Action notes: No. 6: Constitutions
- Authors: Human Awareness Programme
- Date: 1990-05
- Subjects: Nonprofit organizations -- Management , Nonprofit organizations -- Finance
- Language: English
- Type: instruction , text
- Identifier: , vital:27731 , ISBN 1-874808-03-1
- Description: Before an organisation can draw up a constitution, it must decide what kind of organisation it wants to be. An organisation can be a legally constituted organisation which registers with government bodies or it can be an organisation by constitution alone. If an organisation makes a profit from selling things or else administers large sums of money, it must be legally constituted. Such an organisation would be called a closed corporation or a trust fund. If you want to write such a constitution, you should consult a lawyer for advice. Organisations such as civic organisations or advice offices are usually organisations by constitution alone. This means that there is a clause in the constitution which says the organisation has its own personality and that it can be sued or be in debt just like an ordinary person. This book will help those who want to write constitutions for organisations which are organisations by constitution alone.
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1820 Foundation publications: an evaluation for the 1820 Foundation
- Authors: Davies, William J , Stewart, G M
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: 1820 Foundation -- Bibliography 1820 Foundation Standard Bank National Arts Festival Standard Bank National Schools Festival 1820 Foundation. Eisteddfod Anglo de Beers English Olympiad Gold Shield Award In-service education and training for teachers
- Language: English
- Type: Book
- Identifier: , vital:20212
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A chemical investigation of Tulbaghia Violacea
- Authors: Burton, Stephanie Gail
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Liliaceae , Plants -- Analysis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4528 ,
- Description: Tulbaghia violacea, a member of the family Alliaceae is indigenous to the Eastern Cape and is widely used as a herbal remedy for various febrile and gastro-enteric ailments, particularly in young children. Adverse effects, and even fatalities, have been reported following treatment with the plant extract. The project has involved synthesis of model compounds, chromatographic analysis of flavonoid and other constituents of the plant, and examination of the volatile components. Some fifteen flavones were synthesised as chromatographic models and in the course of this work, the development of a new method for synthesis of carboxylic anhydrides was completed. Use of the flavone standards permitted identification of the flavonols kaempferol and quercetin in hydrolysed glycosidic plant extracts. In addition, several sugars were identified, viz., D-glucose, D-fructose, L-arabinose and D-galactose as free sugars, and D-glucose, D-galactose , 1-rhamnose, D- fucose, D-xylose, 1-arabinose and D-fructose as glycosidic sugars, by g.l.c. and g. c. - m. s. analysis of derivatives of isolated sugar mixtures. The presence in the plant extracts of steroidal saponins was also demonstrated. The sulphur compounds, 2,4,5,7-tetrathiaoctane-2,2-dioxide and 2,4,5,7-tetrathiaoctane were isolated from the plant and characterised spectroscopically. This result, together with analysis of volatiles from the plant, has led to a proposal concerning the nature and origin of sulphur compounds in Tulbaghia violacea, showing close correlation with the sulphur compounds in Allium species. Investigation of the biological activity of Tulbaghia violacea extracts showed bacteriostatic activity, particularly of extracts which had not been heated, and which had been prepared from mature plants. Treatment of isolated smooth muscle preparations with Tulbaghia violacea extracts indicated the presence of a β-adrenergic agonist having an inhibitory effect on normal muscle contraction. The results of the investigations indicate that while there may be some basis for use of the plant as an antibacterial, or to treat colic, the adverse effects, caused possibly by the sulphur compounds and/or steroidal saponins present, may override the beneficial effects.
