Traditional leaders in post-1996 South Africa, with particular reference to the Eastern Cape
- De Sas Kropiwnicki, Zosa Olenka
- Authors: De Sas Kropiwnicki, Zosa Olenka
- Date: 2002
- Subjects: Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2857 , , Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Description: The failure of democracy in Africa can be partially attributed to the Eurocentric assumptions that belie Western recommendations for Africa. This thesis focuses on the failure of the modernisation school to account for the resiliency of tradition in the modern African state, which is described by Sklar (1991) as amounting to a form of 'mixed government', combining the traditional with the modern to create a uniquely African form of governance. This notion of a 'mixed government' is addressed from the vantage point of traditional leaders in the Eastern Cape. It maps the vacillating relationship between the chiefs, the people and the government through colonialism, Apartheid and democratisation. It concludes that although the Eastern Cape provincial government has subordinated the chiefs, this does not signify a victory for modernity over tradition because the chiefs are not a spent force. History has shown that when the government fails to act in the interests of the people, they seek an alternative authority namely, the chiefs. The ANC government's centralising tendencies have negative implications for democracy and consequently for the people. This opens up space for the chiefs to assert themselves provided they play an active role in furthering democracy, development and modernisation in the interests of the people. Hence, although ' mixed' government in the post-1996 South Africa is currently on the ANC's terms, traditional leaders may someday play a vital role in the modern democratic state.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2002
- Authors: De Sas Kropiwnicki, Zosa Olenka
- Date: 2002
- Subjects: Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2857 , , Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Description: The failure of democracy in Africa can be partially attributed to the Eurocentric assumptions that belie Western recommendations for Africa. This thesis focuses on the failure of the modernisation school to account for the resiliency of tradition in the modern African state, which is described by Sklar (1991) as amounting to a form of 'mixed government', combining the traditional with the modern to create a uniquely African form of governance. This notion of a 'mixed government' is addressed from the vantage point of traditional leaders in the Eastern Cape. It maps the vacillating relationship between the chiefs, the people and the government through colonialism, Apartheid and democratisation. It concludes that although the Eastern Cape provincial government has subordinated the chiefs, this does not signify a victory for modernity over tradition because the chiefs are not a spent force. History has shown that when the government fails to act in the interests of the people, they seek an alternative authority namely, the chiefs. The ANC government's centralising tendencies have negative implications for democracy and consequently for the people. This opens up space for the chiefs to assert themselves provided they play an active role in furthering democracy, development and modernisation in the interests of the people. Hence, although ' mixed' government in the post-1996 South Africa is currently on the ANC's terms, traditional leaders may someday play a vital role in the modern democratic state.
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- Date Issued: 2002
Role of councillors in the roll-out of the national development plan: the case of Chris Hani District Municipality
- Authors: Fololo, Ncumisa Kanyisa
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:36628
- Description: The study wants to establish the level of awareness of councillors of their role and responsibility in the National Development Plan as public representatives who are required to provide sustainable ways to meet the socio-economic needs of communities and improve the quality of life. The interest was triggered by the fact that even though the National Development Plan is a national document but its implementation and success will be gauged through the improved lives of community that are led by councillors. All the envisaged programmes and activities that are reflected in the NDP will be implemented in the municipal areas hence councillors as community leaders should be the champions of such. Their contribution as public representatives in the implementation of the NDP is vital and key. The study adopted a case study design that assisted in establishing what is required from councillors in the implementation of the NDP as they plan for communities and municipal officials as a supporting and implementing arm of the council. Qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments were used to collect data. Data collection tools used to obtain information from the councillors and municipal officials were written self-administered questionnaires for councillors and face to face interviews for municipal officials. For councillors the study reflected on their lack in carrying their fiduciary duties in providing leadership and guidance through proper planning and oversight. They have to a certain degree viewed the NDP as political document rather than a government planning framework tool. For municipal officials, the study highlighted their lack of ownership of the NDP which they view it as a separate document rather than considering that the national developed the National Spatial Development Perspective, Provinces, the Provincial Development and Growth Strategies and local government had to develop their Integrated Development Plans and all those were the strategic planning documents to drive development forward, however without having a long term vision which is called by many countries, National Development Plan to provide framework for all these documents. Subsequently, the study made a set of recommendations in this regard.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Fololo, Ncumisa Kanyisa
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:36628
