"From digital to darkroom"
- Authors: Meintjes, Anthony Arthur
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Photography Image processing Photography -- Digital techniques Computer art
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MFA
- Identifier: vital:2451 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007418
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- Date Issued: 2001
'n Besluitnemings ondersteuningsmodel vir die bepaling van die mees geskikte wisselboustelsel-ritme vir gemengde graanboerderye in die Koeberg
- Authors: Potgieter, F J
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Grain -- South Africa , Crop rotation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10948 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/43 , Grain -- South Africa , Crop rotation
- Description: Weens die unieke eiesoortigheid van die mens is sy behoeftes vanselfsprekend uiters divers. Wat vir die een persoon prioriteit is, mag vir sy buurman geensins belangrik wees nie. Dit is egter ook ’n gegewe, dat die mens heelwat gemeenskaplike ervarings, emosies en behoeftes deel. Een hiervan is die behoefte wat hy het om te weet dat die besluit wat hy gaan of wil neem die regte een binne die konteks van sy keuse mag wees. Die woord ‘behoefte’ kan waarskynlik in hierdie geval vervang word met die begrip ‘genade’. Sonder om 'n platvorm vir debat te skep, word die stelling gehandhaaf dat ‘genade’ slegs van die Skepper afkomstig is. Met hierdie stelling as agtergrond was dit 'n minder aangename ervaring om vir feitlik twintig jaar te moes toekyk hoe koringboere hul besluite, veral met betrekking tot die samestelling van wisselboustelsels, moes neem, klaarblyklik in totale gebrek aan die gawe van ‘genade’. Nodeloos om te sê, met gepaardgaande negatiewe gevolge. Die meer gemaklike verontskuldiging is om te redeneer dat ons Skepper relatief suinig is met die uitdeel van sy ‘genade’. Alvorens die begrip van Prediker 10:10 nog nie ten volle begryp is nie, kan so 'n stelling dalk makliker gemaak word. Hierdie gedeelte uit die Skrif sê in werklikheid die teenoorgestelde – dat God baie vrygewig is met Sy ‘genade’, maar dat die mens sy gesonde verstand moet gebruik om dit ten volle te benut. Die wens is dat hierdie studie, 'n deel sal uitmaak van die proses om die byl skerp te maak om sodoende die houtkap-proses effektief uit te voer.
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- Date Issued: 2001
'Respecting the racist’: racism at work
- Authors: Martin, Tom
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/159079 , vital:40265 , https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC1447221
- Description: Racists can believe some pretty odd things, I'm not talking about the completely out-of-left field, lunatic fringe racists who might believe that God deems that white people have dominion over black people, or that there is a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.
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- Date Issued: 2001
[Research projects]
- Authors: Muluse, Lungile J
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: History -- Study and teaching -- South Africa -- Textbooks -- Evaluation History -- Study and teaching South Africa -- History -- Textbooks Toise Senior Secondary School High schools -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1739 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003623
- Description: This study is a situational analysis of a school located at Nonkcampa village, just ten kilometres from King William’s Town, west of the national road between Peddie and King William’s Town. Toise Senior Secondary School is in the former Ciskei region. The Bulembu / Bisho airport is just next to our school. My focus on Toise Senior Secondary School, provides me as the principal of the school with a golden opportunity to find out more about the school. As a relative newcomer to the school this study also enables me to look at the school community, from this particular focal point. As this is a situational analysis, my focus will be on the history, the biophysical and socio-political aspects that influenced the development of the school to the present. In this way I will be able to analyse the school’s readiness to implement the new Out-Comes-Based Education (OBE) Curriculum soon to be implemented at secondary school level.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A conceptual object-oriented model to support educators in an outcomes-based environment
- Authors: Harmse, Rudi Gerhard
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Competency-based education -- South Africa , Curriculum-based assessment -- South Africa , Object-oriented databases
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Information Technology)
- Identifier: vital:10794 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/47 , Competency-based education -- South Africa , Curriculum-based assessment -- South Africa , Object-oriented databases
- Description: The introduction of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South Africa has led to a new learner-centred approach with an emphasis on the outcomes that the learners need to achieve. With this learner-centred focus has come a greater need for record keeping. It is now necessary to track each learner’s progress towards the attainment of the learning outcomes. This progress is tracked in relation to assessment standards that are defined for every learning outcome. These assessment standards define the results expected of learners at certain stages in their development. The new OBE system has emphasised accountability and this is expressed in a requirement to keep evidence to justify the assessment results given. The large numbers of learners and the increased managerial demand of OBE cause problems to educators who may find themselves unable to keep track of the learners’ progress under such conditions. This dissertation investigates the structure of the new OBE system as well as its assessment and evidence requirements. From this the features required from a support system for educators in an OBE environment are determined. The supporting processes needed to enable these features to be implemented, as well as the storage requirements of such a system are identified. In addition to OBE, the field of Computer Integrated Learning Environments (CILEs) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are investigated and useful details identified are added to the requirements for an OBE support system. The dissertation then presents an object-oriented conceptual model of the items that need to be stored in order to allow the features of an OBE support system to be implemented. The relationships between these items are also indicated in this model.