Writing, identity, and change : a narrative case study of the use of journals to promote reflexivity within a Drama Studies curriculum
- Authors: Sutherland, Alexandra
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Drama -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa Drama in education Scholarly publishing Academic writing Reflection (Philosophy) Playwriting
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1845 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004384
- Description: The study adopts a case study examination of three student reflective joumals written about class and field based applied Drama experiences over one year. The journals were written as part of a curriculum outcome to develop reflective practice, for one Drama Honours paper (Educational Drama and Theatre) at Rhodes University Drama Department, South Africa. Based on a narrative inquiry approach, the study documents the changes in identity, discourse, and representation of self and other, which emerge through the journal writing process. The research analyses how identities are constructed through reflective writing practices, and how these identities might relate to the arguments for the development of reflexivity. The development of reflexivity is seen as integral to contemporary educational policies associated with lifelong learning, and the skills required of graduates in South Africa's emerging democracy. These policies centre on means of preparing students for a world characterised by change and instability, or what Barnett (2000) has termed a "supercomplex world". The research findings suggest that journal writing within a Drama Studies curriculum, allows students to construct subjectivities which support Barnett's claim that "the main pedagogical task in a university is not that of the transmission of knowledge but of promoting forms of human being appropriate to the conditions of supercomplexity" (Barnett, 2000b: 164). In addition, the development of different writing genres within a Drama Studies curriculum allows students to develop disciplinarily relevant ways of discussing and researching artistic processes and products. A reflective journal is a potential site for students to interrogate and construct emerging identities which enable them to negotiate diversity, thus preparing them for their lives beyond the university.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Working for ecosystems: an account of how pathways of learning lead to SMME development in a municipal social-ecological programme within a green economy context
- Authors: Burger, Margaret Hendrieka Margo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Working for Ecosystems (South Africa) , Small business -- South Africa , Environmental education -- South Africa -- Durban , Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Durban
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/7735 , vital:21291
- Description: Global climate change alters climatic zones to the extent that species invasion and, in particular, invasive alien plant growth, is regarded as one of the biggest threats to ecosystem functioning. Socio-ecological adaptive management practices have emerged from these threats as opportunities in developing countries where the immediacy of poverty relief acts as a political drawcard and potential for job creation. Local workers in the eThekwini Municipality’s ‘Working for Ecosystems’ biodiversity management programme (WFE) are emerging as micro-enterprise contractors (SMMEs). The transition from worker to entrepreneur has been part of the ethos and long-term planning of the Working for Ecosystems programme at a management level with a view to economic inclusion and realising long-term sustainable livelihoods. Evidence from narratives support claims of transformative outcomes. The findings of this study show that transformation is accessed at various levels: at a management level, at a well-established SMME level and from worker-to- SMME level. These show an “articulation of learning pathways and the connections that are made without a formally structured pathway of learning being in place” (Lotz-Sisitka & Ramsarup, 2013, p. 33). The routes followed to knowledge, practice and sustainability competences by participants in Working for Ecosystems are examined within the complex constellation of material- economic, social-political and cultural-discursive structures and are conceptualised as learning pathways. To fully appreciate the evolving and multidimensional nature of the emergence of SMME practice learning in the Working for Ecosystems programme, relational ontology as a perspective was introduced, with the intention of emphasising the relationship between practice, knowledge and context. Narrative enquiry and extensive data analysis was used as the method to examine workplace learning pathways. These workplace learning pathways can be enriched by more explicitly integrating observation of local and indigenous knowledge of biodiversity in everyday work and practice. However, intermittent contractual work causes disruption in learning pathways formation and results in a lack of stability in conflict with the aims of the programme’s objectives of building capacity and robustness. Findings show that skills development in terms of workplace learning with intersecting, diverse levels of participation and knowledge flow, is particularly important for learning pathways development in the field of invasive alien plant control where divergent values, norms and levels of practice are operational. Prior knowledge, of either indigenous plants or business functioning mechanisms, scaffolds SMME skills through relevance and connected learning in the two fields of practice pertaining to the Working for Ecosystems programme. Clarity of management roles and solidarity within management enhances SMME functioning and learning pathway development for all participants. The Expanded Public Works Programmes (such as Working for Ecosystems) are examined as an opportunity for acquisition of knowledge, competence and new skills development. A prime competence for sustainability understanding is interpersonal skills as these form an essential link with most other competences and as such should be foregrounded in training and learning pathway development. Site selection and time in the programme is a critical factor for expansive learning pathways and environmental stewardship development. Ultimately, in examining and reflecting on the Education for Sustainable Development and green economy potential, it is apparent that learning pathway development needs more support to realise the possibility of entrepreneurship and its political and social significance in terms of sustainable livelihoods. There is a need to recognise diversity, multiple ways of knowing and learning, in learning pathways development “to build joint capacity to cope with complex sustainability challenges” (Wiek, Withycombe, & Redman, 2011).