- Description: The study wants to establish the level of awareness of councillors of their role and responsibility in the National Development Plan as public representatives who are required to provide sustainable ways to meet the socio-economic needs of communities and improve the quality of life. The interest was triggered by the fact that even though the National Development Plan is a national document but its implementation and success will be gauged through the improved lives of community that are led by councillors. All the envisaged programmes and activities that are reflected in the NDP will be implemented in the municipal areas hence councillors as community leaders should be the champions of such. Their contribution as public representatives in the implementation of the NDP is vital and key. The study adopted a case study design that assisted in establishing what is required from councillors in the implementation of the NDP as they plan for communities and municipal officials as a supporting and implementing arm of the council. Qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments were used to collect data. Data collection tools used to obtain information from the councillors and municipal officials were written self-administered questionnaires for councillors and face to face interviews for municipal officials. For councillors the study reflected on their lack in carrying their fiduciary duties in providing leadership and guidance through proper planning and oversight. They have to a certain degree viewed the NDP as political document rather than a government planning framework tool. For municipal officials, the study highlighted their lack of ownership of the NDP which they view it as a separate document rather than considering that the national developed the National Spatial Development Perspective, Provinces, the Provincial Development and Growth Strategies and local government had to develop their Integrated Development Plans and all those were the strategic planning documents to drive development forward, however without having a long term vision which is called by many countries, National Development Plan to provide framework for all these documents. Subsequently, the study made a set of recommendations in this regard.
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- Date Issued: 2019
An evaluation of the co-operative interaction between political office-bearers and chief officials in the provision of houses in the Eastern Cape: King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality (2009-2010)
- Authors: Luyenge, Zukile
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing policy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11633 , , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing policy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The research seeks to evaluate the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials in the rendering of housing services in the King Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality. The introduction provides the general overview of the study and provides a background to the intention of the research to evaluate the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials. The problem statements briefly describe the problem identified in the study and the objectives of the study are set. The theoretical framework is provided and the theories used to evaluate the performance are discussed which are classical theory and the system theory. The importance of conducting the research is discussed and the limitations of the study are discussed in the research. Importantly, the study plan directs the researcher in the direction towards the goals of the research. Also the terms used in this study that are not clear were defined to avoid misinterpretation; misunderstanding and confusion of words and terms. The review of the current literature on the theoretical framework and the base for policy making and controlling role of municipal political office-bearers and chief officials in public administration was discussed. The nature of systems theory and the different phases of systems theory were explained. The nature and place of policy making in public administration was discussed as well as policy making alternatives in the public sector. The policy making levels i.e. political policy making level; executive policy making level; administrative/departmental policy making level; operational policy making level were explained and discussed. The co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearer and chief officials was discussed to understand the administrative and political dichotomy in the public sector. The policy implementation for the rendering of housing services as well as the programming and delegation of authority were discussed in the context of housing service delivery. The legislative framework for housing services in South Africa was discussed as it influence and affects the housing service in King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality. The role of municipal authorities in the rendering of housing services as well as the housing situation in South Africa together with the obligations of both the provincial and municipalities were discussed. The permission to conduct research was received from King Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality. The scope of the study explains the range or extent of matter to be dealt with in the research and the survey area is dearly provided. The research design which is qualitative and quantitative research are discussed and used in adopting the study. The case study as research strategy is discussed and clarified. The data collection instruments which are interviews, questionnaires and the literature study the subject were briefly explained. Population details and sampling were clearly explained before a sample is provided in the study. The research provides data collection procedures as well as how the data will be analysed. The ethical considerations are discussed. The data analysis and interpretation was conducted to enable the researcher to identify patterns which are consistent within the data. The criteria for data analysis as well the response rate were discussed. The demographics of chief officials and political office-bearers as respondents include their age; year of service, home language, gender, the academic qualification as well as the different stakeholders were analysed. The role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the initiation of policy which the input phase of the Systems theory analysis was conducted and the role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the process phase were analysed and discussed. The co-operative interaction in policy formulation and the steps in the policy formulation were analysed and discussed. Also the analysis was conducted on the delegation of authority to chief officials by the political office-bearers as well as the role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the approval of executive policy. An evaluation of the rendering of - 11 - housing services at Phola park informal settlement as well as the evaluation of housing services as an output phase in policy formulation were analysed and discussed. And lastly, the analysis of the impact of existing legislation or policy on housing services was conducted. The findings of the study were provided and discussed and the concluding remarks were provided to whether the problem is real and whether the hypothesis is true and valid. The recommendations of the study were provided to enable Kind Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality to improve the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials to improve housing services and to provide better service delivery. KEYWORDS Administration Citizens Co-operative interaction Effectiveness Efficiency Executive functions Governing functions Municipal authority Municipal chief officials Municipal political office-bearers.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Luyenge, Zukile
