Evaluating summer cover crop species and management strategies for rainfed maize based cropping systems in the central region of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Ganyani, Lloyd Munashe
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: No-tillage , Sustainable agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rain and rainfall -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Crops and climate -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Crop Science)
- Identifier: vital:11865 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/373 , No-tillage , Sustainable agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rain and rainfall -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Crops and climate -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The overall objective of the whole study was to assess whether conservation agriculture (CA) systems can work in the Eastern Cape Province (EC). The CA systems were engaged through cover cropping to address land degradation problems by emphasizing high biomass production in order to realize short term benefits such as moisture conservation, weed suppression and soil fertility benefits under rainfed conditions in the central region of the Eastern Cape province. Since rainfall is the most limiting factor to crop production in the EC, a within season rainfall distribution analysis was conducted to expose the quality of the season (onset, end and duration) and hence the feasibility of CA systems to guide agronomic decisions by farmers in EC. To assess season parameters, thirty four years of daily rainfall was collected from the University of Fort Hare Research station and used to conduct the rainy pentad (5 day rainfall totals) analysis and the daily rainfall analysis using INSTAT software programme. Based on the pentad analysis, results showed that Alice does not have a rainy season in 1 out of 2 years (50% probability) but has one in 1 out of 4 years (25% probability level). This criterion proved to be harsher and conservative when compared to the daily rainfall approach which is more precise in measuring trends on season parameters. The daily rainfall analysis indicated a 65% feasibility for the dry land cropping systems in the EC. The pentad analysis however was effective in illustrating seasonality and it showed that the wet season begins on the 1st of November, ending on the 22nd of March lasting for 140 days. Though the season duration appeared too long, the existence of dry spells during critical growth stages adversely affects the quality of the season. The daily rainfall analysis also managed to derive a signal which can guide planting decisions. For planting to be successful, this analysis determined that 20 mm of rain should be received in two consecutive days after the 1st of November. A screening trial for cover crop biomass production and weed suppression was conducted on-station Fort Hare Research Farm (32°46' S and 26° 50' E), and Msobombvu village (MSBV) (32°44' S, and 26° 55' E) over two seasons (2007/08 and 2008/09). Six summer cover crops i.e. cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), dolichos lablab (Dolichos argenteus), sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea), buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum), forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and sunflower (Helianthus annus) were evaluated for biomass yield, and weed suppression. Decomposition rates, moisture conservation and residual effects of these cover crops on the succeeding main crop were also evaluated under dryland conditions. The screening trial was laid in randomized complete block design replicated three times. Forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and sunflower (Helianthus annus) were identified as high biomass producers and their dry matter yields ranged from 8 -12 t ha-1. These cover crops can be useful in generating high biomass in rainfed cropping systems in the EC. Other cover crops produced 3 - 4 t ha-1 of biomass which fell short of the 6 t ha-1 expected benchmark. However, these biomass yields were important in weed management since all cover crop species showed a similar degree of weed suppression which surpassed the weed fallow treatment. As dead mulches, the cover crops failed to show residual moisture conservation and weed control benefits for the succeeding maize crop mainly because of poor residue persistence, and low harvestable fallow rainfall. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), was selected for further investigations in a follow up trial on station in 2008/09 season because of its weed smothering qualities, suitability to short cycle rotations, and possible allelopathic properties. The trial aimed at finding weed and cost effective management options of buckwheat that are none detrimental to the succeeding maize crop. Results showed that cropping systems where buckwheat is followed by a main crop may not work as they are unprofitable with respect to R100 rand invested. Though perceived to have allelopathic properties, buckwheat failed to demonstrate the possibilities of allelopathic action against weeds. Intercropping trial was conducted on-station in 2007/8-2008/09 seasons to try and find better ways of fitting legume cover crops into maize based cropping systems without compromising production of staple cereals on limited landholdings. The trials evaluated three factors in factorial combination, cover crop planting date, intercropping strategy, and cover crop species. The trial was laid as 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arranged in a split-split plot design. The main plot factor was cover crop planting date, cover crops simultaneously planted with maize and cover crop planted two weeks after planting maize (DKC 61-25). The sub-plot factor was intercropping strategy, strip intercropping and betweenrow intercropping. The sub-sub-plot factor was cover crop species, Dolichos lablab (Dolichos argenteus (Highworth), and Cowpea Vigna ungiculata (Agrinawa) plus control plots of sole maize. Results showed that same time planting of leguminous cover crops with maize using the in-between row intercropping patterns can derive appreciable system biomass (maize/cover crop) yields, utilize land efficiently whilst getting favourable maize grain yield. Based on the rainfall analysis, results showed that the probability of success when relay seeding cover crops after two weeks into standing maize is low (15% chances of success). This suggests that relay intercropping strategies would not work due to the unavailability of a good quality season.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Investigation into the characteristics and possible applications of biomass gasification by-products from a downdraft gasifier system
