Effect of adding a probiotic to an aquaponic system on plant and fish growth, water quality, and microbial diversity
- Authors: Kasozi, Nasser
- Date: 2022-04-08
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/294596 , vital:57236
- Description: Thesis embargoed. Release date April 2023. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-08
Structural determinants of the HSP90-Fibronectin interaction and implications for fibrillogenesis
- Authors: Chakraborty, Abir
- Date: 2022-04-08
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/294572 , vital:57234
- Description: Thesis embargoed. Release date April 2024. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-08
A mineralogical study of phosphate mineralisation in the Nkombwa Hill Carbonatite
- Authors: Mapholi, Thendo
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/294797 , vital:57256
- Description: Thesis embargoed. Release date October 2023. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Geology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Former farm workers of foreign descent in communal areas in post-fast track Zimbabwe : the case of Shamva District
- Authors: Chadambuka, Patience
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Migrant agricultural laborers -- Zimbabwe -- Shamva District , Agricultural laborers, Foreign -- Zimbabwe -- Shamva District , Land reform -- Zimbabwe , Belonging (Social psychology) -- Zimbabwe -- Shamva District , Social integration-- Zimbabwe -- Shamva District , Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP)
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178420 , vital:42938 , 10.21504/10962/178420
- Description: Land and ethnicity continue to condition contestations in relation to belonging amongst rural Zimbabweans. The colonial era defined Zimbabwe’s land politics in a highly racialised and ethnicised manner. Racially, the colonial era gave birth to white-owned fertile farm lands, while blacks (or Africans) were resettled in agriculturally-unproductive Reserves, later referred to as communal areas in the post-colonial era. Though they were initially created with a segregatory and oppressive intent bent on disenfranchising native Africans, the Reserves became a definitive landscape embedded in ethnic and ancestral belonging for the autochthonous Natives. The Reserves were created exclusively for autochthonous Africans, and the colonial administration ensured that foreign migrant Africans recruited mainly as covenanted labour from nearby colonies would not be accommodated and consequently belong in Reserves. Migrant Africans were instead domiciled in white commercial farms, mines and urban areas, and deprived of land rights accorded to the autochthones. In the case of white farms specifically, the labourers experienced a conditional belonging (to the farm). This overall exclusionary system was later inherited and maintained by the post-colonial Zimbabwean government, up until the year 2000. Zimbabwe’s highly documented Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) from the year 2000 did away with the entrenched racial bifurcations of land, as white commercial farms became fast track farms. However, it did not undercut the existence of communal areas. The FTLRP had a profound effect on the lives of commercial farm workers, particularly those of foreign origin who had no other home or source of livelihood to fall back on after fast track displacements. Some though sought to move into communal areas, from which they had been excluded previously. Within this context, most scholarly studies of the post fast track period ignore the plight of former farm workers especially those that moved to, and into, communal areas. This ethnographic study, specifically of former farm workers of foreign origin in Shamva communal areas, therefore seeks to contribute to Zimbabwean studies in this regard. It documents and examines the perceptions, practices and lived experiences of former farm workers of foreign origin now residing in the Bushu communal areas of Shamva, and how they interface with Bushu autochthones in seeking to belong to Bushu. This is pursued by way of qualitative research methods (including lengthy stays in the study sites) as well as through the use of a theoretical framing focusing on lifeworlds, interfaces, belonging, othering and strangerhood. Key findings reveal that belonging by the former farm workers in Bushu entails a non-linear and convoluted process characterised by a series of contestations around for instance land shortages, limited livelihood strategies and cultural difference. This project of belonging does not entail assimilation on the part of the former farm workers, as they continue to uphold certain historical practices, leading to a form of co-existence between the autochthones and allochthones in Bushu. In this way, the former farm workers seem to develop a conditional belonging in (and to) Bushu, albeit different than the one experienced on white farms in the past. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Sociology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
A comprehensive approach to scalability assessment of ICTD projects : a case study of ICT4RED
- Authors: Baduza, Gugulethu Qhawekazi
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178435 , vital:42939
- Description: Access restricted until April 2023. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Commerce, Information Systems, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
A critical analysis of how the potential of Dynamic Geometry Software as a visualisation tool may enhance the teaching of Mathematics
- Authors: Mavani, Beena Deepak
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Mathematics -- Computer-assisted instruction , Geometry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Mthatha , Manipulatives (Education) -- South Africa -- Mthatha , Information visualization , Mathematics teachers -- Training of -- South Africa -- Mthatha , GeoGebra Literacy Initiative Project (GLIP) , Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS)
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177192 , vital:42798 , 10.21504/10962/177192
- Description: Visualisation in the mathematics classroom has its own pedagogical value and plays a significant role in developing mathematical intuition, thought and ideas. Dynamic visualisation possibilities of current digital technologies afford new ways of teaching and learning mathematics. The freely available GeoGebra software package is highly interactive and makes use of powerful features to create objects that are dynamic, and which can be moved around on the computer screen for mathematical exploration. This research study was conceptualised within the GeoGebra Literacy Initiative Project (GLIP) – an ICT teacher development project in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The focus of this study was on how GeoGebra could be used as a teaching tool by harnessing its powerful visualisation capacity. In the study, selected GLIP teachers collaboratively developed GeoGebra applets, then implemented and evaluated them. The research methodology took the form of action research cycles in which the design, implementation and evaluation of successive applets determined the data gathering and analysis process. My data consisted mainly of recorded observations and reflective interviews. The underlying theoretical foundation of this study lies in constructivism, which aligned well with the conceptual and analytical framework of Kilpatrick et al.’s (2001) description of teaching proficiency. An in-depth analysis of my classroom observations resulted in multiple narratives that illuminated how teachers harnessed the visualisation capabilities inherent in the software. My findings showed that dynamic visualisation and interactivity afforded by the use of technology are key enabling factors for teachers to enhance the visualisation of mathematical concepts. My analysis across participants also showed that technical difficulties often compromised the use of technology in the teaching of mathematics. The significance of this research is its contribution to the ongoing deliberations of visualisation and utilisation of technological resources, particularly through the empowerment of a community of teachers. The findings recognised that the integration of technology required appropriate training, proper planning and continuous support and resources for the teaching of mathematics. This action research provided insightful information on integrating Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) tools in mathematics classrooms that could be useful to teachers and curriculum planners. , Thesis (PhD) -- Education, Education, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
A double-edged sword : the minimum wage and agrarian labour in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, 2003–2014
- Authors: Naidoo, Lalitha
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Minimum wage -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laborers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Agricultural wages -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laborers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Social conditions , Agricultural laborers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laws and legislation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Work environment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economics -- Sociological aspects , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1994-
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177111 , vital:42791 , 10.21504/10962/177115
