'n Ontleding van die reisgedigte van Joan Hambidge in 'Visums by verstek'
- Authors: Koen, Dewald
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: African literature , Authors, African , Travel writing
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8462 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1010652 , African literature , Authors, African , Travel writing
- Description: Reisbeskrywings, en veral die reispoësie as genre, het met die aanbreek van die twintigste eeu „n opbloei binne die Afrikaanse letterkunde beleef. Talle Afrikaanse skrywers en digters het na verskillende kontinente gereis en hul ondervindinge in roman, dagboek of joernaalvorm aangeteken. Die Afrikaanse skrywers sluit hulself gevolglik aan by die tradisie van die reisbeskrywing wat reeds eeue lank deel vorm van die globale literêre kanon. Reispoësie kom veral voor in die werk van digters soos C. Louis Leipoldt, Uys Krige, W.E.G. Louw, N.P. van Wyk Louw, D.J. Opperman, Breyten Breytenbach, Lina Spies, Petra Muller, Joan Hambidge en meer onlangs Melt Myburgh. Dit is veral Hambidge wat oor reis in haar poësie skryf. In 2011 verskyn „n versameling van Hambidge se reisgedigte wat sedert 1985-2010 in van haar bundels verskyn het onder die titel Visums by verstek – ‘n Keur uit die reisgedigte van Joan Hambidge. Hambidge bespreek sekere deurlopende temas in haar gedigte. Die temas sluit in: die poësie en die verhouding tussen die liefde en die poësie, die mens as alleenreisiger deur die wêreld, die dood en die huldiging van gestorwenes asook die beskrywing van sekere gebeurtenisse in die wêreldgeskiedenis. In hierdie skripsie word gefokus op die ontleding van Hambidge se reisgedigte wat onder drie verwante temas bespreek word naamlik die stad as vreemde rumite, reis as metafoor vir ontvlugting van die geliefde en reis as kreatiewe stimulus. Hierdie ondersoek geskied aan die hand van onder meer Pratt se konsep van “kontaksones”. Reispoësie word binne die konteks van globalisasie as „n belangrike bron van inligting en inspirasie beskou aangesien dit tot „n nuwe geslag wêreldreisigers spreek wat opnuut die literêre waarde van die reisbeskrywing- en poësie ontdek het.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Die outobiografiese kode in Antjie Krog se poëtiese oeuvre
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DLitt
- Identifier: vital:8444 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1534 , Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Description: This study primarily investigates the autobiographical code in Antjie Krog's poetical oeuvre, spanning from 1970 to the present. Krog's poetry collections may be read as offering life writing through poetry, while the prose works mostly present the reader with a mixture of autobiographical fact plus creative reworkings of fact and fiction. Even though her 10 volumes of poetry follow her biological development from young girl to grandmother, uncertainty still exists about about where truth ends and fiction begins in this poet and autobiographer's interwoven tapestry of multiple and varied perspectives. Furthermore, autobiographical (as utilised and adapted in Krog's oeuvre, in combination with the conventioans from other genres), offers a variety of creatively innovative, experimental strategies and possibilities exploited adroitly by Krog. Reading her poetry with the focus on autobiographical markers leads to another, mostly untapped, dimension of interpretation. This literary approach is in stark contrast to the approach prescibed by N.P. van Wyk Louw in "Die 'mens' agter die boek" ["The 'Person' behind the Book] (1956), in which he states clearly that a text should be interpreted as not "about the human behind the text". To a large extent Krog as poet is inviting the reader to consciously break the taboo that Louw placed on the reader intent on "searching the actual person behind the text". My hypothesis is that in Krog's poetry there is a distinct interrelationship between the perceptions, experiences and sensual impressions of the lyrical "I" in the poems and that of the authobiographical "I" writing. It would be irresponsible to declare the poet and the speaker as one and the same, but in instances where the poet purposefully integrates autobiographical elements into her poems, she is implicitly requesting the reader to interpret her work in this way. This fictive and implicit request is referred to by Philippe Lejeune as the autobiographical poet. Krog's poetry can be divided into four categories: "direct autobiographical", "indirect autobiographical", "universal" and "general" poems. The first category involves criteria that are linked to the poet, such as the use of the names, initials and dates. Indirect autobiographical poems can be read against the background of knowledge (previously published information) about the poet. Poetry with no apparent autobiographical element, but with universal themes such as love, loss and transience, fall into the third category of "universal" poetry. If poems do not fit into the mentioned categories, they are deemed "general".
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- Date Issued: 2011
Horrelpoot (2006) van Eben Venter as apokaliptiese roman: 'n intertekstuele studie
- Authors: Roth, Johan Friedrich
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8445 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1492 , Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Description: The dissertation offers a comparative reading of Eben Venter's Horrelpoot (2006) and Joseph Conrad's A Heart of Darkness (1902). The aim of this investigation is to establish whether the Afrikaans novel is overshadowed by the classical text, or whether it is an independent text in its own right. Following on a short reception study of reviews and articles published on Venter's latest fictional work, Horrelpoot, is read as an apocalyptic and / or dystopic novel. Whereas Conrad's novel is set in the Congo, Eben Venter opts for a fictionalized post-apartheid South African society riddled with social problems and a complete lack of infrastructure. The ideological notions pertaining to white South African fearing a black future form the crux of Venter's analysis of the contemporary white psyche in South Africa. From an intertextual point of view Venter's re-writing of Conrad's classic is a clear example of how, according to Kristeva's definition, one sign system is transposed into another. What is the result of this for the reception of the contemporary novel? Is one able to read Venter's novel without having to rely on Conrad's novel as intertext? An overview of the different theoretical views on intertextuality is also provided. The apocalyptic vision in Venter's novel is also examined against the background of a series of related novels in South Africa that deal with the same issue. In the 1980s apocalyptic novels focused primarily on apartheid society as symbolizing a dystopic, amoral and oppressive society that needed to be overthrown in favour of a more utopian non-racial society. Venter's novel places a question mark behind such an assumption as it shows that living in a post-apartheid society could even be worse and more dictatorial.
