Protection from beetle-predation in cochineal insects (Dactylopiidae : Homoptera)
- Authors: Morrison, John Frederick
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Cochineal insect , Homoptera
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5819 , , Cochineal insect , Homoptera
- Description: From introduction: In South Africa the native ladybird beetle Exochomus flaviventris Mader feeds on the introduced cochineal insect Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Pettey, 1943, 1946, 1948; Geyer, 1947 a, b; Pettey and Marais, 1950). It has also been reported to feed on Dactylopius austrinus Lindley (Geyer, 1947 a; Pettey, 1948), but this appears to occur rarely in the field (H.G. Zimmermann and H.G. Robertson pers. camm. ; Appendix 1 ). This thesis attempts to determine why E. flaviventris feeds on D. opuntiae in the field but not on D. austrinus.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1984
- Authors: Morrison, John Frederick
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Cochineal insect , Homoptera
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5819 , , Cochineal insect , Homoptera
- Description: From introduction: In South Africa the native ladybird beetle Exochomus flaviventris Mader feeds on the introduced cochineal insect Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Pettey, 1943, 1946, 1948; Geyer, 1947 a, b; Pettey and Marais, 1950). It has also been reported to feed on Dactylopius austrinus Lindley (Geyer, 1947 a; Pettey, 1948), but this appears to occur rarely in the field (H.G. Zimmermann and H.G. Robertson pers. camm. ; Appendix 1 ). This thesis attempts to determine why E. flaviventris feeds on D. opuntiae in the field but not on D. austrinus.
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- Date Issued: 1984
The evolution of heteronomous host relationships in Aphelinidaa (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea) with special reference to the biology of Coccophagus Bartletti Annecke and Insley
- Authors: Walter, Grenville Hugh
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Hymenoptera
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5620 ,
- Description: Résumé: Heteronomous host relationships are unique to parasitoids in about 8 aphelinid genera. Males have host relationships quite distinct from those of their females. Females of ALL species are primary endoparasitoids of homopterous hosts. Males, on the other hand, may be either primary ectoparasitoids of the same host species as their conspecific females, or they may be hyperparasitic upon parasitoids within Homoptera, and some are primary endoparasitoids of moth eggs. Species in these groups are termed DIPHAGOUS PARASITOIDS, HETERONOMOUS HYPERPARASITOIDS and HETEROTROPHIC PARASITOIDS, respectively. The selective advantages proposed to explain the evolution of these unusual host relationships are examined in this thesis. The biology of a diphagous parasitoid was examined in detail because diphagous parasitism is considered the most primitive of heteronomous host relationships. Diphagous parasitism is thought to have evolved during a period when ovipositing females continuously encountered large proportions of parasitised hosts. Larval competition may have generated the selection pressures that favoured male ectoparasitism. Ectoparasitoids are known to be superior in competition against other larvae, even older ones. A series of observations was carried out on the diphagous parasitoid, Coccophagus bartletti. Information was gathered on oviposition and host-feeding behaviour, daily activity patterns, and sex ratios in the laboratory and field. This enabled the design and interpretation of a series of observations on the responses of mated C. bartletti females to already-parasitised hosts. The results indicate that competition from other parasitoids probably played no role in the evolution of diphagous host relationships. Heteronomous hyperparasitoids, thought to have evolved from diphagous parasitoids, appear to be strong competitors because their males kill other parasitoids. However, an alternative hypothesis to the competition one, and based on the present study, is presented. Implications for the generally-held view, that competition is important in moulding species' characters, are discussed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1984
- Authors: Walter, Grenville Hugh
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Hymenoptera
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5620 ,
- Description: Résumé: Heteronomous host relationships are unique to parasitoids in about 8 aphelinid genera. Males have host relationships quite distinct from those of their females. Females of ALL species are primary endoparasitoids of homopterous hosts. Males, on the other hand, may be either primary ectoparasitoids of the same host species as their conspecific females, or they may be hyperparasitic upon parasitoids within Homoptera, and some are primary endoparasitoids of moth eggs. Species in these groups are termed DIPHAGOUS PARASITOIDS, HETERONOMOUS HYPERPARASITOIDS and HETEROTROPHIC PARASITOIDS, respectively. The selective advantages proposed to explain the evolution of these unusual host relationships are examined in this thesis. The biology of a diphagous parasitoid was examined in detail because diphagous parasitism is considered the most primitive of heteronomous host relationships. Diphagous parasitism is thought to have evolved during a period when ovipositing females continuously encountered large proportions of parasitised hosts. Larval competition may have generated the selection pressures that favoured male ectoparasitism. Ectoparasitoids are known to be superior in competition against other larvae, even older ones. A series of observations was carried out on the diphagous parasitoid, Coccophagus bartletti. Information was gathered on oviposition and host-feeding behaviour, daily activity patterns, and sex ratios in the laboratory and field. This enabled the design and interpretation of a series of observations on the responses of mated C. bartletti females to already-parasitised hosts. The results indicate that competition from other parasitoids probably played no role in the evolution of diphagous host relationships. Heteronomous hyperparasitoids, thought to have evolved from diphagous parasitoids, appear to be strong competitors because their males kill other parasitoids. However, an alternative hypothesis to the competition one, and based on the present study, is presented. Implications for the generally-held view, that competition is important in moulding species' characters, are discussed.
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- Date Issued: 1984
The Hakea fruit weevil, Erytenna consputa Pascoe (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and the biological control of Hakea sericea Schrader in South Africa
- Authors: Kluge, Robert Louis
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Insects as biological pest control agents -- South Africa Biological pest control agents -- South Africa Beetles -- South Africa Curculionidae -- South Africa Weeds -- Biological control -- South Africa Pests -- Biological control -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5629 ,
- Description: Hakea sericea is a shrub, introduced into South Africa from southern Australia, that is now invading the indigenous "fynbos" vegetation in the Cape mountains. Presently an area of 480 000 hectares is affected. One of the main factors contributing to the success of H. sericea as a weed is its copious seed production. The seeds are accumulated on the plant throughout its life-time. When the plant eventually dies, usually after a fire, the fruits dehisce and all the seeds are released within the space of a few days, resulting in seed densities of up to 7 500 seeds per m². Dense, impenetrable stands of H. sericea develop which suppress the indigenous vegetation. Apart from the labour intensive mechanical clearing of H. sericea, biological control appears to be the only other means of control. This study deals with the post-release evaluation of the effectiveness of the first successfully-established, biological control agent, the hakea fruit weevil, Erytenna consputa. Most of the damage is done by the larval stage of the weevil which attacks the young developing fruits, thereby reducing seed production.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1984
- Authors: Kluge, Robert Louis
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Insects as biological pest control agents -- South Africa Biological pest control agents -- South Africa Beetles -- South Africa Curculionidae -- South Africa Weeds -- Biological control -- South Africa Pests -- Biological control -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5629 ,
- Description: Hakea sericea is a shrub, introduced into South Africa from southern Australia, that is now invading the indigenous "fynbos" vegetation in the Cape mountains. Presently an area of 480 000 hectares is affected. One of the main factors contributing to the success of H. sericea as a weed is its copious seed production. The seeds are accumulated on the plant throughout its life-time. When the plant eventually dies, usually after a fire, the fruits dehisce and all the seeds are released within the space of a few days, resulting in seed densities of up to 7 500 seeds per m². Dense, impenetrable stands of H. sericea develop which suppress the indigenous vegetation. Apart from the labour intensive mechanical clearing of H. sericea, biological control appears to be the only other means of control. This study deals with the post-release evaluation of the effectiveness of the first successfully-established, biological control agent, the hakea fruit weevil, Erytenna consputa. Most of the damage is done by the larval stage of the weevil which attacks the young developing fruits, thereby reducing seed production.
