Uphononongo lwesimo sabalinganiswa kujongwe izenzo, iimpawu nemikhwa eyandulela nelandela ukubulala kwiincwadi ezikhethiweyo zesiXhosa
- Authors: Hempe, Zoleka Faith
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DLitt
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/30777 , vital:31129
- Description: Olu phando luzondelele ukwenza umqela obonakalayo ekuhliseni inani lokubulawa nokuzibulala kwabantu ngokuthi luphengulule iimpawu ezibonakala phambi nasemva kokuzibandakanye nesi senzo. Olu gocagoco lweempawu luza kumncedisa umphandi aqaphele okuqhubeka engqondweni yombulali. Uphando luza kubuye lucebise okunokwenziwa ngabantu xa luthe lwaziqaphela ezi mpawu. Iimeko ezingqonge ababulali ziza kujongwa ngeliso elibukhali ukuba azinafuthe na kwiimeko ezityhalela ababulali kwizenzo zokukhupha imiphefumlo. Isahluko sokuqala yimbulambethe eyintsika yolu phando nezakuthi inike isikhokelo ngendlela oluza kuhamba ngayo uphando, luxovula uluncwadi kwaneendlela ezahlukileyo zophando eziza kusetyenziswa.Amagama angundoqo aza kusetyenziswa kolu phando aza kucaciswa. Isahluko sesibini simalunga neengcingane oluza kwayama ngazo olu phando. Eyonangcingane inkqenkqeza phambili kolu phando yingcigane yobume bengqondo nazakuthi umphandi ayicacise nzulu ukuze akhangele indlela ebachaphazela ngayo ababulali. Le ngcingane imalunga nendlela ingqondo yomntu echaphazeleka ngayo kokumngqongileyo kwaye ikwanikezela neendlela zokuyinyanga. Lolu lwazi ke umphandi aza kulusebenzisa ukuhlalutya imeko yombulali ngamnye kwiincwadi ezichongelwe uhlalutyo. Akhona namanye amangenelela eengcingane athe acaciswa kwesi sahluko nazakuthi umphandi awaqwabulule kwisahluko sesithathu nesesineindlela ayamana ngawo nezenzo zababulali. Kwisahluko sesithathu umphandi uza kuphengulula iimpawu ezibonakala kubabulali abakwiincwadi ezichongiweyo. Isahluko sesine sona ziza kujonga iindidi neendlela zokubulala kuze kucatshulwe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo siphinde siqaphele nezizathu ezityhilizela ababulali kwezi zenzo zokukhupha imiphefumlo. Isahluko sesihlanu sona siza kubhenca okufunyaniswe luphando size sinike neengcebiso ezinokwenziwa ukunciphisa inanilabantu abakhupha imiphefumlo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Hempe, Zoleka Faith
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DLitt
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/30777 , vital:31129
- Description: Olu phando luzondelele ukwenza umqela obonakalayo ekuhliseni inani lokubulawa nokuzibulala kwabantu ngokuthi luphengulule iimpawu ezibonakala phambi nasemva kokuzibandakanye nesi senzo. Olu gocagoco lweempawu luza kumncedisa umphandi aqaphele okuqhubeka engqondweni yombulali. Uphando luza kubuye lucebise okunokwenziwa ngabantu xa luthe lwaziqaphela ezi mpawu. Iimeko ezingqonge ababulali ziza kujongwa ngeliso elibukhali ukuba azinafuthe na kwiimeko ezityhalela ababulali kwizenzo zokukhupha imiphefumlo. Isahluko sokuqala yimbulambethe eyintsika yolu phando nezakuthi inike isikhokelo ngendlela oluza kuhamba ngayo uphando, luxovula uluncwadi kwaneendlela ezahlukileyo zophando eziza kusetyenziswa.Amagama angundoqo aza kusetyenziswa kolu phando aza kucaciswa. Isahluko sesibini simalunga neengcingane oluza kwayama ngazo olu phando. Eyonangcingane inkqenkqeza phambili kolu phando yingcigane yobume bengqondo nazakuthi umphandi ayicacise nzulu ukuze akhangele indlela ebachaphazela ngayo ababulali. Le ngcingane imalunga nendlela ingqondo yomntu echaphazeleka ngayo kokumngqongileyo kwaye ikwanikezela neendlela zokuyinyanga. Lolu lwazi ke umphandi aza kulusebenzisa ukuhlalutya imeko yombulali ngamnye kwiincwadi ezichongelwe uhlalutyo. Akhona namanye amangenelela eengcingane athe acaciswa kwesi sahluko nazakuthi umphandi awaqwabulule kwisahluko sesithathu nesesineindlela ayamana ngawo nezenzo zababulali. Kwisahluko sesithathu umphandi uza kuphengulula iimpawu ezibonakala kubabulali abakwiincwadi ezichongiweyo. Isahluko sesine sona ziza kujonga iindidi neendlela zokubulala kuze kucatshulwe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo siphinde siqaphele nezizathu ezityhilizela ababulali kwezi zenzo zokukhupha imiphefumlo. Isahluko sesihlanu sona siza kubhenca okufunyaniswe luphando size sinike neengcebiso ezinokwenziwa ukunciphisa inanilabantu abakhupha imiphefumlo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
“Ndingumfana osemncinci, kodwa ndizibonile izinto”
- Authors: Qambela, Gcobani
- Date: 2019
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/92236 , vital:30694
- Description: Expected release date-April 2021
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Qambela, Gcobani
- Date: 2019
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/92236 , vital:30694
- Description: Expected release date-April 2021
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2019
Mna, Nosigidi
- Authors: Matyobeni, Simthembile
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/64412 , vital:28541
- Description: This thesis is a collection of poems. These are lyric poems. Animystic poets like Christopher Okigbo and Wole Soyinka are the principal models in terms of style. Animystic poetry projects ideas and emotions in a hallucinatory and profoundly visionary manner. The collection has a variety of themes such as marginality, identity, history, and domestic abuse. Diverse language registers are used in the poems in order that the setting of each poem, whether historical or contemporary, is realised. , Le thesisi ngumbongo omde osekelezelwe kumlinganiswa oyintloko, uNosigidi. Esi simbo sokuyila isihobe siva ngomlimandlela owenziwa ziimbongi ezifana noJ. R. R. Jolobe no‐Aime Cesaire. Indumasiso ethi “UThuthula” kaJolobe inefuthe kwimo yokwakhiwa kweminye imibongo edibanisa le mbali. Asiyiyo yonke imibhalo yezi mbongi ethe ncakasana ukungqamana nale mbali‐sihobe kaNosigidi. Imibongo ekuthiwa yi‐‘Animystic poetry’ isetyenzisiwe kakhulu kule mibongo. Sigqaliwe kunye nesihobe nesikaSappho, kuba yimbongi ebhale kakhulu ngamandla elizwi lamanina. USappho ngakumbi ubhala kakhulu kwisihobe sakhe ngamanina athandana namanye. Owona mxo walo mbongo kukugqala ibali koNosigidi okhule esazi kamhlophe ukuba yena uthandana namanye amanina. Isizathu soku kukuba nabo obu bomi kuyafuneka kubhaliwe ngabo ngendlela enenkathalo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Nasekusabeleni ubizo lwakhe kwintwaso uNosigidi uya enamathidala, de obo bomi bentumekelelo abamkele ngazo zozibini.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Matyobeni, Simthembile
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/64412 , vital:28541
- Description: This thesis is a collection of poems. These are lyric poems. Animystic poets like Christopher Okigbo and Wole Soyinka are the principal models in terms of style. Animystic poetry projects ideas and emotions in a hallucinatory and profoundly visionary manner. The collection has a variety of themes such as marginality, identity, history, and domestic abuse. Diverse language registers are used in the poems in order that the setting of each poem, whether historical or contemporary, is realised. , Le thesisi ngumbongo omde osekelezelwe kumlinganiswa oyintloko, uNosigidi. Esi simbo sokuyila isihobe siva ngomlimandlela owenziwa ziimbongi ezifana noJ. R. R. Jolobe no‐Aime Cesaire. Indumasiso ethi “UThuthula” kaJolobe inefuthe kwimo yokwakhiwa kweminye imibongo edibanisa le mbali. Asiyiyo yonke imibhalo yezi mbongi ethe ncakasana ukungqamana nale mbali‐sihobe kaNosigidi. Imibongo ekuthiwa yi‐‘Animystic poetry’ isetyenzisiwe kakhulu kule mibongo. Sigqaliwe kunye nesihobe nesikaSappho, kuba yimbongi ebhale kakhulu ngamandla elizwi lamanina. USappho ngakumbi ubhala kakhulu kwisihobe sakhe ngamanina athandana namanye. Owona mxo walo mbongo kukugqala ibali koNosigidi okhule esazi kamhlophe ukuba yena uthandana namanye amanina. Isizathu soku kukuba nabo obu bomi kuyafuneka kubhaliwe ngabo ngendlela enenkathalo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Nasekusabeleni ubizo lwakhe kwintwaso uNosigidi uya enamathidala, de obo bomi bentumekelelo abamkele ngazo zozibini.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Uphando-nzulu lweempendulo ezibhaliweyo zabafundi bamabakala aphezulu emfundo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa
- Authors: Mavela, Xolani Sikhomo
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Discourse analysis , Anthropological linguistics , Academic writing Study and teaching , Academic writing Evaluation , Linguistics Research
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63176 , vital:28370
- Description: Kwiziphumo zakutsha nje ezivezwe kwiigridi zocazululo zohlolo loncwadi kwinqanaba lemfundo ephakamileyo (FET), kufumaniseke ukuba abafundi beli nqanaba abaqhubi kakuhle tu kwaphela xa becelwa ukuba babhale iimpendulo zabo kwanezo zimandundu nezikhwencayo kwiitekisi zoncwadi. Ngenxa yesi sizathu, eyona njongo iphambili yolu phando kukuzama ukuyila nokuvelisa isixhobo esinokusetyenziswa ekwaziseni nasekuxhobiseni abafundi besiXhosa abakwinqanaba leFET, ngezakhono zokubhala eziphuhlileyo nezikumgangatho wobhalo lwamaziko emfundo enomsila. Kule meko, ingcali yophando kwezobhalo lolwimi uMartin (2009) uhlomla ngelithi ubhalo olujolise ekunikeni iimpendulo, lubonwa njengohlobo lokubhala oluneengcambu ezimiliselwe ekufundisweni nasekungeneleleni ngokugqibeleleyo ngezakhono zokubhala, bhalo olu lunokuthi emva kwethuba elithile, luphelele kwincochoyi yokushicilelwa, lube ngamaxwebhu ahlelwe ngokusesikweni. Iindlela okanye izixhobo zokubhala eziyilwe ngeenjongo zokunikeza iimpendulo, nezithathwe kuphando lukaFeez noJoyce (1998), zizo eziza kusetyenziswa njengenxalenye yoqeqesho nakumaphulo ongenelelo oluza kuxhasa abafundi besiXhosa benqanaba leFET, nanjengoko ezi zixhobo zibonakala zinegalelo elincomekayo kwindlela ekubhalwa ngayo iimpendulo zeetekisi zoncwadi, ngokuthi zigxile kwezi njongo zilandelayo: (i) Ukunika abafundi ulwazi lokuzuza ulwazi olunzulu nolugqibeleleyo ngokuphathelele kwiinjongo zetekisi. (ii) Ukunika inkcazelo ecacileyo ngokubaluleka kwesakhiwo setekisi kwanokubunjwa kwayo. (iii) Ukuxhobisa abafundi ukuze bakwazi ukuchonga ulwimi oluxabisayo, iimpawu zobume bamagama negrama, kuquka nemiba ephambili yamasiko kwiitekisi zoncwadi. Ngenxa yezi njongo, kufikelelwa kuqikelelo oluthi, kuya kuthi ngokusetyenziswa kwesixhobo sikaFeez noJoyce seZakhono zokuBhala, sixhobo eso sayame kwiinqobo zeNgcingane yokuXabisa okufundwayo nedandalaziswa nguMartin noWhite (2006; 2005 no-2003) nayo le ngcingane eluncedo ekufundisweni kokubhala, abafundi abaninzi boncwadi lwesiXhosa kukholeleka ukuba bakukwazi ukuphuhlisa izakhono zokubhala iitekisi ezinika iimpendulo ezihlahlela imiba ephambili yoncwadi abalufundisiweyo. Olu phando lukwahlabela mgama lubonisa nokuba nezinye izixhobo zoyilo lweetekisi zikaGrabe noKaplan (1996), zinakho ukusetyenziswa ngaxesha linye neenqobo zeNgcingane yokuXabisa okufundwayo, kuquka nemiba yeZakhono zokuBhala, ukuze kwandiswe oku kuphuhliswa kwezakhono zokubhala kubafundi besiXhosa, kungaphelelanga kumabanga aphezulu, koko kufikelelwe nakumabanga asezantsi, nanjengoko kuveziwe kwiziphumo, kwizishwankathelo nakwisiphelo solu phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Mavela, Xolani Sikhomo