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A cross cultural investigation of gender: gender stereotypes of English and Xhosa undergraduate students
- Authors: Robinson, Kathryn Ann
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Sex role -- South Africa -- Cross-cultural studies , Stereotypes (Social psychology) -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2901 ,
- Description: This study begins with the assertion that gender-role stereotypes exist in society, and that these influence the way the members of society perceive themselves and others. These stereotypes consist of sex-typed personality traits, attitudes, interests and behaviours, and they vary to a greater or lesser extent according to the culture that they originate in. Just as ordinary members of society are influenced by these stereotypes, so too are researchers, although this is not something that is often readily admitted. A great deal of research has been undertaken on gender-roles in past years, but researchers have tended to re-use existing conceptualisations of gender without examining whether they are in fact salient for the culture or generation under study. This study begins with the premise that (in South Africa as much as anywhere) before truly accurate assessment of the distributions of gender roles in a culture can be initiated, the culturally specific content of its gender-roles must be discovered. This firstly involves the description of the culture's gender-role stereotypes. Such explication would hopefully also help researchers to avoid making biased interpretations as a result of the stereotypes. Secondly, the relationship between stereotypes and self-perceptions must be established to see if scales based on the former are valid for use on the latter. This study's aim was to begin to investigate these two areas in English and Xhosa students. 94 white English speaking, and 48 black Xhosa speaking undergraduate students responded to an open ended, and a Likert-type questionnaire on various traits, attitudes and behaviours, by rating each for the "typical" male and female as well as themselves. Descriptions of stereotypes and self-ratings were obtained from performing within culture t-tests, comparing ratings of typical males and females, and male and female self ratings. Data from the open ended questionnaires was used to fill out these descriptions, which were then compared across sexes and across cultures. Gender stereotyping proved to be salient in both cultures, and gender stereotypes of the two cultures shared some similarities but also had menaingful differences. In both cultures, stereotypes and self-descriptions paralleled one another in some areas, but also differed significantly. It was concluded that the same gender-role scale would not be equally valid for use in the two cuItures, and that scales based on stereotypes would not be altogether valid for assessing self-perceptions. Various issues and implications arising from the results are discussed critically, including the proposal for a redefinition of the terms "stereotype" and "culture" to suit South African society.
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A life-history approach to the biology of Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces : Cichlidae) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: James, Nick, 1955-
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Cichlids -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5187 ,
- Description: The phenotypic plasticity of the cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus was examined in fresh and brackish water populations living in the eastern Cape near the southern extremity of the natural range. The primary goal of the study was to examine the wide variety of life-history styles which were expressed in relation to the varying environmental conditions. Four natural populations were studied during 1986 and 1987, and some experimental work under artificial conditions was carried out at the Rhodes University fishfarm during 1988. This comparative approach gave insights into the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors which are exploited by this hardy species. O. mossambicus displayed a wide variety of life-history tactics under harsh environmental conditions. The growth of juvenile fish was rapid and mortality of the young-of-the-year was high. Age at first onset of sexual maturity ranged from one to three years. Under harsh conditions growth rate was markedly reduced after maturity, which occurred during the second or third summer and growth disparity between the sexes was more pronounced. Longevity was found to vary from five to ten years for different populations. Under more favourable conditions (resembling the typical "floodplain" habitats of this species at lower latitudes) very rapid juvenile growth, and a high maximum mass of over 2300 g for both sexes was iii achieved. Sexual maturity under these conditions could be delayed until the third or fourth summer of life. O. mossambicus demonstrated an ability to withstand and even benefit from fluctuating water levels, and adjusted its life style according to the prevailing conditions: at times of high water level recruitment was low and sexual maturity delayed. During low water periods reproductive rates increased. Q. mossambicus showed a distinct preference for gentle gradients and well-vegetated habitats for feeding, nesting and refuge. During the study winter temperatures were near and at some times below the generally accepted lower limits for this species. This implies that these indigenous populations have a degree of cold tolerance. A further implication is that Q. mossambicus has the ability to thrive under adverse conditions which may partially explain its wide and successful colonisation of water bodies far from its natural range, and its obvious fisheries potential.
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A pastoral theological examination of inner healing
- Authors: Velthuysen, Daniel Nicholas
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Pastoral theology , Healing -- Religious aspects -- Christianity , Mental healing -- Religious aspects -- Christianity , Inner child -- Religious aspects -- Christianity , Primal therapy -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1300 ,
- Description: Doing a survey of the ministry of inner healing, one is arrested by three salient features: its pragmatic and correlative development, its lay orientation, and the inconsistent and naïve theoretical explanation of the phenomenon. Inner healing, or as it was first known, the healing of the memories, appears to have its roots with Agnes Sanford during the 1940's (Sandford 1982: 3-4). Over a period of time and through a series of events, Sanford experienced what she termed a healing of memories. After some reflection on her experiences she began to teach her views at the School of Pastoral Care started by her husband in 1958, at Camps Farthest Out (CFO), and at numerous churches and conferences.
