The Impact of Curriculum Change on Grade 12 Business Studies Learners Academic Performance in the Mthatha District of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Kwasi, Boadzo Robert Mawuli
- Date: 2019-10
- Subjects: Curriculum change
- Language: English
- Type: Master's/Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:47205
- Description: Curriculum change processes in South Africa have been effected since 1994 after the general elections. This was meant to deconstruct the apartheid education curriculum, which was biased against the black majority. A curriculum change strategy is meant to improve the education system. It is also traditional that teachers form an important component of any curriculum change process. In spite of this, teachers have never played a centre stage in any curriculum change process. This study had the objective of investigating the impact of curriculum change on the academic performance of Grade 12 Business Studies learners in the Mthatha Education district of the Eastern Cape Province. The researcher set out to collect data using stratified random sampling design where a school represented a stratum. Two research instruments were constructed for this study. The two instruments were: a questionnaire and an interview schedule. The participants to the two research instruments were selected by random procedure. A random number table was used to select the participants based on a properly laid down statistical mechanism. Ten high schools constituting of 100 Business Studies learners and ten Business Studies teachers were randomly selected to participate. The data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively and later merged for common themes. The key findings were: curriculum change having influence on teachers’ and learners’ academic performance and improved availability of resources for teaching and learning. The findings also revealed factors that drive curriculum change and challenges facing curriculum change. Another key finding was the support by the majority of participants in favour of frequent curriculum reviews, an established positive attitude by teachers towards curriculum change and showing skills and sufficient knowledge in the cause of delivering of lessons. These were not influenced by the respondent’s age group. Finally, it was observed that there was dire need for frequent curriculum reviews and institution of learner-centeredness of classroom activities. The recommendations proffered included: Workshops for the professional development of teachers be on going, considering the inevitable continuous change. This should be boosted by incentives in the form of certificates or cash for workshop attendance. There should also be on-going post-training follow-ups and cluster visits by EDOs and Subject Advisors for guidance purposes: regular feedback helps teachers to effectively apply change because help is immediately available. , Thesis (D.Ed) -- Faculty of Education Sciences, 2019
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- Date Issued: 2019-10
Parents’ and teachers’ perspectives towards teaching and learning of intellectually impaired learners at the Foundation Phase in Mthatha Education Sub-District
- Authors: Magwenshu, Tulile Angela
- Date: 2019-09
- Subjects: Inclusive education
- Language: English
- Type: Master's/Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:47157
- Description: The purpose of this study was to investigate parents’ and teachers’ perspectives towards the teaching and learning of intellectually impaired learners at Foundation Phase in Mthatha Education Sub-District. This study explored the lived experiences of parents and teachers of intellectually impaired learners in this special school. It determined parents’ and teachers’ understanding of intellectual disability, the challenges they face in working with such children and strategies they use to deal with intellectually challenged learners. The research was limited to one special school in Mthatha, which is the only special school in this sub-district. The study used the qualitative research approach in the form of case study research design. The sample consisted of twelve participants, four parents of learners who are intellectually impaired and eight Foundation Phase teachers in this special school. These are some of the findings: The Education White Paper 6 on building an inclusive education and training is effective even though it is moving slowly. There has been no preparation on how it should be implemented in terms of human and other resources, knowledge and skills on special needs education. The challenges teachers face in teaching learners who are intellectually impaired include: learner-teacher ratio that is not followed, hence overcrowded classes; classroom management; lack of learner support materials; no special curriculum designed for intellectually impaired learners; confining subject matter and teachers not participating in skills development. The mechanism that were suggested to assist learners who are intellectually impaired included: equipping teachers with skills necessary for learning and teaching of intellectually impaired learners, establishing institutional level support teams, making more learning and teaching resources available, providing qualified human resources, mobilizing public support, government understanding impairment and therapists being employed (psychologists, physicians, nurses, doctors and social workers). Some of the recommendations are: conducting workshops on effective coping strategies for teachers, public awareness campaigns in communities about intellectual disability, school governing bodies working with the government to supply the school with adequate learner support materials, proper infrastructure, School Based Support Teams support service, the District taking responsibility for establishing networks that promote effective communication between learners, teachers and parents as well as with non-governmental organizations and welfare, health and justice departments and Supporting teachers on site. , Thesis (M.Ed) -- Faculty of Education Sciences, 2019
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- Date Issued: 2019-09
Barriers Inhibiting The Implementation Of Gender Equity And Accessibility Of Female Teachers To Management Positions In Oliver Reginald Tambo Inland District
- Authors: Mandi, Sisiwe
- Date: 2019-00
- Subjects: Gender
- Language: English
- Type: Master's/Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:47200
