Structure and functioning of fish assemblages in two South African estuaries, with emphasis on the presence and absence of aquatic macrophyte beds
- Authors: Sheppard, Jill Nicole
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Estuaries -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5321 , , Estuaries -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Temporarily open/closed estuaries (TOCEs) are the dominant estuary type in South Africa. These systems are often characterized by extensive beds of submerged macrophytes, which form important foraging and shelter habitats for fishes, especially for estuary-dependent fish species such as the Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi and Cape moony Monodactylus falciformis that are commonly associated with them. A loss of submerged macrophytes from an estuary has been shown to affect the fish community as well as reducing overall system productivity. The TOC East Kleinemonde Estuary, situated in the warm-temperate biogeographic region of South Africa has been subject to an ongoing long-term fish monitoring project since 1995. During the period 1995 to 2002, this estuary contained large beds of the submerged macrophytes Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus. However, subsequent to a major flood event in 2003 these macrophytes have been largely absent from this system. The effect of the loss of submerged macrophytes on the East Kleinemonde fish assemblage was investigated through an analysis of seine and gill net catch data. Seine net catches for a 12 year period, encompassing six years of macrophyte presence and six years of macrophyte senescence, revealed changes in the relative abundance of certain fish species. Vegetation-associated species such as R. holubi and M. falciformis decreased in abundance whereas sediment-associated species, especially members of the family Mugilidae, increased in abundance following loss of the macrophytes in this estuary. The critically endangered pipefish Syngnathus watermeyeri was only recorded in catches during years in which macrophyte beds were present. In addition to the analysis of catch data, the importance of macrophytes as a primary energy source for selected estuarine fishes was explored through the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Prior to conducting these analyses, common methodological practices to address the presence of carbonates and lipids within isotope samples were evaluated. A subset of samples were either acid washed to remove carbonates, or lipids were removed according to the method of Bligh and Dyer (1959) as both of these compounds have been shown to affect stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios. The suitability of the lipid normalization models of Fry (2002) and Post et al. (2007) for samples of estuarine fish muscle were also tested. Based on this evaluation both models are suitable for use with estuarine fish muscle tissue, however since neither carbonate nor lipid content of any of the samples used in this study was high all samples were left untreated in the following analysis. Carbon isotope ratios from a wide range of fish species collected from the East Kleinemonde Estuary during the macrophyte-senescent phase were compared with individuals of the same species from the neighbouring West Kleinemonde Estuary (where extensive beds of R. cirrhosa and P. pectinatus were present) and revealed the influence of submerged macrophyte material in the diet of fishes in the latter system. However, it was apparent that these plants are not directly consumed but rather contribute to the detrital pool that forms a food source for most invertebrate and some fish species. The most significant source of carbon for East Kleinemonde fishes during the macrophyte senescent phase appeared to have a more depleted origin; probably from benthic or pelagic microalgae. In conclusion, while the importance of macrophyte beds as shelter and foraging habitats for estuarine fishes are well documented, their role in terms of the structuring and functioning of fish assemblages in TOCEs remains somewhat uncertain. The findings of this study were possibly masked by the resilience of vegetation-associated species to the loss of this habitat, as well as by life history characteristics of species such as R. holubi that allow their numerical dominance despite habitat change. Nonetheless, macrophyte senescence in the East Kleinemonde Estuary resulted in the loss of at least one species and the reduced abundance of vegetation-associated species, probably reflective of reduced food resources and/or increased vulnerability to predation. As a result, beds of submerged macrophytes are an important habitat within TOCEs.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Movement patterns and genetic stock delineation of an endemic South African sparid, the Poenskop, Cymatoceps nasutus (Castelnau, 1861)
- Authors: Murray, Taryn Sara
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Fish stock assessment -- South Africa , Sparidae -- South Africa , Fishes -- Reproduction -- South Africa , Fishing -- South Africa , Fish populations -- South Africa , Fishes -- Behavior -- South Africa , Marine fishes -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5178 , , Fish stock assessment -- South Africa , Sparidae -- South Africa , Fishes -- Reproduction -- South Africa , Fishing -- South Africa , Fish populations -- South Africa , Fishes -- Behavior -- South Africa , Marine fishes -- South Africa
- Description: Poenskop Cymatoceps nasutus (Pisces: Sparidae), an endemic South African sparid, is an important angling species being predominantly targeted by the recreational shore and skiboat sector. This species is slow-growing, long-lived, late-maturing and sex-changing, making poenskop acutely sensitive to over-exploitation. Despite interventions, such as the imposition of size and bag limits (currently 50 cm TL and one per licensed fisher per day) by authorities, catch-per-unit-effort trends reflect a severe and consistent stock decline over the last two decades. Poenskop has been identified as a priority species for research and conservation. Although the biology and population dynamics of this species have been well-documented, little is known about the movement behaviour of poenskop. Furthermore, there is a complete lack of information on its genetic stock structure. This thesis aimed to address the current knowledge gaps concerning movement behaviour and genetic stock structure of poenskop, making use of a range of methods and drawing on available information, including available fishery records as well as published and unpublished survey and research data, and data from long-term monitoring programmes. Analysis of available catch data (published and unpublished) revealed a decline in the number of poenskop caught as well as size of fish taken over the last two decades, ultimately reflecting the collapse of the stock (estimated to be at 20% of their pristine level). Improved catch-per-unit-effort data from the Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area (MPA), and larger poenskop being caught in the no-take areas than adjacent exploited areas of the Pondoland MPA confirmed that MPAs can be effective for the protection and management of poenskop. The current MPA network in South Africa is already wellestablished, and encompasses considerable reef areas, being preferable for poenskop habitation. Conventional dart tagging and recapture information from three ongoing, long-term fishtagging projects, conducted throughout the poenskop’s distribution, indicated high levels of residency at all life-history stages. Coastal region, seasonality and time at recapture did not appear to have a significant effect on the level of movement or distance moved. However, on examining the relationship among coastal movements and fish size and ages, larger and older fish (adults) moved greater distances, with juveniles and sub-adults showing high degrees of residency. An estimation of home-range size indicated smaller poenskop to hold smaller home-ranges, while larger poenskop hold larger home-ranges. Large easterly displacements of a number of adult poenskop is in accordance with previous findings that this species