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A pilot study of commonly held misconceptions in secondary school genetics
- Authors: Moore, Aldyth Margaret
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Genetics -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1338 ,
- Description: This pilot study was aimed at investigating with the aid of a two-tier multiple choice questionnaire, the misconceptions held by pupils in standards 8 and 10 as well as first year Biology students in the area of senior secondary school genetics. It was found that certain of the children's preconceived ideas were altered by tuition while others were unaffected by either age or tuition and consequently warranted the name misconceptions. Four misconceptions were identified in this study and these were seen to be at the root of the difficulties experienced in genetics. They involved plants being seen to be unable to reproduce sexually, an inability to relate meiosis to genetics, a tendency to cling to the Punnett square algorithm when solving genetics problems despite a lack of understanding of the underlying processes and a failure to see the role of chance in genetics. These misconceptions were seen to have arisen because of certain preconceived ideas which hamper the formation of a suitable conceptual framework. The adoption of suitable teaching strategies appears to be the most likely method of rectifying the problem. However, before this can be regarded as conclusive, further research into the concept development of specific aspects such as sexual reproduction, needs to be done. Studies to investigate the most suitable teaching strategy should also be carried out as well as an investigation into the structure of the curriculum
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A preliminary appraisal of the mineral potential of Venda based on a reconnaissance geochemical soil sampling survey and literature review
- Authors: Wilson, Michael George Carey
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Mines and mineral resources -- South Africa -- Venda
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4994 , , Mines and mineral resources -- South Africa -- Venda
- Description: A reconnaissance soil sampling survey was carried out over Venda by Cycad (Pty) Ltd and the samples were analysed for 36 elements using XRF techniques, by Anglo American Research Laboratories in Johanuesburg. The data resulting from this survey forms the basis for the present interpretive study. Initially the sample positions were co-ordinated, then the geological, soil and sample types were allocated to each point. Twelve lithological groupings were chosen which incorporated most of the available data, retained significant geological characteristics and consisted of statistically significant sample populations. Statistical manipulation was undertaken for each of the lithological groups. Using a final population of 5768 samples, means were determined and anomalous values were identified using a threshold of mean plus two standard deviations. Due to time and budgetary constraints, 24 of the 36 elements were chosen for statisical manipulation and fourteen of these, with particular economic significance, were chosen for plotting, wherever significant numbers of anomalies were present. The element overlays were plotted so as to coincide with 18 of the 25, 1:50 000 topographic sheets covering Venda , the remaining 7 having inadequate sample coverage to yield meaningful contours. In this way a total of 175 element overlay sheets were plotted, each showing contoured element levels, with selected anomalous values. The treatment of the vast body of information made available by the Cycad sampling programme has thus been selective and has continually been aimed at highlighting and concentrating attention on the areas of greatest indicated mineralization potential, rather than on specific anomalies. In this regard it is felt that the present study has been successful, in spite of limited sample coverage in some areas. Combining the results of this study with a modern tectonically-based appraisal of mineralization potential and a knowledge of the local geology and previously known mineralization gleaned from an extensive literature review, the following types of mineralization are considered to have the highest potential in Venda: i) Nickel-copper-platinum mineralization as well as magnesite, in the olivine dolerite sills which intrude the base of the Karoo Sequence in Northern Venda. ii) Coal in the basal Karoo Sequence sediments in a broad zone from Jazz 715 MS in the west, and along the Klein Tshipise fault from Amonda 159 MT to the Mutale Copper Fields then east of these to the Kruger National Park. Where intrusives invade these lower Karoo sed iments the potential exists for amorphous graphite. iii) Hydrothermal copper and possibly gold and silver concentrations, in Nzhelele and Sibasa Formation rocks, particularly those associated with faults known to have been active in post-Soutpansberg times. iv) Sediment-hosted massive sulphide deposits (Cu-Pb -Zn) close to basin margin faults, near intersections with cross cutting faults that have resulted in localized basin formation. These are most likely in the Soutpansberg sediments. v) Martle, flake-graphite and late stage skarn mineralization (including lead, zinc, gold and tungsten), in calcareous rocks of the Gumbu Formation.