- Description: Statutory wage setting and the extension of labour laws to the South African agrarian labour market are path-breaking events that altered the unilateral power which agrarian employers had, under apartheid, to set low wages and harsh employment conditions. Yet, economic sociologists have shown little interest in the agrarian minimum wage in South Africa. Consequently, little to no sociological perspectives are available on the way in which statutory wages shape the setting of actual agrarian wages, employment conditions, labour relations and working and living conditions. At the same time, economic sociology’s neglect of agrarian minimum wages perpetuates the dominance of economics in minimum wage research, as well as the narrow cost-benefit analysis, and firm and employer-centric focus, deployed by both opponents of minimum wages in the neoclassical economics camp and supporters in the heterodox economics camp. The firm-centric focus also applies to the few labour relations scholars who focus on minimum wages. As a result, a wide body of empirical information is available and concentrated in the Global North, on low-waged, urban-based firms’ employment and labour relations strategies with the occasioning of minimum wage laws, with scant to non-existing information on rural-based workers’ experiences in the Global South, at least in the case of South Africa. This thesis addresses the lacuna in existing research, specifically by concentrating on agrarian workers’ narratives of the outcomes of minimum wages on actual wages and conditions, and experiences at the site of production and in the sphere of expanded social reproduction. The conceptual framework of the thesis is rooted in a critical realist meta-theory which directs inquiry towards the search for underlying causes of events with a sensitivity to the interaction of structure and agency, so as to develop explanations of events, which in turn encourage emancipatory thought and praxis. Within this framework, a political economy perspective of the agrarian minimum wage is charted, founded on an inter-disciplinary approach that incorporates economic sociology perspectives, which view markets as socio-political constructs, alongside a Marxist analysis of wages and the distinction between the value of labour and the value of labour power. Also relevant are segmentation labour market models where the focus is on segmentation in labour supply, demand and regulation, and institutional economics that highlights labour’s weak bargaining power in low-waged labour markets. Based on this analytical perspective, the South African agrarian minimum wage is seen as a necessary intervention stemming from post-apartheid uneven neoliberal restructuring processes, to address extremely low agrarian wages that pose threats to the ongoing generation of agrarian labour power. Low agrarian wages are located in unequal power relations in the workplace and are embedded in the totality of the low-waged agrarian labour market, composed of particular features in the supply-side of the labour market (the sphere of social reproduction of labour), the demand-side of the labour market (the site of production), and the forces of regulation (the labour relations regime). The thesis explores new ways of conceptualising minimum wages in the South African context, placing emphasis on the local agrarian labour market, and it highlights the agency of agrarian labour by revealing their struggles, working life and living conditions. In so doing, the research expands inquiry beyond economic “impact” at the level of the firm/employer to examine: (a) workers’ employment trends before and after the minimum wage was introduced, (b) the extent of changes in working and living conditions and labour relations, (c) the scope for workers in animating changes and their struggles and challenges, and (d) shifts in actual wages in relation to prescribed wage rates. Focussing on the aforementioned aspects represents an attempt in this thesis to build on themes, raised in heterodox economics studies, of minimum wages and their relationship to the social devaluation of low-waged work, inequalities in bargaining power, and justice. Based on a stratified sample of workers that included, among other variables, sex, geographical area and agricultural sub-sectors, original data was collected through 52 in-depth interviews, two focus group interviews (comprised of 10 workers), and 501 surveyed workers. The research did not find widespread job losses when minimum wages were introduced, as per neoclassical economics’ predictions. Nor did it find transitions from low- to high-road approaches in employment strategies and labour relations, as claimed by certain heterodox economists. Instead, the findings at the sites of production corroborate the uneven, mixed and contradictory findings of applied heterodox minimum wage studies on employment strategies, labour relations and wage settings. In this light, it is concluded that the agrarian minimum wage had layered outcomes for workers based on key findings, which include: (a) the minimum wage became the maximum wage as actual wages increased and clustered at the prescribed wage rate; (b) a level of gender wage parity close to the level of the prevailing prescribed minimum wage was found, but an overall gendered pattern to low-waged employment surfaced and manifested differently at sub-sector and enterprise levels; (c) though no changes were found in the way work was organised and how workers executed their tasks alongside no fundamental changes in the social relations of production, statutory minimum wages and limitations on working hours did reduce the hours of work and the existence of unpaid overtime work in certain sub-sectors such as livestock and dairy workplaces, through worker and employer initiatives (yet, at the same time, work intensification in compressed working hours appeared in the sample in other worksites, for example citrus workplaces); (d) authoritarian labour relations existed in varying depths and forms, based on sub-sector and enterprise characteristics, which shaped the propensity and scope for worker action; and (e) the layered outcomes of the agrarian minimum wage were felt at the site of social reproduction, where it brought a measure of relief for sampled workers; however, it was chronically inadequate to allow workers to meet their subsistence needs comprehensively. The research findings also highlight sub-sectoral complexities in changing employment and labour relations strategies from low- to high-road approaches in the agrarian sector. The layered outcomes of minimum wages for agrarian workers stems from the combined and uneven amalgamation of pre-existing and new conditions and relations consequent to neoliberalising processes in the agrarian political economy as well as the low minimum wage-setting. The thesis thus argues that the mixed outcomes reflect the layered character of the minimum wage as a conversion factor, which in turn equates to a layered notion of justice. This is because, on the one hand, the minimum wage ameliorates the plight of agrarian labour but, on the other hand, and given the bulwark of authoritarianism, pre-existing conditions and neoliberalising processes, the collective vulnerabilities in the agrarian labour market have expanded and may be intensifying. The agrarian minimum wage acts as a double-edged sword in contexts of mixed and layered outcomes for agrarian labour. A layered perspective of the conversion factor of a minimum wage exposes the possibilities and limitations of statutory wages as a conversion factor, based on context, and identifies the limits and possibilities for worker mobilisation and action. In the case of this research, the agrarian minimum wage deals in limited fashion with the value of labour power because of the initial and subsequent low settings; the minimum wage does not deal with class exploitation and the value of labour, although it sets the frame for instigating basic labour standards. The implications of a layered conversion potential of low minimum wage-settings are profound for conceptualising, theorising and researching the link between statutory wages and justice, with respect to the value of labour power and the value of labour. Future research on the minimum wage based on a Marxist reading of wages and located in real labour markets, strengthens heterodox approaches by deepening theories on the relationship between statutory wages, justice and production. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sociology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
A narrative study of students’ and staff’s experiences of living with HIV and AIDS at Rhodes University
- Authors: Tsope, Lindiwe
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) South Africa Makhanda , HIV infections South Africa Makhanda , College students Health and hygiene South Africa Makhanda , Universities and colleges South Africa Makhanda Employees Health and hygiene , Stigma (Social psychology) , AIDS (Disease) Social aspects South Africa Makhanda , HIV infections Social aspects South Africa Makhanda , AIDS (Disease) Psychological aspects , HIV infections Psychological aspects , Health counseling South Africa Makhanda , Discourse analysis, Narrative
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/176894 , vital:42769 , 10.21504/10962/176894
- Description: A narrative study of students’ and staff’s experiences of living with HIV and AIDS at Rhodes University Research on HIV and AIDS in university settings, especially research exploring the experience of living with the disease, has been minimal. As a response to the knowledge and research gaps, this thesis is a qualitative study involving students and staff living with HIV (LWH) and accessing treatment (ART) at the Rhodes University Health Care Centre. This study explored the personal and social symbolisms as well as meanings attached to living with HIV, through in-depth interviews with ten students and staff living with HIV, all purposively sampled and recruited through the Rhodes University Health Care Centre. Using social constructionism, symbolic interactionism and the theory of biographical disruption, the narratives revealed a positive and inspirational side of living with HIV and AIDS – especially emphasizing that PLWHA do not have to surrender to the deadly narrative of the disease. It became evident that stigma, both internal and external, largely influences illness narratives. Furthermore, the study revealed the social reconstruction of life narratives both in order to understand the illness in terms of past social experiences and to reaffirm the impression that life has a course and the self has a purpose. All participants found that accessing treatment from the Rhodes University Health Care Centre positively influenced their experiences of adherence and reconstruction of narratives. The study indicates that HIV-related interventions in place at the university need to pay more attention to the psychosocial needs of PLWH, involvement of PWLH, as well as keeping up with the continuously changing global HIV narrative. The study argues for more attention to in-depth experiences and personal narratives in HIV and AIDS, and PLWHA education at Rhodes University. , Thesis (PhD) -- Humanities, Department of Sociology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