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- Date Issued: 2017
Women leadership: a case study in the Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia
- Authors: Araes, Cornelia
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Women -- Education (Primary) -- Namibia Leadership in women -- Education (Primary) -- Namibia Management -- Education (Primary) -- Namibia Educational leadership -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1825 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003711
- Description: Empowerment of women in leadership and in particular, school leadership has been the focus of the Namibian government and the country since independence in 1990. Different policies and laws, post‐independence, make provision for women empowerment and leadership in a range of organisations and institutions throughout the country. However, reports on gender equity in leadership positions suggest that Namibia is not really moving towards these policy goals at a sufficiently quick pace. A lot still needs to be achieved in terms of transforming the gender stereotyping in Namibia, which still suffers from the legacy of gender discrimination of the apartheid era. Modern‐day academic authors and journalists portray an increasing interest in an awareness of the advantages of women leadership. Women are increasingly perceived to have leadership styles more suitable for contemporary conditions than men. It is against this backdrop that this study sought to investigate women leadership in the Otjiwarongo circuit in the Otjozondjupa educational region in Namibia. The study used a qualitative, interpretive research paradigm. It adopted a case study approach. The primary participants consisted of four women principals in the Otjiwarongo circuit and the secondary participants included four women education officers from the same circuit. Semi‐structured interviews, a focus group interview and observation were applied as methods for collecting data and the data collection period was just over six weeks. Data analysis was done through coding and identification of categories. The findings revealed that women principals possessed the qualities of commitment, good communication and are passionate about their work, which are qualities normally associated with effective leadership. In terms of their role in their schools, they emerged as democratic leaders who involved all stakeholders in the decision making process through consensus. In addition, they demonstrated distributive and servant leadership in their interactions with stakeholders. The main challenge to the leadership position of these women principals seemed to be the stereotypical view held, that as women, they had to work twice as hard as men at leading schools. The study recommended that people oriented leadership styles, such as the ones enacted by the women principals in this study, are highly recommended for effective leadership in the 21st century.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Woman vulnerability to HIV/AIDS : an investigation into women's conceptions and experiences in negotiating sex and safe sex in Okalongo constituency, Omusati Region, Namibia
- Authors: Haipinge, Rauha
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) in women -- Namibia -- Omusati AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects -- Namibia -- Omusati HIV infections -- Social aspects -- Namibia -- Omusati Women -- Namibia -- Omusati -- Social conditions Women -- Sexual behavior -- Namibia -- Omusati Man-woman relationships -- Namibia -- Omusati Sex instruction -- Namibia -- Omusati Safe sex in AIDS prevention -- Namibia -- Omusati Sex role -- Namibia -- Omusati HIV-positive persons -- Sex differences -- Namibia -- Omusati Male domination (Social structure) -- Namibia -- Omusati Sex discrimination against women -- Namibia -- Omusati
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1839 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004337
- Description: This study emerged from the high prevalence rate of HIV and AIDS infection among women in Sub-Saharan Africa, which has no exception to Namibia. Women have been vulnerable to HIV and AIDS let alone on sex related issues since the epidemic emerged, but not research has been done specifically to Okalongo women. The way in which women vulnerable to HIV and AIDS infection were explored by examined social and cultural identities that affect women’s sexual relations in negotiating sex and safe sex. Qualitative study on a sample of fifteen women was conducted in Okalongo. The purpose of this study was to investigate the conceptions and experiences of women in negotiating sex and safe sex with their husband and partners. Feminist theory guided the methodology and analysis of data. I assumed that gender roles andsexuality are socially constructed, shaped by religion, social, political, and economic influences and modified throughout life. Feminist theory assisted in documentary the ways in which the female’s gender and sexuality in Okalongo is shaped by cultural influences and by institutions that disadvantage female and other oppressed groups by silencing their voices. The feminist further guided the discussion of the contradicting messages about women’s sexuality and their experiences, as women complied, conformed and even colluded with their oppression. To address the issue under study, the primary analysis of data from the focus group discussion and individual interview were utilised. The following themes were the heart of analysis: Women Positionality, Normalisation and Compliance, Women Agency and Male Dominance Power, Women Perceptions of Risk, Sex Education in and out of school among Women.In this study the data suggested that women in Okalongo are more vulnerable to their lack of assertiveness, as they have difficult in developing an authoritative voice, they tend to be humble about their achievements and knowledge and to only assertively when concerned about others. The findings supported the literature that women’s vulnerability is strongly influenced and tied by broader forces present in the society. Women’s vulnerability is real and needs to be tackled for any progress to occur in the fight against AIDS. Until factors that constraints and enabling women agency to negotiate sex and safe sex acknowledged and addressed, women will continue to succumb to the HIV pandemic.
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- Date Issued: 2013
With dreams in our hands: Towards transgressive knowledge-making cultures
- Authors: Knowles, Corinne Ruth
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: African feminism , Pedagogy , Political sociology , Knowledge, Theory of Political aspects , Transformative learning
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/402955 , vital:69909 , DOI 10.21504/10962/402955
- Description: Knowledge-making in universities is not neutral and takes different forms. This thesis critically examines the politics of knowledge to propose and present a transgressive schema for knowledge-making that is co-created with students. It emerges from teaching and learning encounters in the Humanities Extended Studies (ES) Programme at Rhodes University, where for the past decade we have experimented with different ways of knowledge-making that run counter to conventional pedagogic practices. We set up a project for the thesis that allowed us to work with knowledge in ways that are Afrocentric, and that hold and nurture our dreams. The theory and methodology of the project are explained in the first academic paper for this PhD by publication. The project and its derivatives use an African Feminist framing, and centre the ontoepistemologies of African young people who find themselves alienated and marginalised by a western bias in university curricula. Former ES student volunteers came up with topics, responded to them, reviewed each other’s work, and co-wrote two academic papers that demonstrate a praxis of African Feminist research and pedagogic principles. Two further projects practise the principles that emerge from the primary project, and together they have tested knowledge-making cultures that inspire critical thinking and creative humanity. These are explained in two further academic papers. One is co-written with the copresenter of an online inter-continental short course for PhD students on African Feminist Research Methodology. The other is single authored, and