Godumaduma gwa mosadi
- Authors: Tswana flute dancers led by Modiseng (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Tswana flute dancers , Indigenous folk music , Single end-blown pipes or flute , Flute tune , Western Transvaal , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15415 , MOA30-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017721 , MOA30
- Description: Tswana flute tune by Tswana flute dancers, led by Modiseng, with single end-blown pipes or flute , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Incaba ka Ncofula
- Authors: Swazi men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: A national song , Indigenous folk music , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15182 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017303 , MOA12-05 , MOA12
- Description: English translation of title: 'The fortress of Ncokufa' , A national song by a large group of Swazi men, no accompaniment , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Zingili men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Ndhlamu dance , Drums , Clappers , Indigenous folk music , Northern Zululand (KwaZulu-Natal Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15191 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017312 , MOA13-03 , MOA13
- Description: Ndhlamu dance song by Zingili men, with drums and clappers , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Mokorotle with Lithiko
- Authors: Group of Sotho men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Praise , Speech , Chant , Indigenous folk music , Matatiele District , East Griqualand , Eastern Cape Province , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15200 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017321 , MOA13-12 , MOA13
- Description: Praise Chant and Speech (for deceased chiefs and present chief) by Group of Sotho men, with no accompaniment , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Mokorotlo with Lithoko
- Authors: Group of Sotho men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Praise , Chant , Speech , Indigenous folk music , Matatiele District , Griqualand , Eastern Cape Province , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15222 , MOA15-13 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017475 , MOA15
- Description: Praise Chant and Speech (for deceased chiefs and present chief) by Group of Sotho men, with no accompanimen , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Mtsitso movement
- Authors: Chopi men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: The Mgodo orchestral dance of the Chopi tribe of Mozambique , Indigenous Music , Timbila xylophones , Rattles , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15178 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017299 , MOA12-01 , MOA12
- Description: The Mgodo orchestral dance of the Chopi tribe of Portuguese East Africa , The Mgodo orchestral dance of the Chopi tribe of Mozambique by Chopi men, with timbila xylophones, accompanied by rattles , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
The Inzumba Step Dance
- Authors: Tswa men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: The Inzumba step dance of the southern Tswa people , Timbila (xylophone) , Rattles , Drums , Indigenous folk music , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15181 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017302 , MOA12-04 , MOA12
- Description: The Inzumba step dance of the southern Tswa people, by tswa men, with timbila xylophone, accompanied by rattles and drums , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
The Isicathulo Gum-boot dance
- Authors: Baca men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Gum-boot dance , Indigenous folk music , Slapping of Wellington rubber boots with hands , Clapping feet together , Guitar , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15201 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017322 , MOA13
- Description: Gum-boot dance by Baca men with Wellington rubber boots (slapping them with hands and clapping feet together), accompanied by a guitar , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
The Muchongolo Pipe Dance
- Authors: Pedi men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: The Muchongolo pipe dance of the Pedi of the Mpumalanga Province , Indigenous Music , Pipes (end-blown single note) , Leg rattles , Bells , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15183 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017304 , MOA12-06 , MOA12
- Description: The Muchongolo pipe dance of the Pedi people, by Pedi men, with pipes (end-blown, single note), accompanied by leg rattles and bell-ringers , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
The Mutshongolo Stamping Dance
- Authors: Shangaan men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: The Mutshongolo Stamping Dance of the Shangaan , Shield and sticks (struck together) , Indigenous folk music , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15184 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017305 , MOA12-07 , MOA12
- Description: The Mutshongolo stamping by Shangaan men, accompanied by the sound made when they strike their sticks against their shields , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
The Umeyo Shaking Dance
- Authors: Xhosa men (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Umeyo shaking dance , Leg rattles , Small bells , Whistle , Indigenous folk music , Witwatersrand Gold Mines , Johannesburg , Transvaal Province (Gauteng Province) , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15197 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017318 , MOA13
- Description: Umeyo shaking dance by Xhosa men, with leg rattles, small bells and a whistle , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Umzikabwo uphelile
- Authors: Thombi Fegetwai and Gcaleka girls and boys (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Mtshotsho dance , Clapping , Indigenous folk music , Idutywa , Eastern Cape Province , South Africa
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15220 , MOA15-11 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017473 , MOA15
- Description: Mtshotsho dance song by Thombi Fegetwai and Gcaleka girls and boys, with clapping , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false