A novel Arf GTPase assay for antimalarial drug discovery
- Authors: Swart, Tarryn
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178558 , vital:42950
- Description: Access restricted until April 2022. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Accountability in the global health regime : a critical examination of the institutional policy and practice of the global fund to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria partnership programme in Ghana
- Authors: Onokwai, John Chukwuemeka
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: World health , Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria -- Administration , Public-private sector cooperation -- Political aspects , Public-private sector cooperation -- Social aspects , Public-private sector cooperation -- Administration , Medical policy -- Ghana , Public health laws, International , Ghana -- Social conditions
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177099 , vital:42790 , 10.21504/10962/177099
- Description: The overarching objective of this thesis is to undertake a critical examination of the institutional accountability policy and practice of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) in the context of its partnership programme in Ghana. The Global Fund is a global public-private partnership (GPPP) in health engaged in public health policy processes worldwide. As a GPPP, the policy mandate that underpins its global response to fight the aforementioned diseases requires it to enter into partnerships with recipient countries to finance their national health policy responses and strategies to tackle these diseases. Situating accountability within the context of the shift from an international health to a global health regime, the study argues that the emergence of GPPPs in health and the formal policy mandate and decision-making powers they exercise have had knock-on consequences for understanding accountability in the global health regime. This is because while the understanding of accountability for public health policy processes in the international health regime revolved solely around state-based and state-led accountability processes, it is no longer so in current global health regime. Since these GPPPs are not states, they derive their understanding of accountability from the nature and character of their individual policy and practice arrangements. However, despite contestation around the Global Fund’s accountability in global health literature, this literature has little to say on the question of how the Global Fund itself (as a partnership organisation) understands accountability in policy and how this understanding informs its practice in specific settings of global health. Thus, this study contributes to literature on GPPPs’ accountability in global health by specifically exploring how the Global Fund understands accountability in policy and how this understanding informs its accountability in practice, in particular in relationship to its implications for country ownership of health policy in Ghana. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in Ghana, and guided by a critical political economy approach, this study will demonstrate how: 1) the Global Fund’s institutional policy and practice arrangements undermine accountability to the government and to those affected by their activities; 2) the Global Fund’s practice of country ownership is reflective of conditional ownership despite the fact that the Global Fund claims to promote country ownership as a core principle of its accountability practice in aid recipient countries; and 3) the accountability policy and practice instruments of the Global Fund are not politically neutral, but are rather a function of relations of power. To improve the ability of Ghana (and other recipient countries) to own their developmental policies, a reordering of global economic relations is needed, with a renewed emphasis and focus on economic justice and human rights. Such a reordering will improve the material capabilities (control of and access to global centres of production, finance and technology) of aid recipient countries. This will empower Ghana (and other recipient countries) to play a more dominant, rather than a subsidiary role in how the global health landscape is organised and financed and in policy processes undertaken by global health policy institutions like the Global Fund. In this way, Ghana (and other developing countries) will be able to limit and mitigate the dominance and influence of powerful donors who shape the institutional policy and practice arrangements of global health policy institutions like the Global Fund. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Political and International Studies, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
An Archive of Upset : the Shift from Commissioning to Curating through South Africa’s Representations at the Bienal de São Paulo and the Interstitial Nexus of Leonard Tshehla Mohapi Matsoso
- Authors: Dantas, Nancy Isabel
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Bienal Internacional de São Paulo , Curatorship , Art -- Commissioning , Art -- Political aspects , Matsoso, Leonard Tshehla Mohapi
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/174492 , vital:42482 , https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/174492
- Description: This thesis explores the distinction between commissioning and curating, adopting the Bienal de São Paulo (or Bienal) as its conceptual propeller and point of departure. The thesis regards exhibitions as palimpsests, in other words, platforms built on previous conscious or sublimated models, beyond the Venetian model inaugurated in 1895. By looking at world expositions, particularly the Cape presence at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886, this project traces a lineage of commissioners, from Sir Henry Cole to Sydney Cowper through to the Director of the Pretoria Art Museum, Albert Werth. It distinguishes these men, their vision and allegiances from the curatorial model instantiated in South Africa by the late Okwui Enwezor as a consequence of the Second Johannesburg Biennale, held in 1997. The aim of this research has been to provide a partial but crucial account of this shift, and to remain attentive to the silences and deletions, to what happens in the interstice, at transitionary moments of ‘betweenness.’ I ask that readers consider the 1979 Bienal as an instance of an interstice where the occluded and silenced ghost of modernist artist Leonard Tshehla Mohapi Matsoso, who represented South Africa at the 1973 edition of the Bienal, garnering a substantial award for his work in drawing, resides. Matsoso was the first and only Black South African artist to receive this accolade. This thesis posits that Matsoso’s absence from the exhibition in 1979, an exhibition where he would rightly have featured, constitutes a curatorial haunting, wedged in the archive of the Bienal’s history, and an opportunity for revision and evaluation of commissioning vis-àvis curating. In reading the exhibition histories’ archive “along the grain” (Stoler 2002), the commissioner emerges as a man of letters, a privileged social category found in the archive; a colonial authority whose status was founded as much on his display of European learning as on his studied ignorance of local knowledge; an implementer of the taxonomic state and modernist art historical canon (in the case of Werth); a cultivator of the fine arts of deference, dissemblance and persuasion. At a later stage and moment of dissonance and disruption, the independent curator emerges to reconsider, question and expand the canon, distancing him/herself from the (South African) State to serve the artist or artists and a wider community. This research aims to contribute, albeit in a small way, to a reappraisal of the position of Leonard Tshehla Mohapi Matsoso in South African modernism, and the distinction between commissioning and curating. , Thesis (PhD)--Rhodes University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Fine Art, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
An evaluation of synergistic interactions between feruloyl esterases and xylanases during the hydrolysis of various pre-treated agricultural residues
- Authors: Mkabayi, Lithalethu
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Esterases , Xylanases , Hydrolysis , Agricultural wastes -- Recycling , Enzymes , Lignocellulose -- Biodegradation , Escherichia coli , Oligosaccharides , Hydroxycinnamic acids
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178224 , vital:42922 , 10.21504/10962/178224
- Description: Agricultural residues are readily available and inexpensive renewable resources that can be used as raw materials for the production of value-added chemicals. The application of enzymes to facilitate the degradation of agricultural residues has long been considered the most environmentally friendly strategy for converting this material into good quality value-added chemicals. However, agricultural residues are typically lignocellulosic in composition and recalcitrant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Due to this recalcitrant nature, the complete degradation of biomass residues requires the synergistic action of a broad range of enzymes. The development and optimisation of synergistic enzyme cocktails is an effective approach for achieving high hydrolysis efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the synergistic interactions between two termite metagenome-derived feruloyl esterases (FAE6 and FAE5) and endo-xylanases for the production of hydroxycinnamic acids and xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) from model substrates, and untreated and pre-treated agricultural residues. Firstly, the two fae genes were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant enzymes were purified to homogeneity. The biochemical properties of the purified recombinant FAEs and xylanases (XT6 and Xyn11) were then assessed to determine the factors which influenced their activities and to select suitable operating conditions for synergy studies. An optimal protein loading ratio of xylanases to FAEs required to maximise the release of both reducing sugar and ferulic acid (FA) was established using 0.5% (w/v) insoluble wheat arabinoxylan (a model substrate). The enzyme combination of 66% xylanase and 33% FAE (on a protein loading basis) produced the highest amounts of reducing