300-year-old bread palm will be moved
- Authors: Argus (Cape Town, South Africa)
- Date: 1956-08-05
- Subjects: Encephalartos -- South Africa -- Photographs , Cycadaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/75779 , vital:30464
- Description: Newspaper article: "A 300-year-old bread palm in the grounds of Government House, believed to be the oldest imported tree in the Union, is soon to be moved to make room for additions to the buildings of Parliament.”
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1956-08-05
A good tree is worth saving
- Date: 1971-04-07
- Subjects: Trees -- Stellenbosch, South Africa , Oak trees -- Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/71757 , vital:29948
- Description: Newspaper article: "A good tree is worth saving”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-04-07
Ancient oak owes longevity to plaque it stoutly bears
- Date: 1980-06-16
- Subjects: Trees -- Port Elizabeth, South Africa , Oak trees -- Port Elizabeth, South Africa , Adler, Nathaniel , Gibbs, Peter
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/71844 , vital:29955
- Description: Newspaper article: "Ancient oak owes longevity to plaque it stoutly bears”. Plaque reads: "This tree was planted by Nathaniel Adler, Esq. on the occasion of the visit of His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, August 6th 1860".
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-06-16
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Adansonia digitata -- South Africa , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/72005 , vital:29986
- Description: Image of baobab tree. Origins unknown.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 19uu
Bold man saves tree
- Authors: Babiana
- Date: 1972-07-19
- Subjects: Trees -- Nelspruit, South Africa , Acacia karroo -- South Africa -- Nelspruit
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/71750 , vital:29947
- Description: Newspaper article: "Bold man saves tree”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1972-07-19
Century of growth
- Date: 1960-08-06
- Subjects: Trees -- Port Elizabeth, South Africa , Oak trees -- Port Elizabeth, South Africa , Adler, Nathaniel
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/71834 , vital:29954
- Description: Newspaper article: "Century of growth”. Article reads: "Lovely 20-year old Denise Baker reads a plaque on an almost forgotten oak in St. George's Park. The tree was planted 100 years ago today. The inscription reads, "This tree was planted by Nathaniel Adler, Esq. on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. Prince Alfred, August 6, 1860."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1960-08-06
Crowd of 1 600 packs hall to hear Slabbert
- Authors: Barkhuizen, Dawn
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Apartheid -- South Africa , Racism -- South Africa , Dakar Conference (1987, Dakar) , South Africa -- Politics and government , Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa , African National Congress , Government Resistance to – South Africa , Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/57773 , vital:26988 , This item is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact cory@ru.ac.za. The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: Newspaper clipping reporting on the address by Dr Frederik van Zyl Slabbert (IDASA Executive Director), at the Feather Market Hall in Port Elizabeth. Dr. Slabbert addressed a crowd of 1600 interested parties, with the message of the address focussing on the outcomes of the political discussions held in Dakar, Senegal, between the 9th and 12th of July 1987, between members of IDASA and the ANC.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1987
Cycads plundered
- Authors: South African digest
- Date: 1979-06-08
- Subjects: Cycads -- South Africa -- Pictorial works
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/73064 , vital:30148
- Description: Newspaper article: "Cycads, South Africa's precious living fossils, are being stolen and sold to smart-set gardeners in South Africa, Japan and the United States reports The Daily News. Plants of one rare species, Encephelatus Woodii, have been offered for sale in the United States for R5 000. Botanists say cycads sell for R26 a centimeter overseas, so that a waist-high plant fetches about R2 500. Cycads are very slow-growing. Plants germinated 12 years ago at the Natal Botanical Gardens have a stem the size of a small football. Hence plants of a reasonable size may be hundreds of years old, while the rootstock from which the plants grow may be thousands of years old. There are 28 species in South Africa and seven occur in Natal. They are known in Afrikaans as Broodboom (bread tree) because Hottentots were said to make bread from the pith, after it had been left to rot for two months. A spokesman for the Natal Parks Board said the authorities could not prevent exploitation. Convictions for removing protected plants were difficult to obtain as it was almost impossible to prove where the plants came from unless the culprits were caught red-handed. When found to be in illegal possession, plants ere confiscated and planted out.Miss Jane Baxter, Natal Parks Board public relations officer, dwarfed by a giant cycad, Encephelatus Natalensis. This fine plant is thought to be between 150 and 200 years old. The Daily News. S. A. Digest. 8 June 1979."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1979-06-08
Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-06-07
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/119909 , vital:34798
- Description: Caption "re-use paper save trees. Conservation Society Ltd. C.J Skead. 2 Florence St. Grahamstown. 6140."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-06-07
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122108 , vital:35210
- Description: Caption "The Tale of an old Kaffirboom. C.J. Skead's observant eyes are famous. There is probably nobody else who would have taken much notice of the old kaffirboom on the hill 19 km south-west of King Williams Town. His photographs tell the story of the tree. African Wild Life. Vol. 29. No 3, p. 44, 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-07-29
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122073 , vital:35205