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Discourse analysis , Anthropological linguistics , Academic writing Study and teaching , Academic writing Evaluation , Linguistics Research
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63176 , vital:28370
- Description: Kwiziphumo zakutsha nje ezivezwe kwiigridi zocazululo zohlolo loncwadi kwinqanaba lemfundo ephakamileyo (FET), kufumaniseke ukuba abafundi beli nqanaba abaqhubi kakuhle tu kwaphela xa becelwa ukuba babhale iimpendulo zabo kwanezo zimandundu nezikhwencayo kwiitekisi zoncwadi. Ngenxa yesi sizathu, eyona njongo iphambili yolu phando kukuzama ukuyila nokuvelisa isixhobo esinokusetyenziswa ekwaziseni nasekuxhobiseni abafundi besiXhosa abakwinqanaba leFET, ngezakhono zokubhala eziphuhlileyo nezikumgangatho wobhalo lwamaziko emfundo enomsila. Kule meko, ingcali yophando kwezobhalo lolwimi uMartin (2009) uhlomla ngelithi ubhalo olujolise ekunikeni iimpendulo, lubonwa njengohlobo lokubhala oluneengcambu ezimiliselwe ekufundisweni nasekungeneleleni ngokugqibeleleyo ngezakhono zokubhala, bhalo olu lunokuthi emva kwethuba elithile, luphelele kwincochoyi yokushicilelwa, lube ngamaxwebhu ahlelwe ngokusesikweni. Iindlela okanye izixhobo zokubhala eziyilwe ngeenjongo zokunikeza iimpendulo, nezithathwe kuphando lukaFeez noJoyce (1998), zizo eziza kusetyenziswa njengenxalenye yoqeqesho nakumaphulo ongenelelo oluza kuxhasa abafundi besiXhosa benqanaba leFET, nanjengoko ezi zixhobo zibonakala zinegalelo elincomekayo kwindlela ekubhalwa ngayo iimpendulo zeetekisi zoncwadi, ngokuthi zigxile kwezi njongo zilandelayo: (i) Ukunika abafundi ulwazi lokuzuza ulwazi olunzulu nolugqibeleleyo ngokuphathelele kwiinjongo zetekisi. (ii) Ukunika inkcazelo ecacileyo ngokubaluleka kwesakhiwo setekisi kwanokubunjwa kwayo. (iii) Ukuxhobisa abafundi ukuze bakwazi ukuchonga ulwimi oluxabisayo, iimpawu zobume bamagama negrama, kuquka nemiba ephambili yamasiko kwiitekisi zoncwadi. Ngenxa yezi njongo, kufikelelwa kuqikelelo oluthi, kuya kuthi ngokusetyenziswa kwesixhobo sikaFeez noJoyce seZakhono zokuBhala, sixhobo eso sayame kwiinqobo zeNgcingane yokuXabisa okufundwayo nedandalaziswa nguMartin noWhite (2006; 2005 no-2003) nayo le ngcingane eluncedo ekufundisweni kokubhala, abafundi abaninzi boncwadi lwesiXhosa kukholeleka ukuba bakukwazi ukuphuhlisa izakhono zokubhala iitekisi ezinika iimpendulo ezihlahlela imiba ephambili yoncwadi abalufundisiweyo. Olu phando lukwahlabela mgama lubonisa nokuba nezinye izixhobo zoyilo lweetekisi zikaGrabe noKaplan (1996), zinakho ukusetyenziswa ngaxesha linye neenqobo zeNgcingane yokuXabisa okufundwayo, kuquka nemiba yeZakhono zokuBhala, ukuze kwandiswe oku kuphuhliswa kwezakhono zokubhala kubafundi besiXhosa, kungaphelelanga kumabanga aphezulu, koko kufikelelwe nakumabanga asezantsi, nanjengoko kuveziwe kwiziphumo, kwizishwankathelo nakwisiphelo solu phando.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Yancothulwa ingqambu
- Authors: Komanisi, Nomnikelo
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , Women in literature , Stereotypes (Social psychology) in literature , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63448 , vital:28412
- Description: I have written a collection of isiXhosa poems for my thesis. I was influenced by the conditions in life women often find themselves, as well as the cultural stereotypes that perpetuate these conditions. Writers who have had an impact on my writing are W. B. Rubusana, S. E. K. Mqhayi and J. J. R. Jolobe because of their language, rhythm and the richness of their writing more generally. It is as if they are voices of a past generation who reach out on us, today. More recent American poets such as Amiri Baraka, on the other hand, have shown me how poems can meet you, can come as bullets that pierce your heart, soul and brain. Combining these old and new poetic styles, I intend for my poems to be of value and benefit to women who seek mental, spiritual and physical healing.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Komanisi, Nomnikelo
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , Women in literature , Stereotypes (Social psychology) in literature , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63448 , vital:28412
- Description: I have written a collection of isiXhosa poems for my thesis. I was influenced by the conditions in life women often find themselves, as well as the cultural stereotypes that perpetuate these conditions. Writers who have had an impact on my writing are W. B. Rubusana, S. E. K. Mqhayi and J. J. R. Jolobe because of their language, rhythm and the richness of their writing more generally. It is as if they are voices of a past generation who reach out on us, today. More recent American poets such as Amiri Baraka, on the other hand, have shown me how poems can meet you, can come as bullets that pierce your heart, soul and brain. Combining these old and new poetic styles, I intend for my poems to be of value and benefit to women who seek mental, spiritual and physical healing.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Back to nowhere
- Authors: Fundakubi, Zukile Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Detective and mystery stories 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/5071 , vital:20763
- Description: My writing contains elements of hard-boiled detective fiction and crime writing. My stories, written in isiXhosa and English and a mixture of both, transplant these genres into a South African township setting where gang violence dominates and life is cheap. They are driven by uniquely South African characters, brutal crime scenes and fear-inspiring suspense, but none the less still full of humour. I want my work to entertain the reader while also looking realistically and critically at the problem of crime in our townships. I draw on influences of African and Latin American writers to create South African crime fiction in a realistic urban setting, with dynamic characters and sharp dialogue. , Le ngqokelela yamabali iqulathe amabali angobomi babantu abasezilokishini nabo bahlala ezilalini. Nangona umfundi angahle awafumanisa ehlekisa amanye elusizi, injongo yombhali asikukuhlekisa nakunyanzelisa imfundiso koko ikuzoba ubomi bababantu, bephila kwezi ndawo neengxaki abajongene nazo. Imeko yaba bantu kumakhaya ngamakhaya yiyo ebangele ukuba umbhali abelane nomfundi ngokuqhubekayo ebomini. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Fundakubi, Zukile Anthony
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Detective and mystery stories 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/5071 , vital:20763
- Description: My writing contains elements of hard-boiled detective fiction and crime writing. My stories, written in isiXhosa and English and a mixture of both, transplant these genres into a South African township setting where gang violence dominates and life is cheap. They are driven by uniquely South African characters, brutal crime scenes and fear-inspiring suspense, but none the less still full of humour. I want my work to entertain the reader while also looking realistically and critically at the problem of crime in our townships. I draw on influences of African and Latin American writers to create South African crime fiction in a realistic urban setting, with dynamic characters and sharp dialogue. , Le ngqokelela yamabali iqulathe amabali angobomi babantu abasezilokishini nabo bahlala ezilalini. Nangona umfundi angahle awafumanisa ehlekisa amanye elusizi, injongo yombhali asikukuhlekisa nakunyanzelisa imfundiso koko ikuzoba ubomi bababantu, bephila kwezi ndawo neengxaki abajongene nazo. Imeko yaba bantu kumakhaya ngamakhaya yiyo ebangele ukuba umbhali abelane nomfundi ngokuqhubekayo ebomini. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Emathunjini omhlaba kuhlala abantu
- Authors: Moya, Mlandeli Wellington
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Short stories, Xhosa
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7235 , vital:21231
- Description: My short stories are about the circumstances in which black gold miners in Welkom in the 1980s and 1990s found themselves. These mineworkers - I was one of them - made up a large, uneducated segment of personnel because our work required strength and good health only. We came from all over the African continent. The places we had to live in were like jails or military barracks, sometimes with twenty or more of us sharing a single room. Because of these conditions, we shared our pains, and the pains of wives, children and relatives of those who were killed or disabled by their work, the repatriation of those who lost their capacity to continue working because of accidents and work, and work-related illnesses. We did not share the same language, and so we had to learn Fanakalo, the language of South African mine workers. My stories show how pain and happiness rub shoulders with each other in the miners' life, because besides the dangerous work there was also cultural entertainment, religious practices, robbery by tsotsis, and many prostitutes. The book Buzani Kubawo by Witness K. Tamsanqa has been an important influence on my writing. Other influences have been L.L. Sebe's Ucamngco and P.T. Mtuze's Alitshoni Lingaphumi. , La mabali angeemeko zabembi-migodi baseWelkom phaya kwiminyaka ephakathi koo-1980 noo-1990. Aba basebenzi, endandingomnye wabo, babeliqela elivisayo elingafundanga — bezingca ngamandla. Sasiphuma mbombo zonke zeli lase-Afrika. Indawo esasihlala kuyo ibifana nqwa nezisele zentolongo okanye izindlu zasemkhosini. Amashumi amabini amadoda elala ndlwini - nye. Ngenxa yaloo meko sachubelana amabali ngeemeko zobomi bethu, ngabafazi nabantwana, nezizalwane, nangeengozi esasingena kuzo nokugoduswa kwabo bagulayo. Kwathi kuba sasithetha iilwimi ngeelwimi safundiswa isiFanakalo. Amabali am abonisa iintlungu ezayame kulonwabo kuloo meko yasemigodini kuba yayikho nemidlalo nemigcobo ezonwabisayo ngokweentlanga ngeentlanga. Sasikwajongene nootsotsi kunye neentwazana ezithengisa ngemizimba. Ababhali abathe banefuthe ekubhaleni kwam baquka aba: uW.K. Thamsanqa ngencwadi yakhe ethi "Buzani kubawo," uP.T. Mtuze ngeyakhe ethi "Alitshoni Lingaphumi," kunye no L.L. Sebe ngencwadi yakhe ethi "Ucamngco."
