"Feeling foggy?": an investigation into the self-reported post-concussive symptoms in rugby union players at university level
- Authors: Boulind, Melissa
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Brain damage , Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications , Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Psychology , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects , Rugby football injuries , Rugby Union football players
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2938 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002447 , Brain damage , Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications , Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Psychology , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects , Rugby football injuries , Rugby Union football players
- Description: A study was conducted on the self-reported symptoms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury sustained in Rugby Union at the pre- and post-season stages. A full sample of 30 rugby players at Rhodes University was compared to 27 non-contact sport controls. A reduced sample of 20 rugby players and 9 control participants provided improved control for education and IQ and was compared. Measures included the WAIS-III Vocabulary and Picture Completion Sub-tests to estimate IQ level, the symptom checklist on a widely used computer-based program (ImPACT), and a paper and pencil self-report 31-Item Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire. Independent and Dependent T-Test comparisons were conducted on the full and reduced samples. The symptoms reported by the rugby group appeared to be more pronounced on both the ImPACT Symptom Scale and the 31-Item Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire when compared to the control group at both the pre-and post-season stages. It was concluded that the rugby players demonstrated evidence to support the hypothesis of having sustained more previous concussions and reporting more symptoms at the pre-season stage when compared to comtrol participants. No prevalent changes for either the rugby or control groups were seen in dependent comparisons from pre-to post-season.
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- Date Issued: 2005
A case study investigation of the neuropsychological profile of a rugby player with a history of multiple concussions
- Authors: Case, Stephanie
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Rugby football injuries , Brain -- Concussion -- Complications , Neuropsychological tests , Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3165 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007727 , Rugby football injuries , Brain -- Concussion -- Complications , Neuropsychological tests , Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects
- Description: sustained multiple concussions may be at risk of cumulative impairment. The role of neuropsychological testing in the management of sports-related concussion is a contentious and challenging issue which has gained credibility given the lack of clear and well-established guidelines pertaining to the diagnosis, assessment and return-to-play decisions following concussion. Despite various traditional paper and pencil tests being shown to be effective indicators of postconcussive neuropsychological dysfunction, testing has not been widely implemented, due to time- and labour-demands. ImPACT, a computer-based neuropsychological assessment instrument, has been recognised as a valid and reliable tool in the monitoring of athletes' symptoms and neurocognitive functioning preseason and postconcussion. As a part of larger-scale concussion research conducted on top-team university rugby players, this is an in-depth case study conducted on a 20-year old participant with a history of multiple concussions, who was referred following a concussion sustained during the season. The objectives of the study were: (i) to determine the sensitivity of ImPACT versus WAIS-III Digit Span and Trail Making Test during the acute postconcussive phase; and (ii) to examine the sensitivity of ImPACT versus a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests to possible residual deficits as a result of the multiple concussions. ImPACT was determined to be more sensitive to acute postconcussive impairment following concussion than Digit Span and Trail Making Test. Furthermore, the ImPACT preseason baseline scores appear to be sensitive to neurocognitive dysfunction, possibly due to cumulative concussive injuries.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Preliminary normative indications for Xhosa speaking unskilled workers on the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test
- Authors: De Kock, Heinrich Karl Theodor
- Date: 2013 , 2013-08-26
- Subjects: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test Educational tests and measurements Xhosa (African people) -- Education Neuropsychological tests -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3130 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006476
- Description: The aim of this study was to establish preliminary normative indications for Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test administered in English on a non-clinical population of Xhosa, unskilled workers (N = 33). The population has a history of relatively poor quality education and has received no tertiary education. The sample was stratified into two age grouping (18 – 29 and 30 – 40 years). Both sex and level of education were equally distributed within these age groupings. Within-sample statistical comparisons indicated no significant sex effect was present for any of the trials (Copy, IR or DR). Similarly, no significant age effect was present in the Copy trial. Significant age effects were observed for both recall trials (IR and DR). The local sample’s mean performance was descriptively and statistically compared to demographically equivalent nonlocal normative studies. Excluding an illiterate Columbian sample’s performance, the local sample performed significantly lower than all other available normative populations. Lastly, the local sample performed significantly lower than scores derived from a meta-analysis of normative indications in respect of educationally advantaged westernized groups for all three trials (p = .000 in all instances). These results assert the indispensable need for, and use of, culturally appropriate normative datasets in contemporary South African psychological assessments. Equally, these findings serve to highlight the significant influence of quality of education on cognitive test performance, being a critical socio-cultural variable that needs to be taken into consideration for norming purposes.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Cross-cultural differences in IQ test performance: extension of an existing normative database on WAIS-III test performance
- Authors: Gaylard, Emma K