sugars and FA. The enzyme combination of XT6 (GH10 xylanase) and FAE5 or FAE6 liberated the highest amount of FA while a combination of Xyn11 (GH11 xylanase) and FAE5 or FAE6 produced the highest reducing sugar content. The synergistic interactions which were established between the xylanases and FAEs were further investigated using agricultural residues (corn cobs, rice straw and sugarcane bagasse). The three substrates were subjected to hydrothermal and dilute acid pre-treatment prior to synergy studies. It is generally known that, during pre-treatment, many compounds can be produced which may influence enzymatic hydrolysis. The effects of these by-products were assessed and it was found that lignin and its degradation products were the most inhibitory to the FAEs. The optimised enzyme cocktail was then applied to 1% (w/v) of untreated and pre-treated substrates for the efficient production of XOS and hydroxycinnamic acids. A significant improvement in xylanase substrate degradation was observed, especially with the combination of 66% Xyn11 and 33% FAE6 which displayed an improvement in reducing sugars of approximately 1.9-fold and 3.4-fold for hydrothermal and acid pre-treated corn cobs (compared to when Xyn11 was used alone), respectively. The study demonstrated that pre-treatment substantially enhanced the enzymatic hydrolysis of corn cobs and rice straw. Analysis of the hydrolysate product profiles revealed that the optimised enzyme cocktail displayed great potential for releasing XOS with a low degree of polymerisation. In conclusion, this study provided significant insights into the mechanism of synergistic interactions between xylanases and metagenome-derived FAEs during the hydrolysis of various substrates. The study also demonstrated that optimised enzyme cocktails combined with low severity pre-treatment can facilitate the potential use of xylan-rich lignocellulosic biomass for the production of valuable products in the future. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Cognitive justice and environmental learning in South African social movements
- Authors: Burt, Jane Caroline
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Transformative learning , Water security -- South Africa , Environmental education -- South Africa , EEASA (Organization) , Civil society -- South Africa , Water justice , Cognitive justice
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/174437 , vital:42477 , http://dx.doi.org/10.21504/10962/174437
- Description: This thesis by publication is an applied study into transformative learning as an emancipatory practice for water justice. It is guided by the core research question: How can cognitively just learning be an activist practice in social movements working towards water justice? To address this question, I use the applied critical realist approach which makes use of three moments of moral reasoning which are very similar to the approach adopted in the learning intervention that is the focus of this research. These three moments are: Diagnose, Explain, Act – sometimes known as the DEA model (Bhaskar, 2008, 243; Munnik & Price, 2015). The research object is the Changing Practice course for community-based environmental and social movements. The course was developed and studied over seven years, starting from the reflexive scholarship of environmental learning in South Africa, particularly the adult learning model of working together/working away developed through the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa in partnership with the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University (Lotz-Sisitka & Raven, 2004). We (the facilitators/educators) ran the Changing Practice course three times (2012-2014; 2014-2016; 2016-2018), in which I generated substantive data which forms the empirical base on which this study was developed. We found the concept of cognitive justice (Visvanathan, 2005; de Sousa Santos, 2016) to be a powerful mobilizing concept with which to carry out emancipatory research and learning, in three ways. First, it brought together a group of researchers, activists and practitioners from different organizations to work on how to strengthen the role of civil society in monitoring government water policy and practice (Wilson et al., 2016). Second, within the Changing Practice course itself, it became a principle for guiding learning design and pedagogy as well as a way of engaging in dialogue with the participants around the politics of knowledge, exclusion and inclusion in knowledge production, systems of oppression and multiple knowledges (Wilson et al., 2016; Burt et al., 2018). Thirdly, the participants’ change projects (the applied projects undertaken during the ‘working away’ phase between course modules), allowed participants to draw on different knowledge systems, which they learnt to do in the ‘working together’ modules, and to address cognitive justice concerns linked to environmental justice. The change projects also challenged our learning pedagogy by raising contradictions in the course’s approach to learning that needed to be transformed in order for our pedagogy to be more cognitively just. Throughout this thesis I argue that the work of cognitive justice deepens the connections between people, institutions and structures, particularly in relation to transformative learning. Our intention was to identify and critique structures and ideologies that perpetuated oppressive relations, and then to identify and enact the work needed towards transforming these relations. This is why I often refer to cognitive justice as a solidarity and mobilizing concept, and I use the term cognitive justice praxis to mean the reflection and actions that are needed to enact cognitive just learning. The facilitators and participants of the Changing Practice course worked to remove the layered effects of oppression both in the practice of water justice and in the learning process itself. We worked, however imperfectly, with a caring, collectively-held ethic towards each other and the world. Using the DEA model I applied the critical realist dialectic to analyse contradictions and generate explanations through four articles as reflexive writing projects (See Part 2 of this thesis). I used the critical realist dialectic both to reveal contradictions, investigate how these contradictions have come to be, and to generate alternative explanations and action to absent them. Through this research I identified four essential mechanisms for cognitively just environmental learning: care work, co-learning, reflexivity and an interdisciplinary approach to learning scholarship as learning praxis. The essential elements that made the Changing Practice course so effective were the working together/working away design, the encouraging of participants to make the change project something they were passionate about, and the situating and grounding of the Changing Practice course within a social movement network. We were able to show that for academic scholarship to contribute meaningfully to cognitively just learning praxis, it needs to be collaborative and reflexive, and start from the embodied historical and contextual experience of learning as experienced and understood by participants on the course. This demanded an interdisciplinary approach to work with contradictions in learning practice, one that could take into consideration different knowledges and knowledge practices beyond professional disciplines. Both social movement communities and scholarly communities have valuable knowledge to offer each other. As argued in article one, rather than a lack of knowledge, what more often limits our emancipatory action are factors that prevent us from coming closer together. (Burt et al, 2018) This research revealed that social movement learning towards water justice is multi-level care work, the four levels being: individual psychology, our relations with others, our relations with structures such as our social movements, and our relations with the planet. When such care work attains self- reflexivity, practice-reflexivity, co-learning and collective scholarship, it is able to absent the contradictions that inhibit cognitive justice. This thesis is a record of our attempts to learn how to achieve this.
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Conceptualisations and pedagogical practices of academic literacy in Namibian higher education
- Authors: Julius, Lukas Homateni
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Information literacy -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Namibia , Academic writing -- Study and teaching -- Namibia , Qualitative research -- Methodology , Academic language -- Namibia , Information literacy -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177293 , vital:42807 , 10.21504/10962/177293
- Description: The purpose of this study was to investigate academic literacy development lecturers’ conceptualisations of academic literacy and resultant pedagogical practices in academic development courses at three different Higher Education Institutional types in Namibia. The research sites were a Traditional University, a University of Technology and a Comprehensive University. The focus was to understand the extent to which the academics’ conceptions of academic literacy and the resultant pedagogical practices in the academic development courses at these three Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) facilitate epistemological access into students’ chosen fields of study. Bernstein’s Pedagogical theory (1990), Genre theory (1996) and Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (1978) were used as the study’s theoretical lenses and analytical framework. An interpretative paradigm and a qualitative case study design were employed as the research approach. Semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and documentary evidence were used to generate data. Research findings revealed a common (mis)conception of the nature of academic literacy, the resultant inadequate learning support offered to students in the selected academic literacy development courses, and a clear divorcing of academic literacy interventions from the students’ ‘home’ or mainstream disciplines at the three HEIs. The participants understood academic literacy from an autonomous position as a set of generic skills which could be taught outside of mainstream classes. Moreover, findings revealed that this understanding impacted on the design and assessments of all the academic literacy