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A critical evaluation of the Sibanye Mentoring Programme implemented by the Border Cricket Board
- Authors: Dixon, Barry Nolan James
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Sibanye Mentoring Programme , Border Cricket Board , Mentoring in business
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Business Administration)
- Identifier: vital:10900 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/49 , Sibanye Mentoring Programme , Border Cricket Board , Mentoring in business
- Description: The research problemaddressed in this study was critically evaluate whether the Sibanye Mentoring Project of the Border Cricket Board is an effective tool in the development of black cricket players. To achieve this objective an analysis was made as to why mentoring is essential in today’s business. The study discussed the implications of mentoring and how to use it to enhance employment equity. An integrated model for mentoring was investigated using relevant literature to identify the key elements in developing and maintaining a successful mentoring programme. Each factor of the model was broken down into dimensions that were then analysed using sources researched during the literature study. The theoretical model was then used to develop a questionnaire to test the degree to which the implementation of the Sibanye Mentoring Project of the Border Cricket Board concurred with the literature study. The empirical results obtained indicate a strong concurrence with the theoretical model for mentoring. The conclusions drawn and the recommendations suggested in the study proved without a doubt that mentoring can be an effective tool in the development of young black cricketers.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A dinocephalian therapsid fauna on the Ecca–Beaufort contact in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Modesto, S P , Rubidge, B S , de Klerk, William J , Welman, J
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: vital:6999 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008355
- Description: Systematic exploration of outcrops of the lowermost Beaufort Group for fossils of the oldest terrestrial vertebrates of South Africa, known only from the Permian age Eodicynodon Assemblage Zone in Western Cape Province, has resulted in the discovery of a therapsid fauna in Eastern Cape Province that is dominated by advanced dinocephalians. The new discoveries include the skull and partial skeleton of a juvenile Anteosaurus, skull and skeletal elements of tapinocephalids, as well as the skull of a scylacosaurid therocephalian. The combined presence of advanced tapinocephalid dinocephalians, the anteosaur Anteosaurus, and scylacosaurid therocephalians suggests that the rocks of the lowermost Beaufort Group in the Eastern Cape Province can be assigned to the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone, rather than to the Eodicynodon Assemblage Zone, which appears to be restricted to the southwestern part of the Karoo Basin. This biozone identity permits the recognition of a younger age for the Ecca-Beaufort contact eastwards along the southern margin of the basin, thus demonstrating the diachronous nature of the Ecca-Beaufort contact in the southern Karoo.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A history of land tenure in the Herschel district, Transkei
- Authors: Viedge, Bronwen Elizabeth
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Land tenure -- South Africa -- Transkei Land tenure -- Herschel -- South Africa -- Transkei Land tenure -- History -- Herschel -- South Africa -- Transkei
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3338 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003808
- Description: A historical review of land tenure systems implemented in the Herschel district, Eastern Cape, South Africa and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each system in conjunction with international experience of land tenure provide guidelines as to what elements could be incorporated in the formulation of a new integrated land tenure system. These guidelines together with the information obtained from a questionnaire survey amongst the Herschel population provide the government of South Africa with a broad outline of an integrated land tenure system that could serve to link the former homelands to the land tenure system that currently operates in the rest of the country thereby removing one of the obstacles to rural development and land redistribution.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A Legacy Adapter Component of a 1394-Based Professional Studio Architecture
- Authors: Foss, Richard , Moses, Bob , Laubscher, Rob
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/427362 , vital:72433 , https://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=9853
