An investigation into how Grade 11 Biology teachers mediate learning through code-switching from English to Oshiwambo : a case study
- Authors: Kanime, Justina Kashuupulwa
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Biology -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , English language -- Namibia -- Omusati , Ndonga language -- Namibia -- Omusati , Code switching (Linguistics) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Pedagogical content knowledge , Native language and education -- Namibia -- Omusati
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2034 ,
- Description: This study aimed to investigate how Grade 11 Biology teachers mediate learning through code-switching from English to Oshiwambo. It was triggered by my experience as a teacher when I came to observe that the majority of teachers still use the home language during their lessons though the language policy for schools in Namibia clearly states that English should be used as a medium of instruction from Grade Four onwards. The research was carried out at Happy Secondary School (pseudonym), a rural government school in Omusati Region, Namibia. It was a qualitative case study underpinned by an interpretive paradigm. The unit of analysis was the mediation of learning through codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo. Document analysis, questionnaires, interviews (semistructured, focus group, stimulated recall interviews) and lesson observations were used as data gathering techniques, to ensure adequate coverage, validity and trustworthiness of the data gathered. The study adopted Vygotsky’s social constructivism and the socio-cultural perspective in conjunction with Shulman’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) as the theoretical frameworks. The data analysis process entailed organising data into themes from which four analytical statements were then derived in relation to the research questions. The study found that both Biology teachers and learners view code-switching as a useful tool in making learners understand the biological concepts. The study revealed that Biology teachers code-switch from English to Oshiwambo to make learners understand better, increase participation, explain concepts, elaborate, for disciplinary purposes, when giving examples of everyday knowledge events and when asking questions. The study also revealed that learners code-switch mainly for good communication, easier self-expression, due to loss of words, when unprepared to explain concepts and due to fear of making mistakes. It emerged, however, that both teachers and learners experience some challenges when codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo is used to mediate learning in Biology lessons. These include time constraints, lack of biological terms in Oshiwambo, different Oshiwambo dialects and the language policy. In addition, learners also lose the opportunity to learn English and find it difficult to answer questions in the examinations. The study revealed that Biology teachers and learners try to overcome these challenges by good lesson preparation, mini-teaching, using English/Oshindonga dictionaries or simply by adhering to the language policy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Kanime, Justina Kashuupulwa
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Biology -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , English language -- Namibia -- Omusati , Ndonga language -- Namibia -- Omusati , Code switching (Linguistics) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Pedagogical content knowledge , Native language and education -- Namibia -- Omusati
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2034 ,
- Description: This study aimed to investigate how Grade 11 Biology teachers mediate learning through code-switching from English to Oshiwambo. It was triggered by my experience as a teacher when I came to observe that the majority of teachers still use the home language during their lessons though the language policy for schools in Namibia clearly states that English should be used as a medium of instruction from Grade Four onwards. The research was carried out at Happy Secondary School (pseudonym), a rural government school in Omusati Region, Namibia. It was a qualitative case study underpinned by an interpretive paradigm. The unit of analysis was the mediation of learning through codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo. Document analysis, questionnaires, interviews (semistructured, focus group, stimulated recall interviews) and lesson observations were used as data gathering techniques, to ensure adequate coverage, validity and trustworthiness of the data gathered. The study adopted Vygotsky’s social constructivism and the socio-cultural perspective in conjunction with Shulman’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) as the theoretical frameworks. The data analysis process entailed organising data into themes from which four analytical statements were then derived in relation to the research questions. The study found that both Biology teachers and learners view code-switching as a useful tool in making learners understand the biological concepts. The study revealed that Biology teachers code-switch from English to Oshiwambo to make learners understand better, increase participation, explain concepts, elaborate, for disciplinary purposes, when giving examples of everyday knowledge events and when asking questions. The study also revealed that learners code-switch mainly for good communication, easier self-expression, due to loss of words, when unprepared to explain concepts and due to fear of making mistakes. It emerged, however, that both teachers and learners experience some challenges when codeswitching from English to Oshiwambo is used to mediate learning in Biology lessons. These include time constraints, lack of biological terms in Oshiwambo, different Oshiwambo dialects and the language policy. In addition, learners also lose the opportunity to learn English and find it difficult to answer questions in the examinations. The study revealed that Biology teachers and learners try to overcome these challenges by good lesson preparation, mini-teaching, using English/Oshindonga dictionaries or simply by adhering to the language policy.
