"Burnout" in children's home houseparents
- Authors: Bath, Peter John
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/193118 , vital:45300
- Description: Aimed at replicating the results of an American study into "Burnout" in Group Home houseparents, this research had the following aims: 1) To ascertain the validity and reliability of the instrument used in the original study and presented as a "useful measure of burnout”. 2) To establish whether this line of research, within a highly problematic research field, can at present offer any guidelines in the resolution of the current staffing crisis faced by South African children's homes. 3} To describe more closely the burnout syndrome. 4) To study possible etiological factors within a local context. Sixty three houseparents completed questionaires and three independent measures of burnout were obtained. The results were regarded as having failed to replicate those of the original study. The reason for this was found to be the low validity of the original instrument. The main conclusion drawn was that the line of research adopted in the original study can offer only very tentative guidelines towards the resolution of the staffing crisis faced until such time as valid and reliable instruments to measure burnout have been developed. Many of the suggested relationships between situational variables and ones of personal characteristics were confirmed for the local population of houseparents. , Thesis (MSocSci) -- Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, 1983
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- Date Issued: 1983
"The word as image": survey with special reference to the twentieth century
- Authors: Edworthy, S
- Date: 1991-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/191247 , vital:45075
- Description: This essay is intended, firstly for those who at some time have had the urge to include words into their otherwise conventional representational images, but are deterred by the suspicion that such elements have no place in the picture plane. Secondly, it is hoped, that this dissertation will provide some understanding concerning the motivations and aims of artists, using "verbal symbols" in their visual images. At this point, I offer some explanation of the term "verbal symbols". The alphabet that we are accustomed to today differs vastly from the first writing that was invented. The naming of items nowadays is arbitrarily established and all we are left with is a name that bears no visual resemblance to the object it represents in real life. The word "house", for example, tells us nothing of the physical nature of a house. However, owing to our conditioning, the word evokes in us a mental picture of a house, even if the details of this picture will vary amongst individuals. Words then are symbols which denote, broadly speaking, objects that exist in our daily lives, without being in any way visual representations of these objects. Of course there are also words which are dependent on other words for their meaning, such as prepositions, conjunctions or suffices, but this is irrelevant to this essay. , Thesis (MFA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1991
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- Date Issued: 1991-03
"We're just teaching in a vacuum". Teaching in context in the learning for sustainability project
- Authors: Janse van Rensburg, Eureta
- Date: 1998
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/438817 , vital:73502 , xlink:href="https://www.ajol.info/index.php/sajee/article/view/137417"
- Description: Learning for Sustainability is a Danish-funded project for supporting teachers in environmental education curriculum development, in the Departments of Education in the Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa. The Rhodes University Environmental Education Unit is responsible for its evaluation. Instead of establishing baseline data against which to compare the project outcomes, the researchers are developing contextual profiles towards a deepening understanding of the contexts in which the teachers work, and to judge the appropriateness of project activities. This paper introduces insights from the developing profile based on questionnaires; interviews; observations during project meetings and school visits; and document analysis. The emerging issues pertain to curriculum and professional development in environmental education, within the context of educational policy transformation. In particular the paper highlights the role of context in responsive reform initiatives.