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Moya, Mlandeli Wellington
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Short stories, Xhosa
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7235 , vital:21231
- Description: My short stories are about the circumstances in which black gold miners in Welkom in the 1980s and 1990s found themselves. These mineworkers - I was one of them - made up a large, uneducated segment of personnel because our work required strength and good health only. We came from all over the African continent. The places we had to live in were like jails or military barracks, sometimes with twenty or more of us sharing a single room. Because of these conditions, we shared our pains, and the pains of wives, children and relatives of those who were killed or disabled by their work, the repatriation of those who lost their capacity to continue working because of accidents and work, and work-related illnesses. We did not share the same language, and so we had to learn Fanakalo, the language of South African mine workers. My stories show how pain and happiness rub shoulders with each other in the miners' life, because besides the dangerous work there was also cultural entertainment, religious practices, robbery by tsotsis, and many prostitutes. The book Buzani Kubawo by Witness K. Tamsanqa has been an important influence on my writing. Other influences have been L.L. Sebe's Ucamngco and P.T. Mtuze's Alitshoni Lingaphumi. , La mabali angeemeko zabembi-migodi baseWelkom phaya kwiminyaka ephakathi koo-1980 noo-1990. Aba basebenzi, endandingomnye wabo, babeliqela elivisayo elingafundanga — bezingca ngamandla. Sasiphuma mbombo zonke zeli lase-Afrika. Indawo esasihlala kuyo ibifana nqwa nezisele zentolongo okanye izindlu zasemkhosini. Amashumi amabini amadoda elala ndlwini - nye. Ngenxa yaloo meko sachubelana amabali ngeemeko zobomi bethu, ngabafazi nabantwana, nezizalwane, nangeengozi esasingena kuzo nokugoduswa kwabo bagulayo. Kwathi kuba sasithetha iilwimi ngeelwimi safundiswa isiFanakalo. Amabali am abonisa iintlungu ezayame kulonwabo kuloo meko yasemigodini kuba yayikho nemidlalo nemigcobo ezonwabisayo ngokweentlanga ngeentlanga. Sasikwajongene nootsotsi kunye neentwazana ezithengisa ngemizimba. Ababhali abathe banefuthe ekubhaleni kwam baquka aba: uW.K. Thamsanqa ngencwadi yakhe ethi "Buzani kubawo," uP.T. Mtuze ngeyakhe ethi "Alitshoni Lingaphumi," kunye no L.L. Sebe ngencwadi yakhe ethi "Ucamngco."
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Happiness is somebody’s name
- Authors: Jijana, Thabo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7268 , vital:21237
- Description: This collection of loosely interlinked short stories is a “book of imaginary beings”. It draws its influence from amaXhosa history, religion and mythology. Written in a fluid blend of isiXhosa and English, the stories make use of innovative forms and an inventive, pared-down language to create new and strange perspectives on our past, present and future. Ranging in length from brief mini-sagas to longer vignettes, the collection touches on such diverse subjects as the lore and superstitions surrounding the mythical being of tokoloshe, sorcery in the black community, and other fantastical elements of amaXhosa folklore. Literary influences include the Syrian writer Osama Olamar, whose writing about inanimate and everyday objects is both interesting and rare; Amos Tutuola, whose appropriation of Yoruba mythology I have learned much from; the Argentinian writer Julio Cortazar who has the facility to articulate the fantastical in a straightforward narrative; and Taban Lo Liyong, the Ugandan writer, whose fabulist work has served as stimulus for many of these stories.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Jijana, Thabo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7268 , vital:21237
- Description: This collection of loosely interlinked short stories is a “book of imaginary beings”. It draws its influence from amaXhosa history, religion and mythology. Written in a fluid blend of isiXhosa and English, the stories make use of innovative forms and an inventive, pared-down language to create new and strange perspectives on our past, present and future. Ranging in length from brief mini-sagas to longer vignettes, the collection touches on such diverse subjects as the lore and superstitions surrounding the mythical being of tokoloshe, sorcery in the black community, and other fantastical elements of amaXhosa folklore. Literary influences include the Syrian writer Osama Olamar, whose writing about inanimate and everyday objects is both interesting and rare; Amos Tutuola, whose appropriation of Yoruba mythology I have learned much from; the Argentinian writer Julio Cortazar who has the facility to articulate the fantastical in a straightforward narrative; and Taban Lo Liyong, the Ugandan writer, whose fabulist work has served as stimulus for many of these stories.
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- Date Issued: 2017
IsiXhosa ulwimi lwabantu abangesosininzi eZimbabwe: ukuphila nokulondolozwa kwaso
- Authors: Kunju, Hleze Welsh
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Language policy Zimbabwe , Xhosa (African people) Zimbabwe , Xhosa (African people) Social life and customs Zimbabwe , Xhosa language Zimbabwe , Language spread , Culture diffusion
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7370 , vital:21250
- Description: Kuqikelelwa ukuba kukho amaXhosa (amaMfengu) angcambu zawo ziseMzantsi Afrika amalunga namakhulu amabini amawaka azinze eZimbabwe ukususela kwiminyaka yoo-18001900. Uninzi lwawo lufumaneka eMbembesi, eFort Rixon, eFilabusi, eKenilworth naseMotapa eBubi. Imbali ithi, inxalenye yala maXhosa ngawaseMpuma Kapa, afudukela eZimbabwe noCecil John Rhodes eqhuba iinqwelo kananjalo esebenzela uRhodes ngeminyaka yoo-1800. Le thisisi yongeza kulwazi olutsha malunga nala maXhosa aseZimbabwe, iphonononga ubume bolwimi, imbali nemvelaphi yala maXhosa azinze eZimbabwe lo gama ibonisa ukuba naphantsi kwayiphi na imeko, ulwimi luyakwazi ukuphila ngaphaya kwemida. Ulwimi nenkcubeko zingumtya nethunga, ngenxa yoko le thisisi yayame kakhulu kwinkcubeko. Iethinografi nembali yomlomo zisetyenziswe njengendlela okanye imethodi yokuqhuba olu phando. Iziphumo zolu phando zibonisa ukuba umhlaba, inkcubeko, iingoma, inkolo yobuKrestu, iincwadi ezingaphelelwa xesha zoncwadi lwesiXhosa, iteknoloji namakhasi onxibelelwano nomgaqo-siseko waseZimbabwe (2013) zibe zizixhobo ezidlale indima ebonakalayo ekulondolozeni nasekuphuhliseni isiXhosa eZimbabwe. Imiba ephathelele kumgaqo-nkqubo wesiXhosa eZimbabwe nayo iyaphononongwa, njengokuba isiXhosa ilulwimi oluthathwa njengolusesikweni eZimbabwe.Kusetyenziswa iithiyori ngeethiyori ezingobuni, kuquka nethiyori kaCollier (1997) apho abona ubuni njengolunamacala amabini; avowal kunye ne-ascription. Ubuni bamaXhosa aseZimbabwe buxoxwe ngokwayama kwi-avowal njengokuba uCollier (Ibid.) eyicacisa. Kwizindululo eziqulathwe kolu phando, kuboniswa ukuba ikho imfuneko yokuba iintsapho zaseZimbabwe zidityaniswe nezizalwane zazo eziseMzantsi Afrika. Ukufundiswa kwesiXhosa kwaneenzame zokusebenzisa isiXhosa njengolwimi lokufunda nokufundisa kwizikolo zamaXhosa ezikumabanga aphantsi kuyafuneka nako ukuba kuphandwe nzulu. , There are an estimated two hundred thousand South African amaXhosa who are mostly amaMfengu descendants living in Zimbabwe since the late 1800s-1900s. The majority are found in the areas of Mbembesi, Fort Rixon in Filabusi, Kenilworth and the Motapa area in Bubi. It is stated that some of the amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe came from the Eastern Cape with Cecil John Rhodes as domestic workers and on wagons during the 1800s. Therefore, this thesis provides new knowledge about amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe and gives an analysis of the sociolinguistic and historical background of the amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe while showing how a cross-border language can survive against all odds. The subject of culture has been dealt with as there is a reciprocal relationship between language and culture. Ethnography and Oral History have been used as methods for this research. The findings reveal that land, culture, songs, religion, South African Xhosa literature classic books, technology and social media, as well as the 2013 Zimbabwean constitution, are tools that have played a role in the survival and maintenance of isiXhosa in Zimbabwe. It also assesses Language Policy issues as isiXhosa is now an officially recognized language in Zimbabwe. Drawing on various theories on identity, including Collier’s (1997) understanding that identity is divided into avowal and ascription, the identity of the amaXhosa of Zimbabwe has been discussed in this thesis with an emphasis on avowal as discussed by Collier (Ibid.). Among other recommendations, this study further recommends that a research that looks at the reunion of the Zimbabwean amaXhosa with their South African relatives needs to be undertaken. It also recommends that the teaching of isiXhosa as well as attempts to make isiXhosa the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the amaXhosa primary schools and pre-schools also needs to be researched further.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Kunju, Hleze Welsh
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Language policy Zimbabwe , Xhosa (African people) Zimbabwe , Xhosa (African people) Social life and customs Zimbabwe , Xhosa language Zimbabwe , Language spread , Culture diffusion
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7370 , vital:21250