- Description: Digital Harmony Studio is a specification for an IEEE-1394-based studio architecture for professional audio production. The specification identifies a number of device categories, including legacy adapters. Legacy adapters provide a vital link between the pro studio environments and current pro audio devices, and will typically take the form of breakout boxes exposing legacy ports. This paper describes a reference design for the first working device within the 'Legacy Adapter' category of the specification.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A model for the enforcement of history-based separation of duty in heterogeneous workflow environments
- Authors: Papenfus, Carl
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Reengineering (Management) , Industrial management , Workflow
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Information Technology)
- Identifier: vital:10797 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69 , Reengineering (Management) , Industrial management , Workflow
- Description: The current business world is becoming more and more dependent on electronic business. Many paper documents have been made obsolete by electronic documents, as they are easier to automate and track than paper documents. The increased use of computers within organizations has therefore, lead to an increase in use of workflow software products. The increased use of computer-based workflow has allowed organizations to conduct more types of electronic business. This has lead to electronic business crossing organizational boundaries and subsequently a need for heterogeneous workflow systems. For organizations to use heterogeneous workflow systems they must perform their duties in a seamless and secure manner. It is the author’s belief that History-based Separation of Duty principles can be used to formulate access control strategies that reflect the dynamic nature of heterogeneous workflow systems. History-based Separation of Duties relies on the workflow history of a workflow object to determine the access permissions of a particular user to that workflow object. The required workflow history data must be stored in an easily accessible manner. Although this can be achieved through a centralized approach, it is difficult to achieve in a heterogeneous workflow environment where many unrelated workflow systems are interacting across various computer platforms. The model proposed by this dissertation suggests that the workflow history data of a workflow object travels with it in the form of an electronic document, from one heterogeneous workflow environment to another, as a type of “workflow baggage”. In order for this workflow baggage to be easily accessible to all workflow systems in the heterogeneous workflow environment, it must be stored in a universal format, which is structured to allow it to be easily queried. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is adopted as an appropriate format for representing workflow baggage. The proposed model hinges on the expression of Separation of Duty requirements in a way that is removed from the application programs. A policy-driven approach is thus adopted. The implementation of the model involves the utilization of four steps: policy expression, baggage evaluation, document processing and baggage collection. The policy expression step is responsible for developing the Separation of Duty constraints to be enforced within the workflow system. During the baggage evaluation step the baggage of the workflow object is evaluated according to the constraints of the Separation of Duty policy. Only users who do not violate any of the Separation of Duty constraints are allowed to process the workflow object. After the workflow object has been processed the information regarding the processing is recorded in the baggage collection step. The proposed model enables heterogeneous workflow systems to share access control information in a flexible and portable way.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A non-paraphyletic classification of the afrotropical genus Acanthiops Waltz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)
- Authors: Lugo-Ortiz, C R , Barber-James, Helen M , McCafferty, W P , de Moor, Ferdy C
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:7006 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008384
- Description: Acanthiops Waltz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) is shown to be a monophyletic grouping defined by an anteromedially emarginate and laterally expanded and flattened pronotum in the larva. Attempts to restrict the concept of Acanthiops to Ac. marlieri (Demoulin) and re-erect Afroptiloides Gillies, syn. n., for Ac. elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, Ac. griffithsi Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, Ac. tsitsa Barber-James & McCafferty, Ac. variegatus (Gillies), Ac. varius (Crass) and Ac. zomba Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, are shown to be based on inconsistent and inadequate morphological features that result in a paraphyletic taxonomy. The unofficial separate treatment of Ac. cooperi (Gillies & Wuillot) and Ac. erepens (Gillies) under Platycloeon Gillies & Wuillot is also shown to be paraphyletic. Acanthiops faro Barber-James & McCafferty, sp. n., is described from larvae from Guinea, and is distinguished by the combination of a papillate projection on labial palp segment 2, small tubercles on terga 1-8 and abdominal colour pattern. Acanthiops io Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, sp. n., is described from larvae from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and is distinguished by the combination of a papillate projection on palp segment 2, elongate tubercles on terga 1-9 and abdominal colour pattern. The larva of Ac. erepens (Gillies) is redescribed to incorporate morphological features and variability previously not accounted for, and larvae originally assigned to Baetis cataractae Crass are shown to be equivalent to Ac. erepens. New locality data or emendations on locality data are provided for Ac. griffithsi, Ac. tsitsa Barber-James & McCafferty and Ac. varius (Crass).