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing policy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11633 , , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Housing policy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The research seeks to evaluate the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials in the rendering of housing services in the King Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality. The introduction provides the general overview of the study and provides a background to the intention of the research to evaluate the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials. The problem statements briefly describe the problem identified in the study and the objectives of the study are set. The theoretical framework is provided and the theories used to evaluate the performance are discussed which are classical theory and the system theory. The importance of conducting the research is discussed and the limitations of the study are discussed in the research. Importantly, the study plan directs the researcher in the direction towards the goals of the research. Also the terms used in this study that are not clear were defined to avoid misinterpretation; misunderstanding and confusion of words and terms. The review of the current literature on the theoretical framework and the base for policy making and controlling role of municipal political office-bearers and chief officials in public administration was discussed. The nature of systems theory and the different phases of systems theory were explained. The nature and place of policy making in public administration was discussed as well as policy making alternatives in the public sector. The policy making levels i.e. political policy making level; executive policy making level; administrative/departmental policy making level; operational policy making level were explained and discussed. The co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearer and chief officials was discussed to understand the administrative and political dichotomy in the public sector. The policy implementation for the rendering of housing services as well as the programming and delegation of authority were discussed in the context of housing service delivery. The legislative framework for housing services in South Africa was discussed as it influence and affects the housing service in King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality. The role of municipal authorities in the rendering of housing services as well as the housing situation in South Africa together with the obligations of both the provincial and municipalities were discussed. The permission to conduct research was received from King Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality. The scope of the study explains the range or extent of matter to be dealt with in the research and the survey area is dearly provided. The research design which is qualitative and quantitative research are discussed and used in adopting the study. The case study as research strategy is discussed and clarified. The data collection instruments which are interviews, questionnaires and the literature study the subject were briefly explained. Population details and sampling were clearly explained before a sample is provided in the study. The research provides data collection procedures as well as how the data will be analysed. The ethical considerations are discussed. The data analysis and interpretation was conducted to enable the researcher to identify patterns which are consistent within the data. The criteria for data analysis as well the response rate were discussed. The demographics of chief officials and political office-bearers as respondents include their age; year of service, home language, gender, the academic qualification as well as the different stakeholders were analysed. The role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the initiation of policy which the input phase of the Systems theory analysis was conducted and the role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the process phase were analysed and discussed. The co-operative interaction in policy formulation and the steps in the policy formulation were analysed and discussed. Also the analysis was conducted on the delegation of authority to chief officials by the political office-bearers as well as the role of political office-bearers and chief officials in the approval of executive policy. An evaluation of the rendering of - 11 - housing services at Phola park informal settlement as well as the evaluation of housing services as an output phase in policy formulation were analysed and discussed. And lastly, the analysis of the impact of existing legislation or policy on housing services was conducted. The findings of the study were provided and discussed and the concluding remarks were provided to whether the problem is real and whether the hypothesis is true and valid. The recommendations of the study were provided to enable Kind Sabata Dalindyebo local municipality to improve the co-operative interaction between municipal political office-bearers and chief officials to improve housing services and to provide better service delivery. KEYWORDS Administration Citizens Co-operative interaction Effectiveness Efficiency Executive functions Governing functions Municipal authority Municipal chief officials Municipal political office-bearers.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
An assessment of the relationship between traditional leaders and ward councillors and its impact on service delivery: the case study of Mnquma Local Municipality
- Authors: Mhlanga, Fezeka