may undertake a unidirectional migration up the coastline of South Africa where they possibly settle in Transkei waters for the remainder of their lives. This high level of residency makes poenskop vulnerable to localised depletion, although they can be effectively protected by suitable MPAs. Despite considerable tagging effort along the South African coastline (2 704 poenskop tagged with 189 recaptures, between 1984 and 2010), there remains limited information on the connectivity of different regions along the South African coastline. This was addressed using mitochondrial DNA sequencing. The mitochondrial DNA control region was used due to its high substitution rate, haploid nature, maternal inheritance and absence of recombination. The mtDNA sequencing showed no evidence of major geographic barriers to gene flow in this species. Samples collected throughout the core distribution of poenskop showed high genetic diversity (h = 0.88, π = 0.01), low genetic differentiation among regions, no spatial structure (ɸST = 0.012, p = 0.208) and no evidence of isolation by distance. The collapsed stock status of poenskop as well as the fact that it is being actively targeted by recreational and commercial fishers suggests that this species requires improved management, with consideration given to its life-history style, residency and poor conservation status. Management recommendations for poenskop, combined with increasing South Africa’s existing MPA network, include the possibility of setting up a closed season (during known spawning periods) as well as the decommercialisation of this species. The techniques used and developed in this study can also be adopted for other overexploited linefish species.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Estuary-dependency and multiple habitat connectivity of juvenile leervis lichia amia (pisces: carangidae) and the factors influencing their movements
- Authors: Murray, Taryn Sara
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:20676
- Description: Estuaries are highly productive ecosystems that provide an important nursery function to many marine-spawning fish species. While in estuaries, the juveniles of estuary-associated fishes are exposed to frequent, abrupt changes in environmental conditions and, as such, utilise movement as a strategy to cope with the changing conditions. Therefore, to gain a better understanding of the importance of estuaries (i.e. estuary-dependency) to estuary-associated species, knowledge on their movement patterns within estuaries, the links between habitats, and the environmental and cyclical processes driving these movements, is necessary. Lichia amia, commonly known as leervis or garrick in southern Africa, is an over-exploited, estuary-dependent fishery species targeted by coastal recreational and subsistence fishers, as well as spearfishers, throughout its South African distribution. Aspects of its biology and life history have been assessed; however, knowledge on its movement behaviour is limited to a single conventional dart tagging study, which described large-scale coastal movements of juvenile, sub-adult and adult leervis. As such, little is known about area use and movement patterns within estuaries, or the degree of connectivity between estuarine and marine habitats. Therefore, the aim of this study, using conventional dart tagging and passive acoustic telemetry methods, was to assess the role of estuarine nursery habitats in the life cycle of the leervis by examining area use patterns and movement behaviour within estuaries, investigating the degree of habitat connectivity, and determining the drivers (cyclical rhythms and environmental variables) of estuarine use and connectivity. A dedicated conventional mark-recapture study on juvenile leervis within the Swartkops Estuary revealed a high level of estuarine fidelity (philopatry) suggesting that estuaries are important nursery habitats. However, movement distances increased with increasing fish length, with some fish also being recaptured in the neighbouring marine environment. These results provided evidence of an ontogenetic habitat shift, with smaller fish remaining in the estuary for extended periods and larger individuals undertaking more extensive movements. Complementary passive acoustic telemetry studies were conducted in the Kowie and Goukou estuaries, spaced 620 km apart, to assess area use, movement patterns, residency and multiple habitat connectivity of juvenile leervis. These telemetry studies showed varying levels of residency within the tagging estuaries, and seasonal variation in area use. The lengths of estuary used by leervis tagged in the Kowie Estuary generally decreased with the onset of austral winter, while fish tagged in the Goukou Estuary generally moved into the marine environment. Despite tagged individuals spending on average 56% and 38% of the total monitoring periods within the Kowie and Goukou estuaries, respectively, fish displayed high levels of multiple habitat connectivity, with 71% and 76% of Kowie and Goukou fish, respectively, visiting adjacent marine and estuarine environments. A total of 11 different neighbouring habitats (estuaries and ports) were visited by Kowie fish, while fish tagged in the Goukou Estuary only visited four adjacent habitats. These differences in connectivity could be attributed to the proximity of many more estuaries to the Kowie Estuary compared to the Goukou Estuary. Estuarine movements by acoustically tagged leervis in both estuaries followed a strong diel but a much weaker tidal pattern. A number of environmental variables significantly influenced estuarine movements and marine excursions (including river inflow, photoperiod and moon phase). However, water temperature (river and sea) had the most significant effects on these movements, with decreasing winter river temperatures coincident with a downstream shift in mean daily position of fish tagged in the Kowie Estuary, and movement into the marine environment from the Goukou Estuary. Interestingly, the area use patterns of juvenile leervis tagged in the Kowie and Goukou estuaries were different, predominantly using limited portions of each estuary. Kowie fish spent more time in the mouth region and lower reaches, while Goukou fish spent more time in the lower and middle reaches of the estuary. Therefore, should no-take Estuarine Protected Areas be implemented, inter-estuary differences would need to be considered to determine the most effective stretches of estuary to close to provide maximum protection for leervis. This study provided new information on the movement behaviour of juvenile leervis, the degree to which juveniles depend on estuaries as nursery areas, and the cyclical rhythms and environmental factors influencing their movements. The study therefore contributes considerably to our understanding of the role of estuaries in the life history of leervis, and provides essential information for the improved management of this over-exploited species.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Optimisation of a sampling protocol for long-term monitoring of temperate reef fishes
- Authors: Bennett, Rhett Hamilton
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Marine parks and reserves -- South Africa , Coastal zone management -- South Africa , Fishery management -- South Africa , Reef fishes -- South Africa , Fish communities -- South Africa , Fish stock assessment
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5309 , , Marine parks and reserves -- South Africa , Coastal zone management -- South Africa , Fishery management -- South Africa , Reef fishes -- South Africa , Fish communities -- South Africa , Fish stock assessment