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- Date Issued: 1984
The population dynamics of the rock hyrax procavia capensis (Pallas, 1766) in the Mountain Zebra National Park
- Authors: Fourie, Leon Johan
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Rock hyrax Mountain Zebra National Park (South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5743 ,
- Description: The chief objective of the study was to investigate the population dynamics of the hyrax in the Mountain Zebra National Park (MZNP). To realise this objective information on growth, age determination, reproduction, habitat utilization, behaviour, parasites and mortality had to be gathered. The growth of hyrax in relation to age is described by means of Stevens asymptotic regression equations. Near asymptotic measurements are attained first in hind foot length (at 30-33 months of age), head/body length (at 37-39 months of age), girth (at 41-48 months of age) and body mass (at 68-70 months of age). Allometric growth of the various body measurements was investigated and useful predictive relationships for mass are presented. Age determination of hyrax was studied in detail. Cementum annuli counts provided reliable estimates of age. One primary cementum line is formed annually. The dried eye lens mass was an accurate means of age determination up to c. 72 months of age. A summary of findings which will facilitate age determination of dead animals or skulls, and live animals, is provided. Reproduction in the hyrax was studied with emphasis on breeding season, age-specific litter sizes, prenatal mortality and lactation. Male hyrax attained puberty at 15-17 months of age or one year later. Females generally attained puberty at 15-17 months of age. One female (1,4% of total shot sample for the specific age group) attained puberty at 4-5 months of age. Middle-aged hyrax had significantly larger litter sizes than younger animals. Hyrax in the MZNP feed on at least 80 different plant species belonging to 33 plant families. Crude protein of stomach contents and faecal samples showed little seasonal fluctuation implying that hyrax in the MZNP were on a stable quality diet. Female hyrax enjoyed a significantly better quality diet than males for the four month period prior to parturition and during the first two months of lactation. The crude protein values of faecal and stomach samples had a significant correlation. Body fat of male and female hyrax showed seasonal variation related to physiologically stressful periods. Seasonal differences in activity patterns were demonstrated. The basic structure of hyrax social organization is the multi-female kinship group that is matrilocal. Territorial dominant males maintain harems and exclude all other adult males. Peripheral males occupy areas on the periphery of the activity areas of other members of the hyrax colony. Peripheral males do not form bachelor groups and are normally younger than territorial males. It is suggested that territorial males are able to monopolize between 3-17 females in a successful and energetic manner. Both natal and breeding dispersal occurred, the former being considerably more extensive than the latter. The ecto- and endoparasites of hyrax were identified and their burdens quantified over a 13 month period. Juveniles had significantly larger burdens of ectoparasites than did adults. Information on age-specific mortality was obtained from skulls collected in the field and at black eagles' nests. Losses that occurred in the study population due to caracal and black eagle predation were quantified. Evidence is supplied which indicates that juvenile mortality may fluctuate markedly. The population dynamics of the hyrax population in the MZNP was studied by the use of time specific life-tables, models on population growth rates, population simulation models and sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity coefficients were used as a predictor of population regulation. Female juvenile mortality was considered to be the main regulating factor. Changes in fecundity schedule are important compensatory mechanisms and also play an important role in the regulation of a hyrax population. Predation, particularly by caracal, is thought to dampen population fluctuations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1984
- Authors: Fourie, Leon Johan
- Date: 1984
- Subjects: Rock hyrax Mountain Zebra National Park (South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5743 ,
- Description: The chief objective of the study was to investigate the population dynamics of the hyrax in the Mountain Zebra National Park (MZNP). To realise this objective information on growth, age determination, reproduction, habitat utilization, behaviour, parasites and mortality had to be gathered. The growth of hyrax in relation to age is described by means of Stevens asymptotic regression equations. Near asymptotic measurements are attained first in hind foot length (at 30-33 months of age), head/body length (at 37-39 months of age), girth (at 41-48 months of age) and body mass (at 68-70 months of age). Allometric growth of the various body measurements was investigated and useful predictive relationships for mass are presented. Age determination of hyrax was studied in detail. Cementum annuli counts provided reliable estimates of age. One primary cementum line is formed annually. The dried eye lens mass was an accurate means of age determination up to c. 72 months of age. A summary of findings which will facilitate age determination of dead animals or skulls, and live animals, is provided. Reproduction in the hyrax was studied with emphasis on breeding season, age-specific litter sizes, prenatal mortality and lactation. Male hyrax attained puberty at 15-17 months of age or one year later. Females generally attained puberty at 15-17 months of age. One female (1,4% of total shot sample for the specific age group) attained puberty at 4-5 months of age. Middle-aged hyrax had significantly larger litter sizes than younger animals. Hyrax in the MZNP feed on at least 80 different plant species belonging to 33 plant families. Crude protein of stomach contents and faecal samples showed little seasonal fluctuation implying that hyrax in the MZNP were on a stable quality diet. Female hyrax enjoyed a significantly better quality diet than males for the four month period prior to parturition and during the first two months of lactation. The crude protein values of faecal and stomach samples had a significant correlation. Body fat of male and female hyrax showed seasonal variation related to physiologically stressful periods. Seasonal differences in activity patterns were demonstrated. The basic structure of hyrax social organization is the multi-female kinship group that is matrilocal. Territorial dominant males maintain harems and exclude all other adult males. Peripheral males occupy areas on the periphery of the activity areas of other members of the hyrax colony. Peripheral males do not form bachelor groups and are normally younger than territorial males. It is suggested that territorial males are able to monopolize between 3-17 females in a successful and energetic manner. Both natal and breeding dispersal occurred, the former being considerably more extensive than the latter. The ecto- and endoparasites of hyrax were identified and their burdens quantified over a 13 month period. Juveniles had significantly larger burdens of ectoparasites than did adults. Information on age-specific mortality was obtained from skulls collected in the field and at black eagles' nests. Losses that occurred in the study population due to caracal and black eagle predation were quantified. Evidence is supplied which indicates that juvenile mortality may fluctuate markedly. The population dynamics of the hyrax population in the MZNP was studied by the use of time specific life-tables, models on population growth rates, population simulation models and sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity coefficients were used as a predictor of population regulation. Female juvenile mortality was considered to be the main regulating factor. Changes in fecundity schedule are important compensatory mechanisms and also play an important role in the regulation of a hyrax population. Predation, particularly by caracal, is thought to dampen population fluctuations.
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- Date Issued: 1984
An ecological study of the ixodid tick rhipicephalus glabroscutatum (Du Toit, 1941)
- Macivor, Keith Malcolm de Falloux
- Authors: Macivor, Keith Malcolm de Falloux
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Ticks -- Control -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Parasites -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Rhipicephalus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Angora goat -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Larvae -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5602 ,
- Description: An intensive study was conducted on the free-living larvae and parasitic life stages of R.glabroscutatum on Angora and Boer goats in the Uitenhage district. Free-living larvae exhibited periods of maximum relative abundance during months of generally lower rainfall, from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring. Relative larval abundance in open and gully sites was low while larvae were rarely found in bush sites. Relative abundance was higher at 20h00 than at 08h00 and 14h00. Repeated sampling in the same areas did not reduce larval numbers. Over 99% of parasitic ticks removed from Angora and Boer goats were located on the feet. The annual occurrence of a low and variable number of parasitic immatures was synchronous with the occurrence of free-living larvae. High, less variable numbers of adult ticks were removed from goat feet from September to December, the highest numbers being recorded during October and November. The occurrence of a single period of parasitic adult abundance annually indicated a life cycle with 1 generation per anum. There were higher numbers of adult ticks on the feet of the Angora goats than on the Boer goats. Adult numbers were higher on the hind feet of both breeds of goats than on the front feet. R.glabroscutatum adults seem to be implicated in the aetiology of foot abscesses since more infections were observed in Angora goats than in Boer goats and on the hind feet rather than the front feet within both goat groups. In addition R.glabroscutatum adults attached at interdigital sites where abscesses also originated and reached highest numbers in October and November when abscesses were most frequently observed. A review of distribution and host records indicated that R.glabroscutatum was limited in its distribution to the eastern Cape Province, being primarily located in South Africa's major mohair producing areas. R.glabroscutatum was classed an obligative xerophile on the basis of its recorded occurrence in non coastal areas with a low annual rainfall and Karoo and Karroid Bush vegetation. Host records for R.glabroscutatum included 10 species of wild ungulate, sheep, goats and cattle. The common site of occurrence on small stock and on small to medium sized wild animals appeared to be the legs and feet.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1983
- Authors: Macivor, Keith Malcolm de Falloux
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Ticks -- Control -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Parasites -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Rhipicephalus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Angora goat -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Larvae -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5602 ,
- Description: An intensive study was conducted on the free-living larvae and parasitic life stages of R.glabroscutatum on Angora and Boer goats in the Uitenhage district. Free-living larvae exhibited periods of maximum relative abundance during months of generally lower rainfall, from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring. Relative larval abundance in open and gully sites was low while larvae were rarely found in bush sites. Relative abundance was higher at 20h00 than at 08h00 and 14h00. Repeated sampling in the same areas did not reduce larval numbers. Over 99% of parasitic ticks removed from Angora and Boer goats were located on the feet. The annual occurrence of a low and variable number of parasitic immatures was synchronous with the occurrence of free-living larvae. High, less variable numbers of adult ticks were removed from goat feet from September to December, the highest numbers being recorded during October and November. The occurrence of a single period of parasitic adult abundance annually indicated a life cycle with 1 generation per anum. There were higher numbers of adult ticks on the feet of the Angora goats than on the Boer goats. Adult numbers were higher on the hind feet of both breeds of goats than on the front feet. R.glabroscutatum adults seem to be implicated in the aetiology of foot abscesses since more infections were observed in Angora goats than in Boer goats and on the hind feet rather than the front feet within both goat groups. In addition R.glabroscutatum adults attached at interdigital sites where abscesses also originated and reached highest numbers in October and November when abscesses were most frequently observed. A review of distribution and host records indicated that R.glabroscutatum was limited in its distribution to the eastern Cape Province, being primarily located in South Africa's major mohair producing areas. R.glabroscutatum was classed an obligative xerophile on the basis of its recorded occurrence in non coastal areas with a low annual rainfall and Karoo and Karroid Bush vegetation. Host records for R.glabroscutatum included 10 species of wild ungulate, sheep, goats and cattle. The common site of occurrence on small stock and on small to medium sized wild animals appeared to be the legs and feet.
