The endocannabinoid system in inflammatory bowel system
- Authors: Ababio, Frank James Kweku
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Inflammatory bowel diseases , Gastrointestinal system , Gastrointestinal system -- Diseases
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10346 ,
- Description: Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) constitute the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which are disorders of chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract that are associated with significant morbidity and socioeconomic burden. IBD patients with long-standing intestinal inflammation are more prone to developing colorectal cancer (CRC). Until now, none of the existing IBD treatments is able to heal the mucosal ulcerations satisfactorily. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which comprises of endogenous cannabinoid ligands, their receptors, and metabolic enzymes, has been implicated in gut homeostasis, visceral sensation, inflammation and gastrointestinal motility. Available studies in rodent models of IBD suggest that enhancing the ECS tone may reduce inflammation and improve mucosal integrity. This evidence indicates that the components of the ECS seem well positioned to exert a protective role in IBD and also to offer a great opportunity for therapeutic exploitation. Despite the role of the ECS in the gut, the presence and function of the components of the ECS is not well characterised in human IBD. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the state of the major components of the ECS in human IBD and to establish whether IBD is associated with any changes of the components of the ECS. Cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors, enzymes for endocannabinoid biosynthesis PLC, “LRAT”, NAPE-PLD and DAGL, and endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes FAAH and MAGL were analysed from colonic tissue samples of CD, UC and control patients by reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) to determine the relative mRNA expression of the above genes. The RT-qPCR analysis showed that the mRNA expression of PLC, LRAT, and NAPE-PLD were unchanged in both CD and UC, whiles DAGL mRNA was decreased in UC but was unchanged in CD. The endocannabinoid degradation enzymes, FAAH mRNA expression was also unchanged in CD but decreased in UC, whereas the mRNA expression of MAGL was significantly decreased in both CD and UC. NAPE-PLD/FAAH and DAGL/MAGL ratios, an estimation of the balance of AEA and 2-AG levels, showed that AEA and 2-AG levels could be increased and unchanged, respectively, in IBD. The mRNA expression of CB1 was significantly decreased in CD and UC whilst CB2 mRNA expression was unchanged in both forms of IBD. The study demonstrated that the components of the ECS which were investigated were present in colonic tissues of both IBD patients and healthy individuals, but they appear to be off balance in CD and UC patients. The decreased CB1 receptors in IBD patients could be an important modifier in the disease and could also provide a possible pathoaetiological mechanism linking IBD and CRC. Although these findings look promising, more studies with larger sample size are required to characterise the components of the ECS in human IBD.
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- Date Issued: 2014
The labour law consequences of a transfer of a business
- Authors: Abader, Mogamad Shahied
- Date: 2003
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- Registration and transfer -- South Africa , Labor contract -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:11057 , , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- Registration and transfer -- South Africa , Labor contract -- South Africa
- Description: The burden that South African labour law has to bear in relation to the economy is very heavy by international standards. In most industrially developed countries, the economy is strong enough either to provide jobs for most work-seekers or, failing that, an adequate social security system for households without breadwinners in place. In most developing countries with high unemployment rates, the labour law system makes only perfunctory effort to reach out to those facing economic marginalisation. South Africa, essentially a developing country, is not like that. The legal system is strong, works off a firm human rights base, and sets out to grapple with the issues. That is how it should be, but it comes at a price – an oftengraphic exposure of the limits of the law in a stressed society. Businesses operate for profit and survival according to the unsentimental ways of the market, and employees back in a bid to save jobs, lifestyles and livelihoods. The stakeholders use power when they have it, and make claims on the law when they don’t. The legislation and the case law reflect, add to and, to a degree, shape the complexities of these contests, and no more so than in the area of business restructuring.1 The new South Africa has quickly become the destination for foreign investment. The weakness of the rand against the dollar, pound, euro and with the “cost to sell and produce” being so low against these currencies, players on the corporate stage constantly change their make-up and composition. The larger engulfs the smaller, one company buys shares in another, or buys it out entirely, or all or part of its assets, and others are liquidated. In all these situations, employees in South Africa may find themselves with new bosses on the morning after. Under common law employees in this situation were deemed to have been discharged by the former employer, whether or not they have been offered positions in the transformed structure. If they did not want to work under it, they could not be forced to do so. That was because an employment contract was deemed in law to be one of a personal nature that could not be transferred from one employer to another without the employees consent. This research is conducted at an interesting time, when the amendments to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 in respect of the transfer of a business, and in particular section 197, dealing with such matters comes into effect. It is also interesting in the sense that most judgements of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and judgements of the Labour Court were moving more or less to a common approach or interpretation of section 197 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (hereinafter “the LRA”). Section 197 of the LRA sought to regulate the transfer of a business as a going concern and altered the common law regarding the transfer of a business in two situations – firstly when there is no insolvency, factual or legal, concerned, and secondly in the instance where the transferor is insolvent. The first extreme was when an employer is declared insolvent and the contracts of employment terminated automatically. The second extreme was from the first whereby the employer has to terminate the services of his employees and be liable to pay severance pay in terms of section 1893 of the LRA, which has also been amended along with section 197 of the LRA. It is as if this section was