Submission to Press Freedom Commission (PFC) on Media Self-regulation, Co-regulation or Statutory regulation in South Africa:
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Steenveld, Lynette N , Strelitz, Larry N , Amner, Roderick J , Boshoff, Priscilla A , Mathurine, Jude , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:38263 , ISBN , Submission to Press Freedom Commission.pdf
- Description: Prof Duncan has outlined the relative merits and demerits of self-regulation, co-regulation and deregulation, with which we are in broad agreement. She has also ably dealt with the three functions of regulatory bodies, namely the setting of ground rules for the industry to ensure best practice; enforcement of these; and adjudication of claims and counter claims re journalistic practice (Duncan 2012, p17). Finally, she has also taken up the issue of the necessity of accepting Third Party Complaints as one of the fundamental mechanisms by which citizens can make complaints on the basis of principle, rather than being personally aggrieved. While we are in broad agreement with her on these issues, we would like to highlight some further points for consideration.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Being South African and belonging: the status and practice of mediated citizenship in a new democracy
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40342 , ISBN 978-1-84888-186-0
- Description: Democratic South Africa, with its highly inclusive constitution and embrace of all races, creeds and colours, could be understood as having an ideal form of citizenship to be emulated by other nations. At the heart of the 1996 constitution is the eradication of apartheid separation and the provision that all South Africans have shared humanity (‘ubuntu’). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission entrenched three founding critical ideas in public life: the right to talk, the recognition of shared humanity and the impulse to speak out about the horrors of the past. As a result the public sphere is filled with a great outpouring of personal stories and experiences in both the mainstream and popular forms of media. But South Africans continue to be preoccupied with the status of their citizenship; who a South African is and who belongs is uppermost in many public conversations.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Media, citizenship and the politics of belonging in contemporary South Africa:
- Authors: Milton, Viola C , Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40345 , DOI: 10.1080/02500167.2013.864447
- Description: Drawing on a wide range of theoretical and empirical studies, the articles in this special issue examine issues of citizenship and belonging in South Africa. Questions of belonging and citizenship are neither novel, nor particular to South Africa – they have been high on the intellectual (and popular) agenda internationally since at least the early 1990s. Yet South Africa's history of artificially separating and defining its citizens in the racial regimes of colonialism and apartheid still reverberates today, as is reflected in the continued inequalities marring South African society
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- Date Issued: 2013
Voice and agency in post-apartheid South African media: young and mediated
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:38361 ,
- Description: What does the rising number of service delivery protests tell us about who gets to speak and who gets to listen in South African politics? Do politicians listen to the youth, especially the vast numbers of the un- and under-employed? What role do the youth play in social cohesion, civic action and the future of our young democracy?
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- Date Issued: 2013
The meanings of citizenship: media use and democracy in South Africa
- Authors: Wasserman, Herman , Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40354 ,
- Description: In 1994, South Africans embarked on a project to create new meanings of citizenship in order to transcend the disenfranchisement and divisions created by apartheid. This article examines the context in which new forms of citizenship are evolving in South Africa and how South African citizens use the media to give meaning to concepts such as “an active public sphere,” “civic agency” and “participatory politics.” The objective of the research is to provide information about the way in which the media contribute to the quality of democracy in South Africa through mediating citizenship in a way that improves prospects for citizens to exert influence over public decisions.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Media and citizenship: between marginalisation and participation
- Authors: Garman, Anthea , Wasserman, Herman
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:40179 , ISBN 9780796925565
- Description: How central are the media to the functioning of democracy? Is democracy primarily about citizens using their vote? Does the expression of their voice necessarily empower citizens? Media and Citizenship challenges some assumptions about the relationship between the media and democracy in highly unequal societies like South Africa. In a post-apartheid society where an enfranchised majority is still unable to fundamentally practice their citizenship and experiences marginalization on a daily basis, notions like listening and belonging may be more useful ways of thinking about the role of the media. In this context, protest is taken seriously as a form of political expression and the media's role is foregrounded as actively seeking out the voices of those on the margins of society. Through a range of case studies, the contributors show how listening, both as a political concept and as a form of practice, has transformative and even radical potential for both emerging and established democracies.
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- Date Issued: 2017