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- Date Issued: 2011
'n Eenvormige dissiplinestelsel vir skole in die Bitou 10-streek
- Authors: Freislich, Maria Francina
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: School discipline -- South Africa , School boards -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9506 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1236 , School discipline -- South Africa , School boards -- South Africa
- Description: Discipline in the government schools in South Africa has deteriorated during the past fifteen years. There are many different reasons for that. The aim of this study was to develop a uniform programme of discipline which can be used for application in all ten schools in the Bitou area. To reach this aim, the following procedures were followed: • A study has been done regarding the supporting role of the Bitou 10 foundation in the designing and management of a uniform discipline program. • A summary of the disciplinary problems in government schools has been given with possible reasons why discipline has deteriorated. • A study has also been made of various programs of discipline which have been used in various countries in the past. Certain aspects of those programmes have been used in this study to compile an effective programme of discipline for all the schools in the Bitou area. • Criteria for a positive discipline program have been put together. This study has been done in the Plettenberg Bay area. This area has ten schools which include primary- and high schools, single medium- and double medium schools, multi-cultural and mono-cultural schools and also some schools which have hostels. This study showed that not all schools in the Bitou area follow the same disciplinary programme. This study also makes recommendations on the possible implementing of such a uniform system of discipline. This study does not only show what the role is of the principal and teachers responsible for discipline, but also indicates the role and task of the parents and the community. Research on the application of discipline can never end because new ideas and methods will always be found to create an ideal programme in order to make the process more effective.
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- Date Issued: 2010
'n Vergelykende studie van Ingrid Winterbach se Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) en Etienne van Heerden se Asbesmiddag (2007)
- Authors: Strydom, Gideon Louwrens
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8449 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1419 , Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The focus of this dissertation is a comparative study of Ingrid Winterbach's Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) [The Book of Happenstance (2008)] and Etienne van Heerden's Asbesmiddag (2007) [Asbestos Afternoon] within an intertextual and socio-political framework. Both novels show strong links to the literary traditions of which they form part through a high degree of intertextuality with literary predecessors (intertexts from Afrikaans and South African English literature, but also classical intertexts emanating from the larger field of world literature). Both texts exhibit an overt metatextual consciousness. The protagonists in each of these novels are portrayed as novelists. One of the main aims of the study is to interrogate the implied ideological perspectives in both novels - the nature and extent of the reflection of the current South African socio-political system. Winterbach and Van Heerden‘s texts may both be read as fictionalised forms of "protest" against the extrinsic South African socio-political order. These forms of protest focus on the inevitable change from one stage/era to the next, the old South Africa to the new, in a quest for artistic (creative writing and literature) and cultural (Afrikaner identity and language) survival. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) and Asbesmiddag (2007) contribute to contemporary discourse by offering implied ideological insights into specific socio-political and metatextual phenomena. This is done in fictional guise - through the characters populating the fictional world of the novel, and also through the authors' implied ideological views. Both novels are intensely concerned with language issues, as well as the status of literature as cultural product. On the metatextual level theoretical issues concerning literature are in the focus, such as the precarious position of the novelist (and the academic) in contemporary South African society, and the status of literature and Afrikaans as a minority language. The purpose of this comparative study is to look at the metatextual, ideological and linguistic aspects of the novels through an extensive intertextual study, in order to interrogate and illustrate the socio-political discourse embedded in them.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Die geskiedenis van Despatch, 1945-1995: 'n verkennende studie
- Authors: Steyn, Jacobus Pieter
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:16142 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1116 , Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Description: Hierdie studie se fokus is op die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch. Daar word op die sosiale, politieke en godsdienstige geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap op Despatch gekonsentreer. Die studie ondersoek slegs die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch aangesien die dorp bekend daarvoor is dat dit oorwegend ʼn wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap is. Die ekonomie van Despatch en die bruin en swart inwoners word egter kortliks bespreek. Die tydperk van hierdie studie handel van 1945 – 1995. Dit was tydens hierdie jare wat Despatch amptelik as ʼn munisipaliteit gefunksioneer het. Uit die aard van die saak moet die studie gebeure wat aanleiding tot die nedersetting van wit mense langs die oewer van die Swartkopsrivier bespreek. Daar word ʼn kort studie gemaak van die periode 1700 (toe die eerste wit mense hulle langs die oewers van die Swartkopsrivier gevestig het) tot 1939 (wat die begin was van permanente nedersettings langs die syspoor op Despatch). Sekere gebeure word verder as 1995 bespreek. Dit word gedoen om kontinuiteit te behou wanneer belangrike gebeurtenisse, soos die oorskakeling na demokratiese regering in 1994, ondersoek word. Die doel van die studie is om ʼn verkennende ondersoek rakende die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch te doen. Die studie is ʼn verkennende ondersoek omrede nie al die aspekte van die geskiedenis van Despatch ondersoek sal word nie. Slegs die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap se sosiale strukture (onderwys, godsdiens en kultuur), munisipale bestuur en politiek sal ondersoek word.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Psigobiografiese persoonlikheidsbeskrywing van Generaal Christiaan de Wet
