The assessment and management of bycatch and discards in the South African demersal trawl fishery
- Authors: Walmsley, Sarah Ann
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Bycatches (Fisheries) Fishery management -- South Africa Fisheries -- South Africa Trawls and trawling -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5228 ,
- Description: Over the past few decades it has become recognised that an ecosystem approach is required to manage world fisheries. Management strategies must ensure that non-target (bycatch) as well as target catches are sustainable. To achieve this, detailed commercial catch and biological information is required. The composition of catches made by trawlers operating off the south and west coasts of South Africa was investigated. Distinct fishing areas were identified on each coast, based on target species and fishing depth. Catch composition differed markedly among the areas defined. Although hake Merluccius sp. dominated South Coast catches, a large proportion of the catch was composed of bycatch. On the West Coast, hake dominated catches and this domination increased with increasing depth. On both coasts approximately 90% of the observed nominal catch was processed and landed. Estimates of annual discards suggested that the fishery discarded 38 thousand tons of fish per annum (16% of the nominal trawl catch). The data also indicated that hake discarding, the capture of linefish and the increased targeting of high value species might be cause for concern. Spatial analysis indicated that a variety of factors such as trawling position, catch size and catch composition affects bycatch dynamics. The monkfish Lophius vomerinus is a common bycatch species that has been increasingly targeted by demersal trawlers. This study showed that L. vomerinus is a slow-growing, long-lived species (West Coast males L∞ = 68.50cm TL, t₀ = -1.69yr, K = 0.10yr⁻¹; West Coast females L∞ = 110.23cm TL, t₀ = -1.54yr, K = 0.05yr⁻¹; South Coast sexes combined L∞ = 70.12cm TL, t₀ = - 0.80yr, K = 0.11yr⁻¹), that matures at approximately 6 years of age. These traits could have serious management implications for the species. Per-recruit analysis suggested that the stock might be overexploited, although further investigation is required to confirm this. Solutions were suggested for each of the concerns raised, taking cognisance of the differences observed between the South and West Coasts and the economic dependence of South Coast companies on bycatch. The needs of future research were considered.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The biology of suburban olive thrushes (Turdus olivaceus olivaceus) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Bonnevie, Bo Tørris
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Thrushes , Turdus , Thrushes -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Turdus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5651 , , Thrushes , Turdus , Thrushes -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Turdus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study investigated the biology of the Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus olivaceus in Grahamstown, South Africa from 1998 to 2003. Behavioural differences between males and females, parent-young interactions, development of fledglings, and the role of song and moult in territorial behaviour were investigated. Comparisons of biometrics, moult and survival were made using Olive Thrush ringing data from other regions. There were no significant differences in mass, wing length or survival rate between the Eastern and Western Cape provinces, but primary wing moult started earlier in the Western Cape and coincided with the end of the main breeding periods in both provinces. Both males and females of breeding pairs remained in and defended their territories throughout the year, but there was some evidence that territorial defence was strongest during the breeding periods. Roughly, every 100 eggs laid produce 50 fledglings. Out of these 20 to 30 reach the age of independence at approximately 50 days, and only five of these juvenile birds reach maturity. Adult survival was estimated at 80%, with a mean life expectancy of 4.5 years and a conservative estimate of maximum lifespan of 11 years. Using ringing data and museum specimens, the Olive Thrush was compared with the Karoo Thrush Turdus smithi, a former race of the Olive Thrush. Olive Thrushes had shorter bills and wings, but were heavier than Karoo Thrushes from the Cradock district. There were also differences in bill and eye-ring colouration between these populations. No morphological differences were found between the sexes in either species.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The biophysical dynamics of the Lower Shire River Floodplain fisheries in Malawi
- Authors: Chimatiro, Sloans Kalumba
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Shire River Valley (Malawi and Mozambique) Fisheries -- Malawi
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5243 ,
- Description: Fishes of African floodplains typically comprise populations having short life cycles, relatively few age groups, more generalised feeding behaviour, and which experience spawning success that is strongly influenced by abiotic factors such as hydrological regime of the river, climatic seasonality and habitat characteristics. In addition, African river-floodplain ecosystems do not have appropriate predictive models for estimating yield in these ecosystems. While most predictive models developed to date for floodplain fisheries have taken into account morpho-edaphic factors, they have generally excluded climatic factors as a mega-determinant of the variability of floodplain fisheries. The principle aim of this thesis has been to develop a predictive management model that incorporates data on essential biological aspects of the target species, characteristics of the habitat as well as overall climatic factors, and thus allow for adaptive management of the fisheries in a continuously fluctuating floodplain environment. Lower Shire Floodplain (34 ⁰ 45’ – 35 ⁰ E and 16 ⁰ 00’-17 ⁰ 15’ S) in Malawi, one of the major rivers-floodplains in the Zambezi Basin, was used to test this type of model. The major hypothesis tested in this study was that “the dynamics of the fishery of Lower Shire Floodplain are driven by and adapted to the seasonal, but predictable, hydro-climatic regime of the floodplain”. The specific objectives were: to describe the floodplain’s climate and hydrological pattern; to develop a quantitative characterisation of the major habitats of the Lower Shire Floodplain; to assess the fishery in terms of size, gear utilisation, gear selectivity and yield; to assess the biological parameters of the target species, necessary for the management of the fishery; to analyse how water fluctuation in the floodplain affects the recruitment and life history of the two target species; and to develop of a predictive hydro-climatic