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -- South Africa , Black people -- Education , Black people -- Social conditions , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2979 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002488 , Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -- South Africa , Black people -- Education , Black people -- Social conditions , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Description: Prior research (Shuttleworth-Edwards et al., 2004) presented preliminary normative data for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – III (WAIS-III) for Southern Africa, stratified according to gender (female vs. male), language (black African vs. white English), level of education (matric/12+ years of education vs. Graduate/15+ years of education) and quality of education (disadvantaged – Department of Education and Training vs. advantaged - Private/Model C). IQ scores for black African language and white English Southern Africans were comparable with the United States of America (USA) standardization when level and quality of education were equitable. (‘White English’ is the term used to denote those of European descent whose first language is English). A limitation of the research was the lack of control for language for most of the black groups and particularly in the Private/Model C Graduate group, where sixty percent of the participants originated from Zimbabwe. These represented a particularly elite group whose education was equitable to that of the white participants throughout their education (i.e. at primary, secondary and tertiary level). In order to rectify the lack of homogeneity of language, all non- Xhosa first language participants were excluded from the black sample and sixteen additional Xhosa first language participants were tested on the WAIS-III. Data analyses found no significant differences between the original and new groups, except in the comparison between Mixed African language Private/Model C Graduates and the Xhosa first language Private/Model C Graduate/15+ years of education, where there was a lowering of WAIS-III subtest, index and IQ scores in the newly constituted group. This lowering in test performance is explained in that the new Xhosa first language 15+ years of education group was a less advantaged group than the original Mixed African Language Private/Model C Graduate group, as the new group generally had less advantaged primary school education and had generally studied less at a tertiary level. Overall, these results demonstrate an incremental increase in WAIS-III test performance for sample groups on a continuum of quality of education from least to most advantaged education. This was true for both verbal and non-verbal subtests.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Rugby : more than just a game : a study of the cumulative effects of mild head injuries on high school rugby players
- Authors: Giai-Coletti, Cristina
- Date: 2013-05-24
- Subjects: Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications Rugby football injuries Brain -- Concussion -- Complications Neuropsychological tests
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3175 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007809
- Description: The present study comprises part of an ongoing research study investigating the effects 0 f cumulative mild head injuries 0 n Rugby Union p layers. The aim 0 f t he study was to ascertain whether there are neuropsychological effects of cumulative mild head injuries sustained during the rugby-playing careers of senior schoolboy rugby players. Participants were top-level rugby players from high schools in Grahamstown and Cape Town (n = 79) and non-contact sport controls of top-level field hockey players from the same schools (n = 58). Group mean comparisons across a battery of neuropsychological tests were carried out between the Total Rugby versus the Total Field Hockey group, and the Rugby Forwards versus the Rugby Backs group. Comparisons between Total Rugby versus Total Field Hockey revealed impaired performance by the rugby players on two tests of visuoperceptual tracking, namely Digit Symbol Substitution and Trail Making Test (Part A). For Rugby Forwards versus Rugby Backs, there were no consistent differences to support the expectation that forwards would perform worse than backs. Forwards performed more poorly than backs on WMS Associate Learning Subtest - Hard (Delayed Recall), whereas backs performed more poorly than forwards on Digits Backwards. This suggests that some individuals in the cohort were starting to exhibit verbal memory deficit, albeit not clearly in association with forward positional play. Overall, results of the present study provide tentative support for the hypothesis that school level rugby players are more susceptible to the effects of cumulative concussive and sub-concussive head injuries than are non-contact sport controls. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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An investigation into the effects of socio-economic and education factors on WAIS-III performance in a stratified South African sample
- Authors: Kemp, Ryan
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -- South Africa , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3002 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002511 , Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale -- South Africa , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Description: The present study examined the effects of socio-economic status, quality and level of education on performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 3rd Edition r.:w AIS-III). The study was conducted within the context of the present Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) W AIS-III standardisation process, cross-cultural psychometric research and the notion of test-wiseness. A South African sample (N = 68) comprising African first language (n = 40) and English first language (n = 28) participants, stratified for age (19 - 30 years), gender and educational attainment (Matric and Graduate) were utilised. Effects due to quality of education were determined by dividing the African language participants into those with private/model C schooling (n = 20) and those with DET schooling (n = 20). Effects due to level of education were determined by dividing the entire sample into those with Matric level education (n = 34) and those with Graduate level education (n = 34). Detailed demographic and socio-economic information were recorded for all participants, who completed the entire American version of the W AIS-III. Results revealed a highly significant positive correlation between high socio-economic status and W AIS-III Full Scale IQ. In addition the respective impact of the relatively poor quality of education and lower level of educational attainment on W AIS-III performance was substantial. These results were discussed in terms of their implications for cross-cultural research, the HSRC standardisation of the W AIS-III and the practical use of the W AIS-III in neuropsychological assessment.