- Authors: Henning, Riana
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf, 1854-1922 Psychology -- Biographical methods Psychoanalysis Big Five model Politicians -- Psychology South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1836-1909 South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1909-1948
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2990 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002499
- Description: Hierdie is 'n psigobiografiese studie van Generaal Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. 'n Psigobiografiese studie is die bestudering van 'n persoon se volledige lewe met die doel om die persoon beter te verstaan. Psigobiografiese navorsing maak gebruik van psigologiese teorieë wat aangewend word om die biografiese data van 'n persoon se lewe te beskryf en moontlik ook te verklaar. Die individu wat bestudeer word, is gewoonlik 'n bekende, invloedryke, navolgenswaardige, interessante of modelfiguur. Daar is tans 'n oplewing in die veld van psigobiografiese studies, maar daar word nog steeds nie genoeg in die akademiese veld gedoen om psigobiografiese studies te bevorder nie. De Wet (1854-1922) is vir hierdie studie gekies omdat hy 'n interessante, dog komplekse figuur was. Hy het veral tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1899-1902 bekendheid verwerf. As 45-jarige man het De Wet in die Anglo-Boereoorlog geveg en vinnig opgang as 'n militêre leier gemaak. Sy vindingryke ontsnappingspogings het die Britse magte hoofbrekens besorg. Wat De Wet verder uniek maak, is dat hy met net drie maande skoolopleiding in die parlement gedien het, as president verkies is, die hoogste gesag in die Verdedigingsmag gehad het en 'n boek oor sy oorlogsherinneringe geskryf het. Alhoewel daar akademiese werke oor De Wet bestaan, is daar tot op hede nog geen psigobiografiese studie oor hom gedoen nie. Die doel van die studie was om die mens agter die legende na vore te bring. Daar is ook gepoog om moontlike antwoorde en verklarings op onbeantwoorde vrae te gee. Die studie het van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data gebruik gemaak en kan as 'n psigobiografiese gevalstudie beskryf word. Die Vyf-faktor model van Costa en McCrae (1992) is op die biografiese data van De Wet toegepas om sodoende sy persoonlikheidseienskappe te beskryf. Die bevindinge het interessante persoonlikheidseienskappe van De Wet deur middel van die Vyf-faktor model aan die lig gebring. Volgens die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge was De Wet 'n vyandige, aksie-gedrewe, bevoegde, prestasie-strewende, selfgedissiplineerde, warm, openhartige, saggeaarde en beskeie persoon. Die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-ontledings het uiteenlopende persoonlikheidskenmerke by De Wet geïdentifiseer. Die grootste verskille het by die fasette warmte, openhartigheid en altruïsme voorgekom. Die waarde van die studie is dat 'n wetenskaplike persoonlikheidsontleding van De Wet gedoen is. Dit is ook die eerste studie waar 'n teoretiese model op De Wet se persoonlikheid toegepas is. Alhoewel die studie sekere tekortkominge toon, beklemtoon dit terselfdertyd die wenslikheid daarvan om alternatiewe modelle te gebruik tydens die ontleding van persoonlikheidskenmerke. Die studie dui ook op die behoefte aan verdere navorsing, byvoorbeeld soortgelyke ontledings en vergelykings van die persoonlikhede van ander militêre bevelvoerders (De la Rey, Smuts, Beyers, Hertzog).
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- Date Issued: 2010
Identity and difference: a postcolonial analysis of Cape Malay as depicted in the literary texts from selected South African writers
- Authors: Chaudhari, Shamiega
- Date: 2009-11
- Subjects: Postcolonialism , Orientalism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:64143
- Description: The identity of the Cape Malay is usually reduced to the submissive, the comic and the exotic dishes such as bobotie, curry and samosas. Terms like "slams","slaamaaier" and "halfnaatjie" (Roos 2003:3) were just a few of the derogatory names that was awarded to the Cape Malay. Many of these terms and identity constructions are in the South African literature immortalized. The true history, the struggle, tears and sacrifices of this community slipped by unnoticed and in silence. And today, after all this suffering, they become identity is called into question and this identity is referred to as a controversial identity. In the Western Cape this identity mainly centered around being Malay, being Coloured, Being Cape Muslim or Black Muslim. It seems as if the Cape Malay is in an intermediate identity (defined in English as "inbetweenness") are trapped, defined by their "Muslimness","Cape-ness", "Malay-ness" and "Coloured-ness". This dissertation examines the controversy of the Cape Malay identity and focus specifically on identity construction and Otherness. It emphasizes certain characteristics that people divided due to certain character traits that are different from the norm and therefore cause that they are considered the Other. The study is undertaken with the aim of establishing the authenticity of the Cape Malay identity state and how it is depicted in the works of selected South African writers. It intends to look specifically at the construction of identity through Otherness during the colonial period in Southern Africa as well as how these identities were implemented, rejected or accepted is. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2009
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- Date Issued: 2009-11
Van dagboek tot reisjoernaal : 'n literêre ondersoek na intertekstualiteit in Bidsprinkaan (2005) van André P. Brink
- Authors: Nagel, Amilinda
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8457 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1050 , Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The dissertation offers a reception study followed by a critical analysis of Bidsprinkaan by André P. Brink [Praying Mantis, 2005], as well as a careful study of the relevant historical and anthropological intertexts pertaining to the text. This research adds to a fuller understanding of the history of Cupido Kakkerlak and the missionaries. Brink encoded the novel with certain historical and anthropological codes, well-hidden beneath the surface of his fictional writing, thus achieving a finely balanced interaction between fact and fiction in his novelistic construct. This novelistic amalgam of the imaginative world with the historical and anthropological material, gives multidimensionality to the text which is not visible at a first superficial reading. Failing to recognize the traces to these intertexts, would result in a lesser understanding of the conflicting fields in which the main character is positioned, specifically between indigenous belief and Christianity, as well as between