- Description: Kuqikelelwa ukuba kukho amaXhosa (amaMfengu) angcambu zawo ziseMzantsi Afrika amalunga namakhulu amabini amawaka azinze eZimbabwe ukususela kwiminyaka yoo-18001900. Uninzi lwawo lufumaneka eMbembesi, eFort Rixon, eFilabusi, eKenilworth naseMotapa eBubi. Imbali ithi, inxalenye yala maXhosa ngawaseMpuma Kapa, afudukela eZimbabwe noCecil John Rhodes eqhuba iinqwelo kananjalo esebenzela uRhodes ngeminyaka yoo-1800. Le thisisi yongeza kulwazi olutsha malunga nala maXhosa aseZimbabwe, iphonononga ubume bolwimi, imbali nemvelaphi yala maXhosa azinze eZimbabwe lo gama ibonisa ukuba naphantsi kwayiphi na imeko, ulwimi luyakwazi ukuphila ngaphaya kwemida. Ulwimi nenkcubeko zingumtya nethunga, ngenxa yoko le thisisi yayame kakhulu kwinkcubeko. Iethinografi nembali yomlomo zisetyenziswe njengendlela okanye imethodi yokuqhuba olu phando. Iziphumo zolu phando zibonisa ukuba umhlaba, inkcubeko, iingoma, inkolo yobuKrestu, iincwadi ezingaphelelwa xesha zoncwadi lwesiXhosa, iteknoloji namakhasi onxibelelwano nomgaqo-siseko waseZimbabwe (2013) zibe zizixhobo ezidlale indima ebonakalayo ekulondolozeni nasekuphuhliseni isiXhosa eZimbabwe. Imiba ephathelele kumgaqo-nkqubo wesiXhosa eZimbabwe nayo iyaphononongwa, njengokuba isiXhosa ilulwimi oluthathwa njengolusesikweni eZimbabwe.Kusetyenziswa iithiyori ngeethiyori ezingobuni, kuquka nethiyori kaCollier (1997) apho abona ubuni njengolunamacala amabini; avowal kunye ne-ascription. Ubuni bamaXhosa aseZimbabwe buxoxwe ngokwayama kwi-avowal njengokuba uCollier (Ibid.) eyicacisa. Kwizindululo eziqulathwe kolu phando, kuboniswa ukuba ikho imfuneko yokuba iintsapho zaseZimbabwe zidityaniswe nezizalwane zazo eziseMzantsi Afrika. Ukufundiswa kwesiXhosa kwaneenzame zokusebenzisa isiXhosa njengolwimi lokufunda nokufundisa kwizikolo zamaXhosa ezikumabanga aphantsi kuyafuneka nako ukuba kuphandwe nzulu. , There are an estimated two hundred thousand South African amaXhosa who are mostly amaMfengu descendants living in Zimbabwe since the late 1800s-1900s. The majority are found in the areas of Mbembesi, Fort Rixon in Filabusi, Kenilworth and the Motapa area in Bubi. It is stated that some of the amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe came from the Eastern Cape with Cecil John Rhodes as domestic workers and on wagons during the 1800s. Therefore, this thesis provides new knowledge about amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe and gives an analysis of the sociolinguistic and historical background of the amaXhosa living in Zimbabwe while showing how a cross-border language can survive against all odds. The subject of culture has been dealt with as there is a reciprocal relationship between language and culture. Ethnography and Oral History have been used as methods for this research. The findings reveal that land, culture, songs, religion, South African Xhosa literature classic books, technology and social media, as well as the 2013 Zimbabwean constitution, are tools that have played a role in the survival and maintenance of isiXhosa in Zimbabwe. It also assesses Language Policy issues as isiXhosa is now an officially recognized language in Zimbabwe. Drawing on various theories on identity, including Collier’s (1997) understanding that identity is divided into avowal and ascription, the identity of the amaXhosa of Zimbabwe has been discussed in this thesis with an emphasis on avowal as discussed by Collier (Ibid.). Among other recommendations, this study further recommends that a research that looks at the reunion of the Zimbabwean amaXhosa with their South African relatives needs to be undertaken. It also recommends that the teaching of isiXhosa as well as attempts to make isiXhosa the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the amaXhosa primary schools and pre-schools also needs to be researched further.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Jah Hills
- Authors: Slasha, Unathi
- Date: 2017
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7157 , vital:21222
- Description: Jah Hills is alone in Kwaf Indoda bush, waiting for elders to come, burn ibhuma and deliver him home. Two weeks before he departs from his initiation period, he is seduced by igqwirha. When he fails to satisfy her appetite, he gets ‘abducted and turned into isithunzela. One night, he narrowly escapes and finds his way back. But the experience at home is gruesome; they drive him away and want his death. My novel is fast paced, accumulating speed as it proceeds. It is formally experimental, drawing on forms that have gone before and trying to usher in a new manner of writing and looking at the world. It is told through the eyes of isithunzela that Jah Hills has become. It makes use of Nguni folklore, reimagined and subverted so it fits the character’s unearthly vision. Certain characters and moments from Nguni folktales are borrowed and appear throughout the text. Stylistically I draw extensively from the work of Sony Lab’ou Tansi, Taban Lo Liyong, Dambudzo Marechera, D.O. Fagunwa and Amos Tutuola.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Slasha, Unathi
- Date: 2017
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7157 , vital:21222
- Description: Jah Hills is alone in Kwaf Indoda bush, waiting for elders to come, burn ibhuma and deliver him home. Two weeks before he departs from his initiation period, he is seduced by igqwirha. When he fails to satisfy her appetite, he gets ‘abducted and turned into isithunzela. One night, he narrowly escapes and finds his way back. But the experience at home is gruesome; they drive him away and want his death. My novel is fast paced, accumulating speed as it proceeds. It is formally experimental, drawing on forms that have gone before and trying to usher in a new manner of writing and looking at the world. It is told through the eyes of isithunzela that Jah Hills has become. It makes use of Nguni folklore, reimagined and subverted so it fits the character’s unearthly vision. Certain characters and moments from Nguni folktales are borrowed and appear throughout the text. Stylistically I draw extensively from the work of Sony Lab’ou Tansi, Taban Lo Liyong, Dambudzo Marechera, D.O. Fagunwa and Amos Tutuola.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
On the shop-floor: ten years at Ford
- Authors: Cilibe, Mpumelelo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Autobiographical fiction, South African (English) 21st century , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7257 , vital:21234
- Description: My autobiographical novella covers a period of my life between 1974 and 1984, when I worked at the Ford Motor company Struandale Assembly plant in Port Elizabeth. This period predated the formation of NUMSA (the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa) and COSATU - it was a time when automobile industry workers broke away from the race- based unions to form MACWUSA (Motor Assemblers and Component Workers Union of SA). Around the same time Rev Leon Sullivan was putting pressure on US companies, including Ford, to move away from apartheid labour practices. As quite an angry young man influenced by the Black Consciousness movement, I got deeply involved in union activities mainly for my own survival, and as a personal reaction to racism in the workplace. The story is told in a realist style, with many anecdotal detours giving the flavour of life in New Brighton in the 1980s. Important influences have been Bloke Modisane's autobiography, Blame Me on History and Studs Terkel's interviews of Ford plant workers and management in his book Working. , Growing up in New Brighton gave me so many stories that had never been written before but that were told person to person by the residents of my neighbourhood. Some of the tales in this collection are based on such stories. Others are stories that are reminiscent of childhood while growing up with an elder brother. I take the inspiration from different books that are in line with the stories that I am writing: collections of Extreme Fiction - Fabulists and Formalists that were edited by Robin Hemley and Michael Martone and The Best Bizarro Fiction of the Decade edited by Jeremy Robert Johnson and Cameron Pierce. Some stories by L.L. Ngewu and L.S. Ngcangata, and a novellette by P.T. Mtuze, Alitshoni Lingaphumi, also bring much influence as they reveal suffering in the lives of black people who endured forced removals, and other situations that are of interest to build my stories on. , Le ngqokolela yamabali iqulathe amabali asekelwe kumabali endandiweva ebaliswa ebuntwaneni bam ndisakhula. Amanye amabali angeenkumbulo zasebuntwaneni ngethuba ndandikhula nomkhuluwa wam ongasaphiliyo. Ifuthe lokuwaqamba ndilifumene kwiincwadi zababhali abanje ngabo bafumaneka kwiingqokolela ezihlelwe nguRobin Hemley no Michael Martone kwincwadi ethi Extreme Fiction - Fabulists and Formalists, noJeremy Robert Johnson enoCameron Pierce kwingqokolela ethi, The Best Bizarro Fiction of the Decade. Amanye amabali abenefuthe ndiwafumene kwiincwadi zooP.T. Mtuze, kwinovella yakhe ethi Alitshoni Lingaphumi, nakwezoL.L. Ngewu noL.S. Ngcangatha apho babalisa ngobomi basekuhlaleni ngexesha abantu babedudulwa befuduswa ngetshova ukususwa kwiindawo zabo zokuhlala. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Cilibe, Mpumelelo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , South African fiction (English) 21st century , Autobiographical fiction, South African (English) 21st century , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7257 , vital:21234
- Description: My autobiographical novella covers a period of my life between 1974 and 1984, when I worked at the Ford Motor company Struandale Assembly plant in Port Elizabeth. This period predated the formation of NUMSA (the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa) and COSATU - it was a time when automobile industry workers broke away from the race- based unions to form MACWUSA (Motor Assemblers and Component Workers Union of SA). Around the same time Rev Leon Sullivan was putting pressure on US companies, including Ford, to move away from apartheid labour practices. As quite an angry young man influenced by the Black Consciousness movement, I got deeply involved in union activities mainly for my own survival, and as a personal reaction to racism in the workplace. The story is told in a realist style, with many anecdotal detours giving the flavour of life in New Brighton in the 1980s. Important influences have been Bloke Modisane's autobiography, Blame Me on History and Studs Terkel's interviews of Ford plant workers and management in his book Working. , Growing up in New Brighton gave me so many stories that had never been written before but that were told person to person by the residents of my neighbourhood. Some of the tales in this collection are based on such stories. Others are stories that are reminiscent of childhood while growing up with an elder brother. I take the inspiration from different books that are in line with the stories that I am writing: collections of Extreme Fiction - Fabulists and Formalists that were edited by Robin Hemley and Michael Martone and The Best Bizarro Fiction of the Decade edited by Jeremy Robert Johnson and Cameron Pierce. Some stories by L.L. Ngewu and L.S. Ngcangata, and a novellette by P.T. Mtuze, Alitshoni Lingaphumi, also bring much influence as they reveal suffering in the lives of black people who endured forced removals, and other situations that are of interest to build my stories on. , Le ngqokolela yamabali iqulathe amabali asekelwe kumabali endandiweva ebaliswa ebuntwaneni bam ndisakhula. Amanye amabali angeenkumbulo zasebuntwaneni ngethuba ndandikhula nomkhuluwa wam ongasaphiliyo. Ifuthe lokuwaqamba ndilifumene kwiincwadi zababhali abanje ngabo bafumaneka kwiingqokolela ezihlelwe nguRobin Hemley no Michael Martone kwincwadi ethi Extreme Fiction - Fabulists and Formalists, noJeremy Robert Johnson enoCameron Pierce kwingqokolela ethi, The Best Bizarro Fiction of the Decade. Amanye amabali abenefuthe ndiwafumene kwiincwadi zooP.T. Mtuze, kwinovella yakhe ethi Alitshoni Lingaphumi, nakwezoL.L. Ngewu noL.S. Ngcangatha apho babalisa ngobomi basekuhlaleni ngexesha abantu babedudulwa befuduswa ngetshova ukususwa kwiindawo zabo zokuhlala. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa