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- Date Issued: 2001
A PCA-based modelling technique for predicting environmental suitability for organisms from presence records
- Authors: Robertson, Mark P , Caithness, N , Villet, Martin H
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/442609 , vital:74014 , https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1472-4642.2001.00094.x
- Description: We present a correlative modelling technique that uses locality records (associated with species presence) and a set of predictor variables to produce a statistically justifiable probability response surface for a target species. The probability response surface indicates the suitability of each grid cell in a map for the target species in terms of the suite of predictor variables. The technique constructs a hyperspace for the target species using principal component axes derived from a principal components analysis performed on a training dataset. The training dataset comprises the values of the predictor variables associated with the localities where the species has been recorded as present. The origin of this hyperspace is taken to characterize the centre of the niche of the organism. All the localities (grid‐cells) in the map region are then fitted into this hyperspace using the values of the predictor variables at these localities (the prediction dataset). The Euclidean distance from any locality to the origin of the hyperspace gives a measure of the ‘centrality’ of that locality in the hyperspace. These distances are used to derive probability values for each grid cell in the map region. The modelling technique was applied to bioclimatic data to predict bioclimatic suitability for three alien invasive plant species (Lantana camara L., Ricinus communis L. and Solanum mauritianum Scop.) in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. The models were tested against independent test records by calculating area under the curve (AUC) values of receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves and kappa statistics. There was good agreement between the models and the independent test records. The pre‐processing of climatic variable data to reduce the deleterious effects of multicollinearity, and the use of stopping rules to prevent overfitting of the models are important aspects of the modelling process.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A phenomenological investigation into undergraduate students' experience of acquiring the discourse of engineering
- Authors: Van Heerden, Karen Ilse
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Education, Higher -- South Africa Students -- Attitudes Academic writing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching -- South Africa Technical writing -- Study and teaching
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1698 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003581
- Description: The area of discourse acquisition and writing in higher education has become a much researched field. In South Africa the interest in discourse acquisition and writing has been partly in response to the change in student profile, particularly over the past ten years. While South African researchers and academics are increasingly focusing their interest in discourse acquisition and writing on the unique circumstances here, they rely on theories based on research done in very different social contexts. These theories are not necessarily universally appropriate. South Africa is currently undergoing a period of transformation in higher education aimed at greater access and equity for black students and academics. The accompanying sense of frustration and disillusionment among students and academics underlines the need to reappraise all aspects of higher education. Much of the research on discourse acquisition and writing is undertaken in arts programmes: vocational fields - such as engineering education - tend to be neglected. If the envisaged growth in science and engineering education is to be realised, it is essential that research in discourse and writing be undertaken in engineering programmes. This study investigates discourse acquisition as experienced by students in a South African engineering faculty. The experiences of six final year technikon students are investigated to gain a better understanding of what it means to acquire the discourse of engineering. The phenomenological method used requires that the researcher suspends or brackets a priori theoretical notions or pre-conceptions so that that which the students experience, rather than what the researcher expects in terms of theory, can emerge. What emerges from the students' experiences is partially congruent with established discourse and writing theories. However, some of the student experiences of discourse acquisition differ in significant ways from what is described in mainstream writing and discourse acquisition theory. The differences in the manner in which these students experience their acquisition of engineering discourse leads to a new understanding of the phenomenon. The students do not experience the alienation or struggle described in mainstream theoretic accounts of discourse acquisition. Students' approaches to writing are affected by their awareness of their multiple identities and the different locations in which they learn. Their approaches to writing are significantly different in some respects from descriptions in mainstream theories in some respects. The description of their experiences gives a different understanding of what it means to acquire the discourse of engineering, and may contribute to the reappraisal of engineering education in a contemporary South African context.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A phenomenological study of leadership in the Rhodes Unversity Mathematics Education Project (RUMEP)