introduces the third project, a Political and International Studies third-year course on African Feminist theory. The schema for knowledge-making uses the hand, which holds our dream, as a descriptive metaphor. Each of the five fingers of the hand represents an aspect of how we have collaborated on the projects and in lecture rooms, and what this has taught us about how to nurture and inspire the dreams of young African people through transgressive knowledgemaking cultures. The five aspects – framing, activating, seeing, creating, imagining – are mutually constitutive elements of knowledge-making that are introduced throughout the thesis, and explained in careful detail in the conclusion as a synthesis of the collaborations. , Siphethe amaphupha ezandleni zethu: ukwenza iinckubeko zolwazi ezigxile ekuphazamiseni isiqhelo Isishwankathelo Ukwenziwa kolwazi kwiiunivesithi asiyonto engathathi cala kwaye yenzeka ngeendlelangeendlela. Le thisisi iphonononga ipolitiki yolwazi ngenjongo yokucebisa nokuvelisa iindlela zokwenziwa kolwazi ezigxile ekuphazamiseni kwesiqhelo, ndlela leyo eyenziwa ngentsebenziswano nabafundi. Le Ndlela yokuphazamisa isiqhelo ivela kwindlela zokufunda nokufundisa kwinkqubo yeExtended Studies kwiUnivesithi iRhodes, apho kwiminyaka elishumi edlulileyo besisebenzisa amalinge ohlukileyo okwenza ulwazi ohlukileyo kwindlela zokufunda eziqhelekileyo. Siqulunqe inkqubo yale thisisi evumele ukuba sisebenze nolwazi ngendlela ekhokhelelisa ubuAfrika phambile, nkqubo leyo eyondla nebamba amaphupha ethu. Inkcazo-bungcali neendlela zokwenza uphando lwalo msebenzi zicacisiwe kwiphepha lokuqala lethisisi yePhD ezakupapashwa. Lo msebenzi neminye imisebenzi efana nawo isebenzisa iAfrikan Feminism ngenjongo yokubeka ngokusesikweni ndlela le ingxile kwindlela yokufundisa neengcambu zayo ezizinze eAfrika, kwaye ikhokhelisa imfundo yabantu abatsha abazifumana besenziwe amakheswa nabahlelelekileyo kunyenjwa kwasentshona kwizifundo zaseunivesithi. Abafundi ababefunda kwiES baze nezihloko, yangabo abaziphendulayo, bahlola imisebenzi yoogxa babo, kwaye bancedisa ekubhaleni amaphepha amabini abonakalisa indlela yokuphanda kusetyenziswa iziseko zokufunda zeAfrikan Feminism. Eminye imisebenzi isebenzise iziseko eziphuma kulo msebenzi wokuqala, kwaye yomibini le misebenzi iphonononga iinkcubeko zokwenza ulwazi ezikhuthaza ukuzikisa ukucinga nobuntu obunobuchule. Oku kucaciswa nzulu kumaphepha amabini. Omnye ubhalwe nomfundi kunye nombhali obefundisa kwikhosi emfutshane ebikwi-intanethi ephakathi kwamazwekazi eyenzelwe abafundi be- PhD kwiAfrican Feminist Research Methodology. Omnye umsebenzi ubhalwe ngumntu omnye, nothi wazise umsebenzi wesithathu, ikhosi yonyaka wesithathu yePolitical and International Studies yenkcazo-bungcali iAfrican Feminism. Icebo lokwenza ulwazi lisebenzisa isandla esibambe amaphupha ethu, njengesafobe esinika inkcazelo. Umnwe ngamnye umele indlela esisebenzisene ngayo kule misebenzi nakumagumbi okufundela, kunye nesikufundileyo ngokukhulisa nokukhuthaza amaphupha wabantu abasebatsha baseAfrika ngokusebenzisa imisebenzi egxile kwiinkcubeko zolwazi eziphazamisa ukwenziwa kolwazi ngendlela eqhelekileyo. Imiba emihlanu- ukwenza isakhelo, ukuqalisa, ukubona, ukudala, ukusebenzisa imifanekiso ntelekelelo- iyingqokelela yenxalenye yokwenza ulwazi ngendlela enentsebenziswano kwaye ezi ziseko zaziswa banzi kwithisisi, kwaye zicaciswe gabalala kwisishwankathelo njengengqokelela yentsebenziswano kulo msebenzi. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
Why do learners and teachers experience problems with the concept of zero?
- Authors: Jooste, Zonia
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Numbers, Divisibility of -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- South Africa Numbers, Divisibility of -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa Mathematics teachers -- Training of -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Mathematics teachers -- Training of -- South Africa -- Western Cape Education, Primary -- Curricula -- South Africa Education, Secondary -- Curricula -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1906 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006764
- Description: The controversy around the inclusion of zero in the number system has been widely documented. Influential mathematicians in various ancient cultures did not accept zero as a number. The idea of the empty set was too abstract and they could not conceptualise division by zero. Surprisingly, understanding of the concept is still a matter of concern today. In spite of expansive reports on and recommendations for developing conceptualisation of the concept, learners and teachers still experience problems similar to those that ancient mathematicians struggled with. The study was initiated by an observation of Grade 7 learners' inability to solve the problems 4 × 0 and 0 ÷ 7 effectively or at all. I investigated why Grade 3 to 6 learners and mathematics teachers on a BEd (in-service) course and an accredited ACE course experience problems with the concept of zero. I was especially interested in the understanding of multiplication and division by zero. I investigated teachers' knowledge of zero's characteristics as a number, the history of zero and how they teach the concept, in order to support my assumptions. The data production process was performed over a period of two years. It involved a multi-case opportunity sample approach embedded in the empirical field that formed the backdrop of my involvement as mathematics education specialist in schools in the Western and Eastern Cape. The interpretative orientation of the study allowed me to conduct inquiries that served to confirm or challenge my assumptions and enabled me to construct generalisations that depict learners' and teachers' knowledge construction. The qualitative data analysis informed the presentation and discussion of the findings. The single most important message conveyed to readers of this study is that the value of zero as a number, its importance in the number system, its properties and its behaviour in calculations, should not be underrated. Teaching of this abstract concept requires competent teachers who are able to mediate understanding in the most effective and innovative manner. Professional development programmes should orchestrate this competence and curriculum developers and textbook authors should acknowledge the significance of learning and teaching the concept of zero.
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- Date Issued: 2012
What can TOLs reveal about the nature of ESL reading? : a critical evaluation of current ESL research utilising think-aloud protocols
- Authors: Dixon, Robyn
- Date: 1993
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers Reading comprehension Reading -- Research
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1823 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003709
- Description: This thesis explores the efficacy of think-aloud protocols (TOLs), and the extent to which the TOL technique is able to reveal the nature of ESL reading interaction with expository prose. The investigation constituted a critical evaluation of current ESL TOL research, which was essentially a theoretical examination of emerging problems derived from an in-depth assessment of current ESL TOL studies. The theoretical examination was supplemented by the practical implementation of the technique in a case study research, utilising three verbal protocols obtained from ESL students at the University of Fort Hare. The close observation afforded by the evaluative case study research paradigm provided the writer - as participant observer - with a further means of judging the merit of TOLs, which corroborated findings from the theoretical evaluation, and enabled a consideration of unanticipated issues which emerged from the practical implementation of the technique. The conclusion was that TOLs seem to have a unique ability to identify aspects of the nature of ESL reading gained from an on-line assessment of reader interaction, provided that TOL research is conducted within certain methodological and analytic research constraints. The writer has proffered suggestions for future ESL TOL research, and feels that the combination of TOL research findings with other measures of reading comprehension could elucidate aspects of ESL comprehension, making a valuable contribution to ESL reading theory and practice.