- Description: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management (EAF) and Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) have been identified as possible alternatives to traditional linefish management measures, which have largely failed. Monitoring and assessment of fish communities on a long-term basis is necessary, and will provide a means to evaluate the effectiveness of such management measures. Therefore, standardised protocols and optimal sampling methods for long-term monitoring (LTM) and assessment of coastal fish communities are essential. This study aimed to identify suitable methods and develop a protocol for assessment of inshore reef fish communities. A suitable location for evaluation of proposed methods was identified in the warm temperate biogeographical region of South Africa, encompassing the well-established Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park MPA and an adjacent exploited area. Chrysoblephus laticeps (roman) was identified as an indicator species for the study, as it has been well-studied and is well represented in the area. Underwater visual census (UVC) and controlled fishing were identified as suitable methods. UVC transects were found to be superior to point counts, in terms of sampling efficiency, variability, bias and required sample size. An effort of two angler hours per fishing station was shown to provide low catch variability, while at the same time a representative catch and low overall cost and required time. The methods were incorporated in a proposed sampling protocol, and evaluated. The methods were able to detect known differences between protected and exploited communities. It is recommended that LTM within protected areas, for detection of natural change, be focused on community-level indicators, while LTM in exploited areas, aimed at detection of anthropogenic change, be focused on species-level indicators. The proposed protocol with standardised methods will allow for comparisons across a network of LTM sites and provide the opportunity for a broad-scale assessment of the effects of environmental variables on reef fish stocks. The protocol developed in this study has application in other biogeographical regions in South Africa, and other parts of the world. Shift in the focus of much marine research, in South Africa and elsewhere, to LTM, highlights the relevance and timeous nature of this study.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Movement patterns of Cape stumpnose, Rhabdosargus holubi (Sparidae), in the Kowie Estuary, South Africa
- Authors: Grant, Gareth Neil
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20010
- Description: Rhabdosargus holubi is an ubiquitous estuary-dependent fishery species endemic to southern Africa. Although aspects of its recruitment dynamics from sea to estuary have received considerable research attention, little is known about its movement behaviour within estuarine systems. Fishery surveys have also revealed that R. holubi is a dominant species in catches within several temperate estuaries in South Africa. Therefore, investigating movement behaviour is fundamental to understanding the ecology of this species and providing a means for implementing effective fisheries management strategies. This study made use of passive acoustic telemetry to quantify the movement patterns of juvenile R. holubi in the Kowie Estuary, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Previous studies have revealed that surgically implanted transmitters may have adverse effects on the physiology and behaviour of tagged fish. Therefore, due to the small size of juvenile R. holubi, an a priori transmitter-effect experiment was undertaken. This experiment revealed that juvenile R. holubi (146-217 mm fork length) were not adversely affected by the surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters (7 mm Ø, 1.6 g out of water) and hence acoustic telemetry was well suited to monitoring the movements of this species. A 4-month telemetry study evaluated the movement patterns of 21 juveniles (140-190 mm fork length) tagged in three equal batches along the length of the estuary. Specific aspects of their movement included space use patterns, habitat connectivity, and the influences of geophysical cycles and environmental variables. Tagged fish exhibited high residency, which varied between each release site area. The mean length of estuary used was greater for the upper batch (15.65 ± 6.49 km) than the middle and lower batches (7.36 ± 3.68 and 2.67 ± 2 km, respectively). In terms of habitat connectivity, once the tagged fish left the estuary, they generally did not return. Tagged R. holubi spent the majority (83%) of their monitoring periods within the estuarine environment, with the sea (16%) and riverine (1%) environments being utilised to a lesser extent. Diel and tidal cycles influenced the movement patterns of juvenile R. holubi. However, the high levels of residency meant that fine-scale movements were difficult to detect due to the acoustic receiver deployment configuration (i.e. receivers moored one kilometer apart). The influence of environmental variables on the movement of individuals, modelled with general linear mixed models (GLMMs), revealed that the effects of river inflow and water temperature were greatest. Increased river inflow caused individuals to use larger portions of the estuary. Increased water temperature, particularly river temperature, caused individuals to shift their distributions downstream (towards the mouth of the estuary). This study highlighted the importance of estuarine nursery habitats to R. holubi, suggesting that a loss or reduction of healthy estuarine habitats may lead to significant declines in the abundance of this species. Furthermore, extreme resident behaviour suggests that no-take area closures (estuarine protected areas) would be an effective management strategy for this important fishery species.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Feeding ecology, residency patterns and migration dynamics of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in the southwest Indian Ocean
- Authors: Daly, Ryan
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Bull shark -- Ecology , Bull shark -- Feeding and feeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5924 ,
- Description: Bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) are globally distributed top predators that play an important ecological role within coastal marine communities. However, little is known about how the spatial and temporal scales of their habitat use are associated with their ecological role. In this study, a population of sub-adult and adult bull sharks were investigated within a remote subtropical marine community in the southwest Indian Ocean off the coast of southern Mozambique. The main objectives of the study were to test a minimally invasive remote biopsy sampling method; to investigate the feeding ecology of bull sharks; and to investigate the temporal and spatial scales of bull shark residency patterns and migration dynamics. Biopsy tests on free-swimming bull sharks showed that the devised sampling technique provided a minimally invasive and consistent method (biopsy retention rate = 87%) to obtain muscle tissue samples sufficiently large enough (310±78mg, mean ± SD) for stable isotope analysis. Results from the stable isotope analysis showed that adult bull sharks appeared to exhibit a shift towards consistentlyhigher trophic level prey from an expanded foraging range compared to sub-adults, possibly due to increased mobility linked with size. Additionally, bull sharks had significantly broader niche widths compared to top predatory teleost assemblages with a wide and enriched range of δ13C values relative to the local marine community, suggesting that they forage over broad spatial scales along the east coast of southern Africa. Results from the passive acoustic telemetry investigation, conducted over a period between 10 and 22 months, supported these findings showing that the majority of tagged adult sharksexhibited temporally and spatially variable residency patterns interspersed with migration events. Ten individuals undertook coastal migrations that ranged between 433 and 709km (mean = 533km) with eight of these sharks returning to the study site. During migration, individuals exhibited rates of movement between 2 and 59km.d-1 (mean = 17.58km.d-1) and were recorded travelling annual distances of between 450 and 3760km (mean = 1163km). These findings suggest that adult bull sharks are not the sedentary species once thought to be but rather, consistently move over broad spatial scales on the east coast of southern Africa and play an important predatory role shaping and linking ecological processes within the southwest Indian Ocean.