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Traditional government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11676 , , Traditional government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study was researched at Mnquma Local Municipality of Amathole District Municipality in Eastern Cape Province, in the Republic of South Africa. The study is about: The assessment of relationship between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and its impact on service delivery: A case of Mnquma Local Municipality. This municipality consists of 61 wards and 41 ward Councillors. The purpose of this study was to investigate what causes tensions in the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors and also how can it be managed and or be improved as it affects production in service delivery and development. Furthermore, the study seeks to find ways through which the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors could be managed to harmonize the relationship between them in order to improve service delivery in Mnquma Local Municipality. Most municipalities which are based in rural areas in South Africa are faced with a lot of challenges which has left development staggering and thus in long run inefficiency in service delivery is caused. As a result of poor service delivery Mnquma Municipality is faced with the challenge of instability towards its management, whereby several Mayors have been chased away through protests, as result service delivery has been hampered and delayed. These challenges are the results of the poor relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over land ownership, control and authority of resources for development. The legislations that govern traditional leaders are ambiguous or rather vague when it comes to their roles and functions in development and service delivery in the new democratic government of South Africa and thus cause the traditional leaders to feel that they are undermined by the ward Councillors whom according to traditional leaders feel they that ward Councillors are more recognized than them. It is in this context that this study seeks to investigate the causes of conflict between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and how the conflict impacts on service delivery and development and also can it resolved to harmonize the situation. The researcher used a qualitative method to collect data, the questionnaires and interviews were conducted to Municipalities, Traditional Leaders, Municipal Managers, Ward Councillors, Ward Committees and the community. Data was collected and analysed using descriptive method. The researcher came out with the following summary of the findings: The management of relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over ownership of projects, control, land distribution and authority is very poor. Traditional leaders felt that the present democratic government has given too much power to the ward Councillors for most development programs. There is no absolute proper consultation of traditional leaders by neither local government officials, municipalities and ward Councillors before any development is done in their areas. Poor recognition of traditional leaders by ward Councillors and other politicians. There is allegation by the community members and traditional leaders that ward Councillors are bias in delivering services, preference is given to the group that belongs to their party of interest. When there is development projects employment opportunity is not given to the local communities of that area. Traditional leaders are not allowed to actively participate in council meetings.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Mhlanga, Fezeka
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Traditional government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11676 , , Traditional government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study was researched at Mnquma Local Municipality of Amathole District Municipality in Eastern Cape Province, in the Republic of South Africa. The study is about: The assessment of relationship between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and its impact on service delivery: A case of Mnquma Local Municipality. This municipality consists of 61 wards and 41 ward Councillors. The purpose of this study was to investigate what causes tensions in the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors and also how can it be managed and or be improved as it affects production in service delivery and development. Furthermore, the study seeks to find ways through which the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors could be managed to harmonize the relationship between them in order to improve service delivery in Mnquma Local Municipality. Most municipalities which are based in rural areas in South Africa are faced with a lot of challenges which has left development staggering and thus in long run inefficiency in service delivery is caused. As a result of poor service delivery Mnquma Municipality is faced with the challenge of instability towards its management, whereby several Mayors have been chased away through protests, as result service delivery has been hampered and delayed. These challenges are the results of the poor relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over land ownership, control and authority of resources for development. The legislations that govern traditional leaders are ambiguous or rather vague when it comes to their roles and functions in development and service delivery in the new democratic government of South Africa and thus cause the traditional leaders to feel that they are undermined by the ward Councillors whom according to traditional leaders feel they that ward Councillors are more recognized than them. It is in this context that this study seeks to investigate the causes of conflict between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and how the conflict impacts on service delivery and development and also can it resolved to harmonize the situation. The researcher used a qualitative method to collect data, the questionnaires and interviews were conducted to Municipalities, Traditional Leaders, Municipal Managers, Ward Councillors, Ward Committees and the community. Data was collected and analysed using descriptive method. The researcher came out with the following summary of the findings: The management of relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over ownership of projects, control, land distribution and authority is very poor. Traditional leaders felt that the present democratic government has given too much power to the ward Councillors for most development programs. There is no absolute proper consultation of traditional leaders by neither local government officials, municipalities and ward Councillors before any development is done in their areas. Poor recognition of traditional leaders by ward Councillors and other politicians. There is allegation by the community members and traditional leaders that ward Councillors are bias in delivering services, preference is given to the group that belongs to their party of interest. When there is development projects employment opportunity is not given to the local communities of that area. Traditional leaders are not allowed to actively participate in council meetings.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
An assessment of the impact of traditional leaders and ward councillors relations on service delivery: the case of Mnquma local municipality in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Mkata, Goodwin Pumelele