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- Date Issued: 1993
Waste management knowledge, its production, recontextualisation and circulation in Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) training programmes
- Authors: Giqwa, Nomfundiso Louisa
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Refuse and refuse disposal -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa. Expanded Public Works Programme , Refuse and refuse disposal -- Employees -- Training of -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs , Knowledge, Theory of , Knowledge, Sociology of
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63729 , vital:28478
- Description: This study set out to investigate the structuring, recontextualisation and circulation of waste management knowledge in the South African environmental Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Waste Management Projects. In this thesis these projects also referred to as the Working on Waste (WoW) programme or focus area within the Environmental Protection and Infrastructure Programme (EPIP) hosted by the National Department of Environmental Affairs. Expanded Public Work Programmes are a strategy used by governments to address unemployment and in South Africa; the programmes also seek to address a need for skills development. In this study, the focus is on EPWP waste management knowledge, training programmes and activities only. With waste management knowledge as the core interest, the focus of the investigation was on knowledge circulation of waste management via informal (participation in the project) and formal training of workers at Level 2 National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The study started by firstly investigating what waste management knowledge is produced in the Field of Production via scientific research and policy. It then studied how this waste management knowledge is recontextualised into qualifications and skills programmes designed in the official recontextualising field and learning materials and training programmes designed and offered in the professional recontextualising field. The study also focused on the knowledge of workers and their experience of training in the EPWP workplaces, with an emphasis on rural workplaces. This is where the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) is placing emphasis on training for job creation, empowerment and skills development, and it is also where a number of EPWP Working on Waste programmes are being implemented. The aim was also to develop an understanding of how knowledge circulates amongst learners in training sessions and in workplaces. To do this, I drew on Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogical device which provides theoretical lenses and a language of description to explain how knowledge is recontextualised from the field of production to the field of reproduction. To investigate the structuring of this knowledge by official and pedagogical recontextualisers, I drew on the work of Maton, who offers a Legitimation Code Theory to explain the principles structuring knowledge, of which I used specialisation and semantics (two of his suite of knowledge structuring principles) for analysis. The questions that guided the study throughout were: 1. What is the structure of legitimate knowledge and knowers in waste management? 2. What are the underlying principles underpinning knowledge and knowers in waste management? 3. How is the knowledge recontextualised in waste management training qualifications, documents and manuals for worker training at NQF Level 2? 4. How is the knowledge reproduced and evaluated in the waste management EPWP training activities (formal) and workplaces (informal)? 5. How does waste management knowledge circulate amongst the workers in the EPWP training activities and workplaces? For this study I used the case study method, focusing only on one field or DEA EPWP focus area (waste management) and one programme (EPWP Working on Waste), looking in more depth at two cases (two similar types of projects) within the EPWP Working on Waste programme, though they are situated in different areas and though I could only carry through observations of actual workplace training in one of the two sites due to contextual circumstances. The first project was situated in the Amathole District Municipality while the second one was situated in the Chris Hani District Municipality, both of which are in the rural towns of the former Transkei region in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This area has been at the forefront in accessing funding for these projects due to the level of poverty surrounding these towns and the inability of the local government sphere to deliver on its mandate in the region. Data was collected through document analysis, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Documents analysed were research documents produced by researchers at the level of production as well as legal frameworks guiding waste management processes in this country. Qualifications and Unit Standards at Level 2, as well as training materials designed by providers were analysed. Training in one of the projects was observed and workers in both sites were interviewed twice. The main finding of the study is that waste management knowledge is characterised by interdisciplinarity and a strong epistemic relation which emphasises procedural and technical forms of knowledge. The study found that the knowledge constructed in the field, as well as the policies, qualifications and training programmes are all consequently characterised by a strong epistemic code (ER+) and a weak social relations code (SR-). The study also identified a ‘code clash’ with the knowledge of workers in rural towns whose knowledge and experience of waste management was found to reflect a strong social relation (SR+) and weak epistemic code (ER-), a pattern which was traced back to a similar code in waste management knowledge at home and school (i.e. workers’ prior knowledge and learning experiences). This created difficulties for the trainers who sought to use strategies of descending from the abstract to the concrete in various ‘descending’ semantic waves that tended to move from high levels of semantic density (SD+) to lower levels of semantic density (SD-) as the training provider sought to contextualise a range of concepts. This was the main strategy identified for mediating waste management knowledge reflecting a dominant pattern of SD+/SG- to SD-/SG+ (with SG meaning semantic gravity). This shows that the trainer seldom started mediating concepts from the basis of workers’ prior knowledge and experience and observations showed little responsiveness from workers resulting from this strategy. Despite this, the study found that workers did develop an improved understanding of specialised waste management knowledge over time, especially through observing and doing more complex tasks in the workplace. The study offers a model for addressing the pedagogical difficulty identified around the code clash, and suggests that further attention needs to be given to ‘ascending’ from the concrete to the abstract in pedagogical practices. The study also pointed to the need for a more inclusive knowledge framework for waste management training, especially in the field of recontextualisation (both the official and pedagogical recontextualisation fields) to extend possibilities for workers to learn more about economic potential and access routes into more sustainable jobs. It identifies the need for a more systemic approach to waste management in rural towns and municipalities, improved compliance and also proposes that better waste management practices are modelled to avoid performative contradictions between the knowledge promoted in the field of production and the official and pedagogical recontextualising