Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg
- Authors: Coutts, Syd , Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1933
- Subjects: Protea roupelliae -- South Africa -- Photographs , Proteaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30317
- Description: Caption: "Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg above Elliot. c.1933. Photo Syd Coutts."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1933
Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg
- Authors: Coutts, Syd , Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1933
- Subjects: Protea roupelliae -- South Africa -- Photographs , Proteaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30318
- Description: Caption: "Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg above Elliot. c.1933. Photo Syd Coutts."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1933
Protea roupelliae at top of southern Drakensberg
- Authors: Coutts, Syd , Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1933
- Subjects: Protea roupelliae -- South Africa -- Photographs , Proteaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30320
- Description: Caption: "Protea roupelliae adjacent to scrub bush forest in kloof at top of southern Drakensberg above Elliot. c.1933. Photo Syd Coutts."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1933
Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg
- Authors: Coutts, Syd , Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1933
- Subjects: Protea roupelliae -- South Africa -- Photographs , Proteaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30319
- Description: Caption: "Protea roupelliae on slopes of southern Drakensberg above Elliot. c.1933. Photo Syd Coutts."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1933
Aloe distans, Saldanha Bay
- Authors: Findlay, Dick
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Aloe -- South Africa -- Illustrations , Botanical illustration -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , illustrations , botanical illustrations
- Identifier: , vital:30089
- Description: Caption: "Aloe distans, Saldanha Bay. Strandaalwyn, Saldanhabaai. 1973"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1973
Aloe alooides, Eastern Transvaal
- Authors: Findlay, Dick
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Aloe -- South Africa -- Illustrations , Botanical illustration -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , illustrations , botanical illustrations
- Identifier: , vital:30090
- Description: Caption: "Aloe alooides, Eastern Transvaal. 1973"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1973
Aloe lutescens, Northern Transvaal
- Authors: Findlay, Dick
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Aloe -- South Africa -- Illustrations , Botanical illustration -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , illustrations , botanical illustrations
- Identifier: , vital:30086
- Description: Caption: "Aloe lutescens, Northern Transvaal. Tshipiseaalwyn, Noord-Transvaal. 1973"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1973
Letter from Mr. F.C. Metrowich responding to C.J. Skead
- Authors: Metrowich, F C (Frederick Charles)
- Date: 1959-06-06
- Subjects: Grahamstown (South Africa) -- History , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , correspondence
- Identifier: , vital:28864
- Description: Letter written by Mr. F.C. Metrowich to C.J Skead. This letter was in response to a letter sent by Skead requesting for references indicating where the information was obtained as to the tree where Lieut. Col. Graham and Capt. Stockenstrom decided to establish the town of Grahamstown.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1959-06-06
From Pringles of the Valleys
- Authors: Pringle, Eric, 1907- , Pringle, Mark Elliot, 1880- , Pringle, John Adams, 1910-
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Acacia karroo -- South Africa , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , essay
- Identifier: , vital:33084
- Description: Transcript: "from PRINGLES OF THE VALLEYS ,1957, by Eric, Mark and John Pringle. p.29. (On the farm now known as Clifton). "The next day, July 2nd (1820) was our first Sunday on our own grounds. Feeling deeply the importance of maintaining the suitable observance of this day of sacred rest, it was unanimously resolved that we should strictly abstain from an secular employment not sanctioned by absolute necessity; and at the same time commence such a system of religious services as might be with propriety maintained in the absence of a clergyman or minister. The whole party were accordingly assembled after breakfast under a venerable acacia tree, on the margin of a little stream which murmured around our camp. It was, indeed, an affecting sight to look round on our little band of Scottish emigrants, thus congregated for the first time to worship God in the wild glen allotted for their future home and the heritage of their offspring". An inspection in 1956 established this spot with some certainty is just south of the present Craig Rennie homestead".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1957
Acacia Karoo - Adelaide (South Arica)
- Authors: Pringle,Thomas (1789-1834)
- Date: 1822
- Subjects: Acacia karroo -- South Africa -- Adelaide , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , essay
- Identifier: , vital:33082
- Description: Transcript: "1822 Thomas Pringle, 1835 April. In The Koonap River Valley, Adelaide, E.Cape. p.126. "Among the mimosa trees (i.e. thorntrees) sprinkled over the meadows, or lower bottoms, the traces of their (i.e. elephant) operations were not less apparent. Immense numbers of these trees had been torn out of the ground and placed in an inverted position in order to enable the animals to browse at their ease on their juicy roots which form a favourite part of their food. I observed that, in numerous instances, when the trees were of considerable size, The elephant had employed one of his tusks, exactly as he would use a crowbar, thrusting it under The roots to loosen their hold on The earth before he attempted to tear them up with his proboscis, many of the larger mimosas had resisted all their efforts, and, indeed, it is only after rains that they can successfully attempt the operation."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1822
Protea lepidocarpodendron
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Protea lepidocarpodendron -- South Africa -- Photographs , Proteaceae -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30404
- Description: Caption: "Protea lepidocarpodendron. Right hand peg shows where Orange-breasted Sunbird inserts beak. Other show where Promerops insert bill."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 19uu
Forest recession
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-06
- Subjects: Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs , Deforestation -- South Africa , Tree ferns -- South Africa -- Photographs , Aloe arborescens -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:28806
- Description: Caption "TW 10. Tree ferns (left) with Aloe arborescens in back to left, and natural forest at back. Ferns and aloes side by side where forest ought to be! June 1961.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-06
Salix mucronata - Cape willow
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1960-07-10
- Subjects: Salix mucronata- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:34621
- Description: Caption "Cape Willows in winter foliage. Line drift. Keiskamma River. 10-07-1960.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1960-07-10
Ptaeroxylon obliquum - Sneezewood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1958
- Subjects: Ptaeroxylon obliquum -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , notes
- Identifier: , vital:34878
- Description: Caption "C. J. Skead's notes. Ptaeroxylon obliquum. 1958."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1958
Leonotis leonurus flowers, King William's Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963-05
- Subjects: Leonotis leonurus -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:30429
- Description: Caption: "Leonotis leonurus flowers, King Williams Town. May 1963."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963-05
Forest recession - Nqantos area, Upper Kubusie
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959
- Subjects: Nqantosi area, Upper Kubusie, Stutterheim (South Africa) -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs , Deforestation -- South Africa -- Stutterheim -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:28834
- Description: Caption "TW 2. Black Ironwood, left foreground left standing by receding forest at Nqantos area, Upper Kubusie, Stutterheim. 1959.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959
Plant adaptation - Giants Castle Reserve
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1956
- Subjects: Drakensberg (South Africa) -- Photographs , Giants Castle Reserve, Drakensberg (South Africa) -- Photographs , Skead, Christine -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:28838
- Description: Caption: “Giants Castel reserve, Drakensberg. Vegetation growing on top of a large boulder. 1956. C. J. Skead. Christine Skead in picture.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1956
Thorn tree canopy - King Williams Town
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959
- Subjects: Acacia karroo -- South Africa -- King William's Town -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:29992
- Description: Caption "Thorntree canopy. King Wms Town. 1959.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959
Pinus radiata - Pinus insignis - Pine
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 19uu
- Subjects: Pinus radiata -- Pinus insignis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:34958
- Description: Caption "Arum in the forest stream."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 19uu
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959-10
- Subjects: Podocarpus falcatus -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , landscape photographs
- Identifier: , vital:34498
- Description: Caption "Upper bole. Hogsback. Oct. 1959.”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959-10