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- Date Issued: 2000
The relationship between the alcohol use patterns and cognitive and symptomatic functioning of Rhodes University students
- Authors: Mayson, Tamara Ann
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Drinking of alcholic beverages -- South Africa , Rhodes University -- Students -- Alcohol use , Alcohol -- Physiological effect
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3270 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1020327
- Description: Introduction: Studies reveal differential cognitive effects of alcohol use, with moderate to heavy alcohol having some beneficial effects in older adults, whereas in young adulthood, heavier alcohol use produces deficits. The aim of the research was to investigate the relationship between patterns of alcohol use and the cognitive and symptomatic functioning of university students over one year, and to discern which demographic, clinical and alcohol factors might moderate cognitive outcomes. Method: The sample included undergraduate Psychology students from a South African University, aged 18 to 23 years (n = 86). The sample was divided into two alcohol use groups based on four categories from the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) (Babor et al., 2001), including a lighter drinking group (Safe/Hazardous, n = 74) and a heavier drinking group (Harmful/Dependent, n = 12). The two drinking groups were statistically equivalent for distribution of age, gender, English first language, race groups, history of neurological or psychiatric vulnerability, a measure of initial intelligence/cognitive reserve (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test: PPVT-4) (Dunn & Dunn, 2007) and for a measure of test-taking validity (Immediate Postconcussion Assessment and Cognitive Test: ImPACT Impulse Control) (p = < 0.05 in all instances). Participants were tested on the computerized ImPACT battery (ImPACT, 2007) at three intervals over an academic year (May, August, October 2012). Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to investigate cognitive and symptomatic differences between the two alcohol use groups, in association with moderating factors. Results: The heavier drinking group revealed: (i) poorer performance on ImPACT Visual Motor Speed, Reaction Time and Cognitive Efficiency Index scores, including less ability to benefit from practice over time; (ii) symptom reports of severe Numbness/Tingling, Balance problems and Dizziness. Deleterious cognitive outcome was exacerbated by longer lifetime duration of alcohol use, passing out monthly, beer or wine drinking, smoking or substance use. Conclusion: Deleterious cognitive and symptomatic effects of heavy alcohol use are in evidence for undergraduate university students implicating current and/or cumulative alcohol induced brain impairment. The results of the study are of concern for optimal academic performance of students at an early stage of university level study, who engage in heavier (Harmful/Dependent) drinking patterns, with negative implications for future career attainment.
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- Date Issued: 2016
A case study investigation into the utility of baseline data versus normative data using a computer-based concussion management programme
- Authors: Mitchell, Julia
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Brain -- Concussion , Neuropsychological tests , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects , Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3021 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002530 , Brain -- Concussion , Neuropsychological tests , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects , Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications
- Description: Neuropsychological testing is recognised as one of the cornerstones of concussion evaluation, contributing significantly to both an understanding of the injury as well as management of the recovery process. Despite the high incidence of concussion at school level, traditional paper-and-pencil neuropsychological testing has generally been absent from school concussion management programmes, largely due to time and cost constraints. Now, the recent development of computerised neuropsychological testing is providing the opportunity for including neurocognitive assessment in this process. The Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is a valid and reliable instrument of this type and normed on 13 - 18 year old North American high school athletes, as well as adult groups. The current recommendation is that athletes are baselined preseason in order to provide an individualised comparative level against which to monitor recovery and provide return-to-play recommendations. This in itself is quite a cumbersome process, thus the present study set out to ascertain whether baseline testing of all athletes is necessary, or whether the use of US or SA normative data alone would provide an appropriate standard against which to interpret the postinjury scores. From a leading South African rugby playing school, the 1st and 2nd rugby teams, (16 - 18 years) were baselined using ImPACT. Three athletes, who were subsequently referred with concussion during the rugby season, were followed up with serial testing on ImPACT. An analysis of the follow up scores was conducted to chart the athletes' recovery process, in relation to the athletes own baseline scores (using US and SA reliable change indices) and age appropriate US and SA normative ranges. The relative utility of individual baselines scores versus these normative ranges was then critically evaluated. It was concluded that a combination of both baseline and normative data provided optimal management of the athlete, with the methods complementing each other in the interpretation of post-injury results. Overall, the SA normative ranges seemed to provide slightly better management guidelines than the US normative ranges when used with this sample of South African high school athletes.
