Mr Justice Cloete 1861
- Date: 1861
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Type: Image
- Identifier: , vital:22898 , PIC/M 143 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The note on the back reads: “ Cory: The Rise of SA.vo. iv. P.177. Mr Justice Cloete 1861.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1861
FAWU Wage Information System: research for bargaining support
- Authors: Food and Allied Workers' Union
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , pamphlet
- Identifier: , vital:32567
- Description: Please read schedule 1 carefully together with the proposal for a wage information system for the FAWU Research Training Programme. I have established from FAWU that they do not have an adequate wage information system in place and therefore propose to assist them. There are two phases to WIS which I hope to cover together with the trainee, Thandi Yoli.
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- Date Issued: 19--?
Job summit - reading pack: prepared for TCOE
- Authors: Trade Union Library & Education Centre
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: book , text
- Identifier: , vital:27773
- Description: Reading pack compiled in view of the Job Summit as emerged from Nedlac's Labour Market Commission report released in 1996.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19uu
NUMSA’s bargaining process
- Authors: National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: eng
- Type: text , pamphlet
- Identifier: , vital:32394
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
- Authors: Health Information Centre (HIC)
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: book , text
- Identifier: , vital:27772
- Description: This booklet, compiled by the Health Information Centre (Johannesburg), is intended to provide information about the use of teargas by police in riot control, and how the use of teargas affects people. In addition the booklet provides information on what to do should you be in an environment where teargas was used.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19uu
Soil erosion in South Africa
- Authors: Kitto, P H
- Date: 1936
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45385
- Description: The development of Soil Science in western Europe, eastern North America, and later in other countries, which, in its modern form only started about the beginning of the last century, might be said to mark the first step in the consideration of Soil Erosion from a scientific aspect, although it was some time before scientists began to concentrate on and study the problem as one which demanded a detailed investigation. Empirically, erosion has been noted and, where the value of the land warranted it, practical methods adopted for its control, in many cases with no small measure of success, for centuries, but the methods adopted were localised to small regions, and the major destruction went on unchecked. The seriousness of this destruction was usually not realised until too late, and striking examples exist of the complete desiccation resulting from this neglect. Those of China, Arabia, Mesopotamia and other countries have often been quoted, and need not be described again here. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Chemistry, 1936
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1936
Argyroploce Leucotreta: “The false Codlin moth”
- Authors: Horne, H M R
- Date: 1939
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45326
- Description: This introduction and ensuing essay are something in the nature of a personal confession. Deemed as such what I have written concerning Samuel Palmer has not, in any way, been written as an exercise, but rather for the purpose of self-edification. This I will elaborate upon while disclosing my motive for writing on Palmer. Palmer's works - when I first saw them - were something of a revelation. They seemed the alpha and omega of my own artistic endeavour. Perhaps the term which best describes the euphoria I felt is 1deja vu1, because although it describes a connectedness of sorts, the words have in their sound an exotic ring. There is in it an implied equivocation - and equivocality best describes my understanding of Samuel Palmer at that juncture. This euphoria I felt dimmed with the realisation that by purportedly claiming, as I was, Samuel Palmer's visionary landscapes as my goal I was treading on sacred ground; I'd arrived, as it were, in another's Paradise. The effects of this upon my own creativity were completely negative. Worse still, I lacked the necessary means to extricate myself from Palmer's paradisiacal visions. His influence was incapacitating and convoluting my own growth. It was obvious then that I had to be rid of Samuel Palmer. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Zoology and Entomology, 1939
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1939
The Anatomy of Microchaetus Saxatilis: with some notes on allied species
- Authors: Louw, M A
- Date: 1941
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45382
- Description: Earthworms of the genus Microchaetus, Rapp.1849, are abundant in the Grahams town district. Microohaetus saxatilis, Rosa, 1S98,has been chosen as a subject for investigation as it is a valuable type for laboratory work, and it showed interesting characters which required detailed study. Members of the genus Micro chaet us are available in many regions of South Africa and are useful for work in South African schools and Universities. Micro chaetus saxatills is an 01igochaete worm belonging to the family Glossoseolecidae. These wonns were originally placed in the Lumbricina by Grube, (1850 p.345), but Rosa in 1887 (p.7) formed a separate family naming it the Geoscolecidae. He divided it into two sub-families :- (1) Geoscolecinae, and (B) Microchaetinae. Beddard was studying the classification of this family at the same time as Rosa. He spelt the name slightly differently, calling the family the Geoscolicidae, but he arrived independently at the same division into subfamilies (1888, pp. £43-278), although he suggests that perhaps an additional sub-family - the Homo gas. tridae - should be formed. Homo gas ter is undoubtedly an aberrant type, and it seems strange that Rosa who studied this genus should not have placed it in a separate sub-family. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Zoology, 1941
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1941
Two dermestid pests of hide and skins in South Africa
- Authors: Walker, J D
- Date: 1941
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45387