courses across the three universities under study. The study calls for a context sensitive model through which academic literacy acquisition can be scaffolded to meet the discipline-specific epistemological needs of the students. , Elalakano lyehokololoningomwa lyomapekapeko ndika olyo okukonakona ehumithokomeho lyomikalo dhokulesha nokushanga meilongngo lyopombada (oAcademic Literaci) maaputudhilongi, okukonakona omafatululo giisimanintsa moAcademic Literaci osho wo okutala iizemo yomikalo dhayooloka dhokulonga noku ilonga iilongwa yayooloka miiputudhilo yelongo lyopombada moNamibia. Omapekapeko ngaka oga li ga ningilwa miiputudhilo yomaukwatya ta ga landula; Oshiputudhiilo shopamudhigululwakalo, Oshiputudhilo shopaunongononi, nOshiputudilo shomailongo gaandjakana. Oshintsa shopokati shomapekapeko ngaka osho okuuva ko ondodo yowino osho wo euveko lyoAcademic Literaci maaputudhilongi nonkene euveko nontseyo ndjika tayi longithwa oku eta oshizemo tashi humitha komeho euveko lyopombanda lyaalongwa yomailongo geewino dhayooloka miiputudhilo itatu yelongo lyopombanda; shino otashi kwathele aalongwa yamone ontseyo ndjoka tayi ya kwathele meilongo lyawo. Omapekapeko ngano oga longitha omadhiladhiloukithi (eetheori) ga Bernstein’s Pedagogical theori (1990), Genre theori (1996) na Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics theori (1978), mokufatulula nokundjandjukununa iizemo yomapekapeko. Omodela yokukonakona iizemo yongushu tayi ziilile maakonakonwa, oya tala ekonakono ndika onga oshintsa shopokati, oyo ya longithwa, opo ku monike uuyelele wothaathaa. Omikalo dha longifwa mokukonakona noku gongela uuyelele momapekapeko ngano ongaashi, eenkundathana dhayaali, omatalelo geetundi oshoyo omakonakono giinyanyangidhwa tayi kwandjangele nepekapeko ndika. Iizedjemo yepekapeko ndika otayi ulike kutya opena engwangwano montseyo nenge mefatululo lyuukwatya woAcademic Literaci, shoka sha eta enkundipalo meyambidhidho hali pewa aalongwa miilongwa yeewino dhayooloka. Shika otashi ulike kutya kapena etsokumwe pokati keenkambadhala tadhi ningwa kaapudhilongi dhokulonga oAcademic Litraci miilongwa ya yooloka mbyoka tayi ilongelwa kaalongwa miiputudhilo itatu yopombada. iizemmo yepekapeko olyo tuu mdika oya ulike wo kutya aalongwa mboka yaza komailongo ga yooloka oha yi ilongo nuudhigu opo ya pondole ondondo yomadhiladhilo gopombanda meilongo lyuukumwe. Mokukonakona euveko lyoAcademic Literaci, epekapeko ndika olya ndhindhilike kutya aakuthimbinga oyena euveko lyankundipala lyoterma ‘Academic Literaci,’ ano ya nyengwa okukwatakanitha oohedi dhopetameko ndhoka dhina oku ilongwa meikalekelo - ano pondje yiilongwa ikwao. Oshikwao, iizemo oya ulike kutya euveko ndika otali nwetha mo etungepo lyoAcademic Literaci onga oshilongwa, osho wo omakonakono gasho miiputudilo yombombanda itatu yakwatelwa momapekapeko. Hugunina, epekapeko ndika otali ulike/gandja oshiholelwa shomodela ndjoka oAcademic literacy tai vulu okulongwa opo yi kwatelemo eilongo lyiikwatelela kiilongwa osho yo komaitaalo nokeempumbwe dhaalongwa miiputudhilo yopombabda. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Education, Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL), 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Constraining simulation uncertainties in a hydrological model of the Congo River Basin including a combined modelling approach for channel-wetland exchanges
- Authors: Kabuya, Pierre Mulamba
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Congo River Watershed , Watersheds -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Hydrologic models , Rain and rainfall -- Mathematical models , Runoff -- Mathematical models , Wetland hydrology
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177997 , vital:42897 , 10.21504/10962/177997
- Description: Compared to other large river basins of the world, such as the Amazon, the Congo River Basin appears to be the most ungauged and less studied. This is partly because the basin lacks sufficient observational hydro-climatic monitoring stations and appropriate information on physiographic basin properties at a spatial scale deemed for hydrological applications, making it difficult to estimate water resources at the scale of sub-basins (Chapter 3). In the same time, the basin is facing the challenges related to rapid population growth, uncontrolled urbanisation as well as climate change. Adequate quantification of hydrological processes across different spatial and temporal scales in the basin, and the drivers of change, is essential for prediction and strategic planning to ensure sustainable management of water resources in the Congo River Basin. Hydrological models are particularly important to generate the required information. However, the shortness of the available streamflow records, lack of spatial representativeness of the available streamflow gauging stations and the lack of understanding of the processes in channel-wetland exchanges, are the main challenges that constrain the use of traditional approaches to models development. They also contribute to increased uncertainty in the estimation of water resources across the basin (Chapter 1 and 2). Given this ungauged nature of the Congo River Basin, it is important to resort to hydrological modelling approaches that can reasonably quantify and model the uncertainty associated with water resources estimation (Chapter 4) to make hydrological predictions reliable. This study explores appropriate methods for hydrological predictions and water resources assessment in ungauged catchments of the Congo River Basin. In this context, the core modelling framework combines the quantification of uncertainty in constraint indices, hydrological modelling and hydrodynamic modelling. The latter accounts for channel-wetland exchanges in sub-basins where wetlands exert considerable influence on downstream flow regimes at the monthly time scale. The constraint indices are the characteristics of a sub-basin’s long-term hydrological behaviour and may reflect the dynamics of the different components of the catchment water balance such as climate, water storage and different runoff processes. Currently, six constraint indices namely the mean monthly runoff volume (MMQ in m3 *106), mean monthly groundwater recharge depth (MMR in mm), the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of the flow duration curve expressed as a fraction of MMQ (Q10/MMQ, Q50/MMQ, Q90/MMQ) and the percentage of time that zero flows are expected (%Zero), are used in the modelling approach. These were judged to be the minimum number of key indices that can discriminate between different hydrological responses. The constraint indices in the framework help to determine an uncertainty range within which behavioural model parameters of the expected hydrological response can be identified. Predictive equations of the constraint indices across all climate and physiographic regions of the Congo Basin were based only on the aridity index because it was the most influential sub-basin attribute (Chapter 5) for which quantitative information was available. The degree of uncertainty in the constraint Q10/MMQ and Q50/MMQ indices is less than 41%, while it is somewhat higher for the mean monthly runoff (MMQ) and Q90/MMQ constraint indices. The established uncertainty ranges of the constraint indices were tested in some selected sub-basins of the Congo Basin, including the Lualaba (93 sub-basins), Sangha (24 sub-basins), Oubangui (19 sub-basins), Batéké plateaux (4 sub-basins), Kasai (4 sub-basins) and Inkisi (3 sub-basins). The results proved useful through the application of a 2-stage uncertainty approach of the PITMAN model. However, it comes out of this study that the application of the original constraint indices ranges (Chapter 5) generated satisfactory simulation results in some areas, while in others both small and large adjustments were required to fully capture some aspects of the observed hydrological responses (Chapter 6). Part of the reason is attributed to the availability and quality of streamflow data used to develop the constraint indices ranges (Chapter 5). The main issue identified in the modelling process was whether the changes made to the original constraints at headwater-gauged sub-basins can be applied to ungauged upstream sub-basins to match the observed flow at downstream gauging stations. Ideally, only gauged sub-basin’s constraints can be easily revised based on the observed flow. However, the refinement made to gauged sub-basins alone may fail to substantially affect the results if ungauged upstream sub-basins exert a major impact on defining downstream hydrological response. The majority of gauging stations used in this analysis are located downstream of many upstream ungauged sub-basins and therefore adjustments were required in ungauged sub-basins. These adjustments consist of shifting the full range of a constraint index either towards higher or lower values, depending on the degree to which the simulated uncertainty bounds depart from the observed flow. While this modelling approach seems effective in capturing many aspects of the hydrological responses with a reduced level of uncertainty compared to a previous study, it is recommended that the approach be extended to the remaining parts of the Congo Basin and assessed under current and future development conditions including environmental changes. A 2D hydrodynamic river-wetland model (LISFLOOD-FP) has been used to explicitly represent the inundation process exchanges between river channels and wetland systems. The hydrodynamic modelling outputs are used to calibrate the PITMAN wetland sub-model parameters. The five hydrodynamic models constructed for Ankoro, Kamalondo, Kundelungu, Mweru and Tshiangalele wetland systems have been partially validated using independent estimates of inundation extents available from Landsat imagery. Other sources of data such as remote sensing of water level altimetry, SAR images and wetland storage estimates may be used to improve the validation results. However, the important objective in this study was to make sure that flow volume exchanges between river channels and their adjacent floodplains were being simulated realistically. The wetland sub-model parameters are calibrated in a spreadsheet version of the PITMAN wetland routine to achieve visual correspondence between the LISFLOOD-FP and PITMAN wetland sub-model outputs (Storage volumes and channel outputs). The hysteretic patterns of the river-wetland processes were quantified using