model to benefit the management of the fisheries. The climate of the floodplain was characterised by low (765 ± 198 mm) and fairly variable (Cv = 27%) rainfall, which largely occurred between December and January. The area was generally humid (mean RH 68%), with mild to hot (25- 33ºC) and variable monthly mean diurnal (12ºC) temperature. Four quarterly hydro-climatic seasons were identified and comprised: Quarter 1 (Jul-Sep) characterised by hot, dry weather with a low flood regime; Quarter 2 (Oct-Dec) hot, windy, wet weather with low-but-rising flood regime; Quarter 3 (Jan-Mar) hot humid, wet weather with the flood regime at peak; and Quarter 4 (Apr-Jun) humid and cool weather with receding flood regime. The annual hydrograph of the floodplain was represented by four categories of flood regime as: low (Jul-Sept), low-but-rising (Oct-Dec), peak (Jan- Mar), and falling (Apr-Jun). The floodplain experienced a water deficit of 95.1 mm.year⁻¹, and it was hypothesised that ground water recharge maintained water in the floodplain the rest of the year. Three major habitats were identified in the floodplain. The river-floodplain, characterised by deep fast-flowing water, sandy substrate and little emergent vegetation; the permanently connected lagoons, were shallow (≤ 2 m) with sandymud bottom and slow flowing water; and the seasonally connected lagoons had slowflowing stagnant water, with comparatively more emergent and floating vegetation. Physicochemical characteristics of the habitats varied significantly with hydroclimatic seasons (one-way ANOVA, p ≤ 0.05), indicating the influence of flood regime, which joined the habitats in a non-equilibrial spatial distribution. Consequently, during receding and low flood regimes river-floodplain and permanently connected lagoons exhibited similar characteristics while all three habitats had similar characteristics during the rising and peak flood regimes. It was, therefore, concluded that in floodplains, habitats shift horizontally and vertically according to the water level. Gill nets, cast nets, long line, and fish traps accounted for 99% of the total count of gears, and hence considered the major fishing sectors. Two principal species in the floodplain were the catfish Clarias gariepinus and the cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus. Length-at-maximum-selectivity (ø) and length-at-50%-sexual-maturity (Lm₅₀) for each of the two species showed that although they were selected into the four fishing sectors at lengths above maturity, maximum selectivity into the long line occurred at a length before maturity for O. mossambicus. In addition, the width of the gamma selectivity function (σ) indicated that a considerable proportion of juveniles of the two species were also selected. Therefore, it was decided that management for the floodplain be centred on controlling over-fishing and preserving the spawner stock, by banning seine and mosquito nets, and closing river-floodplain and permanently connected lagoons to fishing during the low flood regime. There were significant seasonal variations in CPUE, lowest in the low flood, and highest during the peak flood regime. Sectioned otoliths were used to determine the age and growth of the two principal species in the floodplain. Marginal zone analysis revealed that annulus formation in all the species occurred during the period of low air and water temperatures, high evaporation and receding water levels, hence a high rate of desiccation and negative water budget. For O. mossambicus, maximum age reached was 6 years while in C. gariepinus it was 9 years. The 3-parameter von Bertalanffy growth model adequately described growth as lt = 177.6(1-e⁻·⁴⁴⁽t ⁺ ¹·⁴³⁾) mm TL for O. mossambicus and lt = 502.9(1-e⁻°·³¹⁽t ⁺ ¹·⁹²⁾) mm TL for C. gariepinus. Female O. mossambicus reached 50%-sexual-maturity at 109 mm SL, while males matured at 105 mm, and both male and female C. gariepinus reached Lm₅₀ at 249 mm SL. The breeding seasons of both O. mossambicus and Clarias gariepinus were between September and March, with modal peaks in January and November, respectively. The annual total mortality rates (Z) were 0.62 ± 0.18 yr⁻¹ for O. mossambicus and 0.93 ± 0.47 yr⁻¹ for C. gariepinus. The mean empirical estimates of natural mortality (M) were 0.46 yr⁻¹ for O. mossambicus and 0.50 year⁻¹ for C. gariepinus, and fishing mortality (F) was calculated as 0.16 yr⁻¹ for O. mossambicus and 0.43 yr⁻¹ for C. gariepinus. The overall exploitation level (Z/K) was 1.41 for O. mossambicus and 3.01 for C. gariepinus. Given that the Z/K ratio was >1, it was asserted that both O. mossambicus and C. gariepinus were mortality-dominated and fairly heavily exploited. However, potential for sustainable exploitation existed since both species showed signs of resilience due short longevity and high rate of natural mortality. Given the limitation of simple exponential models of fish mortality and growth under the situation of seasonal fluctuation of water levels, a simple predictive hydroclimatic- fisheries model was developed. The model predicted the life-history and production parameters fairly accurately (0.53 ≤ r² ≥ 0.98, p ≤ 0.05), and showed that environmental and biological events in the floodplain significantly (0.43 ≤ r² ≥ 0.91, p ≤ 0.05) followed the periodic function of time (day-of-the-year), hence, strongly seasonal. In addition, the flood-pulse preceded all the major biological events, with predicted phase lags established at 55.6º for peak flood, 157.2º, 260.1º, 334.6º and 341.4º for condition factor for O. mossambicus, recruitment, spawning period for O. mossambicus and C. gariepinus, respectively. Therefore, it was recommended that water obstruction on the Shire River must ensure sufficient water flow during the peak flood and spawning period to allow flooding and inundation of the floodplain in order to create habitat favourable for spawning and feeding as well as improve recruitment.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The contribution and direct-use value of livestock to rural livelihoods in the Sand River catchment, South Africa
- Authors: Shackleton, Charlie M , Shackleton, Sheona E , Netshiluvhi, T R , Mathabela, F R
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43720 , xlink:href=""