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- Date Issued: 2015
An investigation into how Grade 11 Physical Science teachers mediate learning of the topic stoichiometry : a case study
- Authors: Kanime, Mwene Kashiiwandapo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Stoichiometry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Pedagogical content knowledge , Learning -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Teacher effectiveness -- Namibia -- Oshikoto
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2035 ,
- Description: Stoichiometry is proven to be one of the difficult topics for learners in the NSSC Physical Science syllabus due to its abstract nature. Over the years the Examiner’s reports reveal that learners' performance is very poor in this topic. In addition, learners fear the topic and have developed a negative attitude toward it. It is against this background that I decided to carry out a qualitative case study; investigating how teachers mediate the learning of stoichiometry. The study was conducted at two schools in the Oshikoto Region, Namibia and it involved two grade 11 Physical Science teachers. The study is located within the interpretive paradigm and made use of interviews, document analysis and lesson observations (which were video-taped and transcribed) followed by stimulated recall interviews to generate data. The generated data were analyzed using the inductive approach whereby themes were identified. The themes were later used to develop analytical statements in relation to my research questions and these were used to interpret the data. Moreover, the study adopted the notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) proposed by Shulman (1986, 1987) as well as Vygotsky's (1978) mediation of learning and social constructivism as the theoretical frameworks. The data were validated by triangulation, member checking as well as using the stimulated recall interviews while watching the videos with each participant. The findings of the study show that teachers use several tools to mediate the learning process and this includes the use of language, learners' prior knowledge and analogies. In addition, it emerged in this study that teachers are faced with a number of challenges when mediating learning of this topic. Hence, the study recommends that teachers should develop their pedagogical content knowledge for them to effectively eliminate the challenges faced as well as to come up with the best teaching strategies which they can use to mediate learning and help learners make sense of the topic stoichiometry.
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- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Kanime, Mwene Kashiiwandapo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Stoichiometry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Pedagogical content knowledge , Learning -- Namibia -- Oshikoto , Teacher effectiveness -- Namibia -- Oshikoto
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2035 ,
- Description: Stoichiometry is proven to be one of the difficult topics for learners in the NSSC Physical Science syllabus due to its abstract nature. Over the years the Examiner’s reports reveal that learners' performance is very poor in this topic. In addition, learners fear the topic and have developed a negative attitude toward it. It is against this background that I decided to carry out a qualitative case study; investigating how teachers mediate the learning of stoichiometry. The study was conducted at two schools in the Oshikoto Region, Namibia and it involved two grade 11 Physical Science teachers. The study is located within the interpretive paradigm and made use of interviews, document analysis and lesson observations (which were video-taped and transcribed) followed by stimulated recall interviews to generate data. The generated data were analyzed using the inductive approach whereby themes were identified. The themes were later used to develop analytical statements in relation to my research questions and these were used to interpret the data. Moreover, the study adopted the notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) proposed by Shulman (1986, 1987) as well as Vygotsky's (1978) mediation of learning and social constructivism as the theoretical frameworks. The data were validated by triangulation, member checking as well as using the stimulated recall interviews while watching the videos with each participant. The findings of the study show that teachers use several tools to mediate the learning process and this includes the use of language, learners' prior knowledge and analogies. In addition, it emerged in this study that teachers are faced with a number of challenges when mediating learning of this topic. Hence, the study recommends that teachers should develop their pedagogical content knowledge for them to effectively eliminate the challenges faced as well as to come up with the best teaching strategies which they can use to mediate learning and help learners make sense of the topic stoichiometry.