introduced to remedy these extremes. These extremes will be dealt with in detail in this paper. The transfer of goodwill and assets from the seller to the buyer occurs when a business is sold as a going concern. At common law the employees of a business cannot be transferred in the same manner. The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 altered this position. By enacting this section the legislature wanted to protect the interest of the employees in such transactions. Whether the legislature has succeeded or not is a matter that will be dealt with in this paper. It is all dependent on the interpretation of this section by the commissioners and judges. By including section 197 in the LRA, the legislature’s intention was to resolve the common law problem where employment contract terminated upon the sale of a business, and this section was intended to be an effective tool for protecting the employment of employees. In order to understand the labour law consequences of the transfer of a business, it is important to understand the provisions of sections 197 and 197A of the Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002. This will be dealt with and each section will be discussed in detail using relevant case law and literature. In considering investing in a South African based company by way of purchasing a share of the company and giving it your own flavour, one has to carefully consider the effects of this transaction. Companies wishing to restructure, outsource, merge or transfer some of its operations will need to understand what the implications of the labour legislation will have on their commercial rationale. Section 197 regulates the employment consequences when a transfer of a business takes place. This is defined to mean the transfer of a business by one employer (the old employer) to another employer (the new employer) as a going concern. Business is defined to include the whole or part of the business, trade undertaking or service. Like the current provision, the new provision referrers to the transfer of a business. It is therefore a wider concept than the sale of a business.4 No attempt is made to define what constitutes a going concern and the controversial issue of whether an outsourcing exercise can constitute a going concern transfer is also not explicitly dealt with. The fact that a business is defined to include a service may be an indication that it was intended to typify outsourcing as a going concern transfer, but this is not necessarily the case.5 The amendments to the Act6 came into effect on 1 August 2002. Sections 197 and 197(A) of the Act consequently seeks to regulate the transfer of a business. These regulations will be dealt with individually and in a format that would make each of the sections in sections 197 and 197(A), easy to understand and interpret. It will also become clear as to what the implications of each of the subsections will have on that commercial rationale. The issues highlighted above will be dealt with detail in this paper giving an overview of the Common Law, the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 and the new Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002.
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- Date Issued: 2003
Cost comparison between repackaging bulk oral solid medicines and purchasing manufacturer-prepared patient-ready packs in the public sector in South Africa
- Authors: Abahamye, Aloysius
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Packaging -- Cost control , Business logistics -- Costs , Drugs -- Packaging , Manufacturing processes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPharm
- Identifier: vital:10163 , , Drugs -- Packaging
- Description: In an attempt to have medicines available in patient-ready packs (PRPs) prior to the dispensing process, the provincial medicine depots in South Africa have, for many years, been repackaging bulk medicines into PRPs. Notwithstanding the fact that bulk medicine packages may have been the only packages available from the manufacturers to service the Primary Health Care (PHC) sector, the main aim of this process was to ensure that medicines were available in PRPs for dispensing to patients, thus, minimising the time spent on each prescription by the pharmacist, pharmacist’s assistant or Nurse. Currently, some medicines are being procured in PRPs from the manufacturers, whereas others are still procured in bulk packs which must be repackaged into PRPs. After a thorough literature search, it was established that, up until this point in time, no studies have been performed to compare costs of repackaged medicines from bulk packs with costs of medicines procured from manufacturers in PRPs. There was very scanty literature comparing the use of medicines procured either in PRPs or bulk packs. However, literature on cost comparison between repackaging and purchasing of commercially available manufacturer-prepared PRPs was not identified.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Machinability of rapidly solidified aluminium alloy for optical applications
- Authors: Abbas, Abdalla Abbas Said
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Aluminum alloys , Mechatronics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEng
- Identifier: , vital:39402
- Description: The production of metal mirrors and critical components for optical devices and aerospace application requires extreme high accuracy and outstanding surface quality. Thus, to achieve such high dimensional accuracies, they are being mainly produced through ultra-high precision machining. Aluminium alloys have been used in the production of components for optics application as well as spaceborne for so many years but with the advancement in technology and demands for a superior material, a new modified grade of aluminium was developed by a rapid solidification process. These grades exhibit a much better mechanical and physical properties while having a finer microstructure. The only downside is the limited research in the correlation of surface roughness and reflectance when single point diamond turned. In this study, rapidly solidified aluminium RSA 905 were used to investigate the effect of varying the cutting parameters on the machined surface finish and its corresponding surface reflectance. The cutting parameters were cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. The surface roughness was measured using Taylor Hopson PGI Profilometer while the reflectance factor was measured by using VERTEX 80v Spectrometer. The results were used to develop two predictive models namely; response surface and artificial neural network which have indicated a very high accuracy to the experimental measurements. Finally, the results were very promising for the diamond turning of RSA 905 where it has achieved a very low values of surface roughness and high reflectance in the visual range without the need of any additional production/fabrication steps and to ensure that bi-metallic binding does not take place in extreme low temperatures. Therefore, RSA 905 is a very promising material for optical applications in the visual spectrum.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Phenolic compounds in water and the implications for rapid detection of indicator micro-organisms using ß-D-Galactosidase and ß-D-Glucuronidase