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- Date Issued: 2005
An investigation of male and female cognitive ability on the WAIS-III
- Authors: Muirhead, Joanne
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , Sex differences (Psychology) , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3028 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002537 , Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , Sex differences (Psychology) , Intelligence tests -- South Africa
- Description: This study, which formed part of a larger research project, investigated the effect of gender on test performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition (WAIS-III). The WAIS-III was administered to a sample of 68 participants in the Eastern Cape following the initiative of the Human Sciences Research Council to standardise the WAIS-III for a South African population. The participants, aged 19 to 30, were stratified according to language of origin (African or English First Language), educational attainment (matriculant or graduate), quality of education (Department of Education and Training or private/"Model C" school) and gender. Analyses of variance and two sample t tests were used to compare male and female test performance. For the total sample, no significant difference between males and females on Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQ were found. On the factor indices, females scored marginally higher than males on Processing Speed at a level which was approaching significance (p = 0.105), but no significant differences were found. On subtest performance, females significantly outperformed males on Digit Symbol (p = 0.020). Differences which were approaching significance were found on Information (p = 0.133) in favour of males, and on Matrix Reasoning (p = 0.092) in favour of females. For subgroups of the total sample, the most significant differences in test performance were found for the African First Language private/"Model C" school cohort in favour of females. Thus the overriding implication that emerged from this research was that on this relatively highly educated sample, no significant gender differences in cognitive ability were apparent.
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- Date Issued: 2000
A five year comparative analysis of annual baseline neurocognitive test scores for South African high school athletes
- Authors: Reichling, Marcelle Antoinette
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: High school athletes -- Intelligence testing , Sports -- Psychological aspects , Neuropsychological tests , Brain -- Wounds and injuries -- Psychology , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects , Brain -- Concussion , Head -- Wounds and injuries
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/145863 , vital:38473
- Description: The primary objective of this study was to assess the pattern of change in neurocognitive performance for adolescent athletes on baseline measures of the Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) test, over five consecutive years, with a view to providing an indication of the optimal interval for repeat baseline testing of high school athletes. Participants were non-clinical, predominantly South African high school athletes in the overall age range 13 to 18 years (N = 108), divided into five groups (Grades 8,9, 10, 11 and 12), and tested at five test intervals. Repeated-measures ANOVA analyses examined differences in score performance across the test intervals for each of the five composite scores of the ImPACT test (Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Motor Speed, Reaction Time, Impulse Control). For the Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Motor Speed and Reaction Time composites there were significant neurocognitive score changes between several test intervals. Taking these results into account, in conjunction with substantial variability in performance, it is concluded that there is a need for annual baseline testing throughout the high school years. The secondary objective was to generate normative tables (Means and Standard Deviations) on the ImPACT test for the five participant groups at each of the five test intervals, including data for: the five composite scores (Verbal Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Motor Speed, Reaction Time, Impulse Control); for the twelve subtest scores test that go to make up the composite scores; and for four additional memory subcomponent scores (Word Memory immediate recall, Word Memory delayed recall, Design Memory immediate recall, Design Memory delayed recall). The results provide a clinical and heuristic normative platform for future use with brain injured individuals, which can be used to facilitate clinical interpretations of postconcussion assessments.