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- Date Issued: 1998
& salt the earth behind you
- Authors: Naidoo, Prenesa
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , Korean fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism , Short stories, Argentine -- 21st century -- History and criticism , Arabic fiction -- Palestine 21st century -- History and criticism , Argentine fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178212 , vital:42921
- Description: My thesis is a collection of prose pieces in the form of short stories, flash fiction and prose poetry drawing on memory and lived experiences to explore the trauma of death, grief and displacement, solace and the paroxysms of home. As a young woman from an Indian South Africa community, Hindu superstitions and folktales are my second skin, and shape both my worldview and my writing. I am inspired by Lidia Yuknavitch’s observation that, “all artists see things that are not there”, and by Dambudzo Marechera’s belief that, “Beneath reality, there is always fantasy: the writer’s task is to reveal it, to open it out, to feel it, to experience it.” In my stories about trauma and grief, I often distort the line between seen and unseen worlds, where, for example, hauntings are taken seriously as lived experiences. I have also been influenced by Han Kang’s The White Book, Kali Fajardo-Anstine’s Sabrina & Corina, and Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street. Read together, Kang’s stand-alone short stories form part of a greater collective ‘memory’ or ‘life’; Fajardo-Anstine’s collection illustrates how to write about a specific female Latina community while still telling individual stories; and Cisneros’ fragments of memories tell the story of a person’s life in narratives which are as long or short as they need to be. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
'Choice' in women's abortion decision-making narratives: Introducing a supportability approach
- Authors: Mavuso, Jabulile M-J J , Chiweshe, Malvern T , Macleod, Catriona I
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/446220 , vital:74482
- Description: Liberal abortion legislation emphasises pregnant persons' autonomous choices in abortion decision-making. Within psychological theories, decision-making is understood as largely individual, rational and cognitive, with various factors affecting women's1 abortion decision-making. In this study, purposively recruited from three sites in South Africa and three sites in Zimbabwe, 25 and 18 women, respectively, participated in narrative interviews which were analysed using thematic analysis and a supportability framework. Participants' narratives constructed continuation of the pregnancy as a 'non-option, abortion emerging as the only solution. Economic resources, gender norms and partnerships, and the undesirability of the pregnancy meant the pregnancy was unsupportable at micro- and macro-levels, and sometimes despite parenting being desired by the women. A supportability framework offers opportunities to understand reproductive decision-making as imbricated in the circumstances of the pregnancy which render it (un)supportable, therefore opening up or closing down particular decisions. This framework enables a necessary shift, towards systemic understandings of decision-making, and a possible reduction in abortion-related stigma.
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- Date Issued: 2020
'I won't be squeezed into someone else's frame': Stories of supervisor selection
- Authors: Harrison, Liz , McKenna, Sioux , Searle, Ruth
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/187395 , vital:44629 , xlink:href="https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC15100"
- Description: Using a collection of stories from a group of women who belong to a PhD support group, this article tracks the issue of choosing a supervisor. These women are all academics and therefore had some claim to an "insider" status but as novice researchers they were also "outsiders". Their discussions around how and why they chose their supervisors highlight issues often underplayed or ignored in textbooks on postgraduate supervision. In particular, this article examines issues of knowledge, embodied subjectivity and power by following three questions that arise from the data : whose knowing is important; who should I be, and whose PhD is it?
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- Date Issued: 2010
'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-12
'ORPHEIOI HYMNOI' The generic contexts of the Orphic Hymns
- Authors: Malamis, Daniel Scott Christos
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Orphic hymns , Poetics Early works to 1800 , Hymns, Greek (Classical) History and criticism , Literary form
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/327177 , vital:61088 , DOI 10.21504/10962/327177
- Description: Uncertainty surrounds the circumstances of Orphic Hymns’ composition and their intended use. Their author has substituted their own identity for that of the mythological poet and there is no certain reference to the extant collection in any ancient source. They are, in this sense, decontextualised. This study aims to make a contribution to the ongoing debate concerning the hymns’ composition, and the original function they might have served, through an analysis of their poetic and generic contexts. Following a detailed survey of scholarship on the hymns, I reflect first on the collection as a unified text, the constitutive parts of the individual hymns and the methods they employ for addressing, describing and praying to the gods. I then study a select group of stylistic features that the hymns prominently display: their use of phonic effects, including etymological figures, of antithesis and symmetrical patterning, and