- Description: In a paper entitled "Bacteria of the Soil", Dr. Russell of Rothamsted is quoted as saying, ”The top six lashes might almost be called a separate world? 80 great is the number and variety of its inhabitants”• It is with a few forms belonging to this enormous biological complex that the author intends to deal, viz*, representatives of the Orders Pauropoda, Symphyla, Protura, Coleoptera and Hemiptera. Time does not permit the inclusion of a study of the multitude of Arthropod, species that occur in the soil, but a more complete work on these soil groups is intended in the future. McCullogh and Hayes (1922,p.288) state that the soil is an integral factor In the study of biological problems. Hence an understanding of the organic life of the soil, which is of great importance in relation to the other aspects of pedology, is a necessary adjunct to the study of the soil ae a whole. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, 1941
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1941
Some elements of the arthropod fauna of the soil in South Africa
- Authors: Farquhar, M J
- Date: 1947
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45386
- Description: In a paper entitled "Bacteria of the Soil", Dr. Russell of Rothamsted is quoted as saying, ”The top six lashes might almost be called a separate world? 80 great is the number and variety of its inhabitants”• It is with a few forms belonging to this enormous biological complex that the author intends to deal, viz*, representatives of the Orders Pauropoda, Symphyla, Protura, Coleoptera and Hemiptera. Time does not permit the inclusion of a study of the multitude of Arthropod, species that occur in the soil, but a more complete work on these soil groups is intended in the future. McCullogh and Hayes (1922,p.288) state that the soil is an integral factor In the study of biological problems. Hence an understanding of the organic life of the soil, which is of great importance in relation to the other aspects of pedology, is a necessary adjunct to the study of the soil ae a whole. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Botany, 1947
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- Date Issued: 1947
A study on white leather tannage
- Authors: Williams-Wynn, D A
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Diploma theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45389
- Description: As has been noted in the previous section little or no complex formation occurs with either formate or acetate except possibly above pH 9*0 or so. These anions do not stabilise the aluminium solutions to precipitation - they may* however, be of value in controlling pH, as solutions of these salts buffer strongly in the region pH 4 to 5. The other salts, lactate, tartrate and citrate all show tendencies to complex formation though the degree to which this occurs varies with the anion. The complexes formed by lactate at high pH must be very unstable because on the addition of acid the pH corresponds to the calculated blank. Below pH 9.0 however, the curves deviate quite considerably showing that more acid must be added to reach a certain pH value than is required by the blank. This means complex formation has occurred with loss of -COGH groups. In this system too, buffering is apparent. The same is true of tartrate but this salt is not as efficient a buffering agent. This is probably due to the fact that the excess tartrate is not available as a buffer as it is precipitated as the acid salt which is only sparingly soluble. Citrate on the other hand must form very stable complexes, the effect of which is apparent at even very high pH values. In other words, addition of strong acid liberates free -GOGH groups which are immediately incorporated in the complex. This evidently does not occur with lactate or tartrate until lower pH values are reached. The ratio of lactate and citrate to aluminium appears to have some influence on the degree of masking as greater complex formation is found to occur at the higher ratio levels. Tartrate on the other hand apparently has a fixed complex forming capacity between 1 and 4 mols/mol aluminium, since the same deviation from the blank was observed irrespective of which ratio of the masking agent to aluminium, was employed. However, at ratios of less than 1 mol tartrate/mol aluminium, deviations from the blank were reduced and less stabilisation occurs as evidenced by the formation of precipitates containing aluminium under these conditions. In view of these facts it may be suggested that 1 mol tartrate combines with 1 mol aluminium to form a complex containing equimolar proportions of aluminium and tartrate. The effect of boiling apart from one or two exceptions always has the same effect, i.e. a shift to the acid side of the curve. Free acid must have been liberated which is an indication that olation might have occurred. In the lactate and citrate series dilution appears to reduce the complex forming capacity of these ions but tartrate is unaffected. Thus it would appear that the tartrate complex is more stable than those formed by lactate. Citrate stabilises aluminium solutions with fewer equivalents than tartrate, but the complex does not contain a constant ratio of masking agent to aluminium further quantities of tartrate cannot enter the complex even in the presence of large excess of the anion probably due to the effect of steric hindrance. , Thesis (Dip) -- Leather Industries Research Institute, 1950
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1950
The artistic forms of the image of war
- Authors: Graham, H J
- Date: 1968-03
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45077
- Description: War is a condition of this world. From man to the smallest insect, all are at strife, yet man has a "quality which makes him overlord of all; for whereas the creatures of the forest and plain kill only to eat, or to lead the herd ... man will kill for no reason at all. This makes him terrible among the creatures, for he is the very God of Destruction. And from man's pride in his weapons that give him power has grown his art." Warfare in its primeval state is a direct result of a natural phenomenon, springing from the discovery that certain grass seeds could be cultivated and that certain grass feeding animals could be domesticated. From these roots sprouted two very differently organised communities, the agricultural and the pastoral, who clashed for the first time in the third millenium B.C. , Thesis (MFA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1968
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- Date Issued: 1968-03
The construction of a swept-frequency polarimeter for observing decametric radiation from Jupiter
- Authors: Baker, Dirk E.