fields and the field of reproduction, where workers are learning this knowledge via a mix of accredited training and exposure to participation in waste management practices. This study contributes to new knowledge in that it offers an epistemically grounded and theorised pedagogical process model for Level 2 Waste Management Training (in the EPWP programmes, but potentially also more broadly) that accords with the need for a strong epistemic relation code (ER+) embodied in the need for learning scientific and technical waste management knowledge and procedures. It also addresses workers’ needs for greater epistemic access and participation in knowledge building and application of waste management knowledge in praxis as per the purpose of the EPW training programmes, thereby potentially opening up more sustainable learning pathways for them out of poverty through the EPWP training opportunities. The study has pointed to key areas for further research, including further research on the proposed model, further research into Level 2 pedagogical practices and further research into the foundations of waste management learning in schools. Most of the workers who were participating in the training in the EPWP programmes were educated at above Level 2 before participating in the projects, yet their knowledge and experience of waste management was mostly based on everyday knowledge, pointing to an absence of adequate waste management education in schools in rural contexts in South Africa. The study has also made various recommendations for improving waste management education and training at Level 2 in EPWP programmes in rural areas in particular (but potentially also more widely), notably the need to develop a more inclusive knowledge framework that includes historical and economic knowledge more explicitly at all levels of the recontextualisation process; improved pedagogical and assessment practices that take better account of learners knowledge and experiences in knowledge building processes; and giving attention to structural and systemic approaches to waste management in rural areas to avoid performative contradictions that arise between the knowledge being promoted in the field of production and the field of reproduction and the actual context of waste management.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Vocabulary proficiency in English of students in the primary teachers' certificate course
- Authors: Harlech-Jones, Brian Arthur
- Date: 1981
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) Vocabulary -- Study and teaching (Elementary)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1903 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006347
- Description: This work investigates vocabulary proficiency in English of a group of students in the Primary Teacher's Certificate course. It is shown that this is the major certification course for teachers in Black education in South Africa, and, that primary school teachers are the major source of English for Black pupils for a considerable period, if not for the duration of their school education. The quality of the teachers' English thus has a major influence on that used by the pupils. In addition to the established needs for proficiency in a national and international medium such as English, it is emphasized that , with the increasing use of English as a medium of instruction, a lack of proficiency will adversely affect general scholastic achievement. The investigation proceeds by two means: (1) a series of vocabulary tests and (2) an error analysis (lexis and morphology) , based on scripts produced by the same group to whom the tests were administered. Prior to the presentation of the tests and the results and conclusions, there is a discussion of what constitutes vocabulary. This is introduced by a discussion of the dichotemy 'structure/lexis', primarily by reference to the writings on structuralism by Charles Fries - This discussion shows that the progress in vocabulary study is intimately related to the as-yet undeveloped state of investigations into the semantics of the language . There is a referenoe to the role of frequency-counts in vocabulary teaching with specific reference to Michael West's General Service List of English Words. In the absence of other prescribed standards of attainment in vocabulary, the General Service List serves as control for the tests , and is itself under examination as a possible major resource for vocabulary teaching. It is shown that structuralism has produced the instructional method known as 'audio- lingualism', which has gained wide credence, not least in the educational system through which the subjects of this study have passed. The contributions and defects of this method are discussed , with particular reference to its deleterious effect on vocabulary teaching. It is shown that vocabulary teaching becomes increasingly important in the later stages of language learning. There is reference to the current emphasis on ' commununicative' language teaching/learning, and it is shown that a major area of application is in the presentation of materials which embody an across-the-curriculum approach. The Pre- Tests are concerned only with the four major 'parts of speech ' and use only items from the General Service List ('G.S.L'). A particular feature is the development of tests based on the 'partial productivity of lexical rules' , which proved significantly effective in distinguishing between testees of high and low proficiency . The Final Tests, compiled from items which discriminated successfully in the Pre-Tests , are presented , and a Post- Final Test form of ultimately successful items is provided. There is a brief theoretical discussion of Error Analysis, and this is followed by the presentation of the categorization of lexical and morphological errors extracted from a corpus produced by the same group which provided subjects for the tests . There is comment on this categorization, which points to both the usefulness and shortcomings of such data . Amongst the conclusions and recommendations are the following: that vocabulary teaching has languished, both because of present inadequacies in semantic investigation, and because of the predominance of structuralism; that vocabulary teaching is important throughout , but particularly in the post-initial stages ; that word-counts (specifically the G. S. L.)have a valuable place in vocabulary teaching, as controls, prompts and suppliers of resource material ; that there is a wide range of proficiency amongst these subjects , even within the limits of a word-count such as the G.S.L. (the most frequent 2000 'words ' in English , with a samantic count, and related items formed by various processes) ; that this range of proficiency and the shortcomings shown are disturbing in teachers- in- training , who are also in their eleventh and twelfth years of formal instruction in English; that there is further cause for concern when it is remembered that their pupils will need English for success in a number of subjects , and will be instructed in English mainly by teachers. drawn from this group ; that there is some evidence of a relationship between vocabulary proficiency and the frequency of items in the G.S .L. (reinforcing the suggesting that the G.S .L. is a useful ' teaching tool ' ) ; that the categorization of errors shows that mastery of the · contents of the G. S. L. would , in theory , eliminate the great majority of errors attested in the categorization, and that mastery of even the most common areas of lexis and lexical formation cannot and should not be taken for granted; and that acquaintance with the contents of a word frequency-count , and with categorizations of errors , will sharpen teachers' perceptions as to the nature of their task and the directions in which vocabulary teaching should proceed.