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- Date Issued: 2017
Transcription, edition, translation and critical analysis of biographical poems contributed by S E K Mqhayi to early IsiXhosa newspapers
- Authors: Mazwi, Ntombomzi R
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Mqhayi, S E K -- Criticism and interpretation , Mqhayi, S E K -- Translations , Xhosa language -- Transcription , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- Translations
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/18570 , vital:22356
- Description: During the nineteenth century secular creative literature produced by missionaries and publishers was designed for the educational market and for school children and there was nothing for adults. Works of isiXhosa literature was controlled in content and freely edited by the missionaries to satisfy the demands of educational syllabuses. As a result, students at universities, scholars of literature and academics in higher education are lacking primary documents on this literature and therefore are forced to study the limited and unavailable literature books. This thesis concentrates on the work of a particular isiXhosa writer, namely that of S.E.K. Mqhayi. The earlier writers like S.E.K. Mqhayi, J.J.R. Jolobe, G.B. Sinxo and others made their mark in South African literature and culture. Their works were published in journals and newspapers in isiXhosa by the missionaries. This means isiXhosa literature can be found in abundance in the earlier newspapers. What needs to be addressed is how the South African community and literature scholars mentioned above could have access to that work. Mqhayi is well known as the father of the isiXhosa language because of his substantial literary and linguistic contribution to the development of the language. As already mentioned he made his contribution through written work which was published in various newspapers of his time and unfortunately most people are unable to access this material, hence the focus of this thesis. The vast majority of his journalism remains as yet uncollected. However, scholars like Opland (1983) and Saule (1989) made some effort to bring this information to the public through their extensive research. S.E.K. Mqhayi’s popular poems have been published and analyzed over the last century and more recently (Qangule 1979; Kuse 1979; Opland 1983; Saule 1989 & 1996; Ntuli & Swanepoel 1993 and Opland 2009). However, in terms of quantity and value, these are negligible compared to what Mqhayi has published. There are still numerous of Mqhayi’s poems that would add value to the study and history of isiXhosa literature. The main aim of this research is to carry on from where these scholars left off and to bring to the fore the legacy Mqhayi left to the South African people. Hence, thirty (30) poems on people by S.E.K. Mqhayi have been transcribed from the old newspapers, re- typed, translated into English and analysed. These poems are largely published in newspapers but have never been subsequently republished, and hence they are almost completely unknown. The thirty (30) poems have been selected with the assistance of Professor Jeff Opland, a retired Professor from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). The poems are from his Opland Collection of Xhosa Literature housed in Godalming, United Kingdom. They are presented in the manner in which they appeared originally, that is, in terms of isiXhosa orthography during the times of Mqhayi’s writing (Diplomatic Presentation). The data is analysed and discussed in relation to how Mqhayi’s biographical poems can give insight not only to Mqhayi’s subjects of praise, but into how he uses historical, political and sociocultural contexts in the praises of his subjects, meaning that the discussion revolves around the practice of the Historical-Biographical Criticism. The poems are translated into English to allow for this literature not only to be disseminated among isiXhosa speakers, but also to speakers of other languages who understand English. The translation method chosen is the one believed to produce the originality of the source text and sameness of meaning in the target text which is regarded as equivalence. This thesis therefore is an investigation into 30 poems selected from biographical poems written by S.E.K. Mqhayi in newspapers during the period 1899-1944. In essence this thesis presents an in-depth analysis of Mqhayi’s poems against the backdrop of oral literary theory as expounded by theorists who have grappled with the orality-literacy debate, a debate which directly informs Mqhayi’s poetry as he was the first oral poet to transition between orality and literacy. , Uncwadi oluveliswe kwishumi elinesithoba lamakhulu eminyaka ziimishinari nabapapashi lwalwenzelwe izifundiswa kunye nabantwana besikolo kwaye akukho msebenzi mninzi ofumanekayo owawenzelwe abantu basekuhlaleni. Umsebenzi omninzi wokubhaliweyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa wawulawulwa, uhlelwa kwaye ulungiselelwa uqingqo lwezifundo. Oko ke kuye kwabangela ukuba abafundi abakumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo, iimfundi zoncwadi kunye nabahlohli zingabinawo amaxwebhu okwenene oncwadi lwesiXhosa, kwaye loo nto yenza ukuba kufundwe kwaye kwenziwe uphando ngeencwadi ezimbalwa. Olu phando ke ngoko luza kuqwalasela lugxininise kumsebenzi wombhali wesiXhosa onguS.E.K. Mqhayi. Ababhali bangaphambili abafana noo-S.E.K. Mqhayi, J.J.R. Jolobe, G.B. Sinxo nabanye bashiya ifuthe elikhulu kuncwadi nenkcubeko yoMzantsi Afrika. Imisebenzi yabo yayipapashwe ziimishinari ngesiXhosa kuluhlu lwemibhalo namaphephandaba. Oko ke kuthetha ukuthi le misebenzi yesiXhosa iyafumaneka kumaphepha-ndaba angaphambili. Okufuneka kulungisiwe yindlela abemi boMzantsi Afrika kunye nezi mfundi zoncwadi zikhankanywe ngentla zingathi ziwufumane lo msebenzi waba babhali bangaphambili. UMqhayi waziwa ngokuba yinkcuba- buchopho yolwimi lwesiXhosa kwaye udlale indima enkulu kakhulu ekuphuhliseni ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Njengokuba sele ikhankanyiwe ngentla, umsebenzi wakhe upapashwe kumaphephandaba awohlukeneyo wela xesha wayesaphila kwaye kungelishwa ke ukuba abantu abaninzi abakwazi ukuwufumana loo msebenzi. Eminye yemisebenzi yakhe emininzi ke kodwa ayiqokelelwanga. Iingcali ezifana noo-Opland (1983) noSaule (1989) zaye zenza uphando olukhulu zizama ukuzisa olu lwazi eluntwini, kodwa oko akwanelanga. Kwiminyaka edlulileyo imibongo edumileyo ka-S.E.K. Mqhayi sele yapapashwa (Qangule, 1979; Kuse, 1979; Opland, 1983 & 2009; Saule, 1989 & 1996; Ntuli & Swanepoel, 1993). Nangona kunjalo ke isekhona eminye imibongo kaMqhayi engekaveli nenokuthi ibe nenxaxheba kakhulu ekufundeni nasekufundiseni uncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando ke kukuqhubeka apho aba babhali bakhankanyiweyo bayeke khona ukuzisa phambili umsebenzi nelifa elashiywa nguMqhayi kubemi baseMzantsi Afrika. Kungoko ke imibongo engabantu engama-30 kaMqhayi iza kuthi ikhutshelwe isuka kumaphephandaba akudala, iguqulelwe esiNgesini ze ihlahlelwe. Uninzi lwale mibongo ipapashwe kumaphephandaba akudala kwaye zange iphinde ipapashwe kwenye indawo, kungoko ke ingaziwa kakhulu. Ukukhethwa kwale mibongo ingama-30 kuncediswe nguNjingalwazi uJeff Opland, uNjingalwazi odla umhlala-phantsi weYunivesithi yase-London kwiSikolo seZifundo ngezaseAfrika naseMpumalanga (SOAS). Le mibongo isuka kuluhlu lwakhe athe waluqokelela nolubizwa ngokuba yi-Opland Collection of Xhosa Literature oluse- Godalming, e-United Kingdom. Indlela le mibongo eza kuthi ibhalwe ngayo yileyo uMqhayi wayeyibhale ngayo ngexesha lakhe. Le mibongo ihleliwe kwaye oko kubhaliweyo malunga nayo kuquka indlela apho imibongo kaMqhayi ngobomi babantu kuthi kubonise indlela abonga nabonisa ngayo izinto zoPolitiko, zakudala nezasekuhlaleni ezazisenzeka ngela xesha. Indlela ethi konke oku kuthi kuvele kule mibongo kaMqhayi kwaye kuya kuthi kuvezwe kolu phando. Ukuguqulelwa kwale mibongo esiNgesini kuya kuthi kuncede ukuba nabo bangasithethiyo isiXhosa bakwazi ukufumana le mibongo. Indlela esetyenzisiweyo yoguqulo-lwimi yale mibongo yileyo ivumela ukuba umbhalo uguqulelwe ngokufanayo nombhalo-ntsusa kwaye intsingiselo kumbhalo ekuguqulelwa kuwo ingatshintshi. Lo misebenzi ke ngoko uluphando lwemibongo engabantu ekhethiweyo engama30 ebhalwe nguSEK Mqhayi kumaphephandaba kwimiminyaka u1899 - 1944. Umongo wolu phando kukwenza uhlalutyo - nzulu lwemibongo kaMqhayi eyaleka kuphando - lwazi osele lwenziwe njengoko lucaciswa ziingcali ezithe zazamana nengxoxo yoncwadi lomlomo, ngxoxo leyo ethe yachaphazela ngokumandla umongo wezibongo zikaMqhayi njengembongi yokuqala ukuwela ukusuka kuncwadi lomlomo ukuya kuncwadi olubhaliweyo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Mazwi, Ntombomzi R
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Mqhayi, S E K -- Criticism and interpretation , Mqhayi, S E K -- Translations , Xhosa language -- Transcription , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- Translations
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/18570 , vital:22356