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- Date Issued: 2020
WISC-IV performance of South African grade 7 English and Xhosa speaking children with advantaged versus disadvantaged education
- Authors: Van Tonder, Phia
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Intelligence tests -- South Africa Educational tests and measurements -- South Africa Psychological tests -- Cross-cultural studies Educational psychology -- South Africa Language and languages -- Ability testing Educational evaluation -- South Africa Education, Elementary -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3098 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003920
- Description: Research reveals that the level as well as the quality of education plays a role in the determination of an individual's intellectual capacity. Substantial differences in quality of education for black and white individuals were experienced in South Africa due to Apartheid. Compared to the traditionally white Private and Model C schools, Township/ DET schools had limited resources, as well as a separate syllabus and examination system, a situation that has not improved substantially since democratisation in 1994. Research on black South African adults with the WAIS-III has confirmed significant influences on IQ in association with exposure to either such advantaged (Private/Model C) schooling, or disadvantaged (Township/DET) schooling. However to date there has been no published research on the use of the Wechsler intelligence tests on a black South African child population similarly stratified for quality of education. Therefore, for the purposes of this study, the latest Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) was administered to a sample of 36 Grade 7 learners between the ages of 12-13 (mean 13.01 years), stratified for quality of education to form three comparative groups. Data analyses revealed significant differences on the WISC-IV Factor Indices and Full Scale IQ with the English speaking Private/Model C school group performing the best, followed by the Xhosa speaking Private/ Model C school group, and the Xhosa speaking Township/ DET school group performing the worst. This continuum of lowering is understood to occur abreast of a continuum of decreased exposure to relatively advantaged education. These normative indications are considered to have vital implications for the use of the WISC-IV in the South African cross-cultural situation where vastly differential educational opportunities continue to exist.
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- Date Issued: 2008
"Glory is temporary, brain injury may be forever" : a neuropsychological study on the cumulative effects of sports-related concussive brain injury amongst Grade 12 school boy athletes
- Authors: Whitefield, Victoria Jane
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Sports injuries Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects Brain damage Brain -- Concussion Neuropsychological tests Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Complications Head -- Wounds and injuries
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DSc
- Identifier: vital:3104 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004471
- Description: The study investigated the long-term neuropsychological effects of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) due to participation in a contact sport amongst South African final year male high school athletes (N=189). The sample was divided by sports affiliation (Contact n = 115; Non-Contact n = 74) and concussion history (2+ Concussion n = 43; 0 Concussion n = 108). Comparative subgroups were statistically equivalent for age, education and estimated IQ (P > 0.05), with the Contact sport groups having markedly higher incidences of concussion than controls (p < 0.000). Measures included the ImPACT Verbal and Visual Memory, Visuomotor Speed and Reaction Time Composites, Digit Symbol Substitution and Digit Symbol Incidental Recall (immediate and delayed), the ImPACT Symptom Scale and a Post-concussion Symptom (PCS) questionnaire. Independent t-tests on cognitive measures at pre-and post-season revealed a predominant trend of Contact and 2+ Concussion groups performing worse, although only ImPACT Reaction Time at pre-season reached significance (p = 0.014). PCS comparisons revealed an overwhelming tendency of enhanced symptoms for Contact and 2+ Concussion groups with total scores being significantly different in most instances at pre-and post-season. Fatigue and aggression were the symptoms most pervasively high for the Contact and 2+ Concussion groups. Dependent t-test analyses at pre- versus post-season, revealed significant practice effects for the Contact group, not in evidence for controls on ImPACT Visual Motor Speed and Digit Symbol Incidental Recall-Delayed. Overall the results imply the possible presence of lingering neurocognitive and symptomatic concussion sequelae amongst South African final year high school participants of a contact sport. The indications gain potency when understood against the background of (i) Brain Reserve Capacity threshold theory, and (ii) the known risk of Type II error in group MTBI research, that might result in under-emphasis of subtle effects and miscalculation of cost-benefit risks. Clinical implications, and the need for prospective case-based research to ratify the results of this predominantly cross-sectional study, are discussed.