- Authors: Melapi, Aviwe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Biomass gasification -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Renewable energy sources -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Crop residue management -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Coal gasification -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Lignocellulose -- Biodegradation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Chemistry)
- Identifier: vital:11348 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1020174 , Biomass gasification -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Renewable energy sources -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Crop residue management -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Coal gasification -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Lignocellulose -- Biodegradation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Biomass gasification has attracted the interest of researchers because it produces zero carbon to the atmosphere. This technology does not only produce syngas but also the byproducts which can be used for various application depending on quality.The study conducted at Melani village in Alice in the Eastern Cape of South Africa was aimed at investigating the possible applications of the gasification byproducts instead of being thrown away. Pine wood was employed as the parent feedstock material for the gasifier. Biomass gasification by-products were then collected for further analysis. The studied by-products included tar(condensate), char, soot and resin. These materials were also blended to produce strong materials.The essence of the blending was to generate ideal material that is strong but light at the same time.The elemental analysis of the samples performed by CHNS analyser revealed that carbon element is in large quantities in all samples. The FTIR spectra showed almost similar results for all the studied samples, since the samples are end products of lignocellulosegasification. SEM gave the sticky images of resin as well as porous char structures. Char showed a higher heating value of 35.37MJ/Kg when compared to other by-products samples.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Evaluation of cover crop species for biomass production, weed suppression and maize yields under irrigation in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Musunda, Bothwell Zvidzai
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Cover crops , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , No-tillage , Conservation of natural resources -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Weeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Crop Science)
- Identifier: vital:11867 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/347 , Cover crops , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , No-tillage , Conservation of natural resources -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Weeds
- Description: Achieving high biomass yields of cover crops has been a challenge to the success of Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices in the Eastern Cape (EC). A study was conducted to evaluate strategies for optimizing cover crop biomass production. Trials were carried out to screen summer and winter cover crops, as well as evaluate intercropping patterns and planting dates for biomass, weed suppression and subsequent maize yield under irrigation. Four summer legume cover crop species were evaluated under a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) design. The cover crops were fertilized with 13.34 kg ha-1 of N, 20 kg ha-1 P and 26.66 kg ha-1 K. In the 2008/09 summer season a maize crop was superimposed on the 2007/08 screening trial under no-till. The crop was fertilized with 60 kg ha-1 of N. An intercropping trial was conducted over two seasons as a way of investigating the best way of incorporating cover crops into farmers cropping systems. This was done bearing in mind the limitation of resources such as land. The trial evaluated 3 factors laid as a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arranged in a split-plot design. The main factor was cover crop planting date (planting at maize planting or 2 weeks after maize planting). The sub plot factor was intercropping pattern (strip intercropping and between row intercropping). A trial was also conducted to evaluate the effect of planting date (End of April and mid May) and four winter legume cover crop species on cover crop biomass, weed suppression and maize grain yield. The experiment was laid out as a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated 3 times. In the subsequent summer season a maize crop was superimposed on the winter trial to test the residual effects of the cover crop species. Another study was conducted to evaluate winter cereal cover crop species for biomass accumulation, weed suppression and subsequent maize grain yield. The cover crops as well as a weedy fallow control plot treatments were laid out as a Randomised Complete Block Design replicated 3 times. In the subsequent summer season a maize crop was superimposed on the site under no-till to evaluate the residual effect of the cover crops on maize. The results showed sunhemp, cowpea and lablab as the best cover crops with high biomass and weed suppression whilst mucuna was the least. Sunhemp consistently yielded higher cover biomass averaging 11200 kg ha-1 over the two seasons whilst mucuna had a consistently lowest average biomass yield of 4050 kg ha-1. These cover crops were above the critical 6 t ha-1 for effective weed suppression. There was a significant (p<0.01) relationship of cover crop dry weight and weed dry weight in both seasons. Subsequent maize grain yield was significantly higher in the sunhemp plots (64.2 %) than the weedy fallow plot. Mucuna, lablab and cowpea had maize grain yield increases of 16.6%, 33% and 43.2% respectively. Intercropping cover crops at maize planting yielded higher cover crop dry weights than a delay in intercropping cover crops. A delay in intercropping resulted in significantly higher average maize grain yield of 4700 kg ha-1 compared to intercropping at maize planting (3800 kg ha-1) and sole maize (4300 kg ha-1) over the two seasons. Strip intercropping also yielded higher (5000 kg ha- 1) average maize grain yield compared to row intercropping (3600 kg ha-1) and sole maize (4300 kg ha-1). There was a significant (p<0.05) relationship between cover crop dry weight in the 2007/08 season and maize grain yield in the 2008/09 season. Early planting grazing vetch gave the highest biomass yield of 8100 kg ha-1 whilst early planted red clover had the lowest biomass of 635 kg ha-1. Low weed dry weights were also obtained