Dambatshekwa li a kanukisa li tshi tshimbila nga lurumbu
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Children of Tsianda (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tsianda , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Children's song , Venda lashu , Choral , Nyimbo dza vhana
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15679 , JKC16a-12 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008868 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 12
- Description: Unaccompanied traditional Venda children's song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 210
- Full Text: false
Tshithethenthe Maride
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nagana, Nyawasedza (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo , Children's song
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15973 , JKC07b-16 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009162 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 16
- Description: English translation of title: 'Dance Maride' , Traditional Venda children's song accompanied by the lugube musical bow
- Full Text: false
Lavhelela kuenda
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mabilu, Petros (Composer) , Petros Mabilu and Luvhengo Tshivhase (Performer) , Tshivhase, Luvhengo (Performer)
- Subjects: Phiphidi , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Tshidzholo bow , Tube zither
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15533 , JKC02b-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008722 , Tape number: JKC02 , Original tape number: 2 , Track number: 02
- Description: English translation of title: 'Watch the movements of the pople' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the tshidzholo bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 42
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance , Xylophone songs
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15745 , JKC16a-05 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008934 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 05
- Description: English translation of title: 'Name of a ferocious ant' , English translation of title: 'Rambuda returned from the war' , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 174
- Full Text: false
Vhambedzi a si vhathu Parts I and II
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Shonisani, Mboi and group (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Xylophone , Mbila
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16017 , JKC14b-15 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009206 , Tape number: JKC14 , Original tape number: 14 , Track number: 15
- Description: English translation of title: 'The Mbedzi clan are no good' , Parts I and II of traditional Venda song accompanied by the 21 key xylophone , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 153
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Shonisani, Selina (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15899 , JKC13a-18 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009088 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 18
- Description: English translation of title: 'The small claypot' , Traditional Venda tune with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 142
- Full Text: false
Tshimpi ndi dobe
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nethononda, Joseph (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Deze Lamellophone , Mbira , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15952 , JKC03a-04 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009141 , Tape number: JKC03 , Original tape number: 3 , Track number: 04
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by a Deze Lamellophone , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 49
- Full Text: false
Mukhethengwa musekene
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phampha, Masindi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15615 , JKC07a-15 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008804 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 15
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 93
- Full Text: false
Lotsha Mandevhele
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Petros Rambofheni and group (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshandani , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshizambi
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15545 , JKC09b-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008734 , Tape number: JKC09 , Original tape number: 9 , Track number: 02
- Description: English translation of title: 'Morning Mandevhele' , Traditional Shangaan song accompanied by the tshizambi friction musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 110
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nethononda, Joseph (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Deze Lamellophone , Mbira , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15919 , JKC03a-05 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009108 , Tape number: JKC03 , Original tape number: 3 , Track number: 05
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by a Deze Lamellophone , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 50
- Full Text: false
Shonisani hae nda humbula
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Ramagoma, Masindi (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Mutale , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15780 , JKC13b-01 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008969 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 01
- Description: Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 143
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Nemukondeni, Emelina (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Tshakhuma , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16095 , JKC12a-10 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009284 , Tape number: JKC12 , Original tape number: 12 , Track number: 10
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 134
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Ndou, Elias (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Mangaya , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Dende , Braced gourd bow , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15613 , JKC05a-07 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008802 , Tape number: JKC05 , Original tape number: 5 , Track number: 07
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the dende braced gourd bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 75
- Full Text: false
Nyamasindi no dzhia ywa mme
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Phophi, George (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Dende , Braced gourd bow , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15689 , JKC05b-03 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008878 , Tape number: JKC05 , Original tape number: 5 , Track number: 03
- Description: English translation of title: 'Nyamasindi, you take after your mother' , Traditional Venda song accompanied by the dende braced gourd bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 76
- Full Text: false
Vho mambegwane ho lele
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mbedzi, Martha (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Malavuhe , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:16046 , JKC07b-08 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009235 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 08
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 95
- Full Text: false
Tshitaka tsha Gole ndi dzunde
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , D. Tshikunde and Venda women (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Tshihwana , Whistling
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15966 , JKC13a-10 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009155 , Tape number: JKC13 , Original tape number: 13 , Track number: 10
- Description: English translation of title: 'Gole's forest is a royal field' , Traditional Venda song with tshihwana musical bow and whistling accompaniment , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 140
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance , Pentatonic bamboo-pipe dance
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15585 , JKC16a-09 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008774 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 09
- Description: Unaccompanied Malende Venda traditional dance song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 175
- Full Text: false
Tonda lushaka
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Mashandule (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Levubu , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Malende dance
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15866 , JKC16a-07 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1009055 , Tape number: JKC16 , Original tape number: 16 , Track number: 07
- Description: Unaccompanied Malende Venda traditional dance song , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 174
- Full Text: false
Mukanda ngalwo Nyamulenzhe
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Shonisani, Flora (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Bow , Lugube , Solo
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15614 , JKC12a-22 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008803 , Tape number: JKC12 , Original tape number: 12 , Track number: 22
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 137
- Full Text: false
Levha levha ti ende
- Authors: Kruger, Jaco (Recorded by) , Malaudzi, Vele (Performer) , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Khubvi -- Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Thohoyandou -- Transvaal (Limpopo) -- South Africa , Transvaal (Limpopo) , South Africa , Indigenous music , Traditional song , Solo , Lugube , Bow
- Type: Music , Sound
- Identifier: vital:15534 , JKC07a-02 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008723 , Tape number: JKC07 , Original tape number: 7 , Track number: 02
- Description: Traditional Venda song accompanied by the lugube musical bow , For further details refer to Jaco Kruger recording card: 91
- Full Text: false