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- Date Issued: 1983
An ecophysiological study of the effects of changes in salinity and temperature on the distribution of Macrobrachium Petersi (Hilgendorf) in the Keiskamma river and estuary
- Read, Graeme Hamilton Leonard
- Authors: Read, Graeme Hamilton Leonard
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Macrobrachium -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5804 ,
- Description: Summary: The distribution of adult, juvenile, post larval and larval Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf) was studied in relation to temperature and salinity in the Keiskamma river and estuary from May 1979 to May 1981. M. petersi is a subtropical species, which confined activity of all stages in the field to the summer months. Variable freshwater discharge and tidal effects determined the salinity and temperature profiles in the middle and upper reaches of the Keiskamma estuary. Thus, a dry 1979/80 summer and a wet 1980/81 summer markedly influenced the abundance and distribution of adult M. petersi in the river and estuary respectively. Adult M. petersi migrate to the estuary under flooding conditions and upstream in response to elevated salinities. Although M. petersi has nine larval stages only a preponderance of stage I were caught in the field. These portray a distinct nocturnal and diurnal distribution pattern which is influenced by salinity, especially under stratified conditions. After flooding the larvae show an affinity for salt front regions and reach these by remaining in the water column on the ebbing tide. A substantial drop in abundance downstream from the salt front suggests that the larvae loose their planktonic phase which is an effective retention mechanism, and confines larval development to the middle and upper reaches of the estuary. Post larvae were caught towards the end of the 1981 breeding season which indicates that complete larval development takes place in the estuary. A post larval migration to freshwater, which reaches a peak in February and March, was monitored. Thus both the freshwater and estuarine environments form an inseparable link in the life cycle of M. petersi. The distribution of stage I larvae in the Keiskamma estuary suggested that salinity played a role in development. The fact that other larval stages were not found emphasised the necessity for a quantitative laboratory investigation to determine the importance of salinity in the developmental history of M. petersi larvae and post larvae. However, the modifying influence of temperature could not be ignored so a multivariable approach was adopted. This, together with a surface response technique, aided the interpretation of the effect of a variety of combinations of salinity and temperature on ecdysis to stage II, larval survival and requirements for metamorphosis to post larvae. It was estimated that the minimum salinity requirement for complete larval development, within a temperature range from 18 to 30⁰C was 8%₀, although ecdysis to stage II and metamorphosis to post larvae could occur in salinities less than this value. Despite the euryhalinity of the larvae, the behaviour of adult M. petersi to an increase in salinity and the affinity of stage I larvae to salt front regions restricted development to the upper reaches of the estuary. This is discussed as an adaptation which not only ensures retention within the estuary but favours recruitment to the adult population in freshwater. The osmoregulatory patterns of larval, post larval, juvenile and adult M. petersi correlated with their distribution. These were approximated by a cubic polynomial which enabled the different patterns to be compared. The larval stages investigated (I, II, V & IX) displayed a remarkable capacity to regulate which was strongest in stage I as these could regulate in both freshwater and 35%₀. The ability to regulate in freshwater was lost hereafter but regained in the post larvae, which also regulated in 35%₀. Juveniles (caught at the ebb and flow) displayed a similar regulatory pattern to the adults and "hyposmoconformed" in salinities beyond the isosmotic point as the need to regulate in 35%₀ was no longer necessary. The osmoregulatory capacity of M. petersi larvae in relation to other decapod larvae is discussed. Marine transport of the euryhaline larval and post larval stages accounts for the distribution of M. petersi along the South African coastline. However, south of 31°S latitude the sea-surface temperature decreases abruptly. This region coincides with the southern limit of the distribution of M. petersi. Although larval M. petersi can tolerate high salinity (35%₀) in combination with low temperature, the post larvae cannot, which is likely to account for their restricted southern distribution. The genus Macrobrachium are in the process of invading freshwater. The possible course that this might have taken has been discussed in the light of available evidence as well as the findings of this study.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Read, Graeme Hamilton Leonard
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Macrobrachium -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5804 ,
- Description: Summary: The distribution of adult, juvenile, post larval and larval Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf) was studied in relation to temperature and salinity in the Keiskamma river and estuary from May 1979 to May 1981. M. petersi is a subtropical species, which confined activity of all stages in the field to the summer months. Variable freshwater discharge and tidal effects determined the salinity and temperature profiles in the middle and upper reaches of the Keiskamma estuary. Thus, a dry 1979/80 summer and a wet 1980/81 summer markedly influenced the abundance and distribution of adult M. petersi in the river and estuary respectively. Adult M. petersi migrate to the estuary under flooding conditions and upstream in response to elevated salinities. Although M. petersi has nine larval stages only a preponderance of stage I were caught in the field. These portray a distinct nocturnal and diurnal distribution pattern which is influenced by salinity, especially under stratified conditions. After flooding the larvae show an affinity for salt front regions and reach these by remaining in the water column on the ebbing tide. A substantial drop in abundance downstream from the salt front suggests that the larvae loose their planktonic phase which is an effective retention mechanism, and confines larval development to the middle and upper reaches of the estuary. Post larvae were caught towards the end of the 1981 breeding season which indicates that complete larval development takes place in the estuary. A post larval migration to freshwater, which reaches a peak in February and March, was monitored. Thus both the freshwater and estuarine environments form an inseparable link in the life cycle of M. petersi. The distribution of stage I larvae in the Keiskamma estuary suggested that salinity played a role in development. The fact that other larval stages were not found emphasised the necessity for a quantitative laboratory investigation to determine the importance of salinity in the developmental history of M. petersi larvae and post larvae. However, the modifying influence of temperature could not be ignored so a multivariable approach was adopted. This, together with a surface response technique, aided the interpretation of the effect of a variety of combinations of salinity and temperature on ecdysis to stage II, larval survival and requirements for metamorphosis to post larvae. It was estimated that the minimum salinity requirement for complete larval development, within a temperature range from 18 to 30⁰C was 8%₀, although ecdysis to stage II and metamorphosis to post larvae could occur in salinities less than this value. Despite the euryhalinity of the larvae, the behaviour of adult M. petersi to an increase in salinity and the affinity of stage I larvae to salt front regions restricted development to the upper reaches of the estuary. This is discussed as an adaptation which not only ensures retention within the estuary but favours recruitment to the adult population in freshwater. The osmoregulatory patterns of larval, post larval, juvenile and adult M. petersi correlated with their distribution. These were approximated by a cubic polynomial which enabled the different patterns to be compared. The larval stages investigated (I, II, V & IX) displayed a remarkable capacity to regulate which was strongest in stage I as these could regulate in both freshwater and 35%₀. The ability to regulate in freshwater was lost hereafter but regained in the post larvae, which also regulated in 35%₀. Juveniles (caught at the ebb and flow) displayed a similar regulatory pattern to the adults and "hyposmoconformed" in salinities beyond the isosmotic point as the need to regulate in 35%₀ was no longer necessary. The osmoregulatory capacity of M. petersi larvae in relation to other decapod larvae is discussed. Marine transport of the euryhaline larval and post larval stages accounts for the distribution of M. petersi along the South African coastline. However, south of 31°S latitude the sea-surface temperature decreases abruptly. This region coincides with the southern limit of the distribution of M. petersi. Although larval M. petersi can tolerate high salinity (35%₀) in combination with low temperature, the post larvae cannot, which is likely to account for their restricted southern distribution. The genus Macrobrachium are in the process of invading freshwater. The possible course that this might have taken has been discussed in the light of available evidence as well as the findings of this study.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
An evaluation of the effects of imported insects on the weed Lantana camara L. in South Africa
- Authors: Cilliers, Catharina Johanna
- Date: 1982
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5808 ,
- Description: The plant, Lantana camara L. (V erbenaceae), is a weed in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. In many countries, including South Africa, biological control of this weed has been attempted. Although 12 insect species have been imported into South Africa, only four species established and these are dealt with in this study. Ophiomyia lantanae Diptera: Agromyzidae, a seed fly, is briefly dealt with; the main emphasis is on the leaf damaging species Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) and two leaf mining beetles, Octotoma scabripennis Guerin and Uroplata girardi Pic . (Hispidae: Coleoptera). In evaluating the insect damage to lantana leaves, monthly samples of branches were taken over three seasons from 1977- 80. This destructive sampling allowed the study of population build-up of the insects. In addition, counts were made of the numbers of damaged and healthy leaves, flowers and seeds and the damage related to the activities of the different stages of the hispids and the tingid. Insect exclusion experiments were also used to determine the effect of the insects on the growth of L. camara. The results reported in this thesis clearly indicate that the imported natural enemies retard L. camara growth and vigour and the effects are manifested in a marked reduction in stem diameter, internodal length, leaf size, leaf lifespan and in flower and seed set.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Cilliers, Catharina Johanna