- Authors: Abboo, Sagaran
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Water -- Purification -- Biological treatment , Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Phenol , Organic water pollutants , Water quality biological assessment , Water -- Pollution
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3978 , , Water -- Purification -- Biological treatment , Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Phenol , Organic water pollutants , Water quality biological assessment , Water -- Pollution
- Description: Faecal contamination in water is detected using appropriate microbial models such as total coliforms, faecal coliforms and E. coli. Βeta-D-Galactosidase (β-GAL) and Beta-D-glucuronidase (β-GUD) are two marker enzymes that are used to test for the presence of total coliforms and E. coli in water samples, respectively. Various assay methods have been developed using chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates. In this study, the chromogenic substrates chlorophenol red β-D-galactopyranoside (CPRG) for β-GAL and p-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (PNPG) for β-GUD were used. Potential problems associated with this approach include interference from other organisms present in the environment (e.g. plants, algae and other bacteria), as well as the presence of certain chemicals, such as phenolic compounds in water. Phenolic compounds are present in the aquatic environment due to their extensive industrial applications. The USA Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) lists 11 Priority Pollutant Phenols (PPP) due to their high level of toxicity. This study investigated the interfering effects of the eleven PPP found in water on the enzyme activities of both the β-GAL and β-GUD enzyme assays. The presence of these PPP in the β-GAL and β-GUD enzyme assays showed that over and underestimation of activity may occur due to inhibition or activation of these enzymes. Three types of inhibition to enzyme activities were identified from double reciprocal Lineweaver-Burk plots. The inhibition constants (Ki) were determined for all inhibitory phenolic compounds from appropriate secondary plots. Furthermore, this study presented a validated reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method, developed for the simultaneous detection, separation and determination of all eleven phenolic compounds found in the environment. This method demonstrated good linearity, reproducibility, accuracy and sensitivity. Environmental water samples were collected from rivers, streams, industrial sites and wastewater treatment plant effluent. These samples were extracted and concentrated using a solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure prior to analysis employing the newly developed HPLC method in this study. Seasonal variations on the presence of the PPP in the environment were observed at certain collection sites. The concentrations found were between 0.033 μg/ml for 2,4-dinitrophenol in a running stream to 0.890 mg/ml for pentachlorophenol from an tannery industrial site. These concentrations of phenolic compounds found in these environments were able to interfere with the β-GAL and β-GUD enzyme assays.
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- Date Issued: 2009
A review of asbestos resources
- Authors: Abbott, Paul
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Asbestos Asbestos -- Geology Silicate minerals Mineralogy Chrysotile
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4910 ,
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- Date Issued: 1983
The incorporation of smart production in future factories within the fourth industrial revolution towards 2030
- Authors: Abdoll, Delicia Megan
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Manufacturing industry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Degree
- Identifier: , vital:40123
- Description: Industry 4.0 is impressively creating a lasting impact on the manufacturing industry and on the industry outlook on the benefits of the implementation of new technology. The concept currently trending entails merging cyber systems, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Systems all together to construct the revolutionary ‘Smart Factories’. The use of advanced technologies brings about new methodologies to improve the results of manufacturing. Complex activities will be performed by machines equipped in using intelligent information systems and new technology to improve productivity, enhance quality, and reduce costs of manufacturing products. South Africa is at the height of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (4IR) which will essentially change the way we work. This innovative rubric of high-tech modernisation is characterised by a merging of technologies from the physical, digital, biological, and neuro-technological spheres. The hesitation over jobs being substituted with co-bots, a robot envisioned to actually cooperate with humans in a communal workplace, is profound. Skills volatility is estimated to affect all industries. There are uncertainties that the underprivileged and non-skilled would be thrust into an even profounder deficiency with the upsurge of the digital age. Organisations regard robotics and modern technology as strategic corporate tools that are utilised to enhance short- and long-term profitability and achieve operating goals. In dissimilarity, the application of robotics and modern technology in the place of work increases labour stability concerns, anxiety of downsizings and terminations within the workforce. The purpose of this research was to heighten the comprehension of smart factories in the manufacturing industry by conclusively embracing a methodical examination of the factors which influence the outlook of those involved concerning smart factory implementation and also of assessing the readiness of the South African manufacturing industry for 4IR towards 2030. The ‘golden thread’ running through the study is the significance of the impact of the 4IR on the workforce and the creation of new jobs for the future, the reskilling of the workforce and the enhancement of capabilities of future factories in embracing the implementation and the incorporation of advanced manufacturing principles in production processes. This must form a substantial consideration in the preparation of the vision of the “Incorporation of smart production in future factories within the fourth industrial revolution towards 2030”. The results of the in-depth analysis of future studies practice and theory in this research study give credibility to the argument that the way in which planning for the future of the 4IR in the South African context is taking place requires insightful adaptation by all stakeholders. The development of new insights through the application of futures studies is vital to this planning process, as is progressively demonstrated in the propensity for present-day business to enable collaborative decisions and strategies that are established on, and informed by, futures studies. This research has