indigenous culture and mythology on the one hand, and western culture on the other hand. The author ‘encodes’ the novel (to use the terminology of Jakobson’s communication model) with these historical and anthropological intertexts, which the reader has to ‘decode’ in order to unlock the novel. One central technique therefore, is that of interwoven fact and fiction. This is a technique employed in most of Brink’s novels, such as ‘n Oomblik in die wind, 1975 [An Instant in the Wind], Houd-den-Bek, 1982 [A chain of voices,], Die eerste lewe van Adamastor, 1986 [The First Life of Adamastor, 1993], Inteendeel, 1993 [On the Contrary, 1993] and Duiwelskloof, 1998 [Devil’s Valley, 1998]. Khoi and San history, culture and identity also figure centrally in these novels. A further aspect of my hypothesis is suggested by the politically correct Afrikaans title, Bidsprinkaan (the common nomenclature for the praying mantis is “hotnotsgot”, which roughly translates as “hottentots’ god”, with obvious racial pejorative suggestion). Brink’s use of “bidsprinkaan” for his title, alerts the reader to contemporary political sensitivity, thus contrasting the society of two centuries ago with the present. The more sophisticated reading process followed here compares colonial and postcolonial South African societies, and attempts to tease out the implied ideological facet embedded in the novel.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Die liturgiese gebruik van die orrel in 'n post-mordene era: persepsies van kerkmusici en leraars van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeentes in Port Elizabeth
- Authors: Heunis, Sulani
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Organ music -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Chorale preludes
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: vital:8511 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/787 , Organ music -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Chorale preludes
- Description: In this study the liturgical usage of the organ is investigated within a post-modern society. It focuses specifically on the church services of the Dutch Reformed Congregations of Port Elizabeth with regards to the functionality of the organ during morning and evening services. The objectives of the study are to demonstrate the current situation of musical worship in the Dutch Reformed Congregations of Port Elizabeth. Furthermore it serves as a way to indicate any deficiency in the field, which would need to be addressed. In order to achieve these objectives, both a qualitative and quantitative study is undertaken. The qualitative study investigates existing literature regarding the church service and its music. The quantitative study comprises an analysis of self-administered questionnaires that was handed over for completion by the Dutch Reformed Congregations of Port Elizabeth. The results obtained were electronically processed to percentages and graphic illustrations. In this mini-treatise it is argued that the usage of other music instruments (in the form of music worship groups) during church services could possibly lead to a change in the liturgical function of the organ. It was found that the usage of the organ in the Dutch Reformed Congregations of Port Elizabeth was mainly retained during morning services. During evening services however, the usage of other music instruments was in the majority, which resulted in a decrease of organ usage. It was further discovered that a large group of organists are not involved with music worship groups. Training of organists in a contemporary style of music worship will therefore serve as a significant purpose to fulfil this deficiency.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Faktore wat die oorlewing van volstruiskuikens (Struthio Camelus) verhoog
- Authors: Janse Van Vuuren, Maryke
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Ostrich farming -- South Africa , Ostriches -- Breeding -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10588 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/848 , Ostrich farming -- South Africa , Ostriches -- Breeding -- South Africa
- Description: Hierdie verhandeling is ‘n samestelling van verskeie studies, elk opgeskryf in die formaat en styl soos vereis deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereeniging vir Diereproduksie (South African Society of Animal Science). Hoofstuk 1 is ‘n literatuurstudie bestaande uit ‘n algemene inleiding wat agtergrond oor die studie verskaf en sluit die probleemstelling in, naamlik die swak oorlewing van volstruiskuikens wat onder kunsmatige toestande grootgemaak word. Hoofstukke 2, 3, 4 en 5 bestaan uit die eerste vier studies, waartydens sekere bestuurs-aspekte, wat moontlik oorlewing van volstruiskuikens kan verbeter (nl: populasiedigtheid, tipe vloer-oppervlak, die aanwending van broeipare en die aanwending van peetouers), ondersoek is. Hoofstukke 6, 7, 8 & 9 handel oor studies wat gerig is om voeding meer aanloklik te maak vir volstruiskuikens teneinde voedselinname te stimuleer en sodoende produksie en oorlewing te verbeter (nl: verskaffing van groenvoer, geur van voer, kleur van voer en beligting van voer). Die laaste hoofstuk bestaan uit ‘n algemene gevolgtrekking en aanbevelings. Alhoewel daar gepoog is om herhaling in hoofstukke te beperk, was dit onmoontlik om herhaling van sekere gedeeltes van hoofstukke te voorkom.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Die bestuur van die geintegreerde gehaltebestuurstelsel
- Authors: James, Raymond Oscar
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9540 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/682 , Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te kyk hoe effektief die Geïntegreerde Gehaltebestuurstelsel (GGBS), en wel die taksering van opvoeders, bestuur kan word om positiewe resultate by skole te bereik. Die studie is gedoen binne die Interpretivistiese benadering. Data-invordering is gedoen deur middel van vraelyste, observasie en onderhoude. Die studie het getoon dat opvoeders onseker was, juis omdat die Onderwysdepartement nie die nodige leiding gegee en die nodige hulpbronne gehad het nie. Die afgelope twee jaar ( 2006 en 2007 ) egter het die Departement skouer aan die wiel gesit en hulp aan skole verleen, hetsy deur die beskikbaarstelling van die nodige vorms, of die aanstel van ‘n koördineerder om hulp aan skole te verskaf. Die belangrikste uitkomste van die studie was die besef dat opvoeders se vrese en aannames aangespreek moet word om ‘n gehaltebestuurstelsel effektief te maak. Slypskole moet gehou word om hulp en bystand aan die getakseerdes te verleen. Die bestuurspan van die skool moet ook indiensopleiding ondergaan, sodat hulle presies kan weet wat van hulle verwag word. Op hierdie manier word onsekerhede uit die weg geruim, want onsekerheid was die grootste probleem waarmee opvoeders te kampe gehad het in die implimentering van die GGBS.
