The Sound of Africa: Music of the Transkei
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Transkei , Garden Route , Mthatha , Butterworth , Sunsets , Thorn trees , Rondavels , Huts , Ponies , Pigs , Lambs , Animals , Pipe , Beer , Fighting song , Johannesburg , Mines , Drinking song , Clapping , Witwatersrand , Shaking dance , Amakwenkwe , Mbayizelo , Young Man‘s Dance , Leg bells , Uhadi bow , Bow , Magic , Humming , Nkanga , Hut dancing , Stories , Story-telling , Ikinki mouth bow , Whistle , Idutywa , Trading station , Young people , Gossip , Dance , Meeting , Pathos , Humour , Lullaby , Mhahlo , Gcaleka , Willowvale , Braves , Jomjom , Gold mines , Ceremonial song used to introduce a party or function , Amakwenkwe Mbayizelo , Mtshotsho dance , Ijoyini , The Native Recruiting Corporation , Young men call me a beauty , Tula mtwana , Hush child , Engcobo , Roaring , Concertina , Mouth organ , Cizele
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15087 , , Reel number: BC079, BC080, BC081
- Description: 2nd programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series III of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Eastern Congo and Ruanda-Urundi
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Lake Tanganyika , Mount Ruwenzori , Ituri forest , Pygmies , Tusti , Gold fields , Kilo Moto , Likembe , Hand piano , Guitar , Popular , Soldiers , Askaris , Lip platters , Trade , Honey , Honey Harvesting , Yodelling , Whistling , Hunting , Buck , Iddi , Clapping , Salt , Fishing , Elephant , Elephant hunting , Tembo , Lullaby , Manatoba kukwo , Rift Valley , Cattle , Herdsmen , Flute , Hills , Batwa , Half-pygmies , Pygmoids , Praise song , Chiefs , Mpundu , Mendicant , Begger , Bow , Ugubu bow , Hutu , Tutsi , Zither , Moral story song , Inanga zither , Umwimbo , Usumbura , Ntore dance , Horns , Drums , Royalty , Hima kings , Kimula , Alu Mbira , Boyoka nalinga , The Elephant Hunt
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15067 , , Reel numbers: BC041, BC042, BC043, BC044
- Description: 12th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: The Three High Commission Territories Series No. 3, The music of Swaziland
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Swaziland , Nguni , Bantu , Folk music , Conversation , Lowveld , Hair , Ligubu , Running , Walking , Protocol , Etiquette , Boys , Discipline , Chanting , We Safeguard the Chief , Quavering , Ihubo , Regiment , Incwala , Hoeing song , Fly Along Little Dove , Hamba Juba , Musical bows , Small flutes , Large bow , Reed , Queen Mother , Royalty , Chief , Pine trees , Forest , Mbube , Lion Song , Yell , Rant , Falsetto , Timber , Transvaal , National anthem , Indlaliso , Umgubo , Knobkerrie , Wondoloza bantu , Kinship ceremony , Maye maye , Flute , Constance Magogo , Bow , Ngoneeni ngoneni bakithi , Shangaan , Makweyana , Zakaliya uphume Nkelebeni , Mhlanga reed ceremony , Lobombo , Queen-Mother‘s village , Mbabane , Lion song , Usutu forest , Havelock Mine , Incaba kancofula
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15094 , , Reel number: BC117, BC118, BC119
- Description: 3rd programme in The Three High Commission Territories Series in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts , Feature programm for the BBC
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 13
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Malimba , Hand piano , French West Africa , Malinke , Xylophones , Chopi , Mozambique , Flutes , Baule , Statues , Masks , Goldsmiths , Muslims , Camel trains , Arab , Dhow , Street musicians , Drums , Blind musician , Tonga , Bow , Gourd , Religious , Christian , Zambia , Lusaka , Bemba , The War in Libiya , Marriage , Wife , Nyasaland , Nkondo kolybia , South Africa , Sotho , Working song , Uganda , Royal band , Hymn , Copper Cross , Idioms , Teaching , Gutu , Fort Victoria , Chipendani , Mbira , Njari , Gilbert Rouget , Dr. Schweitzer , Kingdom of West Africa , The musee de l‘homme , Flautist , Sudan , Kukoro , Hourglass shaped drum , Nigeria , Nile , Northern Rhodesia , Kafuwe , River Mpanza , Wemba , War in Lybia , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Mr. John Sharman , Linguist , Syncopated rhythm , Zither , Osborn Awards , Unanekobo , Braying song , Kabaka of Buganda , Royal drummers of Buganda , Joseph Kiwele , Southern Congo , Salve Regina , Rumba , Cook boy , Babu Runesso Chipika , Karanga , Southern Rhodesia , Study
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15079 , , Reel number: BC061
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 13 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Shango ndi matakadza
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mulaudzi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Hamutsha village , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15777 , JKC13a-02 , , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 02
- Description: English translation of title: 'The country is happy' , Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment performed in the malende traditional dance , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 138
- Full Text: false
Tsha gombo tsha Mawasane
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nagana, Nyawasedza (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15869 , JKC07b-17 , , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 17
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow about the belly button of Mawasane , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 97
- Full Text: false
I da ri tamba rothe musidyana