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- Date Issued: 1981
Vocabulary development in a grade 7 class using dictionary skills: an action research project
- Authors: Wells, Stephanie Alice
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Vocabulary -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape English language Dictionaries -- Polyglot -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1822 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003708
- Description: As I was involved as a voluntary, part-time teacher in a local, semi-rural school in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, I became increasingly aware of the learners' lack of English literacy. I therefore decided to do a practical research on vocabulary development, focusing on dictionary skills. In this thesis I describe how I implemented a vocabulary development programme as an Action Research project. My research group was a grade 7 class of English First Additional Language learners who had minimal exposure to English at school and in their communities. The class was a mixture of Afrikaans and isiXhosa home language speakers and the medium of instruction was Afrikaans. The school served a low-income community and was poorly resourced. As dictionary skills is a requirement of the national curriculum, I used 10 time-tabled lessons over a 5 week period to introduce the learners to dictionaries. My data sources were a journal detailing my reflections on each lesson; a video-recording of the lessons; small group interviews after each lesson which were audio-recorded; tasksheets on the work covered in class and questionnaires asking the learners for written responses to the lessons. The class teacher who filmed the lessons was also asked for feedback during and after the programme. My goals were to assess my teaching approach in these circumstances and to what extent the outcomes were positive for the learners. As I had come from a background of English Home Language teaching in good, well-resourced schools I found I had to question many of my assumptions. Although I was an experienced, qualified and confident teacher, I was continually having to reassess my teaching methods which were being challenged by very different classroom conditions. The outcomes of the research show why I was not able to achieve what I had thought I could in the time given.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Visualisation processes in teaching patterns and their generalisation: perceptions and experiences from senior phase mathematics teachers
- Authors: Chatima, Simon
- Date: 2022-04-08
- Subjects: Visual learning South Africa Eastern Cape , Mathematics Study and teaching (Secondary) South Africa Eastern Cape , Mathematics teachers South Africa Eastern Cape Attitudes , Sequences (Mathematics) Study and teaching (Secondary) South Africa Eastern Cape , Constructivism (Education) South Africa Eastern Cape , Mathematics teachers In-service training South Africa Eastern Cape , VIPRO MATHS Project
- Language: English
- Type: Master's thesis , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/232936 , vital:50039
- Description: This study investigated how senior phase mathematics teachers used visualisation approaches to teach patterns and their generalisation as a result of an intervention programme. This project is an integral component of the VIPRO MATHS Project and one of a number of post-graduate research projects which has a particular focus on visualisation processes in mathematics education in the Southern African region. This case study of Senior Phase mathematics teachers in the Chris Hani West District (CHW) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa used a social constructivist theory. The study is grounded within an interpretive paradigm explanatory qualitative method design. It surveyed thirty-seven Senior Phase mathematics teachers from schools in the CHW district to get an idea of how teachers teach patterns and their generalisation, prior to an intervention process. After the survey, nine teachers were purposively selected to take part in an intervention programme. They were then observed (teaching) and interviewed to get their perceptions about what factors enable and/or constrain the teaching of patterns and their generalisation when visualisation approaches were used. The data from the survey questionnaire responses, the lesson observations and the interviews were analysed qualitatively. The findings from the survey questionnaire responses revealed that teachers in CHW district value the use of visualisation approaches, although they used visuals to teach patterns in a way that lacked depth, skill and rigor prior to the intervention. Challenges such as difficulty in keeping abreast with the prescribed syllabus, the lack of resources, time constraints, and the limited knowledge of algebra learners have for successfully transferring pictorial representations to symbolic presentations, emerged from the survey data. This necessitated the need for an intervention which focused on the use of a variety of visual strategies and tools to teach patterns and their generalisation effectively. Data from lesson observations showed that all observed participant teachers used visuals to generate image- related questions and created platforms for lively classroom discussions. The teachers used the generated questions to build on learners’ prior knowledge and to promote learner understanding of pattern dynamics that stem from pictorial representations. The data from the interviews revealed that teachers’ perceptions had drastically changed after the intervention. This was because they were now equipped and empowered to effectively make use of visual strategies that enabled them to: build on learners’ prior knowledge, to manipulate visuals for the purpose of prompting learning, develop cognitive perception in learners, cultivate learner innovation and originality and enhance problem solving techniques. This study concludes that the use of visuals enhanced conceptual teaching of patterns and their generalisation in the observed participants. This has the potential to provide mathematics education researchers and curriculum developers with a strong basis to include visualisation processes and strategies into the design of policy documents and to initiate further research efforts. The implications for the teachers are that learners need to be taught ways to create and interpret visual representations in order to understand the dynamics of transferring a pictorial pattern to its resultant symbolic representation expressing pattern regularity. It is also hoped that the results of this study will be utilised by mathematics subject advisers and teacher training institutions to improve the teaching of patterns and their generalisation. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-08
Visual literacy in adult basic education : a study of ABET learners' visual perception with regard to their general level of English second language learning
- Authors: Bouwer, Anne Margaret
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Foreign speakers Visual literacy -- South Africa Adult education -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1821 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003707
- Description: Adult learners face many difficulties in their learning programmes, particularly due to the fact that having mastered literacy in their mother tongues, they move on to further educational programmes which are mostly produced in English. In contemporary society, people need to be adept in a number of literacies, termed multiliteracies. Adult learners are rarely taught visual competence as visual images are relegated to illustrations for written texts, and attention is mainly focussed on the all-important written word. Adult basic education learners need to be able to interpret pictures in books, newspapers and magazines, just as much as they need to be able to read and write. It is the premise of this research that visual literacy enhances thinking skills and that adult learners need to be actively taught how to interpret visual images in order to more ably deal with the written word, the more 'important' part of literacy. The goals of this research are to develop understanding of the processes which go into understanding images and text, and to examine how pictures can be used to help adult learners develop proficiency in English. Another goal is to teach learners the basics of visual literacy so as to improve their comprehension of the plethora of images surrounding them. The research findings could help to inform adult educators facing the current crisis in Adult Basic Education and Training in South Africa, focusing on a little-studied aspect of literacy, visual literacy, one of the critical outcomes in the new South African curriculum for Adult Education and one of the multiliteracies required by citizens of today's world.