- Description: The productive functions of livestock ownership in communal areas are multipurpose in character, comprising a mix of stock types and a range of goods and services used. When all these multiple uses are accounted for, the cash and direct-use returns of livestock in communal areas can be comparable to commercial systems, although temporally and spatially variable. Yet previous work has generally excluded small stock from such analyses, as well as benefits and costs to non-owning households. This paper presents empirical results of a study in the Sand River catchment, assessing the benefits and costs accruing to owners and non-owners for both cattle and goats within a livelihoods analysis framework. Results indicate that cattle are used for a greater variety of goods and services than are goats. The savings value represented the most important function, followed by milk and then manure. Even if savings value was excluded, cattle ownership made a significant contribution to local livelihoods. Goats also provided a net positive benefit, represented largely by the savings value, followed by meat and cash sales. Non-owners also benefited through donations of manure, milk, draught and meat for free, or at a cheaper rate than alternatives. The majority of non-owners aspired to livestock ownership, although the risk of theft of animals was of growing concern. Averaged across the whole catchment, the net value of goods and services from livestock was just over R400 per hectare, with an annual return to capital of 36%. Cattle contributed the bulk of the value by virtue of their greater numbers and larger size, but on a per kilogramme basis goats provided higher value. Many of the goods and services obtained from livestock were not enumerated in regional or national economic statistics.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The contribution of the Labour Court to the development of strike law
- Authors: Nengovhela, Livhuwani Adolphus
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor courts -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10191 , , Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor courts -- South Africa
- Description: The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 brought a number of changes in the labour relations environment from its inception on 11 November 1996. The Act codified Industrial Court decisions that were already established under the strike-law jurisprudence from the Labour Relations Act 28 of 1956. These general changes to the law also impact on the strike-law regime. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the contributions made by the Labour Courts1 in developing strike law from the inception of the Act. The Labour Courts have made a number of decisions that have helped in clarifying the provisions of the Act. One should hasten to say that this has never been a smooth process by the courts. It will further be shown in this paper that some of the court decisions were not well accepted in the light of other considerations, such as the Constitution and the previous Industrial Court decisions. On some occasions the Constitutional Court had to intervene in order to clarify the intention of the legislature. For the purpose of effectively dealing with this topic, I shall briefly give the historical context of strike law in the form of common-law position, and the strike-law position before the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I shall then endeavour to identify the legislative provision of the Act when it comes to strike-law provisions, at the same time identifying the important court decisions that were made.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The current role of modern portfolio theory in asset management practice in South Africa
- Authors: Garaba, Masimba
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Portfolio management -- South Africa , Investments -- South Africa , Bank investments -- Mathematical models , Capital assets pricing model , Asset -- Liability management , Money market -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:965 , , Portfolio management -- South Africa , Investments -- South Africa , Bank investments -- Mathematical models , Capital assets pricing model , Asset -- Liability management , Money market -- South Africa
- Description: This research examines the role that modern portfolio theory (MPT) plays in current South Africa asset management practice in comparison to other portfolio management techniques and security evaluation methods. The purpose of asset management is to pool complementary financial market expertise, in order to generate returns in excess of the market return on the investments of the owners of financial resources that are entrusted to the firm, since the owners of financial resources might not be able to make superior investment decisions on their own. The research presents and discusses the literature pertaining to modern portfolio theory, traditional portfolio theory (fundamental and technical analyses), and behavioural finance theory. The implication of the efficient market hypothesis in relation to all the portfolio management theories is also presented and discussed. In line with a positivist paradigm, the survey research methodology, which combines both qualitative and quantitative aspects, was adopted. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire, which was found to be reliable and valid for this research. The questionnaire encompassed the Lickert scale to measure the data. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive statistics. The results of this research suggest that modern portfolio theory does not play a significant role in the management of portfolios and security evaluation in South Africa. South African asset managers regard fundamental analysis as the most significant method of security evaluation in the management of portfolios. Technical analysis and econometric models are regarded as playing a moderate role and complement fundamental analysis whilst behavioural finance models play the least role. This research recommends an integrated portfolio management strategy that incorporates MPT, traditional portfolio theory and behavioural finance models to enhance investor value and protection.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The Dassie and the Hunter: A South African Meeting
- Authors: Kaschula, Russell H
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:42547 ,
- Description: This book does not resemble any of Jeff Opland’s previous academic works. There is no similarity in style, and to some extent content. His previous books, namely, Xhosa oral poetry: Aspects of a black South African tradition (Cambridge University Press, 1983), and Xhosa poets and poetry (David Philip, 1998), were written as purely scientific, academic works. The Dassie and the Hunter amounts to a subtle snub of academia and its restrictive rules. Though written by Opland, it is as if he and his research subject, Manisi, have colluded to make this work different and special, in a personal mystical way, disregarding academic etiquette, weaving a more creative, poetic tapestry. This makes the book an interesting read. In style and content, it is neither rigorously academic, solely biographical, nor purely creative. It evades classification. It is individualistic.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The dassie and the hunter: a South African meeting, by Jeff Opland: book review
- Authors: Wylie, Dan
- Date: 2005
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6125 ,