- Authors: Michael, Vanessa Jane
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Rhodes University -- Mathematics education project Educational leadership
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1701 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003584
- Description: Few terms in organisational studies inspire less agreement than leadership. It is a slippery concept and much that is written on the subject is confusing and contradictory. Early theories of leadership have, generally, reduced leadership behaviour to a concern for task balanced against a concern for the well-being of employees. This two-dimensional approach has proved to be a limited conceptualisation of leadership. In response, over the past thirty years, researchers have tried to highlight the less rationalistic, more intangible, aspects of leadership. However, there is still very little in leadership research that conveys a sense of the leader as a person. I have argued, in this study, that the reason for this lies in the fact that most leadership research has been conducted along positivistic lines and, therefore, cannot take into account the values, feelings, morals and life experiences of the human beings being studied. Thus, for the human being to take centre-stage in leadership enquiry, a different research paradigm needs to be explored. I have chosen to use phenomenological enquiry as an avenue for examining how John Stoker, the leader of the Rhodes University Mathematics Education Project (RUMEP), experiences being a leader. This is because phenomenology, in both theory and practice, privileges the nature of the meanings that people construct in their lives and that guide their actions. In adopting such a methodology my research findings have examined a number of issues that are of interest to current leadership researchers, however they have also highlighted a number of concerns that have not been explored thoroughly in the leadership literature. These include the importance of the individual leader’s action, intention and will in shaping an organisation, the complex nature of a leader’s creativity within the organisation and possible differences between educational leaders and business leaders. In adopting a phenomenological perspective the eccentricity and fulness of an individual leader’s action is expressed through the research, however, the research also focusses on how the researcher translates and evolving philosophical understanding into sound methodology. Therefore, interwoven into the discussions on leadership there are reflections on how I applied phenomenological theory. The purpose of these reflections is to deliberate on the appropriateness of applying such a methodology to the eclectic field of leadership and to show how my own developing philosophical attitude has transformed into practice.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A preliminary review of the Indo-Pacific Gobiid fishes of the genus Gnatholepis
- Authors: Randall, John E, 1924- , Greenfield, David W
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:15022 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1019863 , ISSN 0073-4381 , Ichthyological Bulletin J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 69
- Description: The gobiid fish genus Gnatholepis Bleeker is characterised as follows: dorsal-fin rays VI+I,10-12, the spines slender, none filamentous; anal-fin rays I,11-12; pectoral-fin rays 14-19, none free of membrane; pelvic disc with a frenum; scales on body largely ctenoid, 28-31 in longitudinal series; gill-rakers short, 1 + 3-4; anterior interorbital pores 2; sensory papillae on cheek primarily in a pattern of 4 or 5 vertical rows; body moderately elongate, the depth 3.8-5.4 in SL; head and body compressed; dorsal profile of head initially near-vertical, often with a slight anterior protuberance above upper lip; lower lip with a ventral flap on side of jaw; mouth inferior, the gape slightly oblique; teeth anteriorly in jaws in several rows, the outer row in upper jaw as slender well spaced canines (outer row of teeth at front of lower jaw may or may not be caniniform); tongue bilobed; gill opening ending slightly below level of lower edge of pectoral-fin base; caudal fin rounded, usually longer than head; a dark line extending ventrally from eye, sometimes with one or more side branches. Of the 21 nominal