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- Date Issued: 2007
Die verbetering van dissipline as 'n sleutelbestuurstaak in 'n skool
- Authors: September, Willie Jeffrie
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Classroom management -- South Africa , School discipline -- South Africa , School management teams
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9542 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/679 , Classroom management -- South Africa , School discipline -- South Africa , School management teams
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die dissiplinêre probleme in skole soos dit in die Oudtshoorn-omgewing voorkom, te identifiseer en aan te spreek. Dit word gedoen deur te let op: • die skoolklimaat wat by 'n skool heers en die uitwerking van die skoolklimaat op die dissipline van`n skool. • die dissiplinêre probleme wat met skooldissipline in skole ervaar word. • die oorsake van skooldissipline en in watter mate die omgewing waarin die skool geleë is 'n invloed op skooldissipline het en • om oplossings vir dissiplinêre probleme soos vasgestel aan die hand te doen. Die studie poog om deur kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes vas te stel hoe prinsipale, opvoeders en leerders die huidige dissiplinêre situasie in skole ervaar. Dit poog dus om eerstehandse kennis te verkry van hul denke, gevoelens en gedagtes en hoe hierdie fenomeen hulle beïnvloed. Die studie kyk ook in watter mate skoolklimaat op die breë spektrum van skooldissipline 'n invloed het, en hoe die verbetering van skooldissipline `n sleutelbestuurstaak in 'n skool is. Die belangrikste bevindinge van die studie is dat daar samewerking tussen opvoeders en ouers moet wees om negatiewe leerdergedrag aan te spreek. Die studie dui ook aan dat kommunikasie tussen alle rolspelers van uiterse belang is om die dissiplinêre probleme binne skole aan bande te lê. Skoolleierskap moet hulle ook vergewis van die jongste metodes om dissiplinêre probleme aan te spreek. 'n Positiewe skoolklimaat of kultuur is ondersteunend om skooldissipline te verbeter.
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- Date Issued: 2007
The continued viability of the discretionary Inter vivos trust as an instrument for estate planning
- Authors: Lötter, Therésilda Sieglinde
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Trusts and trustees -- South Africa , Trusts and trustees -- Taxation -- South Africa , Estate planning -- South Africa , Estates (Law) -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:900 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006148 , Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Trusts and trustees -- South Africa , Trusts and trustees -- Taxation -- South Africa , Estate planning -- South Africa , Estates (Law) -- South Africa
- Description: The purpose of this study is to determine whether a discretionary inter vivos trust is still an effective instrument for estate planning. The process of estate planning, the role the trust plays in it and the background to the trust are described. The taxability and tax saving opportunities when the trust are utilised are discussed in the light of the Estate Duty Act, 45 of 1955, the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 (including the Eighth Schedule thereof) and the Transfer Duty Act, 40 of 1949. The opinions of tax and legal authorities in articles and relevant case law are also discussed. The impact of the "letter of wishes" on the stipulations of the trust deed is examined. Amendments to the Income Tax Act have placed a limit on the use of a trust for estate planning through a number of anti-avoidance measures, the introduction of a capital gains tax (in the Eighth Schedule) and the imposition of a high tax rate. The increase in the deduction granted in arriving at the dutiable amount of an estate, in terms of section 4A of the Estate Duty Act, from R1 500 000 to R2 500 000 has imposed a further limit on the use of the trust as an instrument in estate planning. The research demonstrates that, notwithstanding the amendments to the Income Tax Act, the trust still is a viable instrument, mainly because the trust operates as a conduit and because of its potential use in dividing taxable income amongst a number of beneficiaries. The stipulations included in the trust deed and the "letter of wishes" (if one exists), must be thought through carefully when estate planning is done, as it can give rise to the application of the general and specific anti-avoidance provisions as included in sections 7 and 103 of this Act. The research also concludes that, in assessing the effectiveness of the trust as an instrument in tax planning, the disadvantage of paying the higher transfer duty when the immovable asset is transferred to the trust should be weighed up against the possible saving in income tax and estate duty at a later stage. It is also clear that most assets owned by the trust are tax neutral, whilst many of the amendments under discussion deal with the taxability of trust income. The quantitative considerations underlying the use of the trust as part of the estate plan, remain unchanged. The research concludes by providing a framework of quantitative and qualitative criteria that can be used by an estate planner to determine whether it will be advantageous to transfer an asset to the trust to achieve the objectives of the estate plan.