from the early planted grazing vetch as opposed to the other treatments. There was a significant (p<0.001) relationship of cover crop dry weight and weed dry weight. In the subsequent 2008/09 summer season early planted grazing vetch had the highest maize yield of 7500 kg ha-1 which was 56.3 % more than the weedy fallow plot had 4800 kg ha-1. The weedy fallow plot also had high weed infestation than the cover crop plots. There were significant (p<0.01) relationships between cover crop dry weight and maize grain yield, winter weed dry weight and maize grain yield and summer weed dry weight and maize grain yield. The results also showed triticale (13900 kg ha-1) as the best winter cover crop for biomass production. Italian ryegrass (6500 kg ha-1) produced the least amount of biomass. In The subsequent maize crop white oats gave highest maize grain yield (6369 kg ha-1) which was 33 % more than the weedy fallow plot (4784 kg ha- 1). There were also significant (p< 0.01) relationships of maize grain yield and winter weed dry weight, maize grain yield and summer growing weeds. The various studies demonstrated that there is opportunity for high biomass production under small scale farmers irrigated conditions using cover crops both in winter and summer. Best bet cover crops were sunhemp, cowpea and lablab for summer and triticale, white oats, barley, Italian ryegrass and grazing vetch for winter. Cover crops can also be incorporated into farmers cropping systems as sole crops or intercrops within the maize based cropping systems. Strip intercropping can be used by farmers as a way of introducing cover crops. Critical to achievement of high biomass is the time of planting cover crops with high biomass when planting is done early. A 2 week delay in strip intercropping cover crop into maize can be used as a way of incorporating cover crops into farmers cropping systems with minimal maize yield reduction.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cover crop biomass production and effects on weeds and soil fertility in a maize-based conservation agriculture system
- Authors: Muzangwa, Lindah
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Cover crops -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Weeds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Soil fertility -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Yields -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Crop Science)
- Identifier: vital:11862 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/484 , Cover crops -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Biomass energy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Weeds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Soil fertility -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Yields -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Low cover crop biomass production is a major obstacle to the success of conservation agriculture currently promoted as panacea to the inherent problem of soil erosion and loss of soil productivity in the Eastern Cape (EC). Therefore, this study evaluated cover crop management strategies for optimizing biomass production for better soil cover, soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertility, weed control and maize yields. The strategies tested are cover crop bicultures, selection of an adapted lupin cultivar and seeding rate, and the feasibility of rain fed winter cover cropping. The cover crop experiments were carried in rotation with summer maize between the winter of 2009 and summer of 2010/2011. Biculture trial was carried out by seeding oat (Avena sativa) and vetch (Vicia dasycarpa) at three mixture ratios and as sole crops under irrigation. On a separate irrigated trial, two lupin cultivars (Lupinus angustifolius var Mandelup & Qualinock) were seeded to a range of seeding rate, 40 to 220 kg ha-1. To study the feasibility of rain fed winter cover cropping, oat, vetch, rye (Lolium multiflorum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), radish (Raphanus sativa) and triticale (Triticale secale) were relayed into a maize crop in February, March and April of 2010. The irrigated trials were followed with SC701 maize cultivar, whilst the rain fed trial was followed with DKC61-25 maize cultivar. Bicultures gave higher cover crop biomass than sole vetch, increasing with an increase in the oat component of the mixture. Increased N and P uptake was observed with bicultures compared to sole oat, however, the levels were comparable to sole vetch. Sole vetch increased soil inorganic N and P at maize planting, whilst the slow decomposition by sole oat residue resulted in mineral lock up. Bicultured cover crop residues had intermediate decomposition rates and resulted in optimum levels of inorganic N and P for prolonged periods compared to sole crops. Weed suppression by the bicultures was comparable to sole cover crops. Biculturing technology significantly (P<0.05) increased maize grain yield compared to sole oat and the yields were comparable to those from sole vetch. For lupins, 206 kg ha-1 seeding rate gave the optimum biomass yield. Weed dry weights in both cover crop and maize crop decreased with an increase in lupin biomass. Comparable soil total N and inorganic P values at maize planting, were observed from plots planted to 120, 180 and 220 kg ha-1. Maize grain yield increased with an increase in lupin seeding rate. The study on rain fed winter cover cropping had most cover crop species’ biomass decreasing with each delay in planting except for radish, which increased. Vetch produced the highest amounts of biomass from February and March planting whilst radish had the highest biomass in April planting. The two species resulted in the greatest N improvement compared to the other species. Regardless of the grazing, the grass specie residues managed to persist to the next cropping season and the residue remaining were comparable to that of radish and vetch. Late-planted cover crops had the greatest residue remaining than early-planted, as a result, April planted cover crops provided better weed suppression than March and April planted. Vetch provided the highest maize grain yield (4005 kg ha-1) whilst all other species tested had comparable grain yields. The results suggested that bicultures could be grown to give sufficient biomass for both weed suppression and soil fertility improvement. Furthermore, increasing lupin plant densities improve its function as a cover crop with respect to weed suppression, soil fertility improvement and maize yields. The study also showed that for dry land systems, February and March planted vetch and April planted radish can provide the greatest biomass and maize yield improvement.
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- Date Issued: 2011