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11625 , , Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of traditional leaders and ward councillors‟ roles on service delivery in Mnquma Local Municipality. Not much research has been conducted in this field. The researcher wanted to ascertain the extent of conflict between traditional leaders and ward councillors in providing services to the communities and provide mechanisms to harness these. In this study relevant literature and legislative frameworks were reviewed. From the literature review, it was evident that service delivery is essential to the communities, and as such, municipalities have a critical role to play. The data collection instruments used, were questionnaires and interviews. In order to achieve the objectives, questionnaires were distributed to the participants and interviews were conducted. After analysing the data, the researcher formulated conclusions and from those conclusions, some recommendations were made.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Mkata, Goodwin Pumelele
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11625 , , Tribal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of traditional leaders and ward councillors‟ roles on service delivery in Mnquma Local Municipality. Not much research has been conducted in this field. The researcher wanted to ascertain the extent of conflict between traditional leaders and ward councillors in providing services to the communities and provide mechanisms to harness these. In this study relevant literature and legislative frameworks were reviewed. From the literature review, it was evident that service delivery is essential to the communities, and as such, municipalities have a critical role to play. The data collection instruments used, were questionnaires and interviews. In order to achieve the objectives, questionnaires were distributed to the participants and interviews were conducted. After analysing the data, the researcher formulated conclusions and from those conclusions, some recommendations were made.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
An investigation of public participation in municipal planning and performance evaluation: a case study of Mnquma Local Municipality
- Authors: Mkentane, Benjamin Zolile
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Evaluation , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11671 , , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Evaluation , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The participation of communities and community organizations in Municipal governance is set in terms of the law as a mechanism to deepen democracy. Municipalities are required to develop a culture of governance that complements representative democracy with community participation. However the participation of communities in local governance has not translated to the strengthening of governance and the deepening of democracy as municipalities have not done enough to involve communities in municipal affaires. Lack of human resources, and financial capacity have been cited as some of the reasons that beset municipalities and undermine citizen participation. Municipalities have taken steps to encourage community participation and these include establishment of structures to enable participation, however without the guidance and financial support of the municipalities these structures are not able to perform their functions. In spite of all the efforts made by municipalities to encourage participation, a culture of community participation has not yet taken root in local government. While the legislative framework provides for communities to participate, practice shows that the implementation of legislation is complex and requires dedicated capacities within the councils to be effective. This can be achieved when municipalities develop their own community participation policies which address their special circumstances, which must be reviewed on a regular basis. Unless communities are empowered with knowledge on the available participation mechanisms, the dream of a culture of participation will remain just that, a dream. Thus civic education coupled with capacity building of officials will assist in ensuring the development of a culture of participation. Council must also develop mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of community participation processes and procedures, to avoid a one size fits all approach. It is imperative that councils as the legislative arm of municipalities must lead the process and not leave everything to the executive arm.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Mkentane, Benjamin Zolile
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Evaluation , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11671 , , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal officials and employees -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Evaluation , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The participation of communities and community organizations in Municipal governance is set in terms of the law as a mechanism to deepen democracy. Municipalities are required to develop a culture of governance that complements representative democracy with community participation. However the participation of communities in local governance has not translated to the strengthening of governance and the deepening of democracy as municipalities have not done enough to involve communities in municipal affaires. Lack of human resources, and financial capacity have been cited as some of the reasons that beset municipalities and undermine citizen participation. Municipalities have taken steps to encourage community participation and these include establishment of structures to enable participation, however without the guidance and financial support of the municipalities these structures are not able to perform their functions. In spite of all the efforts made by municipalities to encourage participation, a culture of community participation has not yet taken root in local government. While the legislative framework provides for communities to participate, practice shows that the implementation of legislation is complex and requires dedicated capacities within the councils to be effective. This can be achieved when municipalities develop their own community participation policies which address their special circumstances, which must be reviewed on a regular basis. Unless communities are empowered with knowledge on the available participation mechanisms, the dream of a culture of participation will remain just that, a dream. Thus civic education coupled with capacity building of officials will assist in ensuring the development of a culture of participation. Council must also develop mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of community participation processes and procedures, to avoid a one size fits all approach. It is imperative that councils as the legislative arm of municipalities must lead the process and not leave everything to the executive arm.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