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Venda woman (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Tshihwana , Fingers
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16034 , JKC04b-07 , , Tape number: JKC04 , Original tape number: 4 , Track number: 07
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshihwana bow played with fingers , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 69
- Full Text: false
Tshitaka tsha Gole ndi dzunde
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Ramakuwela, Elisa (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15963 , JKC12a-01 , , Tape number: JKC12 , Original tape number: 12 , Track number: 01
- Description: English translation of title: 'Gole's forest is a royal field' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 133
- Full Text: false
Vho ma vhasali vha wela
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Malaudzi, Vele (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16037 , JKC07a-07 , , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 07
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 91
- Full Text: false
Vho mma vhasali
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Rapulu, Sarah (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshakhuma , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16050 , JKC12a-12 , , Tape number: JKC12 , Original tape number: 12 , Track number: 12
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 135
- Full Text: false
Hi a lila Nyamnofhe bengo
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phophi, George (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Tshihwana , Stick
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15968 , JKC04b-02 , , Tape number: JKC04 , Original tape number: 4 , Track number: 02
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshihwana bow played with a stick , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 69
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mulaudzi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Hamutsha village , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Tshihwana , Bow
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15532 , JKC13a-01 , , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 01
- Description: English translation of title: 'Pacify' , Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 138
- Full Text: false
Vha na madambi vha toda u lila
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mukuni, Tshinakao (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16002 , JKC04b-10 , , Tape number: JKC04 , Original tape number: 4 , Track number: 10
- Description: English translation of title: 'A reference to crying caused by magic' , Traditional Venda song with tshihwana bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 70
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Musisinyani, Piet (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Mbila , Children's dance song
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15695 , JKC09b-11 , , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 11
- Description: Traditional Venda children's dance song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 112
- Full Text: false
Ha Tshivhasa
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Ramabanda, Lukas (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshivhilwi , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Mbila , Tshizambi , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15934 , JKC09a-08 , , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 08
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 108
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Musisinyani, Piet (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshizambi , Mbila
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15674 , JKC09b-08 , , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 08
- Description: Traditional Shangaan song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 112
- Full Text: false
Lo vhuya matshila nga ywa ndila
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phophi, George (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Tshihwana
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15539 , JKC04b-03 , , Tape number: JKC04 , Original tape number: 4 , Track number: 03
- Description: Traditional Venda song with tshihwana bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 69
- Full Text: false
Tshitaka tsha Gole ndi dzunde
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Malaudzi, Vele (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15960 , JKC07a-10 , , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 10
- Description: English translation of title: 'Gole's forest is a royal field' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 92
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Venda woman (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional music , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo , Fingers
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15895 , JKC04b-08 , , Tape number: JKC04 , Original tape number: 4 , Track number: 08
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshihwana bow played with fingers , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 69
- Full Text: false
Savhuya sinthaha sinemabantholi
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phampha, Masindi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15754 , JKC07a-14 , , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 14
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 93
- Full Text: false