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A preliminary report on the age and significance of Quaternary lacustrine deposits at Birnam, north-east Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Hanvey, Patricia M , Lewis, Colin A
- Date: 1990
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6686 ,
- Description: The paper presents the results of preliminary investigations at Birnam, in the Rhodes area of the eastern Cape Drakensberg, which may have important implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in Southern Africa. A study has been undertaken on a sedimentary sequence exposed by fluvial incision on the outer bend of the River Bokspruit, at an altitude of 1850 m.
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A study of coeval sibling cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes and its control under culture conditions
- Authors: Pienaar, Anthony Graham
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Fishes -- Behavior , Fishes -- Larvae , Fish culture
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5781 , , Fishes -- Behavior , Fishes -- Larvae , Fish culture
- Description: The primary objective of this study was to examine environmental parameters thought to affect cannibalism in certain fish species. It was found that environmental, behavioural, genetic and physiological factors all affect cannibalism in the species exhibiting the phenomenon. The diversity of factors nfluencing cannibalism served to illustrate the complexity of this behaviour pattern. Feeding to satiation was found to suppress cannibalism in catfish, trout and koi carp. High population densities were found to increase the rate of cannibalism, thereby acting as a population regulation mechanism for catfish, trout and the common and koi carps. Live food, as compared with dry pelletized feed was found to significantly suppress cannibalistic aggression. Catfish grown in total darkness, provided with refuges and living in turbid conditions were found to exhibit lowered cannibalistic and territorial aggression. Various lines of evidence suggested that cannibalism has a genetic basis, as was shown by the differences in cannibalistic behaviour of the two strains of Cyprinus carpio, viz. common and koi carp, with cannibalism being higher in the latter. This finding substantiates the hypothesis that cannibalism is genetically controlled and therefore open to evolutionary change. It is concluded that cannibalism is adaptive in times of food limitation, but that it is merely a by-product of normal feeding behaviour when food is abundant. Since cannibalism is advantageous and thus adaptive, the question arises ai to whether selection is occurring at the individual or the population level (or both). It was concluded that it is acting at the individual level, and that any benefits accruing at the population level iv were simply the effect of the initial cause, viz. individual selection. One of the aims of this study was to determine whether cannibalistic tendencies in fish are influenced by differing life history style trajectories. Based on the results of this study it is hypothesized that cannibalism is an r-selected trait. wi th the understanding gained from the knowl edge of the fundamental principles governing cannibalism, certain recommendations for its control in fish culture could be made. It is, however, imperative that further intensive studies be carried out to understand more fully this complex subject. General "rules" for regulating cannibalism could be helpful for any given cannibalistic species. However, in considering the differing life-history styles of each species, it becomes evident that species-specific guidelines need to be worked out. Until then, any suggestions for cannibalistic control offered to the aquaculturist can only serve as unrefined tools.
