz-magnetite one, mainly due to the interlinked diagenetic histories between calcite and magnetite. Iron-formation from the northern parts of the KMF can by categorised into three main classes, namely pristine, altered and oxidised. Pristine iron-formation is identical to the one seen in the southernmost parts of the field. Altered iron-formation corresponds to a carbonate-free derivative of intense oxidation and leaching processes at the expense ofpristine iron-formation, and contains almost exclusively binary quartz-hematite mixtures. The rock appears to have lost essentially its entire pre-existing carbonate-related components (i.e., Ca, Mg, Sr, most Mn and Ba) and displays residual enrichments in elements such as Cr, Th, V, Ni and Pb, which would have behaved as immobile constituents during low-temperature alteration. The low temperature origin of altered iron-formation is supported by oxygen isotope data from quartz-hematite pairs which indicate that isotopically light hematite would have derived from oxidation of magneftte and other ferroussilicate compounds in the presence of a low-temperature meteoric fluid, while quartz would have remained isotopically unchanged. Occasional occurrences of acmite-hematite assemblages suggest localised metasomatic processes related to the action ofNaCI-rich fluids at the expense of altered iron-formation. The conditions of acmite genesis are very poorly constrained due to the very broad stability limits of the mineral in environments ranging from magmatic to surface-related. Oxidised iron-formation constitutes a distinct rock-type and shares common attributes with both the pristine and the altered iron-formation. The rock contains hematite as an important constituent while the amount of magnetite is substantially reduced. With regard to carbonate nlinerals, calcite contents are clearly very low or absent, having being replaced in most instances by a single, Mgenriched, dolomite/ankerite:type species. Oxidised iron-formation contains somewhat higher amounts of iron and reduced amounts of Sr and Ba relative to pristine iron-formation, whereas enrichments in elements such as Ni, Th, Pb, Cr, and V are seen, similar to altered iron-formation. Oxidised iron-formation appears to have originated from processes of dissolution-mobilisationreprecipitation of solutes derived primarily from leaching that produced altered iron-formation. It is proposed that the Hotazel iron-formation and associated manganese deposits were formed as a result of episodic sea-level fluctuations in a stratified depositional environment that gradually evolved into a shallow carbonate platform. A critical parameter in the development of manganese sediment may include regional climatic patterns related to a glacial event (Makganyene diamictite) prior to deposition of the Hotazel strata. This suggestion draws parallels with processes that are believed to have led to the formation of worldwide iron-formations and associated manganese deposits subsequent to Neoproterozoic episodes of glaciation. Submarine volcanism related to the underlying Ongeluk lavas appears to have had very little (if any) metallogenic significance, while evidence for a sudden rise in the oxygen contents of the atmosphere and ambient waters is lacking. With regard to later alteration processes, combination of geological and geochemical data point towards the potential influence of surface weathering prior to deposition of rocks of the unconformably overlying Olifantshoek Supergroup, possibly coupled with fault- and/or thrustcontrolled fluid-flow and leaching of the Hotazel succession during post-Olifantshoek times.
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- Date Issued: 2000
Strike comparison of the compositional variations of the lower group and middle group chromitite seams of the critical zone, Western Bushveld complex
- Authors: Doig, Heather Leslie
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Chromite -- South Africa , Geology -- South Africa , Mineralogy -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5005 ,
- Description: The variations in the composition, specifically the Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio, and the morphology of the Lower Group (LG) and Middle Group (MG) chromitite seams of the Critical Zone (CZ) across the western Bushveld Complex, including the Ruighoek and Brits sections, is investigated by means of whole-rock chemical data, both major and trace elements analysis, XRD and electron microprobe data. As a result ofthe paucity of exposed or developed LG1 - LG5 chromitite seams in the western Bushveld Complex, this study is confined to the investigation of the compositional variations of the LG6 to MG4 chromitite seams. In only one section, the Ruighoek section, was the entire succession of chromitite seams, from the LG1 - MG4, exposed. The silicate host rocks from the LG6 pyroxenite footwall to the collar of the CC2 drillcore (lower uCZ) in the Rustenburg section were sampled. This study reviews the compositional trends of the silicate host rocks, as the compositional variations of the chromitite seams reflect the chemical evolution of the host cumulate environment and, to a lesser degree, the composition onhe interstitial mineral phases in the chromitite seams. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams are attributed to the compositional contrast between the replenishing magma and the resident magma. The chemical trends of the LG and MG chromitite layers and the host cumUlate rOCKS do not support the existence of two compositionalfy dissimilar magmas in the CZ, rather the cyclic layering of the CZ and the chemical variations of the chromitite seams are attributed to the mixing of primitive magma with the resident magma, both of which have essentially similar compositions. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams along strike away from the supposed feeder site (Union section) to the distal facies (Brits section) are attributed to the advanced compositional contrast between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma pulses. The CZ is characterized by reversals in fractionation trends and this is attributed to the compositional evolution of the parental magma and not to the replenishment of the resident magma by influxes of grossly dissimilar magma compositions. The Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio of the MG chromitite layers increase from the Ruighoek (near proximal) section to the Brits section (distal facies). This is attributed to the advanced compositional contrasts between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma. In contrast, the Cr20 3 content and Cr:Fe ratios ofthe LG6 and LG8a chromitite seams decreases eastwards from the Ruighoek section. The average Cr:Fe ratio for the western Bushveld Complex is between 1.5 and\2.0, nonetheless, a progressively lower Cr:Fe ratio is noted from the LG1 chromitite up through to the MG4 chromitite seam in the Ruighoek section. tn the LG2 - LG4 chromitite interval a deviation to higher.lratios is encountered. A progressive substitution of Cr by AT and Fe in the Cr-spinel crystal lattice characterizes the chromitite succession from the LG1 seam up through the chromitite succession to MG4. The petrogeneSiS of the chromitite seams of the CZ is attributed to magma mixing and fractional crystallization of a single magma type.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2000
- Authors: Doig, Heather Leslie
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Chromite -- South Africa , Geology -- South Africa , Mineralogy -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5005 ,
- Description: The variations in the composition, specifically the Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio, and the morphology of the Lower Group (LG) and Middle Group (MG) chromitite seams of the Critical Zone (CZ) across the western Bushveld Complex, including the Ruighoek and Brits sections, is investigated by means of whole-rock chemical data, both major and trace elements analysis, XRD and electron microprobe data. As a result ofthe paucity of exposed or developed LG1 - LG5 chromitite seams in the western Bushveld Complex, this study is confined to the investigation of the compositional variations of the LG6 to MG4 chromitite seams. In only one section, the Ruighoek section, was the entire succession of chromitite seams, from the LG1 - MG4, exposed. The silicate host rocks from the LG6 pyroxenite footwall to the collar of the CC2 drillcore (lower uCZ) in the Rustenburg section were sampled. This study reviews the compositional trends of the silicate host rocks, as the compositional variations of the chromitite seams reflect the chemical evolution of the host cumulate environment and, to a lesser degree, the composition onhe interstitial mineral phases in the chromitite seams. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams are attributed to the compositional contrast between the replenishing magma and the resident magma. The chemical trends of the LG and MG chromitite layers and the host cumUlate rOCKS do not support the existence of two compositionalfy dissimilar magmas in the CZ, rather the cyclic layering of the CZ and the chemical variations of the chromitite seams are attributed to the mixing of primitive magma with the resident magma, both of which have essentially similar compositions. The compositional variations of the LG and MG chromitite seams along strike away from the supposed feeder site (Union section) to the distal facies (Brits section) are attributed to the advanced compositional contrast between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma pulses. The CZ is characterized by reversals in fractionation trends and this is attributed to the compositional evolution of the parental magma and not to the replenishment of the resident magma by influxes of grossly dissimilar magma compositions. The Cr20 S content and the Cr:Fe ratio of the MG chromitite layers increase from the Ruighoek (near proximal) section to the Brits section (distal facies). This is attributed to the advanced compositional contrasts between the resident magma and the replenishing primitive magma. In contrast, the Cr20 3 content and Cr:Fe ratios ofthe LG6 and LG8a chromitite seams decreases eastwards from the Ruighoek section. The average Cr:Fe ratio for the western Bushveld Complex is between 1.5 and\2.0, nonetheless, a progressively lower Cr:Fe ratio is noted from the LG1 chromitite up through to the MG4 chromitite seam in the Ruighoek section. tn the LG2 - LG4 chromitite interval a deviation to higher.lratios is encountered. A progressive substitution of Cr by AT and Fe in the Cr-spinel crystal lattice characterizes the chromitite succession from the LG1 seam up through the chromitite succession to MG4. The petrogeneSiS of the chromitite seams of the CZ is attributed to magma mixing and fractional crystallization of a single magma type.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2000