- Date: 1982
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5808 ,
- Description: The plant, Lantana camara L. (V erbenaceae), is a weed in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. In many countries, including South Africa, biological control of this weed has been attempted. Although 12 insect species have been imported into South Africa, only four species established and these are dealt with in this study. Ophiomyia lantanae Diptera: Agromyzidae, a seed fly, is briefly dealt with; the main emphasis is on the leaf damaging species Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) and two leaf mining beetles, Octotoma scabripennis Guerin and Uroplata girardi Pic . (Hispidae: Coleoptera). In evaluating the insect damage to lantana leaves, monthly samples of branches were taken over three seasons from 1977- 80. This destructive sampling allowed the study of population build-up of the insects. In addition, counts were made of the numbers of damaged and healthy leaves, flowers and seeds and the damage related to the activities of the different stages of the hispids and the tingid. Insect exclusion experiments were also used to determine the effect of the insects on the growth of L. camara. The results reported in this thesis clearly indicate that the imported natural enemies retard L. camara growth and vigour and the effects are manifested in a marked reduction in stem diameter, internodal length, leaf size, leaf lifespan and in flower and seed set.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
Evaluation of Tucumania Tapiacola Dyar (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) for biological control of jointed cactus in South Africa
- Authors: Hoffmann, John Hugh
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Phycitidae Cactus -- South Africa Weeds -- Biological control -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5634 ,
- Description: Jointed cactus, 0puntia aurantiaca Lindley, remains a problem and continues to expand its range in South Africa, in spite of a mandatory herbicidal control. programme. The feasibility of biologically controlling the weed is being explored because the cost of herbicides has escalated and, if it succeeds, biological control is permanent self perpetuating and relatively cheap. This thesis describes the introduction and release in South Africa of the phycitid moth, Tucumania tapiacola Dyar, as a potential biocontrol agent against jointed cactus. A preliminary objective of the study was to resolve the taxonomic confusion within the genus Tucumania, so that the various populations of the moth from widespread localities and from different host plants could be identified. The efficiency of mass-producing T. tapiacola in the insectary was continually improved through investigations of the insects biology, and its response to various environmental parameters. Techniques were developed to manipulate the different life-stages of T. tapiacola so that every release was made with the maximum possible number of individuals, all in the same stage of development. Trials were made with various methods for transporting and releasing T. tapiacola in the field, and the most successful of these were employed during the establishment programme. In all, approximately 830 000 T. tapiacola eggs, larvae and adults have been released at seven localities in South Africa, between May 1977 and February 1982. So far, the moth has failed to establish for more than three to five generations at any release site, for reasons that were not immediately apparent. The mortality factors acting against the immature stages of T. tapiacola have been investigated and quantified. The accumulated data were used to construct partial-life-tables and survivorship curves. These show that survival of the eggs, larvae and pupae differed in shaded and exposed habitats, and on small, medium and large O. aurantiaca plants. The overall mortality suffered by the immature stages alone did not account for the establishment failure. Alternatively, genetic problems that are commonly associated with the collection, mass production and release of biocontrol agents may have been responsible for the failure. Methods of overcoming these problems during future releases are discussed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Hoffmann, John Hugh
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Phycitidae Cactus -- South Africa Weeds -- Biological control -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5634 ,
- Description: Jointed cactus, 0puntia aurantiaca Lindley, remains a problem and continues to expand its range in South Africa, in spite of a mandatory herbicidal control. programme. The feasibility of biologically controlling the weed is being explored because the cost of herbicides has escalated and, if it succeeds, biological control is permanent self perpetuating and relatively cheap. This thesis describes the introduction and release in South Africa of the phycitid moth, Tucumania tapiacola Dyar, as a potential biocontrol agent against jointed cactus. A preliminary objective of the study was to resolve the taxonomic confusion within the genus Tucumania, so that the various populations of the moth from widespread localities and from different host plants could be identified. The efficiency of mass-producing T. tapiacola in the insectary was continually improved through investigations of the insects biology, and its response to various environmental parameters. Techniques were developed to manipulate the different life-stages of T. tapiacola so that every release was made with the maximum possible number of individuals, all in the same stage of development. Trials were made with various methods for transporting and releasing T. tapiacola in the field, and the most successful of these were employed during the establishment programme. In all, approximately 830 000 T. tapiacola eggs, larvae and adults have been released at seven localities in South Africa, between May 1977 and February 1982. So far, the moth has failed to establish for more than three to five generations at any release site, for reasons that were not immediately apparent. The mortality factors acting against the immature stages of T. tapiacola have been investigated and quantified. The accumulated data were used to construct partial-life-tables and survivorship curves. These show that survival of the eggs, larvae and pupae differed in shaded and exposed habitats, and on small, medium and large O. aurantiaca plants. The overall mortality suffered by the immature stages alone did not account for the establishment failure. Alternatively, genetic problems that are commonly associated with the collection, mass production and release of biocontrol agents may have been responsible for the failure. Methods of overcoming these problems during future releases are discussed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
Investigations into the ecology of a population of Citrus Red Scale (Aonidiella aurantii Mask.) in the Swaziland lowlands
- Authors: Atkinson, P R
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5619 ,
- Description: In the Swaziland lowlands, biological control of the citrus pest red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask), has been consistently unsuccessful although it is successful in middle altitude regions. However, recent cases of resistance to organophosphate insecticides elsewhere in southern Africa, make it important to reconsider biological control of red scale in the lowlands. Should similar resistance be evolved in this region, the pest could be controlled only by natural means together with oils. This account attempts to answer questions about the natural control of a red scale population in the lowlands, by examining data collected between 1972 and 1975. The population was continuously breeding with overlapped generations. It consisted of three sections, on leaves, twigs and fruit, having different rates of reproduction, development and mortality. These sections are considered separately but that on leaves, being relatively unimportant, is largely ignored. The generation mortality is estimated in the sections on twigs and fruit and related to climatic and biotic indices. The causes of seasonal and between-years variation in the sections on twigs and fruit are elucidated. The effectiveness of each kind of natural enemy is examined and the factors affecting natural enemy numbers are investigated. The question of population regulation is discussed. Differences in mean infestation levels in middle altitude and lowland regions are explained in terms of different rates of reproduction and mortality.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Atkinson, P R
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5619 ,
- Description: In the Swaziland lowlands, biological control of the citrus pest red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask), has been consistently unsuccessful although it is successful in middle altitude regions. However, recent cases of resistance to organophosphate insecticides elsewhere in southern Africa, make it important to reconsider biological control of red scale in the lowlands. Should similar resistance be evolved in this region, the pest could be controlled only by natural means together with oils. This account attempts to answer questions about the natural control of a red scale population in the lowlands, by examining data collected between 1972 and 1975. The population was continuously breeding with overlapped generations. It consisted of three sections, on leaves, twigs and fruit, having different rates of reproduction, development and mortality. These sections are considered separately but that on leaves, being relatively unimportant, is largely ignored. The generation mortality is estimated in the sections on twigs and fruit and related to climatic and biotic indices. The causes of seasonal and between-years variation in the sections on twigs and fruit are elucidated. The effectiveness of each kind of natural enemy is examined and the factors affecting natural enemy numbers are investigated. The question of population regulation is discussed. Differences in mean infestation levels in middle altitude and lowland regions are explained in terms of different rates of reproduction and mortality.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) : a revised classification, and descriptions of some new taxa particularly from southern Africa
- Authors: Scoble, M J
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Nepticulidae Nepticulidae--Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5801 ,