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- Date Issued: 2007
Normative indicators for a black, Xhosa speaking population without tertiary education on four tests used to access malingering
- Authors: Wong, Andrea Jane
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Malingering Neuropsychological tests Language and languages -- Ability testing Educational tests and measurements Education evaluation Xhosa (African people) -- Education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3088 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002597
- Description: Malingering has become an increasing concern in neuropsychological assessment in recent years, and a wide range of tests have been designed and examined for the purpose of detecting malingering. Cut-off scores have been recommended for these tests in order to provide indications of malingering performances. However, the derived scores have been in respect of westernised populations of people with relatively high levels of education who speak English as their first language. Accordingly, the current study aimed to attain normative data and cut-off scores for four commonly employed neuropsychological tools, administered in English, on a population of black, South African, Xhosa-speaking people (N = 33), who attended a former DET-type school in the Eastern Cape, with a Grade 11-12 level of education, in the age range of 18 - 40 years. The targeted measures included the TOMM, the Rey-15 Item Memory Test, the Digit Span subtest of the WAIS-III, and the Trail Making Test. The obtained scores were poorer than the previously published cut-offs for at least one component of each of the tests investigated, except the TOMM. The fmdings of this study highlight the important role that the factors of culture, quality of education, and language play in neuropsychological test performance.
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- Date Issued: 2009
An investigation into the utility of the ImPACT neurocognitive screening tool with patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
- Authors: Wurz, Carl
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/5366 , vital:20918
- Description: Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the utility of the Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) assessment tool in the neurocognitive screening of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Participants and Method: Patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (n = 29) were compared with a healthy control group (n = 20) of equivalent age, years of education, quality of education and estimated premorbid IQ. Measures included five ImPACT composite scores, the ImPACT Design Memory Delayed Recall subtest, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) that has shown prior sensitivity to cognitive dysfunction in MS groups, and the SDMT Delayed Recall test. T-test analyses compared test performances of the MS patient group with the control group; correlational analyses investigated the construct similarities between the ImPACT and SDMT tests. Results: There was a consistent trend for the MS patient group to perform worse than controls on all the neurocognitive tests. Significant differences accompanied by medium to high effect sizes were in evidence for ImPACT Reaction Time, ImPACT Cognitive Efficiency Index, ImPACT Design Memory Delayed Recall, SDMT, and SDMT Delayed Recall test. Correlational analyses revealed construct comparability between the ImPACT tests calling upon processing speed and the SDMT, as well as the IMPACT and SDMT delayed recall tasks. Conclusions: The results support the utility of the ImPACT test as a screening instrument for the detection of cognitive dysfunction in patients with MS. Tests tapping general cognitive efficiency, processing speed, reaction time, and delayed recall rather than immediate recall reveal particular utility as neurocognitive screening aids for patients with MS.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Neurocognitive effects of head and body collisions on club level rugby union players
- Authors: Zoccola, Diana
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Head -- Wounds and injuries -- Psychology , Neuropsychological tests , Head -- Wounds and injuries , Sports injuries -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3257 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1016397
- Description: The objective of the study was to investigate the cumulative neurocognitive effects of repetitive concussive and subconcussive events in club level Rugby Union (hereafter rugby) during the course of one rugby season, in a combined group and individualized case-based approach. Amateur adult club level rugby players (n = 20) were compared with a non-contact control group (n = 22) of equivalent age, years of education and estimated IQ (p = > .05, in all instances), although the two groups were clearly differentiated on the basis of a history of reported concussions (p = < .05). Video analyses documented the tackling maneuvers observed amongst the players during all matches across the rugby season revealing a sobering average of more than a thousand tackles per player, excluding any contact practice sessions. Five rugby players (n = 5) who were observed to have a head jarring event were also isolated for individualized postconcussive follow-up analysis of their neurocognitive profiles. Measures included the ImPACT Verbal and Visual Memory, Visual Motor Speed and Reaction Time composites and the Purdue Pegboard. Independent and dependent statistical analyses were employed to compare the rugby versus control group neurocognitive test profiles at and between the three test intervals. Correlational analyses explored the association between concussion, tackling and neurocognitive test outcomes. Descriptive comparisons of individual neurocognitive test scores with normative data were employed for the case analyses. Taken together, the results implicated vulnerability amongst club rugby players on the motor and speeded tasks, with less robust indications on the memory tasks. While limited in terms of its small sample size, it is considered that the outcome of the study was rendered more robust by virtue of being methodologically multifaceted with heuristic implications for future research studies in the area. The novel inclusion of tackling data as well as fine-tuned case analyses, were of particular relevance in that regard. The results add to a growing body of literature that implicates deleterious neurocognitive effects in participants of a sport such as rugby due to repetitive head jarring incidents that are intrinsic to the game.
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- Date Issued: 2015