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- Date Issued: 2015
The trophic and spatial ecology of juvenile porcupine rays Urogymnus asperrimus at the remote St. Joseph Atoll
- Authors: Elston, Chantel
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20007
- Description: Little information exists for the widely occurring but rare porcupine ray Urogymnus asperrimus. This is a concern given that it is a vulnerable species and likely plays an important ecological role in tropical atoll ecosystems. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the trophic and spatial ecology of juvenile porcupine rays within the St. Joseph Atoll, which is hypothesized to be functioning as a nursery for this species. Specific objectives were to determine i) the dietary composition and resource selectivity displayed by juvenile porcupine rays, ii) residency to the atoll, space use, and seasonality in movements, and iii) whether environmental factors affect short-term movements. Gastric lavage was used to collect stomach contents from 55 juveniles and sediment samples were collected. Thirteen juveniles were implanted with acoustic transmitters and monitored for a year by an array of 88 acoustic receivers situated in and around the St. Joseph Atoll. Porcupine rays appeared to be generalist and opportunistic feeders, foraging predominantly on annelids with the highest environmental availability. Polychaetes of the family Capitellidae were the most important prey item (Index of Importance = 35%). Rays only fed on deep infaunal prey, likely because of their foraging behaviour, suggesting they may influence this community. There was a size-related shift in the crustacean families consumed. The tagged rays displayed high residency to the atoll (mean residency index of 64%) and restricted movements, with small core use and activity space areas (mean of 0.5km² and 3km² respectively) and the majority of detections were recorded within 1km of their tagging locations. The rays favoured the sand ats where 88% of detections occurred. Transient use of the lagoon and fringe reef peaked in the north-west monsoon season, indicating a seasonal usage of these habitats. The effects of temperature and water depth on movements were manifested as diel and tidal cyclical patterns in presence. Evidence illustrates that the St. Joseph Atoll constitutes an important nursery for this species, which has been declared a Marine Protected Area. A major determinant behind the dependence of this nursery habitat is related to predator avoidance. Thermoregulatory behaviours were identified, suggesting that this species is vulnerable to climate change.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Towards an alternative spatial-based management approach for estuarine fisheries in South Africa, with a case study from the Sundays Estuary
- Authors: Kramer, Rachel
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20012
- Description: Estuaries are productive habitats and biologically important ecosystems which serve as juvenile nursery areas and feeding grounds for adults from a host of fish species. They are, however, threatened habitats, increasingly exposed to human disturbance and exploitation. The stocks of several South African estuary-dependent linefish species are now considered as either overexploited or collapsed. It is clear that their dependence on estuaries would warrant the inclusion of these ecosystems into marine reserve planning exercises. Since traditional management strategies (e.g. bag and size limit restrictions) have proven ineffective for estuarine fisheries, there is a need for alternative management measures, such as spatial and temporal restrictions, to ensure increased survival of juveniles and recovery of adult breeding populations. This thesis explored the potential for an ecosystem-based approach through the application of a rapid sustainability assessment technique, and a spatial-based management approach for an important fishery species, using conservation planning software. The Sundays Estuary, Eastern Cape, South Africa falls within the footprint of the Addo Elephant National Park, with a proposed expansion to include a marine protected area (MPA). However the estuaries resources were not considered during the planning of the proposed MPA. This study conducted an indicator-based sustainability assessment based on the principles of sustainable development. The results showed that present levels of exploitation, due to non-compliance and a lack of law enforcement are unsustainable. The sustainability of the Sundays Estuary had a low overall sustainability score of only 23.8%. With limited enforcement of estuarine fisheries regulations in South Africa, alternative management measures such as spatial regulations may provide a viable option forward. The sustainability of fishery resources depends on the comprehensive understanding of the fishery resource. Acoustic telemetry is a technique that has been widely adopted to infer habitat and area use patterns of fish species. The second component of this study made use of high resolution telemetry data collected on juvenile dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus movements within the Sundays Estuary to conduct a scenario-based approach using Marxan conservation planning software. The best solution given by Marxan, in the form of a protected area for the conservation of juvenile A. japonicus in the Sundays Estuary was identified in the middle (starting 7km from the mouth) to the upper reaches (approximately 16km from the mouth) of the estuary, ultimately providing protection to tagged individuals for 61% of their time in the estuary. Although Marxan presented a best solution, the Sundays Estuary’s small size and shape, and minimal features used, was too simplistic to be included into a Marxan analysis. However, new methods and tools to analyse and plan spatial-based management options at this scale are currently being developed. Using the Sundays Estuary as a case study, a decision tree was then developed as a protocol to assist management address the challenges of effective estuarine management depending on the unique biological and socio-economic characteristics of individual estuaries in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Movement of coastal fishery species in Southern Africa: research trends, characterisation of behaviours and a case study on fishery implications
- Authors: Maggs, Jade Quinton
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Fishery management -- Africa, Southern , Fisheries -- Africa, Southern , Fisheries -- Catch effort , Fisheries -- Environmental aspects , Fisheries --Monitoring , Biotelemetry , Sustainable fisheries -- Africa, Southern , Overfishing -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:27798
- Description: Movement of fishes is an integral part of their daily life, but has significant implications for fishery management. As with nearly all coastal countries, South Africa relies on coastal fisheries as a renewable resource, but many stocks have been overexploited for decades. Although it has long been recognised that an understanding of fish movement is necessary for effective management, it is with some difficulty that the subject has been studied in the past. In recent years, however, improvements in technology have provided the means for more in-depth investigations into fish movement. This research has revealed a range of complex movement behaviours. Movement in fishes occurs on a variety of temporal and spatial scales leading to the characteristic patterns of distribution and abundance observed in marine ecosystems. Fishes move nearly constantly in search of food, shelter or reproductive opportunities. Observations of behaviours such as long-term site fidelity, longdistance migration and natal homing are enabling ecologists to understand patterns of distribution and abundance within a species' range. Fish movement around the South African coast has been studied on numerous occasions but this has largely been confined to studies on single species. Movement behaviour of multiple species has been studied, but this has been limited to spatially localised marine protected area research. There has been little attempt in southern Africa to synthesize interspecific