- Description: During the nineteenth century secular creative literature produced by missionaries and publishers was designed for the educational market and for school children and there was nothing for adults. Works of isiXhosa literature was controlled in content and freely edited by the missionaries to satisfy the demands of educational syllabuses. As a result, students at universities, scholars of literature and academics in higher education are lacking primary documents on this literature and therefore are forced to study the limited and unavailable literature books. This thesis concentrates on the work of a particular isiXhosa writer, namely that of S.E.K. Mqhayi. The earlier writers like S.E.K. Mqhayi, J.J.R. Jolobe, G.B. Sinxo and others made their mark in South African literature and culture. Their works were published in journals and newspapers in isiXhosa by the missionaries. This means isiXhosa literature can be found in abundance in the earlier newspapers. What needs to be addressed is how the South African community and literature scholars mentioned above could have access to that work. Mqhayi is well known as the father of the isiXhosa language because of his substantial literary and linguistic contribution to the development of the language. As already mentioned he made his contribution through written work which was published in various newspapers of his time and unfortunately most people are unable to access this material, hence the focus of this thesis. The vast majority of his journalism remains as yet uncollected. However, scholars like Opland (1983) and Saule (1989) made some effort to bring this information to the public through their extensive research. S.E.K. Mqhayi’s popular poems have been published and analyzed over the last century and more recently (Qangule 1979; Kuse 1979; Opland 1983; Saule 1989 & 1996; Ntuli & Swanepoel 1993 and Opland 2009). However, in terms of quantity and value, these are negligible compared to what Mqhayi has published. There are still numerous of Mqhayi’s poems that would add value to the study and history of isiXhosa literature. The main aim of this research is to carry on from where these scholars left off and to bring to the fore the legacy Mqhayi left to the South African people. Hence, thirty (30) poems on people by S.E.K. Mqhayi have been transcribed from the old newspapers, re- typed, translated into English and analysed. These poems are largely published in newspapers but have never been subsequently republished, and hence they are almost completely unknown. The thirty (30) poems have been selected with the assistance of Professor Jeff Opland, a retired Professor from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). The poems are from his Opland Collection of Xhosa Literature housed in Godalming, United Kingdom. They are presented in the manner in which they appeared originally, that is, in terms of isiXhosa orthography during the times of Mqhayi’s writing (Diplomatic Presentation). The data is analysed and discussed in relation to how Mqhayi’s biographical poems can give insight not only to Mqhayi’s subjects of praise, but into how he uses historical, political and sociocultural contexts in the praises of his subjects, meaning that the discussion revolves around the practice of the Historical-Biographical Criticism. The poems are translated into English to allow for this literature not only to be disseminated among isiXhosa speakers, but also to speakers of other languages who understand English. The translation method chosen is the one believed to produce the originality of the source text and sameness of meaning in the target text which is regarded as equivalence. This thesis therefore is an investigation into 30 poems selected from biographical poems written by S.E.K. Mqhayi in newspapers during the period 1899-1944. In essence this thesis presents an in-depth analysis of Mqhayi’s poems against the backdrop of oral literary theory as expounded by theorists who have grappled with the orality-literacy debate, a debate which directly informs Mqhayi’s poetry as he was the first oral poet to transition between orality and literacy. , Uncwadi oluveliswe kwishumi elinesithoba lamakhulu eminyaka ziimishinari nabapapashi lwalwenzelwe izifundiswa kunye nabantwana besikolo kwaye akukho msebenzi mninzi ofumanekayo owawenzelwe abantu basekuhlaleni. Umsebenzi omninzi wokubhaliweyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa wawulawulwa, uhlelwa kwaye ulungiselelwa uqingqo lwezifundo. Oko ke kuye kwabangela ukuba abafundi abakumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo, iimfundi zoncwadi kunye nabahlohli zingabinawo amaxwebhu okwenene oncwadi lwesiXhosa, kwaye loo nto yenza ukuba kufundwe kwaye kwenziwe uphando ngeencwadi ezimbalwa. Olu phando ke ngoko luza kuqwalasela lugxininise kumsebenzi wombhali wesiXhosa onguS.E.K. Mqhayi. Ababhali bangaphambili abafana noo-S.E.K. Mqhayi, J.J.R. Jolobe, G.B. Sinxo nabanye bashiya ifuthe elikhulu kuncwadi nenkcubeko yoMzantsi Afrika. Imisebenzi yabo yayipapashwe ziimishinari ngesiXhosa kuluhlu lwemibhalo namaphephandaba. Oko ke kuthetha ukuthi le misebenzi yesiXhosa iyafumaneka kumaphepha-ndaba angaphambili. Okufuneka kulungisiwe yindlela abemi boMzantsi Afrika kunye nezi mfundi zoncwadi zikhankanywe ngentla zingathi ziwufumane lo msebenzi waba babhali bangaphambili. UMqhayi waziwa ngokuba yinkcuba- buchopho yolwimi lwesiXhosa kwaye udlale indima enkulu kakhulu ekuphuhliseni ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Njengokuba sele ikhankanyiwe ngentla, umsebenzi wakhe upapashwe kumaphephandaba awohlukeneyo wela xesha wayesaphila kwaye kungelishwa ke ukuba abantu abaninzi abakwazi ukuwufumana loo msebenzi. Eminye yemisebenzi yakhe emininzi ke kodwa ayiqokelelwanga. Iingcali ezifana noo-Opland (1983) noSaule (1989) zaye zenza uphando olukhulu zizama ukuzisa olu lwazi eluntwini, kodwa oko akwanelanga. Kwiminyaka edlulileyo imibongo edumileyo ka-S.E.K. Mqhayi sele yapapashwa (Qangule, 1979; Kuse, 1979; Opland, 1983 & 2009; Saule, 1989 & 1996; Ntuli & Swanepoel, 1993). Nangona kunjalo ke isekhona eminye imibongo kaMqhayi engekaveli nenokuthi ibe nenxaxheba kakhulu ekufundeni nasekufundiseni uncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando ke kukuqhubeka apho aba babhali bakhankanyiweyo bayeke khona ukuzisa phambili umsebenzi nelifa elashiywa nguMqhayi kubemi baseMzantsi Afrika. Kungoko ke imibongo engabantu engama-30 kaMqhayi iza kuthi ikhutshelwe isuka kumaphephandaba akudala, iguqulelwe esiNgesini ze ihlahlelwe. Uninzi lwale mibongo ipapashwe kumaphephandaba akudala kwaye zange iphinde ipapashwe kwenye indawo, kungoko ke ingaziwa kakhulu. Ukukhethwa kwale mibongo ingama-30 kuncediswe nguNjingalwazi uJeff Opland, uNjingalwazi odla umhlala-phantsi weYunivesithi yase-London kwiSikolo seZifundo ngezaseAfrika naseMpumalanga (SOAS). Le mibongo isuka kuluhlu lwakhe athe waluqokelela nolubizwa ngokuba yi-Opland Collection of Xhosa Literature oluse- Godalming, e-United Kingdom. Indlela le mibongo eza kuthi ibhalwe ngayo yileyo uMqhayi wayeyibhale ngayo ngexesha lakhe. Le mibongo ihleliwe kwaye oko kubhaliweyo malunga nayo kuquka indlela apho imibongo kaMqhayi ngobomi babantu kuthi kubonise indlela abonga nabonisa ngayo izinto zoPolitiko, zakudala nezasekuhlaleni ezazisenzeka ngela xesha. Indlela ethi konke oku kuthi kuvele kule mibongo kaMqhayi kwaye kuya kuthi kuvezwe kolu phando. Ukuguqulelwa kwale mibongo esiNgesini kuya kuthi kuncede ukuba nabo bangasithethiyo isiXhosa bakwazi ukufumana le mibongo. Indlela esetyenzisiweyo yoguqulo-lwimi yale mibongo yileyo ivumela ukuba umbhalo uguqulelwe ngokufanayo nombhalo-ntsusa kwaye intsingiselo kumbhalo ekuguqulelwa kuwo ingatshintshi. Lo misebenzi ke ngoko uluphando lwemibongo engabantu ekhethiweyo engama30 ebhalwe nguSEK Mqhayi kumaphephandaba kwimiminyaka u1899 - 1944. Umongo wolu phando kukwenza uhlalutyo - nzulu lwemibongo kaMqhayi eyaleka kuphando - lwazi osele lwenziwe njengoko lucaciswa ziingcali ezithe zazamana nengxoxo yoncwadi lomlomo, ngxoxo leyo ethe yachaphazela ngokumandla umongo wezibongo zikaMqhayi njengembongi yokuqala ukuwela ukusuka kuncwadi lomlomo ukuya kuncwadi olubhaliweyo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Being civil
- Matshoba, Zongezile Theophilus
- Authors: Matshoba, Zongezile Theophilus
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6017 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021237
- Description: My collection of short stories delves into government and governance, democracy, citizenship, civil servants, poverty, corruption and nepotism. My stories draw on the traditions of gritty urban crime fiction uncovering crimes of violence, service delivery, vandalism and corruption. They explore themes of mental cruelty and greed, self- preservation and community in rural areas, farms, townships and cities characterized by wrenching contradictions and inequalities. , This epic dramatic poetic verse delves into government and school governance, labour unions, liberation struggle, parenting and a wide range of school perceptions. It interrogates the roles of parents, teachers, students, department of education officials and that of other stakeholders that make use of schools. Influenced by William Wellington Gqoba’s ‘A great debate on education: a Parable’ wayback, it continues the education debate in the current post-democratic South Africa characterized by wrenching contradictions and inequalities. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Matshoba, Zongezile Theophilus
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6017 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021237
- Description: My collection of short stories delves into government and governance, democracy, citizenship, civil servants, poverty, corruption and nepotism. My stories draw on the traditions of gritty urban crime fiction uncovering crimes of violence, service delivery, vandalism and corruption. They explore themes of mental cruelty and greed, self- preservation and community in rural areas, farms, townships and cities characterized by wrenching contradictions and inequalities. , This epic dramatic poetic verse delves into government and school governance, labour unions, liberation struggle, parenting and a wide range of school perceptions. It interrogates the roles of parents, teachers, students, department of education officials and that of other stakeholders that make use of schools. Influenced by William Wellington Gqoba’s ‘A great debate on education: a Parable’ wayback, it continues the education debate in the current post-democratic South Africa characterized by wrenching contradictions and inequalities. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
If I still want to breathe
- Authors: Billie, Ayanda
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6012 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/1021231
- Description: One theme of this collection is the joy and the deep seated grief of my community of Kwa-Nobuhle; the brightness of hope on the faces on children running around our streets, the strides made by their mothers, the confusion of factory workers who are lost in darkness since the dawn of new dispensation. Then there are more personal poems: my own joys as well as the difficulties that have kept me from sleep and strangled my dreams as a writer, even though like Mafika Gwala, I believe that “words are born the way mothers beget children/words are born to survive time”. My style is influenced by imagistic, mystic and soulful poetry, such as the haunting Spanish voice of Garcia Lorca who wrote “I lose myself in the heart of certain children” and the absorbing isiXhosa voice of S E K Mqhayi. In response to their poetry my offering will be words that enliven us; my style will be what I see in the mirror, through the window, the sound of rain on my zinc roof and what frightens me. , Ndixomoloze ndiboph’ amaxonya, ndisenza eli linge lokuzama ukuxhathalaza kulo msinga uzakutshayela ulwimi lwethu. Nantso ke incwadana ndiyithe qhiwu ngendebe endiyithiye ngegama elithi Umhlaba Umanzi. Umhlaba umanzi ziinyembezi zabalilayo, umanzi kukubila kwabasebenzi besombha eludakeni, ufumile ziinkathazo zeminyaka zesizukulwana sesizukulwana. Injongo endifuna ukuyifezekisa ngeli nqaku yeyokuba umntu achole ntwana ithile ngokujonga imeko esiphila kuzo gabalala, ekuhlaleni, emakhayeni ethu nakwii ndawo esixelenga kuzo. Mhlawumbi kuyakuvuseleleka iingcinga neenkumbulo zamhla-mnene, okanye ibophe nezilonda ezimanzi. Ukwanda kwaliwa ngumthakathi. . . Nangomso. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Billie, Ayanda
