The African heritage in music and in art
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Technical College, Pretoria, Transvaal (Gauteng), South Africa , BP Southern Africa , African Heritage , Music , Art , America , Facing the Music , Problem , Population , Political crisis , Values , Tradition , Speech , Changes , Damage , Symbols , Phsychology , Education , Missionaries , Prejudice , Interdepence , Understanding , Intangibles , Material objects , Huts , Hoe , Spears , Legend , History , Sculpture , Trees , Carving , Wood carving , West Africa , Moralising , Basutholand , Medical murder , Lumumba , Congo , Kanyoka , Salisbury , Drinking , Fooding , Dancing , Churches , General Education Conference , Heritage , New York , American negro , London , Evaluation of arts , Father Andre Fernandez , Dark , Chosen people , Ideal , Year of change , Inter-dependence , Demands for independence , Statue , Politics
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Lecture , Music
- Identifier: vital:15099 , , Reel number: BC130, BC171, BC172
- Description: Lecture presented by Hugh Tracey at the General Education Conference, Technical College, Pretoria, South Africa , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Africa‘s Heritage No.8: The Future
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: African , Heritage , Legacy , Character , Personality , Parasites , Zulu , Praises , Izibongo , Bunyoro , Uganda , Hutu , Tutsi , Hehe , Kikuyu , Masai , Yao , Chewa , Rwanda , Kenya , Nyasaland , Ndebele , Mzilikazi , Zezuru , Drums , Flutes , Lamentation , Negro slaves music , Pula , Rain song , Tswana , Chief Batwe Village , Kanye , Nandi people , Zande people , Northern Congo , Lobatse , Bechuanaland , Mbira , Famine songs , Religious songs , Rhodesia , Lake Victoria , Spirit of the Lake , Bantu , Broken drum , Work songs , Singing , Political , Cultural heritage , Independent , Interdependence , South Africa , Dances , Folk stories , Jesuits , Missionaries , Father Fernandes, Andrea , Inyarime River , Portuguese , Xylophone , Chopi , Timbila , Hymns , Clapping , Church , Guitar , Nyoro people , Masindi , Percussion instrument , Nashville , Tennessee , Hammer songs , Preditors , Chingoma chakubaruka , Mbuluwundi, Reuben Tancard
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15116 , BC134 , , Reel number: BC134
- Description: 8th programme in the ‘Africa‘s Heritage‘ Series, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: High Commission Territories: The music of Mozambique
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Singing , Guitars , Portuguese East Africa , Mozambique , Atlantic sailors , Indian Ocean , Arabs , Dhows , Father Fernandes, Andrea , Henry VIII , Sofala , Indigenous songs , Jesuits , Missionaries , 1560s , Fado , Bow tune , Chitende bow , Elizabethan times , Rhodesians , Pop songs , Tonga , Indian , Menina Indiana , Ngoma ya Shirilo , Gomez, Feliciano Mutano , Lourenco Marques , Shangaan , Shanga , Ndau , Masapa , Ndodya mutombo , Magical charms , Mbira dza waNdau , Father Dos Santos , Mwadziitira , Xylophones , Mbira notes , Chopi , Dance , Rattles , Save River , Marimba , Malimba , Ngodo , Msitso , Karanga , Monomutapa , Movement , Timbila , Mzeno , Chibudu , Komukomu , Lawanani michanja , Whistling , Msungiso wa siwaka
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15114 , , Reel numbers: BC121, BC122
- Description: 4th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series IV of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , Feature programme for the BBC , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 8
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Mngoma, Khabi
- Subjects: Portuguese East Africa , Rock Oysters , Chopi , Bowmen , Cattle , Goats , Portuguese food , Komokomo , Story-telling , Flutes , Girls , Guitars , Zavala , Bazerutu , Xaixai , Villa Jean Bell , Chitingele , Zavala coast , Inharrime , Shangaan , Xylophones , Rubber headed beaters , Dom Gonzalo de Silvera , Missionaries , Andre Fernandez , Wedding , Jesuits , San Antonio , Timbila orchestra , Mzeno , Karingaro karingaan , Sol de Save , Gitonga language , Chief Nyakotowo , Ocarina , Matamba , Sikawele , Nightjar , Pigeon , Gelegele , Ndau , Ngonyana , Chibutu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15074 , , Reel number: BC056
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No. 8 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false