- Description: [From the intoduction]: In this fascinating if not quite fine book Professor Opland, doyen scholar of oral poetries, treads that razor-edged line, devil of all memoirists, between humility and hubris, between open honesty and wallowing in one’s own unavoidability. David Yali-Manisi, the other half of this “South African meeting,” helps Opland out with his almost indefatigably calming, selfcontained, wise and energised presence. The relationship between these two men is an extraordinary, strangely evolving, not always smooth dance through several decades of South African history, politics, and academia. It really is ‘South African’ in the way in which it serves as lightning-rod to so many racial, personal, party-political, and literary currents in our recent past.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The degradation of lignocellulose in a biologically-generated sulphidic environment
- Authors: Roman, Henry James
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Lignocellulose Sulfides Lignin Lignocellulose -- Biodegradation Mines and mineral resources -- Waste disposal Acid mine drainage
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3997 ,
- Description: South Africa is renowned for its mining industry. The period over which the polluted waters from the existing and abandoned mines will require treatment has driven research into the development of passive treatment systems. These waters are characterised by a low pH, high concentrations of heavy metals, high levels of sulphate salts and low concentrations of organic material. The biological treatment of these waters has been a subject of increasing focus as an alternative to physicochemical treatment. The utilisation of lignocellulose as a carbon source has been restricted by the amount of reducing equivalents available within the lignocellulose matrix. After a few months of near 100% sulphate reduction, it was found that although there was a large fraction of lignin and cellulose remaining, sulphate reduction was reduced to less than 20%. The present study demonstrated that lignocellulose can be utilised as a carbon source for sulphate reduction. It was established that lignocellulose degradation was enhanced under biosulphidogenic conditions and that lignin could be degraded by a sulphate reducing microbial consortium. It was established using lignin model compounds synthesized in our laboratory, that the bonds within the lignin polymer can be cleaved within the sulphidic environment. The presence of cellulolytic enzymes, using CMCase as a marker enzyme, was detected within the sulphate reducing microbial consortium. Based on the results obtained a descriptive model was formulated for the degradation of lignocellulose under biosulphidogenic conditions. It was determined that the initial reduction in sulphate observed using lignocellulose as a carbon source was due to the easily extractable components. The degradation of which resulted in the production of sulphide, which aided in the degradation of lignin, allowing greater access to cellulose. Once the easily extractable material is exhausted, the cycle is halted, unless the sulphide production can be maintained. This is the focus of an ongoing project, testing the hypothesis that an easy to assimilate carbon source added after exhaustion of the easily extractable material, can maintain the sulphide production.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The design and evaluation of a short-term group psychotherapy model for survivors of a first myocardial infarction
- Authors: Frewen, Sharon H
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Health -- Psychological aspects , Medicine and psychology , Coronary heart disease -- Psychological aspects , Type A behavior , Stress (Psychology)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3247 ,
- Description: There is extensive evidence that the rehabilitation of individuals with coronary heart disease needs to include psychological components to complement the exercise and dietary recommendations that are normally provided. However, psychological aspects have not been integrated into medical care in South Africa to any significant degree. Psychological interventions overseas have included the modification of the Type A behaviour pattern, stress management, cognitive restructuring, relaxation techniques, improved communication skills, the identification and expression of emotions, and emotional support. The aim of the present study was to design a short-term group intervention which incorporated these aspects and which included an exploration of the mind-body experience post infarct. In addition, the intervention aimed to increase participants' awareness of the compensatory dynamics of the Type A behaviour pattern. The intervention was tailored to South African conditions and was evaluated by means of a multiple case study design. The intervention was delivered to a group of nine coronary heart disease patients which included six survivors of myocardial infarction, the remaining participants having undergone a by-pass operation. Data included weekly feedback sheets evaluating each session, repeated measures on the Profile of Mood States, the Jenkins Activity Survey, a Spouse Rating Scale and extensive qualitative data on each participant including tape recordings of each session and data collected from a series of interviews before, during and after the programme. The feedback sheets and recordings of the sessions were used as a basis for recommendations for revising the content and structure of the programme for future use. Case narratives were written for three of the participants and provided an in-depth look at how and why individual changes did or did not occur in response to the intervention. In addition, the case narratives revealed the role played by the compensatory dynamics of the Type A behaviour pattern in complicating rehabilitation for survivors of myocardial infarction. Two participants were offered a series of individual sessions at 18-month follow-up and the material from these sessions was also used to aid in the interpretation of the data. The content of the 18-month follow-up sessions provided evidence for the importance of conducting a developmental analysis of the origins of low self-esteem and insecurity that maintain and drive the Type A behaviour pattern. In these sessions, this analysis provided the basis for a brief focused psychodynamic psychotherapy that facilitated marked changes that had not been achieved in the 12-week structured group intervention. It is recommended that future research investigate the use of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy on an individual basis as a complement to a group intervention focusing on psycho-education, building social support and management of problematic emotions in everyday situations.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development and implementation of a performance management system: a case study
- Authors: Whittington-Jones, Alexandra