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- Date Issued: 2015
An investigation into how two Natural Science teachers in the Khomas region mediate learning of the topic of atoms and molecules in Grade 7 : a case study
- Authors: Hoepfner, Narenda
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Life sciences -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Pedagogical content knowledge , Cognitive learning , Teachers -- In-service training -- Namibia -- Khomas
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2031 ,
- Description: The teaching of abstract concepts requires higher cognitive thinking skills and thus presents a challenge for most subjects in the curriculum, in particular, science subjects. Teachers often complain that they struggle to develop higher cognitive skills in learners in such topics. As a result, learners fail to understand science concepts and then complain that science is boring and hence lose interest in the subject. The main reason for this study was to investigate how Grade 7 Natural Science teachers mediate the learning of abstract topics, in particular, atoms and molecules which are regarded as the building blocks in chemistry. This study further sought to develop a teaching unit of work on atoms, molecules and the Periodic Table in partnership with the participating teachers, in order to help improve teaching and learning of the topic. The study is located within an interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, a qualitative case study approach was adopted whereby two Grade 7 Natural Science teachers in the Khomas Region were the research participants. This approach enabled me to seek for answers beyond the obvious classroom experiences by using document analysis, semi-structured interviews and classroom observation (which were video-taped and transcribed). The theoretical frameworks underpinning this study focused on mediation of learning and social constructivism as expounded by Vygotsky, in conjunction with Shulman’s pedagogical content knowledge. Hence, emphasis was placed on the teaching strategies used by teachers, such as elicitation of prior knowledge during the lessons, language used, interaction of learners and ways how teachers deal with the challenges faced by them in the mediation of learning. An inductive analysis to discover patterns and themes was applied during the data analysis process. The themes were further turned into analytical statements to interpret the data. The validation process was achieved by using a variety of data gathering techniques. I watched the videotaped lessons with the observed teachers and I made use of member checking in the form of stimulated recall interviews and transcripts of the interviews. Thus, a summary of discussions were given back to the respondents to verify their responses and check for any misinterpretations. Different chapters of my study were given to colleagues to read through as a means of the validation process. Herein lies the importance of a critical friend in qualitative research. The findings of the study revealed that concepts of high cognitive demand should not be oversimplified when introduced to learners, as learners might find it difficult to define and conceptualise concepts as they do not have proper insights into the concepts. The findings further illuminated that teachers should develop a strong subject content knowledge as well as pedagogical content knowledge to have the best strategies in place to mediate learning of this topic. The study concludes, with Phase 2, that the exposure of and cooperation between teachers plays an indispensable role in their professional development. Essentially, this enables teachers to make use of different teaching styles as they scaffold learners in the process of making sense of, in particular, abstract science concepts. Finally, this study recommends that teachers need to engage in on-going professional development opportunities and be equipped with suitable learning support and other necessary physical resources, as a way of motivation and to be in a position to deal with all the many challenges they have to face during the mediation of learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Hoepfner, Narenda
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Life sciences -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Pedagogical content knowledge , Cognitive learning , Teachers -- In-service training -- Namibia -- Khomas
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2031 ,
- Description: The teaching of abstract concepts requires higher cognitive thinking skills and thus presents a challenge for most subjects in the curriculum, in particular, science subjects. Teachers often complain that they struggle to develop higher cognitive skills in learners in such topics. As a result, learners fail to understand science concepts and then complain that science is boring and hence lose interest in the subject. The main reason for this study was to investigate how Grade 7 Natural Science teachers mediate the learning of abstract topics, in particular, atoms and molecules which are regarded as the building blocks in chemistry. This study further sought to develop a teaching unit of work on atoms, molecules and the Periodic Table in partnership with the participating teachers, in order to help improve teaching and learning of the topic. The study is located within an interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, a qualitative case study approach was adopted whereby two Grade 7 Natural Science teachers in the Khomas Region were the research participants. This approach enabled me to seek for answers beyond the obvious classroom experiences by using document analysis, semi-structured interviews and classroom observation (which were video-taped and transcribed). The theoretical frameworks underpinning this study focused on mediation of learning and social constructivism as expounded by Vygotsky, in conjunction with Shulman’s pedagogical content knowledge. Hence, emphasis was placed on the teaching strategies used by teachers, such as elicitation of prior knowledge during the lessons, language used, interaction of learners and ways how teachers deal with the challenges faced by them in the mediation of learning. An inductive analysis to discover patterns and themes was applied during the data analysis process. The themes were further turned into analytical statements to interpret the data. The validation process was achieved by using a variety of data gathering techniques. I watched the videotaped lessons with the observed teachers and I made use of member checking in the form of stimulated recall interviews and transcripts of the interviews. Thus, a summary of discussions were given