- Description: The purpose of the study was to examine the barriers inhibiting the implementation of gender equity and accessibility of female teachers to management positions. This study was conducted in the OR Tambo inland, which is one of the Education Districts in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. It should be noted that in terms of intelligence, requisite skills to influence and motivate the workers to accomplish the organisational goals is not linked to gender. It is for this backdrop that motivated me to examine the factors prohibiting and limiting thereof the females from being offered and occupy the management positions in most organisational institutions. This study is aimed to promote a paradigm shift and transformation in overlooking the gender equity by the role-players in the societies and various institutions. Furthermore, the study intends to promote the awareness to stake holders and enactment that the management positions are for everyone who possesses the leadership and management skills. The feminist and social constructivism theories were employed in engaging with the literature reviewed in this research. The survey research design was adopted in this study. A mixed methods research was used to gather and analyse the collected data. Principals, deputy principals and heads of departments were the target population from which the sample was drawn. There were 90 subjects from which data were collected, where 78 were subjected to questionnaires while 12 of them were interviewed. The sample was purposefully selected from 4 high schools that are geographically located in the OR Tambo inland: one from circuit 9, one from circuit 11 and two from circuit 3 schools. The tools used for the gathering of the data were questionnaires, observation and interviews. The analyses of the two data sets were done separately and later put together for discussion. This implies that sequential data analysis was performed. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The quantitative data collected through questionnaire were analysed by using valid percentages, and tables generated by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The use of SPSS helped me to summarise the collected quantitative data in examining the relationships of variables towards the problem under study. The descriptive and inferential statistics were considered for quantitative data analysis. Upon the completion of the quantitative data analyses, the qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The findings from this study reveal that the social and cultural stereotypes of female managers; females’ lack of capacity and motivation; male dominance and cultural perceptions/beliefs; union and school governing bodies (SGBs) interference and institutional policies are barriers inhibiting the implementation of gender equity and accessibility of female teachers to management positions. Based on the emerged findings, it is recommended that policy-makers, the administration officers and immediate supervisors encourage the panellists for short-listing and interviews to comply with the legislative that requires the transformation and adherence to gender equity in all recruitment processes and practices. It is also recommended that workshops about the compliance on the implementation of gender equity by the role-players in education sector are widely and often conducted. It is further recommended that through distribution of circulars and school newsletters, conducting of imbizo or the role-players about the adherence to gender equity and constant dialogue with the communities, teacher’ unions, parents and youth in meetings could improve their perceptions and understanding that management positions for employees should be based on efficiency, competence and professional qualification but not on gender perspective. , Thesis (D.Ed) -- Faculty of Education Sciences, 2019
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- Date Issued: 2019-00
Factors affecting the Quality of Food Provided by School Nutrition Programme in Mthatha, OR Tambo Inland Education District
- Authors: Mjali, Neziwe Nellitia
- Date: 2019-10
- Subjects: Nutrition students
- Language: English
- Type: Master's/Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:47164
- Description: This study sought to evaluate factors affecting the quality of food provided by the school nutrition programme in Mthatha, OR Tambo Inland Education District. This was a qualitative study in the form of case study research design. Two (2) schools were conveniently selected and from these, 2 principals, 2 school nutrition coordinators, 4 food handlers and 10 learners were purposefully selected to form the sample. Thus, 18 participants were selected in total. Interviews were used to collect data. A review of literature demonstrated that the school nutrition programme was valuable and played an important role towards addressing some of challenges prevalent in South Africa due to the history of the country. The literature reviewed also highlighted challenges faced by the school nutrition programme despite its tremendous success. These are some of the findings: the school nutrition programme was successful towards improving learner punctuality and engaging in the classroom. This had the potential to improve learner health overall; however, it was observed that lack of training around food preparation and hygiene could reduce the effectiveness of the programme. The provision for appropriate storage facilities was also noted as an issue that placed the programme at risk. These are some of the recommendations: the government should provide appropriate training and proper storage facilities in schools with nutrition programme; this could contribute meaningfully towards improving the quality of food provided by the school nutrition programme. , Thesis (M.Ed) -- Faculty of Education Sciences, 2019
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- Date Issued: 2019-10
The Impact of Energy Consumption on The Profitability and Renewable Energy Preference among SMEs in The KSD Municipality
- Authors: Vikela, Sithole Liso
- Date: 2019-03
- Subjects: Energy consumption , Cost effectiveness
- Language: English
- Type: Master's/Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:47570
- Description: This study investigated the impact of energy consumption on the profitability and renewable energy preference among SMEs in the King Sabata Dalindyebo (KSD) local municipality. Cross sectional data was collected using a questionnaire and the adoption of information acceleration (IA) technique. The theoretical framework applied in this study is the theory of consumer-fuel-energy choice which is based on the energy ladder model and the associated fuel switching. Short-run sensitivity analysis (SRA), cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and multinomial logit model (MNL) were employed to measure the profitability and switching behaviour of the firms. SRA showed that the average monthly profit/loss by all firm categories were positive indicating a profit in the consumption of non-renewable energy (NRE). In contrast, results showed that all categories of the firms’ ran at loss if they were to switch to the renewable energy (RE) immediately. Results for CBA indicate that only RE system option satisfied the economic viability of all the three CBA decision criteria on both discount rates, proving to be a viable investment choice for all firm categories. The MNL regression results showed that the number of rooms, firm revenue, irregular power experiences, product information, price, business age, firm grades, gender of the respondent, and the educational levels have a statistically significant impact on willingness to switching from substantial to full willingness. The study recommends establishment of financial subsidy to SMEs to enable them switch to RE system. The research also suggests the need for policies and incentives on profit enhancing strategies, symmetric product information and environmental benefits for switching to RE by SMEs in the rural areas. Key words: Energy consumption, Profitability, Willin¬gness to switch, Cost-Benefit analysis, Multinomial logit model. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Commerce and Administration, 2019
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- Date Issued: 2019-03