- Date: 1970-01
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:74652
- Description: This thesis describes the design and construction of a swept-frequency polarimeter for observing Jupiter’s decametric radiation in the frequency range from 15 to 45 MHz. The frequency band is tuned in two parts using two receivers for observing the left- and right-circular components of the radiation in the 15 to 26 MHz range and two receivers for observing the circular components in the 30 to 45 MHz range. The receivers are tuned electronically by means of varactor diodes and are of novel design in that they do not have any intermediate-frequency stages. The frequency band can be swept 10 times per second or 100 times per second. The antennas used for the polarimeter are helical beam antennas, two for each of the circular components in the 15 to 26 MHz range and two for the 30 to 45 MHz range. Model studies of the antennas were conducted to establish whether they have suitable characteristics for observing the polarisation of Jupiter’s decametric radiation over a wide frequency range. Many spectral records of Jupiter’s decametric radiation were obtained using a preliminary version of the swept-frequency receiver and a log-periodic dipole antenna. Some of the records are presented and one record which shows an interesting case of Faraday rotation is analysed. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Physics, 1970
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- Date Issued: 1970-01
Abasebenzi basedokisini eKapa
- Authors: ICU
- Date: 1970
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:37162
- Description: Kule ncwadana sibalisa imbali ende yezitifido zaseKapa. Sibalisa ngezidube-dube zestifido noququzelo lwazo kwi ICU. Okulandelayo, sijonga ekukhuleni kwamandla ezitifido xa zaziququzelwa kumbutho we Cape Town Stevedoring ne Dock Workers Union. Emva Kwemfazwe Yesibini Yehlabathi sibona ubuthathaka bomanyano lwabasebenzi basedokisini kwiminyaka emininzi. Okokugqibela, sibalisa ibali labasebenzi bestifido, ukuzimanya kwabo nemibutho yabasebenzi nokukhula kwabo kwakhona ngowe 1970. , here put any information that you think is important but there is no field for it, if there isnt remove the field
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1970
Violence and destruction as an important part of artistic action with reference to the two Great Wars
- Authors: Hallier, Michael Glen Thomas
- Date: 1971-11
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:44984
- Description: A well known fact about any work of art of any significance is its power to upset current conventions and disturb certain of our normal emotional patterns. The artist frequently achieves this by deliberately expressing emotions that are violent. There is nothing, however, new about the existence of violence in the arts, a large number of works in the history of art being painted with blood. One has only to think of the many battles, rapes, murders, martyrdoms and catastrophes that have been the subjects of many great paintings. Since the beginning of this century, and especially since the work of the Impressionists, in which violence is entirely excluded, violence has taken on a role of great importance and has been used to a greater or lesser extent by artists and group movements. It would appear initially that there are two main reasons in this century for the use of violence: one as a means of using it as a weapon against the academic and avant-garde in the arts, which in turn reflects attitudes found in society, and secondly as a direct reflection of the corrupt society in which we live. This is not to say that the twentieth century is an age in which more violence and sadism is found than in any other era of history, but never has it received so much publicity. I do not believe that man has change so much over the years, but it is my view that the apparent increase in this century is due to the vast changes in communications, it is due to the publicity it receives that violence has in recent times become a focal point, with murders, assassinations and war part of our daily lives. , Thesis (MFA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1971
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- Date Issued: 1971-11
New Brighton
- Authors: Jacobs, Lumkile , Zwane, Tinky
- Date: 198-?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Type: Image
- Identifier: , vital:33790 , RHPC-001
- Description: First from left in photo - L. Jacobs, third from left T. Zwane , Use of this resource is governed by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" License (
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 198-?