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Public Service Accountability Monitor (South Africa) Non-governmental organizations -- South Africa -- Evaluation Performance -- Management -- Case studies Organizational effectiveness -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:738 ,
- Description: After a review of the literature relevant to performance management systems both over time and across different types of organizations, this thesis confines its research to a case study of the development and implementation of a performance management system in a non-governmental organization (NGO), the Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM). Collation of the relevant data is followed by a discussion of the development and implementation of the performance management system at the PSAM over a 5-year period from 1 June 1999 to 31 May 2004. This is considered in terms of the PSAM’s achievement of commitments to Funders and the concurrent development of the performance management system. Next an analysis of major themes that emerged from the research, in terms of important items for consideration in the development and implementation of a performance management system in an NGO, and areas for possible future improvements to the system is presented. After analyzing the relevant information, it became apparent that the performance management system has no direct bearing on the ability of the PSAM to achieve its stated commitment to Funders. However, these short-term focused expectations of the performance management system are outweighed by the positive contributions that have been made by its introduction, specifically in the area of training and development. This important aspect of capacity building and staff empowerment speaks to the long term sustainability of the organization. Although the PSAM’s performance management system undergoes continual improvement, significant inroads have been made into providing a sensible, clear and dynamic solution to the problem of rewarding efficient and effective performance. The PSAM has indeed benefited from the introduction of the performance management system in a number of ways. It is evident that these benefits could be applicable to other NGOs.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of a cultural family business model of good governance for Greek family businesses in South Africa
- Authors: Adendorff, Christian Michael
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Family-owned business enterprises -- South Africa Greeks -- South Africa Greeks -- South Africa -- Social life and customs Corporate governance -- South Africa South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1163 ,
- Description: Never in the history of the South African nation has the entrepreneurial spirit been more alive. Since the opening of international doors, after the 1994 elections, South Africa has experienced the explosive growth of transnational entrepreneurship. An enduring aspect of the explosion of such economic activity is the need for "good governance" and the need for governance education in South Africa and the rest of the continent has never been greater. The size of the family business component of the South Aftican economy suggests that it is the predominant way of doing business in South Africa. Of importance to this study is the estimate that approximately 95 % of all Greek businesses in South Africa can be classified as family businesses. The sustainability of Greek family businesses requires that they maintain good governance practices that are economically and environmentally acceptable to all stakeholders. It also requires that the next generation of Greek entrepreneurs balance good governance for the businesses as well as for the family. The primary objective of this study was to identify and explore the internal factors that influence and determine good governance to ensure the survival, growth and sustainability of Greek family businesses in South Africa. The secondary research objectives pertained to the underlying dimensions of good governance and required an exploration of the different governance concerns in relation to specific South African Greek behaviour and characteristics. A theoretical model of good governance factors was proposed and tested using Structural Equation Modeling. The study found that perceived good governance in a South African Greek family business context needs to be measured in terms of three factors, namely risk control, the internal regulatory environment and the protection of the stakeholders' interest. The study dealt further with the secondary sources effecting governance for South African businesses and was based on the latest report by the King Commission. An important finding is that the cross cultural aspect of family business governance must now be considered when conducting such research as more and more emphasis is placed on the good governance of all businesses.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of a strategy for the successful implementation and management of technology for Valor Fruit Processors (Pty) Ltd
- Authors: Olivier, Riaan
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Technology -- Management , Citrus fruit industry -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:9268 , , Technology -- Management , Citrus fruit industry -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Description: In an ever-changing environment, it has become difficult for organisation to create and maintain a competitive advantage. Nowhere is it more evident than in the manufacturing industry. For organisations to be successful, it is imperative for them to have a clear and well-defined strategy. This strategy should be viewed as the steering mechanism of the organisation. With the ever-increasing demands of customers, organisations have been forced to be agile in order to adapt to sudden changes. Now more than ever, technology can be used as a powerful tool. For organisations to be profitable and grow, they need to have a management team that is competent to manage the organisation in turbulent times. To ensure a competitive advantage, management must be able to predict the future needs of the organisation. The use of technology forecasting and technology audits can assist management in addressing this process. Most organisations are technology intensive and deliver products or services. The research attempts to determine a strategy for the successful implementation and management of technology in a manufacturing organisation. It also tries to establish the impact of technology auditing on the competitive advantage of the organisation. A comprehensive technological audit questionnaire was used in conducting an audit at Valor Fruit Processors (Pty) Ltd. It must be emphasised that this model is a generic model and should be customised to suit each particular organisation.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of an electrochemical process for the production of para-substituted di-hydroxy benzenes
- Authors: Rautenbach, Daniel