hysteresis indices and were associated with the spill and return flow parameters of the wetland sub-model and eventually with the wetland morphometric characteristics. One example is the scale parameter of the return flow function (AA), which shows a good relationship with the average surface slope of the wetland when the coefficient parameter (BB) of the same function is kept constant to a value of 1.25. The same parameter (AA) is a good indicator of the wetland emptying mechanism. A small AA indicates a wetland that slowly releases its flow, resulting in a highly delayed and attenuated hydrological response in downstream sub-basins. This understanding has a practical advantage for the estimation of the PITMAN wetland parameters in the many areas where it is not possible, or where the resources are not available, to run complex hydrodynamic models (Chapter 7). The inclusion of these LISFLOOD-FP informed wetland parameters in the basin-scale hydrological modelling results in acceptable simulations for the lower Lualaba drainage system. The small wetlands, like Ankoro and Tshiangalele, have a negligible impact on downstream flow regimes, whereas large wetlands, such as Kamalondo and Mweru, have very large impacts. In general, the testing of the original constraint indices in the region of wetlands and further downstream of the Lualaba drainage system has shown acceptable results. However, there remains an unresolved uncertainty issue related to the under and over-estimation of some aspects of the hydrological response at both Mulongo and Ankoro, two gauging stations in the immediate downstream of the Kamalondo wetland system. It is difficult to attribute this uncertainty to Kamalondo wetland parameters alone because many of the incremental sub-basins contributing to wetland inflows are ungauged. The issue at Mulongo is the under simulation of low flow, while the high flows at the Ankoro gauging station are over-simulated. However, the pattern of the calibrated constraint indices in this region (Chapter 8) shows that the under simulation of low flow at Mulongo cannot be attributed to incremental sub-basins (between Bukama, Kapolowe and Mulongo gauging stations), because their Q90/MMQ constraint indices are even slightly above the original constraint ranges, but maintain a spatial consistency with sub-basins of other regions. Similarly, sub-basins located between Mulongo, Luvua and Ankoro gauging stations have high flow indices slightly below the original constraint ranges and therefore they are unlikely to be responsible for the over simulation of high flow at the Ankoro gauging station. These facts highlight the need for a further understanding of the complex wetland system of Kamalondo. Short-term data collection and monitoring programme are required. Important tributaries that drain to this wetland need to be monitored by installing water level loggers and periodically collecting flow data and river bathymetry. This programme should lead to the development of rating curves of wetland input tributaries. This would partially solve the unresolved uncertainty issues at the Ankoro and Mulongo gauging stations. The integrated modelling approach offers many opportunities in the Congo Basin. The quantified and modelled uncertainty helps to identify regions with high uncertainty and allows for the identification of various data collection and management strategies that can potentially contribute to the uncertainty reduction. The quantified channel-wetland exchanges contribute to the improvement of the overall knowledge of water resources estimation within the regions where the effects of wetlands are evident even at the monthly time scale. In contrast, ignoring uncertainty in the estimates of water resources availability means that water resources planning and management decisions in the Congo Basin will continue to be based on inadequate information and unquantified uncertainty, thus increasing the risk associated with water resources decision making. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Institute for Water Research, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Evaluation of water quality, selected metals and endocrine-disrupting compounds in the rivers and municipal wastewaters of Eastern Cape province, South Africa
- Authors: Farounbi, Adebayo Ibikunle
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: To be added
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177327 , vital:42810
- Description: Thesis embargoed. Release date April 2022. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Institute of Water Research, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Exploring learners’ proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science through Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) intervention
- Authors: Agunbiade, Arinola Esther
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Stoichiometry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Nigeria , Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Nigeria , Process-oriented guided inquiry learning , Student-centered learning -- Nigeria , Science students -- Attitudes
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/174402 , vital:42474
- Description: Stoichiometry is one of the difficult topics in the senior secondary school chemistry curriculum. It is usually taught through the traditional lecture method of presentation that is non-engaging for learners. Consequently, there is poor understanding, achievement, and negative perceptions of stoichiometry and chemistry in general. The goal of this study was to explore learners’ evolving proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science as a result of their participation in Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activities. That is, POGIL which incorporates guided-inquiry and collaborative learning was introduced as an intervention strategy in learning stoichiometry. This was assessed by examining learners’ experiences with learning stoichiometry before and after the POGIL intervention. The study further investigated possible contributing factors to learners’ evolving proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science. This study employed the socio-cultural learning theory as proposed by Vygotsky (1978). The role of socio-cultural features such as ‘social interaction’, ‘cultural tools’, ‘self-regulation’ and ‘zone of proximal development’ (ZPD) were explored with regards to learners’ stoichiometry proficiency and attitudes towards science progression as they participated in POGIL activities. The work of Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell (2001) on proficiency and Fraser (1981) on attitudes towards science were used as analytical lenses to understand learners’ proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science, respectively. This study was underpinned by the pragmatic research paradigm. Thus, a Quant + Qual concurrent mixed-methods approach which involves generating, analysing, and integrating both qualitative and quantitative data to provide answers to research questions was adopted. It was an intervention study carried out in two senior secondary schools in the Ilorin metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria. A sample of 53 senior secondary school year two learners participated. Questionnaires and journal entries were completed by the 53 learners, while seven learners were interviewed. Data were collected using both qualitative and quantitative data generating tools including pre-and post-tests. The stoichiometry learning questionnaire (SLQ), test of science related attitude (TOSRA) questionnaire, and stoichiometry achievement tool (SAT) were used to generate quantitative data while the SLQ, semi-structured interviews, and journal entries were the qualitative data tools. Data were generated in three phases. Phase one was baseline data through SLQ, TOSRA and SAT pre-tests. The second phase was the intervention phase where the POGIL approach was implemented in the classrooms and learners were engaged in journal entries. Post-intervention was the last phase where TOSRA and SAT post-tests were administered and semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants. Thus, data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. Before the POGIL intervention, the findings of this study revealed that most of the learners perceived stoichiometry as difficult because of the instructional characteristics, the nature of stoichiometry concepts, and learners’ attributes. After the POGIL intervention, however, learners showed increased proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science. Findings also indicate that learners’ proficiency in stoichiometry and attitude towards science were associated with the facilitators or learning environment features, the nature of instructional characteristics, learners’ perceptions of stoichiometry or science, and the extent to which learners could comprehend or master science concepts. Notably, these features are intertwined and cohere with the socio-cultural theory and POGIL principles. This study offered insights into how proficiency in stoichiometry and attitudes towards science may develop among senior secondary school learners in Nigeria. The findings point to POGIL as an example of an instructional approach that provides enabling characteristics and useful information for planning instructional activities for the development and nurturing of proficiency and attitudes towards science. The results suggest that the POGIL strategy could alleviate some of the factors perceived as contributors to difficulty in learning stoichiometry. As such, the study makes contributions to the field of science education in Nigeria particularly regarding how both the tenets of the socio-cultural framework (social interaction, cultural tools, self-regulation, and ZPD) and POGIL (guided-inquiry and collaborative learning) could be aligned to facilitate the development of proficiency and attitudes towards science. The study, therefore, recommends that POGIL should be used as an inquiry-based approach in science classrooms to promote the development of learners’ proficiency and attitudes towards science. The study could also be utilised as a resource to guide or set a base for further investigation into the implementation of POGIL in other areas of chemistry or science as well as creating professional development spaces that promote community of practice among science teachers as observed in this study.