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6012 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/1021231
- Description: One theme of this collection is the joy and the deep seated grief of my community of Kwa-Nobuhle; the brightness of hope on the faces on children running around our streets, the strides made by their mothers, the confusion of factory workers who are lost in darkness since the dawn of new dispensation. Then there are more personal poems: my own joys as well as the difficulties that have kept me from sleep and strangled my dreams as a writer, even though like Mafika Gwala, I believe that “words are born the way mothers beget children/words are born to survive time”. My style is influenced by imagistic, mystic and soulful poetry, such as the haunting Spanish voice of Garcia Lorca who wrote “I lose myself in the heart of certain children” and the absorbing isiXhosa voice of S E K Mqhayi. In response to their poetry my offering will be words that enliven us; my style will be what I see in the mirror, through the window, the sound of rain on my zinc roof and what frightens me. , Ndixomoloze ndiboph’ amaxonya, ndisenza eli linge lokuzama ukuxhathalaza kulo msinga uzakutshayela ulwimi lwethu. Nantso ke incwadana ndiyithe qhiwu ngendebe endiyithiye ngegama elithi Umhlaba Umanzi. Umhlaba umanzi ziinyembezi zabalilayo, umanzi kukubila kwabasebenzi besombha eludakeni, ufumile ziinkathazo zeminyaka zesizukulwana sesizukulwana. Injongo endifuna ukuyifezekisa ngeli nqaku yeyokuba umntu achole ntwana ithile ngokujonga imeko esiphila kuzo gabalala, ekuhlaleni, emakhayeni ethu nakwii ndawo esixelenga kuzo. Mhlawumbi kuyakuvuseleleka iingcinga neenkumbulo zamhla-mnene, okanye ibophe nezilonda ezimanzi. Ukwanda kwaliwa ngumthakathi. . . Nangomso. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Nyezwa, Mxolisi
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6021 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021245
- Description: This thesis collection is a book of isiXhosa poems in three sections: - Poems derived and influenced by the rhythmic structure and the lyrics of Maskandi music - More introspective and personal poems derived from other influences: International poetry, South African poetry, and certain jazz and soul music - A major poem titled, “Nozala, umqolo wakho uphandle” which delves into the state of South Africa and explores the relationships that entrench poverty and powerlessness in post-apartheid South Africa. , Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo yesiXhosa eyohlulwe yazizigaba ezintathu: - Imibongo ephenjelelwe ziingoma nezingqi zomculo kaMaskandi - Imibongo ephenjelelwe zizimvo neemvakalelo zam njengombhali, ngakumbi iintshukumo zomzimba nezomphefumlo ezithundezwe ziimbongi zamazwe omhlaba, ezoMzantsi Afrika, kunye nemiculo efana ne-jazz, ne-soul - Umbongo ombaxa osihloko sithi, “Nozala, umqolo wakho uphandle” othetha ngelizwe lethu iMzantsi Afrika, uqwalasela indlela ekuphethwe ngayo ilizwe ziziphathamandla, nendlela abasemagunyeni abaphembelela ngayo intswela-ngqesho nentlupheko eluntwini, kwanokufiphala kobutsha-ntliziyo nobuthanda-zwe kubemi beli lizwe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Nyezwa, Mxolisi
- Date: 2016
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6021 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021245
- Description: This thesis collection is a book of isiXhosa poems in three sections: - Poems derived and influenced by the rhythmic structure and the lyrics of Maskandi music - More introspective and personal poems derived from other influences: International poetry, South African poetry, and certain jazz and soul music - A major poem titled, “Nozala, umqolo wakho uphandle” which delves into the state of South Africa and explores the relationships that entrench poverty and powerlessness in post-apartheid South Africa. , Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo yesiXhosa eyohlulwe yazizigaba ezintathu: - Imibongo ephenjelelwe ziingoma nezingqi zomculo kaMaskandi - Imibongo ephenjelelwe zizimvo neemvakalelo zam njengombhali, ngakumbi iintshukumo zomzimba nezomphefumlo ezithundezwe ziimbongi zamazwe omhlaba, ezoMzantsi Afrika, kunye nemiculo efana ne-jazz, ne-soul - Umbongo ombaxa osihloko sithi, “Nozala, umqolo wakho uphandle” othetha ngelizwe lethu iMzantsi Afrika, uqwalasela indlela ekuphethwe ngayo ilizwe ziziphathamandla, nendlela abasemagunyeni abaphembelela ngayo intswela-ngqesho nentlupheko eluntwini, kwanokufiphala kobutsha-ntliziyo nobuthanda-zwe kubemi beli lizwe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Uhlalutyo ngokwesithako sobunzululwazi nkcubeko-ntlalo yaseAfrika kwinoveli yesiXhosa: Inkululeko isentabeni
- Authors: Bali, Nolundi Monica
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Xhosa literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/9077 , vital:26462
- Description: Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaswele indlela amasiko nezithethe asetyenziswe ngayo kwincwadi kaSaule, ethi, Inkululeko isentabeni. Le ngxoxo ijolise ekuncomeni indlela lo kaSaule awasebenzise ngayo amasiko kunye nezithethe zakwaNtu ukwakha isizwe esimnyama. Konke oku kudandalazisa ukubaluleka kokusetyenziswa kwawo ukwakha isizwe. Injongo yolu phando kukuphendla indlela umtshato, isithembu, ulwaluko, imbeleko, intonjane, ukufa, ukukhapha, ukubuyisa nokungenwa ezaziqhutywa ngayo nezizathu zoko. Le ngxoxo iza kuphonononga ixhaswe ngezithako eziziimbono zeengcali zohlalutyo kwintlalo kaNtu. Ingxoxo le yahlulwe yazizahluko ezintandathu. Isahluko sokuqala sivula ngentshayelelo, ze sidandalazise intsusamabandla yolu phando, kushukuxwe imbangeli yophando, ze kwenziwe uphengululo lweencwadi zeengcali kwisithako sobuNzululwazi Nkcubeko-Ntlalo. Isahluko sesibini, siqwalasela ukuxabiseka kolwendo ngokwengcinga yesiNtu kwincwadi kaSaule. Indlela isiko lokuthwala lalisenziwa ngalo mandulo xa kuthelekiswa kweyangoku, nemiceli-mngeni elijamelene nalo eli siko. Isahluko sesithathu, sijongene nesithembu, iimeko ezazinyanzelisa ukuthathwa komfazi wesibini nangaphezulu nemiceli-mngeni ekhoyo kwesi sithethe. Isahluko sesine, singolwaluko ngemihla yamandulo size sithelekiswe nale mihla siphila kuyo. Iingxaki ezikhoyo kweli siko ezibangelwa kukungakhathali kwengcibi, namakhankatha. Esesihlanu, isahluko singamasiko nezithethe, iindlela ezazisaya kusetyenziswa mandulo kuthelekiswa nezeli xesha lokhanyo ekwenzeni la masiko nezi zithethe. Isahluko sesithandathu, sesokuphetha, siyintyilazwi yeengxoxo ezikolu hlalutyo, kuxilongwa ubuzaza besithako sobunzululwazi nkcubeko-ntlalo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Bali, Nolundi Monica
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Xhosa literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/9077 , vital:26462
- Description: Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaswele indlela amasiko nezithethe asetyenziswe ngayo kwincwadi kaSaule, ethi, Inkululeko isentabeni. Le ngxoxo ijolise ekuncomeni indlela lo kaSaule awasebenzise ngayo amasiko kunye nezithethe zakwaNtu ukwakha isizwe esimnyama. Konke oku kudandalazisa ukubaluleka kokusetyenziswa kwawo ukwakha isizwe. Injongo yolu phando kukuphendla indlela umtshato, isithembu, ulwaluko, imbeleko, intonjane, ukufa, ukukhapha, ukubuyisa nokungenwa ezaziqhutywa ngayo nezizathu zoko. Le ngxoxo iza kuphonononga ixhaswe ngezithako eziziimbono zeengcali zohlalutyo kwintlalo kaNtu. Ingxoxo le yahlulwe yazizahluko ezintandathu. Isahluko sokuqala sivula ngentshayelelo, ze sidandalazise intsusamabandla yolu phando, kushukuxwe imbangeli yophando, ze kwenziwe uphengululo lweencwadi zeengcali kwisithako sobuNzululwazi Nkcubeko-Ntlalo. Isahluko sesibini, siqwalasela ukuxabiseka kolwendo ngokwengcinga yesiNtu kwincwadi kaSaule. Indlela isiko lokuthwala lalisenziwa ngalo mandulo xa kuthelekiswa kweyangoku, nemiceli-mngeni elijamelene nalo eli siko. Isahluko sesithathu, sijongene nesithembu, iimeko ezazinyanzelisa ukuthathwa komfazi wesibini nangaphezulu nemiceli-mngeni ekhoyo kwesi sithethe. Isahluko sesine, singolwaluko ngemihla yamandulo size sithelekiswe nale mihla siphila kuyo. Iingxaki ezikhoyo kweli siko ezibangelwa kukungakhathali kwengcibi, namakhankatha. Esesihlanu, isahluko singamasiko nezithethe, iindlela ezazisaya kusetyenziswa mandulo kuthelekiswa nezeli xesha lokhanyo ekwenzeni la masiko nezi zithethe. Isahluko sesithandathu, sesokuphetha, siyintyilazwi yeengxoxo ezikolu hlalutyo, kuxilongwa ubuzaza besithako sobunzululwazi nkcubeko-ntlalo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Uphicotho nzulu lwendima yepragmatiki ekuphononongeni incwadi ezikhethiweyo zesiXhosa
- Authors: Cutalele, Pumla Pamella
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Xhosa literature , Pragmatics , Translating and interpreting
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/5442 , vital:20845
- Description: Olu phando luqwalasela indima yepragmatiki ekuphononongeni iincwadi ezikhethiweyo zesiXhosa. Isahluko sokuqala sinika okuqulathwe lolu phando, iinjongo zolu phando nezibe ngunobangela wokuba kukhethwe esi sihloko, imethodi yophando, imo yophando, ulwakhiwo lophando nalapho kukrotyiswa kokuqulathwe sisahluko ngasinye. Uphengululo lweencwadi lwenziwe eziqulathe umxholo wepragmatiki lwenziwe kwakuso esi sahluko. Ingcaciso yamagama aya kuthi asetyenziswe rhoqo inikiwe kwakuso esi sahluko Isahluko sesibini sijonga nzulu iingcingane eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe njengesikhokelo ekwenzeni olu phando. Ingcingane yolwimi kunye nengcingane yoncwadi zijongiwe kwesi sahluko. Ingcingane zepragmatiki eziquka leyo kaGrice nengundoqo kwipragmatiki nayo ithe yaqwalaselwa. Le ngcingane iye izise iindidi zeentsingiselo namasolotya azo. Ingcingane kaGrice ethi iphuhlise intsingiselo efihlakeleyo, intsingiselo ethe ngqo kunye nocingelo ziya- jongwa gabalala kwesi sahluko. Ingcingane yentetho ntshukumo iya kuthi ijongwe ze kujongwe nonxibelelo lwayo kuncwadi. Isahluko sesithathu sijonga nzulu ukusetyenziswa kwentsingisselo efihlakeleyo kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo. Umgaqo wonxibelelwano nezaci zawo ezizezi; isaci somgangatho, isaci sokungakanani, isaci sonxulumano kunye nesaci sobunjani zijongiwe kwiintetho zabalinganiswa nakwizimvo zombhali. Isaci esizihambelayo nesivela kakhulu ngokusetyenziswa kwesigqebelo namaqhalo naso sithe sajongwa ngokubhekiselele kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo.Isahluko sesine siqwalasele ukusetyenziswa kocingelo. Ucingelo nelilelinye isolotya lepragmatiki. Iindidi zocingelo zithe zajongwa, nezizezi: ucingelo lokukhoyo nokunokwenzeka, ucingelo lokuqonda, ucingelo lonobangela nesiphumo kunye nocingelo lwezichazi nezihlomelo. Izichukumisi zocingelo zijongiwe kugxilwe kwiincwadi zesiXhosa ezikhwethelwe esi sifundo. Isahluko sesihlanu siqwalasele intsingiselo ethe ngqo. Imiba yentsingiselo ethe ngqo efana nokuzigqibela, ukuvala isikhewu, ukunqanda ubumbaxa kunye nokusetyenziswa kwemiqondiso kuthe kwaqwalaselwa kwesi sahluko. Indlela ethe ngqo abalinganiswa abathile abathiywe ngayo ngababhali kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo iye izise intsingiselo ethe ngqo, oko ke kuthe kwaqwalaselwa kwesi sahluko.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Cutalele, Pumla Pamella
