The informal sector in the Eastern Cape: a case study of New Brighton and Kwamagxaki, Port Elizabeth
- Authors: Sofisa, Thembela Nicholas
- Date: 1991
- Subjects: Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Self-employed -- South Africa , New Brighton (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) , Port Elizabeth (South Africa) -- Economic conditions , KwaMagxaki (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:934 , , Informal sector (Economics) -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Self-employed -- South Africa , New Brighton (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) , Port Elizabeth (South Africa) -- Economic conditions
- Description: Recently, researchers have shown enormous interest in the informal sector due to extensive poverty and rising unemployment trend in the South African economy. These problems have worsened in the Port Elizabeth economy, as most entrepreneurs have scaled down their operations or liquidated their businesses due to a structural decline in the manufacturing sector and periodic recessions in the national economy. Undoubtedly, the informal sector has become a reasonable economic alternative as far as income accumulation and employment generation. The present study shows that the informal sector is characterised mainly by self-employment and also the income from this sector has also improved the standard of living of most sampled households in New Brighton and KwaMagxaki. The aim of this thesis, then, is to evaluate the nature, extent, meaning and influence of the informal sector in the Port Elizabeth Black economy. However, this can only be achieved once the informal sector is placed within the appropriate theoretical framework. This is done by comparing and contrasting the different conceptualisations of the informal sector in the literature. In conclusion, the thesis combines the different conceptualisations of the informal sector in the literature with the empirical evidence from the Port Elizabeth townships' informal sector. The important findings of the study are: The informal sector is mainly characterised by distributive activities than productive activities. Women comprised 62% of the informal sector. Economically-active members of the economy are in the informal sector. Education levels in this sector are relatively low. The informal sector is characterised by one-man businesses with few employees who are also family members. There was no trace of migrants in the informal sector. The informal sector is characterised by linkages. Informal income alleviates conditions of poverty. Policies have to implemented for the development of the informal sector. Twenty-three percent of the households in New Brighton were in the informal sector and only 6% in KwaMagxaki. Although, this study focuses in Port Elizabeth, it is the intention that the results presented will provide a broad overview of what the informal sector is.
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- Date Issued: 1991
Employee perceptions of self-employment
- Authors: Gongxeka, Vuyokazi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Entrepreneurship -- South Africa , Self-employed -- South Africa , New business enterprises -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:9276 , , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa , Self-employed -- South Africa , New business enterprises -- South Africa
- Description: The perception that someone has of an entrepreneurial career ultimately influences his/her decision to pursue such a career path. By investigating employees' perceptions of owning a business, this study provides insights regarding the question of why so few South Africans embark on this path. Entrepreneurship is regarded by many as the solution to South Africa’s employment and economic problems. As such, an understanding of the reason why some people become entrepreneurs and others do not could provide solutions on how to stimulate entrepreneurship among all South Africans, and hopefully increase the levels of entrepreneurship in the country. The purpose of the study was to contribute to the field of entrepreneurship by investigating the perceptions and attitudes that employees have regarding an entrepreneurial career, that is, to ask employees what they think having their own business might be like. By investigating these perceptions, the researcher looked for reasons why many individuals remain in the employment of others rather than embarking on an entrepreneurial career, as well as establishing whether these employees had intentions of starting their own businesses, Therefore the primary objective of this study was twofold, namely to establish the perceptions that employees have regarding self-employment, running their own business or following an entrepreneurial career, and to establish the influence of these perceptions on their entrepreneurial intentions. After conducting a comprehensive literature study and examining the various models of intentions, attitude towards the behaviour was identified as having the strongest influence on entrepreneurial intentions. Attitude towards the behaviour is the extent to which an individual makes a favourable or unfavourable evaluation of the behaviour in question, and additionally is a function of beliefs applicable to the behaviour. Attitude towards the behaviour is closely related to perceived desirability, and “desirability” is a form of value. More specifically, work values have the propensity to significantly predict career choice. For the purpose of this study, the 14 work values identified by Farrington et al. (2011) served as the factors to be investigated in establishing the perceptions of an entrepreneurial career. The independent (work values) and dependent (entrepreneurial intentions) variables investigated in this study were defined and operationalised. Reliable and valid items were sourced from existing studies. Respondents were identified by means of convenience and snowball sampling, and a structured questionnaire was made available to the respondents. The data gathered from the 184 usable questionnaires was subjected to various statistical analyses. The validity and reliability of the measuring instrument were confirmed by means of an exploratory factor analysis and calculating Cronbach-alpha coefficients. Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarise the sample data distribution. Pearson’s moment product correlations were calculated to establish the correlations between the various work values and entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis was undertaken to investigate whether relationships existed between the perceptions of an entrepreneurial career in terms of several work values and entrepreneurial intentions. The following work values were identified as influencing the entrepreneurial intentions of employees working in small businesses: - Stimulating; - Stability and advancement; - Flexibility; - Autonomy. The more the work values above were perceived to be experienced when following an entrepreneurial career, the more likely it was that the respondents in this study reported intentions of following such a career. In order to investigate the influence of the various demographic variables on the independent and dependent variables, an Analysis of Variance was performed. In addition, the post-hoc Bonferroni test was done to identify significant differences between the means scores of the various categories within each demographic variable. The practical significance of these differences was assessed by means of calculating Cohen’s d. The results showed a significant positive relationship between the demographic variable Population group and the dependent variable Entrepreneurial v intentions. In addition, relationships were identified between Population group and the intrinsic work values Challenging and Stimulating, the extrinsic-related work values Financial benefit and security and Stability and advancement, and the social-related work value Serving the community. A significant positive relationship was also reported between the demographic variable Entrepreneurial parents and the intrinsic-related work value Stimulating, the extrinsic-related work value Future prospects and the social-related work value Serving the community. The demographic variable Age showed a significant positive relationship with the extrinsic-related work value Financial benefit and security. This study has contributed to the field of entrepreneurship research by focusing on employee perceptions of entrepreneurship, and the influence of these perceptions on their intentions to become entrepreneurs. As far as can be established, no other study has adopted this perspective for understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in South Africa or abroad. Furthermore, no study has specifically focused on investigating entrepreneurial intentions among employees of small businesses.
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- Date Issued: 2012