- Description: Previous classifications of the Nepticulidae were based on species from the northern hemisphere, primarily western Europe (including the United Kingdom) and North America. The revised classification presented in the present work was developed from a study of material primarily from southern Africa, but also from Australia, Europe, North America, and the Orient. Most of the descriptive section deals with the taxonomy of the Nepticulidae of southern Africa. Nevertheless, a guide to the supraspecific classification of the family was a major aim. Cladistic methods were used to assess genealogy as far as possible. The degree to which it has been elucidated is incorporated into the classification. As a result of the study, the Nepticulidae are divided into two subfamilies. One of these subfamilies is divided into two tribes. Fifteen genera and six subgenera are recognised. Two keys are presented, one to subfamilies and tribes and the other to genera and subgenera. The species from southern Africa are included in eight genera, three of which are new. One hundred and seventeen species from southern Africa are considered. Seventy- two new species are described in this work. Of these 40 have been published and 32 appear as manuscript names. For some species described by previous workers lectotypes have been designated where appropriate. The primary types of all the known species from southern Africa have been examined. Observations on adult structure are discussed from the viewpoint of phylogenetic relationships both within the Nepticulidae and between the family and other lepidopteran groups. This has led to a re-interpretation and expansion of some aspects of nepticulid morphology. Numerical phenetic methods, which include cluster analyses and an ordination technique (principal component analysis), were used to check my personal assessment of phena. The illustrations (phenograms and ordination diagrams) provide a visual summary of phenetic relationships of as wide a range of Nepticulidae as possible. Aspects of the nature of taxonomic characters, ancestor-descendant relationships, and homoplasy are discussed. Brief comments are made on distribution, and host-plant choice and phylogeny.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Scoble, M J
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Nepticulidae Nepticulidae--Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5801 ,
- Description: Previous classifications of the Nepticulidae were based on species from the northern hemisphere, primarily western Europe (including the United Kingdom) and North America. The revised classification presented in the present work was developed from a study of material primarily from southern Africa, but also from Australia, Europe, North America, and the Orient. Most of the descriptive section deals with the taxonomy of the Nepticulidae of southern Africa. Nevertheless, a guide to the supraspecific classification of the family was a major aim. Cladistic methods were used to assess genealogy as far as possible. The degree to which it has been elucidated is incorporated into the classification. As a result of the study, the Nepticulidae are divided into two subfamilies. One of these subfamilies is divided into two tribes. Fifteen genera and six subgenera are recognised. Two keys are presented, one to subfamilies and tribes and the other to genera and subgenera. The species from southern Africa are included in eight genera, three of which are new. One hundred and seventeen species from southern Africa are considered. Seventy- two new species are described in this work. Of these 40 have been published and 32 appear as manuscript names. For some species described by previous workers lectotypes have been designated where appropriate. The primary types of all the known species from southern Africa have been examined. Observations on adult structure are discussed from the viewpoint of phylogenetic relationships both within the Nepticulidae and between the family and other lepidopteran groups. This has led to a re-interpretation and expansion of some aspects of nepticulid morphology. Numerical phenetic methods, which include cluster analyses and an ordination technique (principal component analysis), were used to check my personal assessment of phena. The illustrations (phenograms and ordination diagrams) provide a visual summary of phenetic relationships of as wide a range of Nepticulidae as possible. Aspects of the nature of taxonomic characters, ancestor-descendant relationships, and homoplasy are discussed. Brief comments are made on distribution, and host-plant choice and phylogeny.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
The ecology and control of Opuntia Aurantiaca in South Africa in relation to the cochineal insect, Dactylopius Austrinus
- Authors: Zimmermann, Helmuth G
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Cochineal insect -- South Africa Cactus -- South Africa Weeds -- Control -- South Africa Insect-plant relationships
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5612 ,
- Description: The cochineal insect Dactylopius austrinus De Lotto, which was released on jointed cactus, Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley, in South Africa in 1932, failed to bring the weed under an acceptable level of control in spite of the encouraging results during the first few years after release. The reasons for this apparent failure were never clearly understood. In 1957 the State embarked on an intensive herbicidal control programme which is still in force today. This sustained and expensive programme has undoubtedly reduced the density of the weed in most areas but has failed to solve the problem and the plant continues to expand its range. The biological control of o. aurantiaca in South Africa has been fundamentally influenced by this chemical control campaign. The relationship between chemical and biological control methods is reported in this study.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Zimmermann, Helmuth G
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Cochineal insect -- South Africa Cactus -- South Africa Weeds -- Control -- South Africa Insect-plant relationships
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5612 ,
- Description: The cochineal insect Dactylopius austrinus De Lotto, which was released on jointed cactus, Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley, in South Africa in 1932, failed to bring the weed under an acceptable level of control in spite of the encouraging results during the first few years after release. The reasons for this apparent failure were never clearly understood. In 1957 the State embarked on an intensive herbicidal control programme which is still in force today. This sustained and expensive programme has undoubtedly reduced the density of the weed in most areas but has failed to solve the problem and the plant continues to expand its range. The biological control of o. aurantiaca in South Africa has been fundamentally influenced by this chemical control campaign. The relationship between chemical and biological control methods is reported in this study.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
The factors which influence algal growth in the P.K. le Roux impoundment, Orange River, South Africa
- Authors: Selkirk, Wayne Thomas
- Date: 1982
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5798 ,
- Description: Introduction: In South Africa, much of the work on algal limitation in man-made lakes has centered on nutrients rather than the possible effects of physical factors such as turbidity.In order to determine which is the most important factor in algal limitation in the turbid Orange River system, a comprehensive study of spatial and seasonal changes of the following factors was undertaken in the P.K. Ie Roux impoundment: trace elements , silicon, nitrate, phosphate, total phosphate, phytoplankton standing stock, total suspended solids, secthi disc transparency, light attenuation and the spectral quality of the light. None of the chemical factors appeared to be in short supply but the shallowness of the euphotic zone (0.8 m) had two effects. Firstly. the quantity of light in the upper 1.5 metres was extremely small due to the rapid attenuation of the light by silt. Secondly. the quality of the light was poor due to the selective screening of the shorter wavelengths of light. Once light limitation had been implicated as an important factor in the control of phytoplankton stocks a series of column experiments were used to demonstrate that increased circulation rate. and therefore a higher light dosage. would elevate the algal standing stocks without the addition of nutrients. It was demonstrated that light. as a result of the negative effects of turbidity was the principal cause of low algal standing stocks within the impoundment. and not nutrients as has previously been suggested by other workers.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
The factors which influence algal growth in the P.K. le Roux impoundment, Orange River, South Africa
- Authors: Selkirk, Wayne Thomas
- Date: 1982
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5798 ,
- Description: Introduction: In South Africa, much of the work on algal limitation in man-made lakes has centered on nutrients rather than the possible effects of physical factors such as turbidity.In order to determine which is the most important factor in algal limitation in the turbid Orange River system, a comprehensive study of spatial and seasonal changes of the following factors was undertaken in the P.K. Ie Roux impoundment: trace elements , silicon, nitrate, phosphate, total phosphate, phytoplankton standing stock, total suspended solids, secthi disc transparency, light attenuation and the spectral quality of the light. None of the chemical factors appeared to be in short supply but the shallowness of the euphotic zone (0.8 m) had two effects. Firstly. the quantity of light in the upper 1.5 metres was extremely small due to the rapid attenuation of the light by silt. Secondly. the quality of the light was poor due to the selective screening of the shorter wavelengths of light. Once light limitation had been implicated as an important factor in the control of phytoplankton stocks a series of column experiments were used to demonstrate that increased circulation rate. and therefore a higher light dosage. would elevate the algal standing stocks without the addition of nutrients. It was demonstrated that light. as a result of the negative effects of turbidity was the principal cause of low algal standing stocks within the impoundment. and not nutrients as has previously been suggested by other workers.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
The gastric morphology of the white-tailed rat Mystromys Albicaudatus (A.Smith 1834) and preliminary investigation of its digestive processes
- Authors: Maddock, Anthony Hamilton
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Rats -- Physiology Digestion
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5603 ,