attempted to gain insight into the possible future of the implementation of 4IR elements within the future manufacturing factories in South Africa through the creation of four scenarios towards 2030. These are defined as follows: The Fifth Element, which is the ‘best case’ scenario, and to which the country aspires; the ‘worst case’ scenario, in which everything goes badly; the outlier future founded on a surprising, disruptive, emerging matter; and ‘business as usual’ in which no change takes place. The research additionally made efforts to determine the preferred future for the 4IR from a South African perspective, as a base for the Future Vision of the 4IR in the South African manufacturing industry towards 2030. Throughout this study, Inayatullah’s (2008) pillars of futures studies were implemented as a guide in mapping the present and future, further deepening and widening the future through the development of scenarios and, lastly, by transforming the future by narrowing it down to the preferred future. The South African manufacturing sector must select which path to follow in the decisions surrounding the acceptance of the 4IR as the country progresses towards aligning itself with the global players in technology acceptance. Through a unique and innovative approach, the establishment of an atmosphere of trust and the sharing of purpose, values and benefits, a collective Future Vision of the implementing of 4IR elements such as smart production in future factories within South Africa towards 2030, is achievable. All stakeholders must be committed to operating in collaborative partnerships, with government, society, local communities and the workforce all treading boldly together into a sphere of technological, commercial, environmental and social innovation.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Genetic and biological characterisation of a novel South African Plutella xylostella granulovirus (PlxyGV) isolate
- Authors: Abdulkadir, Fatima
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Diamondback moth , Diamondback moth -- Control -- South Africa , Plutellidae -- Control -- South Africa , Baculoviruses , Cruciferae -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4113 ,
- Description: The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is an important pest of cruciferous crops worldwide. The prolonged use of synthetic chemical insecticides as a primary means of control has resulted in the development of resistance in pest populations. In addition, the pest has also evolved resistance to the bacterial insecticidal protein of Bacillus thuringiensis which is also widely used as a method of control. Baculoviruses are considered as effective alternatives to conventional methods of control when incorporated into integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. These viruses target the larval stages of insects, are generally host-specific and are safe for use in the environment. This study aimed to isolate a baculovirus from a laboratory-reared P. xylostella colony, characterise it genetically and then evaluate its virulence against neonate and fourth instar larvae. A laboratory colony of P. xylostella was established using pupae and asymptomatic larvae collected from a cabbage plantation outside Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The colony flourished in the laboratory due to prime conditions and availability of food. The duration of development from egg to adult was determined by observation and imaging of the various life stages. The mean developmental time from egg to adult was observed to be 14.59 ± 0.21 days. The population of the insects increased rapidly in number leading to overcrowding of the insect colony, and hence appearance of larvae with viral symptoms. Occlusion bodies (OBs) were extracted from symptomatic larval cadavers and purified by glycerol gradient centrifugation. Analysis of the purified OBs by transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of a granulovirus which was named PlxyGV-SA. The virus isolate was genetically characterised by restriction endonuclease analysis of the genomic DNA, and PCR amplification and sequencing of selected viral genes. The complete genome sequence of a Japanese P. xylostella granulovirus isolate, PlxyGV-Japan, has been deposited on the GenBank database providing a reference strain for comparison with DNA profiles and selected gene sequences of PlxyGV-SA. BLAST analysis of the granulin gene confirmed the isolation of a novel South African PlxyGV isolate. Comparison of the restriction profiles of PlxyGV-SA with profiles of PlxyGV-Japan and other documented PlxyGV profiles obtained by agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that PlxyGV-SA is a genetically distinct isolate. The data obtained from the sequencing and alignment of ecdysteroid UDP-glucosyltransferase (egt), late expression factor 8 (lef-8) and late expression factor 9 (lef-9) genes with those of PlxyGV-Japan also showed that PlxyGV-SA is a genetically different isolate. In order to determine the biological activity of PlxyGV-SA against neonate and fourth instar P. xylostella larvae, surface dose bioassays were conducted. The median lethal concentration of the virus required to kill 50% (LC₅₀) and 90% (LC₉₀) of the larvae was estimated by feeding insects with a range of doses. In addition, the time to kill 50% of the larvae (LT₅₀) was determined by feeding insects with the LC₉₀ concentration. Larval mortality was monitored daily until pupation. The data obtained from the dose response assays were subjected to probit analysis using Proban statistical software. The time response was determined using GraphPad Prism software (version 6.0). The LC₅₀ and LC₉₀ values for the neonate larvae were 3.56 × 10⁵ and 1.14 × 10⁷ OBs/ml respectively. The LT₅₀ was determined to be 104 hours. The neonate larvae were found to be more susceptible to infection than the fourth instar larvae with the same virus concentration. The concentrations used for the neonate larvae assay did not have a significant effect on the fourth instar as no mortality was recorded. This is the first study to describe a novel South African PlxyGV isolate and the results suggest that PlxyGV-SA has significant potential for development as an effective biopesticide for the control of P. xylostella in the field.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Parents' experiences of monitoring their adolescents' compliance with diversion orders
- Authors: Abdulla, Zurina
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Juvenile delinquents , Juvenile delinquents -- Family relationships -- South Africa , Juvenile justice, Administration of -- South Africa , Parent and child
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:10006 ,
