The Sound of Africa: Music of the Ciskei
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Tracey, Peggy
- Subjects: Grunting , Harmonica , Roaring , Xhosa , Mbayizelo dance , Pedi , Ciskei , Eastern Cape , South Africa , Ritual , Tribal life , Lessons , Initiation , Abakwetha , Greyish-white clay , Blankets , Grass skirts , Dancing , Drums , Singing , Clapping , Party , Beer , Dress , Ochre , Turban , Umngqungqo , Segregation , Vegetation , Aloes , Fighting songs , Stick fights , Mdudo , Stamping , Imaginary events , Conversations , Humour , Fun , Sketch , Ihoba hobo , Diviners , The Weaver bird , Water , Ancestral spirits , Diviner‘s song , Wedding dance , Leggings of beads , Hymn , Ntsikana‘s Hymn , Girls , Teenagers , Masalila , Town , Grahamstown , Isicatulo , Phuma endlu yam , Double bass , Peddi , Kalana , Kraal , Umdudo , Spear , Pole , Theatrical , Impromptu , Weaverbird , Nqika , Mtshotsho dance , Tuku , Afrcian Pavane , Ntsikana‘s Bell
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15086 , , Reel number: BC078
- Description: 1st programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series III of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Cibinda aluba , Bush music , Mapanza Mission , Beating of sticks , Balombwana Atweende , Young girls , Pestle , Ndatwa , Copper belt , Kawambwa , Talking drum , Luunda , Cazembe , Luapula River , Ant hills , Drum praises , Lakw mweru , Gramophone , Jimmy Rodgers , Broken Hill , Joni Na Joni , Mine workers , Chokwe , Luvale , Chitenge , Bemba , Fipa , Tabwe , Chitimukulu , Blinded musicians , Tata shibwalya , Lament , Women , Fighting , Nkhondo Ku Libya , Petauke , Lobegula‘s gold and ivory , Mbira , Bearded snake , Sun , Moon , Zuwa na mwezi , Pounding songs , Wives , Kontololija , Bangwe , Zither , Tonga , Dale wangu , Hymn , Church of Scotland , Chilongozgi , Tumbuka Henga , Humorous songs , Paradise widow bird , Kayuni , Ngoni , Migration of Zulu people , Chakunaka , Gurkha , Ngoma , Army life , Regiment , Dance song , Malipenga dance , Tinthumula , Lomwe , Nikongwe , Zimbabwe , Miner‘s Yell , Miner‘s Rant
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15059 , , Reel numbers: BC009, BC010, BC011, BC012
- Description: 4th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , Note that two possible dates were given for this broadcast and it is not clear which date is correct , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: A documentary broadcast for the Canadian Broadcast Corporation
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Drum , Silence , Birds , Frogs , Lioness , Lion , Wild animals , Languages , Bemba , Zambia , Karanga , Zimbabwe , Northern Rhodesia , Southern Rhodesia , Mpondo , Eastern Cape , South Africa , Tonga , Zambezi , Quill , Cattle calling , Malimba , Hand piano , Tanganyika , Chief , Banana , Lake Victoria , Pipes , Flutes , Lakes , Choral singing , Forests , Drums , Xylophones , Guitars , Jazz , Penny whistles , Town , Hymn , Carol , Royal flautist , Soga , Mountains of the Moon , Grass plains , Choruses , Men , Ululation , Mafikeng , Tswana , Bush , Trees , Bows , Plucking , Twanging , Mouth-bow , Stick-bow , Zulu , Love song , Board Zither , Bangwe , Nyasaland , Harp , Uganda , Kenya , Kipsigi , Guitar , Luba , Congo River , Message drum , Portuguese , Seagulls , Chopi , Chepkong , Jimmy Rodgers
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15092 , , Reel number: BC106, BC107, BC108, BC109
- Description: Documentary Broadcast for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: The Three High Commission Territories Series No.2, The music of Bechuanaland
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Singing , Bechuaunaland , Desert , Mafikeng , Rain , Drought , Rain song , Pula , Khanye , Tswana , Cattle , Cattle raiding , Lion , Chanting , Clans , History , Basutoland , Khama , Praise verse , Initiation ceremony , Secret , Sacred , Girls‘ initiation ceremony , Straw masks , Rolong , Blankets , Knopkierie , Shaved head , Red face , Tortoises , Liver , Wood cutting , Pina dance , Party dance , Beer , Drinking , Grunting , Honey bear , Choir , One good turn deserves another , Choral singing , Colonialism , Hymn , Pipes , Reed , Leopard , Morals , Children , Lion hunting song , Khama‘s country , Ishetlhana , Beer drinking song , Nagogwe me leseng , He ga re a nmwa ke nkgana
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15093 , , Reel number: BC114, BC115, BC116
- Description: 2nd of 4 of ‘The Three High Commission Territories‘ of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , Feature programm for the BBC , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The resilience of African music
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Malimba , Public opinion , History , Origin of music , Nguni , Swazi , Zulu , Xhosa , Pentatonic modes , Strutting-singing , Johannesburg , Domestic workers , Hymn , Negro spiritual , Praise chants , Poetry , Karanga song , Southern Rhodesia , Sotho , Colonialism , Church of Shembe , Church of Nazareth , Amakholwa , Country dance , Zulu hymns , Ihubo , Regimental song , Praise recitation , Christian dance , Zulu dance , Pilgrimage , Drums , Wailing , Singing , Saxophone , Jazz band , Skokiaan , Happy happy Africa , Nairobi , Modality , Choral music , Arabian music , Egyptian music , Mombasa , Hand piano , Congo , Likembe , Ensemble , Town dance , Leopoldville , Chopi , Xylophone , Portuguese , Shembe , Bulawayo Jazz , Heptatonic , Amen , Swahili , Salve Regina , East Africa , Sixteenth century