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- Date Issued: 2007
'n Evalueering van die implementering van die graad 9 natuurwetenskapkurrikulum in skole in die Noord-Kaap Provinsie
- Authors: Van Schalkwyk, Daniël Jacobus
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Curriculum evaluation -- South Africa -- Northern Cape , Biology -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Northern Cape
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9577 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019685
- Description: Curriculum 2005 was originally implemented in grade 1 in 1998. In 2002 it was implemented in grade 9. Similar problems and questions, which arose during the initial implementation, arose again during the implementation in grade 9. Implementation gave rise to many questions and uncertainties. Only in October 2001 was it finally decided to implement the curriculum for grade 9 in 2002. The result was that publishers, the national as well as provincial education departments as well as schools were not ready for the implementation in January 2002. This treatise aims to determine the amount of support offered to educators and the degree of uncertainty still being experienced by them. Information regarding these unnecertainties and problems has been obtained from educators by means of questionnaires, circulated to 38 schools in the Northern Cape Province, offering Natural Science. This sampling of schools is representative of schools offering Natural Science in the region. Data regarding the uncertainties from educators have been obtained from the SOC (Stages of Concern) questionnaires of Hall, George and Rutherford. The rest of the questionnaire concerned the biographical information regarding the educators as well as the support that educators have received during the implementation of the learning area. It emerged from the questionnaire that educators understand the importance of a new Natural Science curriculum for SA. They are however sceptical regarding the hasty manner in which the learning area was implemented; the fact that no textbooks or educational teaching aids were available prior to implementation was of concern. Educators are similarly concerned about the inadequate training prior to implementation and lack of support during implementation. Educators are also concerned about the administrative liability that the new curriculum will bring about.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Eksperiment en intertekstualiteit: 'n studie van Ingrid Winterbach se Niggie (2002) en die oorlogsdagboek van Jan F.E. Celliers 1899-1902 (1978), asook ander Anglo-Boereoorlog tekste
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8442 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/436 , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Description: This study focuses on the creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War material in Ingrid Winterbach’s (Lettie Viljoen) Niggie [Cousin] (2002) with specific reference to the Oorlogsdagboek van Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902 [War Diary of Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902] (1978) and other texts written during or shortly after the Anglo Boer War in Dutch, such as Totius’ Vier-en-sestig dae te velde: ‘n Oorlogsdagboek [Sixty Four Days Afield: A War Diary] (1977) and in English, Woman’s Endurance (1904) by A.D.L. and Deneys Reitz’s Commando. A Boer Journal of the Boer War (1929). More recent Afrikaans novels dealing with the same war are also analysed, such as Ons oorlog [Our War] (2000) by Klaas Steytler, Op soek na Generaal Mannetjies Mentz [In Search of General Mannetjies Mentz] (1998) by Christoffel Coetzee and Etienne Leroux’s Magersfontein O! Magersfontein (1976). A literary analysis is done of the novel Niggie, with specific focus on the nature and function of Anglo-Boer War material in Winterbach’s text. The question is posed why there is such a sustained focus and creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War texts in Winterbach’s oeuvre (especially in Belemmering [Impediment], 1990, Karolina Ferreira, 1993, Buller se plan [Buller’s Plan], 1999, and Niggie [Cousin], 2002)? This novel has a profound effect on the reader a century after the war, because it addresses postcolonial issues and predicaments such as a defragmenting identity, as well as the possible demise of the Afrikaans language and culture, faced by the descendants of those involved in the war a century ago. In her reworking of the past to come to grips with the present, Winterbach confronts difficult South African topics, such as interracial relationships, racism, the relationship with the land, possible language death, gender relationships, the role of the supernatural and the unconscious in everyday life (in the form of dreams and trickster figures), amongst many others. The dissertation offers an intertextual study as well as a literary analyses of the literary techniques used, and the characteristics of this magisterial novel, which deservedly won the Hertzog prize in 2004, the highest accolade possible for an Afrikaans novel. The anomaly of such a novel in 2002 seemingly dwelling on the past, is shown up for what it is: a metaphor for the present and its dilemmas, reflecting the social conflicts existing at present in the crumbling Afrikaans community.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Volhoubaarheid van die kommersiële benutting van inheemse dekriet (Thamnochortus insignis) in die Suid-Kaap
- Authors: Horn, Johan Andries Muller
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Fynbos -- Harvesting -- South Africa , Thatched roofs -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10591 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/836 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1012882 , Fynbos -- Harvesting -- South Africa , Thatched roofs -- South Africa
- Description: Thamnochortus insignis (Albertinia thatching reed) is a restio specie which is endemic in the narrow (20 km wide) coastal dune veld, from the Gouritz River in the east to the Breede River in the west (120 km). The area within this belt, where this reed is the dominant restio, covers 65 500 hectares. The culms of the reed is harvested as a natural product from the veld and used as thatch on roofs of houses. The traditional use has been as roofing material in Cape Dutch architecture. At this time, thatch roofs are regarded as a luxury commodity and are used in prestigious residential areas and also eco-friendly housing developments. The first section of the research project was based on a Delphi technique questionnaire completed first by 37 and secondly by 10 stakeholders in the industry. This group of growers, contract harvesters, crop agents and thatchers represented 80 percent percent of the estimated 2005 harvest and 87 percent of the estimated farm gate crop value. The thatching reed industry is the main agricultural enterprise situated in the coastal dune veld of the Southern Cape, i.e. 55 percent of total Gross Product Value generated by the survey respondents. The second section is based on an analysis of experimental