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Phenol , Benzene
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DTech (Science)
- Identifier: vital:10367 , , Phenol , Benzene
- Description: The project was concerned with the investigation of the electrochemical oxidation of various phenols, and to develop a viable reaction system for the production of the respective hydroquinones. Current production routes utilizing phenol as starting material have the limitations of using large amounts of acids, having to be stopped at low conversions and producing a mixture of the hydroquinones and catechols. Of the possible routes to the respective hydroquinones from the various phenols, the electrochemical oxidation of these phenols offers commercial and environmental advantages and hence formed the theme of the investigation. The synthetic possibilities proved to be more prevalent in a system when the electrochemical oxidation of these phenols was performed in an aqueous medium utilizing an organic co-solvent. Results obtained during this investigation made it possible to make certain predications about the mechanism taking place. This was found to depend on the anode material used for the oxidation. The results showed that the process developed for the electrochemical oxidation of these phenols, yields mainly the para-isomers of the respective hydroquinones and benzoquinones in good yields and selectivities, with fair current efficiencies and good mass balances at high conversions. For example: * Phenol (batch) 8 F: 345% current efficiency, 70% hydroquinone, 6% catechol, 9% benzoquinone, 9% phenol and 94 mass balance. * 2-Tert-butylphenol (flow) 10 F: 37% current efficiency, 65% hydroquinone, 33% benzoquinone, 2% phenol and 100% mass balance. * 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol (flow) 11 F: 23% current efficiency, 92 % hydroquinone, 6% benzoquinone, 1% phenol and 99% mass balance. The developed electrochemical oxidation system offers the following advantages over previous and current methods: simplified isolation and extraction procedures, smaller amounts of acid usage, reasonably selective synthesis of the para-isomer and a less corrosive system all at high conversions.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of an integrated management model for occupational health and safety in medical institutions
- Authors: Du Toit, Willem Johannes
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Industrial safety -- South Africa -- Management , Industrial hygiene -- South Africa -- Management , Health facilities -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:8551 , , Industrial safety -- South Africa -- Management , Industrial hygiene -- South Africa -- Management , Health facilities -- South Africa
- Description: Health and safety management forms part of the overall risk management of medical institutions, and deals with the responsibility of an organisation to provide a risk free environment for all who are exposed to the activities of such medical institutions. Affected people include health care workers, contractors, visitors, and patients. Medical institutions, and hospitals specifically, are uniquely distinct from other industries in that they employ highly skilled staff with specific specialised knowledge. These institutions are also increasingly making use of complex technology that requires specialist staff to operate medical machines and equipment. These specific aspects are accounted for in this research. The overall purpose of this research is to determine the need for an alternative approach to the management of health and safety in medical institutions. An appropriate model will be developed that can be integrated into the existing health and safety management system. The research methodology for this study comprises the following steps: Firstly, the health and safety environment was researched in relation to all stakeholders, external and internal, that are affected by medical institutions’ activities. The effect of these activities, and how it influences health and safety management, was evaluated in a South African context. Secondly, the overall risk management approach of medical institutions and the effect of organisational culture were researched to determine the effect on health and safety performance. Thirdly, a questionnaire was sent to selected staff of five hospitals in the Eastern and Western Cape to determine their perception and experience of health and safety management. Quantitative data on incidents in Netcare Hospitals were obtained, and a comparison of the questionnaire studies was done to determine the need for a health and safety model. The final step of this study entailed the development of a health and safety model using legislative requirements and the needs identified in the research. A proposal is made to integrate specialist functions and departments into the existing health and safety management system, in order to strengthen the managerial capabilities of such a system. The importance of improving the safety and compliance culture is indicated.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of best practice guidelines for the contingency management of health-related absenteeism in the motor manufacturing industry
- Authors: Werner, Amanda
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Sick leave , Absenteeism (Labor) , Contingency theory (Management) , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DTech
- Identifier: vital:9379 , , Sick leave , Absenteeism (Labor) , Contingency theory (Management) , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa
- Description: The research problem in this study was to identify best practices for the contingency management of health-related absenteeism. To achieve this goal, the following actions were taken: A literature study was conducted to identify the scope and impact of health-related absenteeism on organisations and the legal parameters within which health-related absenteeism should be managed. A literature study was also conducted to identify strategies to prevent and reduce health-related absenteeism and strategies to ensure the continuous provision of products and services in periods of high absenteeism. The theoretical study focused on the management of absenteeism, wellness, ill-health/mental problems and HIV/AIDS, as well as contingency strategies aimed at maintaining production and service provision. iii The findings from the literature study were integrated into a model of best practices for the contingency management of health-related absenteeism. This model was used as a basis for the development of a survey questionnaire to determine whether senior human resources practitioners, occupational health practitioners or line managers, who were responsible for the management of health-related absenteeism in organisations, agreed with the best practice guidelines developed in the study. The survey was conducted in the motor and motor component industry in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality and Buffalo City Metropole. The empirical results from the study showed a strong concurrence with the best practices guidelines developed in the study, with the exception of the strategies aimed at maintaining undisrupted production and service provision during periods of high absenteeism. In particular, disagreement was shown with regard to alternative work arrangements such as flexible work-hours, a compressed workweek, telecommuting and job-sharing. Absenteeism, in general, is an issue that organisations are challenged with on a daily basis. The proliferation of various diseases, specifically HIV/AIDS, is contributing to this problem. An integrated and strategic approach is required to deal effectively and constructively with the immediate and expected future impact of health-related issues on absenteeism. Organisations could use the best practices guidelines, identified in this study, as a mechanism to benchmark how well they manage health-related absenteeism