their extensive repetition of poetic formulae. In each case I discuss the deployment and significance of these poetic elements within the collection and consider the intertextual parallels suggested by their recurrence in Greek literary texts of all periods. This analysis reveals the hymns’ engagement with an overlapping set of poetic traditions, including, most prominently, cultic hymns and oracles, gnomic poetry, the theological discourses of the Presocratic philosophers and, in particular, Orphic poetry in its many forms. It suggests moreover that the hymns engage deeply with the oral strategies of the earliest Greek poets, underscoring the conclusion reached by several recent scholars, that the extant collection is essentially performative and was intended to be recited and heard. I argue that the Orphic Hymns were not a unique text in their employment of the stylistic features studied here, but drew extensively upon earlier hymns composed in Orpheus’ name. I further consider, in the light of this argument, the bearing this study has on the unresolved questions of the hymns’ composition, whether by a single author or many, and the aims of the poet(s) who composed them. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literature Studies, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
'Underground' hip hop and rock music scenes in East London: exploring identity and authenticity, c1994 - 2010
- Authors: Mtshemla, Sinazo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4057-5637
- Date: 2014-01
- Subjects: Identity (Philosophical concept) , Rap (Music)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/25195 , vital:63993
- Description: This study explores how through music discourses and representations of identity and authenticity are articulated through a reading of hip hop and rock music scenes in post-apartheid East London. I have read through interviews, spaces where performances occur and material culture associated with the artists, of musicians moving between ideas of resistance to the mainstream as well as conforming in their representations of identity. The tensions aroused by these underground music scenes in my study ran between resistance and conforming narratives in relation to how musicians express how they make sense of identity and authenticity in the changing post-apartheid landscape. Therefore the complex readings of identity derived from the study showed how contradictory music allows one to be. Further the study found that the assertions about race, ethnicity and identity were often more subtle and contradictory at times, which warranted one to pay closer attention to these music scenes. Inasmuch as musicians attempted to move out of the mainstream by placing themselves in an alternative positioning, they remained limited to ‘authentic’ articulations of identity, where race remained either ‘invisibly’ white or problematically ‘native’ as centres of authentic representation. Moreover the study was able to show the anxieties and tensions around citizenship, identity and belonging. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-01
'We pledge to improve the health of our entire community'
- Authors: Grant, Carolyn , Nawal, Dipty , Guntur, Sai Mala , Kumar, Manish , Chaudhuri, Indrajit , Galavotti, Christine , Mahapatra, Tanmay , Ranjan, Kunal , Kumar, Gangesh , Mohanty, Sunil , Alam, Mohammed Aftab , Das, Aritra , Jiwani, Safia
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/281179 , vital:55699 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203265"
- Description: Background: Motivation is critical to health worker performance and work quality. In Bihar, India, frontline health workers provide essential health services for the state’s poorest citizens. Yet, there is a shortfall of motivated and skilled providers and a lack of coordination between two cadres of frontline health workers and their supervisors. CARE India developed an approach aimed at improving health workers’ performance by shifting work culture and strengthening teamwork and motivation. The intervention—“Team-Based Goals and Incentives”—supported health workers to work as teams towards collective goals and rewarded success with public recognition and non-financial incentives. Methods: Thirty months after initiating the intervention, 885 health workers and 98 supervisors completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire in 38 intervention and 38 control health sub-centers in one district. The questionnaire included measures of social cohesion, teamwork attitudes, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, teamwork behaviors, equitable service delivery, taking initiative, and supervisory support. We conducted bivariate analyses to examine the impact of the intervention on these psychosocial and behavioral outcomes. Results: Results show statistically significant differences across several measures between intervention and control frontline health workers, including improved teamwork (mean = 8.8 vs. 7.3), empowerment (8.5 vs. 7.4), job satisfaction (7.1 vs. 5.99) and equitable service delivery (6.7 vs. 4.99). While fewer significant differences were found for supervisors, they reported improved teamwork (8.4 vs. 5.3), and frontline health workers reported improved fulfillment of supervisory duties by their supervisors (8.9 vs. 7.6). Both frontline health workers and supervisors found public recognition and enhanced teamwork more motivating than the non-financial incentives. Conclusions: The Team-Based Goals and Incentives model reinforces intrinsic motivation and supports improvements in the teamwork, motivation, and performance of health workers. It offers an approach to practitioners and governments for improving the work environment in a resource-constrained setting and where there are multiple cadres of health workers.