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- Date Issued: 2000
Using the van Hiele theory to analyse geometrical conceptualisation in grade 12 students: a Namibian perspective
- Authors: Mateya, Muhongo
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Hiele, Pierre M. van Hiele-Geldof, Dina van Geometry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1820 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003706
- Description: The study reported here utilised a theory of levels of geometric thinking. This theory was proposed and developed by two Dutch mathematics educators, Pierre van Hiele and his wife, Dina van Hiele-Geldof. The van Hiele theory enables investigations into why many students experience difficulties in learning geometry. In many nations, such as the UK, the USA, Netherlands, the USSR and to a certain extent, Nigeria and South Africa, research evidence has indicated that the overall students’ mathematical competencies are linked to their geometric thinking levels. This study is the first of its kind to apply the van Hiele theory of geometric thinking in the Namibian context to analyse geometrical conceptualisation in Grade 12 mathematics students. In all, 50 Grade 12 students (20 from School A and 30 from School B) were involved in this study. These students wrote a van Hiele Geometry Test adapted from the Cognitive Development and Achievement in Secondary School Geometry test items. Thereafter, a clinical interview with the aid of manipulatives was conducted. The results from this study indicated that many of the School A and School B students who participated in the research have a weak conceptual understanding of geometric concepts: 35% of the School A and 40% of the School B subsamples were at the prerecognition level. 25% and 30% of the School A, and 20% and 23.3% of the School B students were at van Hiele levels 1 and 2 respectively. An equal number of students but different in percentages, 2 (10%) in School A and 2 (6.7%) in School B, were at van Hiele level 3. Only one student from School B attained van Hiele level 4. These results were found to be consistent with those of previous similar studies in UK, USA, Nigeria and South Africa. The findings of this study also highlight issues of how the Namibian Grade 12 geometry syllabus should be aligned with the van Hiele levels of geometric thinking as well as the use of appropriate and correct language in geometrical thinking and problem solving.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Using the topic "Water management in Umtata" to promote the use of an environmental approach in the teaching of geography
- Authors: Nduna, Joyce Nothemba
- Date: 1995
- Subjects: Geography -- Study and teaching -- Environmental aspects Water -- Management -- Study and teaching -- Environmental aspects Environmental education -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1819 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003705
- Description: This study first offers a critique of some conventional approaches to environmental education and geography. The critique is followed by an analysis of current learning theories which underpin environmental and geographical thinking. On the basis of this analysis an environmental approach to the teaching of geography is identified. Within the broad theoretical context provided by debates on the importance of environmental education for the solution of environmental problems, the study promotes student teachers' understanding of an environmental approach in the teaching of geography at Transkei College of Education. Water management, a section of the geography syllabus, is selected to illustrate the process and implementation of such an approach in geography. The educational effectiveness of an environmental approach with regard to the students' conceptual understanding of water management is evaluated. The study as a whole is set within the general literature of environmental education, and particularly that of education for the environment.
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- Date Issued: 1995
Using the local environment for outcomes-based education: issues raised for INSET by teachers' perceptions of agents of change
- Authors: Burton, Noreen
- Date: 1998
- Subjects: In-service education and training for teachers Teachers -- Training of -- South Africa Teachers -- In-service training -- South Africa Competency-based education -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1818 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003704
- Description: South African education is in the process of undergoing what has become known as a "paradigm shift", requiring a change from the familiar transmission method to outcomes-based education (OBE) founded on social constructivist theories oflearning and teaching. Teachers, (45% of whom are poorly qualified), "will play a pivotal role in the success or failure of this change. There is therefore an urgent need to re-educate in-service teachers in the philosophy, and related methodologies underpinning Curriculum 2005. To this end, in-service education courses need to be developed "which will encourage teachers to reconstruct their beliefs about teaching and learning. INSET programmes in the past were aimed at either "topping up" qualified teachers, or "adding on" for under qualified teachers - neither of which have proved successful. It is therefore unlikely that applying similar methodologies to support teachers in the shift to OBE will meet with success, nor will simply "training" teachers to use the new learning programmes. Government documents on Education Policy are calling for teachers to become reflexive practitioners, able to guide learners in their efforts to achieve the critical outcomes which are intended to develop a competent citizenry of lifelong learners. Therefore, teachers ought to be empowered as curriculum developers in their own right. This interpretative case study hoped to find out from teachers themselves what aspects of an activity-based environmental education course acted as change agents in assisting them to begin the shift to constructivist theories of teaching and learning. A variety of research tools were used, including questionnaires, interviews, journals, narratives and concept maps, all of which provided a rich source of data for interpretation. From what was gained from four participants in this research, tentative suggestions for incorporation into the next cycle of action research in future INSET programmes are made.
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- Date Issued: 1998
Using the indigenous technology of dyeing and weaving African baskets as a cultural tool to mediate learning of chemical and physical changes
- Authors: Kakambi, William Mafelezo
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Ethnoscience -- Namibia , Culturally relevant pedagogy , Traditional ecological knowledge -- Namibia , Basket making -- Namibia , Dyes and dyeing -- Namibia , Pedagogical content knowledge
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177268 , vital:42805
- Description: Literature has revealed that indigenous learners, especially in many African nations are subjected to learning school science in unfamiliar contexts. Learners in Namibia where this study was conducted are no exception. In consequence, learners experience cognitive conflict between school science and the experiences learnt at home and in the community. This is exacerbated, in part, by the fact that science teachers do not seem to know how to integrate indigenous knowledge in their science teaching. As an attempt to address this problem, some scholars call for the integration of indigenous knowledge into the science curriculum to provide a much needed context for learning science. It is against this background that this study sought to use the indigenous technology of dyeing and weaving baskets as a cultural tool to mediate learning of chemical and physical changes. Underpinned by the interpretivist and Ubuntu paradigms, the study employed a qualitative case study research design. The study was conducted in the Zambezi region in Namibia. Four grade 8 Physical Science teachers, an expert community member, and a critical friend were involved as participants in this study. Data were gathered using semi-structured interviews, workshop discussions, participatory observation, and journal reflections. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory and Mavhunga and Rollnick’s topic specific pedagogical content knowledge were used as theoretical and analytical frameworks, respectively. A thematic approach to data analysis was employed to come up with sub-themes and themes. The findings of the study revealed that all the participating teachers in this study had never been exposed to ideas on how to integrate indigenous knowledge in their science teaching. As a result, they all embraced and valued the indigenous technology of dyeing and weaving as relevant and useful in the teaching and learning of chemical and physical changes. This study recommends that there is a need to empower science teachers on how to integrate indigenous knowledge in their science teaching in order to make science accessible and relevant to their learners’ lived worlds. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Using reading to learn pedagogy to enhance the English first additional language teachers’ classroom practice
- Authors: Mawela, Rethabile Rejoice
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Reading to learn , Language transfer (Language learning) -- South Africa -- Kuruman , Language teachers -- South Africa -- Kuruman , Language and languages -- Study and teaching -- Bilingual method , Second language acquisition
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/63415 , vital:28409
- Description: Drawing from the Hallidayan, Bernsteinian and Vygotskyan theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics, Pedagogic Discourse and Social Learning, this study examined the role that Rose's (2005) Reading to Learn (RtL) pedagogy could play in the development of teachers’ pedagogic practices in the teaching of English First Additional Language. The study participants teach English First Additional Language in Black, materially and economically disadvantaged rural primary schools in Kuruman, the Northern Cape Province, South Africa. As study participants, 4 intermediate phase and 4 senior phase teachers of English First Additional Language were purposively selected from 6 rural schools. Located within the Critical Paradigm, Subjective Epistemology and Mixed-Method approach, the study used documentary evidence, semi- structured interviews and RtL pedagogy as research instruments. Research findings reveal that RtL enriched and advanced teachers’ pedagogic practice in the teaching of reading and writing. As a consequence, teachers’ classroom practice of the 8 study participants improved as evidenced as their content knowledge expanded, the quality of teaching developed and their perceptions of themselves as professionals was transformed. An accompanying finding is that teachers acquired the tools to teach reading and the reading and writing proficiencies of learners in their classrooms improved.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Using a classroom library to promote extensive reading in a Grade 8 class in a Fort Beaufort District School, Eastern Cape : an action research case study.