movement behaviour over wide spatial scales.Unprecedented concern over the biological effects of overexploitation, together with rapid technological advances in biotelemetry, have provided the impetus for much research, on a global scale, into the movement of marine animals. I reviewed 101 marine and estuarine fish movement studies from southern Africa, published from 1928 to 2014, with the aim of synthesising research trends and findings. Trends showed an increasing emphasis on fish movement research in publications in the sub-tropical and warm-temperate biogeographic regions along the south and east coasts of southern Africa. Although 63% of publications featured only marine studies, research into fine-scale habitat use in estuaries has been on the increase, concomitant with increasing accessibility of biotelemetry. Overall, 26 fish families were identified in the surveyed literature with regionally endemic sparids featuring in 32% of the publications. Ten movement themes were identified in the surveyed literature, including broad-scale movement patterns, which featured in 68% of studies, followed by fine- scale habitat usage (33%) and protected areas (26%). The most prominent phenomenon, emerging from this research, is that of partial migration, which describes the occurrence of resident and migratory behaviour within a coexisting animal population. Substantial progress has also been made in unravelling the complexities of fine-scale movements in marine reserves and habitat usage in estuaries. While this knowledge has enabled more effective management of South Africa's multi-user, multi-species fisheries, focus should now be directed at improving our understanding of the commonalities in movement behaviour, the associated driving forces behind this behaviour and the extent of movement across reserve boundaries. Mark-recapture data, collected over the past 30 years by the Oceanographic Research Institute’s Cooperative Fish Tagging Project (ORICFTP), were used to investigate broad- scale movement patterns of 30 prominent coastal fishery species (Chapter 4). Fishes were tagged with plastic dart tags along the coastline of southern Africa from Angola to Mozambique. This exercise yielded more than 10000 recaptures. The 30 chosen species represented 14 families, although 12 species belonged to a single family (Sparidae). Overall, 67% of recaptures were reported from the original tagging locality and 73% were recorded within 5 km of the tagging locality. The remaining observations extended from 6-3000 km. Movements were assigned to four distance bins (0-5 km, 6-50km, 51-500km and >500 km) and modelled with an ordinal logistic regression. Species, life-stage (juvenile/adult) and time- at-liberty were included as predictor variables. Model coefficients were then included in a cluster analysis, which produced two primary groupings of species (Category I and II), with two sub-groupings (Category IIa and IIb). Category I species were characterised by wide-ranging movements, greatest median recapture length and highest trophic levels. Category II species were characterised by residency, lower median recapture length and lower trophic levels. These findings have implications for fisheries management. Exploitation of resident species may lead to localised depletion, but their diffuse spatial distribution may offer some resilience. In contrast, even localised targeting of migratory species may pose a population level risk if individuals are known to aggregate. Life-cycle diversity or intra-population variability describes the existence of alternative strategies or tactics among coexisting individuals within an animal population (Chapter 5). Partial migration is a specific case of life-cycle diversity where coexisting groups exhibit either resident or migratory (wide-ranging) behaviour within a single population. Mark- recapture data collected under the auspices of the ORICFTP were used to investigate the occurrence and nature of life-cycle diversity in the movement behaviour of five non- diadromous fish species around the coastline of southern Africa. Among the five species were three teleosts (Category I and IIa) and two elasmobranchs (Category I). A fish was considered to have remained resident if recaptured within 0-5 km after 365 days at liberty. A fish was considered to have undertaken a wide-ranging movement if recaptured more than 50 km away from the release site in 365 days or less. A total of 1848 individuals from the five study species were recaptured during the study, of which 73% of the observations were classified as being resident. Binomial logistic regression confirmed that species, life-stage (juvenile/adult) and ecoregion were significant (p < 0.001) predictors of the probability of wide-ranging behaviour. A Gaussian model confirmed that species and ecoregion were also significant (p < 0.001) predictors of direction and distance of wide-ranging movement. However, the direction and distance of wide-ranging movements in juveniles did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) to that of adults. The median growth rate was mostly greater in wide- ranging individuals; however, this was only statistically significant (p < 0.05) in two cases. These findings provide unequivocal evidence of life-cycle diversity in five fish species, with vastly different life-histories. This ecological phenomenon may provide species resilience at the population level and needs to be considered in fisheries management initiatives. The movement of fishes is a fundamental aspect to consider when designing fishery management regimes. Unfortunately, traditional management strategies have often disregarded movement behaviour to the detriment of fish populations (Chapter 6). As a case study, the management of Lichia amia (Category I: wide-ranging) was evaluated in the context of its movement behaviour. Long-term catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) datasets were examined for three South African recreational fishery sectors. The CPUE was standardised using generalized linear models (delta-Gamma/hurdle approach) to reduce the effect of factors other than abundance. Factors that were available for this purpose were year, month and locality/zone. Year was included in every model as the primary objective was to detect trends in abundance over time. Although standardised CPUE for all sectors showed an overall long-term decline, there was considerable variability in trends between the different recreational sectors and between datasets. Contrasting trends between competitive shore angling and general shore angling datasets were ascribed to hyperstability in competitive CPUE data. Hyperstability in this case was mostly influenced by rapidly improving technology, techniques and communication networks amongst competitive anglers. Month and locality were significant factors explaining the probability of catching L. amia. This suggests that the predictable aggregatory behaviour of this species could further compound the observed CPUE hyperstability. Although the CPUE responded positively for six years after implementation of the first minimum size and bag limits, and for one year after the decommercialisation of the species, these regulations and their amendments failed to arrest a long-term decline in the CPUE despite the ample evidence for hyperstability. It is clear from this case study that the predictable nature of wide-ranging behaviour in L. amia has made the population vulnerable to exploitation. This has led to the demise in the population, which could have been worse if not for the occurrence of intra-population variability in its movement behaviour, which may provide some measure of resilience.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors influencing estuarine and coastal connectivity of an estuarine-dependent fishery species, Pomadasys commersonnii (Haemulidae)
- Authors: Dames, Michael Henri
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:28153
- Description: Expected release date-April 2019
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- Date Issued: 2018
Salinity induced physiological responses in juvenile dusky kob, Argyrosomus japonicus (Sciaenidae)
- Authors: Bernatzeder, Andrea Katinka