An analysis of the politics-administrative interface and its impact on delivery of municipal services: a case of the Mnquma Local Municipality
- Ndudula, Mziwoxolo Rutherford
- Authors: Ndudula, Mziwoxolo Rutherford
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , City council members -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Politicians -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Communication in community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11659 , , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , City council members -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Politicians -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Communication in community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Politics and government
- Description: The study took a qualitative approach to the analysis of the effect of the politics-administrative interface on municipal service delivery. It was a case study of the Mnquma local municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. The researcher developed a keen interest in researching on the topic because the political infighting and clashes between politicians and administrators of the municipality have caused a public outcry for the root causes of the infighting to be effectively addressed and redressed. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations of the study will help, reshape public policy implementation, service delivery and fostering of mutual cooperative relations between politicians and administrators both at local government level and any other sphere of government in South Africa. The study, is categorized into five chronological chapters, with chapter one (introduction and background), chapter two (literature review), chapter three (research design and methodology), chapter four (data analysis, interpretation and presentation) and chapter five (conclusions and recommendations). The researcher used a sample size of 40 respondents who were selected using snowball sampling, a non-random sampling design spread accordingly over both politicians and administrators. Data collection was made possible through an open-ended questionnaire, interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Various reports and media statements were also used to augment this empirical study. The study also used an in-depth qualitative data analysis technique which was descriptive in nature and the study made numerous deductions and findings based on the collected and collated data. Findings of the study were, inter alia, too much politicization of the public sector, interference between politicians and administrators into each other’s affairs and vice versa and adverse effects of cadre deployment which are damaging service delivery. The study made numerous recommendations which included, inter alia, training and development of administrators and politicians on their respective roles and responsibilities, enforcement of the politics-administrative interface as a mutually beneficial approach to service delivery, need for proper interpretation of Acts and policy documents and the enforcing of section 139 interventions into municipalities.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Ndudula, Mziwoxolo Rutherford
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , City council members -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Politicians -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Communication in community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11659 , , Municipal services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Municipal government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , City council members -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Politicians -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public administration -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Political leadership -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Communication in community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Politics and government
- Description: The study took a qualitative approach to the analysis of the effect of the politics-administrative interface on municipal service delivery. It was a case study of the Mnquma local municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. The researcher developed a keen interest in researching on the topic because the political infighting and clashes between politicians and administrators of the municipality have caused a public outcry for the root causes of the infighting to be effectively addressed and redressed. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations of the study will help, reshape public policy implementation, service delivery and fostering of mutual cooperative relations between politicians and administrators both at local government level and any other sphere of government in South Africa. The study, is categorized into five chronological chapters, with chapter one (introduction and background), chapter two (literature review), chapter three (research design and methodology), chapter four (data analysis, interpretation and presentation) and chapter five (conclusions and recommendations). The researcher used a sample size of 40 respondents who were selected using snowball sampling, a non-random sampling design spread accordingly over both politicians and administrators. Data collection was made possible through an open-ended questionnaire, interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Various reports and media statements were also used to augment this empirical study. The study also used an in-depth qualitative data analysis technique which was descriptive in nature and the study made numerous deductions and findings based on the collected and collated data. Findings of the study were, inter alia, too much politicization of the public sector, interference between politicians and administrators into each other’s affairs and vice versa and adverse effects of cadre deployment which are damaging service delivery. The study made numerous recommendations which included, inter alia, training and development of administrators and politicians on their respective roles and responsibilities, enforcement of the politics-administrative interface as a mutually beneficial approach to service delivery, need for proper interpretation of Acts and policy documents and the enforcing of section 139 interventions into municipalities.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
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