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of independent contractors within the Working for Water Programme over a twenty-four month period : a programme evaluation : Western region, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Knipe, Andrew
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Working for Water Programme Contractors -- South Africa Construction contracts -- South Africa Business enterprises, Black -- South Africa Employee empowerment -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:799 ,
- Description: This research is concerned with the development of independent contractors within the Working for Water Programme over a twenty-four month period. The meaningful participation of previously disadvantaged South Africans fall within the ambit of black economic empowerment. The Government Gazette (1997: No. 1820) defines black economic empowerment as a deliberate programme to achieve the meaningful participation of disadvantaged South Africans in the mainstream economy as managers, owners of capital and employees. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the contractors within the Western Region of the Eastern Cape, in order to assess how they have developed as independent contractors within the developmental framework provided by the Working for Water Programme. This developmental framework takes place over a 462-day period or roughly 24 months. The evaluation aimed to determine whether the two-year development period sufficiently prepared contractors for competition in the open market and if contractors had acquired the necessary skills to run a successful business. A formative programme evaluation was used as a tool of analysis to identify areas of weakness and establish priorities for improvement. A qualitative research approach was followed, guided by an adapted version of the Context, Input, Process and Product approach to evaluation (Parlett and Hamilton cited in Calder, 1995, p.25). Using structured interviews comprising of closed and open ended questions, data was gathered from thirty contractors, five managers and one Senior Executive Officer within the Western Region of the Eastern Cape. An interview was also conducted with the Regional Programme leader of the Eastern Cape. Further data collection techniques included documentary research. Data was analysed using qualitative data analysis techniques described by Thorne (1997, p.118), as relying on inductive reasoning to interpret and structure the meanings that can be derived from the data. Passages of interest were marked so that the data could be reduced to a manageable size as described by Seidman (1991, p.91-1 01) and various categories were developed that had commonalties and thematic connections. The Working for Water Programme aims to exit contractors successfully after a twenty-four month developmental period. The Working for Water Programme has formalised its development framework through a training matrix in which the required training at contractor level is outlined. The finding of the research is that the current contractor development programme do not adequately prepare contractors for independence and entrepreneurship in a competitive market. There is no co-ordinated development of predetermined skills. Contractors are not able to articulate what their plans are after exit from the WFW Programme. No concrete evidence of actively pursuing alternative contract opportunities was evident from contractors who were about to exit the Programme and there is no person to champion the cause of meaningful post exit opportunities. The main recommendations from this research are that contractors be selected via an application system rather that appointment through steering committees. Selected contractors must be medically fit and at least have a matriculation certificate. Contractors should be assessed on a 6-monthly basis and contractors not achieving a minimum competency level must be removed from the programme. Managers should also have basic competency levels in order to facilitate skill transfer through a mentorship process. The charge out rate of equipment should be revised every six months. The charge out rates should also be increased significantly to cater for the harsh conditions under which contractors are operational. A "champion" needs to be appointed which will actively seek exit opportunities for trained contractors. This person will also seek to develop functional partnerships with various private and government institutions to create opportunities for exited contractors.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of motivational strategies for public sector workers in Kenya
- Authors: Chepkilot, Ronald Kiprop
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Public administration -- Kenya , Employee motivation , Civil service -- Kenya -- Personnel management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DTech
- Identifier: vital:9380 , , Public administration -- Kenya , Employee motivation , Civil service -- Kenya -- Personnel management