- Description: The increased incidence of children committing crime and the realisation that the existing legislature dealing with offenders failed to cater for the rights and needs of child offenders gave rise to the introduction of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008. This Act enables the South African criminal justice system to deal with children in a manner appropriate to their developmental stage. One of the initiatives introduced by the Act is termed ‘diversion’, where children are diverted from the criminal justice system into restorative developmental programmes, offered by organisations such as NICRO (National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders). Their parents or guardians are tasked with the responsibility of monitoring their compliance with the diversion order in terms of Section 24(5) of the aforementioned Act. The monitoring responsibility assigned to the parents of diverted adolescents prompted the research question and aim of this study, namely to explore parents’ experiences in monitoring their adolescents’ compliance with diversion orders and to identify service needs in supporting parents in fulfilling their role as stipulated in the Act. This was a qualitative study that was exploratory-descriptive and contextual in nature. A non-probability purposive sampling technique was employed to identify the parents or guardians of adolescents aged 14 to 17 years that had been diverted to NICRO between June 2011 and June 2012. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with the selected parents, and the data collected was analysed using thematic data analysis. The trustworthiness of the research process and the findings was enhanced by employing a variety of data verification strategies. This research contributes to a greater understanding of parents’ monitoring experiences of their adolescents’ compliance with diversion orders. The study revealed that most parents experienced their role as an additional responsibility; they needed access to counseling and information on the child justice process.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Executing a process enhancement intervention on the processing lines at Seavuna Fishing Company
- Authors: Abdullah, Philip Rodger
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Organizational effectiveness -- South Africa , Small business -- South Africa Workflow -- South Africa -- Management Business planning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:27255
- Description: The fresh hake processing lines at Seavuna fishing company in Mossel Bay are not consistently achieving their volume output standards and this is resulting in higher processing costs and loss of processing opportunities. The company’s senior management are concerned about this trend and require a complete review of the effectiveness of the resources deployed on the lines. This with the view of establishing the causes of poor process volume output. In order to resolve the process inefficiency challenges mentioned, this study used both empirical and time studies to investigate the effectiveness of the company’s resources directly deployed in the processing unit. The study focused on investigating the human factor, machinery and equipment, the environment and the current efficiency standards. Relevant literature in the field of process efficiency improvement was consulted to assist in identifying factors that are known to cause process inefficiencies, and also to establish which improvement techniques would be relevant in correcting the situation. From the Literature reviewed, it was evident that a ‘one size fits all’ solution to resolving inefficiencies is almost non-existent and that a solution that is relevant to the problem is more effective. In addition, a benchmarking exercise was also done to establish how Seavuna’s current volume output standards fair against its major rivals. Once data from both studies were collected, the results were analysed using the some of the basic quality tools. Thereafter, lean manufacturing principles were used to attempt to resolve the current efficiency challenges. The study recommended that the company construct a business strategy and a corresponding organisational culture to direct its continuous improvement interventions. The use of strategic quality planning would go a long way in assisting the company to execute some of the interventions recommended.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Colonial policies and the failure of Somali secessionism in the Northern frontier district of Kenya colony, c.1890-1968
- Authors: Abdullahi, Abdirashid
- Date: 1998
- Subjects: Somalis -- Kenya -- History , Kenya -- History -- 1963- , Kenya -- Politics and government , Decolonization -- Kenya -- History -- 20th century , Kenya -- History -- To 1963
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2532 , , Somalis -- Kenya -- History , Kenya -- History -- 1963- , Kenya -- Politics and government , Decolonization -- Kenya -- History -- 20th century , Kenya -- History -- To 1963
- Description: This thesis examines the events that took plac,e. in the Northern Frontier District I North Eastern Province of Kenya hetween the late nineteenth century and 1968. After 1900 the imposition of colonial policies impacted on the socio-economic and political structures of the Somali people. This thesis also examines the nature of Somali resistance l\P- to the late 1920s when Somali society was finally pacified. It further examines colonial policies such as the creation of the Somali-Galla line in 1919, the separation of the J uhaland region from the Kenya Colony in 1926 and the Special District Ordinance of 1934. Between 1946 and 1948 the British Government through its Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin, attempted to unify Somali territories in the Horn of Africa and this raised Somali hopes of uni fication. The Bevin Plan collapsed because of the opposition of the United States, the Soviet Union, the French and Ethiopian leaders. Similar hopes of NFD Somali unification were raised hetween 1958 and 1963 because of the unification of the former British Somali land and Italian Somaliland. Due to the imminent end of British colonial rule in Kenya, the NFD Somali leaders demanded secession from Kenya to join up with the nascent Somali republic. But the NFDSomali hopes of unification with the Somali Repuhlic were dashed by 1964 because of the same opposition provided by the United States, the French and the Ethiopians. The British Government were all along half-hearted towards Somali unification attempts even though the field administrators adopted a pro-Somali attitude to the issue. In the early 1960s, however, the NFD Somali leaders were faced with the additional opposition of the new KANU government in Kenya. In 1964 the failure of the NFD Somalis to secede from Kenya led to the guerrilla war, what the Kenyan government called the 'shifta movement', that engulfed the North Eastern Region until 1968 when the Arusha Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Kenyan and the Somali Governments. The signing of the Arusha Memorandum of Understanding by the Kenyan and Somali Governments did not satisfy· the NFD Somalis hopes of joining the Somali Republic. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the N FD Somalis, except for few collahorators, did at no time, whether in the colonial or post-colonial eras, accept heing in Kenya. By the late 1960s the prospects of NFD Somalis unifying with the Somali Republic were, in view of the forces arrayed against the Somali secessionist movement, slim; and they have remained slim since then.