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Osmoregulation , Argyrosomus -- Effects of salt on -- South Africa , Sciaenidae -- Effects of salt on -- South Africa , Argyrosomus -- Physiology , Sciaenidae -- Physiology , Fishes -- Physiology , Biological control systems , Marine ecology -- South Africa , Fishery management -- South Africa , Mariculture -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5318 , , Osmoregulation , Argyrosomus -- Effects of salt on -- South Africa , Sciaenidae -- Effects of salt on -- South Africa , Argyrosomus -- Physiology , Sciaenidae -- Physiology , Fishes -- Physiology , Biological control systems , Marine ecology -- South Africa , Fishery management -- South Africa , Mariculture -- South Africa
- Description: Fisheries management regulations for dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus, an important commercial and recreational fisheries species, have failed and the stock is considered collapsed. It is important to take an ecosystems approach to management which includes understanding the effect of environmental factors on recruitment, abundance and distribution. The distribution of early juveniles (20-150 mm TL) in the wild appears to be restricted to the upper reaches of estuaries at salinities below 5 psu. Food availability could not explain the distribution of early juveniles. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of salinity on the distribution of early juvenile dusky kob (<150 mm TL) by examining physiological responses of juveniles exposed to a range of salinities under laboratory conditions. The hypothesis was that the physiological functioning of early juveniles would be optimised at the reduced salinities which they naturally occur at. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of salinity on: i) plasma osmolality; ii) growth, food conversion ratio and condition factor; and iii) gill histology with emphasis on chloride cell size and number. A preliminary study was undertaken to determine whether the use of 2-phenoxyethanol had an effect on plasma osmolality. Juveniles pithed prior to blood sampling were used as the control. Plasma osmolality was not affected by exposure or duration of exposure (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 min) to 2-phenoxyethanol. The ability of teleosts to regulate plasma osmolality over a wide range of salinities indicates their degree of ‘physiological euryhalinity’. Plasma osmolality of juveniles exposed to 5, 12 and 35 psu was measured every two weeks over a total of six weeks. Although juveniles were able to regulate plasma osmolality over the duration of the experiment, plasma osmolality at 5 and 12 psu was significantly lower than in fish maintained at 35 psu. Growth is used as an indicator of the relative energy used for osmoregulation at different salinities, as the energy used for osmoregulation becomes unavailable for growth. A nineweek growth experiment was conducted on juveniles exposed to 5, 12 and 35 psu. Juveniles grew and survived at all three salinities. However, growth of juveniles at 5 psu was significantly lower than at 12 and 35 psu. Other than a significantly greater weight gain at 35 psu relative to 12 psu, there was no significant difference in specific growth and length gain between juveniles at 12 and 35 psu. Food conversion ratio and condition factor at 12 and 35 psu were not significantly different, but food conversion ratio and condition factor at 5 psu was significantly greater and lower than at 35 psu respectively. In fish, gills are considered the major organ involved in osmoregulation. Within the gills, chloride cells are the predominant site of ion exchange which is driven by the Na⁺, K⁺- ATPase enzyme. Gill samples of juveniles exposed to 5, 12 and 35 psu for six weeks were examined histologically using light microscopy. Chloride cells of juveniles maintained at 5 psu were significantly more abundant than in juveniles at 12 and 35 psu. Chloride cells of juveniles at 5 psu were significantly larger than in juveniles kept at 12 psu, but not significantly different to those of juveniles kept at 35 psu. The ability of the juvenile fish to regulate plasma osmolality indicates that they are 'physiologically euryhaline', but the reduced growth and proliferation of chloride cells at 5 psu suggests that energy expenditure for osmoregulation is increased at hypoosmotic salinities. Salinity induced physiological responses could therefore not explain the natural distribution of early juvenile dusky kob and it is proposed that other environmental factors (e.g. temperature) are also important. It is also hypothesised that the high conductivity of an estuary in South Africa, to which our understanding is limited, may negate the effect of reduced salinity. Although freshwater input into estuaries is an important factor, further investigations to explain the distribution and abundance of early juveniles is required to make management recommendations. Dusky kob is also becoming an increasingly popular aquaculture species in South Africa. In this regard, early juvenile dusky kob can be grown at salinities as low as 12 psu without negatively affecting growth and production.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Movements of sub-adult sicklefin lemon sharks Negaprion acutidens in a remote Indian Ocean atoll
- Authors: Filmalter, John David
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Silky shark , Silky shark -- Habitat , Sharks -- Amirante Islands (Seychelles)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5383 ,
- Description: The sicklefin lemon shark Negaprion acutidens is a large-bodied (> 3m) coastal shark species, widely distributed in tropical and sub-tropical Indo-Pacific waters. Despite its large size and wide distribution, very little is known about its movement behaviour throughout ontogeny. The primary aim of this thesis was to gain an understanding of the movements of sub-adult N. acutidens, in and around the St. Joseph Atoll, Republic of Seychelles, to facilitate the effective conservation of this vulnerable species. A total of 22 sharks (139 – 202 cm TL) were equipped with coded acoustic transmitters and passively monitored using moored acoustic receivers for a period of 20 month from March 2009 to October 2010. The use of passive acoustic telemetry arrays to study behavioural ecology has increased in popularity in recent years and been successfully applied to study a host of teleost and elasmobranch species in a diversity of habitats, ranging from sheltered estuaries to the offshore pelagic environment. However, the practicalities of designing an effective network of receivers to optimally monitor animal movements can be challenging. In this study the receiver array was optimised through a series of incremental steps to achieve an efficient design that allowed for the specific objectives to be addressed. The specific objectives of this study were to i) gain an understanding of the long term space use patterns and site fidelity of sub-adult N. acutidens within degree of use of the St. Joseph Atoll lagoon and surrounding habitats, and ii) investigate their short term behavioural patterns in response to natural rhythmic cycles. The important role the atoll plays in the sub-adult stage of this species was demonstrated by the very low numbers of detections outside the atoll compared to the very large numbers of detections inside the atoll. Over the course of a year the tagged sharks showed a high degree of site fidelity to the atoll, with 79 – 100% of the individuals detected during each month and 50% being detected on a near daily basis. This result provides testimony of the nursery role of the atoll and importance of these habitats in the early life history for this species. Individual area use was generally found to be restricted to the eastern part of the atoll incorporating a portion of the central deep lagoon and a nearby adjacent area of the sand flats. The movements of sub-adult N. acutidens on and off of the shallow flats surrounding the central lagoon (likely for foraging) were found to be strongly influenced by the tidal height and the diel cycle. Tagged sharks were found to utilise the flats more regularly when the tidal height was greater than 90 cm and particularly more so during the night and early morning than during daylight times. The combined results of this study expose the vulnerability of this species to rapid local depletion. Similarly, the effectiveness of spatial management measures, such as no-take marine protected areas is highlighted as an efficient tool for the future conservation of this species. In the St. Joseph Atoll in particular, the use of a multi-levelled protection approach, where the eastern portion on the atoll is completely restricted while the remaining area is utilized for non-consumptive tourism activities, could be highly effective. Future research should investigate changes in area use throughout the ontogeny of this species as well improve the understanding of the breeding site fidelity and population size of reproductive females using the St. Joseph Atoll.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Biology and ecology of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides in two temperate South African impoundments