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Exploring Social Learning within the Context of Community-Based Farming : Implications for Farmers’ Agency and Capabilities
- Authors: Dirwai, Crispen
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Crops and climate -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Livestock -- Climatic factors -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Social learning -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Community-supported agriculture -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Environmental education -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Climatic changes -- Social aspects -- Zimbabwe -- Mutasa District , Critical realism
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/174526 , vital:42485 , https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/174526
- Description: This thesis, ‘Exploring social learning within the context of community-based farming: Implications for farmers’ agency and capabilities’, provided an opportunity to investigate how community-based farmers engaged a social learning process in adjusting their practices to the observed climate change and variability risks and vulnerabilities. The social learning and pedagogic trajectory towards climate change adaptation, involved a multi-sectoral approach in a community of practice that was inclusive of extension service, developmental agencies, a university, climate change activists, a primary school, a university, the agro-industrial community, the urban open market and the local standards association. Social learning, in this community of practice, took place during field days, field tours, focus groups and observations in a multi-case study approach. The main research question addressed in this thesis was ‘How can and does social learning facilitate or constrain the conversion of resources into functionings and new adaptation capabilities of communal farmers in Muchena village in the face of increasing climate change and associated climate variability related socio-ecological risks and vulnerabilities?’ In order to address this main research question and its corresponding sub-questions, two main categories of climate change adaptive agricultural practices, crop and non-crop, were studied in the context of social learning and collective and individual capabilities and agency. The research ontology and epistemology were grounded in critical realism, with the epistemic work in the multiple case study being drawing on a constructivist approach where eleven Farmers’ Case Stories [FCS] from crop and non-crop community-based farmers were purposively followed throughout this thesis journey, while the ontological dynamics were pursued through critical realist depth ontological enquiry. The theoretical framework for this thesis encompassed Bhaskar’s (1998; 2016) dialectical critical realist MELD schema, which underlabours conversion factors from Sen’s (1993; 2005) capabilities theory mobilised via the six sequential moments of the pedagogic practice of social learning as articulated by Wals (2007). This gave the theoretical framework a multi-dimensional facet. In this multi-dimensional theoretical framework, the ontologically influential generative mechanisms identified at 1M, were droughts, food insecurity, economic poverty, poor farming methods, floods, pests, socio-political stress, socio-cultural and intergenerational knowledge transfer, government policies and market forces. Effort was made to absent these ills at 2E, through knowledge co-creation within the communities of practice, through individual and collective reflexivity and was guided by the six sequential moments of Wals’ (2007) social learning pedagogic trajectory and by the three capabilities conversion factors; personal, environmental and social. At 3L’s totalities (laminated) and false totalities and compromises, the community-based farmers came to realise, appreciate and utilised the benefits of individual and collective agency as knowledge generation. In the theoretical framework, the social learning process was a product of collective and individual agency, a product of co-creation, co-sharing and co-monitoring and mentoring of each other’s work in a non-linear process towards transformation at 4D. The thesis identified the following capability sets and their corresponding functionings: education with the new achieved functionings of knowledge on market oriented economy with more functionings such as apiary, dendrology, aqua-culture and horticultural practices, partnerships including contract farming and company registration; health as a capability set had the new functionings of improved people’s and soil’s health from organic and conservation production practices; nutrition as a capability set with new functionings of organic and conservation farming as well as, through testing of products and soils to ascertain nutritional parameters, nutritional functionings. These identified capability sets as valued beings and doings all attempted to absent climate change induced droughts, food insecurity and economic poverty through the social learning process. The new achieved functionings of knowledge on related market oriented economy, were used for food security as farmers were able to buy maize, the staple food, which has been constrained by climate change induced droughts and pests. The new capability sets and achieved functionings in alternatives to maize crop farming could be viewed in this thesis as a positive emancipatory cyclic movement in the community-based farmers from non-being to agency [1M to 4D]. The thesis found that for the social learning process to be transformative, the community-based farmers had to reflect as individuals and collectively as a community from T1 [social learning layer 1] to T00 [social learning as multi-layered and infinite]. Learning starts from T1 by engaging the ontological and epistemological question ‘what?’ and the pedagogical question, ‘how?’, in order to understand existing ills and how best to absent them. Tensions existed as the community still take maize meal as their staple food and yet maize production is less resilient to droughts in the absence of water harvesting for irrigation. Despite realising the nutritional value of small grains, the research findings claimed that small grains were difficult to process into a mealie-meal and so, could not replace maize as a staple food. Theoretical contributions from this thesis entailed both epistemological and ontological implications as the community-based farmers started to question positivism as the only benchmark for organic standards by sending what they self-perceived as ‘organic’ products and soils, for verification from observed laboratory tests. This might have indicated a recognised shift in the epistemology of the poor community-based farmer, who are widely viewed in literature, as non-being and subsistence, towards an organised transformative market oriented practice. In this regard, transformative social learning catalysed by the thesis, contributed towards an organic practice characterised by absenting synthetic fertilisers and certain heavy elements from the soils and from the products, thereby adapting and mitigating to global climate change at a micro-scale. The study, though small scale, might be viewed as having global policy implications. For SGD:2 FCS 1, VS absented hunger by transforming from zero tonnage in 2012 to an estimated harvest of four tonnes in 2017. For SDG:3, FCS 3, LN produced close to a tonne of organic peas that passed through laboratory testing for nutritional parameters and testing against heavy metals during the 2018 and 2019 farming season. SDG: 1 could be assessed and reflected through improved livelihoods from income raised under market gardening as shown in FCS 3, LN; FCS, 4 SM2; FCS 5 SS and FCS 6 JM2. Also from SDG 1, were alternatives to maize crop farming and climate change adaptation market oriented apiary practiced by FCS 7, LM2 & FCS 8, LM3 and market oriented dendrology from FCS, 10, VC & FCS 11, JC. FCS 10, VC, managed to register a small company while FCS 11, JC managed to get contracts from reputable tobacco companies in the country and he also managed to access bank loans to purchase a small truck to absent the transport ills that constrained the youths who finally moved out of the achieved functioning of dendrology. FCS, 3, LN and the group of youths valued sending their products and soils for laboratory tests, an indicator of the quality of education that they attained through Social learning process’ communities of practice engagement. By supplying part of their products as raw materials to an agro-industry, the newly achieved functioning of market oriented agriculture from FCS 3, LN and FCS 4, SM2 could be viewed as a move towards SDG: 9. In terms of SDG: 12, the farming practices studied in this thesis were deemed environmentally friendly, green and so were adaptations to climate change which could be read along with SDG: 13. The thesis findings thus could be viewed as those that could open up some ways of assessing and providing practical implementation pathways for some of the sustainable development goals as well as providing a platform to interrogate other ways of understanding critical realism’s underlying generative mechanisms as enablers and constrainers to shaping social learning and people’s measurable functionings in the context of education for sustainable development and the global action programme (GAP) and its immanent successor, the ESD Agenda 2030 framework. The research is therefore well poised to inform this agenda. The study concludes that in order to enhance community-based farmers’ social learning and agency towards climate change adaptation, extension service, the standards association institution, agro-industry, the university as well as the media, might need to engage pro-actively with the farmers’ capabilities and agency. The thesis also attempted to inform the university institution’s community engagement, thereby giving practical meaning to the whole institution approaches to ESD as promoted in the UNESCO ESD Global Action Programme, and the emerging ESD 2030 Agenda. The thesis therefore has potential to inform pedagogic practices at the formal, non-formal and the informal learning sectors. The thesis concludes that the social learning process, when coupled with critical realism and the capabilities theories, could facilitate the conversion of resources into new adaptive functionings. The social learning process is transformative, reflexive and recursive, but might have to start from 1M to 4D and from T1 to T00. Moreover, the thesis concludes that poverty remained one of the major disablers of the farmers’ capabilities and agency in this thesis. , Thesis (PhD)--Rhodes University, Faculty of Education, Education, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Indigenous knowledge of ecosystem services in rural communities of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Murata, Chenai
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Ethnoscience -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Ecosystem management -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Nature -- Effect of human beings on -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Human ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Human beings -- Effect of environment on -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Rural conditions
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177929 , vital:42891 , 10.21504/10962/177929