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- Date Issued: 1998
An analytical study of narrative techniques in Giono's Regain
- Authors: Abel, Hermione
- Date: 1986
- Subjects: French fiction , Novels , Criticism , Symbolism , Regain , Giono, Jean, 1895-1970 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3561 ,
- Description: The dominant theme in Regain is that of death leading to rebirth. This dissertation attempts to explore Giono's narrative techniques within this context. No single chapter will be devoted to a specific technique; instead, the various devices used by the author are discussed as they emerge from the structure of the chapters. Justifying the field of study as defined in the "Introduction", the following three chapters outline the passage of life from death to eventual rebirth. With acknowledgement to Frank Kermode, who writes: "A concord of past, present and future three dreams which, as Augustine said, cross in our minds, as in the present of things past, the present of things present, and the present of things future" ¹, the first three chapters bear his terminology for their headings. Chapter One, "The Present of Things Past", deals with Mameche's loss of her husband and son. Chapter Two, "The Present of Things Present", focuses upon Mameche' s realization of Gaubert's departure, and the decision that she must do something to save the dying village of Aubignane. Chapter Three, "The Present of Things Future", sees Mameche setting out in search of a wife for Panturle, and succeeding. This brings to an end Part One of the novel. Interwoven throughout the chapters are paradigms from Greek mythology, rich in universal symbolism, and the author's belief in man's ability to fuse himself with his surroundings. The conclusion summarizes the findings of this study, attempting to show how an analysis of Giono's narrative technique provides an insight into such a novel as Regain. ¹The Sense of an Ending (London: Oxford University Press, 1966), rpt., 1970, p. 50.
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- Date Issued: 1986
The implementation and evaluation of a service-learning component in a second year undergraduate organic chemistry course
- Authors: Abel, Sarah Ruth
- Date: 2011 , 2010-10-03
- Subjects: Chemistry, Organic -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Action research in education -- South Africa , Experiential learning -- South Africa , Service learning -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4393 , , Chemistry, Organic -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Action research in education -- South Africa , Experiential learning -- South Africa , Service learning -- South Africa
- Description: The project describes the action research implementation, and evaluation of learning, of a service-learning component in a second year undergraduate organic chemistry course. The research aims to explore the learning that takes place in a service-learning context while utilizing an action research methodology within the critical theory paradigm. This occurs in response to the world-wide call for Higher Education to produce people with civic competencies and responsiveness to the society in which they live (Boyer 1996). Educating young Chemists to see the importance of their knowledge and their responsibilities in society is an important pedagogical step in the effort to cross boundaries and make connections between people communities (Eyler and Giles 1999). The goal of this project was to explore and categorize the learning that takes place in a service-learning context and discover how these areas of learning impact the awareness of the parties involved with regard to the discipline of chemistry as well as social issues. The project makes use of Kolb‘s (1984) Experiential Learning Theory, and Eyler and Giles‘ (1999) categories of learning in service-learning and results indicate that service-learning can be a powerful pedagogical tool to increase learning in chemistry as well as in the areas of critical thinking, personal and social development, reflection and citizenship. Students‘ perceptions of themselves, their discipline and their responsibility to society were transformed by their experience of service-learning in their undergraduate chemistry course.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Acculturation and Coming of age in female African writing; a Freudian psychoanalysis of Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions and Chimamada Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus
- Authors: Abiodun, Adedoyin Catherine
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: African literature (English)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:40704
- Description: This study explores Acculturation and Coming of age not only as a social process but also a psychological one. The constructs are examined in line with Freudian psychoanalytic theory. The study focuses on migrant inclination of two female African writers, Tsitsi Dangarembga and Chimamanda Adichie in Nervous Conditions and Purple Hibiscus respectively. Through the study, it is discovered that acculturation involves both cultural and psychological change or adaptation and failure in either can result in trauma or produce socially imbalanced individuals. In other to have a healthy coming of age, family and the home status play a very significant role in the totality of an individual and also serves as a microcosm of social and political milieu. Also, the study in the course of the study, we discover there is no ‘authentic African culture’, culture is non-static and so, the study also discusses culture as being transnational and translational. The writers’ consciousness of space and place in their writing through reminiscent times of childhood play significant roles. Childhood figures are constructed in a matrix of concrete memories, spaces, places and times that play a significant role in the production of meanings of their migrant identities. The study identifies ways in which female socialisation further enhances her marginalisation in the society and how the family in the African setting as an ideological state apparatus contributes in ensuring the marginalised position of women. The authors being studied interrogate methods of raising children among African families in contemporary society
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- Date Issued: 2019
Comparative studies of different ant-hypertensive treatments used for cardiovascular disease patients : a case study of public health facility in the Eastern Cape South Africa
- Authors: Abiodun, Oluwatoyin Victoria
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Survival analysis (Biometry) Cardiovascular system -- Diseases
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39519