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15085 , , Reel number: BC076, BC077
- Description: Broadcast entitled ‘The resilience of African music‘ broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Shembe Christian Dances, Zulu Pilgrimage and Religious Convention
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: January , Nhlangakazi Sacred Hill , Zulu Christians , Religious convention , Camps , Ndwedwe , Conviction , Shelter , Reeds , Sticks , Communion service , Dance , Zulu costumes , Pilgrimage , African intagibles , Folk stories , African negro music , American negro music , Arts , Pula , Tswana , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Lobatse , Bechuanaland , Portuguese missionaries , Jesuits , Father Dom Gonzalo de Silveira , Father Andre Fernandes , Chopi , Inyarime River , Henry VIII , Bantu religious songs , Rhodesia , Lake Victoria , Legend , Spirit of the Lake , Church , Hymn , Mbuluwundi, Reuben Tancard , Chingoma chakubaruka , Work songs , Hammers , Mbira , Nyoro , Modern spiritual , Shouting , Clapping , Club , Theatre , Uganda , Masindi
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15131 , , Reel number: BC155
- Description: Broadcast entitled 'Shembe Christian Dances, Zulu Pilgrimage and Religious Convention' broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Southern Congo
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Katanga Province , Chokwe , Craved drums , Carving , Lukule , Nariana , Portuguese , Copper crosses , The Star of the Congo , Mining , Copper belt , African , Belgian , Nayenga , Viombo , Drums , Xylophone , Dance , Slit drums , Membrane drums , Weighted drums , Ketu Hunyinga , Likembe , Marimba , Keunai , Bamboo , Cane , Luvale , Kaulula , Barracks , Congo Defence Force , Soldiers , Kamaladi , Comrades , Trumpeter , Seyo , Boyoka Nalinya , Funeral songs , Luba , Nambala , Boy scouts , Mbube the Lion , Wimowhe , Chomba kalete balala , Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Cuivre , The Little Singers of the Copper Cross , Mission choir , Credo , Religious music , African Music Society , Hymn , Salve Regina , Hymn to Our Lady
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15065 , , Reel numbers: BC033, BC034, BC035, BC036
- Description: 10th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Zulu music for TV film: Christian Dances
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Shembe music , Religious music , Christian dance , Hymn , Zulu , Drums , Voices , Whistling , Work song
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15129 , , Reel number: BC152
- Description: Shembe music entitled 'Zulu music for TV film: Christian Dances', broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Change in music among Africans in the Unions
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Change , African , Music , Southern Africa , Suburban values , Compose , Composers , Songs , Vanish , Written down , Semi professional , African musician , American dance , Local , Film , Hymn , Choirs , European , Town music , Country music , Modern , Ancient , Folk music , Wedding song , Meaning , White teachers , African words , Foreign tune , Music standard , Foreign style , Eminent linguist , Serial repugnance , Social contaminated , Indigenous music , Distortion , Sotho , Heathen music , Nationalist , Politics , Prejudice , Sense , Nosense , Natural , Recordings , Penny whistle , Guitar , Kwela , Johannesburg , Initiation song , Mafikeng , Tswana
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15135 , , Reel number: BC162
- Description: Broadcast entitled 'Change in music among Africans in the Union', broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 13
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Malimba , Hand piano , French West Africa , Malinke , Xylophones , Chopi , Mozambique , Flutes , Baule , Statues , Masks , Goldsmiths , Muslims , Camel trains , Arab , Dhow , Street musicians , Drums , Blind musician , Tonga , Bow , Gourd , Religious , Christian , Zambia , Lusaka , Bemba , The War in Libiya , Marriage , Wife , Nyasaland , Nkondo kolybia , South Africa , Sotho , Working song , Uganda , Royal band , Hymn , Copper Cross , Idioms , Teaching , Gutu , Fort Victoria , Chipendani , Mbira , Njari , Gilbert Rouget , Dr. Schweitzer , Kingdom of West Africa , The musee de l‘homme , Flautist , Sudan , Kukoro , Hourglass shaped drum , Nigeria , Nile , Northern Rhodesia , Kafuwe , River Mpanza , Wemba , War in Lybia , Ndebele , Bulawayo , Mr. John Sharman , Linguist , Syncopated rhythm , Zither , Osborn Awards , Unanekobo , Braying song , Kabaka of Buganda , Royal drummers of Buganda , Joseph Kiwele , Southern Congo , Salve Regina , Rumba , Cook boy , Babu Runesso Chipika , Karanga , Southern Rhodesia , Study
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15079 , , Reel number: BC061
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 13 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false