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A study of possible interactions between the pineal gland and the opioidergic system
- Authors: Khan, Razeeya B
- Date: 1990
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3729 ,
- Description: Recent observations suggest a link between the pineal gland and the opioid system. Possible areas of interaction between the pineal gland and the opioidergic system in Wistar rats were investigated. The effect of opioids on the pineal gland in organ culture was monitored. Neither morphine, methadone nor the opioid antagonist naloxone was found to affect [¹⁴C]-serotonin metabolism by the pineal gland in vitro. Both the pineal gland and the opioid system are influenced by exposure to stressful stimuli. Morphine and melatonin had protective effects on stress-induced gastric lesions. The ability of melatonin to inhibit lesion formation was found not to be exerted via an opioidergic mechanism. Evidence has been obtained for a possible modulation of the stress response by the pineal gland . The opioid drugs are the most potent analgesic agents available. A possible interaction between the opioid system and the pineal gland in the modulation of the response to noxious stimuli was investigated. An intact pineal gland was found to be necessary for the manifestation of the nocturnally increased response of rats to noxious stimuli
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A study of real-time operating systems for microcomputers
- Authors: Wells, George Clifford
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Operating systems (Computers) , Microcomputers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4611 , , Operating systems (Computers) , Microcomputers
- Description: This thesis describes the evaluation of four operating systems for microcomputers. The emphasis of the study is on the suitability of the operating systems for use in real-time applications, such as process control. The evaluation was performed in two sections. The first section was a quantitative assessment of the performance of the real-time features of the operating system. This was performed using benchmarks. The criteria for the benchmarks and their design are discussed. The second section was a qualitative assessment of the suitability of the operating systems for the development and implementation of real-time systems. This was assessed through the implementation of a small simulation of a manufacturing process and its associated control system. The simulation was designed using the Ward and Mellor real-time design method which was extended to handle the special case of a real-time simulation. The operating systems which were selected for the study covered a spectrum from general purpose operating systems to small, specialised real-time operating systems. From the quantitative assessment it emerged that QNX (from Quantum Software Systems) had the best overall performance. Qualitatively, UNIX was found to offer the best system development environment, but it does not have the performance and the characteristics required for real-time applications. This suggests that versions of UNIX that are adapted for real-time applications are worth careful consideration for use both as development systems and implementation systems.
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A study of the effects of the pineal hormone, melatonin, on dopaminergic transmission in the central nervous system of rats
- Authors: Burton, Susan Frances
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Dopaminergic mechanisms Melatonin Pineal gland -- Secretions Neural transmission Pineal gland Nervous system
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3726 ,
- Description: Dopamine mechanisms in the central nervous system are important in the control of both normal and abnormal motor function. The recent observations in both animal and human studies, that melatonin, the principal hormone of the pineal gland, may have a role in the control of movement and the pathophysiology of movement disorders, have given rise to the concept that melatonin may have a modulatory influence on central dopaminergic neurotransmission. This study makes use of three animal behavioural models as well as a biochemical model of central dopaminergic function to further investigate the concept. Results from studies using the biochemical model, which investigated the effect of melatonin on dopamine and apomorphine stimulation of dopamine-sensitive adenylate cylase, suggest that melatonin is neither a competitive antagonist nor agonist at the D₁ receptor level, although the possibility of physiological stimulation or antagonism is not excluded. In behavioural studies, prior melatonin mg/kg administration (1 and 10 (8M) ip) inhibited apomorphine induced stereotypy and locomotor activity in normal rats, and apomorphine-induced rotational behaviour in 6-hydroxydopamine and quinolinic acid lesioned rats. The possibility that these results may have physiological significance is borne out by the observation that, under enviromental lighting conditions that are associated with raised endogeous melatonin levels, apomorphine- induced stereotypy and locomotor activity is attenuated. The general conclusion is that melatonin has an inhibitory influence on central nervous system dopaminergic function, suggesting therefore, that the pineal gland and melatonin may have a role in the pathophysiology and treatment of movement and behavioural disorders associated with dopaminergic dysfunction
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A study of the reading interests and reading habits of English (first language) secondary-school pupils in South Africa: with particular reference to the Province of Natal
- Authors: Gardner, John Murray
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Reading interests English language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal Books and reading -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal Readership surveys -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1781 ,
