Contemporary Themes in the Global & African Past: HIS 124 & 124e
- Authors: Yekela, D , April, T , Hendricks, J , Minkley, J , Andreas, C
- Date: 2011-01
- Subjects: History
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:18376 ,
- Description: Contemporary Themes in the Global & African Past: HIS 124 & 124e, supplementary examination January/February 2011.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2011-01
Sub-Saharan Africa to c.1870: HIS 122/122E
- Authors: Yekela, D S , Minkley, G , Maliza, N T , April, T , Andreas, C
- Date: 2010-01
- Subjects: History
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:18366 ,
- Description: Sub-Saharan Africa to c.1870: HIS 122/122E, Degree examination January/February 2010.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2010-01
Lovedale 1930-1955 : the study of a missionary institution in its social, educational and political context
- Authors: White, Timothy Raymond Howard
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Lovedale Institution , History , South Africa , Education , African people
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2527 ,
- Description: Lovedale was founded by the Glasgow Missionary Society as an eduational centre for Africans. Education was to be adapted to the lives of the Africans which would be a departure from the English classical tradition. This meant that emphasis was placed on vocational training and that academic education focussed on the study of English rather than the Classics. But the importance of mother-tongue education was also stressed. The missionaries placed emphasis on village education, whereby the African would be taught skills and crafts that would be useful to him in life. Education, they argued, should also aim at character-training and at spreading the Christian message. They also wanted to see co-operation between the Church and the State in the education of the African. Vocational education was designed to create African artisans who would be able to compete with Whites; but it also aimed at emphasizing the importance of industry in building up character. The Lovedale Press illustrates vocational training in progress, dealing with the difficulties that arose when African printers came into competition with Whites. But the missionaries also used the Press to propagate the Christian message and to promote African literature. An ideological rift began to open up between the missions and the new Black political beliefs of the Second World War. This led to the Lovedale Riot which is considered in the broader framework of sociopolitical unrest within the country. After the 1948 Election an ideological rift also developed between the missions and the State. This study concludes by examining the introduction of the Bantu Education Act and the Lovedale response to this. It was felt that although Bantu Education threatened to undermine their educational endeavour, they should nevertheless cooperate with the system in order to save what they had built up.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1988
- Authors: Casgrave, P H du P , Great Britain. War Office. Intelligence Division
- Date: 1900
- Subjects: Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa , History
- Language: English
- Type: maps , digital maps , Maps , cartographic
- Identifier: , vital:33741
- Description: [Imperial map of South Africa] : Murraysburg compiled and lithographed by Mapping Section F.I.D. Cape Town under the superintendance of Capt. P.H. Du P. Casgrain ... from farm surveys and all other available information, [Wood and Ortlepp] [1900].
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Great Britain. Army. Royal Horse Guards. Intelligence Department
- Date: 1881
- Subjects: Transvaal (South Africa) , South Africa , History
- Language: English
- Type: maps , digital maps , Maps , cartographic
- Identifier: , vital:34223
- Description: Transvaal, compiled and lithographed at the Intelligence Dept., Horse Guards, January 1881.