- Authors: Bushula, Bruce Simphiwe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Classroom libraries -- South africa -- Eastern Cape -- Case studies , Reading (Secondary) , Literacy -- Study and teaching (Secondary) , Literacy programs
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2022 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017333
- Description: This thesis reports on a collaborative action research case study with Grade 8 learners in a rural high school in Fort Beaufort District, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The goals of the case study were firstly, to understand best practices for promoting extensive reading using a classroom library, and secondly, to use these insights to put an extensive reading programme in place with a view to improving my practice as a language teacher and to gain better understanding of ways of enhancing my Grade 8 learners’ literacy skills. The following qualitative methods were used to collect data: observation, semi-structured interviews, class discussion, questionnaires, journal reflections and document analysis. Analysis of data involved identification of emerging themes and patterns. The findings suggest that the strategies used in the extensive reading intervention improved my learners’ levels of engagement with reading. Putting these strategies into practice, and reflecting critically on how to refine them helped enrich my own professional insight and development in relation to the implementation of extensive reading programmes. Since action research is usually designed in spirals of action, this research serves as a first spiral and a foundation upon which to build second and subsequent spirals (which do not form part of this research). The study highlighted the fact that certain challenges that emerged (for example, shortage of books at the learners’ level, and a lack of parental cooperation) need to be addressed in a second spiral of intervention. The study further suggested that the implementation of effective extensive reading programmes by teachers in the middle and upper phases of secondary schooling requires further investigation.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Use of eco-art education in supporting the establishment of sustainability competencies in basic education: an interventionist case study
- Authors: Da Silva, Juliana Schmidt
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Environment (Art) , Environmental education -- Brazil , Sustainable development -- Brazil , Education -- Curricula -- Brazil , Eco-art education
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/166127 , vital:41331
- Description: Recent socioecological approaches in Environmental Education acknowledge the complexity of “real-world situations”, which include environmental problems. One response to the challenge of enabling people to develop sustainability is the key competencies in sustainability framework. It can be faced as a guide to planning Environmental Education actions. On the other side, art practices hold potential to expand learning in varied ways. Art can offer the strategies employed in learning processes directed to sustainability, constituting the field of eco-art education. This research aims to investigate the integration of the visions of the key competencies in sustainability and the eco-art education in an Environmental Education project at high school level. Horta and Gastronomia (Vegetable Garden and Gastronomy) is an extra-curricular activity which happens every year at Irmão Jaime Biazus high school in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It addresses food security and sustainability associating the garden, the kitchen and exploration of sustainability issues using eco-art strategies. Action research approach is used, defining two research cycles to explore the effectiveness of eco-art for the development of key competencies in sustainability. The first cycle focuses on the eco-art activities applied in Horta and Gastronomia (2017 group) while the second cycle deals with a post-project intervention designed to observe indicators of the sustainability competencies and further explore eco-art strategies. This study adds to the field of sustainability competencies by exploring teaching strategies through eco-art education. Insight into key competencies in sustainability is given by presenting the investigation of the group of students about a situation of their reality. The activities implemented, classified according to their objectives, are contextualized regarding the competencies and in learning sequences. This research also contributes to the development of the sustainability competencies framework by applying the theory to a basic education level, adapting the work originally proposed to higher education contexts.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Unionism in schools blessing or curse? : a case study of three schools in the Kavango region of Namibia
- Authors: Musore, Pontianus Vitumbo
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Teachers' unions--Namibia Namibia National Teachers' Union School management and organization--Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1809 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003695
- Description: This study investigates the role played by the Namibia National Teachers’ Union (NANTU) in school management. It examines the challenges faced by school principals in managing schools as a result of the presence of unions. In order to understand the behaviour and impact of union representatives in schools the study makes use of literature on teacher unionism, democratic, political and ambiguity management and leadership theories. Working in the interpretive orientation the study used semi-structured interviews, document analysis and focus group discussions. The research was conducted in the form of a case study involving three schools in the Kavango region of Namibia, and the data collected were dealt with according to case study principles. The study reveals that the presence of the union has several benefits for the school: for example, it advances the democratic participation of stakeholders, provides feedback to the school principal on how staff members experience his or her leadership, and offers advice on labour-related matters. It was also discovered that NANTU representatives act as mediators in conflict situations, which means that teachers can become better at managing and resolving conflict through their experience of serving on the union structures. However it was also discovered that the presence of NANTU in schools has several negative effects on schooling. For example, NANTU activities can disrupt school programmes; moreover, in some schools, neither NANTU representatives nor school principals understand their own or each other’s roles, and consequently they are always in conflict. The absence of a policy regulating the representation of NANTU in decision-making structures in schools causes the conflict to escalate. It emerged that the role of NANTU in schools is mainly determined by the leadership style of the school principal and the effectiveness of the NANTU representatives in that particular school. For example, an autocratic leadership style on the part of the school principal tends to exacerbate the conflict situation, while NANTU has been known to mobilize learners to demand the removal of school principals through class boycotts. NANTU is more concerned with defending the rights and interests of its members than any other matter affecting education. This research is likely to benefit school managers, policy makers and implementers, and NANTU structures, as it provides clarity on what both NANTU and school principals expect from one another. The study also demonstrates that school principals need to acknowledge and consider the divergent nature of the various interest groups in schools.
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- Date Issued: 2010