- Description: The purpose of this study was to develop motivational strategies for motivating public sector workers in Kenya. To achieve this objective the following procedure was followed: • An examination of the public service was undertaken and the following factors were considered: The history of the public service; Past government reform programmes; The problem of corruption; Future government reform programmes; and The motivational climate in the service. iv • A literature survey was conducted on the approaches used by organisations in motivating employees. The findings were used to develop a motivational strategy model. On the basis of the strategies in the model, a questionnaire was developed for the empirical research study. • The empirical study was undertaken to examine the level of motivation in the public service and to identify the motivational strategies currently used in the public service in Kenya. The study also sought to determine the extent to which public sector managers agreed or disagreed that the motivational strategies developed by the study would be effective in motivating employees in their organisations. The results of the empirical study were incorporated into the integrated motivational strategy model presented in chapter six. The study established that the level of motivation among the public sector workers was extremely low. According to the research findings, 87 per cent of the respondents indicated that the level of motivation of employees in their organisation was low while 13 per cent indicated that it was high. It was also established that the climate in the public service was not conducive for motivating employees: the indicators were lack of job security; very low salaries; limited training and development opportunities; lack of career development programmes and lack of adequate working tools and equipment. It was further established that the government could no longer afford to make any substantial increases in salaries to the workers because the wage bill was extremely high at the level of 9.6 per cent of the GDP. It was observed that any further increases in salaries would v have a negative impact on the economy of the country. In view of the above, this study becomes extremely relevant as it suggests ways of enhancing the levels of motivation in the public service to improve service delivery in the public sector without allocation of vast financial resources. The study strongly recommends the application of the integrated motivational strategy model in its entirety; to enhance the level of employee’s motivation and work performance and achieve efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. The study also recommends that further research be carried out to determine the effects of corruption on employee motivation and ways of eliminating the vice in the public service.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of the emerging technologies sustainability assessment (ETSA) and its application in the design of a bioprocess for the treatment of wine distillery effluent
- Authors: Khan, Nuraan
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Technology assessment , Wine and wine making -- Waste disposal , Distilleries -- Waste disposal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3953 , , Technology assessment , Wine and wine making -- Waste disposal , Distilleries -- Waste disposal
- Description: Emerging Technologies Sustainability Assessment (ETSA) is a new technology assessment tool that was developed in order to compare emerging processes or technologies to existing alternatives. It utilizes infoIDlation modules, with the minimum use of resources such as time and money, in order to deteIDline if the process under development is comparatively favourable and should be developed beyond the early conceptual phase. The preliminary ETSA is vital in order to identify the gaps in the existing information and the specific methodologies to be used for data capture and analysis. The use of experimental design tools, such as Design-Expert, can facilitate rapid and efficient collection of necessary data and fits in well with the rationale for the ETSA. Wine distillery effluent (vinasse) is the residue left after alcohol has been distilled from fennented grape juice. It is an acidic, darkly coloured effluent, with a high COD and polyphenol content. The most popular method of disposal of this effluent, land application, is no longer viable due to stricter legislation and pressure on the industry to better manage its wastes. Although the ability of whiterot fungi to degrade a number of pollutants is well-known, fungal treatment of wine distillery effluent is still in the conceptual phase. The perfoIDlance of the fungal remediation system was assessed experimentally in terms of COD removal and laccase production using Design-Expert. Although Pycnoporus sanguine us was found to be most efficient at COD removal (85%) from 30% vinasse, laccase production was low (0.021 U/I). The optimum design for economically viable fungal treatment used Trametespubescens. This fungus was able to remove over 50% of the COD from undiluted vinasse while producing almost 800U/l of the valuable laccase enzyme within three days. Since the effluent from the fungal system did not meet the legal limits for wastewater disposal, a two-stage aerobicanaerobic system is suggested to improve the quality of the effluent prior to disposal. The ETSA was used to assess the fungal technology in relation to the two current methods of vinasse treatment and disposal, namely land application and anaerobic digestion. Based on the ETSA, which considered environmental, social and economic impacts, the fungal system proved to be potentially competitive and further development of the technology is suggested.
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- Date Issued: 2005
The development of water quality methods within ecological Reserve assessments, and links to environmental flows
- Authors: Palmer, Carolyn G , Rossouw, N , Muller, Nikite W J , Scherman, Patricia A
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73430 , ISBN 0378-4738 ,
- Description: In the South African National Water Act (NWA, No 36 of 1998), the eco-logical Reserve is defined as the quality and quantity of water required to ensure appropriate protection of water resources, so as to secure ecologically sustainable development and use. Aquatic ecosystems are recognised as the core location of water resources, and although con-siderable progress has been made in developing methods for quantify-ing environmental flow requirements, this paper describes and discuss-es the first agreed method for quantifying environmental water quality requirements in an ecological Reserve assessment. Integration of flow and water quality is emphasised, and is based on the philosophy that environmental flows should be motivated to provide ecologically im-portant flow-related habitat, or geomorphological function, but should not be motivated to solve water quality problems by dilution. Water qual-ity is multivariate, and not all variables can be considered in an ecologi-cal Reserve assessment, but core water quality variables include: sys-tem variables (salts, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature), nutrients (phosphate, nitrite, nitrate) and toxic substances (those listed in the South African Water Quality Guidelines for Aquatic Ecosystems, includ-ing toxic metal ions, toxic organic substances, and/or substances from a chemical inventory of an effluent or discharge). In addition, biological indicator data (eg SASS data), chlorophyll-a (eg phytoplankton and pe-riphyton data) and toxicity test data may be used. For each variable, a concentration range or response is linked to a class within a water re-source classification system, where classes range from minimally to severely modified.
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- Date Issued: 2005