- Description: The gastric morphology of the white-tailed rat M. albicaudatus - was described in detail. The bilocular hemiglandular stomach consists of a papillated corpus, non-glandular PGP and glandular antrum. The antrum contains cardiac, fundic and PJ loric glands (suggesting limited glandular reduction during gastric evolution) while the FCE and PGP are lined with orthokeratin. The corpal papillae, which increase surface area for microbial attachment, have undergone a different type of keratinisation called physiological hyperkeratosis. Streptococci, Lactobacilli and unidentified anaerobic bacilli (which colonise papillary microhabitats) are autochthonous in the stomach of M. albicaudatus but P. vulgaris and Ps. flourescens are probably autochthonous. Early gastric development is innate but the rapid development of PB into papillae between 15 and 17 days suggests the presence of allogenic growth stimuli: possibly mechanical abrasion by solid food, low chalone concentration in the papillary basal cells and the influence of the APB. Stimulation by VFA presence, however, is unlikely due to the low concentration of these acids in the stomach (Summary, p. 225)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Maddock, Anthony Hamilton
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Rats -- Physiology Digestion
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5603 ,
- Description: The gastric morphology of the white-tailed rat M. albicaudatus - was described in detail. The bilocular hemiglandular stomach consists of a papillated corpus, non-glandular PGP and glandular antrum. The antrum contains cardiac, fundic and PJ loric glands (suggesting limited glandular reduction during gastric evolution) while the FCE and PGP are lined with orthokeratin. The corpal papillae, which increase surface area for microbial attachment, have undergone a different type of keratinisation called physiological hyperkeratosis. Streptococci, Lactobacilli and unidentified anaerobic bacilli (which colonise papillary microhabitats) are autochthonous in the stomach of M. albicaudatus but P. vulgaris and Ps. flourescens are probably autochthonous. Early gastric development is innate but the rapid development of PB into papillae between 15 and 17 days suggests the presence of allogenic growth stimuli: possibly mechanical abrasion by solid food, low chalone concentration in the papillary basal cells and the influence of the APB. Stimulation by VFA presence, however, is unlikely due to the low concentration of these acids in the stomach (Summary, p. 225)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
The Karoo caterpillar Loxostege Frustalis Zeller (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) in relation to its host plants and natural enemies
- Authors: Möhr, Johann Diederich
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Caterpillars -- South Africa Lepidoptera -- Host plants
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5604 ,
- Description: The Karoo is an arid inland plateau in the central and northeastern Cape Province of South Africa and is characterised by sparse, stunted vegetation. The vegetation is rich in species, and over large areas species of Pentzia, which are drought-resistant shrubs, are extremely abundant. These plants are food for stock (mainly sheep), and because the larvae of the Karoo caterpillar periodically occur in sufficient numbers to defoliate the plants, they assume pest status. Fully-fed Loxostege frustalis larvae construct cases in the soil beneath their food plants and they overwinter in these cases. A census of the numbers of larval cases accumulated in the soil, conducted from 1975 to 1980, showed that an expanded distribution of the pentzias is responsible for the periodic larval outbreaks. Further, alternate food plants are an important food supply for L. frustalis larvae when they disperse under crowded conditions The census data for L. frustalis were analysed by constructing partial life tables for the life-history period from case construction to moth emergence. The mortality of 'encased larvae' is useful for assessing the impact of the known L. frustalis natural enemies. The most important natural enemies were the braconids Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Macrocentrus maraisi Nixon and the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin. The collective responses of all the natural enemies to the density of L. frustalis encased larvae was direct, but undercompensating, so that areas with more pentzias produced more L. frustais. Strategies for immediate measures to alleviate the Karoo caterpillar problem, and for future research, are discussed. It is concluded that reduction of pentzia populations to acceptable levels and/or supplementing pastures with non-host plants of L. frustalis offer the only practical solutions to the Karoo caterpillar problem. Biological control of L. frustalis is dismissed as an option for reducing the pest status of the Karoo caterpillar
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
- Authors: Möhr, Johann Diederich
- Date: 1982
- Subjects: Caterpillars -- South Africa Lepidoptera -- Host plants
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5604 ,
- Description: The Karoo is an arid inland plateau in the central and northeastern Cape Province of South Africa and is characterised by sparse, stunted vegetation. The vegetation is rich in species, and over large areas species of Pentzia, which are drought-resistant shrubs, are extremely abundant. These plants are food for stock (mainly sheep), and because the larvae of the Karoo caterpillar periodically occur in sufficient numbers to defoliate the plants, they assume pest status. Fully-fed Loxostege frustalis larvae construct cases in the soil beneath their food plants and they overwinter in these cases. A census of the numbers of larval cases accumulated in the soil, conducted from 1975 to 1980, showed that an expanded distribution of the pentzias is responsible for the periodic larval outbreaks. Further, alternate food plants are an important food supply for L. frustalis larvae when they disperse under crowded conditions The census data for L. frustalis were analysed by constructing partial life tables for the life-history period from case construction to moth emergence. The mortality of 'encased larvae' is useful for assessing the impact of the known L. frustalis natural enemies. The most important natural enemies were the braconids Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Macrocentrus maraisi Nixon and the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin. The collective responses of all the natural enemies to the density of L. frustalis encased larvae was direct, but undercompensating, so that areas with more pentzias produced more L. frustais. Strategies for immediate measures to alleviate the Karoo caterpillar problem, and for future research, are discussed. It is concluded that reduction of pentzia populations to acceptable levels and/or supplementing pastures with non-host plants of L. frustalis offer the only practical solutions to the Karoo caterpillar problem. Biological control of L. frustalis is dismissed as an option for reducing the pest status of the Karoo caterpillar
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1982
Primary production of Swartvlei in mid-summer 1980, with emphasis on the production ecology of the littoral zone
- Authors: Taylor, David Ian
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Swartvlei , Ecology -- Research -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5820 , , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Swartvlei , Ecology -- Research -- South Africa
- Description: From Introduction: Energy passes through an ecosystem via a multiplicity of interconnected routes, which can be broadly categorised into trophic and detrital pathways. The "metabolic activity" of most lakes will be governed predcminantly at the base of these two routes; namely, the primary producer and decanposer levels, respectively (Wetzel and Allen, 1972). The importance of the littoral primary producers (especially the aquatic macrophytes) in the functioning of the Swartvlei ecosystem has been emphasised in a comprehensive report by Howard-Williams and Allanson (1978) dealing with the lake system fran 1975 to 1978. They noted that although the littoral shelf (<2m below low water level) occupies only 43% of the lake's surface area it contributed 64% of the total annual primary production during the period investigated. This was largely due to the dense Potamogeton pectinatus stands which alone accounted for 52% of the total carbon input into the lake by plants. The fact that the production/biomass ratio for P. pectinatus was only 1,2:1 suggested that its importance as a primary producer in Swartvlei was largely due to its high bianass. (Biomass, or standing stock, is used in this report as defined by Waters (1977); namely, "the amount present at a point in time, expressed best as quantity per spatial unit".)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1981
- Authors: Taylor, David Ian
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Swartvlei , Ecology -- Research -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5820 , , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Swartvlei , Ecology -- Research -- South Africa
- Description: From Introduction: Energy passes through an ecosystem via a multiplicity of interconnected routes, which can be broadly categorised into trophic and detrital pathways. The "metabolic activity" of most lakes will be governed predcminantly at the base of these two routes; namely, the primary producer and decanposer levels, respectively (Wetzel and Allen, 1972). The importance of the littoral primary producers (especially the aquatic macrophytes) in the functioning of the Swartvlei ecosystem has been emphasised in a comprehensive report by Howard-Williams and Allanson (1978) dealing with the lake system fran 1975 to 1978. They noted that although the littoral shelf (<2m below low water level) occupies only 43% of the lake's surface area it contributed 64% of the total annual primary production during the period investigated. This was largely due to the dense Potamogeton pectinatus stands which alone accounted for 52% of the total carbon input into the lake by plants. The fact that the production/biomass ratio for P. pectinatus was only 1,2:1 suggested that its importance as a primary producer in Swartvlei was largely due to its high bianass. (Biomass, or standing stock, is used in this report as defined by Waters (1977); namely, "the amount present at a point in time, expressed best as quantity per spatial unit".)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1981
Some aspects of the biology of Nassarius kraussianus (Dunker)(Gastropoda : Prosobranchia : Nassariidae), in the Bushman's River estuary, with particular reference to recolonisation after floods
- Authors: Palmer, Carolyn Gay