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- Date Issued: 2018
'We throw away our books': Students’ reading practices and identities
- Authors: O'Shea, Cathy , McKenna, Sioux , Thomson, Carol I
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/187128 , vital:44570 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2018.11.001"
- Description: The aim of this research was to understand university students’ self-reported reading practices. The students attended the University of Fort Hare in South Africa, a historically black institution in a rural and under-resourced setting. A framework of New Literacy Studies (NLS) was used to understand students’ self-reported reading practices and the links between these and their identities. Tools provided by Gee, 2005, Gee, 2011 were applied to conduct a CDA of focus group discussions. In the ‘We Blacks’ Discourse, interviewees ‘othered’ the idea of reading as not being culturally valued. It was closely allied to the ‘Resistance to Reading’ Discourse, as participants explained that they tended to disregard books and did not enjoy leisure reading. The ‘Better Than Us’ discourse was drawn upon to suggest that reading was associated with attitudes of superiority. These discourses tended to homogenise class and other differences between black students and indicated the ways in which their experiences made adopting academic identities difficult. The analysis suggests that the racism of the past continues to impact students’ reading identities. The article concludes that the effects of these and related discourses require a response across the education sector, and transformative pedagogies might be needed in higher education.
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- Date Issued: 2019
(Ferrocenylpyrazolyl) zinc (II) benzoates as catalysts for the ring opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone
- Authors: Obuah, Collins , Lochee, Yemanlall , Jordaan, Johan H L , Otto, Daniel P , Nyokong, Tebello , Darkwa, James
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/189515 , vital:44853 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2015.02.007"
- Description: The reaction of Zn(OAc)2 and C6H5COOH or 3,5-NO2-C6H3COOH with 3-ferrocenylpyrazolyl-methylenepyridine (L1), 3-ferrocenyl-5-methylpyrazolyl-methylenepyridine (L2), 3-ferrocenylpyrazolyl-ethylamine (L3) and 3-ferrocenyl-5-pyrazolyl-ethylamine (L4) afford the corresponding complexes [Zn(C6H5COO)2(L1)] (1), [Zn(C6H5COO)2(L2)] (2), [Zn(3,5-NO2-C6H3COO)2(L1)] (3), [Zn(3,5-NO2-C6H3 COO)2(L2)] (4), [Zn(C6H5COO)2(L3)] (5), [Zn(C6H5COO)2(L4)] (6), [Zn(3,5-NO2-C6H3COO)2(L3)] (7) and [Zn(3,5-NO2-C6H3COO)2(L4)] (8). These complexes behave as catalysts for the ring opening polymerization of e-caprolactone to produce polymers with molecular weight that range from 1480 to 7080 g mol1 and exhibited moderate to broad PDIs. Evidence of these complexes acting as catalysts was obtained from both the polymerization data and kinetic studies. The polymerization data show that variation of the [CL]/[C] from 100 to 800 produced PCL with relatively the same molecular weight indicative of a catalyst behavior. The appearance of induction period in kinetic plots strengthens the fact that these complexes are catalysts rather than initiators. MALDI-TOF MS and 1 H NMR data show di-hydroxy end groups, which support the coordination mechanism rather than insertion mechanism. To understand the broad PDIs obtained for some of the polymer, the electronic properties of the zinc complexes were investigated using cyclic voltammetry. The results show that the zinc complexes containing amine based ligands are highly electrophilic therefore making them unstable, hence the broad PDIs observed for zinc complexes containing amine based ligands. Among the eight complexes investigated, complex 7 is the most active catalyst with kp value of 1.18 107 h1 mol1 at 110 C.