harvest plots (50 m2), selected at random (4 replications per site) in the 2 x 3 different production systems, i.e. traditional harvest from natural veld, harvest from veld which had been subjected to mechanical injury ("sleep") and harvest from established orchard-type lands. Harvest data was collected at each site in terms of the following components, i.e. number of harvestable tussocks, circumference of tussocks and number of reed bundles (minimum circumference 210 mm, minimum length 1,2 m). The gross income per site was calculated on the basis of R1,80 per bundle (2006-price level). Economic analysis (Gross Margin above selected costs) indicates that plant density (reed tussocks/ha) is a critical factor, in order to offset the establishment cost of R2 100/ha in established lands, which is not incurred in the other two production systems. Economic returns from the first planted lands (2 100 and 2 900 plants/ha) averaged R7 666/ha against R8 781/ha for the mechanical-injury plants. However, at a density of 5 000 plants/ha, the projected Gross Margin increases to R15 765/ha. The use of mechanicalinjury and natural vegetation production systems both interfere with biodiversity and raise major concerns with regard to sustainability of the sensitive coastal dune fynbos. ANOVA-analysis of the data indicates a highly significant difference (p = 0,01) for all sites and production systems. Statistical analysis of averages indicates that mechanical injury treatment results in a significant increase in the number of tussocks, when compared to established and natural veld, respectively. The variance in the circumference of tussocks was greatest in natural veld (55 to 71 percent) and mechanical injury (54 to 61 percent). Tussocks harvested from established plantings reflected the least level of variance (28 to 38 percent). The larger reed tussocks in the established lands produced more bundles of marketable reed (8 200/ha) than the mechanical-injury (7 625/ha) and natural veld (3 450/ha) respectively. Establishment of T. insignis plantlets in an "orchard" system at spacings of 2 m x 1 m on previous winter cereal lands or old pastures, is shown to meet all the requirements within a sustainable production system, i.e. viability, productivity, environmental-friendly, risk management and social acceptance. Furthermore, the quality of the yield was in line with the proposed grading standard for thatching reed, i.e. minimum circumference 210 mm, minimum length 1,2 m and less than 6,5 percent grey culm content.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Die bestuursrol van die skoolhoof in die implementering van 'n nuwe kurrikulum
- Authors: Mey, Hermanus Pieter
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: School principals -- South Africa , Educational leadership -- South Africa , Curriculum change -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPhil
- Identifier: vital:11010 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/367 , School principals -- South Africa , Educational leadership -- South Africa , Curriculum change -- South Africa
- Description: The implementation of a new curriculum has become a very relevant issue in South Africa with the implementation of Curriculum 2005 (C 2005) since 1998. The school principal plays a very important role at school level in the implementation of change in general and a new curriculum in particular. The aim of this study was to have a closer look at this role. It is a qualitative study executed in six schools in the Port Elizabeth area. It investigates the problems school principals experienced with the implementation of C 2005 with the objective of identifying guidelines for the role of the principal in the implementation of a new curriculum The most important findings include the importance of equipping the principal to provide guidance with the implementation of a new curriculum. This equipping refers to the principal’s knowledge of the new curriculum, the ability to employ various leadership styles, as well as the maintenance of a certain balance between supporting and putting pressure on the staff. Other findings refer to the importance of well-trained and prepared facilitators of workshops, as well as the role the Department of Education needs to play in the training and preparation of these facilitators. The ongoing support of schools in the implementation process also needs to be emphasized. The principal should play a key role with respect to this last role of the Department. The study also emphasizes the principal’s responsibility to bind the educators together in building a shared vision, so that their focus will remain on the curriculum implementation.
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- Date Issued: 2004
Die toepassing van die proses van geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning deur kategorie B plaaslike owerhede
- Authors: Els, Christoffel Gerhardus
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Local government -- South Africa , Public administration -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Public Management)
- Identifier: vital:10768 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/266 , Local government -- South Africa , Public administration -- South Africa
- Description: Samevattende oorsig: In hierdie skripsie, is 'n studie onderneem ten opsigte van die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanningsproses, wat die proses van beplanning en die toepassing van hierdie beplanningsresultate ten opsigte van twee klein B-munisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie insluit. Die skripsie bestaan uit sewe hoofstukke en is gebaseer op die veronderstelling dat die beplanningsproses van so 'n tegniese aard is dat kleiner owerhede nie in staat is om die proses na behore te kan bestuur nie. Dit gaan verder van die onderstelling uit dat die implementeeringskapasiteit by kleiner owerhede ontbreek om dievoorsiene uitkomste na behore te realiseer. Die primêre doelwitte van die navorsing sluit die volgende in: 'n basiese oorsig van openbare bestuur, die rolle en funksies van funksionarisse binne hierdie omgewing en die veranderende aard van openbare bestuur. Die proses van geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning binne plaaslike regering word bestudeer met 'n volledige proses toeligting. Die noodsaaklikheid van beplanning en prestasiebestuur word bevestig tesame met die uitdagings en probleme wat die nuwe benadering bring aan klein plaaslike owerhede. 'n Finale waardebepaling rond die studie af. Die studie bestaan uit bronnavorsing om die veranderende aard van openbare bestuur toe te lig tesame met die werklike aard van die beplanningsproses soos vereis binne relevante wetgewing. Die impak van hierdie vereistes op klein plaaslike owerhede in die Wes-Kaap word ontleed aan die hand van twee geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne soos deur die skrywer hiervan gefasiliteer by dié owerhede. Die gevolgtrekkings gemaak uit hierdie studie word dan ook aangedui met 'n aanbeveling oor die mees sinvolle inkrementele benadering ten opsigte van ontwikkeling as proses en die deelname van rolspelers daarbinne.