- Full Text: false
Africa‘s Heritage No.7: Coming to terms with Africa's heritage
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: African , Heritage , Violence , Robbery , Ineptitude , Prejudice , Demagogue , Defensive , Political , Newspapers , Ambitions , Resilience , Magic , Charm , Witchcraft , Values , Singing , Clapping , Divination songs , Xhosa , Traditional costume , Sangoma , Durban , Johannesburg , Mai Mai , Herbs , Ilulwane , Lagos , Nigeria , Shakespear , Macbeth , Bantu , Scientific knowledge , Empirical knowledge , Valid , Evidence , Rattles , Panpipes , Vasco da Gama , Paintings , Dance , Recordings , Zulu , Wars , History , Kalahari Dessert , Topographical heritage , Karanga , Sandawana , Portuguese , Explorers , National Parks
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15115 , BC133 , , Reel number: BC133
- Description: 7th programme in the ‘Africa‘s Heritage‘ Series, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The African heritage in music and in art
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Technical College, Pretoria, Transvaal (Gauteng), South Africa , BP Southern Africa , African Heritage , Music , Art , America , Facing the Music , Problem , Population , Political crisis , Values , Tradition , Speech , Changes , Damage , Symbols , Phsychology , Education , Missionaries , Prejudice , Interdepence , Understanding , Intangibles , Material objects , Huts , Hoe , Spears , Legend , History , Sculpture , Trees , Carving , Wood carving , West Africa , Moralising , Basutholand , Medical murder , Lumumba , Congo , Kanyoka , Salisbury , Drinking , Fooding , Dancing , Churches , General Education Conference , Heritage , New York , American negro , London , Evaluation of arts , Father Andre Fernandez , Dark , Chosen people , Ideal , Year of change , Inter-dependence , Demands for independence , Statue , Politics
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Lecture , Music
- Identifier: vital:15099 , , Reel number: BC130, BC171, BC172
- Description: Lecture presented by Hugh Tracey at the General Education Conference, Technical College, Pretoria, South Africa , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The resilience of African music
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Malimba , Public opinion , History , Origin of music , Nguni , Swazi , Zulu , Xhosa , Pentatonic modes , Strutting-singing , Johannesburg , Domestic workers , Hymn , Negro spiritual , Praise chants , Poetry , Karanga song , Southern Rhodesia , Sotho , Colonialism , Church of Shembe , Church of Nazareth , Amakholwa , Country dance , Zulu hymns , Ihubo , Regimental song , Praise recitation , Christian dance , Zulu dance , Pilgrimage , Drums , Wailing , Singing , Saxophone , Jazz band , Skokiaan , Happy happy Africa , Nairobi , Modality , Choral music , Arabian music , Egyptian music , Mombasa , Hand piano , Congo , Likembe , Ensemble , Town dance , Leopoldville , Chopi , Xylophone , Portuguese , Shembe , Bulawayo Jazz , Heptatonic , Amen , Swahili , Salve Regina , East Africa , Sixteenth century
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15085 , , Reel number: BC076, BC077
- Description: Broadcast entitled ‘The resilience of African music‘ broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Southern Rhodesia - The Federation of Rhodesia Nyasaland No.3
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Gold miners , Traders , Persia , Baboons , Sprites , Rocks , History , Shona , Identity , Culture , Indigenous music , Modern music , Musicians , Personality , Poetry , Call and response , Singing , Choir , Language , Naming , Names , Mbira , Hand piano , Dances , Jazz , Rock ‘n roll , African nationalism , Village , Food , Subsistence economy , Drums , Yodelling , Utopia , Politicians , European , Politics , Zulu , Ndebele , Colonisation , Conquer , Class system , Law and order , Organised society , Stability , Discipline , Zidukwana , Donda chawane mauyo , Processional , Chipunza , Story , Acetate , Shamuyarira , Musarurwa , Savanhu , Peter Nahlanzu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15095 , , Reel number: BC125
- Description: 3rd programme of The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: The Three High Commission Territories Series No.2, The music of Bechuanaland
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Singing , Bechuaunaland , Desert , Mafikeng , Rain , Drought , Rain song , Pula , Khanye , Tswana , Cattle , Cattle raiding , Lion , Chanting , Clans , History , Basutoland , Khama , Praise verse , Initiation ceremony , Secret , Sacred , Girls‘ initiation ceremony , Straw masks , Rolong , Blankets , Knopkierie , Shaved head , Red face , Tortoises , Liver , Wood cutting , Pina dance , Party dance , Beer , Drinking , Grunting , Honey bear , Choir , One good turn deserves another , Choral singing , Colonialism , Hymn , Pipes , Reed , Leopard , Morals , Children , Lion hunting song , Khama‘s country , Ishetlhana , Beer drinking song , Nagogwe me leseng , He ga re a nmwa ke nkgana
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15093 , , Reel number: BC114, BC115, BC116
- Description: 2nd of 4 of ‘The Three High Commission Territories‘ of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , Feature programm for the BBC , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false