- Description: The study derives from a belief, based on many researchers' writings, that wide and frequent book-reading aids the development of knowledge, emotional maturity and human sympathy, which are all essential attributes in a fragmented culture such as South Africa's. It is not accepted that conventional secondary-school literature-teaching in this country promotes a lifelong reading habit among the majority of pupils and a plea is made for the recognition of Reading as a curricular entity in its own right. The study suggests that, owing to a paucity of local research in this field, South African teachers and educational authorities are severely disadvantaged. If they are unable to offer advice based on a proper study of their pupils as readers, they run the risk of guiding many pupils' reading along paths that cannot promise satisfaction and fulfilment. Such stultifying of reading habits would contradict the aims of the present National Core Syllabuses for English (First Language). The thesis sets little store by the investigation of specific bookchoices, pointing out that the validity of such incidental findings, if gleaned from a latitudinal survey, is questionable. Instead, using the findings of questionnaires administered to nearly 2 800 pupils and their teachers, the thesis investigates the relationships between voluntary leisure-time reading and such factors as age, gender, intelligence, academic achievement and standard of living. It also looks at the influences of parents, teachers, peers, contemporary literature-teaching practices, school and public libraries, and leisure- time pursuits other than reading. Many suggestions are offered for further research into finer aspects of those considerations. Many of the findings serve merely to corroborate research from abroad, particularly in respect of age, gender and intelligence. That is none the less alarming when a striking decline in reading is found to occur in the early years of the secondary school. A number of other interesting findings emerge. Standard of living is shown to be inversely correlated with amount of reading, and television-viewing is not found to displace reading. Nor are other leisure-time pursuits found to affect amount of reading: avid readers are by and large extremely active and committed pupils. Reading emerges from the study as providing its own peculiar satisfaction, as does each of the other leisure activities investigated. The challenge is to ensure that infrequent readers become aware of what reading has to offer, and strategies for attempting to achieve that are posited, particularly with regard to the roles of public and school libraries. The roles of teachers and parents are found to be crucial to the development of an appetite for books, and it is suggested that schools and parents liaise formally and closely in this matter. The study groups pupils by a number of personal variables, and investigates their reactions to common forms and genres as well as to certain specifics of style, thereby discussing the relationship between reading, social maturity and academic achievement It argues strongly for recognition of the fact that educating secondary-school pupils in the development of keen and sensitive lifelong reading habits is a process which cannot be systematically taught as a set of skills.
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Acquaintance Rape - When the rapist is someone you know
- Authors: ICASA
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: ICASA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:38749
- Description: Acquaintance rape is forced sexual contact by someone who knows you. The rapist may be a date, neighbor, friend, boss, colleague, delivery person or repair worker. The risk of a woman being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance is four times greater than her risk of being raped by a stranger. Women ranging in age from 15 to 24 are the primary acquaintance rape victims. Recent studies show that junior high school girls are also at great risk. Date rape is the most common form of acquaintance rape. Sexual assault, including acquaintance rape, also happens to men; men can be sexually exploited by other men or by women. Women can also be sexually exploited by other women. This brochure refers to the victim as “she” and the offender as “he” since most victims are female and most offenders are male. However, most of the information applies to male victims as well as female victims. As with all sexual assault victims, the acquaintance rape victim suffers physical and emotional trauma. She has been physically and emotionally violated, and she needs support. Sexual assault centers help victims cope with medical, legal and emotional needs after sexual assault. This brochure has been prepared by the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault to help you learn more about this crime and where to get help if you are a victim. There are sexual assault centers throughout the state of Illinois; the list on the last page tells where these programs are located.
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Alternative mythical structures in the fiction of Patrick White
- Authors: Bosman, Brenda Evadne
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: White, Patrick, 1912-1990 , White, Patrick, 1912-1990 -- Criticism and interpretation , Myth in literature
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2170 ,
- Description: The texts in this study interrogate the dominant myths which have affected the constructs of identity and history in the white Australian socio-historical context. These myths are exposed by White as ideologically determined and as operating by processes of exclusion, repression and marginalisation. White challenges the autonomy of both European and Australian cultures, reveals the ideological complicity between them and adopts a critical approach to all Western cultural assumptions. As a post-colonial writer, White shares the need of both post-colonising and post-colonised groups for an identity established not in terms of the colonial power but in terms of themselves. As a dissident white male, he is a privileged member of the post- colonising group but one who rejects the dominant discourses as illegitimate and unlegitimating. He offers a re-writing of the myths underpinning colonial and post-colonising discourses which privileges their suppressed and