New Brighton
- Authors: Jacobs, Lumkile , Zwane, Tinky
- Date: 198-?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Type: Image
- Identifier: , vital:32271 , RHPC-001
- Description: First from left in photo - L. Jacobs, third from left T. Zwane , Use of this resource is governed by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" License (
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 198-?
"Burnout" in children's home houseparents
- Authors: Bath, Peter John
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45300
- Description: Aimed at replicating the results of an American study into "Burnout" in Group Home houseparents, this research had the following aims: 1) To ascertain the validity and reliability of the instrument used in the original study and presented as a "useful measure of burnout”. 2) To establish whether this line of research, within a highly problematic research field, can at present offer any guidelines in the resolution of the current staffing crisis faced by South African children's homes. 3} To describe more closely the burnout syndrome. 4) To study possible etiological factors within a local context. Sixty three houseparents completed questionaires and three independent measures of burnout were obtained. The results were regarded as having failed to replicate those of the original study. The reason for this was found to be the low validity of the original instrument. The main conclusion drawn was that the line of research adopted in the original study can offer only very tentative guidelines towards the resolution of the staffing crisis faced until such time as valid and reliable instruments to measure burnout have been developed. Many of the suggested relationships between situational variables and ones of personal characteristics were confirmed for the local population of houseparents. , Thesis (MSocSci) -- Faculty of Humanities, Psychology, 1983
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1983
Abasebenzi bempahla manyanani
- Authors: Labour History Group
- Date: 1983-08
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:57874
- Description: Abantu abamnyama bahlupheka ngakumbi ngokuye kusanda kobungxowankulu emZantsi Afrika. Abamhlophe abaninzi bazuze kobubungxowa nkulu. Abamhlophe babanolawulo kwinkompani zemiGodi; belawula nefaraa ezinkulu kwanamizi Mvaliso ngo- kunjalo. Abasebenzi abamhlophe emigodini ba- sebenzisa uMona ukuzuza ngokuphindwe kalishumi kunabamnyama.Kodwa ayingabobonke abamhlophe ababanelo- thamsanqa. Abanye abamhlophe babehluphekule. Belahlekana nemihlaba yabo ngokungxothwa ngo- nofama abatyebileyo. Baya ezidolophini apho bahlala ngokuhlwempuzeka okukhulu njengabobonke abamnyama. Uninzi 1walamahlwempu amhlophe yayi- ngamaBulu.Lamahlwempu amaBulu ayengafundanga engenayo na- nqeqesho ngezoshishino bafumana kunzima uku- fumana imisebenzi. Babanokwenza umsebenzi aba- ngawuqeqeshelwanga kodwa abaqeshi babewunika abemnyama bona babehlawula phantsi. uRulumente wancedisana neqaqobana lalamahlwempu amhlophe angena ngqeqesho ngokuwafunela umsebenzi kwa- Loliwe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1983-08
Samuel Palmer and Romanticism
- Authors: Chapman, Anton
- Date: 1985
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45316
- Description: This introduction and ensuing essay are something in the nature of a personal confession. Deemed as such what I have written concerning Samuel Palmer has not, in any way, been written as an exercise, but rather for the purpose of self-edification. This I will elaborate upon while disclosing my motive for writing on Palmer. Palmer's works - when I first saw them - were something of a revelation. They seemed the alpha and omega of my own artistic endeavour. Perhaps the term which best describes the euphoria I felt is 1deja vu1, because although it describes a connectedness of sorts, the words have in their sound an exotic ring. There is in it an implied equivocation - and equivocality best describes my understanding of Samuel Palmer at that juncture. This euphoria I felt dimmed with the realisation that by purportedly claiming, as I was, Samuel Palmer's visionary landscapes as my goal I was treading on sacred ground; I'd arrived, as it were, in another's Paradise. The effects of this upon my own creativity were completely negative. Worse still, I lacked the necessary means to extricate myself from Palmer's paradisiacal visions. His influence was incapacitating and convoluting my own growth. It was obvious then that I had to be rid of Samuel Palmer. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Fine Art, 1985
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- Date Issued: 1985