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Gastropoda -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine biology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Prosobranchia -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5809 , , Gastropoda -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine biology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Prosobranchia -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: 1. The development of estuarine research in South Africa has been reviewed, and the present state of knowledge assessed. Little is known about many abundant estuarine species, and a previously unstudied prosobranch Nassarius kraussianus (Dunker), was selected for investigation. 2. The study area, a mudflat on the Bushmans River estuary, was divided into three habitat types: supratidal, intertidal and subtidal, each with a particular substratum and pattern of vegetation cover. The distribution of N. kraussianus is associated with the nature of the substratum and the degree of Zostera capensis Setchell cover. 3. A brief review of pertinent literature indicated the necessity of relating population parameters to environmental conditions. 4. The population biology of N. . kraussianus was investigated, and the size frequencies, sex ratios, and male/female size frequencies were recorded over three distinct periods: pre-flood, post-flood and recovery. 5. The Bushmans River flooded in July and August 1979, and the results of the flood have been described. The most immediate result was a period of low salinity, but the most persistant result was the deposition of silt, which had an important effect on the substratum and the Z. capensis beds. 6. The pre-flood population was characterised by patchy distribution, and by a large number of mature adults in relation to juveniles. Females were generally larger than males, and the sex ratio was 1:1. The presence of juveniles in consistantly low numbers indicated that reproduction may have been continuous, but that intraspecific adult/juvenile competition may have kept juvenile numbers low. 7. The post-flood period was characterised by extreme physical conditions, and the survival of a few adults. Juveniles were completely annihilated, and were absent until a few were spawned by the surviving adults towards the end of 1979 . Sex ratio was biased, and females predominated. 8. The recovery period began abruptly with the arrival of a large number of juveniles in the 2, 3 and 4 mm size classes. Recolonisation coincided with habitat recovery, and reqeneration of the Z. capensis cover. Recolonising juveniles grew quickly, reaching adult size in three months. After that, juveniles were spawned on the mudflat by the new population. During this period the sex ratio did not return to the pre-flood 1:1, but remained female biased. Males and females grew at the same rate over the period measured, but females were consistantly larger, indicating that at some stage female growth may be faster. 9. The recolonising juveniles arrived in a regenerated habitat, at a time when temperatures were high, and conditions for growth probably optimal. If intraspecific competition was a feature of the pre-flood population it would have been elimianted in the recovery phase, by the absence of adults. 10. N. kraussianus is apparently omnivorous and proabably not food limited. However, carrion, a limited resource, may be essential for growth to reproductive maturity. Adults and juveniles may compete for this resource, and any juveniles deprived of access to carrion may be stimulated to leave the parental habitat. 11. N. kraussianus is ovoviviparous, and carries up to 5 egg cases within the uterus. Each triangular egg case contains 1 egg which hatches after approximately 3 weeks, as a free swimming veliger. Yeligers metamorphose, and settle after 4-7 days, assuming a benthic mode of life. Ovoviviparity protects the developing embryo from the rigours of environmental extremes, and ensures that embryos are not swept out to sea . Additionally, veligers have a high probability of settling in the parental habitat. 12. This reproductive strategy has been compared with other prosobranchs, and the evolutionary trends within the Prosobranchia, and particularly the Nassariidae, have been related to their dispersal potential. 13. Developmental strategy is intimately related to recolonisation potential. Ovoviviparity, and the lack of pelagic larvae, did not limit the recolonisation potential of N. kraussianus, and recolonisation was probably effected by post-larval juveniles, which may disperse from neighbouring estuaries and coastal pools, by floating in coastal and tidal currents. Post-larval juveniles have two important advantages over larvae. They are less vulnerable to physical extremes, and they have a sturdy crennellated shell which probably affords them protection from predators. 14. Examples of larval recolonisation in estuarine populations have been reviewed, and the most fundamental conclusion of this work is that recolonisation is an important, and probably widespread, adaptation to estuarine conditions in South Africa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1981
- Authors: Palmer, Carolyn Gay
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Gastropoda -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine biology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Prosobranchia -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5809 , , Gastropoda -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine biology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Prosobranchia -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: 1. The development of estuarine research in South Africa has been reviewed, and the present state of knowledge assessed. Little is known about many abundant estuarine species, and a previously unstudied prosobranch Nassarius kraussianus (Dunker), was selected for investigation. 2. The study area, a mudflat on the Bushmans River estuary, was divided into three habitat types: supratidal, intertidal and subtidal, each with a particular substratum and pattern of vegetation cover. The distribution of N. kraussianus is associated with the nature of the substratum and the degree of Zostera capensis Setchell cover. 3. A brief review of pertinent literature indicated the necessity of relating population parameters to environmental conditions. 4. The population biology of N. . kraussianus was investigated, and the size frequencies, sex ratios, and male/female size frequencies were recorded over three distinct periods: pre-flood, post-flood and recovery. 5. The Bushmans River flooded in July and August 1979, and the results of the flood have been described. The most immediate result was a period of low salinity, but the most persistant result was the deposition of silt, which had an important effect on the substratum and the Z. capensis beds. 6. The pre-flood population was characterised by patchy distribution, and by a large number of mature adults in relation to juveniles. Females were generally larger than males, and the sex ratio was 1:1. The presence of juveniles in consistantly low numbers indicated that reproduction may have been continuous, but that intraspecific adult/juvenile competition may have kept juvenile numbers low. 7. The post-flood period was characterised by extreme physical conditions, and the survival of a few adults. Juveniles were completely annihilated, and were absent until a few were spawned by the surviving adults towards the end of 1979 . Sex ratio was biased, and females predominated. 8. The recovery period began abruptly with the arrival of a large number of juveniles in the 2, 3 and 4 mm size classes. Recolonisation coincided with habitat recovery, and reqeneration of the Z. capensis cover. Recolonising juveniles grew quickly, reaching adult size in three months. After that, juveniles were spawned on the mudflat by the new population. During this period the sex ratio did not return to the pre-flood 1:1, but remained female biased. Males and females grew at the same rate over the period measured, but females were consistantly larger, indicating that at some stage female growth may be faster. 9. The recolonising juveniles arrived in a regenerated habitat, at a time when temperatures were high, and conditions for growth probably optimal. If intraspecific competition was a feature of the pre-flood population it would have been elimianted in the recovery phase, by the absence of adults. 10. N. kraussianus is apparently omnivorous and proabably not food limited. However, carrion, a limited resource, may be essential for growth to reproductive maturity. Adults and juveniles may compete for this resource, and any juveniles deprived of access to carrion may be stimulated to leave the parental habitat. 11. N. kraussianus is ovoviviparous, and carries up to 5 egg cases within the uterus. Each triangular egg case contains 1 egg which hatches after approximately 3 weeks, as a free swimming veliger. Yeligers metamorphose, and settle after 4-7 days, assuming a benthic mode of life. Ovoviviparity protects the developing embryo from the rigours of environmental extremes, and ensures that embryos are not swept out to sea . Additionally, veligers have a high probability of settling in the parental habitat. 12. This reproductive strategy has been compared with other prosobranchs, and the evolutionary trends within the Prosobranchia, and particularly the Nassariidae, have been related to their dispersal potential. 13. Developmental strategy is intimately related to recolonisation potential. Ovoviviparity, and the lack of pelagic larvae, did not limit the recolonisation potential of N. kraussianus, and recolonisation was probably effected by post-larval juveniles, which may disperse from neighbouring estuaries and coastal pools, by floating in coastal and tidal currents. Post-larval juveniles have two important advantages over larvae. They are less vulnerable to physical extremes, and they have a sturdy crennellated shell which probably affords them protection from predators. 14. Examples of larval recolonisation in estuarine populations have been reviewed, and the most fundamental conclusion of this work is that recolonisation is an important, and probably widespread, adaptation to estuarine conditions in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 1981
The social and spatial organisation of the Greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros Pallas 1766) in the Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Allen-Rowlandson, T S
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Greater kudu -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5614 , , Greater kudu -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Methods of capture, marking and age determination in the field, were investigated. The density and structure of the population, individual movements and social relationships were determined. Aspects of reproduction examined included age at puberty, agespecific fecundity, calving intervals and seasonality. Temporal changes in the spatial and social organisation are discussed in relation to environmental conditions, reproduction and population structure. Factors influencing the fecundity, dynamics and grouping patterns within the population are considered.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1981
- Authors: Allen-Rowlandson, T S
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: Greater kudu -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5614 , , Greater kudu -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Methods of capture, marking and age determination in the field, were investigated. The density and structure of the population, individual movements and social relationships were determined. Aspects of reproduction examined included age at puberty, agespecific fecundity, calving intervals and seasonality. Temporal changes in the spatial and social organisation are discussed in relation to environmental conditions, reproduction and population structure. Factors influencing the fecundity, dynamics and grouping patterns within the population are considered.