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- Date Issued: 2015
(In)security communities in Africa: small arms and light weapons norm compliance by the economic community of West African states
- Authors: Pokoo, John Mark
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/467093 , vital:76814
- Description: Access restricted. Expected release in 2026. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Political and International Studies, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
10 Years of IEASA history
- Authors: International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA) , Jooste, Nico
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: International Education Association of South Africa -- History , Education, Higher -- South Africa , Education and globalization -- South Africa Student mobility -- Africa International education -- South Africa Education, Higher -- International cooperation , Universities and colleges -- South Africa , Technical Institutes -- South Africa , Vocational guidance -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/65356 , vital:28752 , ISBN 1920176004
- Description: [Preface - Nico Jooste]: For more than ten years, we have been involved in implementing internationalisation of South African Higher Education. The we I am referring too, are those who are both visionaries and passionately dedicated to the process of internationalisation. A small group of South African Higher Education administrators, academics and senior managers involved themselves in the process of internationalisation of their institutions, and collectively the South African system. This process of internationalisation started as an uncoordinated response to the demands of a South African higher education system that was determined to break with the past, and re-connect with global higher education, it was left to a few dedicated visionaries to create the support structure that would not only assist the higher education institutions, but also the system. The other bodies that were supposed to pay attention to this very important aspect of Higher Education in the 21st century were too busy with other, equally important, matters. It became clear that the priorities of organisations like SAUVCA were not internationalisation, and IEASA was established as the vehicle to promote it. This story of IEASA needed to be told. This book is not aimed at IEASA members only, but also at the broader higher education public. This is the story of an organisation that touched all parts of South African Higher Education society as well as the broader society. It is partly the ‘corporate memory’ of Internationalisation, as well as a reflection on achievements. Ten years looked like a short period to reflect on an organisations history, I am however of the opinion that in a society that is changing so rapidly, we need to reflect more frequently on the past so that we can plan a better future. For any historian operating in the modem era of electronic communication, access to sources of information has become a major challenge. IEASA, Thilor Manikam in particular, needs to be commended for the accurate record keeping of events over the past ten years. Kirstin Nussgruber very diligently captured the efforts of the forces driving the establishment of IEASA for the first two years. This book was mainly based on evidence gathered from minutes, reports and letters that are in the possession of the IEASA Office. I also had the privilege, and advantage, to be a member of the Executive Committee for the past five years. This book cannot be the last word on IEASA, as it is only the view of a member. The bias is thus toward IEASA and focusses mainly on its achievements. Chapter 3 focusses mainly on the achievements of a voluntary organisation. The efforts over the ten years of three persons namely. Roshen Kishun as President, Derek Swemmer as Treasurer, and Thilor Manikam as the Administrator stood out, and was the stabilising factor during the foundation years. The role of Roshen Kishun in the publication of Study South African cannot be underestimated. Without his vision, drive and effort, this publication would not be preparing for the launch of the seventh edition. It is a unique source of information about South African Higher Education. Very few other systems, if any. produce such a publication. Although the author was requested by the IEASA Executive Committee to write this book, the views expressed in this publication is not the views of the Executive Committee, but that of the author.
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- Date Issued: 2007
1H NMR-based kinetic and mechanistic study of unusual skeletal rearrangements of a spirobornyl tosylate derivative
- Authors: Lobb, Kevin A , Kaye, Perry T
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/448858 , vital:74766 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1002/poc.1699"
- Description: 1H NMR analysis of the kinetics of skeletal rearrangement of optically pure 3,3-xylyl-2-exo-bornyl tosylate in CDCl3 indicates the operation of tandem autocatalytic and pseudo-first-order transformations, leading sequentially to a pairof isomeric camphene derivatives and involving partial racemization. Changing the solvent system has been shown topermit the chemoselective isolation of either of the isomeric camphenes.