back to the respondents to verify their responses and check for any misinterpretations. Different chapters of my study were given to colleagues to read through as a means of the validation process. Herein lies the importance of a critical friend in qualitative research. The findings of the study revealed that concepts of high cognitive demand should not be oversimplified when introduced to learners, as learners might find it difficult to define and conceptualise concepts as they do not have proper insights into the concepts. The findings further illuminated that teachers should develop a strong subject content knowledge as well as pedagogical content knowledge to have the best strategies in place to mediate learning of this topic. The study concludes, with Phase 2, that the exposure of and cooperation between teachers plays an indispensable role in their professional development. Essentially, this enables teachers to make use of different teaching styles as they scaffold learners in the process of making sense of, in particular, abstract science concepts. Finally, this study recommends that teachers need to engage in on-going professional development opportunities and be equipped with suitable learning support and other necessary physical resources, as a way of motivation and to be in a position to deal with all the many challenges they have to face during the mediation of learning.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Investigating the inclusion of environmental learning in the Life Science Grade 10 curriculum : a case study of three Namibian schools
- Authors: Joseph, Cecilia Namuhuya
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Life sciences -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Environmental education -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Curriculum-based assessment -- Namibia -- Omusati , Pedagogical content knowledge , Educational tests and measurements -- Namibia -- Omusati
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2033 ,
- Description: This study was carried out to investigate how Grade 10 Life Science teachers in three schools in the Omusati region of Namibia are including Environmental Learning (EL) in terms of the curriculum policy. A qualitative approach was used to generate data through document analysis, interviews and classroom observations to investigate the application of the policy of including environmental learning in classroom curriculum practice. The research was primarily directed towards examining constraints and enabling factors in the context of the three schools that participated in the study. The study revealed that teaching strategies for the inclusion of environmental learning were not widely evident, suggesting disparities between the policy of enabling environmental education through the inclusion of environmental learning across the curriculum. It was notable that teacher knowledge and interest in environmental education influence how they include environmental learning and that assessment practices narrow the scope of environmental learning in ways that do not include critical thinking and problem solving skills. The study concludes that despite diverse constraints inhibiting inclusion, the evidence suggests that the inclusion of environmental learning in Namibia’s Life Science curriculum can enable environmental education. The above main findings are used to make recommendations toward strengthening environmental content knowledge of teachers and to improve assessment practices. It was also noted that some of the environmental learning constraints could be transformed into enablers with more teacher support and by making a better link between environmental learning theories and practices. This will involve a redirection of the curriculum documents as well as the provision of other learning support materials to support environmental learning. The study has enabled me to conclude that what is happening should be encouraged so that it continues and is strengthened although the implementation of environmental learning is not as clear as the policy had mapped out.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Joseph, Cecilia Namuhuya
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Life sciences -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Environmental education -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Omusati , Curriculum-based assessment -- Namibia -- Omusati , Pedagogical content knowledge , Educational tests and measurements -- Namibia -- Omusati
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2033 ,
- Description: This study was carried out to investigate how Grade 10 Life Science teachers in three schools in the Omusati region of Namibia are including Environmental Learning (EL) in terms of the curriculum policy. A qualitative approach was used to generate data through document analysis, interviews and classroom observations to investigate the application of the policy of including environmental learning in classroom curriculum practice. The research was primarily directed towards examining constraints and enabling factors in the context of the three schools that participated in the study. The study revealed that teaching strategies for the inclusion of environmental learning were not widely evident, suggesting disparities between the policy of enabling environmental education through the inclusion of environmental learning across the curriculum. It was notable that teacher knowledge and interest in environmental education influence how they include environmental learning and that assessment practices narrow the scope of environmental learning in ways that do not include critical thinking and problem solving skills. The study concludes that despite diverse constraints inhibiting inclusion, the evidence suggests that the inclusion of environmental learning in Namibia’s Life Science curriculum can enable environmental education. The above main findings are used to make recommendations toward strengthening environmental content knowledge of teachers and to improve assessment practices. It was also noted that some of the environmental learning constraints could be transformed into enablers with more teacher support and by making a better link between environmental learning theories and practices. This will involve a redirection of the curriculum documents as well as the provision of other learning support materials to support environmental learning. The study has enabled me to conclude that what is happening should be encouraged so that it continues and is strengthened although the implementation of environmental learning is not as clear as the policy had mapped out.
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- Date Issued: 2015