- Description: This thesis is on indigenous knowledge of ecosystem services. The ecosystem service framework and its associated concepts are fairly young, having been introduced in the ecological discipline in the 1980s. The ecosystem service framework posits that the wellbeing of humans and their communities is dependent on services supplied by ecosystems. It emphasises that for the ecosystems to be able to supply the services, they need to be in a well-functioning state. This idea of well-functioning is predicated on the argument that the ecosystem service framework enjoins resource users to exercise responsible stewardship to prevent degradation and overharvesting. Moreover, the concept of dependence suggests that ecosystem services are of value to humans. The dominant means of measuring the value of ecosystem services has been the economic valuation method in which the contribution that each service makes to human wellbeing is quantified into monetary units. The framework disaggregates the services into four groups, namely provisioning, cultural, supporting and regulatory and seeks to all the pillars of human wellbeing including health, subsistence and spirituality into each of these groups. In doing all this, the framework significantly reconfigures the way we look at and present human-nature relations. This change has the potential to influence significant shifts in how ecological research and intervention programmes are conducted in the foreseeable future. However, the reality that the ecosystem service framework was formulated within, and is informed by the scientific epistemology begs the question: what do traditional rural communities who depend mainly on indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) for shaping and interoperating their relations with nature know of the ecosystem service concept? Rural communities are the ones who interact directly with nature on a day-to-day basis. This makes them a very critical component in the ecosystem service framework. Although South Africa has had studies in the ecosystem service theme, little has been done to attempt to investigate and document indigenous knowledge of ecosystem services that rural communities possess. By focusing only on scientific knowledge of ecosystem services, the South African literature does not do justice to the plural epistemologies of the ecosystem service users in the country. More importantly, the continued dearth of public information on indigenous knowledge of ecosystem services can potentially obstruct implementation of locally sensitive intervention programmes because nothing is known about how the local communities conceptualise the ecosystem service framework. All this presents a crucial gap in the South African research; one that unless effort is made to contribute towards filling it, our knowledge of how communities experience the ecosystem service framework in South Africa will remain skewed. This study set out to investigate and document indigenous knowledge of ecosystem services in order to contribute towards filling this gap. Indigenous knowledge system is an umbrella epistemic system that includes lay ecological knowledge (LEK), traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and many other related organized systems of knowing. Although the thesis has a chapter on LEK, its primary focus was TEK because the thesis was interested in unravelling how aspects of tradition including taboos, customs, traditional rules and belief in ancestral forces influence local communities’ knowledge of some key aspects of the ecosystem service framework including knowledge of various ecosystem services, valuation of ecosystem services, management of ecosystem services and perceptions of the management practices. The decision to focus on TEK was based on the reasoning that rural communities of the Eastern Cape boast a strong reputation of being traditional, recognizing ancestral spirits, legends and taboos as critical tools of knowledge generation and transmission. Using both mixed methods in some chapters and the qualitative approach alone in others, the study collected data in five villages of Mgwalana, Mahlungulu, Colana, Gogela and Nozitshena located in the north eastern part of Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, a region formerly called Transkei. The data were collected not on ecosystem services; but on the local people’s knowledge of ecosystem services. Although literature was consulted, the study regarded respondents as the primary source of data, hence the findings and conclusions presented in this thesis are about what local people know about ecosystem services. The study uses critical realist theoretical lenses to interpret respondents’ reports. The lenses included the principle of the separation between ontology and epistemology, the iceberg metaphor of ontology, epistemological pluralism and the hermeneutic dimension. These lenses were used to make sense of both the knowledge system of local people and the things about which their knowledge was. As part of discussing the local people’s knowledge, the study sometimes refers to science. This is not because I expected them to demonstrate knowledge similar to science. Instead, it was a critical realist dialectical way of explaining what something is by demonstrating what it is not. The study made a couple of key findings that can potentially enhance the growth of the South African ecosystem service discipline. First, respondents demonstrated knowledge of ecosystem services by mentioning a range of them such as drinking water, medicinal plants, cultural plants and fuelwood and how they affect the wellbeing of humans. However, what they did not have good knowledge of is that nature services can be classified into the four groups of supporting, regulatory, cultural and provisioning. Among the four ecosystem services groups, respondents could identify two only; provisional and cultural. Second, local communities depend heavily on ecosystem services for their well-being. The services include fuelwood, construction timber, medicinal plants, wild fruits, wild fish, cultural services and thatch grass. Although they appreciate that ecosystem services have value to their wellbeing, local people found it difficult to represent the value in monetary units. The conditions that make it difficult for local people to perceive ecosystem services as commodities include the absence of well-defined property system, lack of a quantitative consumer tradition and absence of an economic conception of nature. Third, local people understand the need to keep ecosystems in a well-functioning state hence they implement several traditional practices to manage ecosystem services. These practices include taboos, designating certain resources as sacred, legends, customary law, as well as some secular practices including gelesha and stone terracing. However, it is not easy to understand how traditional management practices work because they are not empirically observable. Fourth, local people possess knowledge of the reality that if not well managed, ecosystems can undergo degradation and hence fail to supply the services needed for human wellbeing. However, they explain the causes of degradation in terms of changes observable at the empirical level and the invisible causal power of supernatural forces. The inclusion of natural forces in degradation explanations marks a departure from the scientific explanations that revolve around biophysical processes. Fifth, the use of traditional management practices such as taboos to management ecosystems is under threat at the local communities. The threat can be attributed to three groups of causes, namely changes in worldviews due to adoption of formal education and Christianity, institutional disharmony playing out between the state and local traditional leadership, and lifestyle changes. These challenges constrain the opportunity for local people to apply traditional management practices to prevent the degradation of ecosystems. The net implication of this is that it renders it difficult for researchers and policy makers to assess the effectiveness of traditional management practices because they are not being implemented in full. In light of all these findings, the thesis concludes that TEK is underlabouring for the ecosystem service framework in the sense that it is used by local communities to generate knowledge of ecological concepts and phenomena. This means that TEK does not exist for the sake of its own self. Drawing from this finding, the study proposes a framework of analysing TEK as an underlabourer for social-ecological triggers or issues. Nonetheless, there are few factors that can be sources of limitation to the study. These include the reality that it was difficult to access pure traditional knowledge because over the years the local communities have received many state-sponsored ecological intervention programmes and a possible personal bias given the reality that I grew up in a traditional household and my father was a key holder or TEK. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Environmental Science, 2021 , Thesis chapter to be published in 'Green and Low-Carbon Economy'. Journal available: https://ojs.bonviewpress.com/index.php/GLCE/index
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Investigating the factors that influence use of ICTs for citizen engagement in Malawi
- Authors: Sibande, Rachel Chavula
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Information technology -- Malawi , Political participation -- Malawi , Mobile apps -- Malawi , UTAUT , Mzinda
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177019 , vital:42782 , 10.21504/10962/177019
- Description: Literature has suggested that Malawians are keen to participate. Malawian’s willingness to participate is evident as the country has recorded high voter turnouts during the elections in recent decades. However, literature also suggests that there is minimal citizen engagement in between elections. Elsewhere, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been used to enhance citizen engagement, but ICT led citizen engagement is still an emerging field and yet to be explored as an area of research particularly in Malawi. We thus sought to explore if the use of ICTs could improve citizen engagement with councils, councilors, and utility companies that provide water and electricity in Malawi. We developed and deployed an ICT platform called Mzinda which means My location in Malawi’s populous Chichewa language. The platform provided various channels for citizens and duty bearers to engage via SMS, USSD, web and a mobile application. We sought to understand the factors that influence citizen’s behavior intention to use an ICT platform to engage. We applied the modified UTAUT model by including Attitude and Self Efficacy social constructs that have among others been cited as limitations of the UTAUT model. We conducted factor loadings of six social constructs of the modified UTAUT model to validate content and reexamine the model in the context of citizen engagement using ICTs in Malawi. We found that, Attitude and Self Efficacy were not significant determinants of the Behaviour Intention for citizens to use the ICT platform. However, 75% of the Behaviour Intention was influenced by Perfomance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy as moderated by age and gender. Empirical evidence showed that responsiveness and actionability of councils and councillors had improved. We also learned that citizens believed that service delivery had improved and that they had more influence over councils, councillors, and the utility companies because of using the ICT platform. We conclude by noting that improvements in service delivery; enhanced responsiveness and actionability of councils, councillors and the utility companies were not necessarily as a result of the ICT platform alone; but a combination of ICTs and non-technology mechanisms of engaging the stakeholders through community campaigns, radio programs, print media engagement, community meetings and debates among others. It is evident that ICTs are not the panacea of all citizen engagement problems. This research can be useful to researchers and practitioners in the technology and citizen engagement domains. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04