- Description: Discovery has shown that many deaths arising from cardiovascular disease often show early symptoms of high blood pressure, which makes it the leading risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. There is a distressing rate of 970 million hypertensive patients worldwide, a higher ratio of 640 million are from developing countries, if proper measures are not taken, there will be a higher growth of cardiovascular disease in adults by 2025. The focus of this study was to compare the therapeutic potentials of the anti-hypertensive therapies, drug A (amiloride + furosemide) and drug B (hydrochlorothiazide + enalapril) used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease patients for their capability to lengthen remission duration and survival time. All patients were diagnosed with a type of cardiovascular disorder, therefore patient records were followed up and blood pressure was being monitored for a period of two years. The retrospective data gotten from the public health facility was analysed using survival analysis methods. The results revealed that there was no statistical significance in the distributions of the length of remission and survival time of drug A and drug B patients. Also, in the age category, CVD patients that are 55 and above recover faster with drug A, while CVD patients below 55 shows a better survival with drug B. Then again, estimates from the gender category show a better survival in males using drug A, while the females thrive slightly better using drug B. Among all the risk factors considered in the study, only employment status showed a strong impact on survival time (remission). The findings from this study may help to formulate interventions and strategies that will increase the lifespan of cardiovascular patients and reduce early mortality due to cardiovascular diseases.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Impacts of climate change on food security in southern Ghana : a community perspective
- Authors: Aboagye, Dickson Danso
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Sustainable agriculture -- Ghana , Climatic changes -- Ghana , Food security -- Ghana
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9182 ,
- Description: This study will examine the impacts of climate change on food security in Southern Ghana. Southern Ghana reveals that the district suffers post- harvest losses of about 8 percent of all cereals which hinders Ghana’s food security. Ghana still faces food insecurity due to high temperatures and low rainfall. This research therefore seeks to investigate what local communities of Southern Ghana are doing to address food insecurity problems with the advent of climate change. Several objectives to achieve this goal involves to identify factors hindering food security in Southern Ghana and to evaluate the extent that climate change has affected food security. A qualitative research approach was used by the researcher to come up with community strategies which this research seeks to address. Various conclusions such as community demand for support from the local government, sustainable irrigation programs, availability of pipe-borne water and environmental education were put in place, as possible solutions to the persisting food security problems in Southern Ghana.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Strengths that contribute towards resilience in the early years of marriage
- Authors: Aboagye, Lauren Lee
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Marriage -- Interpersonal relations , Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Christianity , Resilience (Personality trait) , Communication in marriage , Adjustment (Psychology)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9983 , , Marriage -- Interpersonal relations , Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Christianity , Resilience (Personality trait) , Communication in marriage , Adjustment (Psychology)
- Description: Divorce is a common phenomenon in South Africa, affecting many families across the country. On the other hand, there are many couples who choose to remain married, despite having endured significant stress. In a review of literature there have been studies conducted exploring enduring marriages (marriages that have lasted twenty years or more), but little on resilience in the early years of marriage. With many couples choosing to divorce within the first ten years of marriage, there is value in exploring the strengths of young marriages that contribute towards resilience. The following question then arises: what are the stressors that couples experience during the early years of marriage (under ten years) and how does the way they cope with these challenges enhance resilience in their marriages? This question has resulted in this qualitative study, employing an exploratory descriptive and contextual research design with the aim of exploring the strengths that contribute towards resilience in the early years of marriage. The study is based within the framework of positive psychology, as this facilitates the exploration of the factors that have contributed towards the resilience of the couples that were interviewed. A non-probability, purposive sampling technique was employed to obtain research participants. Data was collected through the use of individual semistructured interviews conducted with five couples (ten individuals) who have been married for ten years or less, have endured significant stress, have chosen to remain married, and experience their relationship as satisfying. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic content analysis. The results of the study may be used to develop a strengths based-intervention programme for couples in the early years of marriage.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Family interaction patterns in maternal alcohol abuse: an application of Murray Bowen's family system theory
- Authors: Abraham, Hanlie
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Family psychotherapy , Social psychology Bowen, Murray, -- 1913-1990 Women -- Alcohol use Alcoholism -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:27293
- Description: The aim of this study was to explore and describe the intergenerational interactional patterns in a Coloured family where the mother has abused alcohol. Researchers have found that drinking behaviours of parents can have major effects on the children’s lives throughout generations. Substance abuse of a parent has major influences on the family, their interactions, and relationships, mostly between the parent and the child. There is a major gap in the study of the Coloured families and how substance abuse affects their families and children. The study employed Bowen’s constructs of differentiation of self, multigenerational transmission process, triangulation, emotional cut-off, nuclear family emotional system, sibling position, family projection process, and societal regression and utilized analytical generalization of the concepts to achieve its aim. The mother, an older sibling and maternal mother were the main sources of data although the perspective of the mother herself was privileged in the study. Semi-structured interviews were