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- Date Issued: 2004
'n Ontleding van landboutourisme in die Tuinroete-gebied van Suid-Afrika
- Authors: De Jager, Jacobus Lodevicus
- Date: 2003
- Subjects: Tourism -- South Africa -- Garden Route , Farms -- Recreational use -- South Africa -- Garden Route
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Agricultural Management)
- Identifier: vital:10954 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/137 , Tourism -- South Africa -- Garden Route , Farms -- Recreational use -- South Africa -- Garden Route
- Description: The aim of this study was to create a profile of the agricultural tourism industry in the Garden Route area of South Africa, and to determine what general influence agricultural tourism has on the macro environment (rural area) with regard to socio- economic development, as ell as on the micro environment (farm) with regard to the generating of additional income. This study only includes agricultural operations (farms) in the Garden Route area that practice tourism activities. Out of 54 potential agricultural units that were identified, 46 were willing to participate in the study. Information from only 40 of the abovementioned units was finally included in this study. Six agricultural units could not supply sufficient information during the surveys. Data were gathered by means of a scientifically compiled questionnaire. All the individuals involved in this study completed this questionnaire by means of a personal interview. The aspects investigated in order to compile a profile were the characteristics of the suppliers, activities and the extent of the agricultural tourism industry. In order to determine the contribution of agricultural tourism on micro- and macro levels, aspects such as the contribution to farming turnover were investigated as well as the socioeconomic contribution in view of the infrastructure development, job creation, education and housing. The results of this study indicate that 78% of respondents are aged 40 years and older, are mainly male, and, in most of the cases, married (95%). Agricultural tourism enterprises in the Garden Route area are, in most cases (60%), managed by the farmers’ wives. The business type whereby respondents’ agricultural tourism enterprises are conducted, is as follows: in 72.5% of the cases a sole ownership, 17.5% a private company, 5% a partnership, 2.5% a closed corporation and the other remaining 2.5% is managed as a trust. The majority (65%) of persons involved in the management of the agricultural tourism enterprise has received some form of tertiary education. A degree of statistical significance (p = 0.0728) exists between the education level of the type of person/persons that manages the tourist branches and the type of activity category that is offered. In 65% of the cases the farms that offered agricultural tourism, were smaller than 500 hectare. A negative correlation (r² = -0.31700; p<0.0001) was found between farm size and the total farming turnover per year. This trend is even more distinctive (r² = -0.47156; p<0.0001) for farms smaller than 1 000 ha. A statistically meaningful (p = 0.0115) relationship exists between farm size and the number of activities that were offered. This occured in cases where farms were smaller than 1 000 ha. In 25% of the cases only one agricultural tourism activity was offered, 12.5% of these farms were 100 ha or smaller. The maximum number of activities that were offered was 11 and it was found in 3.13% of the cases. A highly statistically meaningful (p = <0.0001) connection exists between the percentage tourism turnover per year and the different types of activity categories that were offered. In 35.75% of the cases these activity categories earned between 1 and 10% of the yearly tourism turnover. A highly statistically meaningful (p = 0.0036) connection also exists between the degree of popularity and the type of activity category that was offered. In 53.07% of the cases the most popular activities were those that are nature-based, followed by accommodation-based activities (23.46%). In 82.5% of the cases additional income was the main reason for offering agricultural tourism. Other distinctive reasons were the love for people (50%) and the desire to share the farm life and beauty with others (25%). The tourism activities that were offered on the farms were respectively, guest houses (62.5%) followed by hiking trails (57.5%) and swimming opportunities (32.5%). Wildlife viewing was the activity that has been offered for the longest period of time, some 11,5 years. The general location of the agricultural tourism operations were 21.9 km from towns and 9.65 km from main routes. Word-of-mouth was the most successful marketing method, followed by the use of own brochures (90%) and local tourism bureau brochures (87.5%). A degree of statistical significance (p = 0.0902) exists between the number of marketing methods and the average percentage of the tourism branch as a total part of the total farming turnover per year. A positive correlation (r² = 0.29118; p<0.0001) exists between the number of marketing methods and the total farming turnover per year. Visitors to the agriculture tourism operations were in 55% of the cases mainly domestic tourists, followed by 25% that includes both domestic and foreign tourists, and a further 20% that mainly includes foreign tourists. The majority (67.5%) of operations indicated that agricultural tourism formed less than 30% (between 2% and 30%) of their annual agricultural turnover, 5% between 30% - 50%, 25% between 80% - 100% of their turnover, while 2.5% generated no income from agricultural tourism. A highly statistically meaningful (p = 0.0010) relationship exists between the percentages that the tourism branch contributes as a total of the farming turnover per year and the number of years that the respondents hade been involved in the offering of agricultural tourism. A positive correlation (r² = 0.30005; p<0.0001) exists between the number of years involved with the offering of agricultural tourism and the average percentage of the total farming turnover per year. New infrastructure was created by 40% of the providers, a further 12.5% partially created new infrastructure, while 47.5% made use of infrastructure that was already in place. Thus far job opportunities have been created for 58 people of whom 13.79% are male and 86.21% are female. A statistically meaningful (p = 0.0406) relationship exists between the number of workers that had to be appointed additionally and the number of activities that were offered. In 17.5% of the cases it was only needed to appoint one worker, followed by 2.5% that appointed three workers each, 5% that had to appoint four workers each and a further 2.5% that had to appoint seven workers each. There are 27.5% of agricultural tourism providers that had to appoint additional workers, 20% provided education to those workers and 36.36% of the above-mentioned provided housing to those workers and their dependants. A statistically meaningful (p = 0.0209) relationship exists between education provided to workers that had to be appointed additionally and the type of activity combination that was presented. A degree of statistical significance (p = 0.0691) exists between housing provided to additional workers and the number of activities that were presented. A statistically meaningful (p = 0.0455) relationship further exists between housing provided to workers that had to be appointed additionally and the type of activity combination that was presented. From the results of this study it appeared that the development of agricultural tourism in the Garden Route area has a positive impact on the micro- and macro environments of the rural areas. This impact can make a direct or indirect contribution to the socio-economic development of this region and it can induce the generation of additional income, infrastructure development, job creation, education and housing. This study suggests that there is significant potential for the further development and exploitation of agricultural tourism.
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- Date Issued: 2003