- Authors: Taylor, Geraldine Claire
- Date: 2013 , 2013-03-19
- Subjects: Largemouth bass -- Ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Behavior -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Growth -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Reproduction -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Food -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Age determination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Introduced fishes -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Fish populations -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Otoliths , Largemouth bass -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5181 , , Largemouth bass -- Ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Behavior -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Growth -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Reproduction -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Food -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Largemouth bass -- Age determination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Introduced fishes -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Fish populations -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Otoliths
- Description: Globally largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides is one of the most widely introduced game fish species which has now become invasive in many countries. Well researched in its native North America, there are few studies on this species in its introduced range. This study aims to improve the understanding of the biology and ecology of M. salmoides in temperate southern Africa, where it threatens native biota and supports a popular recreational fishery. This aim was addressed by assessing the age, growth, maturity, reproductive seasonality, feeding, mortality and movement, of two M. salmoides populations from Wriggleswade (1000 ha, 723 m amsl, 32º35'S; 27º33'E) and Mankazana (35 ha, 66 m amsl, 33º09'S; 26º57'E) Dams in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The most suitable structure for ageing M. salmoides was determined by comparing the accuracy and precision of otoliths and scales. Scales tended to underestimate the age of fish older than five years. Sectioned sagittal otoliths were the more precise structures for ageing (otoliths CV = 15.8 vs. scales CV = 21.9). The periodicity of growth zone formation was validated as annual for otoliths using both edge analysis (EA), and mark recapture of chemically tagged fish (MRCT). EA indicated one annual peak in the frequency of opaque margins between September and January using a periodic logistic regression and a binomial model linked with a von Mises distribution for circular data. MRCT showed the linear relationship between time at liberty and number of growth zones distal to the fluorescent band was not significantly different from one (slope = 0.89). Reproduction was similar to that in native and non-native populations with fish reaching age at 50% maturity at ca. two years, and length at 50% maturity at 259-290 mm FL depending on growth rate. Spawning season occurred in the spring months of August to October. The Wriggleswade Dam population reached similar ages (14 yrs) to populations in temperate North America. Growth was described using the von Bertalanffy growth equations of (Lt = 420(1-ᵉ⁻°·³³⁽ᵗ⁺°·²¹⁾) mm FL in Wriggleswade and (Lt = 641(1-ᵉ⁻°·²²⁽ᵗ⁺°·⁷⁶⁾) mm FL in Mankazana. Growth performance of both populations, described using the phi prime index, seemed to be correlated with temperature and the Wriggleswade Dam population (Φ’ = 2.8) grew similarly to those native temperate North American populations and the non-native populations of Japan and Italy. The Mankazana population had a higher growth performance (Φ’ = 2.9) compared to Wriggleswade and growth was comparable to other nonnative African populations. Both populations utilised all available food resources, with the Mankazana population being in better condition than the Wriggleswade population as a result of a more diverse diet, highly abundant food sources throughout the year, and potentially the adoption of a more conservative ambush feeding strategy. The Wriggleswade population, which was utilised by competitive anglers, showed low mortality rates (Z = 0.43 yr⁻¹), and translocated fish dispersed from the common release site, travelling an average distance of 4km over the study time of 494 days. These results indicated that M. salmoides are successful in these environments, growing at expected temperature dependant rates, maturing at two years, using all available food groups, and suffering from low mortality. It is therefore likely that they will persist in South Africa and establish where introduced.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Thermal physiology and behavioural ecology of the white shark, carcharodon carcharias
- Authors: Gennari, Enrico
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:28522
- Description: Expected release date-May 2019
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- Date Issued: 2015
Estuarine-dependency and multiple habitat use by dusky kob Argyrosomus Japonicus (Pisces: Sciaenidae)
- Authors: Childs, Amber-Robyn
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Argyrosomus -- Habitat -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay , Argyrosomus -- Behavior -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay , Argyrosomus -- Migration -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay , Estuarine fishes -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay , Habitat selection -- South Africa -- Algoa Bay , Argyrosomus -- South Africa -- Sundays Estuary (Eastern Cape) , Underwater acoustic telemetry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5386 ,
- Description: Dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus is a wide-ranging estuarine-dependent Sciaenid and an important fishery species throughout most of its distribution. It is one of South Africa’s most valuable coastal fishery species. High levels of juvenile exploitation in estuaries and ineffective management regulations have led to stock collapse, highlighting the need to better understand the spatial and temporal aspects of estuarine-dependency and multiple habitat use. Habitat connectivity is a critical property of estuarine-associated fishes and it therefore follows that knowledge of this link is fundamental in understanding population dynamics and the nursery role of estuarine and/or marine habitats. While dusky kob occur in both estuaries and nearshore coastal zones, limited information on connectivity among these habitats exists. The aim of this study is to assess the role of estuarine nursery habitats in the life cycle of the dusky kob by examining multiple habitat connectivity and determining the drivers associated with estuarine use. A total of 96 dusky kob (237–1280 mm total length) were tagged with acoustic transmitters in both the estuarine and marine environments of Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa between May 2008 and September 2010. Their movements were monitored using a network of automated data-logging acoustic receivers deployed in the Sundays Estuary, seven neighbouring estuarine habitats, two commercial harbours and various sites within Algoa Bay. And more...