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Herald Staff Reporter. Historic plaque to be unveiled. Just 141 years ago a young 1820 Settler, William Norman and his wife and young daughter, with their belongings sat under a kaffirboom tree at a place he subsequently named Seven Fountains. E. P. Herald. 29-07-1961."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-07-29
Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975-08-25
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/119893 , vital:34796
- Description: Caption "Indigenous timber to be sold. Herald Correspondent. George. The annual sale of indigenous timber in the George and Knysna districts will start on October 13 at Woodville and be continued at Forleigh, Gondveld, Gouna, Diepwalle, Kafferkop, Kruisfontain and Bloukrans. The total estimated volumes in cubic metres of timber for sale are stinkwood 160, yellowwood 215, blackwood 760, white elder 47 and others 87. Prospective buyers can inspect the timber by making arrangements with the responsible officers of the Department of Forestry at the various staions. Payment must be in cash or by bank endorsed cheques either on the day of sale or within 30 days. All timber bought must be removed before December 31. Eastern Province Herald. 15 August 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975-08-25
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-05-38
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122128 , vital:35213
- Description: Caption "Ma,e of tree in 1820. E. P. Herald. 28 May 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-05-38
Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1966-06-15
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/119884 , vital:34793
- Description: Caption "With Room to Stretch. Give 30 people three guesses and not many of them will guess that this tree a mammoth of its species, is a Dogplum, or Eckebergia, which is particularly familier to Port Elizabethans as a street tree. In parts of Mill Park, Dogplums that have been able to grow freely have become fine big trees. But the tree in the picture has the bulk of at least six of the biggest Mill Park. The picture was taken on Nocton Farm, 39 miles from Port Elizabeth on the Cape Road. It's a fair guess that the tree stood there over 100 years ago when the area was being developed for farming by the Conton Smiths, Fairbridges and Skeads. That's Mrs Gwen Skinner, chairman of the Wild Flower Society supplying foreground and scale. E.P. Herald. 15-06-1966"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1966-06-15
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-04-30
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122113 , vital:35212
- Description: Caption "Tree has new name at last. At last we have an acceptable name for the lovely Kaffirboom. Henceforth it is Coral Tree and that's as near official as can be. It appears in revised edition of 'The National Tree List', by Dr. B. de Winter and Dr. F. von Breitenbach. E. P. Herald. 30 April 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-04-30
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1985-03-01
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122088 , vital:35206
- Description: Caption "Lucky Bean seeds needed. Sir. I have received an appeal from Cape Town for these seeds. Large quantities are required to obtain a tissue plasminogen activator which will be used to manufacture a substance being used experimentally to dissolve blood clots. It the experiments come up to expectations a new drug will be produced for heart attack victims. I have seen many 'kaffirboom' trees in Grahamstown and I appeal to your readers to collect the seeds and leave them at the reception desk of Settlers Hospital. We will forward them to Cape Town. I look forward to the usual co-operation of the Grahamstown citizens. Yours etc. Dr. G. de L. White. Medical Superinendent, Grocott's Mail 1985-03-01."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1985-03-01
Erythrina humeana
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1964-03-31
- Subjects: Erythrina humeana -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/122068 , vital:35204
- Description: Caption "Flowering shrub is reminder of 1922 battle. Commandandt Frans Nel, Officer Commandoing Prince Alfred's Guard, examines the flowering umzintzani shrub in the regimental garden at the Drill Hall. Regimental historians believe it was this flower which caused the Xhosa tribesmen to name the Umzintzani battle scene the Valley of the Burning Bush. E. P. Herald 31-03-1964."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1964-03-31
Fearless woman remembered
- Authors: Daily Dispatch (East London, South Africa)
- Date: 1958-08-15
- Subjects: South Africa -- History -- Frontier Wars, 1811-1878 , Grahamstown (South Africa) -- History
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/71911 , vital:29974
- Description: Newspaper article: "Fearless woman remembered. A beautiful monument in Grahamstown, shown in this picture above, was erected to commemorate an act of outstanding bravery by a woman during the battle of Grahamstown in 1819. She was Elizabeth Margaret Salt who, with her husband Sergeant Salt, was among those besieged in Fort England, which was surrounded by hordes of Kafirs.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1958-08-15
Ficus sansibarica - Wild Fig
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959-01-21
- Subjects: Ficus sansibarica -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/121400 , vital:35096
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Plant may send spire toppling. E . P. Herald. 20-01-1959."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959-01-21
Garden giants 100 years old
- Authors: South African Digest
- Date: 1984-03-23
- Subjects: Ficus (Plants) -- South Africa -- Photographs , Fig -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: text , clippings , ephemera
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/74190 , vital:30272
- Description: Newspaper article: A living landmark in Pietermaritzburg's history, a grove of trees in the heart of the Botanic Gardens, is 100 years old this year. These gnarled giants, all planted in 1884 or earlier, are "probably the most representative selection of exotic trees in South Africa". according to the curator of the Gardens, Mr Brian Tarr. He sees education as the real function of a botanical garden. Picture: Mr Tarr among the roots of a giant Morton Bay fig planted more than 100 years ago. The Natal Witness. S.A.Digest. 1984-03-23.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1984-03-23