Only remainder of much larger Parson's Vlei at Bridgemead, Port Elizabeth, after exceptional winter rains
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 2002-09-14
- Subjects: Parson's Vlei -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12375 ,
- Description: Original vlei drained by P.E. Municipality. Already 2 dabchicks, 2 Egyptian Geese & 2 yellowbiled duck were at the vlei which had been dry for years.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2002-09-14
Only remainder of much larger Parson's Vlei at Bridgemead, Port Elizabeth, after exceptional winter rains
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 2002-09-14
- Subjects: Parson's Vlei -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12377 ,
- Description: Original vlei drained by P.E. Municipality. Already 2 dabchicks, 2 Egyptian Geese & 2 yellowbiled duck were at the vlei which had been dry for years.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2002-09-14
Ecology and breeding biology of Lanner Falcons in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Stephenson, Alan
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Birds -- Breeding , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- Ecology , Falcons -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5667 , , Birds -- Breeding , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- Ecology , Falcons -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Lanner Falcons Falco biarmicus are the commonest large falcons in Africa and this study in the coastal area of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa investigated their ecology from 1984 to 2000. Lanners have recently been categorised as near-threatened and this study was initiated to ascertain if the population was stable. Breeding success of a small population, in different habitat types, was monitored intensively from 1997 to 2000, and the factors that inhibited breeding were investigated. The earliest onset of incubation was 17 July and the latest 16 August, with 2.2 young fledged per breeding pair over the four-year period. Incubation lasted 32 days and young fledged after 42-45 days. All nest sites were on cliffs with a mean height of 114 m, a mean vertical face of 53 m; 45% of the nests were in ravens’ nests. The aspect of cliff sites also influenced breeding success. Radio tracking was used to determine home range, habitat use and hunting methods, with prey species identified. Home ranges were between 66 km² and 249 km². Preferred prey was domestic chickens, pigeons and small birds during the breeding season. Foraging ranges were smaller in intensively cultivated areas with seed crops. Data obtained from ringing returns showed that no long distance movements occurred in this region, but two juveniles dispersed 152 km and 127 km. Conservation aspects with possible threats to Lanner Falcons such as poisons, electrocutions and direct persecution are discussed with some recommendations made for future research. Evidence from this study indicates that Lanner breeding success is not limited by nest site availability, but by rainfall timing and prey availability. Lanners foraged more in open areas than areas with tall vegetation, and benefited from intensive agriculture. This population appeared to be healthy and in no danger of declining in the near future.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2001
At the ebb-and-flow bridge on the Kieskamma River, East London - Peddie boundary
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963-08-01
- Subjects: Herons -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12350 ,
- Description: On the krans in the background are at least 32 nests of black-headed Herons yet, on top of the krans is a thicket of tall Euphorbias on which the birds could have built comfortably more in conformity with their usual habit of nesting in trees.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963-08-01
Cape and Gurney's Sugerbird habitat, Hoho Peak, Pirie Mountain, King William's Town, Ciskei, 1402 m asl
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963
- Subjects: Sugarbirds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Cliffortia -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12364 ,
- Description: Looking westwards from top of Hoho Peak (Pirie West Peak) over Protea thickets in immediate foreground to the mid-picture ridge covered in Cliffortia fynbos and which might once have held dense Protea subvestita and /or Protea multibracteata thickets. Some of the latter still growing below the subvestita thickets there. iNtaba knNdoda Peak in distance.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963
Pirie Mountain, King William's Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963
- Subjects: Sugarbirds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12365 ,
- Description: Cape and Gurney Sugerbird Promerops cafer & Gurneyi country. The left-hand dome is Hoho Peak, or Pirie West Peak, on the western slopes of which both species where found occupying and nesting in a thicket of tall, dense Protea subvestita, almost the last patch of any size on these mountains. The dark areas on the slopes are protea trees. Those on top had been burned out. Such thickets would have been more widespread in the past. Below are some Protea multibracteata plants. The thickets of subvestita were burnt out in the late 1960's to make way for stock grazing.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963
Railway line a few km east of Waverley, Tarkastad, CP
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-08
- Subjects: Sparrows -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12366 ,
- Description: White-browed Sparrow-weaver colony beside railway line.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-08
Mount Thomas on the inner range of the Amathole Mountains between Hogsback to the west and Dohne Peak above Stutterheim to the east
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959-06-01
- Subjects: Protea subvestita -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Protea multibracteata -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sugarbirds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12361 ,
- Description: This whole range could well have been covered in both Protea subvestita and Protea multibracteata before being heavily overstocked with cattle. Even on the flats in the foreground relict patches of multibracteata occurred until the 1970's. Good populations of sugarbirds could therefore have existed.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959-06-01
Farm 'Reedsdale', near Amabele, Stutterheim, CP
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1956
- Subjects: Snipes -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Gillitt, Tom -- Photographs , Ranger, Gordan -- Photographs , Skead, Walter -- Photographs
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12352 ,
- Description: Reed-beds in swamps on farm, a place much favoured by Ethiopian Snipe, Especially for nesting. Figures are Tim Gillitt, Gordan Ranger and Walter Skead (the boy).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1956
Farm 'Gameston', Highlands, Albany, CP
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Swallows -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12359 ,
- Description: Small isolated bull-box under roof of which Greater Striped Swallows nested annually.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Hamburg, Keiskamma River Mouth, Peddie
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Cisticola juncidis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12360 ,
- Description: When this grass invaded the newly-deposited mudflats at Hamburg, Cisticola juncidis moved in despite tidal water beneath
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Hanover, King William's Town, Ciskei
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Red Bishops -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12369 ,
- Description: Dense Typha beds surrounding a vlei, used annually as a nesting site by Red Bishop birds.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
King William's Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Plants -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12358 ,
- Description: Figure points to bush where nest was built.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Looking down on the lower reaches of uMthaleni Valley, Kei Road, King William's Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Honeyguides -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12356 ,
- Description: The Scaly-throated Honeyguides call-site was in the dense tall patch in the stream bed.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Looking up the uMthaleni Valley, Kei Road, King William's Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Honeyguides -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12357 ,
- Description: The Scaly-throated Honeyguide ranged over the whole area but mostly in the forests and along bushy streams.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Zwelitsha on outskirts of King William's Town, Ciskei
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Red Bishops -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12367 ,
- Description: "Two photos of Red Bishop nesting area in swamps. Nesting site was in the dark mass at right; small clumps of Typha & Phragmites held a few nests."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Zwelitsha on outskirts of King William's Town, Ciskei
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 195u
- Subjects: Red Bishops -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12368 ,
- Description: "Two photos of Red Bishop nesting area in swamps. Nesting site was in the dark mass at right; small clumps of Typha & Phragmites held a few nests."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 195u
Gaika's Kop, Cathcart
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1947
- Subjects: Hamerkop -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12351 ,
- Description: Hamerkop in a stream below Gaika's Kop.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1947
'Gameston' farm, Highlands, Albany, CP
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Hoopoe -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12353 ,
- Description: Masses of dry cowpats covering a grassy cattle-sleeping-place on farm. Hoopoes fed here in nesting season with nests in the vicinity.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 19uu
Bridge over the Plat(te) Rivier on the Bearston-Graaff-Reinet Road, CP
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Cuckoos -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Birds -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Type: still image
- Identifier: vital:12370 ,
- Description: Where Levaillant shot the Klaas' Cuckoo to make this the type of locality of the species, Chrysococcyx klaasi. Karoo veld-type with riverside scrub and thorns.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 19uu