repressed elements. His re-writings affect aboriginal men and women, white women and the 'privileged' white male whose subjection to social control is masked as unproblematic freedom. White's re-writing of myth enbraces the post-modern as well as the post- colonial. He not only deconstructs and demystifies the phallogocentric/ethnocentric order of things; he also attempts to avoid totalization by privileging indeterminacy, fragmentation, hybridization and those liminary states which defy articulation: the ecstatic, the abject, the unspeakable. He himself is denied authority in that his re-writings are presented as mere acts in the always provisional process of making interpretations. White acknowledges the problematics of both presentation and re-presentation - an unresolved tension between the post-colonial desire for self-definition and the post-modern decentring of all meaning and interpretation permeates his discourse. The close readings of the texts attempt, accordingly, to reflect varying oppositional strategies: those which seek to overturn hierarchies and expose power-relations and those which seek an idiom in which contemporary Australia may find its least distorted reflexion. Within this ideological context, the Lacanian thematics of the subject, and their re-writing by Kristeva, are linked with dialectical criticism in an attempt to reflect a strictly provisional process of (re) construction
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An alternative peripheral executive for the data general AOS/VS operating system
- Authors: Tennant, Robert Satchwell
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Operating systems (Computers) , Computers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4566 ,
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An analysis of some school history textbooks with special reference to styles of concept presentation
- Authors: Matoti, Sukude Mangwevandile
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: History -- Study and teaching -- South Africa -- Textbooks -- Evaluation , South Africa -- History -- Textbooks
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1343 ,
- Description: The aim of this study was to find out whether the school history textbooks used in Transkei Junior and Senior secondary schools were adequate in helping pupils meet the demands of their course. The results of the study would be used as argument for or against the assumption that the type of textbooks used in Transkei schools, through their inadequacy in equipping the pupils with the necessary skills for "doing" history, do contribute to the high failure rate in history, especially that they are in most schools, the only recourse for both the teacher and the pupil. In particular the study intended to see what strategies the history textbooks used to aid concept understanding which is crucial to the understanding of history. Twenty three criteria, fourteen objective and nine subjective were used to assess the books for readability and for strategies which might aid concept understanding. Eight books were assessed: four Std 5 and four Std 8 books. The results showed that only three of the eight books catered for the development of skills of learning history and were suited to the level of the pupiils for whom they were intended . History textbooks therefore need to be improved so as to foster the skills of learning history. Their inadequacy could be a contributory factor to the high rate of failure. In-service and pre-service training in methods of textbook analysis can assist in textbook selection and for changes in methods of teaching to supplement shortcomings in books which are commonly used
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An analysis of the early ontogeny of Aplocheilichthys johnstoni (Günter, 1893) from a life history perspective
- Authors: Haigh, Eliria H
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Ontogeny -- History , Cyprinodontidae , Aplocheilidae , Fishes -- History
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5217 ,
- Description: The reproductive and developmental styles of Aplocheilichthys johnstoni closely resemble those of other oviparous cyprinodont fishes reported in the literature. Reproductively it sorts to the guild of nonguarding phytophyllic broodhiders, is a daily, fractional spawner of relatively large, adhesive eggs. The length of the embryonic period varies between 14 and 19 days and the larval period can last for up to 30 days. Sexual maturity can be attained at an age of 150 days from fertilization. The embryology is described in detail and close comparison is made with the embryology of other cyprinodonts to highlight possible phylogenetic differences. Major differences with other cyprinodonts are in the rate of development, and heterochronic shifts in the appearance of certain structures in relation to each other. A discussion is included on the nature of development. It is suggested that development proceeds in a gradual stepwise fashion, interspersed with four major saltations, namely, fertilisation, onset of exogenous feeding, sexual maturity and death
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An empirical phenomenological investigations of the experience of being unemployed : a critical study in the South African context
- Authors: Jaffray, Timothy William
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Unemployment -- Psychological aspects , Unemployment -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2904 ,
- Description: Unemploynent is a problem that confronts many western countries. The aim of this dissertation is to understand, on the basis of a phenomenological investigation, what it means to be an unemployed, white, South African citizen. These meanings are then seen and discussed against the background of the problems associated with the ideological structure within the country. How the latter relates to white employment and psychological life is also explored. The results demonstrate the negative impact unemploynent has upon the psychological functioning of the individual. The results further show the despair such individuals face, having been 'denied' an accepted role within society.
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