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- Date Issued: 1981
Some aspects of an ethological study of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the vicinity of Grahamstown, South Africa
- Authors: Gess, Friedrich Wolfgang
- Date: 1980
- Subjects: Wasps -- South Africa Bees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5834 ,
- Description: From introduction: The present study is the first attempt in southern Africa to consider an entire community of aculeate wasps and bees and their interactions with their environment as manifested by their ethology. As far as the author has been able to ascertain it is in fact the most comprehensive of its kind to have been undertaken anywhere, the only similar but more restricted account of this nature being that of Evans (1970) which is mainly concerned with fossorial species and their associates.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1980
- Authors: Gess, Friedrich Wolfgang
- Date: 1980
- Subjects: Wasps -- South Africa Bees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5834 ,
- Description: From introduction: The present study is the first attempt in southern Africa to consider an entire community of aculeate wasps and bees and their interactions with their environment as manifested by their ethology. As far as the author has been able to ascertain it is in fact the most comprehensive of its kind to have been undertaken anywhere, the only similar but more restricted account of this nature being that of Evans (1970) which is mainly concerned with fossorial species and their associates.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1980
Biology and systematics of some southern African myrmeleontoid insects (order Neuroptera)
- Authors: Mansell, Mervyn W
- Date: 1979
- Subjects: Ant lions -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5594 ,
- Description: The biology of southern African Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontoidea) was studied with special emphasis on the nemopterid subfamily Crocinae. The superfamily Myrmeleontoidea is considered to be a monophyletic group derived from ancestors similar to the family Nymphidae. The Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae are the most highly evolved families, and the Nemopteridae have a sistergroup relationship with the other four myrmeleontoid families. Within the Nemopteridae, the Crocinae are considered more advanced than the subfamily Nemopterinae. An account of previous work on the two families is presented: literature relating to the Myrmeleontidae is catalogued in appendix 2 and publications dealing with the Nemopteridae are surveyed in the text . Biological and morphological information derived from the immature stages as well as the adults was used in the systematic study of the two families. The geographical distribution and phylogeny of the Myrmeleontoidea is discussed with particular reference to the Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae. The Myrmeleontidae have a world wide distribution whilst the Nemopteridae are more restricted, being limited to the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. It is concluded that the two families originated on Gondwanaland, and their present distribution is explained on the basis of evidence provided by plate tectonics. In southern Africa, the Myrmeleontidae show two distributional trends: there is a distinct western fauna including many endemics and an eastern fauna which comprises taxa with a wide distribution in central and east Africa, extending their ranges into the eastern parts of the subregion. The Nemopteridae occur predominantly on the western side of the subcontinent and over 90% of the species are endemic to southern Africa. A systematic revision of the southern African Crocinae is presented and summarized in a set of illustrated keys to the adults and larvae. There are now ten known crocin species in four genera from the subregion, four species being described for the first time in this thesis. The larvae of all ten species and the eggs of seven, have been correlated with the adults and are described. Two crocin genera, Concroce and Thysanocroce, have larvae with short prothoraxes, whilst those in Laurhervasia and Tjederia are elongated. Larvae of the first two genera live in plant detritus under rocks and in crevices whereas larvae of the latter two genera inhabit small dusty caves. These findings on the Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae are discussed in the context of general systematic theory, phylogeny and zoogeography.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1979
- Authors: Mansell, Mervyn W
- Date: 1979
- Subjects: Ant lions -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5594 ,
- Description: The biology of southern African Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontoidea) was studied with special emphasis on the nemopterid subfamily Crocinae. The superfamily Myrmeleontoidea is considered to be a monophyletic group derived from ancestors similar to the family Nymphidae. The Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae are the most highly evolved families, and the Nemopteridae have a sistergroup relationship with the other four myrmeleontoid families. Within the Nemopteridae, the Crocinae are considered more advanced than the subfamily Nemopterinae. An account of previous work on the two families is presented: literature relating to the Myrmeleontidae is catalogued in appendix 2 and publications dealing with the Nemopteridae are surveyed in the text . Biological and morphological information derived from the immature stages as well as the adults was used in the systematic study of the two families. The geographical distribution and phylogeny of the Myrmeleontoidea is discussed with particular reference to the Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae. The Myrmeleontidae have a world wide distribution whilst the Nemopteridae are more restricted, being limited to the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. It is concluded that the two families originated on Gondwanaland, and their present distribution is explained on the basis of evidence provided by plate tectonics. In southern Africa, the Myrmeleontidae show two distributional trends: there is a distinct western fauna including many endemics and an eastern fauna which comprises taxa with a wide distribution in central and east Africa, extending their ranges into the eastern parts of the subregion. The Nemopteridae occur predominantly on the western side of the subcontinent and over 90% of the species are endemic to southern Africa. A systematic revision of the southern African Crocinae is presented and summarized in a set of illustrated keys to the adults and larvae. There are now ten known crocin species in four genera from the subregion, four species being described for the first time in this thesis. The larvae of all ten species and the eggs of seven, have been correlated with the adults and are described. Two crocin genera, Concroce and Thysanocroce, have larvae with short prothoraxes, whilst those in Laurhervasia and Tjederia are elongated. Larvae of the first two genera live in plant detritus under rocks and in crevices whereas larvae of the latter two genera inhabit small dusty caves. These findings on the Myrmeleontidae and Nemopteridae are discussed in the context of general systematic theory, phylogeny and zoogeography.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1979
Dispersal of the cochineal insect Dactylopius Austrinus de Lotto (Homoptera : Dactylopiidae)
- Authors: Gunn, Brian Howard
- Date: 1979
- Subjects: Cochineal insect--South Africa , Cochineal insects , Biological control , Jointed cactus , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5596 ,
- Description: Dispersal of the cochineal insect Dactylopius austrinus De Lotto, introduced into South Africa in 1932 as a biological control agent against jointed cactus Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley, was investigated. Zimmermann et al. (l974) suggested that the apparent failure of this insect to control jointed cactus infestations is due to limited dispersal of the first instar nymphs (hereafter referred to as crawlers). Studies on crawler morphology have shown a clear sexual dimorphism in the pattern and development of filaments on the head, thorax and abdomen of male and female crawlers. This enabled differentiation between the sexes with respect to terminal velocities, behaviour and survival of crawlers which have shown that the crawlers, especially the females, are well adapted to dispersal. Long filaments on the head, thorax and abdomen of the female crawlers, that are restricted to dispersal in the crawler stage (as later instars are sessile) and a behaviour directed towards "take-off" enhance the potential for dispersal. The more sedentary males, with long filaments restricted to the abdomen, are able to disperse as winged adults. The principal factors influencing the timing of dispersal and number of crawlers blown from the host plant are wind and temperature; the latter determining the number of crawlers moving on the host plant. Dispersal is confined to the period between 06h00 and 20h00 and it was possible to correlate the pattern of crawler dispersal with wind patterns. The general equation of Taylor (1978) provided an adequate description of horizontal distribution of D.austrinus crawlers in all directions. Wind dispersal of the apterous crawlers is restricted by the low height of jointed cactus plants. Horizontal distribution is limited (generally less than 10 m) although a small proportion of crawlers carried vertically upwards by turbulence or convection currents are sufficiently hardy to survive long range displacement. It is suggested that the small size of the host plant will also reduce effective colonization as the canopy area provides a small target for the wind-blown crawlers. The limitation on dispersal due to the low height of the host plant suggested a system for artificially enhancing crawler dispersal from elevated towers in the field. Evaluation of this system confirmed that it would be practical to augment or introduce cochineal into jointed cactus infestations to enhance the biocontrol potential of this insect. This offers an alternative to chemical control, that has so far failed to control the spread of jointed cactus despite an intensive and expensive herbicide program
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1979
- Authors: Gunn, Brian Howard
- Date: 1979
- Subjects: Cochineal insect--South Africa , Cochineal insects , Biological control , Jointed cactus , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5596 ,
- Description: Dispersal of the cochineal insect Dactylopius austrinus De Lotto, introduced into South Africa in 1932 as a biological control agent against jointed cactus Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley, was investigated. Zimmermann et al. (l974) suggested that the apparent failure of this insect to control jointed cactus infestations is due to limited dispersal of the first instar nymphs (hereafter referred to as crawlers). Studies on crawler morphology have shown a clear sexual dimorphism in the pattern and development of filaments on the head, thorax and abdomen of male and female crawlers. This enabled differentiation between the sexes with respect to terminal velocities, behaviour and survival of crawlers which have shown that the crawlers, especially the females, are well adapted to dispersal. Long filaments on the head, thorax and abdomen of the female crawlers, that are restricted to dispersal in the crawler stage (as later instars are sessile) and a behaviour directed towards "take-off" enhance the potential for dispersal. The more sedentary males, with long filaments restricted to the abdomen, are able to disperse as winged adults. The principal factors influencing the timing of dispersal and number of crawlers blown from the host plant are wind and temperature; the latter determining the number of crawlers moving on the host plant. Dispersal is confined to the period between 06h00 and 20h00 and it was possible to correlate the pattern of crawler dispersal with wind patterns. The general equation of Taylor (1978) provided an adequate description of horizontal distribution of D.austrinus crawlers in all directions. Wind dispersal of the apterous crawlers is restricted by the low height of jointed cactus plants. Horizontal distribution is limited (generally less than 10 m) although a small proportion of crawlers carried vertically upwards by turbulence or convection currents are sufficiently hardy to survive long range displacement. It is suggested that the small size of the host plant will also reduce effective colonization as the canopy area provides a small target for the wind-blown crawlers. The limitation on dispersal due to the low height of the host plant suggested a system for artificially enhancing crawler dispersal from elevated towers in the field. Evaluation of this system confirmed that it would be practical to augment or introduce cochineal into jointed cactus infestations to enhance the biocontrol potential of this insect. This offers an alternative to chemical control, that has so far failed to control the spread of jointed cactus despite an intensive and expensive herbicide program
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- Date Issued: 1979