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Xhosa literature , Pragmatics , Translating and interpreting
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/5442 , vital:20845
- Description: Olu phando luqwalasela indima yepragmatiki ekuphononongeni iincwadi ezikhethiweyo zesiXhosa. Isahluko sokuqala sinika okuqulathwe lolu phando, iinjongo zolu phando nezibe ngunobangela wokuba kukhethwe esi sihloko, imethodi yophando, imo yophando, ulwakhiwo lophando nalapho kukrotyiswa kokuqulathwe sisahluko ngasinye. Uphengululo lweencwadi lwenziwe eziqulathe umxholo wepragmatiki lwenziwe kwakuso esi sahluko. Ingcaciso yamagama aya kuthi asetyenziswe rhoqo inikiwe kwakuso esi sahluko Isahluko sesibini sijonga nzulu iingcingane eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe njengesikhokelo ekwenzeni olu phando. Ingcingane yolwimi kunye nengcingane yoncwadi zijongiwe kwesi sahluko. Ingcingane zepragmatiki eziquka leyo kaGrice nengundoqo kwipragmatiki nayo ithe yaqwalaselwa. Le ngcingane iye izise iindidi zeentsingiselo namasolotya azo. Ingcingane kaGrice ethi iphuhlise intsingiselo efihlakeleyo, intsingiselo ethe ngqo kunye nocingelo ziya- jongwa gabalala kwesi sahluko. Ingcingane yentetho ntshukumo iya kuthi ijongwe ze kujongwe nonxibelelo lwayo kuncwadi. Isahluko sesithathu sijonga nzulu ukusetyenziswa kwentsingisselo efihlakeleyo kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo. Umgaqo wonxibelelwano nezaci zawo ezizezi; isaci somgangatho, isaci sokungakanani, isaci sonxulumano kunye nesaci sobunjani zijongiwe kwiintetho zabalinganiswa nakwizimvo zombhali. Isaci esizihambelayo nesivela kakhulu ngokusetyenziswa kwesigqebelo namaqhalo naso sithe sajongwa ngokubhekiselele kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo.Isahluko sesine siqwalasele ukusetyenziswa kocingelo. Ucingelo nelilelinye isolotya lepragmatiki. Iindidi zocingelo zithe zajongwa, nezizezi: ucingelo lokukhoyo nokunokwenzeka, ucingelo lokuqonda, ucingelo lonobangela nesiphumo kunye nocingelo lwezichazi nezihlomelo. Izichukumisi zocingelo zijongiwe kugxilwe kwiincwadi zesiXhosa ezikhwethelwe esi sifundo. Isahluko sesihlanu siqwalasele intsingiselo ethe ngqo. Imiba yentsingiselo ethe ngqo efana nokuzigqibela, ukuvala isikhewu, ukunqanda ubumbaxa kunye nokusetyenziswa kwemiqondiso kuthe kwaqwalaselwa kwesi sahluko. Indlela ethe ngqo abalinganiswa abathile abathiywe ngayo ngababhali kwiincwadi ezikhethelwe esi sifundo iye izise intsingiselo ethe ngqo, oko ke kuthe kwaqwalaselwa kwesi sahluko.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Sunrays in a chilly winter
- Authors: Nolutshungu, Simphiwe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , South African poetry (English) -- Study and teaching (Higher) , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , South Africa -- Poetry
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5993 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017777
- Description: In both my English and IsiXhosa poetry, my themes are love, politics, and the social issues of rural communities, and include my own life experiences, both good and bad. My poems are mainly short narrative accounts of township life. Although they do have a broad educational purpose, they do not preach to the reader. In IsiXhosa, my poetic forms are influenced by the works of J J R Jolobe, W N Mbovane, P T Mtuze, and my English poems by Pablo Neruda, Mafika Pascal Gwala, Garcia Lorca and others. , Intliziyo yona izimele gxebe ifihlakele Iyimfihlo, kumagumbi omphefumlo. Iyafunxa, ifukame kulo magumbi amxinwa. Iingcango, mba! Zivaliwe! Maxa wambi zide zixel’ isisila senkukhu, sona sibonwa mhla ligquthayo. Vul’ amehlo ubaz’ iindlebe uchul’ ukunyathela. Yiza ndikubambe ngesandla, sivul’ iingcango! Masivul’ iingcango zentliziyo yam, sikrobe ngaphakathi! Masithi ntla‐ntla kumagumb’ amathathu kuphela! Masithi ntla‐ntla, kwelepolitiki yakwaXhosa, Kaloku nam ndingumXhosa! Masithi ntla‐ntla kwelifukame, i.z.i.x.i.n.g.a.x.i n.o.b.u.n.c.w.a.n.e. b.o.t.h.a.n.d.o, kaloku nam ndinemithamb’ ebalek’ igaz’ eliqhumayo! Ucango lokugqibela lukungenisa kwigumbi elinezidl’ umzi, Kaloku nam ndizalwa kulo mzi wakwaXhoooooosa! , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Nolutshungu, Simphiwe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , South African poetry (English) -- Study and teaching (Higher) , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , South Africa -- Poetry
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5993 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017777
- Description: In both my English and IsiXhosa poetry, my themes are love, politics, and the social issues of rural communities, and include my own life experiences, both good and bad. My poems are mainly short narrative accounts of township life. Although they do have a broad educational purpose, they do not preach to the reader. In IsiXhosa, my poetic forms are influenced by the works of J J R Jolobe, W N Mbovane, P T Mtuze, and my English poems by Pablo Neruda, Mafika Pascal Gwala, Garcia Lorca and others. , Intliziyo yona izimele gxebe ifihlakele Iyimfihlo, kumagumbi omphefumlo. Iyafunxa, ifukame kulo magumbi amxinwa. Iingcango, mba! Zivaliwe! Maxa wambi zide zixel’ isisila senkukhu, sona sibonwa mhla ligquthayo. Vul’ amehlo ubaz’ iindlebe uchul’ ukunyathela. Yiza ndikubambe ngesandla, sivul’ iingcango! Masivul’ iingcango zentliziyo yam, sikrobe ngaphakathi! Masithi ntla‐ntla kumagumb’ amathathu kuphela! Masithi ntla‐ntla, kwelepolitiki yakwaXhosa, Kaloku nam ndingumXhosa! Masithi ntla‐ntla kwelifukame, i.z.i.x.i.n.g.a.x.i n.o.b.u.n.c.w.a.n.e. b.o.t.h.a.n.d.o, kaloku nam ndinemithamb’ ebalek’ igaz’ eliqhumayo! Ucango lokugqibela lukungenisa kwigumbi elinezidl’ umzi, Kaloku nam ndizalwa kulo mzi wakwaXhoooooosa! , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Uphando ngokuphononongwa kwabalinganiswa ngokobume bengqondo kwiincwadi ezikhethiweyo zikaSaule u'Vuleka mhlaba no Umthetho kamthetho'
- Authors: Sokiya, Liliswa
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Saule, N. -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/8585 , vital:26409
- Description: Impatho-mbi nabalinganiswa iba ngunobangela wokuphazamiseka kwengqodo zabalinganiswa. Umlinganiswa uthi nokuba uhleli azibone sele enezinye iingcinga, ngcinga ezo ziphazamisa ubomi bakhe. Izinto eziphazamisa umlinganiswa ebalini kukutyholwa ngezinto angazaziyo. Iyashiyana indlela abalinganiswa abachaphazeleka ngayo ngenxa yolu phazamiseko, loo nto ikhokelele ekubeni benze izinto ezingafaniyo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Sokiya, Liliswa
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Saule, N. -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/8585 , vital:26409
- Description: Impatho-mbi nabalinganiswa iba ngunobangela wokuphazamiseka kwengqodo zabalinganiswa. Umlinganiswa uthi nokuba uhleli azibone sele enezinye iingcinga, ngcinga ezo ziphazamisa ubomi bakhe. Izinto eziphazamisa umlinganiswa ebalini kukutyholwa ngezinto angazaziyo. Iyashiyana indlela abalinganiswa abachaphazeleka ngayo ngenxa yolu phazamiseko, loo nto ikhokelele ekubeni benze izinto ezingafaniyo.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Majola, Fundile Lawrence
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Short stories, South African -- 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education) -- Research -- South Africa , Creative writing -- Fiction , South African fiction -- Study and teaching (Higher)
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5982 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1015657
- Description: My stories are set in the townships, and move with the vigorous rhythms and jagged structures of township life. Some of them are written in English and others in isiXhosa. Some of the dialogue is township slang, a mixture of languages; and pure isiXhosa. The stories follow no particular pattern and are arranged according to any form of chronology, and different voices, at times as a man/boy and in others as a girl. The characters are not related each story perfectly stands for itself. Some of the stories hark back to the days of apartheid and are seen through the eyes of a child confused by the humiliations of his elders. , Amabali am asekelwe ezilokishini yaye ahambelana neemeko ezimaxongo zokuphila zasezilokishini apho yaye amanye asukela kwixesha lengcinezelo yesizwe esimnyama. Imiba echatshazelwa kula mabali iquka intlupheko, intiyo kwakunye nokuphilisana koluntu ezilokishini, phantsi kwezo meko. Amabali la ndizame ukuwenza alandele indlela yokubalisa yhenkwenkwana enguSkhumba, ethi ibone iqwalasele iimeko zokuphila zabantu bohlanga lwayo. Ingqokelela esisiqendu sokuqala yona ibhalwe ze yangeniswa ngesiNgesi. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Majola, Fundile Lawrence
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Short stories, South African -- 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education) -- Research -- South Africa , Creative writing -- Fiction , South African fiction -- Study and teaching (Higher)
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5982 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1015657
- Description: My stories are set in the townships, and move with the vigorous rhythms and jagged structures of township life. Some of them are written in English and others in isiXhosa. Some of the dialogue is township slang, a mixture of languages; and pure isiXhosa. The stories follow no particular pattern and are arranged according to any form of chronology, and different voices, at times as a man/boy and in others as a girl. The characters are not related each story perfectly stands for itself. Some of the stories hark back to the days of apartheid and are seen through the eyes of a child confused by the humiliations of his elders. , Amabali am asekelwe ezilokishini yaye ahambelana neemeko ezimaxongo zokuphila zasezilokishini apho yaye amanye asukela kwixesha lengcinezelo yesizwe esimnyama. Imiba echatshazelwa kula mabali iquka intlupheko, intiyo kwakunye nokuphilisana koluntu ezilokishini, phantsi kwezo meko. Amabali la ndizame ukuwenza alandele indlela yokubalisa yhenkwenkwana enguSkhumba, ethi ibone iqwalasele iimeko zokuphila zabantu bohlanga lwayo. Ingqokelela esisiqendu sokuqala yona ibhalwe ze yangeniswa ngesiNgesi. , This thesis is presented in two parts: English and isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014