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- Date Issued: 2013
The trophic and spatial ecology of a sympatric dasyatid community at a remote Atoll, Seychelles
- Authors: Elston, Chantel
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Dasyatidae -- Seychelles -- Ecology , Rays (Fishes) -- Seychelles -- Ecology , Ecology -- Seychelles , Dasyatidae -- Seychelles -- Conservation , Pastinachus sephen , Urogymnus granulatus , Urogymnus asperrimus
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:31196 , DOI
- Description: Batoid populations are declining globally but the paucity of information makes management or conservation efforts difficult. Additionally, batoids are mesopredators and are hypothesised to play important ecological roles, but a comprehensive understanding of these roles is also limited. Therefore, information on batoid habitat use, foraging ecology, and resource partitioning is needed. St. Joseph Atoll is a relatively pristine ecosystem that hosts a sympatric dasyatid community (Pastinachus sephen, Urogymnus granulatus, and U. asperrimus). Passive acoustic telemetry identified high levels of long-term site affinity by both juvenile and adult dasyatids to St. Joseph Atoll. Dispersal from the atoll by larger juveniles was also evident. Juveniles displayed restricted horizontal movements in the atoll, but the extent of these movements differed seasonally. Stomach content and stable isotope analyses identified inter-specific prey partitioning (P. sephen juveniles were mollusc specialists and U. granulatus juveniles were crustacean specialists) and intra-specific prey partitioning. Juveniles were reliant upon a seagrass-based food web, whereas adults were reliant on phytoplankton-based food web. Adults fed at higher trophic levels compared to juveniles (mean of 4.6 and 3.4 respectively). Juvenile dasyatids preferentially selected the shallow reef at habitat of the atoll, where there was no evidence for inter-specific habitat partitioning (individuals co-occurred randomly with con-and hetero-specifics). Conversely, resident adults were more reliant on the deeper lagoon. Juveniles selected the reef at habitat likely because it provided refuge from predation and foraging opportunities. However, juveniles were also detected in the lagoon habitat and this appeared to be necessitated by physical factors as they were detected more frequently in the lagoon at low tides and when temperatures on the reef fats became too warm or too cold. All results together suggest that St. Joseph Atoll is a nursery area for these dasyatids. Juveniles may be limited by resources as prey was partitioned between species. However, top-down control by larger sharks was likely a significant influence on habitat selection, as was the physical effects of tide and temperature. Finally, St. Joseph Atoll is suitable for the designation of a Marine Protected Area, which would likely confer high conservation benefits to this dasyatid community.
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- Date Issued: 2019
Movement patterns and population dynamics of four catsharks endemic to South Africa
- Authors: Escobar-Porras, Jessica
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Chondrichthyes -- South Africa , Fish populations -- South Africa , Fishes -- Behavior -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5303 , , Chondrichthyes -- South Africa , Fish populations -- South Africa , Fishes -- Behavior -- South Africa
- Description: Sharks are particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Although catsharks are an important component of the near-shore marine biodiversity in South Africa and most of the species are endemic, little is known about their movement patterns, home range and population size. With an increasing number of recreational fishers this information is crucial for their conservation. The aims of this study were threefold. Firstly, to identify and analyze existing data sources on movement patterns and population dynamics for four catshark species: pyjama (Poroderma africanum), leopard (P. pantherinum), puffadder (Haploblepharus edwarsii) and brown (H. fuscus). This highlighted a number of shortcomings with existing data sets, largely because these studies had diverse objectives and were not aimed solely at catsharks. Secondly, a dedicated study was carried out for a limited area, testing a number of methods for data collection, and where appropriate the data was analyzed to determine movement patterns and population numbers. Thirdly, the most appropriate methodology for future studies (with similar objectives) was identified, and the results of the study were used to propose a number of conservation measures. All species of catsharks exhibited strong site fidelity and limited dispersal for extended periods. A few individuals did, however, travel distances in excess of 150 km. Significant trends in temporal abundance were not observed, nevertheless, there was some evidence for higher catches from September to December. Population estimates for the study area were low, with P. africanum having the smallest population size while H. fuscus had the highest population size within the restricted study area. Limited movements, high site fidelity and small population sizes emphasize their vulnerability and suggest that catsharks would benefit from no-take marine protected areas.
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- Date Issued: 2010