Indo-Pacific species that have been described in Gnatholepis, only 5 are recognised as valid. G. anjerensis (Bleeker), for which a neotype is described, occurs from East Africa and the Red Sea to the Hawaiian Islands and French Polynesia [synonyms include G. deltoides (Seale), G. knighti Jordan and Evermann, and G. corlettei (Herre)]. G. cauerensis (Bleeker) is provisionally divided into 4 subspecies, mainly by modal differences in pectoral-ray counts and slight colour variation: G.cauerensis cauerensis from East Africa to the Society Islands (G. scapulostigma Herre and G. inconsequens Whitley are synonyms); G. c. australis from Rarotonga, Cook Islands to the Pitcairn Islands; G. c. hawaiiensis from the Hawaiian Islands; and G. c. pascuensisfrom at Easter Island. G. davaoensis Seale, also provided with a neotype and description, ranges from the Ryukyu Islands to the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia (G. gemmus Herre is a synonym). G. gymnocara, n. sp., is described from 26 specimens from shallow water of Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia; it is unique in having 12 anal-fin soft-rays, prepectoral scales, no scales on cheek and opercle, median predorsal zone naked or with only a few small scales across its anterior part, and a large black spot on fourth interspinous membrane of dorsal fin in males. Gnatholepis sp., also a new species from northern Australia, will be described by Helen K. Larson; it is distinct in having 10 dorsal soft-rays, 15-17 pectoral-fin rays, no scales on cheek, opercle, median predorsal zone, or prepectoral area; and the last 2 to 4 mid-lateral blotches of the male dark brown to black. The count of pectoral-fin rays is the most useful meristic character to separate the species and subspecies of Gnatholepis: G. anjerensis, with 14-17 rays, has a strongly modal count of 16; G. cauerensis cauerensis and G. c. hawaiiensis have 16-19 rays (strongly modal 17); G. c. australis has 17-19 rays (modally 18); G. c. pascuensis has 18 or 19 rays, modally 19; G. davaoensis has 15-17 rays, modally 17. , Rhodes University Libraries (Digitisation)
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- Date Issued: 2001
A qualitative study of intimate femicide : the perpetrator's perspective
- Authors: Macdougall, Lorraine
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Family violence -- South Africa , Violence -- Prevention -- Study and teaching , Family violence -- Prevention , Family violence -- Treatment , Criminals -- Counseling of , Murder -- South Africa , Murderers -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:700 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006451 , Family violence -- South Africa , Violence -- Prevention -- Study and teaching , Family violence -- Prevention , Family violence -- Treatment , Criminals -- Counseling of , Murder -- South Africa , Murderers -- South Africa
- Description: This research study focused on five perpetrators’ experience and understanding of intimate femicide with the hope to develop insight into their experience and view of the crime. A secondary objective of the study was to assess the suitability of a community-based sentence for the crime committed. This study is believed to be a valuable contribution to the limited literature and research currently available on intimate femicide in South Africa. It appears to be the only South African study which focuses on the perpetrator’s experience and understanding of the crime. A major finding of this study is the perpetrator’s inability or unwillingness to take responsibility for the crime he committed and the projection of blame for the crime onto the victim. The perpetrators justified and/or rationalized the crime and appeared not to feel any remorse for the death of their intimate partner. The perpetrators were also unable to acknowledge or identify the negative effects of the crime on their children. Regarding the suitability of correctional supervision as a sentence option for perpetrators of intimate femicide this study questions the punitive and rehabilitative aspects of correctional supervision, as their was a lack of compliance with the sentence conditions (house arrest, community service, monitoring). Counselling appeared to only be offered on request or not at all. There are no anger management programmes offered or any reconstructive services for the child survivors of intimate femicide. This study ends with recommendations for counselling and groupwork programmes in the prevention and treatment of intimate femicide, strategies for the Criminal Jusice System and Department of Correctional Services, and with suggestions of areas for further research.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A scientific note on the natural merger of two honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera capensis)
- Authors: Neumann, Peter , Pirk, Christian W W , Hepburn, H Randall , Radloff, Sarah E
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: vital:6912 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1011875