utilized to gather the data. This allowed participants to freely narrate their personal perceptions and experiences of interaction in both the family of origin and the current nuclear family. The research used a single case study of a purposively sampled family. The researcher is a Coloured female who had specific interest in this specific cultural group and their interactional patterns, which optimised cultural familiarity during the research process and reduced the likelihood of potential discriminatory racial bias of the participants. The findings demonstrate that perceptions of interactional patterns in the nuclear family and family of origin coincided with certain of Bowen’s Family Systems concepts, particularly, triangulation and differentiation. However, the need for further exploration of concepts such as the nuclear family emotional system and the family projection process in Coloured families are still needed in future studies. The findings provided insight into the functioning of the relationships and FAMILY INTERACTION IN MATERNAL ALCOHOL ABUSE interactions in both the nuclear family and the family of origin. Limitations of the current study are identified and recommendations for future studies in this field are also offered.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Photosynthetic and growth response of C₃ and C₄ subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata to nitrogen-supply
- Authors: Abraham, Trevor Ian
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Photosynthesis , Plants -- Effect of nitrogen on , Growth (Plants) , Plant ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4182 , , Photosynthesis , Plants -- Effect of nitrogen on , Growth (Plants) , Plant ecology
- Description: The greater photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) of C4 compared with C3 plants may explain the relative success of C4 grasses in nutrient poor environments. This study compared the responses in photosynthetic parameters, leaf nitrogen and biomass allocation between the C3 and C4 subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata supplied soil nitrogen at three levels. Photosynthesis was assessed by means of CO2 response curves and the leaf nitrogen content assayed. Plants were destructively harvested, leaf areas determined and the dry biomass of functional plant components was measured. Results confirmed that the higher PNUE of C4 plants allowed them to accumulate more biomass than C3 plants at the high nitrogen level, despite smaller leaf areas. The greater productivity of C4 plants enabled them to invest more in storage and sexual reproduction than in leaves when compared to the C3 plants. In contrast the C3 plants invested biomass in less efficient and more nitrogen demanding leaves and bigger root systems. PNUE and photosynthetic rates were not significantly affected by nitrogen-limitation in either subspecies and the major response was a decrease in biomass accumulation and an increase in biomass allocation to roots. This altered root to shoot ratio was accompanied by a lowered allocation to sexual reproduction in the C4 subspecies, but an unaltered allocation to leaves, while in the C3 subspecies there was a decrease in leaf allocation. In a further experiment, the C4 subspecies was supplied three levels of nitrogen provided as nitrate, or alternatively as ammonium plus nitrate, and leaves were excised to within 5 cm of the ground at the start of treatment. Prior to flowering, photosynthesis was assessed by means of CO2 response curves and the plants were destructively harvested. Leaf areas and the dry biomass of functional plant components were determined, and at levels of nitrogen supply higher than those found in savanna soils the rate of photosynthesis was increased. Leaf re-growth was reduced by severe nitrogen limitation and co-provision of nitrate and ammonium had no significant effect other than increased tillering. Both subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata are adapted to nutrient poor environments and maintain photosynthetic rates by reducing leaf area. The C4 subspecies is likely to show greater resilience in disturbance-prone environments by exploiting its higher PNUE to allocate greater resources to storage and sexual reproduction, while the C3 subspecies is usually found in environments with closed canopies which favour vegetative growth, and allocate greater resources to leaves and roots.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Isolation, purification and kinetic characterization of prolyl endopeptidase from Titicum aestivum
- Authors: Abrahams, Adriam Mark
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Endopeptidases , Wheat , Chemical kinetics , Pharmacokinetics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Biochemistry)
- Identifier: vital:11269 , , Endopeptidases , Wheat , Chemical kinetics , Pharmacokinetics
- Description: PEP activity has been described in several locations and has mostly been linked to a variety of neurological disorders such as schizophrenia, amnaesia, depression as well as other disease states such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and blood pressure regulation. The enzyme has also been previously isolated from a variety of archae, microorganisms and several eukaryotic species but no prolyl endopeptidases have been isolated from plants. Plants have high levels of proline and glutamine rich peptides in seeds. We therefore hypothesize plants must express PEPs during germination. Bioinformatics tools were used to identify known PEPs and putative plant PEPs. A global sequence alignment of putative plant PEPs and other known PEPs indicated that the active site amino acids Ser, His and Asp are conserved in putative plant PEP sequences. Furthermore, putative plant PEPs showed similar secondary structures to known PEPs and when a rice PEP was modelled onto porcine brain PEP structure, a high degree of similarity was found. Germination studies of wheat seed showed an increase of PEP activity over time with maximum PEP activity reached after 4 days of germination, which remained at this level until 9 days of germination, implying a function for PEP in plant seed germination. Wheat PEP was purified using ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography with a final yield of less than 1 percent and a relative purity (only 2 bands detected by SDS-PAGE). The purified wheat PEP had a molecular weight of approximately 55kDa, substrate specificity for chymotrypsin-like substrates (N-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-pNa, Km value of 0.58 mM, Kcat of 29.37 s–1; Kcat /Km 50813.14s–1 M–1); a pH optimum of 7.9; temperature optima of 37oC and a high sensitivity to temperature as indicated by loss of activity at temperatures above 40oC. Inhibition studies using E64, Leupeptin and PMSF confirmed that the wheat PEP is from the Serine protease family and is most likely a trypsin-like protease.
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- Date Issued: 2013