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- Date Issued: 2011
1H NMR-based kinetic and theoretical studies of the simultaneous formation of two discrete rotameric systems of a novel difenchyl sulfite ester
- Authors: Singh, Alicia , Kaye, Perry T , Lobb, Kevin A
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/447925 , vital:74684 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2017.10.059"
- Description: Attempted repetition of a reported synthesis of fenchene from fenchol has afforded, in high overall yield, a mixture shown by spectroscopic and elemental analysis to comprise a pair of discrete rotameric systems of a novel 2-endo-2′-endo-difenchyl sulfite ester. The kinetics of the formation of these dimeric rotameric systems (I and II) has been explored experimentally, using 1H NMR spectroscopic analysis, and theoretically at molecular and quantum mechanical levels. Construction of a theoretical model has permitted calculation of rate constants for each of the steps, while modelling of the transition state complexes corresponding to the rate-determining steps for the formation of the rotameric systems I and II has revealed their independent access to further sets of interconverting rotamers.
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- Date Issued: 2017
1H NMR-based kinetic-mechanistic study of the intramolecular trans-esterification of 2-exo-3-exo-dihydroxybornane monoacrylate esters
- Authors: Duggan, Andrew R , Mciteka, Lulama P , Lobb, Kevin A , Kaye, Perry T
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/448871 , vital:74767 , xlink:href="https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC135616"
- Description: A 1H NMR study of the acid-catalyzed, intramolecular trans-esterification between isomeric 2-exo-3-exo-dihydroxybornane monoacrylate esters has afforded insights into the reaction mechanism and permitted the determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the pseudo-first-order processes.
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- Date Issued: 2013
31P NMR kinetic study of the tandem cleavage of phosphonate esters by bromotrimethylsilane
- Authors: Conibear, Anne C , Lobb, Kevin A , Kaye, Perry T
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/449304 , vital:74810 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2010.08.058"
- Description: 1H and 31P NMR methods have been used to access rate constants and activation parameters for each of the consecutive second-order silylation reactions involved in the overall transformation (1a→3a→4a), while computational optimisation of the rate constants obtained from the initial, linear phase of each reaction has permitted an excellent fit with the experimental data for the entire course of the reaction.
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- Date Issued: 2010
4-Azidoaniline-based electropolymer as a building block for functionalisation of conductive surfaces
- Authors: Coates, Megan , Elamari, Hichem , Girard, Christian , Griveau, Sophie , Nyokong, Tebello , Bedioui, Fethi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/244404 , vital:51254 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2012.01.001"
- Description: We propose in this work to compare three approaches using 4-azidoaniline combined with “click” chemistry and electrochemistry to anchor ferrocene moieties at glassy carbon surfaces. The immobilisation of a newly synthesised molecule, 4-(4-ferrocenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)aniline, through direct electropolymerisation or via in situ diazotization followed by electrografting is studied by analysing the samples by XPS and electrochemistry.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
4-Bis (4-aminophenoxy) phenoxy derivitized phthalocyanine conjugated to metallic nanoparticles
- Authors: Nwaji, Njemuwa , Mack, John , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/188965 , vital:44802 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1039/C7NJ02718D"
- Description: In this study, the photophysical, nonlinear absorption and nonlinear optical limiting properties of 4-(2,4-bis(4-aminophenoxy)phenoxy) phthalocyinato zinc(II) phthalocyanine (6) conjugated to metallic nanoparticles have been investigated using open aperture Z-scan techniques using 532 nm nanosecond pulses. The nonlinear optical response demonstrated that the studied complex and the nanoconjugates exhibit higher excited state absorption cross-section compared to ground state absorption. Enhanced optical limiting performance was observed when complex 6 was conjugated to nanoparticles with 6CB-AuNPs (CB = covalent bond) showing the highest optical limiting threshold of 0.36 J cm−2.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017