- Description: Natural mergers of honeybee colonies are commonplace in tropical Africa (Hepburn and Radloff, 1998), but their consequences on organizational structure are unknown. Here we determine the spatial distribution and division of labor of workers (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.) following a merger of two colonies. Two unrelated colonies (each ~3000 bees) were placed in threeframe observation hives. When workers emerged from the sealed brood of each colony, they were individually labeled and reintroduced into their respective mother hives. They are referred to as cohorts Aand B, each comprising 300 workers of the same age. The behaviors and positions of all labeled workers and queens were recorded twice daily for 24 days (Kolmes, 1989; Pirk et al., 2000). On day 14 colony B was dequeened, left its nest and merged with colony A on day 15.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A sensitive and reliable method for the detection of lipid peroxidation in biological tissues
- Authors: Anoopkumar-Dukie, Shailendra , Walker, Roderick B , Daya, Santylal
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/184325 , vital:44208 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1211/0022357011775299"
- Description: A simple, accurate and cost effective method has been designed for the determination of lipid peroxidation in biological tissue samples. The method was a modification and improvement on existing methods available for lipid peroxidation determination. Solid-phase extraction was used to separate the thiobarbituric acid–malondialdehyde complex from thiobarbituric acidreactive substances and HPLC was performed using a C18 (Waters Spherisorb, 5 µm, 250¬4.6 mm i.d.) column to achieve isolation of the complex. The procedure was validated with respect to linearity of calibration (0.998), precision, sensitivity and limits of quantitation (1 nmol mL−1) and detection (0.5 nmol mL−1). Resorcinol was used as an external standard. The method was tested by inducing free radical generation with a known free radical generator, quinolinic acid, in rat brain homogenate. The results showed that the method presented allowed detection of lipid peroxidation products at concentrations in the nanomolar (nM) range compared with the micromolar (µM) range detected by other methods, thus rendering it suitable for use with biological samples. In addition, the modified method allowed for detection of the purified lipid peroxidation products, thus eliminating the possibility of simultaneous detection of impurities that absorb at the same wavelength.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A short history of the Cathedral bells
- Authors: Lewis, Colin A
- Date: 2001
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6170 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012360
- Description: [From Introduction] The first suggestion that there should be a peal of bells in the town appears to have been made around August 1860 when Prince Altred laid the foundation stone of the Alfred Tower. Designed by Joseph Flashman, a local architect, it was to be "in the early English style of architecture, 150 n high'' and to contain a public clock and a peal of bells. The following year, the Vestry asked I3p Cotterill to contact George Gilbert Scott, a highly regarded architect in England, "for the remodelling of the Cathedral in keeping with the Alfred Tower." , Colin Lewis was Professor of Geography at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa from 1989 until his retirement at the end of 2007. In 1990, with the strong support of the incumbent Vice-Chancellor, Dr Derek Henderson, he instigated the Certificate in Change Ringing (Church Bell Ringing) in the Rhodes University Department of Music and Musicology - the first such course to be offered in Africa. Since that date he has lectured in the basic theory, and taught the practice of change ringing. He is the Ringing Master of the Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Grahamstown, South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2001
A study of affirmative action policies practised by members of the East Cape Master Builders and Allied Industries Association
- Authors: Katz, Joel
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Affirmative action programs -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10946 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1011326 , Affirmative action programs -- South Africa
- Description: The research problem addressed in this study, was to determine what affirmative action policies are being practiced by members of the East Cape Master Builders and Allied Industries Association. To achieve this objective, a literature study was conducted to cite and evaluate relevant literature, in the process of presenting the most theoretical and methodological rationale for the research. The empirical results obtained, indicate that most companies have implemented affirmative action policies. In conclusion, various recommendations have been made with regard to the findings ascertained in the empirical study.
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- Date Issued: 2001